Or, as Dorothy would say, I've got some spoons again. I was really struggling with the story I'm working on but last night, it started to flow again. I don't know if it was just a difficult transition in the story, or if it was the dreaded 'writer's block' as I'm still very new at this author thing, I'm just glad it is over.
I wish my muse would turn loose with something on one of my own stories. Instead, it's running wild with Jeremy Chandler's unfinished "My Summer in Pantyhose." I have 17 chapters (some 46K words) to add to his work so far. It's winding down though. I can't see more than one more chapter or perhaps an epilogue.
So once that's out of my muse's system maybe she'll grace me with something of my own, hopefully the continuation of something I've already started.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann