Daughter Of The Wolf Part 5

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Amy wakes up feeling tired and sore. Last night she had more training and her teachers wasn’t easy on her. She slides into the water, after taking her deerskin dress off. She didn’t wear any undergarments.

She soaks for a while and notices the chicken bones she set out were gone. She wonders what she is going to do today? She had the whole day to herself. After she was done bathing. She checks out and gets dressed. Instead of her dress, she puts on a pair of pants and a western button-down shirt.

The shirt was a little big on her, but the pants hugged her hips and made her waist look smaller.

She puts on a pair of moccasin ankle boots dan brought for her.

The ankle boots were a little tight, but she’ll break them in. She doesn’t have any makeup, but she didn’t need to wear any. She takes her knife and a compass with her. She didn’t need to take her compass with her, but she wanted to make sure she had it.

Amy leaves her cave with her waterskin and goes out to look around. She hasn’t explored the area near her hidden cave. Sure, she has hunted the area but never explored it.

Amy goes out and just looks around. She knew her cave was special. She learned from her father that he asked her mother to make the cave just for her.

Amy travels away from the area around her cave. She hasn’t been through the area before. As she is exploring, she spots a few caves. She walks into the first cave and it looked like someone had dug in the cave. She explores as deep as she could, before having to turn around and head back out.

The second cave looked like the first one. Someone had dug in this cave as well. She explores her way back inside the cave and finds small nuggets of gold laying on the ground. She picks it up and looks at it. A smile appears on her face, as she realizes that it was a gold nugget.

She pockets the few nuggets she found. She turns around and heads back towards the entrance. As soon as she walks into the third cave, she spots a skeleton a little into the cave. She walks over and looks at the skeleton. She could tell he was a cowboy by the clothes that were still on him. Laying near him was a Winchester rifle. Around his waist, was a gun belt with two handguns still in them.

Amy takes the rifle and gun belt. He had a small bag with coins in it as well.

“I hope you don’t mind me using your weapons and taking your money.” Amy walks out of the cave and looks around.

Amy felt like doing some more exploring while taking the weapons she just acquired with her. She got a feeling that she was going to need them. She climbs up a set of rocks and reaches the top without any problems. She looks around and loved the view surrounding her.

“Nice view, isn’t it?” Wolf appears behind his daughter.

“It is, dad.” Amy turns around to look at her father. She still misses her birth father, but she didn’t look like anything from her former life.

“I see you found the weapons I wanted you to find.” Wolf knew the cowboy that died in the cave.

“Why did you want me to find these weapons?” Amy looks at her father.

“Because that cowboy, died protecting an Apache woman and her child. You’re not my first child.” Wolf remembers the woman like it was yesterday.

“What happened to them?” Amy was curious.

“The US government killed them, while all the braves were out defending the tribe.” A tear slides down Wolf’s face as the memory of what the
white man had done haunts him.

“I’m sorry, father.” Amy hugs her adopted father.

Wolf wraps his arms around Amy and just holds her. He could feel she was being sincere. He just stands there holding her.

“How are you holding up, my little wolf. But you still have a lot ahead of you to do.”

“What must I do, father?” Amy looks up at Wolf’s face.

“You must make those who gave the authority to conduct their experiment on you. They must learn that life isn’t for them to play with or for them to change. The souls of their victims call out for justice and you are their weapon, my daughter.” Wolf knew Amy will get her revenge on those that were killed and for herself. He has seen it written in the clouds.

“I’m not only getting justice for what they did to me and others but for what has been done to our people, father.” Amy feels that a wrong must be righted.

“The time for that has passed, my daughter. All you can do now is bring justice to the ones that died.” Wolf knew nothing could make up for the wrongs that have been done to his people. The time for that has already come and gone.

“Now, let me show you how to change into your wolf form.” Wolf puts the knowledge of what she needs to know in her head.

Amy feels a soft touch on her forehead and then the spirit of a wolf merging with her spirit. The two of them become one as she feels her body changing. She drops onto all fours as her clothes disappear and fur starts to cover her body. Her arms and legs stretch twist and change. Her hands turn into paws and a tail sprouts out from right above her anal opening. Her chest flattens and forms the underbody of a wolf's chest. Her eyes change into that of a wolf, as her ears elongate and change into a wolf. By the time the change is complete, she feels tired and sore.

Wolf watches his daughter turns into a red cinnamon color wolf. She had patches of white on her chest and belly.

“You look so lovely, my little wolf.” Wolf strokes Amy’s fur.

“Thank you, father.” She manages to stand up off the ground.

“Come, let's see how agile your wolf form is.” Wolf changes into a pitch-black wolf, that was a little taller and bigger than Amy.

“Father, what the weapons?” Amy looks over towards the weapons she got.

“Leave them. They aren’t going anywhere.” He concentrates and makes them disappear.

