Big Sisters aka SisterDom

"How dare you! I'm NOT Gay!"

How dare you. I’m not gay!!

I knew at school that I was different. I was called ‘gay’ just for being different – cruel, ugly, untrue. Although I’d admit to being a bit puzzled about, erm, some aspects of life – yeah, alright, sex. Then things really got strange when I was at college and stayed with Aunt Maddie. And I learnt more than I ever expected about girls – in a new and different way. A story in two distinct sections.

"Great! Looking great, Grandma."

"Great! Looking great, Grandma."

Following on from the story of my Great Granddaughter, Frances, I was learning some new lessons of my own. Helping her learn to be a teenage girl had strange and unusual side-effects on MY life. [See :


Miss Identified

This began as a very short story – then grew after ‘I’m going to go for it’!

It's been not years but decades that I have hidden inside my shell. Layers and layers of ever-hardening never-cracking tough and rough shell. And deep inside was real-me. So very different from what people saw of my outside.

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