Puff: The Magic Kitty - Chapter 2

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Some years earlier, a shapeshifter's destiny begins.


Puff: The Magic Kitty
Chapter 2: Jessica and Delilah

by Gedren Y

Admin Note: Originally published on BigCloset Classic on January 31, 2003. ~Sephrena
Chapter 2: Jessica and Delilah
August 22, 1994
Aaron was touching me. Desire filled my very being and my traitorous body responded instantly.

A soft moan escaped from my lips and Aaron let go. He got what he wanted.

I glared at him, vowing vengeance. He just laughed.

I finished my paper on what I did over the summer. I omitted my mystical and sexual activities and emphasized some of my more mundane occurrences.

Once finished, we had to read it aloud before the class. We were called in alphabetical order.

"Aaron Astante," Mrs. Winderban called, "Please share your experiences."

Aaron got up and was about to read when I used my telekinesis to yank his shoes out from under him. The class loved it, so, I did it twice more before I let him read his report.

After class he hissed my name to get my attention. He didn't touch me this time.

"Nice to see you're loosening up, Delilah," he whispered, "Using your powers for revenge. What would your parents say?"

"I did it to teach you a lesson, you arrogant bastard," I replied.

"What was that?" Aaron asked with devious glee, "Not to touch you in class?"

"No," I responded, "Not to touch me at all."

"What about what happened at Denise Schaefer's pool party?" Aaron teased.

"You forced me, and you damn well know it," I seethed.

"I seem to remember you being pretty forceful yourself," he laughed.

"Under the influence of the power," I replied, "I can't be held responsible for my actions."

"And those were some mighty fine actions," Aaron joked.

"And it will never happen again," I said turning to leave.

"Believe what you will," he said to my back.

It was a miserable day after that. I couldn't get the conversation out of my mind. Aaron knew I was into girls and he enjoyed tormenting me with the forced desire between males and females of the power.

I was so caught up in my fuming that I almost missed the slight calming sensation I get when another female of the power is near. She looked like a freshman and was quite pretty. I decided to talk to her tomorrow.

I called Dane when I got home. I told him to come right over. I needed his hacking expertise. I wanted to know who that girl was.

When Dane came over he rushed to my computer, not even bothering with a preliminary greeting. It took him moments to pull up the freshman records and find the girl I had sensed.

"Jessica Argetlam," he stated, "Is an orphan living at St. Josephine's Foundling Home."

"That gives me nothing, Dane," I grumbled, "I need to know her lineage."

"Keep your pants on," Dane said squeezing my hand, "You're talkin' to the Keeper. I can find anything on the net."

A coarse moan escaped my lips.

"Sorry," he murmured letting go of my hand, "Now, let's see what we can find."

Ten more minutes of searching hospital computer systems and he found her medical records. Dane pulled up a scan of her birth certificate.

"Mother's name was Valerie Myers, age 16," Dane read, "As far as I know, there is no Myers in the Nightwatcher's Database."

"What about her father?" I asked hurriedly, "I know there are dozens of families with the name Argetlam in the database."

"Nuada Argetlam," he said without recognition, "No age given."

"Nuada Argetlam?" I asked excitedly, "Oh, my fucking God! A daughter of Silverhand himself!"

"What are you driveling about?" Dane asked, turning in the seat.

"You don't know?" I gasped, "The Keeper doesn't know about Silverhand?"

"Then enlighten me. Oh, great Force Wake," he replied snidely using my mystic ID.

"In Nightwatcher's training," I began, "We are taught about the fae."

"Are you telling me she's half fae?" Dane asked with wide eyes.

I nodded.

"Nuada Argetlam, a.k.a. Silverhand," I continued, "Was once the king consort of the Tuatha de Danaan."

I watched as recognition flooded his face and he continued for me, "But in combat with a mortal wielding the sword, one of the hallows, his right hand was severed. Nuada had planned for this, though, and replaced his missing hand with one of living silver."

