The Softening of Jessie - Part 34

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She thought about how unfair it was to rob a man of his masculinity. If only Jessie had been a good boy. He was on such a bad path in life. He did seem so happy now. Sure, it involved taking away any shred of maleness, but it was worth it...right?

"I feel great mom. I'm just nervous that Jason will not like me. I just want things to be like they used to between us. "

"I'm not sure if that's possible but I hope you two can be friends again."

"Me too mom."

...Wish I was holding her in my arms late, late at night...

The Softening of Jessie

Part 34

By AshleyTS

The two girls headed downstairs.

"Well, look at you two. Very lovely!" Susan and Amanda commented.


"Jessica you look so grown up but don't you think that skirt is a bit short?" Susan asked.

"Come on grandma. It's not that short. Besides, Ashley wears this outfit all the time."

"She looks fine mom. How do you feel Jessica?" Amanda asked her son. She felt some guilt at that moment. A couple months ago he was a young man & now she was looking at a very feminine woman.

She thought about how unfair it was to rob a man of his masculinity. If only Jessie had been a good boy. He was on such a bad path in life. He did seem so happy now. Sure, it involved taking away any shred of maleness, but it was worth it...right?

"I feel great mom. I'm just nervous that Jason will not like me. I just want things to be like they used to between us. "

"I'm not sure if that's possible but I hope you two can be friends again."

"Me too mom."

Jessie's mom dropped the two off at Golf n Stuff to meet up with Jason and Rick.

"Hello ladies" Rick said as he noticed the two girls.

"Hey babe!" Ashley responded giving Rick a big hug & kiss.

"This is my friend Jessica, Jessica this is Rick. Of course you know Jason."

"Yeah, nice to see you again Jason." Jessie replied nervously to his former friend.

"You too. You look amazing today." Jason replied to the stunning girl. He felt flush being in the presence of the beauty.

"Really? You don't think it's too girly? I didn't want to look like a fairy."

Ashley shook her head hoping Jessie wouldn't blow his cover.

"I like girly...and fairies have wings. So, unless you're hiding them under your top, you are not a fairy." Jason replied.

"Oh, cool!" Jessie replied, very pleased.

"Hey, so I thought we could play some carnival games then maybe go on some rides. What do you girls think?" Rick asked.

"Sure, let's go."

Jessie noticed that Jason look so very nervous. Could it be that Jason felt guilty for being such a jerk? He wanted Jason to relax & be himself but found it flattering that he was nervous.

"So, umm how have you been Jason?" Jessie asked.

"I've been good. We are having finals in school so I've been studying like crazy. When am I ever going to use any of this stuff in real life anyway?"

"Wow! I really need to get back to school." Jessie replied. It just occurred to him that it had been a while since he attended school.

"You don't go to school? What's up with that?"

Jessie found it odd that Jason didn't realize that he hadn't been in school. It kind of hurt his feelings.

"Well I had some medical issues & my mom thought it was best that I take a break."

"Oh. Are you Ok?" Jason asked feeling worried about his pretty friend.

"I'm fine. I better get back to school before I get held back though."

"Yeah, that would suck."

"So Jessica, what games do you want to play?"

"Oh hey! I'm really good at this one!" Jessie replied as he saw the baseball throw game. The object was to throw the baseball and knock down the pyramid of milk jugs within 3 attempts. He was a master at this game & thought he would use it to impress Jason.

"Hey ya! Go pretty lady! Good luck." The attendant said.

Jason found it cute that his pretty friend was so excited about the baseball throw. She seemed so feminine and girly that he wondered if she knew how to throw?

Jessie picked up the baseball and prepared to knock the heck out of the bottles. "Crap! How did I used to throw the baseball again?" he thought. It was something that used to be so innate with him but now he struggled to remember how it was done. How could he forget how to throw?

The pressure got to him and he finally gave it his best effort hoping that his instinct would save the day.

He raised his arm over his shoulder keeping a stiff wrist and girlishly flung the ball in a fashion that suggested that he had never even picked up a ball in his life. By all accounts it was a pathetic, weak, offline toss which missed the milk jugs by a good margin. Jessie didn't get it. He regrouped & tried once again. No success. His once fluid motion was replaced by feminine flail. He focused harder & gave it one more try but couldn't hit any of the bottles.

"I'm usually so good at this game. I think I've forgotten how to throw." Jessie said feeling embarrassed by his poor performance.

"Don't worry about it. This game is kind of hard." Jason replied trying to make her feel better. Obviously she was such a girly-girl that she had never played any sports he thought.

"Why don't you give it a try?" The attendant asked Jason.

"Sure, I'll give it whirl."

Jason picked up the first baseball and gave it a mighty hurl. Jessie was surprised at how much harder Jason threw the ball than he did. Slam! He hit the bottles dead square and they all went flying.

"We have a winner!" The attendant proclaimed.

"Good job!" Jessie yelled finding himself super excited & giddy at his friend's success. He clapped his hands and did a little jump up and down in a very girly fashion.

"For knocking them down on the 1st attempt you get one of our large stuffed animals. Which one will it be?"

"Jessica, what's your favorite color?"

" Hmmm, lately it has been pink." Jessie replied. He thought of how that was such a random question to ask.

Moments later Jason handed Jessie a big pink Care Bear with a flower on its belly.

"Here, it's for you." Jason stated trying to make points.

