I took a deep breath as I walked into my tiny room. Considering all I've been through the past two or three days walking back into this room really did feel like I was coming home. Well this room was the closest thing I had to a home. As I released my breath I walked toward the narrow, feather bed that sat in the center of the room. At the foot of my bed there could be seen a large iron bound chest. Inside the chest I'd stored my sword, armor, boots, potions, bow, quiver, slingshot, leather ammunition pouch and a few hundred golden crowns I needed to take to the bank.
I looked at the chest, and then at the bed and sighing I eased my bottom down upon the bed. Tucked into the corner of the room was a simple wooden wardrobe that held my dresses, shoes and one or two formal gowns. Beside the wardrobe was a simple wooden vanity. I considered myself quite lucky, my vanity was the one who's mirror was free of bubbles or scratches. In front of the mirror was also my newest purchase, a mahogany hairbrush with the initials JKH carved into the back.
And finally beside the vanity was a simple walnut basin stand. Sitting on top of the stand was an white porcelain basin and pitcher. As simple, and spartan as these furnishings may be, they were all I needed. I don't think I could ask for anything more, and I don't think I desired anything more.
I'm not sure how long I waited, there was only one clock in the inn and that clock was located down in the common room. Clocks are rare and expensive here.. I'm surprised such a little backwater inn would even have one. Anyway with the only clock being located down in the common room, I had no way of knowing how much time had passed. But at last, I heard the heavy football of footsteps in front of my doorway. My heart jumped into my throat as she footsteps stopped.
A second later the door of my room was gently pushed open and there in the doorway stood Marian. And in Marian hand was something that chilled me to the bone, a large, heavy leather strap. Her eyes seemed cold as ice and without saying a word she stepped into my room, unafraid of me and without saying a word she closed the door. Once she door was closed she turned around and peered at me.
“Alright.” She said in a commanding tone of voice. “I know I have no right to do this, but you've all worried us sick. That was a very foolish thing you did. Running off to fight some goblin, could have gotten yourself killed.” She said, slapping her open palm with the black leather strap.
I opened my mouth but she silenced me with one hard look.
“You have a lot to learn young lady.” She said, stepping into the room. “Your mother was a fool to cut her from your apron strings as soon as she did.” She added as she stepped in front of me. She set the strap to the side and placed her hands on her hips and leaned in toward me.
“Let me tell you one thing Katherine Jeanette Hood. You might be a woman grown, and you might pay rent on this room. But I've developed feelings for you. Never had a husband, never had a child, you've become short of that child, daughter I should say that I've never had.” She shook her head. “And if something had happened to you in those mountains, then we would have had no way of knowing. You left us without leaving a note, or a word, you just up and vanished like a wisp of smoke.”
I blinked and said nothing. Marian took my silence as permission to continue her scolding.
“If you'd left a note, then say you've not returned in a few days' time. We could have gone to the sheriff and he would have formed a search party.” She said, ``Lord Gray is a good man, much better than the wool head we have as a Captain of the Guard here in town. He does his best to keep order in the countryside the best he can with what few men he has at his command. But anyway, as pressed as he was for men, he would have spared a few to go find you.”
“So you're saying.. you okay with me going on adventures?” I asked, I was a little confused, I mean the scolding had me sitting on egg shells, but I didn't really follow what was going on. And I was eyeing the leather strap in her hand. This was something straight out of the 'Wheel of Time'. Including the fact that I was dressed in only a white homespun night dress. And my shoulder length brunette hair was braided back, and still damp from the hour long bath I'd taken.
Yes, I took a hour bath, I thought I would never get the blood from those goblins off me. Or the smell of sweat, blood, and goblin juice out of my hair. When I drew my bath, the water was clear, and sparkling as a stream, when I left it was black and gritty, and the color reminded me of coffee grinds. Only without the pleasing aroma of ground coffee.
“I guess, if that is the career you've chosen.” She said with a sigh. “But from now on, you must ask my permission before you go off on one of these little 'Adventures' as you call them. And if I deem the 'Adventure too dangerous' then I'm going to say so and forbid you from going on it. Now, because you were a foolish little girl and decided to go out on your own, I'm going to ground you. You're allowed to leave the inn, but you're not allowed to leave the town.” Marian said in a stern tone of voice. “Since this is your first offensive and all.”
I blinked.
“That right girl.” She said, sighing. “I have connections, I know all the guards in town and many of the deputies too. They will help me keep an eye on you until I decide I can trust you again.” She said as she stood up. “If you happen to run off again, I might decide to ground you again, and this time keeps you chained to the inn. And if need be, I will post a guard by your door. Do not test me, Jeanette Katherine Hood.” She said, smacking her open palm again with the broad leather strip.
