I need my friends now

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I'm having a real tough time, and I need my friends now.

The black dog of depression has a hold on me, and my prayers feel like they can't even reach the ceiling much less heaven.

all hugs, prayers, and encouragement appreciated.


May that bad black dog be destroyed by...

... the sunshine in your heart!
While it may seem little, but I've known you for many years now, Dot, and also the awesome cleric Bridget. Depression is a complicated and intimidating thing. But please know that you have friends who care lots about you. We are always there for you as best as we can. Don't succumb to that dog. Stare it down. It's just a dog after all. If I can have a certain old gnome send you a sunshine, rainbow and happiness potion, I will shake it from him!

We are there for you, Dot.


>> There is not one single truth out there. <<

Dark Clouds a Brewing

Depression, the ugly attribute, those of us striken with is by far the most unfortunate. The dreading, the numbness, the lost, lonely defeated. Unable to care, unable to want, desire everything feels like it is snuffed out like dirt on a campfire. I know it well luv. Your not alone & I am most assuredly here for you. Lots of hugs!

Amelia Rosewood Year two.png

With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!

Erin Amelia Fletcher

No problemo

anytime hunny

Amelia Rosewood Year two.png

With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!

Erin Amelia Fletcher

Would hugs from a kitty help?

Amethyst's picture

Would hugs from a kitty help? I'm here if you need me, Dot.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Cats and Dogs

Daphne Xu's picture

... are always welcome on my lap.

-- Daphne Xu

Just believe

Angharad's picture

in yourself knowing that you have come through worse things. It will get better and you will get through it.

Hugs from across the pond.


sneaky huggles

*creeps up and wraps arms around Dorothy.*

I know the black dog intimately she and I have fought it out many times and that total gray can crush you for a good while.

I will send the prayers and the best wishes and thoughts I can.
I will the same as many of us try to shine a light of care for those that are struggling today and other days.

Be safe

with many hugs and the best thoughts and a puppy tail

to hug is to be and to be is to be hugged

view the world through the eyes of a child and relearn the wonder and love

Allie elle loved and cared for and resident of the kids camp full time

Dealing with depression...

...can pretty be tough. I've really been lucky to have folk be there for me when I was goin' through it. So I'd like to add to what everybody else has already said, and letcha know I'm here for ya too!

{{{extra snuggly huggles}}}

I'm still dumping ....

... hugs out into the "ether" for all those need them - like you do - to pluck them out as needed.

Don't worry about taking too many - I'm 'overflowing' as it is. I've got Bach, and homemade bread about to go/went into the oven, and Bizet, and a mead-like jug of hard cider fermenting away. And, I'm about to tuck into a decorated marinated chick'un seitan patty which should curl my toes.

And I have a (custom made by a dear friend) teddy bear (plushie) backing me.

So if you hear something like a helicopter in the distance, but going "grabbity-grabbity-grabbity...", that's my Hugs Universal Global Service (*) drone coming in, strafing your position with "friendly fire".
(*) Hugs drone: All Rights released to Public Domain.


I was giggling a bit readin' 'bout your HUGS drone. Thanks for brightening my day!


Sending lots of...

Sending you lots of E-Huggles and peaceful thoughts as you battle against that A-hole called depression.
Here's an idea, try to capture your depression and give it a makeover then send it over to Tels to get infected with her girly germs.