there went my good mood

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Well, my good mood has gone pop. after I posted on Facebook about the gift I got this year, I got this reply from my sister in law: "It's a shame that after the love and grace received thought your brother deserved no card, nor gift but a black lump of coal. It's even more a shame he expected no better treatment."


Meditation teachers tell us that thoughts (and moods) ...

... are (can be) like clouds in the sky.

Moods can, and will, come and go. We can enjoy the good ones while they last ... and know that the bad ones, like the good ones, will pass.

It's when we try to hold on to the good ones, or try too hard pushing the bad ones away, that we give ourselves problems.
Your sister-n-law has wasted a bucket of perfectly good cold cow pee which should have gone onto her flower garden ...
If there is something of benefit in your SIL's comments/advice ... then you can learn from it. But remember, free and unsolicited advice is usually worth what you pay for it.

The message makes no sense.

Your sister in law either speaks English as a second language or she was high on the Christmas good cheer. Truly, the message makes no sense and I could only filter the gist of what she was trying to say by the tone of your comments.
Have a happy new year even if your sister did spoil the mood.
Happy new year and choose your friends wisely. Mind you, you could indulge the old Scottish tradition of new year and take her a lump of coal and a bag of salt.


Sorry Dorothy, I don't know

leeanna19's picture

Sorry Dorothy, I don't know your relationship with your brother. Do you normally exchange gifts with him?