I slowly nodded my head.
“Now, stand up. Place your hands on the bed and take a deep breath.” She said.
I stood up, turned around and placed my hands upon the bed. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I could feel Marian standing behind me, I could also feel her lifting up the hem of my nightgown.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I felt her placing her hand upon the small of my back, as I released my breath I felt the wide leather strip getting pushed into my bottom.
“What you did was very foolish, you could have gotten yourself put into a goblin's stew pot! Or worst gotten yourself killed, those goblins are even known to rape women and keep them as sex slaves!” She scolded as she brought the leather strap down upon my bottom! The leather strap made a sharp, stinging sound as it came into contact with my bottom. The force of the stroke moved me forward. The sharp pain took my breath away.
“So consider yourself lucky that you are getting away with just a simple strapping.” She added as she drew the strap back and let it fly, the long piece of leather smashed into my bottom, flatting my cheeks and driving a wedge of pain into me. I soon felt salty tears starting to build at the corner of my eyes, a few seconds later I felt another sharp sting of pain come rolling into my bottom, this one took my breath away and forced me to dig my fingers into the folds of my bedding.
“I want you to know something Jeanette Katherine Hood,” She said, bringing the strap once more down upon my bottom. “I'm going to correct, even if it kills me, all those mistakes your mom made when she was raising you. I don't know what kind of woman she was, but if she raised such moon struck calves as you. Then I doubt she had the sense to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel!”
I had no idea what to say to that. One one hand I felt like I should have been offended, but on the other it was hard to be offended. Each day that passed in this world I seemed to forget a little more about my previous life. Like for each memory I made in this world, I seemed to lose one from the other. I don't even remember my mothers, fathers or even my little sister's face anymore. They were all vague shadows in my mind.
A sharp sting brought me back to the present, I shifted my head around and there with her arms folded under her breast stood Marian, the strap hung to her side. I sniffed and noticed oddly enough that a few tears had started to fall.
“Welcome back, Ms. Hood.” She said in a dry tone of voice. “For a moment there I thought I lost you. But it seems you have returned.” She paused “Now, where was I?” She said unfolding her arms, a moment later the strap came sailing in and a few moments later it struck my bottom once more, sending a wave of sting rolling into my backside. This was followed up by another one, and soon another and yet another, each time the strap kissed my backside my back arched a little and soon salty tears were running down my cheeks.
“I think this will teach you a most valuable lesson.” Marian said as she kissed my bottom three more times with the strap. “That from now on, you will think before you act, and try to think before you jump and you will not be tempted by foolish tales told by drunken knights.” And with that she tossed the strap to the side and then without saying a world she pulled me into a tight hug. In fact she pulled me into her bosom and then I started to cry.
Marian it seemed did not mind the salty tears that stained the front of her blouse, instead she gently rubbed my back, I felt like a child, crying into her chest, and oddly enough I felt safe. I don't know how long Marian held me, a few seconds maybe? A few minutes maybe? An hour or two? Time seemed to crawl to a stand still. But in the end, I felt myself emptied of all emotions, and Marian, well as embarrassing as it is to say, fussed over me.
Oh she fussed, it seemed once the spanking was over she returned to her fussing. She had Joe, our cook, bring me a bowl of mutton stew up to my room, a big bowl of it, with big pieces of mutton floating in a sea of brown broth. The mutton was tender as butter and the brown broth was delicious. Also included was a loaf of bread that was golden brown and crunchy on the outside, yet soft and fluffy on the inside. It was pure bliss. After my meal she rubbed some ointment on my bottom and tucked me in.
And yes, I'm ashamed to say I fell asleep the moment my head touched the pillow. So that concludes the first part of my adventure. But stick around, there is more to come. I still need to find out about this strange jewel and there that festival coming up, and loads of other things. The Storm Bay Region might be small, but we still have so much to explore together! So until then be good and stay sweet.
Visiting The Town's Library
Hello again my imaginary audience, it's good that you can join me again. Lets see, about two days have passed since Marian laid the law down and grounded me for a fortnight. Grounded? Yes, she grounded me, I can still leave the inn, but I can't leave the town. Anyway we gotta keep our voice's down, I mean you gotta whisper while you're in the library. Yes, Sea Breeze has a library, a small one, but still I'm amazed they have one. Who would have thought a fantasy inspired medieval world with goblins, trolls, and magic would have a library? Not me.
