The movie was amazing, the animation amazing, the story touching. In short 'From Up on Poppy Hill' made me nostalgic for a time I've never experienced. It was tinged with sadness, heartache, and the pains of growing up. A window into a world in transition. And like Mr. Hayao Miyazaki's movies it was sure to become a classic as the years rolled on by. Lily even found herself getting swept up in the story line, and that's pretty amazing since she has never been the biggest anime fan.
But then again she always enjoyed Studio Ghibli Films. Of course, during the movie we seemed to have cleaned out one popcorn machine. I'm always amazed how much popcorn my sister and I can consume in one hour and a half movie. Enough to fill the hull of the Mayflower I'm sure. With enough coke-cola to float the thing. That's on top of the huge meal we had before dinner. Once the movie had ended we decided to skip ice-cream and head straight home. We were stuffed to the gills and it was getting late. It was pushing ten when he finally hit the highway.
For a while we traveled in silence, each one of us reflecting on the events of the day. Then Lily broke the silence.
“Hey.” She said, taking a deep breath. “Sorry it took so long to make this happen. I know I promised you a movie date way back when you were a freshman. And here you are, halfway through your sophomore year. Hard to believe it's been nearly a year and a half now.” She said keeping her eyes on the road.
“Seems like only yesterday, but it also seems like a lifetime ago.” I said, peering out the window. “So much has happened. A lot of it was good, and a lot of it was bad. A lot of things happen, you know. I mean people have really started to accept me now.” I paused and placed my open palm on the window.
“A penny for your thoughts?” Lily said, smiling as she looked over.
“Just thinking about the future. I'm thinking about attending Holmes Community College once I finish at Benton Academy. I really feel this calling to be a nurse you know. And Holmes is close, it's also pretty friendly to people like me. And well a degree from there will not break the bank if you catch my drift.” I said trying to put all the confusing emotions I was feeling into words.
Lily nodded her head. I'm glad she had the good grace to just sit back and listen for a while.
“I also want to keep being a cheerleader. And a cheerleader scholarship could really help cover the bills. But I'm not sure how the other girls would feel about having somebody like me on the squad.” I said in a low tone of voice. “I mean the cheerleader's at Benton Academy accept me for who I am. And heck, Even Rebecca, that brunette girl that replaced Linda as co-captain and will be captain next year as even promised to make me co-captain.” I'm aware that I'm starting to ramble on here.
“Then you will be captain. And then you will decide on who will be your co-captain.” Lily said as she took a deep breath. “And really Jamie. I don't see a problem with it, you've put a lot of hard work into becoming the perfect cheerleader. We've pushed you hard, yes, but that's because we wanted you to succeed.” Lily paused. “I mean, you've pushed yourself too. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make her drink after all.”
“I guess.” I said, sighing a little. “Man being a girl is harder than I thought.” I said, taking a deep breath.
Lily only smiled.
“Living is hard.” She said after a moment of silence. “Always remember that Jamie. But like dad used to say 'When things get tough the tough get going' and if anything you're a pretty tough cookie.” She said smirking a little as she said that. “I mean, when life has knocked you down, you've gotten back up and kept on swigging. Even when we thought life had you down for the count, you got back up and kept on fighting. So I'm proud of you.”
I felt my tears starting to mist a little.
“But take my advice.” Lily said, taking a deep breath. “Don't rush things, I'm going to sound like mom a little now, but you're just fifteen. You have plenty of time to fall in love, get married, get a degree, go to dances. I know you've fallen head over heels in love with Ben. But just remember, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Just be sure if you're going to give your heart and soul to him. That he's the one. I know he was your first, but remember to keep the doors open.”
I shifted my gaze toward Lily and took a deep breath. Lily for the most part had only offered me bits and pieces of advice when it came to how I handled my boyfriend, his older sister on the other hand seemed to hover around us. Every time I went over to his house she would sit across from me, her arms folded across her chest and under her breast. I could tell she was watching me, heck she even had a rule how many times I could kiss the boy. I'm sure she'll skin and boil me alive if she ever found out that he and I had done the deed one night in a hayloft on the Brewer Farm.
