Hi all I posted a story this morning named "Ultimatum" that I later took down. I believe that it needed more context to make it understandable. I am working on a companion piece that I more than likely will use Ultimatum as the preface for. Sorry to have confused anyone!
Hugs for all who wants them!
Nice to see how your mind works
That's fine,
it was an intersting bit but it did come out of no-where in a way.
It seems obvious a serium to *fix* the *genetic flaws* in TG and homosexuals was found and forcefully used to *cure* them. The science was flawed and it ended up making many of them superhuman, oops!
They fight back and beat their oppressors into the ground. With some background this could be a nice sci-fi thriller.
Never be afraid to post and them change your mind. Randalynn did it, so have others who's work I admire here. Sometimes you don't catch a mistake until late. At some point I will likely yank Sgt Joe , when I get the revised parts of the muti-thread story up.
I will read the revised story promptly once posted.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Thanks John
I'm working on that Thriller right now but maybe more of a military drama? Thanks again for the kind words.