WARNING: Blatant Liberal Attitudes and Politics

Political Doubletalk, Part 6 of 6



Part 6 of 6

Chapter 14
"Dammit Penny!" cried Myrna, slamming down the phone. "I feel like I should go out and stand on the street corner with a sign saying 'Anything helps - God Bless.' I'm sick of begging for money. How did we ever let the system get this corrupt?"

Political Doubletalk, Part 5 of 6



Part x of 6

Chapter 11
"Myra, that was an amazing performance!" Penny said in wonder. "Talk about take no prisoners! Who else could talk about the ancient Indus Valley civilizations and make it sing?"

"I did get a little carried away."

Political Doubletalk, Part 4 of 6



Part 4 of 6

Chapter 8
With the first public appearances behind them, it was time to hit the road. No one runs for office without a large number of volunteers willing to go out and do the legwork, answer the phones, make the endless calls, pay the bills, program the computers and generally support the candidate.

Political Doubletalk, Part 3 of 6



Part 3 of 6

Chapter 6
Two days later Helen and the slightly mystified Penny were sitting in a plastic surgeon's office in Reno Nevada. For Penny, traveling with someone who was almost the woman for whom she worked for many years was a surreal experience.

Political Doubletalk, Part 1 of 6



Part x of 6

WARNING! If you are of a conservative bent, you'll hate this one. You. Have. Been. Warned.

Author's Note: I stole this plot from Robert Heinlein, who stole it from a long line of felonious authors reaching back to some guy pressing Cuneiform into clay on a riverbank in the Middle East, in hopes of preserving his deathless prose. It is better to take what does not belong to you than to let it lie around neglected. - Mark Twain

Political Doubletalk


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Your cousin Myrna is going to need your help badly. It's getting bad and she has COPD. Son, a politician that can't breathe hasn't got a chance if she can't give speeches and make appearances all over the state."

"You're right, I hate being up on a platform playing politician, but I'll campaign for Myrna if that's at it takes. Count me in."

"Son, you're missing the point. You aren't going to campaign for Myrna, you're going to campaign as Myrna."

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