As I may have mentioned, a lot of blood results came back yesterday and I have questions.
A further blood test appeared today - it seems I have MRSA :( No wonder I was feeling cold!
I do get Staph infections from time to time and they suck the heat out of me, which is one way I recognise them. Oh, well, off to the doctor tomorrow. They won't operate on me unless I can nuke this from orbit.
Take Care Follow Dr. Suggestions
Hugs Penny, you really do like challenges don't you? MRSA is a sticky infection, likes to hang on to what it already has. But..., don't tell anyone, I'm a witch. Ask some of the girls on this channel if you don't believe me. I'm running a little low on Nute of Eye and Toad of Wart. Think I still have enough to mix up Barb's Cure All. It has to be taken exactly one minute before dancing nude around a cactus at exactly midnight under a full moon.
We had a full pink moon a couple nights ago. You'll have to wait until next month and the next fool moon. The potion will be delivered by..., Never mind just expect it before the next fool moon.
Hugs Ms Lane, get well sugar
Forget what the dingbat Seals say. Sometimes the toughest days are the ones behind us.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Cure all my foot. That's
Cure all my foot. That's just rye whiskey in a green bottle.
Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, redneck version.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Good luck, both on getting
Good luck, both on getting rid of the infection and with the op.
You talk of going to London. I hope there are people who will be able to visit you whilst you are in.
take care
take care
Saw a doctor yesterday. Not possible to see 'my' doctor any more, they have moved things around so much I'm not certain I even have one.
Anyhows, it seems that the notification I had was not what I thought: I do not have MRSA, only the 'ordinary' kind, Staph aureaus. That in itself is tricky to shift but I've been prescribed some steriod ointment and other stuff - none of which is in stock until Monday. Ish.
Sigh. Meanwhile, I'll just keep coughing and scratching.
I was in hospital the other day having routine tests pre admission and they swabbed for MRSA. Apparently, it is quite possible to carry it without symptoms.