“No.” Lily said as she looked over and saw the look I was giving her. “No, I'm not going to tell you how to handle your boyfriend. I'm just going to say this. At fifteen most girls have gone through some major breakups. I was fourteen when I had my first boyfriend and truly thought that he and I were going to get married one day in a big Episcopal Cathedral.” Lily paused. “We met at a church camp one summer. He attended St. Andrew's Episcopal School in Jackson where he was a star football player. And me, being the star, upcoming cheerleader at Benton Academy. It just seemed like we were meant for each other. We hung out a lot.. we texted each other everyday. I mean I got in so much trouble because I would check my phone for new text and get angry when he took more than a hour or so to respond to me. Looking back, it was toxic as hell.”
I nodded my head.
“In hindsight, I kind of knew it would have never worked out. One, we were just babies, fourteen is still really too young to date anybody.. and two, none of us had the emotional maturity to carry on. I mean yes Benton and Jackson are close, like what fifty miles or so apart? But that was it.” Lily paused, I knew she was trying to collect her thoughts. “It was like okay, here I am on Earth right, say Earth is Benton. And here he is on Mars, and Mars is Jackson. It would have never worked. Then one day I got a text from a girl. Well to make a long story short, the girl said that she was dating the boy and that I could keep my 'Country Ass' away from him or 'She was going to shave my ass bald and stuff my panties in her mouth' Jesus man.. I thought Jackson girls were more refined than that.” Lily said.
“She sounds like a real bitch.” I said, shrugging my shoulders.
“That one thing you need to learn Jamie. Some girls don't place nice, some girls love to spread rumors about a girl behind her back. They try to turn her friend's against her, they stalk her social media pages. And when confronted they shift the blame to the girl being stalked.” She said, sighing.
“I hope you never, ever encounter that. When I was a freshman the cheerleaders considered themselves the alpha's of the school's social hierarchy. The 'A' squad that the main group of girls that form the center of the cheerleader's squad were queens and they controlled everything. They controlled who got elected prom queen, who got elected homecoming queen, who got elected to the courts. And most of all they controlled who got on the squad or not. They often held 'Court' too.” Lily blinked. “A girl could be brought before 'The Court' as it was called for a number of crimes, getting above her place, being too cute, being too popular, or speaking out against the social norms. The 'A' squad was in these cases often judge, jury, and executioner.”
I nodded my head. When Lily started telling me these things, I often just sat back and listened. I considered them parables, parables that allowed me to view the world through the eyes of a woman. Stories that afford me a view into a world that up till a year or so ago had been hidden from me.
“Punishments were often kind of heavy handed. I know one girl got her braid cut off for talking to a cheerleader's boyfriend. Another girl got her head shaved because she refused to hand over the homecoming crown to the cheerleaders.” Lily paused again. “I saw things.”
“Wow,” I said. I was at a loss of words. I really was.
“That's why I started reforming the squad.. When I became captain I always did with 'The Court' system, I wanted the cheerleaders to become the spirit of the school, not lordly ladies that ruled over a fiefdom of serfs. But to become loving big sisters and elements of change. That is why I wanted Rebecca to take my place, I knew she would keep the ball rolling if you will. And when you become captain Jamie.” She looked over at me and gave me a loving look. “I want you to keep the ball rolling too, it's a work in progress. A battle to be waged, a battle that is often lost but the struggle must keep going on. So when you become captain I want you to groom somebody to take your place, to keep the struggle alive, so she can groom somebody and the cycle can keep going.”
I was really at a loss for words now.
“I know this is a lot to ask of you. But you're my little sister. I know I can entrust this mission to you. I've thought a lot about this little date we've been on. And I've been struggling to come to terms with the fact that I'll soon be leaving you, graduating from Benton Academy and going off to college. That I'll only see you on weekends.” I swear I saw a few salty tears rolling down Lily's eyes. “But I'm going there for you, I'm going to make time for your first prom, your first homecoming game as captain. Your graduation.. your first day of college. Cause you're my sister you know.”
I'm ashamed to say that at that moment I was lost for words. So I just sat there watching the world pass by. For most of my life, my older sister Lily had been just that. I never felt any warmth toward her. But when I became Jamie she became more to me than an older sister, she became my first best friend, Madeline became my second. She became my mentor, who often seemed to understand the struggles I was going through more than mom did. She became my teacher, teaching the finer points of being a girl and how to be social as a girl. It was Lily who showed me how to make a Facebook page and how to monitor it. Or how to make an Instagram account and how to best use it.
“I understand.” I said finally. “I'll do my best.”
“I know you will.” Lily said, clearing some of the tears from her eyes. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” I said.
“You're going to make us all very proud of you.” Lily said. “I know you are. Your a very special young lady Jamie Sarah Potter and I'm proud to have you as my little sister. I don't care what Joan says about you.”
