2016-10 October/November Challenge - Everyday Costumes

Leigh Anne - Chapter 28

Leigh Anne – Chapter 28
By Barbara Lynn Terry

Part 1 – The Lady Tigers discuss the tournament.

There was a lunch break at noon. The Lady Tigers went to a restaurant to eat. The hostess asked how many and Mrs. Madison told her there were eleven. Bill Laughton came along. The hostess told a bus boy to put two tables together for this party of eleven. As they all sat down, Leigh asked to speak.

Dress Like A Girl Pirate Day Chapter 2


As the five girls piled into the car along with two(!) full boxes of Krispy Kreme Donuts, six cell phones began receiving texts. It didn't take long for Marti to read her's [she only got one!]. With a face palm, she said "I'm so dead!"




“Why do I have to have my hair plaited?” I grumpily asked for probably the twentieth time as I twisted my locks.

“You think I'm any happier, I look a right dork with these braids.”

October/November Story Challenge - Everyday Costumes

Time for a small story challenge before people get serious about the Christmas contest. The theme is Everyday Costumes and it's up to you what exactly that means. We've had a few entries, check them out by clicking on the tag in the header above.

Some suggestions:

A superhero's costume is altered by an evil tailor.
A crossdresser's wish comes true in an unexpected way.
Two people dress as each other for Halloween.
A character in a long running soap opera comes to life.
A special Halloween costume shop is run by an old guy in a bathrobe.

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Jaci-Stien: A Jaci and Dottie Story

Jaci-Stien: A Jaci and Dottie Story

“Ha ha ha! I’ve created the ultimate man! Now, to activate ... Computer! Activate manly man program.”

“Beep. Error, program corrupted.”

“What? Computer, activate manly man program!”

Beep. Error, program corrupted.”

“Computer, perform diagnostics on program.”

“Beep. Program has been corrupted by virus designated ‘girly germs’. Virus was most likely delivered via delivery system designated ‘huggles.’ Beep.”

Town Princess

Town Princess

Almost every town probably has its rituals.

You know, the stuff that brings the neighbors together, have a bit of fun, remember the important stuff the past or celebrate the future.

My town’s ritual is a bit ... different.

It all started about ten years ago.

We had two stunning revelations that shook us to the core.

The first was the suicide of a teen named Brett Markson. He’d been popular, involved in local charities, always the first to step up when called upon, so his death came out of the blue to all of us.

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