
Looking for a story

While listening to Terry Goodkind's "The Nicci Chronicles #1" sequel to his "Sword of Truth" series something was said about misunderstanding, misconception, misinterpretation or misperception of information, what is not important

I'm pretty sure that the story was here at BCTS

Story:- Fantasy, involves magic and mythical beings
Setting:- Modern World (I think)

Scene:- Protagonist's elder sibling jumps in front of the attack of the younger and gets hit

paraphrased dialogue

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 289

Easy As Falling Off A Cliff.
by Angharad & Bonzi (he's in tonight).
part: 289

I stared at the bright metal of the brass screws holding down the ten inches of floor board, I looked at Simon and he looked back at me.

"What do you want to do?" he asked.

"Well assuming that was my mother I saw last night she seemed to think I needed to find whatever was under that."

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