And another chapter in my life comes to an end. Stick around, there's a lot more coming.
La Petite Mardi Gras: Part One
Pleasure Dies At the Stroke of Midnight
The antebellum south was steeped in tradition, some of those traditions vanished after the Civil War, some endured through the turbulent years that followed and are still carried on to this day. Among those traditions that started in antebellum Benton was the annual Carnival Ball that's hosted each Carnival by the aristocratic families of Benton. Chief among those are the Potter Family who were among the earliest settlers of the town.
Like most of the aristocratic families of the Yazoo Delta, the leading families of Benton tried to emulate the high culture of New Orleans, Vicksburg, and Natchez. It was such Carnival Balls that inspired our forefathers to host their own balls. At first each leading family would host their own ball, these private parties were often the highlight of the social season. But soon it became common practice for the leading families to pool together their money and host one ball. That's how “La Mardi Gras” came to be.
Over time though, the children of the leading families wanted their own ball, a more refined version of Prom and Homecoming if you will. In two thousand and one their wish was granted and “La Petite Mardi Gras” was formed. It soon became the premier social event of the season. In time it even managed to eclipse the older debutante ball that was held each summer.
All of these thoughts swirled through my head as I climbed the concrete steps that lead to the front door of the Elk's Club, A three story brick building that was located toward the end of Main street. Bright, yellow light poured forth from the windows to bathe the concrete sidewalks. As I reached the final step, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and once more I wondered if I was making the right choice.
You see my mom had been the one who insisted I attend, it had been her fancy footwork that secured me a much coveted invitation. She also insisted that this prove to be the antidote that would cure me of my melancholy. She also mentioned that she spoke to my boyfriend's mother and she had assured her that he would be there along with his older sister who had volunteered to chaperon the ball. She also said that since I was becoming a young lady in high southern society I should start conducting myself like a true southern belle and start attending such events.
Maybe that is why I paused in front of wooden doors. Did I really want to become a southern belle? Becoming Jamie had been easy enough, okay not easy but had been an adventure. Now that adventure was over, I had to live as Jamie each and every day of my life. It was like writing a novel, the first few adventures or misadventures of becoming Jamie had been just the opening chapter, the opening chapters in a long epic that was still being written. It was being written with each passing second, with each passing moment, with each passing hour, with each passing day, with each passing week, with each passing month, each passing year till at last my breathing would cease and I would pass on to either Heaven or Hell.
My life story was being written one sentence at a time, one paragraph at a time, one page at a time, and finally one chapter at a time. I took another deep breath and lifted my face toward the clear night sky. Oh I was going to make this work. Oh yes, I was going to make this work. I will become a southern belle, not because my mom wanted me too, but because I wanted too. And with that I pushed upon the wooden door and crossed the threshold of the doorway. And once I crossed that threshold I left the world I knew and crossed into a world of gale laughter, of loud music.
Carnival is cruel as it is beautiful. And I quickly noticed what this ball really was. One look around and you would notice young ladies and young gentlemen from all the towns leading families had gathered here tonight. Political deals would be made that night, alliances would be made and broken, insults would be made that would require the young gentleman of the town to take to the personal battlefield and trade licks back and forth with others to regain their honor. A girl could find herself blackballed or named prom queen tonight.
I forced myself to smile as I waded into the crowd. I'd only attended one formal dance before and that had been homecoming a year or so ago. I owned only a few formal gowns, most of those had been passed down to me from my older sister Lily Elizabeth Potter who was holding court around the punch bowl. I envied the way Lily seemed to glide at social events. She was the life of the party, and there dressed in a scarlet gown with her blonde hair hanging loose, her baby blue eyes shining in the light of the party, she reminded me of a queen. If my older sister was a queen, then I must be a princess. And if I was a princess I needed my prince.
Then the wooden door opened and there in the threshold stood my prince. His name was Benjamin Franklin Allen and he was my prince. He was my first in so many ways, he had been my first kiss as Jamie, my first crush as Jamie, my first true boyfriend to boot too and my first time in something else. I loved him to the moon and back, my heart skipped a beat as I saw him looking around the room. His brown hair was combed down the middle and slicked down. He wore nothing more than a clean pair of dust colored trousers, sturdy brown dress shoes, a white button down shirt, a well worn but clean navy coat and a matching blue tie. Simple as that was, to me appeared more dashing and handsome than any knight.
