
Angel of Europe Part 6

Part Six

After a quiet if uncomfortable day the team was more than ready for some activity. As they moved into position for their night's work, the commandos were making their way cautiously through the darkness of a heavily wooded section northwest of the camp. However, they soon noticed something in the distance.

Angel of Europe Part 5

Part Five

The lights in the conning tower of the submarine were currently red. This to preserve the night vision of the team of commandos, the crew members guiding the sub and those preparing the small vessel the team would use to reach the shore. Bedsides operating without lights, they were all being very quiet. They were also dressed warmly.

"The water is pretty cold, even this time of year," said the First Mate.

"So don't fall in," said Reynard, wryly.


Angel of Europe Part 3

Part Three

They had lunch in the commissary, afterwards. Lieutenant Lee and Aaron sat across from each other. To the confoundment of the other team members, the two men entertained themselves as they ate by conversing in several different languages.

The days following this briefing blurred together in an intense haze of training with little respite. Small wonder that when the opportunity came for a break that some of the members of the commando team took advantage of it. Even if they weren't supposed to.

Air "Quality"

Life is currently proceeding slowly here. Silly me, I forgot to wear a mask when mowing my back yard last week. The dust and pollen I stirred up gave me a persistent case of bronchitis. The Canadian smoke isn't bad in this area, but is adding to the ozone and continuing pollen attack. I feel for the two crews putting on roofs in my neighborhood.

Fortunately, the lack of rain means the grass isn't very high yet, except in a couple of places. Hopefully, I won't have to mow again for a while.

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Angel of Europe

I'm a few thousand words into this story, which is about an adventure Aaron (Malak) LaBelle had in northern Germany in WWII. I know the plot; it's just a matter of filling things in.

I left a bunch of flyers for Masks 18 (the latest one out through Doppler) at the Frankfort AnimeCon yesterday. There may or may not be an increase in sales following this. We'll see. The con was literally just on the other side of the river from my home.

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Masks 26: Part 14

Part Fourteen

The pair returned to Detroit on a Friday, finally getting to their apartment that evening. Once they were finally back home, Vic and Michelle still had two days of weekend before both had to be back at work on Monday. Neither had plans for the night - or the weekend - beyond resting. Though they were definitely open to opportunities.

Masks 26: Part 13

Part Thirteen

What should have been a cleanup instead had the UN troops fighting a two-front battle. The only thing keeping the small UN force from quick defeat was that the other two groups were also fighting each other. Major Lee made the decision to have all his forces withdraw to the barracks. Where they were away from the focus of the firefight. The former hostages were very glad to set them.

Masks 26: Part 12

Part Twelve

Major Lee was a good commander; he knew how to yield gracefully to a situation. He put Vic in the group which was assigned the task of liberating the hostages. Unfortunately, as the group she was with made their cautious way towards the barracks, Vic made the mistake of getting in a hurry to rescue Michelle and moved ahead of the troops.

Masks 26: Part 11

Part Eleven

"We had just come to the same conclusion," said Major Lee, once Vic and Spivak reached his office at the UN headquarters building. "Our drone team noted the activity there, and pegged it as the location for the prisoners and those holding them. Don't worry; we kept the drone very high.

"We also found people near the north shore of the island, but they only number about a dozen. Presumably, they are there to secure the exit for the mercenaries. There are small boats hidden in the underbrush nearby."

"So we need to go scout."

Masks 26: Part 10

Part Ten

"What is this?" said Vic, angrily. "What is causing it? I mean, it can't be coincidence!"

A large part of her anger was due to Michelle being among those taken. The doctor replied while Vic, realizing she was on the verge of losing control, took a series of slow, deep breaths.

Masks 26: Part 9

Part Nine

Vic was trying something she had read about once. Starting a little less than an hour before class, with only a worried Michelle present, she climbed nimbly to the top of one of the basketball goals. Vic paused for a moment, balanced easily on the balls of her bare feet, eyes closed, at one end of the backboard. She had learned from a trial that the rim wasn't stiff or strong enough for what she wanted. Largely because of the flexible attachment.

She let herself fall forward, then pushed off and dove headfirst towards the hardwood floor. Eyes still closed.

Masks 26: Part 8

Sorry this is a bit late. The contractor was here and his electrician kept turning off the electricity without warning. Fortunately, my computer is on a UPS but I still shut it down while they were doing electrical work.

Part Eight

Vic checked the mats, then straightened and nodded.

Masks 26: Part 7

Part Seven

Captain Spaulding turned out to be Dr. Marie Spaulding. She was careful to explain that T.O.W.E.R.'s field medical people were referred to as Corpsmen (even though T.O.W.E.R. was not a corps) and were very well trained in both normal medicine and the medical needs of supers.

"That's good news," said Vic, nodding. "What about their - not just the medical people but all the T.O.W.E.R. personnel - physical conditioning?"

Masks 26: Part 6

I will not be posting over the New Year's weekend. The story will resume Monday the 2nd.

Part Six

The trip from airport to hotel was... interesting. Some structures - including the actual pavement of most side streets - had obviously not been completed, and nearly all of the construction showed serious signs of deterioration. Michelle found herself appreciative of the air conditioning in the car. It removed both much of the heat and most of the smell of decay.

