A death in the family

Being Born The Wrong Gender and Poor

Dixie holds her little sister and looks at the freshly dug grave their mother laid in. She was lucky that her parents had burial insurance and plots near each other. All she had to do was sign all the paperwork involved in burying her mother. She had buried her mother in her favorite dress.

My feline protector

Today my feline protector Zoe began her final journey. We noticed she was losing weight, but suddenly she stopped eating altogether last week. Taking her to the Vet, we found she had both some kind of liver and kidney problems. Hoping it was just an infection, we left her there over the weekend so she could get the fluids she needed as well as the care. We hoped that would enough for her to recover. That wasn't meant to be. As with so many other things we hadn't the money to take things further. The Vet recommended exploratory surgery, but that was far out of our financial means.

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