At his side stood his older sister Joan Rebecca Allen who was dressed in white strapless dress with a white shawl draped around her shoulders. She spotted me first and upon spotting me nudged Benjamin toward me, she soon followed of course.
“Ms. Potter.” She said bowing a little. “It is a pleasure to see you this evening. I'm told you will be my brother's partner for this fine celebration.” She said in a silky tone of voice. I knew it was an act. Joan was always very protective of her little brother. She always watched me like a hawk when I was around him. But I guess if I had a younger brother or sister I would do the same.
I nodded my head and smiled.
“Trust me, it's my pleasure to have such a fine, dashing, young gentleman such as Mr. Allen to partner for this evening.” I said turning on all the old world charm and wit I could muster. Joan blinked a few times and slowly closed her eyes. She then looked over at her brother.
“Benjamin, would please be a dear and fix Ms. Potter and I something to drink.” She then unhooked herself from his hold and stepped toward me. “And Ms. Potter I was hoping you would join me in a moment in the ladies powder room.”
Benjamin rolled his shoulders and nodded his head. And went on to carry out his task at hand. But before he went on he smiled at me and I smiled at him. Joan then walked past me, my eyes followed her as she weaved in and out of the crowd. I allowed her a good lead before I started to follow behind her. Kind of felt like a puppy as I trailed behind her.
Soon we reached the door that led to the powder room. Joan paused and motioned me to step inside. I did so and she soon followed. Once she was inside she paused and locked the door. Seeing Joan lock the door caused me to step into the center and raise an eyebrow, I quickly folded my arms across my chest and peered at her.
“Okay Joan whatsapp?” I said, deciding to cut to the chase.
“Nothing much, just wanted to talk to you.” She said smiling as she started to circle me. “I've decided on something Jamie Sarah Potter, something that I think you will approve of. Of course I had to get Lily's approval first.” She said, smirking.
“Oh?” I said I was a bit amused. “Please tell me what you've decided on, because right now and stop beating around the bush.” I said, lifting an eyebrow.
“I've decided since it's Carnival time. And since at the stroke of midnight tonight, all pleasure must die and we are to drag ourselves to confession tomorrow morning in preparation for Ash Wednesday. That you will be given free rein tonight. You may kiss my brother as many times as you wish. You can even take him to bed with you tonight. I want you to enjoy tonight Ms. Potter and revel in the magic of Carnival. But remember Carnival can be a cruel mistress.” She said smiling as she unlocked the door.
“Tonight will define the whole social season. The social machine of Benton is gearing up right now Ms. Potter, learn how to rein it in and the town and beyond will become your playground, your oyster if you will.” She said smiling as she pushed the door open. “Fail to control it. And you'll be eaten alive.” She said, smiling a wicked little smile.
“Joan.” I said blowing out a stream of hot air. “As anybody ever told you that you need to chill a bit. I mean I know you're a theater geek and all. But really, save the dramatics for the stage.” I said, rolling my eyes as I unfold my hands.
“Hey!” Joan said, smiling softly. “Having a theater geek for a friend can be a plus, you know. And beside your my cheer sister too and soon to be sister in law.” She said in a teasing tone of voice. “So I'm going to give a little advice. All the major roles are filled tonight. Ms. Brown will be here tonight. She uses these types of events to scout for new talent. Your going to have a birthday soon.” Joan paused and turned toward the mirror. “I suggest you use this chance to make a very good impression on her. You'll be old enough to play Aria soon in the yearly production of 'The Little Mermaid' and guess who would helping select the cast for that play.”
Its safe to say that at the mention of the yearly production of 'The Little Mermaid' that my curiosity was piqued. Joan must have sensed it and peered toward me with a knowing gaze. She smiled a little and nodded her head.
“That's right. I'm in charge of casting this year. And I have the perfect girl in mind for several leading parts.” She said, giving me a square gaze. “But only if that little girl respects my boundaries and keeps giving my little brother the respect he deserves.” She said with a smile as she walked over and unlocked the door. She then motioned for me to step outside.
“So little sister, go ahead and enjoy yourself. But remember pleasure dies at the stroke of midnight tonight.”
La Petite Mardi Gras: Part Two
The Crowning of Lily and Jamie Potter
As I walked across the crowded ballroom, I noticed how polished the wooden floor looked. I could tell somebody had poured out a mint to have the floor waxed and polished. I mean you could comb your hair in the reflection. All eyes turned toward me as I strolled across the floor toward the refreshment table. The Benton orchestra had paused in their playing for a moment. I collected my thoughts as my eyes fell on Ben who was drumming his fingers on a crystal cup of punch.
