Blood on the Plaza
According to the sun it was around the middle of the day when Oliver, as tired as he was, followed me into the center of town. I had set a blistering pace after the bandits had ambushed us, and Oliver, though he struggled, had managed to keep up with me. Oliver was covered in blood, not his blood, but blood from the bandits that had tried to ambush us. The boy's long brown hair was matted with sweat and his feet were blistered and bleeding.
“Has anybody seen the Mayor?” I asked as I removed my backpack from my shoulders. “I've found his son!” I called in a loud booming tone of voice. A crowd of afternoon shoppers had for a moment stopped trying to haggle with the various merchants and shifted their full attention to us.
“He's coming now!” Somebody called out. “We feared the worst when rumors started of another ambush by the bandits of the Sand Hills!” Somebody else cried.
I smiled and walked over to Oliver. Who was sitting down on the hot cobblestones, I reached down and pulled him up. He blinked and turned his eyes to the side and focused in on the fountain that was located in the center of the square. No doubt his mind was focusing on water, and maybe food. I had forced us to skip breakfast and lunch was nothing more than a piece of dried fruit and a quick swallow of water.
“We took them out!” I called out. “There is a fine young knight in the making here!” I shouted. “But please, somebody get the healer! When I found him I saw a Golden Biter coming out of his cloak, I gave him all the potions I had. But I would like the town's healer to take a look at him.” I called out and a mummer went out from the crowd.
“OLIVER!” A loud voice boomed from the back of the crowd. Then through the crowd there came a man, if I could call him a man for he was as big as a barrel and his neck was the size of a ham and his head was the size of a pumpkin and his legs reminded me of two shanks of mutton. His arms were short and squat and his eyes as tiny as the buttons on my blouse.
The crowded moved away, I guess they were fearing the man might stomp on them to get to Oliver. Oliver looked up only for a moment, and before I could act, I saw the man raise his huge hands up into the air and instead of embracing him as I'd hope he brought them down upon Oliver's sun blistered cheeks, knocking him down upon the cobblestones.
“You worthless little shit!” He called out. “I should blister your sorry ass!” He bellowed as kicked off into Oliver's side. “Running away like that, all because you were a sorry piece of shit, afraid of your own shadow!” He bellowed. “You cost me and your uncle six hundred golden crowns and I plan to sell you off to one of the smiths and make you work that debt off!”
At that moment I saw red. I reached down and wrapped my fingers around my sword, I was just about to pull my blade from its scabbard when I saw Oliver rise up. His eyes seemed to burn with an unquenchable fury.
“Your mother coddled boy! Your dad spoiled you! You're worthless!” He went to slap him again. But this time Oliver caught his hand.
“Bastard!” He roared, “How dare you raise a hand to me! I'll have you put in chains for this, I'll have you flogged for this!”
A moment later I felt something snap. The man yelled in pain and the crowd flinched as the man rolled over and started to shout. Oliver then reached down and picked the man up and with some inhuman show of strength tossed him across the square, the man barely had time before get his feet under him before Oliver rushed at him. A moment later, Oliver had shoved his balled up fist right into the man's mouth. Blood spurted out the corner of his mouth as he fell down upon the hard cobblestones.
“Never, touch me again!” Oliver said as he swayed.
“Bastard.” The man muttered. “You thankless bastard.” He muttered again, “My nephew has turned into a thankless bastard!” He yelled at the top of his lungs. Then he started to cry. It was a pitiful sight, watching a grown man sob like that, “What have I ever done to you Oliver?” He sobbed.
“Plenty..” He said walking up to the man.
Now, normally here is where I would have stepped between the two and tried to break up the fight. But at that very moment a squad that to say around four of the town's guard's came rushing into the square, shields raised and spears lowered. A moment later the Captain of the Guard appeared. I could tell he was the Captain of the Guard because his breastplate was silver instead of bronze and he also had two golden epaulets on his shoulders.
