Talmuld Torah

The Ten Plagues: The First Four

The ancient rabbis said that the ten plagues were plagues against the Egyptians and against their "gods." The plagues were also there also to teach humans something.

Here are the first four plagues in Exodus:

1. the river (Nile) turned into blood. (7:14-25)
a. the fish die
b. river becomes "foul"
c. included all water in Egypt including vessels to hold and drink
d. necromancers repeated the same "trick"
e. Pharaoh's heart was strong
f. lasted seven(7) days.
Human element: G-d told Moses had Aaron stretch out his staff

2. frogs on the land. (8:1-11)


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Today begins Daylight Savings Time in the U S.

1. What is time?

2. Why was the first “thing” that G-d sanctifies was time and not a place such as a mountain or river?

3. Why is time the most mentioned “thing” in the Torah?

4. Physicists tell us that there are more than four dimensions (length, width, thickness and time). These dimensions are subatomic and curved. What is G-d telling us?

5. The first word in the Bible is “breesheet.” It is translated as: “In the beginning...”, “At the beginning…”, “It begins with…” a function of time.

a. Does time create space?


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