“Hey.” He said as he eased his cup down and strolled toward me. “Have a good talk with my sister.” He asked as he walked toward me. “I know she can be a bit overbearing at times. So just that, I'm her only brother and I guess she feels she needs to look after me.”
“It's cool.” I said, smiling toward him. “Lily is the same way with me, she likes to look out for me sometimes. Other times she lets me fall down. But yes, it was a nice little talk. We talked about girl stuff.” I said walking toward the punch bowl. Without thinking I picked up the ladle and poured myself a good measure of punch. Slowly I lifted the glass goblet to my lips and took a sip. I frowned, the punch was spiked. We southerners have a proud tradition of spiking the punch at such gatherings. It loosen the tongues.
“So.” Ben said, smiling a little as he moved toward me, he had drained his glass and was on his second one. “Would Ms. Potter honor me with a dance?” He said smiling, he then tossed back the rest of his drink.
I blinked and tossed back the rest of my drink. It was Mardi Gras after all. And with only four hours left till midnight that meant to me at least that pleasure was on life support. And some phantom hand was about to pull the plug on its life support.
“It would be my pleasure Mr. Allen.” I said feeling the spirits going to my head as my cheeks started to fill with color. I eased my glass down upon the table and filled it up again. “But first let me refresh myself.” I said smiling as I filled the fine crystal goblet with a fruity red punch. I took a deep breath and knocked my second or was it my third drink back. Only thing I know is my head started to spin around as I slipped my hand into the awaiting hand of Ben.
The next thing I knew was the whole world was starting to spin around me. The music, oh the music started to fill the air and the orchestra struck up lively tunes as the ladies of the village started to dance with fine gentlemen. Soon the sound of laughter started to fill the air as ladies exchanged mirthless jokes with each other, using their colorful fans to shield their whispering mouths.
As I was twirled around the dance floor, my mind flashed back to long hidden memories. I started to remember that when I was James, I used to take solace in roleplaying on online forums. I belonged to a dozen such roleplaying communities that were based on the popular farming simulation game “Harvest Moon” where I often made female characters. It was fun to escape into a world of pure imagination even for an afternoon. A world where I was a struggling farm girl, who was trying to rebuild a run down farm. One were I had friends, and one were I attended colorful festivals and won wonderful prizes. Or fished, mined, and explored hidden areas.
But then I became Jamie and my life did a complete one eighty. I now had a host of friends who were loyal to me, a loving boyfriend, a loving family and I found myself attending all the colorful festivals and celebrations that our small town hosted throughout the year. I was living my best life. And for a moment all the doubts, depression, and melancholy that had haunted my every step just seemed to vanish.
And so as I was twirled around, I felt myself being swept up in the magic of the moment. The music seemed to swirl around, I found myself swept up and carried away by its enchanting sound. I can't tell you how long Ben and I danced, for time seemed to have no meaning. In fact, I would go as far as to say this, that time seemed to just slip through our hands. Then as quickly as it started it stopped. The music just stopped and a hushed silence fell over the crowded as a tiny man with a shiny bald head stepped into the crowd. He was dressed in a military like uniform, a scarlet jacket, one that had a row of brass buttons running down the middle and two golden epaulets one on each shoulder and form fitting white trousers. Following behind him were a troop of six men, they too wore the same military like uniform only without the golden epaulets.
The group marched toward the far side of the room and then the man with the tiny bald spoke, and when he spoke his voice filled the room and echoed off the walls.
“By royal decree of his lordship, Lord Rex of Benton.” The man started. “I've come to inform ye happy crowds that the following maiden has been chosen to be crowned Queen of Carnival.” He said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a rolled up sheet of parchment. He unrolled the sheet, held it in front of him, cleared his throat and in another loud booming tone of voice called out.
“By royal decree of his lordship, Lord Rex of Benton, and with the approval of the courts of all provinces that fall within his domain. And with the power invested in him by the council of krewe's. Its our pleasure to inform the gathered citizens of Benton that Lily Elizabeth Potter has been named Queen of this Year's Carnival.”