“Okay!” The Captain of the Guard said, taking a deep breath. “What is going on here.” He said, peering toward Oliver, who looked like he was willing to bend down at any moment and slice his uncle's throat wide open with the small knife he carried in his belt and his uncle who went from being a big bully to a cowering knave.
“My nephew attacked me!” The man said pointing toward Oliver “He attacked me, he broke my fingers, and tossed me down upon the ground. As high commissioner I order you to place him under arrest and take him away and put him under armed guard till he may be brought to trial.” He said, quivering as he pointed his bruised and battered fingers at Oliver.
“That a lie!” I shouted as I decided now was the time for me to step in. “You attacked him first! And how dare you play the victim! You are the one who abandoned him in the first place, and when I brought him back into town you came charging in like a bull shouting like some raving madman.”
The Captain of the Guard turned to me and sighed.
“I heard rumors of a boy who had gotten lost in the woods. I've also heard rumors of a group of bandits stalking the road between our town and The Forest of Mist. This morning, one of my patrols reported that sometimes during the night a battle must have taken place, they counted fourteen bandits dead, the dead had been stripped of their weapons and money. I suppose that was what you were doing Ms. Hood?” He said, sighing again.
“Yes.” I said marching up toward the Captain.
“Congratulations, you have taken out one of the lesser gangs of bandits that infest the sand hills. Each man had a fifty crown reward offered for him. Dead and Alive. I trust you can do the math?”
I nodded my head.
“Yes, that would be seven hundred golden crowns. Half goes to that young man there.” I said pointing toward Oliver. “Because without his bravery and skill I would have been. Well I don't want to think about it.” I added.
“Oh? The woman who killed the feared Goblin King is showing such modesty.” He said with snear.
“Goblins are different than men.” I said in a deadpan tone of voice. “Monsters are different from men, men are more cunning and crueler. Any goblin with a brain can talk others into following him. In time there will be another Goblin King who will once more pray upon the foolish merchants, hunters, and travelers who dare stray too close to his hold. But once in a generation will there be a man who can command and bring into confederation all the gangs that call the Sand Hills home.”
The Captain looked like he wanted to slap the teeth out of my mouth.
“You have a way with words. Young Hood.” He said as he spat down upon the ground. “Maybe you should run for office?”
“Maybe after a few more quests.” I said, smiling sweetly. “I could petition the Mayor to appoint me Captain of the Guard. My first act would be to instill some discipline in the town's militia.” I said, raising an eyebrow. “As well as to bring a sense of order to our small police force.” I added. What a homecoming this was turning out to be.
The Captain was just about to respond when through the crowd there came another squad of soldiers. Following the squad of soldiers was a tall, lean man, with salt and pepper colored hair, high high cheekbones seems sunken in and he was dressed in a fine brown woolen trousers and a fine woolen black. At his side was a woman who a simple, blue velvet gown.
“Oliver.” The man said as he peered toward Oliver who was still ready to pounce on his uncle. “OLIVER!” He said again and then he broke into a run. And before Oliver could catch himself the man was throwing his arms around his neck and pulling him close to his chest. “Thank gods you're alive my son!”
A few minutes later the woman ran up and wrapped his arms around Oliver. But a moment later she pulled back and peered into his face.
“Oliver, who hit you?” She said in a deadly tone of voice.
“Uncle.” Oliver said.
“Willard.” She said standing up. “I command you to place David Copper in chains.” She said pointing toward the barrel of the man.
Willard, snapped to attention and in a clear, commanding tone of voice.
“The boy raised his hand and struck me first!” Oliver's uncle said in a loud, booming tone of voice. “And yet you are placing the chains on me!” He bellowed. “Injustice!”
“That's a damn lie!” I yelled, at that moment all eyes turned toward me. “Oliver was just defending himself. And you sir, were the one who abused him, shouting threats at him, promising to put him in chains, sell him to a smith, and have him flogged in public.” I yelled. Willard who at this point I'm going to assume was the name of the Captain of the Guard just stood there.
