Abigail Drew's blog

029) Earthly Devoted Harmony

So. The family meeting had been tonight.

This morning I had too much laundry to do and couldn't make it to church, when my mother found out about this, she was all like "what about the Bishop?"

I was like, "what, about the Bishop?"

She was, "Weren't you supposed to meet with him at church today?"

I was like "no..."

She said, "you told me I'd find out today, at church."

I know she's brighter than that, so she selectively misunderstood me back on Friday. I said, "No... I said you'd find out today - at the family meeting."

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028) Dare To Dream

Holy crapoly, I DREAMED last night. No, seriously, *I* DREAMED! I *HAVE* been dreaming!

You're probably all thinking I'm nuts right now, and perhaps I am, but you have to understand, for nearly two decades, as my fortress has been in place, I have never once dreamed.

The last time I can remember dreaming while sleeping was around 10 or 11. That's 15-16 years of NO DREAMS.

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027) The Last Supper

Had dinner with just my mom and I last night at a Japanese restaurant in town.

The restaurant was excellent. It was my first time there, though my younger brother had been there and told me it was very authentic.

What he hadn't told me was that it was also very traditional! The cooks even come to your table and do the whole show thing if you order Habachi! We didn't, but we observed this taking place with customers who did.

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08) OYH: Indefinite Hiatus

I hope you all can understand that with what I am going through right now, I really can't even begin to think about writing Open Your Heart.

Don't worry though, I do not plan to give up on it or stop writing it! I merely need to work out my own life before I can help Pattengale with their life.

Even when I do start pushing chapters out again, they will likely be very slow in coming.

Abigail Drew.

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025) The male of the species is...


Even when I was trying to be one, I never really did understand the "other guys". Is it really so important that yours is bigger, or better, or stronger, or whatever? I'm competitive, sure, but mostly against myself. I don't really care if I keep losing to a more skilled FPS player - if I can manage to snipe him even 1 more time than before, I feel good about it. If I can manage to stay alive even 1 second longer than last round, that's great success. If I fail, I laugh it off.

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024) Wishing for better understanding.

(Another title which is a line from Fiction, the song has especial meaning to me right now, which I think you can imagine why: http://www.kovideo.net/fiction-lyrics-yuki-kajiura-810763.html)

So I talked to the other fish yesterday. Remember, my sister just older than I and myself were called Fish in high school? Because of the massive amounts of water we'd both drink.

Anyways, I'm not sure why I did it, in retrospect I probably should have waited until after the family meeting and just hoped if things went south no one beat me to it.

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023) Who's the cute teenage girl in that mirror? Part III

I am not imagining things. To be honest, I was slightly concerned after my mothers stunt last night that perhaps I'm merely seeing what I want to see. That my own measuring is the measuring that's wrong. That she was correct in measuring my loose flab as waist - loosely.

But this morning at work, my boss was all like, "So now you've lost all that weight, when are you gunna start bulking up?" Several other comments, and then, the bombshell: "You're starting to get a bit of a girlish figure." Damn. That felt good. Scary too though.

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022) Now wake up, my silent girl!

Take to flight, like a foolish angel!

(Lines from Yuki Kajiura's "Fiction", title song of the album that "Open Your Heart" is contained on.)

Today was an eventful day. Chose my new name this morning - Abigail Drew - shared it with my older brother at work, and towards the end of the day I finally got up the nerve to do something real major: Talk to my bishop. By the end of my meeting with him, I'd worked up the nerve to do something even more major: Set a date for telling the family.

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021) Who's the cute teenage girl in that mirror? Part II

Just went to a local thrift store where no one pays much attention to what others are doing and tried on various pant sizes. 30" mens relaxed fit slip off my waist and sit around my crotch, 29" mens relaxed fit compress my hips and still want to slip off my waist, just can't with the hip compression going on.

Sizes 4-6 womens though... depending on style, are almost perfect. There was this pair of size 5 skinny jeans that were practically molded for me...

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020) Ganbatte! Yattane! Banzai! Goal!

I didn't want to write this in with the other entry, since this is a much different sort of topic. The previous entry today was much harder to write, so I decided to do it first. Anyways!

My weight loss goal of 140 pounds was reached as of yesterday morning. I lost roughly 45 pounds between late June and now.

I still have a little bit of remaining pudge in some areas, but that should go soon enough as I move on to the next stage of my get healthy plan: muscle toning.

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019) To Be, Or Not To Be

I came out to my older brother at work yesterday. I'd been debating with myself internally over doing so, but since we were about to go off-property for a while to do another properties shrubs, and it got over 80 degrees quickly, I really wanted to take the uniform t-shirt off. Problem was, I was wearing a bra with straps and a thin tank top underneath.

I know I could have told a half-truth about gynaecomastia and nipple chafing, but I wanted to be fully honest with him. To be honest, I think I was hoping in some corner of my mind to find some local support.

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018) My Very Own Glass Slipper

Not literally. My entry titles are often not literal.

Remember, though, how in Cinderella, the way they determined who she was, was by finding who the missing glass slipper belonged to. They determined that by trying to find who it was the "perfect fit" for.

Well, you may recall that I'd never been able to find gloves that fit until I couldn't find mens small and tried womens, finding that, for the first time in my life, I could actually understand the phrase "fits like a glove".

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017) My Fingers, My Toes, My Breasts, Oh My!

I just noticed as I was about to post this that my blogs are suddenly getting an awful lot of reads, I'm not that interesting am I?

Well, on to the purposes of writing this morning.

I've recently noticed that my fingernails, toenails, and the bit of skin that comes over them slightly, have all gotten incredibly healthy.