Anyway, join me would you? After all, here surrounded by thousands of leather bound tomes, treatise, bounded plays, and the odd novel or two, we are bound to find some answers about this strange jewel I found deep in the treasure room of the Goblin King Right? Well I hope so anyway! And so join me again as I browse the books.
Now, I'm no stranger to a library, back when I was in my old world. I spent countless hours in my hometown's library, it was an escape from the troubles of the world. It was a place of solace, a place where I could retreat to to tend to my wounds and heal my soul. An escape from the dreadful dog days of August.
Anyway, as I searched the shelves of leather bound books, I ran across a thin tome that piqued my curiosity. The title was long enough, 'A First hand account of 'The Battle of Sunflower Field' as witnessed by Sir John Carpenter, Bannerman in the service of Lord Rose, First Prince of Storm Bay.' quite a mouthful if you ask me. Anyway I took down the thin book, it must have been around thirty pages or so, thirty small pages.. anyway I took down the book from the shelf and without thinking I blew my breath upon it. A fine cloud of dust appeared in front of me. The dust made me cough, and I coughed for several good minutes until at last I managed to get my breathing under control.
Once I managed to get my breathing under control, I started to flip through the book. The book was mostly a first person account of the battle as witnessed by Sir. John Carpenter, judging by what was written, was something cowardly, as in his own words. 'I thought it prudent to hold my men back from the fray. Until the moment was right, Our ford approved, since my heavy knights would no doubt turn the tide of battle at the right moment. Our bowmen, hardened woodsmen and hunters all, were releasing volley after volley of arrows, so many arrows that it darken the sky. These well aimed, well placed volleys decimated the attacking ranks of mercenary knights, whom the false king had hired. Since he neither had kith or kin to call upon to aid him in his quest for the throne and thus he must had depended upon those lowly sellswords to booster his army'
I blinked and flipped through a few more pages. Till I came to another passage that seemed to stand out. 'But then, from our rear there came the most dreadful sound I've ever heard. Lord Gray, whom we thought was our most firm and steadfast alley, had at the moment when all hung in the balance, turned his coat and ordered his men, many of them bowmen, but many of whom were also skilled knights whom were well armed and highly trained to attack us, pressed we were then from both sides. I ordered my men to take me to the forest! Alas if it had not been for that treacherous knave Lord Gray we would have won an impressive victory and driven from our fair lands that plight that was the false king. By who's forked tongue many good and honest men hath been fooled! As I was directing my men to the forest, directing them out of the path of the storm. For was better to live to fight another day, than to be slain and to rise no more, though I pray for those poor lads who were slain, I still count myself blessed to have escaped.'
At this point I had nothing to say so I kept on reading.
'Just as I was about to make my escape, I saw Our Lord, noble as always rushing headlong into the fray, surrounding him a blessed fellowship of knights and men-at-arms, alas I called for him to join our retreat, for if he should make it, our cause was not lost and we could smite the knave and punish him most justly for his crimes in due time. But alas again, it was not to be, for soon he was surrounded by a host of the most sullen kind I've ever seen. Our poor, noble, Lord Rose was pulled down from his horse and speared through the chest. He died there on that field, and most tragic of all, from his neck was stripped the jewel of his house. A fine red Ruby the size of an acorn, said to be enchanted with the power of one of the Three Golden Goddess, though which one I'm unsure of, as I know nothing of the ancient lore. But the jewel was a family heirloom.'
Okay this part took me back a little, my curiosity had been piqued at wording 'Enchanted with the power of one of the Three Golden Goddess.' Could the jewel that Sir John Carpenter was talking about be the same jewel that was now safely locked in my strong box back at the inn? And what was this talk about three Golden Goddesses?
A sigh escaped my lips as I closed the tome and returned it to the shelf. I had so many questions, and yet I had no way of going about finding answers to those questions. When I remembered something, I was still 'Grounded'. Yes, as silly as that sounds Marian had not only grounded me, but had also set a strict curfew on me.
I sighed again and decided to save these questions for another day. But I did make a mental note to come back and do a little more research on this fellow, this Sir John Carpenter and maybe once I was free to travel, to pay a visit to the Field of Sunflowers that lay just beyond the walls of the city. I remember John The Woodcutter had told a battle had been fought that years ago, could that have been the same battle? It must have been the same battle.
My head was swirling with questions, I started toward the door. I needed to get something to eat, to check in with Marian and most of all, to get a nice hot bath and enjoy a long soak in a tub of hot water. Maybe a long soak would help me think, maybe not.. Yes, a quick hot bath, a nice long soak, some dinner, and then to nestle under my blankets. These questions could wait another day.
Anyway, thank you for joining me today. I hope to see you next time!