"For me? Really?"

"Yep, You look like you could use a big stuffed bear." Jason teased.

"Wow! I'm flattered you would give me your prize. Thank you!" Jessie replied as he hugged the pink stuffed animal and held it close. Jason was being so sweet! He never remembered Jason ever being this nice to him. Jessie felt an overwhelming urge to give Jason a hug but was so very worried about looking like a sissy. Do boys hug each other he thought? Should he risk even asking?

"Umm, would it be weird if I gave you a hug Jason? It's just that that was very sweet of you to give me this."

"A hug would be very good!" Jason replied....Score!

Jessie was glad he asked. He put the bear to the side and put his arms around Jason hugging him. He never realized how much bigger Jason was than him. Jason's body seemed so muscular compared to his. Jessie felt a strange feeling come over him that made him blush.

Jason tried to remain calm as she hugged him. Wow, she felt so soft and smelled so good! The feeling of her breasts pressing against his chest almost sent him over the edge & he found himself trying to think of something else to keep from embarrassing himself.

"Have you been working out a lot Jason? You seem so big." Jessie asked trying to regain his composure.

"Yeah, I work out. It passes the time." Jason replied enjoying the ego boost.

"Hey, you want to play some miniature golf?" Jason asked.


To Be Continued...


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Looks As If

All it will take is a small push to have Jessica fall for Jason.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine


She thought about how unfair it was to rob a man of his masculinity. If only Jessie had been a good boy. He was on such a bad path in life. He did seem so happy now. Sure, it involved taking away any shred of maleness, but it was worth it...right?

Wow, bloody WOW!

Well, mommy dearest ( and I use that term very, very, lightly ) maybe you should've checked with Jason's parents? As I recall they were two peas in a pod...troublemakers extraordinaire, only Jason didn't have to be robbed. HIS parents knew how to handle him. Oh, of course, Ashley was there to help her brother. Yeah, she's such a wonderful influence.

And as right as it may look now, how do you think his peers will react once the truth about Jessie comes out? Oh, of course! Everyone will be delighted with sweet cute pretty Jessica, and everyone will immediately forget Jessica is really a boy, who used to be Jessie the menace, and treat hir real nice and courteous. NOT!

I eagerly follow this story, for I'm soooo curious how you're going to juggle this total disarray of intentions, emotions, silliness, false pretence, secret agenda, psychological scarring, jealousness, pettiness, and -not least- brainwashing, until you reach some sort of equilibrium with equal regard to all of the participants without losing all credibility.

Aah, only two more to go and we'll jump to part 40. Where new development can begin to take place, up to 39 it's the 'same-o same-o' but then I hope to learn more. It's certainly captivating. I do hope you'll post more here at BC, and well past part 40.

Don't feel my comments are in any way meant as an attack at your story, it's just that at times I feel the need to vent a little. If anything try to see this as an expression of appreciation for your writing.


NOW she has doubts!

Sheesh! It's nice the mom is finally thinking about whether it was wrong to do this to Jessie AFTER it's too late to stop. Maybe she'll learn a valuable lesson from all of this -- to think about the consequences BEFORE you chemically castrate and brainwash a person for their own good.

What a gripping after-school special that would make! *grin* Or maybe one of those made-for-TV movies they're always running on the Lifetime cable channel! Let's hope, for the mom's sake, that it never winds up on America's Most Wanted. *LOL*


Jessie IS LEARNING.. to be Wanted!!

Jessie discovered that he/she wants to be wanted and what others think does matter. An invaluable and loving lesson that he/she has taken to heart! Wonder if Jason can learn something similar?

As for the mom, what she did is a moral issue, but what she had done was out of love to save him from himself, as there was no way before he would agree to go this route and would wind up in prison or worse at the rate he was going. True, an Endocrinologist would have been recommended to determine if his hormone levels were whacked off on the testosterone end causing his behaviour, but he didn't get the chance. Mom saw to that. While Ashely has written a wonderful story, the plot device, for better or worse, was implemented in a a desperate act of love, not out of hate or spite.

This series is nicely paced, the characters are not as they always appear on the surface and there are some underlying moral lessons being learned.

Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf

Rob a man of his masculinity

Rob a man of his masculinity, His chance of family, friends, self respect.
A good chance of losing will to live. This is NOT helping a transgendered child.
This is abuse. Crippling, and chemically mutilating what was a troubled but physically
healthy boy. When this sleeper wakes I can see a future of perhaps suicide.
Realizing NO ONE loves him. No one can be trusted.
That is of course unless he winds up in an emergency room with a broken nose, body and teeth. Shattered jaw, scars ect.
So blinded to the changes that he walks right into the beating he may not survive.
All because it was SO tiresome raising a dirty ol boy, instead of a meek little girl.
They are having SO much fun bullying the helpless creature they've created!

Sorry, these characters in this story anger me, so much!
Whoa, this was dark!
As one of the readers says,(to paraphrase) "Being a girl should be a wonderful thing (that YOU want) not be a punishment".
So many of us worked so hard for that.


It's a story, fiction. And if there is one thing life has thaought me is that it is very hard to guess where a person will end up, where life will lead you. Suicide? Please... Beatings? Come on... that is only two of at least 4000 possible outcomes. Sit back, relax and let's see where this story takes us. Once it's complete we'll get to see what happens. Until then me for one is just going to enjoy the ride!