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016) Just got back from a trip to a sporting goods store...

I wanted to try on womens cycling kit without doing so in the presence of the guys who work at the local bike shop just down the street. Some of them have known me since I was like eight years old. Others, since they've started working there. I don't know if any of the rest of you are familiar with the kind of bond that forms when you're an extremely regular customer at a shop of that sort for 18 years, but if you are, you'll understand my reluctance to out myself to my "bicycling family".

Because that's exactly what the folks at Reggie's Bike Shop are for me, a second family.

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015) It's my birthday...

And I lost another inch from my waist and an inch from my height.

I've always been 5'5.5" ever since... mid-high school? Fairly recently, I've been feeling like I'm slightly shorter, and when I googled "m2f hrt shrinking", there were results, so apparently, some people do experience a slight loss of height on hrt. So I decided last night to check, and I was 5'4.5". Decided to measure again this morning to be certain, and it came up the same, maybe a sixteenth of an inch higher.

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014) I Thought My Boobs Grew A Little More...

But my bustline just had some redistribution occur.

My bust measurements had been 34, 38, 35. They are now 33, 38, 36.

In plainer terms, below the bust used to have a 34 inch circumference, at the bust, 38 inch, and above the bust 35 inch. Now, below the bust is a 33 inch circumference, at the bust is still 38 inches, and above the bust is now 36 inches.

Even plainer terms, I lost an inch from my chest (not bust!) and added it to my cleavage (not bust!).

My bra size is still 38B, but it APPEARS more prominent.

Something I found interesting while randomly surfing wikipedia:

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013) The Wrecking Crew

Had an interesting day at work today.

A couple weeks back our housecleaning crew (nicknamed The Wrecking Crew, which I'll get to later) was emptying out an apartment that had been just recently vacated when they turned on the stove to clean without first checking if anything was in it. So of course, there were a bunch of plastic handled pot lids inside, which melted and started a little fire. That wasn't really all that interesting a day for me, I was clear out back end of property and just saw the commotion over it from a distance, heard the story later.

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011) Eight pounds to go.

To reach my current weight goal of 140 pounds. After the weight loss of 30 pounds over about a three month period, it feels slower now that I'm watching it this closely. (Note: I'm about 5'5" in height, so 140 seems like a good weight to me.)

My loose areas of skin where old fat deposits were are pretty well tightened up now, and there don't appear to be any visible stretch marks left behind.

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010) Who's the cute teenage girl in that mirror?

I just took a good look at myself in the mirror this morning in women's underclothing, with very light padding in my bra (the sort that instead of really adding any bust, it helps to firm up the existing)...

Ignoring everything but the figure itself, I look just like a cute, fit, high school girl.

Of course, I still have a beard and too much body hair to be a girl. There's also junior ruining the image... Really damned incredible, though, that I hadn't really noticed this happening until recently.

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009) The Final Notch

I'm now 30" waist circumference, 38" hip, 0.79 ratio.

The body hair is continuing to become reduced, though it seems to have slowed down for now. I think it's directly linked to my growth cycles, instead of growing normally though, it's reverting. One time when I was working, I could swear I'd felt a ton of needle pricks all at once along my arms, and when I looked, everywhere that I'd felt that, the hair had turned pale and thinned drastically.

No change in the boob department.

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008) It's Official: Bra == Wristwatch.

And that happened danged quick too.

It got quite warm at work today (at least 80+), so I took off my work uniform t-shirt and since my bandeau is plainly visible through the thin fabric of my tank tops, I took it off too and wrapped it up in the work t-shirt and put both in my gear bag to hide it.

Only the Friday before last, I wore my tanks without any thought, today, I felt extremely exposed not wearing a bra.

And yeah, I get uncomfortable when I'm not wearing my wristwatch too, always have ever since I first started wearing one. I'm weird, I know.

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007) OK, which ancestor typoed the last name!?

I've always told people I'm not a bird, to help them remember how to spell my last name right... Well, apparently my changing hormones are deciding to make a liar of me.

I've been noticing that I've been eating less and less, more and more often. I recently went to 4 "meals" a day, a bagel for breakfast, a sandwich around 11am, another sandwich around 2pm, and a light dinner.

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006) ROFL... something in my spam box tickled me.

So I just checked my email as part of my nightly rounds before going to bed, and as I cleared out the spam box, I casually glanced at it's contents, and intermixed were ads for boosting my boob size and ads for "increase your Testosterone"...



How did I even get on the list for two clearly conflicting advertisements?

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005) Tightened another notch in my belt...

I now have 31" waist circumference, and 38" hip circumference. Interestingly, since the last time I measured, I lost exactly 1" at the waist, and gained it in the hips. This puts my Waist-to-Hip ratio at 0.82. My old masculine pot-belly is almost completely gone. I'm now wearing my pants and shorts between my hips and waist at a point where the circumference is 32".

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004) My boobs are sore.

Let's see how many hits that title gets. LOL.

So yeah, my boobs are sore and tits extra puffy, have been all day today. No sign of strange lumps though, I have a feeling I'm about to grow some more. I also noticed something else over the last couple weeks: my body hair isn't growing back in as quickly, thickly, or coarsely, as it used to...

Anyone who's transitioned find that they noticed their body hair start to change last, or is this something weird with my particular inadvertent diet induced feminizing?

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07) Drew Pattengale told me something interesting...

Drew Pattengale told me something very interesting at work today, but I'm not sharing.

Ok, ok, I'll give you a hint. When I first started writing Open Your Heart, I had no idea what was causing Pattengale's hormonal imbalance. He told me at work today what it is. But I'm not telling you any more than that! Well, ok, it's not his diet.

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