Let me take you down 'cos I'm going to...

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Settle, thats my closest town BTW. It's in the Yorkshire Dales an area of outstanding natural beauty (well I think so) in northern england. It's saturday so shopping to be done, my mums friend is coming up to stay on the train, so after shopping we will take her home with us....

Oh bugger my cash card is in my other trousers....

Well what a nice start to the day, all is not lost though I have a website to do for a friend, incedently the owner of the local beauty salon, ahhhh free treatments. But oh no the internet isn't working. Because of my rural location I connect to the internet through a wireless mesh system (locustworld), the system has it's foibles not least the founder of the group set up to adopt it. Anyway today it decided it would not allow me to see any working access points. Then the network between my storage machine (MIN-G) died.

We have a nice dual fuel stove in our sitting room so after playing with this for a while: cleaning, lighting, etc, I settled down with a book.

Book read back to the computer still no luck, argh!

Bed for a couple of hours, sleep....

Back awake, internet working (no really) me online writing a blog!

Now I mentioned in various other places I have several stories on the go Here is a list and their estimated completion %

  1. Beauty Soap - 100% - Posted on BigCloset and my website.
  2. Coma - 50% - I got totally stuck on this one.
  3. Day Dream Beliver - 25% - All planned characters mapped not got round to finishing. (part of a new persistant universe)
  4. Hard Evidence - 100% - Posted on BigCloset.
  5. Jack and Jill - 10% - Planned + first 2 paragraphs (new only started it today (sat))
  6. [MasterPC] - 100% - posted today.
  7. Nathan & Ellie - 10% - My old HDD crashed and I lost this one its a long one so I haven't got round to re-writing it.
  8. The Model - 80% - Planned at 20+ chapters Chapters 1-6 on my website though they will need tidying when the story is done.
  9. The Vounteer - 75% - another one I'm stalled on, I can't seem to take this any further.
  10. King for a day - 75% - Planned and half written part of a longer story called 'The Warner Park Sequence'
  11. Revenge - 75% - Planned and half written part of a longer story called 'The Warner Park Sequence' Partly posted on my website, see below.
  12. Therapy - 90% - Canned to easy, I want to be girl, I make a good girl, parents happy with it, school happy with it, we all live happily ever after. (This will probably never be finished or released)
  13. Tim's Story - 75% - Posted as Jilly's story parts 1/2 [Jilly Arrives...] & [Jilly Goes Shopping] posted working on parts 3 & 4.
  14. To Hell in A Handbasket - 25% - The Story of a dream, planned and begun.

My website is a personal website running phpBB I haven't added links to all of the work that I have uploaded I will when I get round to it, http://www.incessant-logic.me.uk/index.html.

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