Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 12

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Billy was listening to the radio transmission from the police band, and the emergency band as well. She and the Wolfhart family knew the attack was going to happen tonight, but when was the question. As she takes a sip of her tea. She notices the power grid that the Blackstone mansion was on, and the neighborhood was all going out at same time.

That wasn’t the only thing that got her attention. There was a citywide alert for the shooting of several police officers.

“Alright people, the attack is going to start soon.” Billy had gone back to where the mobile command center was parked and linked into the city system. She also had all the scanners the mobile unit was equipped with monitoring transmissions.

“Good, I’m getting sick of waiting.” Sara was outside using the darkness to her advantage.

“Are you picking up anything?” Janet was near the house waiting for the attack.

Billy switches over to the hidden cameras they installed around the property and across the street as well. The cameras extended out to three blocks from the Blackstone mansion.

“Alright, everyone. I’m picking up a vehicle approaching the mansion.” Billy knew no one could pick up on the frequency she was using.

The next thing she knows, she loses communication with everyone at the mansion. Even the cameras go blind as well. The only thing she still had was their shield communication link.

“Sara, I’ve lost all communication with everything. They are jamming the area.” Billy couldn’t risk sending any of the drones out.

“Alright, I’ll let the others know.” Sara takes her laser pointer out and sends an SOS message that Janet and her husband could see it.

Inside the Safe Room:
Susan was watching the cameras on the property when all of them go out. Also, the screen flickered as the emergency generator kicks in. She also lost contact with everyone as well. She starts to worry as she looks at her girls. They were asleep in the saferoom with her.

Susan knew the house has been rigged with some of Sasha’s and her mother-in-law's nasty tricks. If anyone got into the house, they were into a world of hurt from the traps and tricks that were set up. She watches and hopes whatever is jamming the signal is knocked out soon.

A black van approaches the entrance to the driveway and two people jump out of the van. They cut through the hinge on both sides of the gate. As the gate falls backward, the van starts moving forward with people jumping out of it.

“Time to take the van out.” Sara tosses her magnetic disk underneath the van.

When the bomb attaches itself to the transmission. A strong electric pulse goes off and shorts out the electric system of the van. It stops halfway up the driveway. Smoke billows out from under the hood, as the battery explodes.

The driver gets out of the van. He was dressed in full tactical gear and wearing a black head covering. Sara saw where the other guys were going and smile.

One of the assassins steps right into an old fashion rope trap and is flung upside down by his ankle. He tries to get loose but is knocked out by a metal playing card hitting him. The electrical charge the card was holding goes off and knocks the person out.

A smile appears on Robyn’s face, beneath her mask. She walks over to the figure and zip ties their hands. Once his hands are zipped tied, Robyn lets him down and covers his unconscious body up with a fake mat.

Another assassin was approaching the front door of the mansion and out of nowhere. A fast powerful fist hits him in the jaw. Leland steps out of the shadow he had been hiding in. He looks at the person standing before him.

The assassin pulls a knife out and thrust forward, trying to hit the man. His hand sweeps aside as he takes another fist to his covered face. He stumbles backward, as Mr. Wolfhart pulls his knife and smile.

He notices that Mr. Wolfhart had a standard-issued military knife in his hand. He thrust forward and at the last second, sweep forward to strike Mr. Wolfhart. His knife is blocked by Mr. Wolfhart.

“Give it up, boy. You’re outclassed.” Mr. Wolfhart slices the assassin in his left shoulder.

The sky above the mansion lights up as Emily tosses up several fireballs and Sasha uses her ability to form them into her signature firebird. All the assassins are blinded as the brightness from the firebird blinds their night optics.

Gunfire could be heard coming from the backyard. It wasn’t just a single burst, but the sound of machinegun fire. Janet looks at the walking wall of muscles coming toward her. She fires the twin fifty-caliber Desert Eagles at him. She had the guns set for fully automatic as she pulls the trigger on them. All the rounds she fired at the person, just bounces off his skin.

“Crap!” This isn’t the first time she has come across a person borne with special abilities.

She puts the Desert Eagles back into their holsters. She knew her swords weren’t going to do any damage to the person coming toward her. She dodges as the walking wall of muscle tosses a small statue that decorated the backyard. It lands just to the right of her.

“You know, my daughter really liked that statue.” Janet watches the assassin to see what he was going to do.

Robyn had made her way around to the backyard and saw a huge man moving towards her grandmother. She pulls a handful of her razor-sharp playing cards from their pouch and tosses them at the person. She made sure to charge them with energy.

The cards hit the back of the person and discharge their electric charge. The energy has no effects on the guy. Robyn couldn’t believe what she saw. She charges forward and just before she hits the guy, she slides to the ground and knocks his feet out from under him.

Janet watches as her granddaughter knocks the guy’s feet out from under him. The guy falls backward and lands on his back.

“Ace, physical and energy attacks don’t affect him. He’s a walking tank.” Janet knew none of her atemi attacks will work on the person.

