Undercover! ~ 3

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Rob has had a lifelong dream to transition, but has always been too chicken to own up to it. Now he is married…and stuck... Then he is offered an opportunity he can’t refuse.

Part Three: VIP Treatment

Undercover! ~ Part 3

After signing more papers than buying a house, Cindy and I are escorted to our suite. It is very posh and much nicer than I had expected. Our escort, James, explains that we are on the VIP level and that we had the best accommodations available. He gives us each a key card that gives us access to both the floor and the room. He shows us around the suite. It is equipped with a full kitchen, fully equipped, although, we have a full dining facility available to us in the complex. There is a large, jetted tub that will easily fit the two of…and more. A large bed…and two walk-in closets. In one, there are two large suitcases with Cindy’s things—we had no idea that we even HAD luggage. I look at Cindy and she just shrugs.

James says, “Miss Cindy, Ma’am, your luggage was brought from the plane as soon as we knew where to put it. Marissa, your maid, will unpack it for you shortly. Miss Gwen, Ma’am, we have some initial things in your closet here. There a few sizes that are sort of one size fits many. Marissa will measure you and bring a starter wardrobe within the hour. Why don’t you take a quick rest and clean up. Supper will be served in the main dining hall between five and nine.” He bows slightly and leaves us to ourselves in the huge suite.

I look at Cindy and grin. I ask, “Can you believe this place. I think our apartment would fit in here twice!” She nods and says, “But, can you believe the cost… Are you sure it is OK?” I nod and say, “Yes, Grover, confirmed that we have the funds… He even said that the VIP program is where we should be… I guess it is hard to get into… It was a stroke of luck!” Cindy rolls her eyes and there is a knock on the door.

I stroll over and open the door to see a cute maid standing there. She curtseys and says, “Hello, my name is Marissa. You must be Miss Gwen. I have come to unpack Miss Cindy’s things and get some measurements so that we can get you a starter wardrobe going.” I step back and let her in. She introduces herself to Cindy and gets started right away with the unpacking of her things. Cindy indicates where she wants things—Marissa insists that she not help… After that, she takes a tape measure and writes down my measurements.

Before she leaves, she asks, “Would you like for me to draw you a bath?” I look at Cindy and shrug, “We have plenty of time and it might be nice to soak a bit. What do you think?” She nods, still wide-eyed at all of the pomp and Marissa starts the water running. It must run in in a fire hose, since it only takes about ten minutes to fill the tub. Marissa explains that there is an elaborate water recycling facility as part of the complex, since water conservation is a must. Marissa asks us to put our dirty clothes in the chute in the wall and leaves us to our bath.

Cindy and I undress and throw our clothes into the chute, as requested. We soak in the jetted water for close to an hour. The water never gets cold. I later find out that the water is heated as it is recirculated through the jet pumps. We reluctantly get out and put on the robes that are hung on the door. They are both thick, luxuriously soft terrycloth—and unmistakably feminine; pink and scented. Marissa must have put some sort of bath oil in the water, because we are both soft and smooth when we get out…and have a floral scent. I go to my closet to see what is available.

There is not much selection. Several caftan-style dresses in several sizes and matching flat sandals in several sizes. Then I look in my wardrobe and find basic women’s lingerie in a few different sizes. I shrug my shoulders and put on a clean pair of the silky, lacy panties. I bypass the matching bra, since there is nothing for me to stuff it with. I go into the closet and find a Kelly green dress that fits. I pull the waist tight with a belt that is hanging in the closet. I strap a pair of the sandals on and look at myself in the mirrored wall of the cavernous closet. It is the first time that I have worn a dress of any kind… Not bad…I guess…

I step out of the closet and Cindy gasps. “Ro…err, Gwen… You are wearing a dress?” I shrug and say, “Well, it is what women wear… I mean, look at you…” She is in one of my favorite dresses of hers. I continue, “Besides, it is all that is in the closet.” She sighs and says, “That is all they packed me, too… I guess there is a dress code, or something around here…”

I look at the clock—it is 5:30… I ask, “Ready to go get dinner?” Cindy looks at me with a weird look and asks, “You really don’t mind going out in that dress?” I shrug and mouth, “Remember”… She looks a little abashed and I say, “Why not? Does it look bad?” She shakes her head and says, “No, it looks surprisingly OK on you….”

We leave the room just as Marissa is exiting the elevator. She is pushing a rolling cart with lots of clothes on it towards our suite. She just smiles and we get in the elevator. I look at Cindy and say, “Did you see all of that? Do you think that is for me?” Cindy shrugs and says, “I would suppose so… At the price they are charging…”

We exit the elevator and go down a long hall to the dining hall; we look around confused. A hostess comes by and says, “Oh! You are new! You can either sit where you like—or, I can find you a nice table to get to know some of the other clients.” I shrug and say, “We are good with either…” The hostess, Amber, smiles and says, “Follow me… You look like you could use a little private time…” She takes us to a private table for two…

Our server arrives and we order a bit later. There is a huge selection and the food is awesome, although the portions are small… After we eat, we go back up to our suite. I am curious to see what Marissa had delivered. As suspected, my closet has a large number of dresses, skirts, blouses, shoes…basically, everything a girl needs—as long it is not related to pants. My vanity is now covered with more cosmetics that Cindy’s…

I look at Cindy, embarrassed, and say, “I hope they don’t expect me to actually use these without some…guidance… Will you help me? You are really good with makeup…” Cindy turns a little red and says, “Why don’t we wait and see what they have in mind… I am still having trouble thinking about my husband putting on makeup…”

It is still early, but we are both tired from the day’s events and decide to go to bed early. I look around in my new supply of things…the only sleeping options I have, it seems, are either naked...or sexy women’s lingerie. I pick out a black silk, baby doll outfit and get into it. This really does feel amazing! I wish I could have done this a long time ago! Cindy looks at me and shakes her head. I shrug and give her a grin…I hope it looks like I am a bit embarrassed…although, I am not in the least!

