New Orleans Disaster

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I have just read how the U.S. goverment has yet to rebuild the city of New Orleans. Many former residents are still homeless. To me, this is a real life[[horror story]]!!! Are there any authors or readers that have any feelings on this?


From what some friends of

From what some friends of mine who live in New Orleans say, it is actually the local governments who are to blame. But that is their opinion and I don't tend to have one because politics gets too heated.

Take it for what it's worth.


Samirah M. Johnstone

A lost cause?

I know the city is full of history and wonderful customs and it is a shame to lose it.

What I am hearing from so called "professional" sources, is that New Orleans is below sea level, and needs to be abandoned. I do not know if it has been sinking due to the removal of the oil, or if it always was that way. There is a city in California, Monterey, I think that has sunk below sea level due to the removal of oil.

I am wondering if the correct thing to do is abandon and rebuild while there is time. One of the consequences of Global Warming is that 27 major metropolitan areas are going to be below sea level and that rather soon.

It is all very sad, but humans will adapt.