The gathered crows expressed their approval by a loud round of applause. A moment later I saw my sister step out from the crowd. With her back straight back she strolled toward the little man and bowed toward him. The man nodded and made a motion for another man who was dressed in a similar manner to come out. The man held with both hands a velvet pillow. Sitting upon the pillow was a crown of gold. The bald man reached over and took hold of the crown and gently placed it upon my sister's head.
“Behold the queen of the Carnival!” He shouted as he watched Lily rise up. “Now, also by royal decree of her ladyship, Lady Muse of Benton.” The man said again as he reached into his coat and pulled out another sheet of rolled up parchment, “By royal decree of her ladyship, Lady Muse of Benton, and with the approval of the courts of all provinces that fall within her domain. And the power invested in her by the council of krewe's. It's our pleasure to inform ye gathered citizens of Benton that Jamie Sarah Potter has been named Princess of this Year's Carnival!”
I felt my jaw drop open. I looked around and all eyes had turned toward me. I felt my face flush with color as I marched toward the front to join my sister. The bald man made a jester with his hands and another man produced a beautiful rhinestone tiara. The man took the tiara and handed it to Lily.
“As is tradition. The Queen of the Carnival, shall crown the Princess of the Carnival and then both shall select one young gentleman of the village, for the royal dance. This dance shall close Carnival, and usher in the death of pleasure. Midnight is close at hand.” The man proclaimed. “We shall now crown our Carnival King and Prince. Whom shall share the last dance of Carnival with the Queen and the Princess. The King with the Queen and the Prince with the Princess.”
At this moment I can't tell you what I felt, my heart felt light as a feather as I approached the stage and bowed down in front of my sister. Smiling, she reached over and picked up the rhinestone tiara and gently placed it upon my head. This was the second time I'd been crowned princess, the first had been at homecoming a year ago. I still remembered that night, it was one of pure magic and it seemed that tonight would be the same. Once the tiara was placed firmly on my head I stepped aside and stood next to my sister.
“Its with great pleasure, that the council of krewe's supported by Lord Rex of Benton, inform ye gathered crowds that we've seen it fit to name.” He called out. It seemed no paper was required for the naming of the king. Instead the man seemed spouting all of this from the top of his head. “Robert John Shoemaker, King of Carnival!” He shouted at the top of his lungs and once more his loud voice seemed to echo off the walls. A roaring applause filled the room as a young man with short black hair and the prettiest baby blue eyes I've ever seen stepped up and received the crown.
Once the crown had been placed upon his head he stepped back and joined my sister and I. I could tell Lily was enchanted by him because she couldn't take her eyes off of him. In fact, I'll go as far as to say she was mentally undressing him with her eyes. I could only roll my eyes, I rolled my eyes for one reason and one reason only, Lily often scolded me for being something of a boy crazy teenage girl. But here she was, looking like a moonstruck calf in front of the whole town.
“Now, for the Prince of Carnival.” The man said. “Its Its with great esteemed pleasure, that we the council of krewe's support by Lady Muse of Benton, inform ye gathered crowds that we've seen it fit to name.” He paused for dramatic effect. “Benjamin Franklin Allen Prince of Carnival!” He shouted and the crowd burst into a loud applause.
Now it was my turn to look like a moonstruck calf. My eyes fell upon the willow frame of Benjamin as he moved through the crowd. He had the good graces to blush and act bashful, as received the crown and walked up beside me. I took a deep breath and peered toward the heavens. I then breathed a silent prayer, it seemed somebody up there had seen it fit to bless tonight. Because tonight I was living, I was living the harvest moon dream.
“Ladies and gentleman.” The man with the shiny bald head called out once more in his loud booming voice, that once more seemed to fill the whole room and echo off the walls. “Its with great pleasure that we give you the Royal Count of the Carnival.” He said, stepping aside as he pointed toward us four.
“Now as tradition.” He said, taking a deep breath. “The king shall dance with the queen, and the prince with the princess and when their dance ends. Pleasure would have passed sadly into the shadows and we will usher in the season of Lent.”
A moment later the music resumed and Benjamin walked up to me, I smiled and he returned my smile with one of his own. He then held out his hand and I slipped my hand into his and without a second thought he guided me onto the dance floor. For one last day, one last day before the start of Lent. For Pleasure was to die at the stroke of midnight it seemed.