"With which," I said, finishing the tale, "Nuada grabbed the sword by the blade and took it from the mortal. The mortal was banished rather than slain, and to this day Nuada Argetlam is the only fae to have ever been able to wield one of the hallows."

With the tale retold we turned once again to the computer. Nothing else in Jessica's file could hold any interest for either of us. With a resigned sigh, Dane shut the computer off.

We stayed where we were for a few moments, basking in the enormity of what we found out. Jessica Argetlam was half fae, and as far as we could deduce, knew nothing of magic.

"What about her natural gift?" Dane broached, "She's Silverhand's daughter, so, it must be some powerful ability."

"We'll find out soon enough," I replied, "Contact the active members at the school. Lunch in the Audio/Visual room and an after school meeting."

"The first meeting to tell the others," Dane said, understanding my train of thought, "The second to test Jessica."

"Keep what you know to yourself," I warned him, "Tell no one, not the others, not to the Nightwatchers Council, not even your parents. This will be our coup."

"Yes, Force Wake," he replied submissively, "As you command."

He left then, like a stricken puppy, with his tail between his legs.
August 23, 1994
I still couldn't believe it, but here I am, attending Manhattan High Prep on a scholarship. I earned this by my merit alone. Not through sexual favors, as in the past.

I let myself feel proud.

I listened to the band teacher, Mr. Langston, as he droned on about caring for our instruments. I was already cleaning my violin as I have done for years.

Mr. Langston abruptly stopped as the door opened. In walked the strangest office aid I have ever seen.

Her hair was jet black with streaks of electric blue, eyes a dark violet surrounded by heavy black eye shadow. Along with the black lipstick and tight black dress, it made her skin appear to be porcelain. She walked with a liquid grace that made her seem threatening.

She came up to Mr. Langston and they spoke for a moment. Mr. Langston checked his seating chart and then pointed in my direction. She couldn't be here to see me, I thought.

Sudden dread filled me as she approached my seat, but it seemed to disappear when she finally reached me.

"Jessica Argetlam?" she asked with something that sounded like apprehension, "Hi, I'm Delilah Stone."

"Hello," I replied warily, "Is anything wrong?"

"No," she said with a slight smile, "I am here to invite you to a special meeting in the Audio/Visual room after school."

"And what is this meeting about?" I asked with a little more inquisitiveness than usual.

"I'm not at liberty to say," she replied, her smile widening, "You have to attend to find out."

Delilah winked at me and turned abruptly to sashay out of the classroom.

I spent the rest of first period in a daze. I had trouble focusing on anything other that my short conversation with Delilah. I barely heard the bell when class ended.

"What is the meaning of this?" Aaron snapped, "Having Dane call us all here without explanation!"

"Shut up, Shimmer," I said using his magic ID to stress the importance of what I was about to say, "Cut the crap, because Dean and I have found out that we have a half fae in our midst."

"Half fae?" came the gasped reply from nearly half of the assembled active Nightwatchers.

"Not only half fae but," I said, pausing for dramatic effect, "A child of Silverhand."

"What?!" asked an impassioned Becca Saunders, "Are you sure?"

"Nuada Argetlam was the father's name given on her birth certificate," Dane replied, "Jessica Argetlam is the orphaned daughter of a teenage prostitute named Valerie Myers."

"How could a teen whore," I continued for him, "Who has no connection to magic, know the name Nuada Argetlam?"

"If this is true," Michael chimed in, "We need to alert the Nightwatchers Council."

"No!" I exclaimed, "No, we initiate her ourselves. We all have been looking for some way to give our group some distinction. She is our chance."

"You're our captain, Force Wake," Michael replied, bowing his head, "We are honor bound to obey your command."

"To a point," Aaron sneered.

"Shut the fuck up, Shimmer," I growled, "And don't let me catch any of you guys touching her until she understands the sensations. Am I clear?"

Everyone agreed to this, though, Aaron was reluctant.

"Okay," I sighed, content that nothing would happen yet, "Everyone report back here after school with your spell collections and herbs. Meeting adjourned."

