Kaiser's X Blessing - Book 1 - 10 - Intro V

Intro – V.
– I –

For twenty – maybe twenty-five seconds – I was surrounded in darkness, and contained within Brynhildr’s Sarcophagus.

I could feel it working on me, stripping me, and then clothing me again.

The Valkyrie Armor sheathed my limbs.

And then I was cast out of the darkness and into the light.

Actually, I was tossed back into the chilling black mist that billowed out of the breach between Pocket and real-space caused when my Sarcophagus poked its head into the battle.

Kaiser's X Blessing - Book 1 - 09 - Reflections IV

Reflections – IV

More often than not, upon graduating from high school, a Familiar is faced with two choices.

Giving up their Artifact or Fragment, or continuing to use it.

If they choose to continue mastering or unlocking their Fragment, they can proceed down a number of avenues.

One of those avenues leads to tertiary education, or employment by their affiliated Pride. Alternatively, they can attend tertiary studies while being employed by the Pride.

Kaiser's X Blessing - Book 1 - 08 - Intro IV

– I –

“Who are you?” I yelled at her.

After clashing with her lance several times, we both retreated away from each other.

The opening exchange was simply to get an initial measure of our respective opponents.

Afterwards, I realized with a sinking feeling that I was at a disadvantage.

Kaiser's X Blessing - Book 1 - 07 - Reflections III

Reflections – III

Not all Artifacts were the same.

Some were weapons and some were not.

Within this separation, they were classified into classes and types.

For example, there are Artifacts that fall into the Ruler Class.

Then there are those that fall into the Celestial Class.

Others belong to the Pantheon Class.

Within a class, they are further distinguished by types, and sometimes the classifications become messy. One example of this are the Valkyries.

Imp 5: Head Over Tail part 1

The fabulous Imp is settling in as the newest teacher at Whateley Academy, though not everyone is happy about her presence on campus.

This is a non-tg story that takes place in the Whateley Universe.


Robbie's Revelation Chapter 19

Continuation of Robbie's story, as friends, family, and maybe even fate
continue him on his path of discovering who he, or she, really is.

Robbie’s Revelation
Chapter 19

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2017 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

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Some things in life are so unbelievable we doubt if they actually happened or not,
Other things are so embarrassing that we wish they hadn't really happened,
and sometimes things fall into that awkward spot somewhere in the middle of those two extremes.
What can you do about it at the end of the day?

What can HANNAH do about it more importantly!

Events unfold including but not limited to:
John being trapped by a disappearing wall and Eris has a front-row seat to the creation of a universe.
Meanwhile some familiar familiar's get familiar with each other
(try saying that one three times fast),
and Hannah goes on a power-trip while wearing a long white silk nightgown!

Kaiser's X Blessing - Book 1 - 06 - Intro III

From the author of the Gun Princess Royale, the story of Caelem Desanto continues....

Intro – III.
– I –

Through the sensorium-field emanating from the anklets I wore, my link to the Valkyrie hiding in Pocket Space, nestled within its gun-metal grey Sarcophagus, I was able to understand the situation on the rooftop courtyard long before opening the door.

Because of this, I knew that I was too late to spare him injury.

I could only hope that I wasn’t too late to save his life.

Kaiser's X Blessing - Book 1 - 05 - Reflections II

Reflections – II

The Prides called them Artifacts.

To the people of Pharos and the colonized systems under the control of the Prides, these Artifacts were powerful and mysterious devices found after the Cataclysm had torn our little corner of the galaxy apart. That is indeed true, since the Artifacts were fished out of the thick cloud of the Hurakan Nebula by numerous starships built for this kind of salvage.

Artifacts were also referred to as Fragments.

This is because Artifacts came in two packages.

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 42

Synopsis. David is punished for what he did to Baby Jennie. Bonnie insists on making it up to the the sissy baby, and Baby Jennie finds she has some decisions to make.

Chapter 42. Decision Time.

The Italian Job - Part 7

The gentle knocking of the maid on the door eventually roused me from my slumbers.

I didn’t want to move so I shouted out,

“Please. Come back later.”

The knocking stopped and all was quiet once more apart from the muted traffic noise coming from the world outside the Hotel.

I relaxed back onto the bed and closed my eyes once more.

River 10 - Moonie's Story



By Dawn Natelle


So far: Shortly after a traditional religious ceremony at the river had been a huge success, River and Wayne are running full tilt through the reservation towards the highway, where Moonie’s chicken hatchery stands. Two shotgun blasts had been heard, and one squeal from a wounded wolf.

Thundering Force: Chapter 09: “Battle Among the Clouds.”

Chapter Description: Chapter Nine: Padme is sent on a mission to Cloud City, Bespin, as Thor. Her mission is to find out why fuel shipments are not being sent to the Republic. But there is more than there seems in the city among the clouds. And Padme may find herself on the wrong side of a line she never wished to cross.

Debriefings 22

Anam Chara

Along life’s journey we each encounter those events where all that we know, all that we do, and all that we are may change. But even as we approach such events, we don’t always notice their markers until we look behind and see them for what they were.

One boy is about to learn that he has already passed such an event, and nothing will ever be quite the same…

Yep, I can fly (part 1)


What if you could fly? You, know, be a kick-ass superhero whenever you want. That's what happened to college freshman Ned. Though, here's the catch--every time he uses his powers he turns into a woman. Still want to be that superhero?

Journeys West - Chapter 10 - Wagons Ho

Chapter 10 - Wagons Ho

By Marina Kelly and Monica Rose
Editor: Qmodo

The book was still on the table bedside the bed when they wheeled him back to his room. While he wasn't restricted to his room, considering that he was only an observation patient, Pat didn't feel like wandering around the hospital wearing only a drafty gown.


Visiting a foreign country is always exciting but it's a good idea to take precautions. Unfortunatley Terry and Felix didn't so they ended up

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