La Petite Mardi Gras: Part Three
A kiss ushers in the season of Lent
The crowds parted like the red sea as Ben ushered me onto the dance floor. The orchestra struck up a gentle waltz and slowly I wrapped my arms around Ben's shoulders as he wrapped his arms gently around my waist. This was the second dance we shared, and memories of our first dance at homecoming started to flood into me as we started to move across the polished floor. The lights started to dim and soon others joined in the dance, the last dance of the season, the last fleeting moments of pleasure before all the church bells in town would toll the death of pleasure and call the faithful to prayer and penance.
“Jamie.” Ben whispered as he held me tight. “It's been fun.” He said as he pulled me closer to him. I found myself turning to jelly in his tight embrace. I could feel every muscle in his arm starting to wrap tightly around me. It was such a warming embrace. It made me blush. It also caused me to crave his touch once more. A powerful desire to take him and hold him and to ride him overcame me. I quickly pushed those thoughts from my head. Not tonight, maybe another night.
“Its only getting started.” I said smiling as pulled my face away from his shoulder. “Valentine's Day just around the corner.” I said with a giggle.
“Of course.” He said smiling as we danced a little. “You know I'm so glad you're here with me right now. I thought I was going to lose you, you know a few months ago. So glad you pulled through, your really strong.” He said as he wrapped his arms tighter around me. Instead of fighting the embrace. I leaned into it. A happy sigh escaped my lips.
“Lets not talk about that.” I said at last. “I want to focus on our future together. That was scary yes, but you never left my side. And that showed me that you really cared about me.” I said choosing my words with care. I'm normally prone to putting my foot in my mouth if you will, but right now, I found myself thinking over my words before I spoke them.
“Okay.” He said smiling as he wrapped his arms a little more tightly around me. “And of course I care about you. You were cherry.” He said in a low whispered tone voice. “You were my first.”
I felt my cheeks flush with color. It was romantic in its own way, and once more memories of that night started to flood into my mind. I don't remember much, just a sense of giggling anticipation as we climbed the ladder to the hayloft and then bliss. Pure bliss, all the colors of the rainbow seemed to swirl around us. All my senses were heightened and every touch seemed to send shockwaves through my body. At the height of it, our very souls seemed to fuse together and become on.
“Hey, you were my first too.” I said giggling a little.
“We should do that again sometimes.” He said, giving me a little smirk that caused me to giggle. I wanted to do it again, I really did, but I was just saving it, saving it for a moment that seemed right. Saving it for the right time. I thought about sweet talking him into tonight, but it seemed off, like I would rushing things. All I wanted was to be held by him, held tight by him.
“Sometimes. But not tonight. Let's just cuddle and kiss tonight.” I said blushing as I stood up on my tip of my toes to plant a kiss on his lips. Ben then leaned down and a moment later our lips touched and interlocked. And then the real fireworks started.
Colors bloomed before my eyes, sparks of passion ran through my body, my body seemed to become ridged and still and my breathing shallow as we locked lips and kissed. It was the kind of kiss you see all to often in teen movies, the kind of kiss that takes your breath away and leaves you wanting more, yes the kind of kiss that leaves you wanting more, the kind of kiss that makes you forget about yourself for a moment, the kind of kiss that makes you want to dive head first into a sea of lust.
It was the kind of kiss that made me want to pull that dress over my head, drop my bra, lower my panties and mount that boy and ride him long and hard. Thankfully we were in a crowded ballroom, because I'm sure if we'd been along I'd given into that powerful temptation. Lust is one hell of a drug I tell you what my friends.
“GET A ROOM YOU TOO!” Two voices cried in unison. “JAMIE SARAH POTTER,” The first voice cried out in a loud booming tone that echoed across the room. “BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ALLEN!” The second voice cried out. And well that stopped our kissing cold.
A moment later, Ben and I pulled apart and both of us started to blush as all eyes had focused on us. A good number of old church ladies were whispering behind paper fans. No doubt shocked beyond belief at the loose display of morals being displayed in front of the. The sight of the ladies whispering behind their paper fans caused me to blush, my blush only deepened when Lily and Joan came rushing up to us. It seemed it had been those two who had called our names out.
“What in the world!” Bellowed Lily. “Jamie, mom raised you better than that!” Lily scolded. “A kiss is one thing, but you were eating that poor boy's face. I heard you groaning and moaning all across the room. Mercy girl, have a little self control.”
“And you Benjamin Franklin Allen.” Joan chimed in. “You were eating the poor girl's face. I mean Jamie has to breathe too! And you were groaning and moaning up a storm. Jesus, get a room for you two.” Joan said with a roll of her eyes. “On second thought, don't get a room, there is a broom closet right over there.” She said hitching up her arm and pointing with her small index finger toward a small closet that was tucked into the corner of the room.
