Angela Rasch

Friendly Persuasion

One of my favorite movies is the 1950s classic Friendly Persuasion – starring Gary Cooper. The entire movie is based on people trying to motivate the Quakers to take part in war. The movie dissects the ethical considerations for various members of one large family. (It also has a great theme song - Thee My Love by Pat Boone.)

We have recently discussed forced fem stories.

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Friends Four Life / Gill, A Girlfriend Part Five

Chapter Five of Seven - Completed

Tony, one of the partners who own the large corporation all of them work for, is coming to Omaha to meet with Jim. How will they ever explain Jill?

Oh Dear -- Forced Fem

Over the last two decades, I’ve written many dozens of TG stories.

Some are light and fluffy.

Some are dark and dreary.

My stories have gathered over twelve thousand kudos and about two thousand comments -- whatever that means.

All in all, I think I have a broad understanding of those BC readers who are kind enough to comment or post a kudos.

In general, I think that represents about three to five percent of those who read stories here.

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Friends Four Life / Gill, A Girlfriend Part Two

Chapter Two of Seven - Completed

Jim wakes up naked in a motel room. There are two letters on the table. One is from his wife and the other is from his three friends. There are several boxes in the room filled with his secret wardrobe.

Friends Four Life / Gill, A Girlfriend Part One

Part One of Seven -- The complete novel has been posted.

Jim’s three co-workers are upset with him for having them dress in French-maid costumes for a company event. They meet with him, and demand that he go through a rehab process to become more sensitive to their feelings.

Lost in the Myth of the Sleepy Eye Lights


The Sleepy Eye Lights scare the bejabbers out of all those in town who know of them. Will Reverend Almanso Badcher solve the mystery? - - A Halloween story of intrigue, written with help from Mr. Irving and Mr. Knickerbocker.

Lost in the Myth of the Sleepy Eye Lights
By Angela Rasch


Ron is a recent retiree. His wife helps him make a few adjustments so they both can lead better lives.
How important is point-of-view? The following story is split into two parts. Each Part is the same story, as told from two perspectives: That of the wife and then that of the husband.

I’m a Doodle Yanking Dandy

Four men with similar interests come together for an All Hallow’s Eve private party to include something completely different. These extraordinary men of the world embrace one more new experience.

The One in the Know

When Theodor Geisel wrote the Cat in the Hat he was already a well-established children’s author. Several of his books had been made into animated cartoons.

His publisher asked him to do what he could to reduce the literacy problem in the United States by writing a book that could be used as a reading primer. He was given a list of 225 words (There’s dispute on the actual number.) and told to make a story out of those words.

I didn’t learn to read by reading The Cat in the Hat. It didn’t come out until 1957 when I was nine and probably on to The Bobbsey Twins. I do remember reading The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins in the first grade, and being enthralled.

I can’t even estimate the number of hours I’ve spent with my children and grandchildren on my lap reading his wonderful “Dr. Seuss” books. In his honor, I made a list of the words used in The Cat in the Hat and devised a TG poem using only those words.

The sun would not shine.
I was too sad to play.
So we sat in the house
On that sad, sad, bad day.


All his lfe Mike had one dream, will a nightmare allow him to realize his wants?

By Angela Rasch

Chapter One

I wasn’t aware of it at the time, but Schooner County had been going through a nasty drought. The rain that forced Sarah and me to stay inside was extremely welcome and beneficial.

It was the kind of gloomy day when a person would have found that one person you trusted the most and told her what was troubling your heart. Sarah had my back and I loved my sister for that.

October's Bright Blue "Whether"


Brandon’s girlfriend wants him to make some changes. His mother isn’t sure exactly just what Brandon is. Who will help Brandon find peace?

October’s Bright Blue “Whether”
by Angela Rasch

Copyright  © 2010 By Angela Rasch
All Rights Reserved.

Gabi Is. . .

Gabi is. . .

In my heart

This early summer I became a “covidiot” and threw a BC temper tantrum.

An amazing number of people reached out to me and either told me to revert to form or to not take things so personally.

They were all right in their advice.

I had announced that I had unpublished all my stories, which I did.

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I’ll Grant You My Wish

During an era of sweeping change -- a new national highway program, the infancy of space travel,
the “invention" of teenagers — was Bob Isle out-of-step?
Or was he way out in front?

I’ll Grant You My Wish

by Angela Rasch

Copyright © 2010 Angela Rasch
All Rights Reserved.

Dick On Jane


See the story.
Funny, funny story.

This story might take some explanation for those who were born after 1980, when the Dick and Jane readers started to disappear from school curriculum. The cast of this three-child stereotypical white family included Mother, Father, Dick (the son), Jane (the oldest daughter), Sally (the youngest daughter), Puff (the cat), and (Spot) the dog.) The Dick and Jane books were aimed toward ages 3 – 6 who were just starting to read.

Sophia's Choice

Michael and Jason had been partners in a failed scientific venture. A few years later, when Michael’s wife left him, he blamed Jason. He then used the knowledge they had learned together in their laboratory to exact his revenge.

It Brings On Many Changes

I’ve written over one hundred stories for BC and a handful of non-TG novels. Picking a favorite is treacherous – but this story just might be it.

Each chapter is written with a new narrative character to allow us to get to know the main character from various perspectives. Each chapter could be a standalone story.

You will be angry at the start of the story. The rage you’ll feel is needed to complete the entire picture. Please don’t be put off – the story ends as it should.

