I was a Teenage Catholic Schoolgirl

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Well, not really but admit the title did catch your attention.

However, for the last month I DID live in a catholic student residence for girls, about half of whom still are teenagers.

A late opportunity for studies abroad for a month had the unfortunate consequence that I had to scramble for accomodation, or rather the extremely helpful accomdation coordinator at the university had to scramble. She happens to be a good friend of the director of said student home. An exception was made. I was allowed to use the guest room. That room is located a bit away from the rest of the rooms. The girls mostly ignored me but I had many interesting conversations with the ladies running the place as well as two other ladies who lived there,
The catholic part was very light-handed.

So no short pleated skirts. No midnight masses. No converersion, No orgies.
Sorry! This is a blog, not a Bru story.


What A Disappointment

joannebarbarella's picture

I would have loved to hear about Bru's misadventures in short pleated skirts. I certainly would not have expected any conversions, nor any orgies. Those would have been completely out of character.


Emma Anne Tate's picture

But, Bru, think of it as field research! You could definitely write something set in a girl’s school, and have it be more up-to-date. Explode tropes left and right. And, you know, maybe something twisty at the end? :)


Something twisty at the end? Wouldn't dream about it

The girls in question are actually university students. About half of them local and half estadounienses. And never shall the twain meet.
Come to think about it, I have only very occasionally used university (dorms) as setting for my stories.

Another thing. I lived quite litterally a minute away from where my classes were but coming back I had 82 steps to climb.to reach my aerie.

Bru Story Blog

BarbieLee's picture

Wait, what? Sweety anyone who takes you seriously doesn't have all their oars in the water. Send them my way, I still have some ocean front property in Oklahoma to sell. So..., did you just post a story and call it a blog or was it a blog that is a story? And you were at this school that isn't a school and it's Catholic but isn't. Read that back to me. Only you can make sense out of that as it's like the rest of your life. Repeat after me, I'm not a spy, I only deal in international espionage and top level secrets. I am in the escort business, that's not spying.
Hugs Bru
I'm writing all this down. No one would believe me so I'm calling it fiction.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl