
Trope:Play - The Challenge

Following an idea from Lilith in response to my (very) short story Trope: Averted...

Take a trope (but preferably one that tends to be associated with TG fiction, such as this list I compiled earlier [i.e. about 18 months ago])...

...and either avert it, subvert, invert it or otherwise play with it (the link contains brief examples of each).

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


Blackmail (how not to...)

(How not to!)

by mittfh
Copyright © 2010 Ben Norwood.

Creative Commons License  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.

A silly idea came to me (and turned into this nonsense within an hour) - what if a blackmailer hadn't done his research and what he assumes is the target's devastating secret isn't (exactly)(much of) a secret...

Petra 1: Petra's Outing

Petra 1: Petra's Outing
by mittfh
Copyright © 2010 Ben Norwood.
Creative Commons License

Synopsis: Lydia has encouraged her partner to cross dress at home when she was absent, with the intention of using hidden camera footage to blackmail him into obeying her desires. However, Peter had suspected she was up to something, and had made plans of his own...

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