"Reminds me of some sections of Detroit," said Michelle, quietly. "Though with less graffiti."

Masks 26: Part 5

Part Five

At the Detroit Metro Airport the next day there was still one surprise for Michelle, though it was a minor one.

"'Victoria'?" said Michelle, looking over Vic's shoulder as her wife checked their luggage. "Oh, right; you changed it when we got married. I'm so used to everyone just calling you 'Vic' I forgot."

"Yielding as gracefully as I can to the inevitable," said Vic, a bit pompously.

Masks 26: Part 4

Part Four

The old bakery turned superhero lair was well-lit and well-ventilated these days. However, there were times when this pleasant environment did not suit the psychological atmosphere of the inhabitants. This was definitely the case when Blue Impact left her private corner, under the stairs, and came into the main part of the largest room of the structure. The other two members of Tricorne were sitting in the entertainment area, not watching TV.

Masks 26: Part 3

Part Three

A small hatch opened in the large, heavy door. Someone barely seen peered out.

"Are you one of Chuck's Children?" asked the low, gravelly voice.

"Rock and roll never forgets," proclaimed Vic, boldly.

"Enter," said the voice, as the door slowly opened with an ominous creak.

Super Head Injuries

Dr. Big McLarge Huge tells it like it is (well, with some exaggeration):

Yes, it's amazing so many supers (both heroes and villains) make it to retirement age at all, much less remain legally competent in their senior years. Remember that Energia has already had one (fortunately mild) concussion.

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Sick Season

I've been under the weather the past two or three days. I thought the cough I had was due to the damp weather combined with the dust raised by the work I'm having done in the basement. Said coughing was bad enough that I had to use my inhaler a few times.

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Home Contracting

As usual with home improvement projects, installing a new shower, and adding a sink and commode in the basement is taking longer and costing more than anticipated. The contractor is currently in the basement with a concrete saw, cutting out the floor.

Clay pipe under the floor is a good choice (in this case made in 1940) if you assume never having to excavate. It doesn't corrode. However, it is fragile. Argh. Tying modern plumbing drains into it is also a problem. Oh, and none of this is vented, so they have to add that.

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In the Hollow of the Devil's Hand

A story for the season.

In the Hollow of the Devil's Hand


Rodford Edmiston

"I don't really know why you're interviewing me," chuckled Corville. "I'm pretty small beans, even for a town newspaper."

"A very political town, the state capital," the eager young man pointed out, as he absently skritched the purring cat on the couch beside him. "I bet you've got some interesting inside views of many events which have taken place here, Mr. Lamb."

Work in Progress

From the next (currently being written) Masks story:

"We occasionally tell people that this island was used as a base by the Dread Pirate Roberts, centuries ago," said the Commander, straight-faced. "That the place was built-up and maintained by the descendants of those left behind to guard the treasure. It's amazing how many believe that."

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What Does T.O.W.E.R. Stand For?

So far I have resisted trying to give the specific words which lead to the acronym T.O.W.E.R. but the organization features strongly in the next Masks story. So far I have: Theater Overwatch World Enforcement Regulator. That doesn't really... work, so I am looking for suggestions.

This is not a contest. The only reward will be the use of the name in the story.

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Masks 15 - Worlds at War by Stickmaker - on Kindle!


Audience Rating: 


The Shilmek have been watching, biding their time, gathering their forces on the edge of the galaxy. What can our teams of superheroes do to protect the earth from a well considered plan, advanced technology and vastly superior numbers - the fate of the planet is sealed... isn't it?

Worlds at War
Masks 15
by Stickmaker
Now on Kindle

Template, Vic, Electra and all of their friends are going to there to make sure the SHilmex are wrong! Dead wrong!


Portent Ending

From near the end of the next Angel of... story. After WWII, three of the superhumans who helped the Allies win are discussing their plans. Two decide they're just going to get away from it all:

"We're going away," said Sutter. "Marie and I have found this place, in Puerto Rico, not far from an old Spanish city but out in the country. It has this bowl-shaped valley. We can lie in the bottom of the bowl and watch the stars go by overhead with no interference."

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TFOS: Freddy On The Loose: Part 27

TFOS: Freddy On The Loose

Part 27


Rodford Edmiston

Note: This story uses background and concepts from the Teenagers From Outer Space role-playing game, Copyrighted and Trademarked R. Talsorian Games, Inc. It also uses properties Copyrighted DreamWorks Animation and Universal Pictures. The original characters and story are Copyright 2022 Rodford Edmiston Smith.

Fall Happenings


The writing is going slowly, which I think is understandable. Besides completing the disposal of Mother's estate I am (Finally!) completing the income tax information needed to send off to the CPA. So, it will be a while before I post anything new.

I might post some of the early Gifted Saga stories, which are about Marian Holst. They have little or no TG material but plenty about transformations and their aftermath.

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We buried my mother Wednesday, beside her parents in the family plot in Crab Orchard, Kentucky. That has a nice location on a hill. (Her father was on the cemetery board of directors.)

There were surprisingly many people at the service, here in Frankfort, including the music director and minister from her church. The former led us in singing Mother's favorite hymn. The latter gave a short sermon. Just as Mother wanted.

However, only her descendants and a few cousins made the hour and a half trip to Crab Orchard (where Mother was reared).

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