Suicide is a very dark topic and too real, to too many in our community. This story deals with a suicide -- but it is far from as dark as you might imagine. It tells the story of a transvestite from the point of view of his wife, his daughter, his mother-in-law, his best friend, a psychiatrist -- and herself. If somehow this story brings you down, I apologize, as it's not written to elicit that response.

Lucky Russo

Lucky Russo knows the tendencies of each of his high-stakes poker opponents. He knows which hands they will play and almost exactly what they will bet on those hands. For him, poker is more about the mathematical calculation of pot odds than it is about having good cards. That’s why it’s so surprising to see him suddenly lose consistently.

Kindle reviews

Yesterday Last week was Erin’s birthday.

She has often said that what she would really love to receive is financial stability for Big Closet.

There is a way you can help!

Almost everyone on this site lives hand-to-mouth. It was stated in a story on ABC News in May of 2019 that 40% of Americans have less than $400 in an emergency fund for unexpected expenses. That was pre-Covid. Clearly that number would be much worse today.

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Miss Recudes

The captain of the cheerleaders and the most popular girl in the drama class revolts. After working to win the part, she refuses to play Maria in the school play The Sound of Music. Ryan is deeply in love with their teacher/director. Will the beautiful Miss Recudes persuade him to save the play? This was written as a premium story twelve years ago. It has been updated and edited.

Maryanne -- Your Power

Many years ago a person on FM posted something that was quite painful for me.

He said that there has never been a transwomen who he could not spot.

Imagine how devastating that concept felt for someone desperate to pass.

As therapy -- I made that person into a major character in my next story and in the story made him realize how wrong he was.

Just a thought.


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Hello, Again

A few days ago, I posted a blog in which I whined horribly about petty grievances.

I announced, quite pathetically, that I was going to take my ball and go home.

Over the next few days, I received about three dozen comments, PMs, and emails. They were almost universally encouraging and sympathetic. Some rightly called me out for the shortcomings I displayed.

Embarrassingly, I can’t even claim that I had acted out of passion, because I wrote the blog and let it sit for a number of days before posting it.

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Goodbye. Sometimes you just gotta say. . ..

. . .”What the fuck?”

In the mid 90s, I’d grown weary of the poorly written transgender stories I read on FM, Storysite, and other online locations.

My massive ego (more about that later) told me that I could write better stories. In college, I’d taken every writing course I could and wrote a humor column for the campus paper, along with sports articles.

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Please Help Me!

John Stockton was an excellent basketball player.

He was NOT a prolific scorer.

By NBA standards he was far too small and did not get a tremendous number of rebounds.

What he did, better than any other person who played professional basketball, was hand out assists.

An “assist” is a pass that leads directly to that player scoring a basket.

Stockton made nearly 16,000 assists during his career, which is almost 4,000 more than the next best player’s assist total.

I need you to give me an assist. Please!

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The Power of the Pen

I lived in Bismarck, ND for ten years. Generally, all of my thirties.

One of the local attractions was the blockhouses at Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park.

I liked these reproductions so much that I built a one-third replica in my backyard as a playhouse for my boys who were six and ten at the time. The Civilian Conservation Corp built these repros in 1934.

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I've Got Your Number

Those of us who have been with Big Closet for over two decades have seen a lot of change. (I know my profile says I’ve only been here fifteen years, but that is because I left for a year when a reader said she was going to commit suicide because one of my stories made her feel so badly abut her life. She said the loving family I depicted in one of my stories was in stark contrast to hers.)

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Of Shoes and ships and sealing wax

Okay. . .there was a huge vote for LGBT rights in the Supreme Court today. Much to the surprise of some, including me, the conservative packed court voted 6-3 to acknowledge gay rights.

I’m doing my happy dance.

There’s a blog about this that has drawn some comments. I would consider most of the people who have commented to be nice people I’ve enjoyed speaking with for years. Yet. . ..

I’ve left little doubt where I stand on most issues. I’m a liberal.

Yet. . .if Erin sees fit to take down that other blog, I’m not going to be upset.

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One Person's Vegan Results

Last November, I watched a documentary called The Game Changers. It convinced me to try a vegan diet, mainly due to the adverse impact the meat industry has on the environment. I'm not radical, in that I'll share an occasional hamburger with fries with my spouse, but for all practical purposes I'm eating a plant-based diet and enjoying it. I rarely eat the psuedo meat because it is so highly processed but live three blocks from a Burger King and will eat the occasional impossible-burger.

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I can understand the anger.

The riots are two miles from me in one direction and four miles in another direction.

If I hadn't been watching the coverage on TV nothing would seem amiss.

I don't condone the destruction but . . .. The county attorney who hasn't brought charges yet is a long time jerk. His dad was governor and Agri Sec in JFK's cabinet. These riots are on his hands.



How A Bot That

The other day I was feeling pretty good about myself. Admittedly that is a common occurrence as I'm almost as self-confident as our Fearless Leader, who has plenary power according to Mike Pence. Being a former altar boy myself I know that when Pence uses the word "plenary" he's calling on his Baltimore Catechism education to define "plenary" as absolute and unqualified.

What caused me to trip the light narcissistic was the ever growing number of hits on my old stories.

Then an disturbing thought crossed my mind.

How many of those hits are actually bots?

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You Need a Good Slap

Imagine your over-served roommate, Teddy, announcing to that braying jackass in the bar, “You need a good slap.”

Now slur those words and add in five salient facts: 1.) Your roommate is built like a fireplug, 2.) he boxed Golden Gloves too many years, 3.) his face is right out of Guys and Dolls, 4.) his childhood would have shocked Dickens, and 5.) recently when his girlfriend had the gall to break up with him, he painted her car – with a broom and gallon of red enamel.


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