“Thanks, grandma.” Robyn flips up off the ground and looks at the fellow.

He was starting to get up off the ground. She springs forward and lands on the guy’s chest, with two balls of sneezing powder inside of them.
She presses down hard onto the balls, breaking them open.

She flips off the guy and watches as he starts sneezing. A smile appears on her face as she palms a few itching powder balls. She watches as her grandmother tosses several balls and they explode above the guy.

Inside the House:
Two assassins managed to get into the house through the sliding glass door. They just broke the glass panel. They move carefully as they enter the house. Their orders were to kill everyone. As they moved down one hallway. One guy triggers a trap and a thick sticky substance spray from the wall. The lights in the hallway start to turn red and start flashing. An evil laugh could be heard as the hallway filled with smoke.

The second guy walks right into a clear barrier. He could see the first guy as he continued down the hallway. He watches as the hallway fills with thick smoke. He tries punching the invisible panel, but it doesn’t break. He turns around to go back the way he came but couldn’t. He was trapped between the clear panels in the hallway.

The area he was standing in started filling with some sort of form. He tries firing at the panels, but nothing happens. The form continues to fill the area he was in. He notices the foam starts becoming solid, trapping him in the small space.

The other assassin starts to find it difficult as he walks down the smoke-filled hallway. After a few more steps, he couldn’t move at all. His feet wouldn’t respond to him. He starts seeing ghostly images coming toward him. One stops in front of him and the face on it disappears and a skull appears. The image screams at him as it dives towards his body. Several more ghostly images start circling him and bursting into flames. He lets out a scream as he tries to shoot them. The bullets are stopped by some sort of barrier. The assassin empty’s his magazine trying to kill the ghost coming at him and bursting into flame.

Outside, Backyard:
Robyn attacks the guy again. He had managed to get back up onto his feet, but she could see whatever her grandmother threw at him, was affecting him. When she goes to try to sweep his feet out from under him. She is grabbed and tossed towards the pool.

She hits the pool and sparks dance all over her body, shocking her through the suit. The electric field that normally surrounds her body shorts out. She passes out in the pool.

Janet watches as her granddaughter passes out in the pool. She knew she needed to get to Robyn before she drowns. The problem was, was the assassin standing in front of her was blocking her. She grabs a few more explosive balls from her pouches and tosses them at his head.

The balls explode in front of the assassin. The assassin starts coughing and rubbing his eyes as the itching powder, stink bombs, and flash bombs blind him. The stink bombs cause him to throw up the contents in his stomach.

“Mom, I’ll keep him busy. Get Robyn.” Ricky tackles the guy and knocks him backward.

He could smell the stink bombs his mother just used and feel the itching powder she through as well. He wrestles with the big man, trying to keep him getting back onto his feet. Ricky puts the guy into a sleeper hold and hangs onto him.

Janet runs over to the pool and jumps into it to save her granddaughter. She swims over to Robyn’s unconscious form and swims to the shallow end of the pool with her. She checks to see if Robyn was still alive, after removing her mask. She knew water was Robyn’s weakness when she was using her electric abilities.

“Come on sweetie, hang in there.” Janet gets Robyn out of the pool and lay her on a nearby lounger. She notices the sliding glass doors that lead into the den were broken.

Janet noticed the jamming device was no longer active. She was glad her earpiece was waterproof.

“What’s the situation?”

“The front is secured.” Leland was going around with Sara and Emily gathering the assassins they captured.

Inside the Mansion:
“The mansion is secured. We got two trapped in the downstairs hallway.” Susan was happy that she could see what was going on in the mansion now.

“Backyard is secured. The intruder has been neutralized.” Ricky looks at the face of the assassin he took the mask off.

Ricky noticed that the man’s eyes were red from the itching powder. He had some of the itching powder on his skin and on the clothes, he was wearing.

“God! You are a heavy one.” Ricky puts a set of zip cuffs on the guy’s wrist. Afterward, he drags the man towards the pool area.

Mobile Command Center:
Billy watches as all the cameras surrounding the mansion come back on. She switches them over to thermal and watches as people move around the mansion grounds.

“Sara, what’s going on?” Billy hopes nothing had happen to her wife.

“We’re gathering everyone together. I’ll send you pictures of their face and fingerprints in a little while.” Sara was carrying one of the assassins she took out.

“Alright, I’ll be waiting.”

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Zip Ties

I wouldn't count on zip ties holding the big guy in the back for very long, his strength can defeat them fairly quickly. The same with classic handcuffs. A knockout drug might be the best resort, or a paralytic of some type.

Did he know Robyn was vulnerable to water or was that just a lucky shot?

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin


It was a lucky shot.

If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison

Round 1 Wolfheaet family

Samantha Heart's picture

However this is just the first Round the Apparent complex is Round 2. And I hope these butt wipes get the full hammer for Sashia & The Bounty's.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.