She follows her father as he shows her how to hunt and scout as a wolf. She was enjoying the thrill she was getting from being a wolf. It took her a few minutes to learn how to run on all fours, but once she did. It was fun and thrilling. Whatever wolf went, she went.

He showed her how to use the shadows as her cover and how she should strike when she went after another animal. They ran into a few coyotes, but they didn’t attack her or the wolf. They just ran away from them.

“Will that always happen, father?” Amy looks at her father.

“Yes, they sense you are not natural and feel your spiritual energies. While in this form, you have the capability of doing all sorts of things. Here, follow me.” Wolf jumps into a shadow and disappears.

Amy does the same thing and looks around her. She was somewhere there wasn’t any light, she could see a small opening of light.

“What is this place, father?” As she follows behind him to one of the small spots of lights.

“Nowhere and everywhere. If you need to get somewhere far away and don’t want to travel on foot or by vehicle. You can come here and find the
right speck of light and jump through.” Wolf jumps through the one he was looking for.

Amy jumps through the same speck of light and looks around. They were standing in a beautiful meadow and were surrounded by trees.

“Where are we, father?” Amy walks around sniffing. She was picking up all sorts of scents and such.

“We are on the Eastern seaboard in what the white man calls the rocky mountains.” He leads Amy over to a stream that was being fed by a waterfall.

He takes a sip of it first to make sure it was safe for his daughter. Once he was sure it was safe, he looks at Amy “drink.”

Amy walks over and takes a few licks from the water. It tasted fresh and cold. She tries not to fill up too much on the water.

“Come, let me show you a few more portals.” Wolf jumps back into the shadow they came through.

Amy follows her father, as he takes her through another portal. This time it was up in Canada. Amy felt the cold even with her fur.

“Can anyone use these portals?” Amy looks at her father.

“No. These portals are just for use by certain people and us.” Wolf jumps back through and takes Amy somewhere else.

Amy follows her father as he shows her different places where the portals come out. Some of them were in strange places and others were in buildings. In one building, they set off the security system. The alarms were loud to Amy’s wolf hearing and were glad when they jumped back through the portal.

Wolf takes Amy to one place that had a nice yard. He stops and looks around because he smelled the scent of an unusual cat.

“I hope you aren’t here to hurt my charge, Wolf.” Kadyn felt a disturbance in her backyard and went to investigate.

Angela was inside the house playing card games with her friends. Her cards were braille so she could feel them.

“I don’t mean you or yours any harm, Kadyn.” Wolf knew Kadyn was a legendary fire cat from the ancient temples of Bast. She protected a young blind girl that had gifts.

“Who is she, father?” Amy looks at her and had never seen a cat like her before.

Her fur looked to be almost like her own, but redder, She was also, bigger than your average cat. She could sense that whatever she was, held a lot of power.

“Kadyn is what you call a fire cat. They serve the goddess Bast and protect humans they have bonded with. In this case, Kadyn has bonded with a young blind teenage girl that has a powerful gift.”

“Who is the pup, Wolf?” Kadyn looks toward Amy and notices, that she wasn’t a Werewolf or shapeshifter. She had Wolf’s aura all over her.

“She’s my daughter, Kadyn.” Wolf hated graveling to Kadyn, but if there was one cat he feared, it was her kind. They got their power directly from their goddess.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Amy, daughter of Wolf. You are welcome here any time you would like to talk, but please be nice to my charge when you visit.”

“Thank you, Kadyn. I will remember that.” Amy was starting to like Kadyn.

“Come child.” Wolf turns to leave.

“It’s been nice meeting you, Kadyn.” Amy follows her father.

Kadyn watches as both wolves disappear into the shadows. She wonders if Wolf’s child will visit her on her own. A smile appears on her cat's face.

Wolf reappears back on the rock where they started. He knew Amy was directly behind her.

“Why is Kadyn the guardian of a human child?” Amy was curious why an Egyptian goddess/servant protects a human.

“She does as her goddess commands her. As for why, that is a question I do not ask. There are several supernatural offspring's on this planet. I’m just concerned with my people.”

“Oh, I didn’t think that other cultures had god/dess that mingle with us.” Amy never learned anything about this in school.

“There is a lot in this world you will be learning.” Wolf assumes his human form.

Amy follows her father’s example and assumes her human form. She noticed the clothes she had oned before her shift, were the same ones she was wearing.

“I think I can get used to this.” Amy liked how her clothes reappeared.

A smile appears on Wolf’s face. He says a few words in Apache and the weapons Amy found, reappear. He picks them up and hands them to her
“take these with you and ask Dan to teach you how to clean them and use them.”

Amy accepts them and looks at her father “I thought I would be learning how to use traditional Native American weapons as well.”

“You will, but first these need to be cleaned. Afterward, you’ll learn both.” Wolf places a kiss on Amy’s forehead.

Amy felt all special and gooey inside when her father kissed her forehead.

“Now go home sweetie and rest. The next few days and nights are going to be busy.”

“Yes, father.” Amy turns and starts walking back to her cave.

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