“I see.” The mayor said his eyes turned toward his brother whom I'm going also assume was named David Copper. “Willard, as mayor of the town I order you to put my brother in chains.” He said with a sigh. “It seems I've been a fool for trusting you to take care of Oliver.” I paused. “I should have never allowed you to take him on that trip either. I should have known something was up when you turned up in town drunk..” He added.
At that very moment something happen that I never thought I would see, David Copper, as bruised and battered at he was, reached down and pulled out a long, sharp skinning knife from his belt and in a fit of rage started to charge toward the woman, his knife raised high in his hand, they mayor was shocked, the woman stunned, and Willard being the jack-dawn fool he was moved between the woman and raging madman as he pulled out his own, short sword. . And for a moment I thought I was about to see the high fantasy version of suicide by cop Screams filled the air, and a moment later, I saw something I would never forget. Oliver, without thinking had pulled out his sword and in a moment of either pure rage or cold calculation plunged the sword through his uncle's belly.
I saw David Copper's eyes become wide as saucer plates as he coughed and a trickle of blood ran down the corner of his mouth. He looked down and saw the blade sticking out of his belly, hot, salty tears ran down the corner of his eyes and the thunderous smell of shit filled the air. The crowd screamed again as Oliver quickly pulled the blood soaked blade. With the look of a stone cold killed her wiped the blade on his trousers leg. And David Copper breathed his last breath on the flagstone paved plaza. A pool of blood started to spread from his lifeless body.
“Fool.” The Mayor said shocked as he peered toward the body of his dead brother. “Damn fool!” He shouted as he rushed toward his son and started to hug him tightly. Oliver Just stood there a little Jade. Willard seemed shocked, the mayor's wife seemed stunned.
“Willard.” The mayor's wife said, taking a deep breath. “Please remove that.” She said, showing no outward sign of emotion. But I could tell the way she was trembling she was scared stiff. She was still trembling as she moved toward me, it took her a moment but she placed her trembling hand upon my shoulder.
“Come with us Mistress Hood.” She said calmly. “We still need to reward you for all you have done. And for bring our son home safe and sound..” She said swallowing hard.
“I never intended..” I said peering toward the lifeless body of David Copper who was being scooped up and tossed into a wheelbarrow. His face seemed wrapped and twisted and his mouth hung open, and his bright pink tongue seems swollen.
“It was bound to happen sooner or later. My husband's brother is unstable. We never expected him to pull a knife though. I think though, my son just saved my life.” The Mayor's wife said as she patted me on the shoulder. And with that being said she left my side and went to hug her son.
A few days passed after that little brawl. David Copper was laid to rest in Potter's field. Oliver Blackthorn was attended by the town's physician and spent three four full days getting the bed rest he deserved. I was rewarded a few thousand crowns for my troubles. Once you subtracted the difference, you know you gotta subtracted the cost of your food, potions, and repairs to your armor from your bounty. I came ahead with only a few hundred crowns.
Of course Oliver Blackthorn was given his share of the reward money for killing the bandits. Then something happened. Something I did not expect. A few days after being released from the town's hospital. Oliver showed up on the steps of the inn I've taken to living in. Well I live in the inn and work there too, between quest and adventures. Anyway the boy showed up, wanting a room.. And to become my apprentice. Now I had half the mind to turn the boy over my knee and tan his bottom for making such an outlandish request. But instead I decided to take him on.
So. There you guys have it. I guess this is a good place to stop. After all, three or four months have passed. The Autumn Equinox was a few days ago and the farmers are busy hauling in their grain from the fields. And so, here I must pause my chronicling for a while. But I promise to keep you guys posted, I'm sure there are many more adventures to come once Autumn gives way to Winter and Winter gives way to Spring.
The End.