Drea DiMaggio

Rianna's Voyage - 5 of 7

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...she felt the gentle breeze echo her and she could almost swear she heard a soft flutter, as if a bird had hovered over her. She closed her eyes, failing to notice the woman standing just off the beach on the path. The woman was tall and handsome and appeared to be surrounded by a very large if over-sized mantel. And a second later, the wrap unfurled once again, as if she had been hugging herself. She walked over to Rianna and said something softly, heard above the gentle breeze but almost unspoken as well. Her hand touched Rianna’s face gently before she disappeared like so much fog on an ever-clearing morning….

Happy Birthday Kristine Roland...


While our online collaborations may be playful, our friendship is just that and so much more. An inspiration and encouragement to me from the moment we 'met' here. Please join with me in wishing happy birthday to one of the truest friends and sisters anyone could ever know. Many happy returns of the day, dear one. I love you with all my heart. Happy Birthday!

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Rianna's Voyage - 4 of 7

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But if they had a contest between the three women at the table as to who was the most insecure, it might have been a dead heat. The girl felt so badly about herself that she had given into hopelessness. The woman who loved her felt overshadowed by a woman whose only fault was that her husband had built her up into a hero of mythical proportion, even in death. And the woman sitting across from them witnessed the love between the two, feeling entirely unworthy and inauthentic; as if being herself was some mere phase of life rather than the huge struggle she had endured with much success.

Rianna's Voyage - 3 of 7

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Victorianna Pentangelo stood on a hill overlooking Lake Ewuana. She trembled at the thought of what she was about to do. Looking down at her right hand, she felt the weight of the gun pulling at her; beckoning in a way. She breathed a deep sigh and put the gun to her right temple. As she did, she said a quick prayer, seeking forgiveness for the unforgiveable...

Rianna's Voyage - 2 of 7

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Her hand had shaken enough to frighten her; she wanted this neat and easy, and the gun in her hand could never be ‘neat,’ nor was it as easy as she expected. Something in the back of her mind recalled a presence that seemed to steady her hand … was that it? Hold her hand? Still, she had the sense that it was finished; ironic enough as she remembered the last word ….Tetelestai…the task is accomplished...

Rianna's Voyage - 1 of 7

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The vista, while not terribly impressive, still managed to reveal much of the campus despite the heavy fog. Some newer buildings that poked out of the mist seemed out of place when compared to the older parts of the campus that sprawled all over the hill. The older buildings were almost fanciful in their size; like so many quaint model railroad houses. And from above, many of the trees seemed to resemble lichen in that their foliage was thick and very, very green.

“This is where…”

She looked out to glimpse Howard Bay; soft clouds obscured most of her view. The song, fitting it seemed for the moment, bounced around her head; her resolve sharp and focused, as if to push her along. She stepped forward and expelled a frustrated breath. She looked at the gun in her hand and shook her head; not to deny, but to lament what she was about to do. She raised the weapon to her head and pulled the trigger....

The Winter Romance of Bernice Crocetti

by Andrea DiMaggio

There are so many of us who find we can have faith that moves mountains, just not faith for our own sake. We see the best in others while seeing so little of worth in ourselves. Life can be hard when you’re stuck that way, but Bernice was about to find out that someone had faith in her.

The Sugar Plum Valentine

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The haunting sound of oboe and xylophone never felt so special as when Katrina danced. No one but she would know the contrarian joy of en pointe or a pirouette as if by dancing she both defined herself and defied the crowd. She turned and practically floated across the stage as all eyes beheld the sweet girl’s grace. The music turned from soothing to jarring as Sugar Plums gave way to husky Russian boys...

Little Known TV Crime Dramas

Little Known TV Crime Dramas

Television Programmes from the United States and the United Kingdom that were destined to be favourites but for that one pesky little detail. TV doesn't always mean television, aye?

In the past fifty or so years, crime drama has been a very popular genre' for television programming. Particular attention should be paid to the sub-genre of transgendered detectives, police officers, Inspectors and generally all-around dicks without dicks. Here are a few shows that gained a modicum of popularity when they first graced the small screen.


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