Abigail Drew's blog

05) Sorry... OYH will be delayed again.

Better get used to it. Unfathomably, they seem to actually like my performance at work and plan to keep me around at least to first snow. It was originally supposed to be just a summer job, just till my brother got back on his feet, but he's back on his feet, and they've extended my hire. Now let's just see if they extend it again through the winter months...

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003) On the Origins of My Account Name

This entry is inspired in part by the thread on Character Names on the writer's forum.

NOTE: This entry is now outdated, my account name at the time of original posting had been slicersv. This had also been back when I was still hiding from myself. All entries which predate "To Be, Or Not To Be" technically predate my coming out to myself, though there's an interesting progression, reading them back over...

My most commonly used internet moniker is actually the name of one of my oldest characters who's still on speaking terms with me.

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04) OK, Chapter 3 tomorrow, hopefully.

Since there will be a mostly harmless shower scene, I'm probably going to raise the rating to R for this chapter, simply because there will be some description of female nudity and bathing. Nothing overtly sexual, thanks to it being from Drew's perspective, were the same shower scene written from Christina's perspective... Might have to take it up even higher ;P

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03) Two options...

So... Chapter 3 could possibly be done... maybe.

I'm having difficulty deciding whether to post the chapter as-is, with only half as many words as the other two chapters so far and most other chapters are likely to have, and this, having taking over twice as long to write. Or, switch back from Janet's perspective to Drew's and keep writing (which is what would happen anyways, but as a new chapter), probably wind up taking until late Sunday to finish, and ending up with a chapter-and-half chapter length.

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002) Silly Motorists.

OK, so yesterday and today I rode through the same exact speed monitor next to a school zone, at the same exact time. This is a 35mph zone when school's not either starting or ending. Yesterday, I get clocked going 31mph, today, 28mph. Yesterday, I think almost every single motorist who passed me through there honked at me and yelled at me to get off the road... I was going faster than your typical Sunday driver for freaks sake! Today, only ONE car honked at me and yelled to get off the road, and this was a coupla miles back before the speed monitor.

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01) Anyone like epic poetry?

So I mentioned in a comment to something somewhere around here the other day that I wrote an epic poem once right?

I've also mentioned that I've done strict milieu-driven stories with no main character - letting the reader slip into that role.

I haven't previously mentioned that I've written a lot of stories that merge science fiction and fantasy elements into one.

Anyways, the idea has entered my head, and I'm starting to think up a nice little story in which I will marry all three of the above things to each other.

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001) Kids say the darndest things

Ok, for the following to make any sense, a little background... I have gynaecomastia, it's not all that severe really, my breasts are only A-cup. I also have a lot of body hair, even for a guy, and my beard grows back in so fast I don't really bother shaving it, just sorta keep it trimmed. I just recently used some hair removal cream on my body hair, so it's still pretty short though...

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02) Official Reading for Chapter 1 is up, Chapter 3 delayed.

Subject says it all. If you don't want to go back to the story page:


In other news... Chapter 3 is going to be further delayed... Not sure when I'll be able to finish it, but I ended up running all over town on errands yesterday cutting into what would have been writing time.

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01) Official Chapter Readings

While at work today I experienced an epiphany... I think the thought was something along the lines of I might actually be able to catch up with my reading of Angharad's Bike serial if I could just copy a buncha chapters to my phone in audio format and listen to them while at work... Which led me to, well, what if other people wanted to listen to my story while doing other things instead of taking the time out of their day just to specifically read. Or maybe even they might want to read along with me and hear the way I voice the characters in my head when writing.

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