Rule Three - It's not about you

If you have a problem with someone else on the site, understand that that is not the site's problem as long as that person is obeying the very simple rule of keeping it friendly.

"BigCloset is a friendly place to read, write and discuss Transgender Fiction" and anyone who is willing and able to abide by that simple credo is welcome. Period.

Politics, religion and personality conflicts are not topics for public dispute -- though they can be mentioned in a friendly way and they can be the subject of fiction. There are very few content restrictions on fiction here at BigCloset, they have not seemed necessary.

Every author on the site has the same rights as everyone else, to post their stories and blogs and promote writing that they do elsewhere and appeal to the community for help and advice.

Private groups of friends are welcome here, but BCTS is not a place of exclusion, it is a place of inclusion. This is what the site was founded on.

If the inclusionary policies of BigCloset seem oppressive to anyone, that person is, of course, free to seek a place more to their liking. Trying to blackmail or bully the administration of BCTS to change this inclusionary policy is an effort doomed to failure. There's no animus in these policies, that's the point. BCTS strives to be as neutral and accepting as possible.

Hugs to all,
Erin, Piper and Cat