When the others left to try and salvage what was left of the lunch hour, I pulled my lunch out of my backpack. The only person who stayed behind was Dane, who usually ate lunch here anyway.

"I met her this morning," I said to Dane, "When I delivered the invitation, I scanned her aura. You wouldn't believe the power she has."

"I know," Dane replied, "I passed her in the hallway. If we don't recruit her, I shudder at the thought of the Spokesmen getting to her."

"And if they do?" I asked worriedly.

"May God have mercy on our souls," Dane said with all seriousness.
I'm not going to make it, I thought, My bladder is going to burst.

I was still a good hundred yards from the girls room. I spied then the door marked boys.

I checked the hallway, no one. I ducked into the slight alcove and began the shift. I turned myself into a reasonably good looking guy, clothes and all.

I burst through the door and staggered my way to a urinal. I freed a limp but huge dick and let myself go. This is one of the few things that I like about going male, peeing standing up.

I looked at the guy to my left as he finished. He had a nice cock, for a preppy high school boy.

Apparently he noticed me looking, because as he passed me he mumbled, "Fag."

I finished with a sigh Unlike that unknown dick swinger, I washed my hands when I was finished.

I left the bathroom and checked the hallway again. No one came, so, I shifted back to my usual self and headed back to class.

I spent the rest of fourth period Biology wondering about the special meeting I was going to attend. I found myself watching the clock more often than the teacher. She noticed.

"Miss Argetlam," Mrs. Sneed quipped, "Can you explain cellular respiration?"

I fumbled about trying to come up with a coherent answer when the bell rang. Apparently Mrs. Sneed never watches the clock. I was out of class and halfway down the hall before anyone could stop me.

I blew by the Audio/Visual room before I remembered the meeting. Mrs. Sneed really got under my skin.

I backtracked and found myself outside the supposed meeting place. I placed a hand on the doorknob and felt a strange mixture of calm and sexual excitement. My heart was beating at an easy restful pace, but my pussy wet and hot.

I tried to dismiss the feelings, but couldn't, so, I turned the knob and stepped over the threshold.

The feelings intensified as I entered. Looking around, the only people there were students. Everyone else looked to be either juniors or seniors, including Delilah.

"So, what's this all about?" I asked impatiently.

Delilah got up off the stool she occupied and came over to me. The feeling of calm increased.

"Welcome," she said in a breathy, soul-melting voice, "To the Nightwatch."

With those words began a new chapter in my life.

To Be Continued...

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How about...

A little consistency here? This story has bounced around different time frames pretty hard in just two parts. This part has no relationship to the first part you posted. Although it has a tiny amount of TG action in it, not really enough to qualify for a TG story. How are the parts going to join? There has to be some merging of the ideas but got for the life of me, I can't see it. I guess that's the reason you are writing this and not me... Look forward to the next part though.


Something Is Missing Here.

What happened ? It looks as if a few chapters are needed to tell what happened between these chapters. Other than that, a very good story. Makes me wonder just how many witch covens there are in the story.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

To answer these questions...

Chapter 2 takes place 4 years before chapter 1. My guess that if shapeshifter is involved the kitty from Chapter 1 may be Jessica Argetlam. Or a familliar.

Of course one can try and took the story up in Classic BC.

But yeah, it is hard to keep tabs on who is the POV character and what is the timeline. Small notes like $ years before Chapter 1 (time) or Jessica (POV) would have helped a lot.



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Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

I had a similar problem

recently with 'Blonde Joke'. It has taken two reads and I still don't quite understand it. Then again, I am a simple soul, so maybe it will take a few reads and a complete storyline for me to work this out.

Other than Sarah Lynn Morgan's "Unicorn's Gift", magic and so on is a new departure for me.

As long as the author knows what's going on, there's hope for the rest of us. I hope. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now.



littlerocksilver's picture

I'm not having any. Yes, there is a bit of disjointedness. Follow the dates. It's not too difficult to figure out who is who. I think we just need to follow along and figure it out for ourselves. I think that's fun.