I wake up to an insistent knocking on the door. I am entwined with Cindy in bed; my top bunched up under my arms… Cindy’s is perfectly down where it belongs. How does she do that?

I say, “Just a minute… Coming!” I untangle myself and go to the door. Marissa is there and says, “Miss Gwen, you are due with Dr. Ginger in fifty minutes. Miss Cindy has her therapy session in a about two hours. You need to start getting ready!” She curtseys…and leaves. I say as I watch her leave, “But…where…?” But she is gone…

I hurry back in the suite and shake Cindy awake. I jump into the huge shower and quickly rinse off. After I towel off, I go into my closet and look at my new wardrobe… I decide on a simple sundress and sandals… I dry my hair and brush it out, then I attempt some simple eyeliner and mascara. Cindy watches me and shakes her head as she puts on her full face…

I leave the suite and ask my way to Dr. Ginger’s treatment room. She smiles at first when she sees me…then she frowns a bit. She says, “I see we have a lot of work to do to get you up to speed on being a girl. Is Cindy not helping you?” I sigh and shake my head. I say, “She is still having trouble dealing… She wants to support me, I know she does…” Dr. Ginger nods and gives me a sympathetic smile…

Then she says, “OK, Gwen. We are going to start your treatment today.” She gives me two pills and a large capsule. She says, “You will report here every day at nine a.m., one p.m., and eight p.m. and receive your meds. I will monitor your progress from here. Now, I think you need to start with Angi right away… You need help with your cosmetics in the worst way…”

I follow Dr. Ginger’s directions to the spa. I enter and ask for Angi. I am led to a beautiful brunette and introduced. She smiles and says, “Welcome Gwen. Let’s get started, shall we? First…some extensions and highlights in that hair…”

An hour later, I have shoulder-length, copper blonde hair… It is cut in a ‘chop’ and scrunched in wild curls… Then she sits me down to show me how to my makeup. She does it once, and I look HOT. I smile… She wipes it from my face and makes me practice it a couple of times. The second is not too bad. She fixes a few things, then goes on to my nails. When she is done, I have quarter-inch nails in a peacock blue—my toes match (with flower designs on my big toes).

I meet Cindy for lunch in the main dining hall. She is waiting for me at the same private table that we had had supper at last night. She almost drops her water glass when she sees me. She gasps, “Ro…Gwen? Is that you? What happened…?” I smile and say, “Dr. Ginger sent me to the spa. What do you think?” She looks at me with a mix of surprise, disgust, and…envy(?) She says, “It looks very nice! It will take some…getting used to… I mean when I left you this morning, you had brown hair that was in a short…pixie cut. You had a little eyeliner and mascara. Now you have shoulder-length copper-blonde hair…in a very feminine chop. You are professionally made up… And you look…hot! What am I supposed to think?”

Our server arrives and we order. When she leaves, I look back at Cindy and ask, “How was your session?” She shrugs and says, “It was a group session. I met some really nice wives… It is good to know that I am not the only one…”

We both fall quiet. After a few moments, our food arrives and we eat in silence…

I go back to meet with Dr. Ginger again. She complements me on my hair and makeup, then gives me another huge capsule. I swallow it and it nearly gets stuck in my throat, it is so big. I cough and get it down with nearly a full glass of water.

She asks, “How was lunch?” I shrug and say, “The food was great.” She says, “But…” I shrug again and say, “Cindy is having trouble with…this…” I gesture towards my face and hair…

Dr. Ginger says, “She will get used to it… It is just external. She has probably shocked you at least once with a major hair change.” I nod. “Did you quit loving her?” I shake my head and grin, “No…after about a week, it became…’normal’…” She nods…

She has me take off my dress and lay down on a table. She says, “This will feel a bit cold…” She spreads some stinky stuff on my chest…it smells like an adhesive… Then she takes two large breast forms and twists and presses them down on my chest. After a bit, she tells me to sit up. I do and marvel at the weight on my chest…

She says, “She may need a bit longer to get used to your C-Cups, though…” She hands me a bra that matches my panties.

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Looks like Gwen is all ready

Looks like Gwen is all ready to go, but Cindy needs help to come to grips with her new 'girlfriend' who used to be her husband.

We will have to see...

what the therapy does for her. :)

Thanks and Hugs!

Contact info...

I am really feeling for Cindy right now. She is being supportive but she doesn't know the full story.

In the mean time, is there any contact info for this clinic? : )


But it isn't it that way in true life a lot? (Not that I am saying that is right...)

As for where the clinic is... In a beautiful oasis far far away... GIGGLES

this isn't easy for Cindy

the fact that Gwen looks good as a woman is probably harder for her to deal with than if she looked like a man in a dress.


Very much so...

It will only get harder before it gets better, though...



Podracer's picture

certainly, but not stirred to action. This unlikely undercover team had better remember what they're here for soon, or are they still in shock? I hope their relationship can survive the mission.

"Reach for the sun."

Oh, the mission...

That ole thing? GIGGLES

It will pick up soon... And, yes, they are both still a bit in shock... Remember, this is just their second day...