This is a non TG Book, but in the Fantasy genre. All I remember is the covers and the basic premise of the book. The first book has a woman in a green dress playing a violin. The second has her in a white shirt and black leggings with a red sash around her waist, with a violin bow in her hand.
This story surrounds the girl as she learns she can use magic, which is forbidden and she ends up running away from the school she is at. In the second book she helps lead the magic users in a revolt from the "Clergy", I think. Any help would be appreciated.
Sorry, thought I might be able to help
Sorry, I thought I might be able to help, but all I can think of is Mercedes Lackey's The Lark and the Wren, but she has a red dress while playing a fiddle plus it's been so long I can't remember the plot :(
Yah, I know its not Mercedes Lackey's books, though I did enjoy that book. Thanks for the help though.
Okay, I finally found it....
The series is called Ellen's Song. The first book is Fires of the Faithful. Thanks to all who helped.