
Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 17

Early Morning, Billy and Sara’s Apartment:
Sara was straddling Billy’s waist and massaging Billy’s chest. The two of them had woken up horny and were spending some time together in bed. Their other partner was busy on another case assigned to her by Jack.

As Sara massaged Billy’s breasts and play with her nipples. She looks into Billy’s eyes “so, what did the boss say?”

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 14

Angela covers up a yawn as Andy and Jason drive from the private airport to his cousin Sasha’s place. His aunt and uncle were staying there. He looks over towards Jason as he drove “you’ve been quiet since we landed. What are you thinking about?”

“I want to know how Ludlam and his companion keep avoiding us.” Jason has been thinking about the problem a lot.

“I think I know uncle, Jason.” Angela has been going over the satellite footage again and again.

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