“Joan!” Lily said with a sigh. “Don't give my little sister any ideas..”
“That's the problem.” Joan said with a smirk. “She is your little sister, and the apple never falls far from the tree. You forget that your dad and my dad are best friends. And I've heard plenty of stories about the stunts your dad and his brother got up to growing up.” Still smirking, Joan peered toward Lily with a look that made my blood run cold. “And I've been your friend since middle school too, I know a thing or two about you.” She added.
“OKAY!” Lily hooted as turned around and folded her arms across her chest. “That's enough! Jamie Sarah Potter, I expect a little more self control from you in the future young lady.” She said, turning her head around and peering over her shoulder. “One more stunt like that, and I can promise you, I will turn you over my knee, flip your dress and petticoat and tan that bottom of yours. And don't pout, I'm your older sister, I have that right.” Lily threatened as she started to stalk away.
“And Benjamin Franklin Allen.” Joan said as she peered toward Ben. “Try to control yourself too. And remember, you gotta give Jamie a chance to breathe. Just have fun, and have a good time. But don't get too carried away. And if you get carried away, please guys, go somewhere private.” And with that Joan floated away.
In the aftermath of that little outburst, Ben and I could do nothing but stand there. I felt totally embarrassed both for letting my emotions get the best of me and for getting called out like that by my older sister. Ben on the other hand seemed prideful and wore a smirk on his face. Slowly he turned around and winked at me before saying.
“So, round two in the broom closet?” He said in a teasing tone of voice. “Or want to get some sweet revenge and go hog wild in Joan's bed?” He suggested with a wicked grin upon his face.
I had to blink at that, part of wanting to know what in the world was going through that boy's head at this very moment. First he was suggesting a broom closet and now he was suggesting that he and I do the deed in his big sisters bed, in her bedroom. I mean I have a twisted sense of humor too. But lord have mercy, Joan would have a running duck fit if she found out. Heck she might even burn her sheets if we got too wild. I'm not going to lie a wicked little smile formed upon my lips as the mental image of Joan raging her little head off as she stripped her sheets and tossed them into a furnace entered into my head.
And yes, that little devil girl that normally sits on the right side of my shoulder started whispering sweet words of encouragement. The angel that normally sits on the left side of my shoulder started to scold me and lecture, saying that I should be ashamed of myself for even entertaining such ideas. In the end the voice of that little white robed angel won out and silenced the devil. Its a shame too, sometimes that little sexy clad devil Jamie has some really fun and neat ideas. Maybe I should start taking note of what she says instead of the white robed Jamie with the flickering halo above her head.
“Maybe another time. Besides, I don't want to get in trouble with my future sister-in-law yet.” I said, sighing. “Maybe we could do that on prom night or something.” I suggested.
“Well. How about this.” Ben said, still smirking. “Since we can't kiss here on the ballroom floor. Why don't you follow me upstairs? There are a number of balconies up stairs, we can see all of Benton from up there. And it would be romantic. I can't think of a better way to usher in the start of Lent than kissing you once more under the starry heavens.” Ben said as he leaned over and whispered those words into my ears. They made me shiver. The idea was so romantic that before I could help myself. I started to blush.
“That sounds fun.” I said blushing as I leaned in. “But I want to kiss you once more here.” And with that we kissed. I'm not sure how long we kissed, but all around us others were kissing too. Even Lily and Joan. Then it happened, the big brass bells of All Saints Catholic Church started to ring and soon the brass bells of St. Mary's Episcopal Church joined in. And before long all the church bells started to chime. The party was over, Carnival was over, now the season of Lent had begun.
“A kiss ushers in Lent.” Ben said, smiling as he peered down at me. “Ms. Potter, one day, I promise you, I'll make you Mrs. Allen.” He said with the most handsome of smiles. Looking at that smile made my heart jump into my throat and caused me to feel choked. It only lasted a moment though.
“Jamie Sarah Allen.” I said, smiling sweetly. “I like the sound of that. Just don't make me wait too long.” And with that another chapter in my life comes to an end. It seemed I was keeping my word after all. I was doing my best to give Jamie the best possible life she could ever have. A life that was totally different from the life James had lived. And yet a small part of me had to wonder, where would my life have been if I'd never discovered Jamie? I guess something will remain a mystery forever.
But stick around, there is more to come.