(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3300 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
3300 = 275 dozen (who says it's not educational?)
Simon had been home about an hour and after doing his greetings to everyone and me in particular, trying rather clumsily to say he was pleased to see me and that he'd be even more pleased to see me later, wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean, say no more. By going into a Monty Python sketch he began to lose any enthusiasm I may have had for doing 'naughty things' later, not only that but Eric Idle did it rather better in the original.
I was trying to finish some letters for Diane to send off on Monday and I wanted to get them finished, he eventually took the hint, thankfully without any more sketches. If he'd started the Spanish Inquisition one, I think I may well have referred him to OD, or Opus Dei as the inquisition became, which was made use of by Dan Brown in his Da Vinci Code film, which was total hogwash but of a quite enjoyable form and made watchable by the ever dependable Tom Hanks and the beautiful, Audrey Tautou, two of my favourite film stars.
The evening wore on and I finished my letters and sent them off to Diane for her to deal with next week. David served up a paella which I adore, with small amounts of meat and shellfish all cooked in a delicious sauce which virtually evaporates to nothing. I'd made it myself in the past but never as good as David's which even had me thinking about seconds.
After dinner, Danni mentioned she was going training tomorrow at Reading and had I booked the car? We went down to my study and I had booked the car but she needed to buck herself up because it was a friendly game not a training session and she was to be there by ten o'clock, so her ride would be here at eight. She groaned, scratched her head and went off to check her kit.
Simon appeared bearing mugs of tea, put one on my desk and seated himself on the sofa still bearing the other cup which he began to sip. "What's this about some book you got presented for saving some old guy's life?" I pointed to the shelf and he got up to see. "What am I looking for?"
"Did they tell you what I was doing when I discovered the old boy?"
"Pond dipping, wasn't it?" he asked blushing slightly.
"Yes, so what book up there could be linked to that activity?" He's quite capable of coherent thought when I encourage him to try.
"Uh, Freshwater Life?"
"It is." He was right, the other twenty or more volumes mostly published by the FBA (Freshwater Biological Society) I acquired later and they are much more advanced works than would be suitable for a twelve year old girl, even one as precocious as me - started acquiring them when I was thirteen, with their guide and key to caddis fly larvae or Trichoptera. Only joking, those books weren't published then but the one on rotifers was and with the microscope I was allowed to use in school and later in university, Mrs Pontin's book of A key to the planktonic and semi-planktonic rotifera of the British Isles got quite a bit of use as well as various other books like the one Simon had in his hand in helping me identify tiny freshwater creatures. It's something I still enjoy doing but I've been distracted by giants like dormice and other vertebrates. I don't even have a plankton net these days, my original one was made from a kids net with the mesh replaced by one of my mum's old stockings with an even older Alka-seltzer bottle on the end. I'd also replaced the bamboo pole handle with one twice as long and strong. Not bad for a girly of thirteen and as I was making something my dad even allowed me access to his garden shed, his 'man cave' although the term wasn't in use then.
Simon glanced at the dedication in the book and then read the clipping. "This predates Lady Macbeth?"
"By about three years, you can see that from the length of my ponytail."
"To Charlotte, so how come you didn't continue with that name?"
"It wasn't me who called myself that, except when others had already used it. My mum told me once the hairdressers had called to alter my appointment, but that was later as well and she'd heard the name mentioned before, even used it once or twice to tell me off when she thought I was being too girly."
"So why didn't you use Charlotte, it would have been the closest to Charlie, the boy?"
"I think you've just answered your own question."
"Oh, right, fine," he spluttered blushing. He put the cutting back in the book and replaced it on the shelf and sipped his tea. "I didn't realise you had so many books on pond life. I didn't realise there were that many in existence."
"There's thousands, a lot of them are American, especially the bigger volumes but they're prohibitively expensive, the university has some of them, but I don't need them much of the time and the FBA ones are excellent and much cheaper."
"How about I buy you one of the dearer ones for your birthday?"
"No thanks, I've got most of the ones I need already."
"Okay, I get the message. Tell me, what's this about Murray picking on you for this little episode," he tapped the spine of the book he'd just replaced.
"It was the first time my gender had been brought to his notice and he let me know he was a homophobic old git."
"You were twelve and he carpeted you about your sexuality, as he saw it?"
"I suppose so," I felt myself blushing and I was tired of the subject. "Why are you asking, Simon? It was a long time ago, he can't hurt me now and I'd like to forget it."
"What he did was abuse and he should have been reported for it."
"It's too long ago and I no longer have any evidence."
"Perhaps I should get Jim to poke about in his past, see if anyone else was victimised by him."
"Why? It's too long ago."
"Time isn't a factor in them trying a concentration camp guard, is it?"
"I think that's wrong as well. I won't condone anything he did but trying someone who's a hundred years old, I think it's wrong."
"The families of his victims may disagree with you."
"That's their entitlement, but shouldn't justice be tempered by mercy, or is it just retribution? If so, I don't want anything to do with it."
"The law is what it's about and that is what these people want, to see the law carried out."
I felt we wouldn't agree on this and if anything we'd get further apart and I didn't want that. "Can we just agree to differ on this, respecting each other's view if not agreeing with it?"
"Yeah, okay." he put down his cup. "What happened in Plymouth yesterday?"
"I don't know what happened there?"
"Didn't some guy shoot half a dozen people including a kid?"
"Oh goodness, that's what they were talking about in the kitchen, some bloke with a pump-action shotgun. He killed a child?" I felt quite sick.
"Yeah, shot a three year old and her dad," Simon looked it up on his mobile.
"How can anyone kill a little girl?"
"Happens all the time, at least this one shot himself afterwards, shot his own mother as well."
"Why do they need such guns?" I asked feeling sick at the horror of such objects.
He shrugged, "Never had one myself, but I suppose they could be useful."
"For killing children?"
"I feel as sick about it as you do, babes, but the guys who do these things are often doolally and don't obey the niceties of behaviour until they've done what they feel they need to do and are only then aware of what they've done and so kill themselves."
"Poor kid, three years old, you say?"
"Yeah, c'mon let's chase the rest of them up to bed and have a cuddle." As I always do what my lord and master requests of me, that's what we did - all we did, the thought of someone killing a child left me upset all night, at least until I eventually fell asleep.
It was an early start as I had to make sure that Danielle was ready for the car to pick her up to take her to Reading and then bring her back. It was costing a small fortune but it did at least free up some time for me and meant she could carry out her commitment to the football club.
She may be sixteen but I still have to check up after her, she usually forgets something so I make her compile a checklist and we go through it before she leaves. At least this time she didn't forget her boots. It makes me laugh that you'd think she was going clubbing rather than playing soccer by the amount of makeup she wears and her hair has to be just so. Compared to Trish, who is very pleased to be a girl but she doesn't have half the girlyness of her sister, actually none of the youngsters do, they do wear skirts occasionally at home but more often jeans or leggings, if it's warm, then shorts are the custom.
The three older girls, Hannah, Livvie and Trish are allowed to catch the bus to the hotel to use the pool. They have junior members' cards and I let them go by themselves but they have to stay together. It's a way of allowing them to take on board a little self responsibility enabling them to grow up a little. When they asked if they could go to the beach by themselves I told them no very firmly. I've heard loads of stories of children going to beaches around the country by themselves all summer but I still say no as those other children aren't children of multimillionaire parents and thus less of a kidnap risk. Having had children abducted before and also adults, it's not an experience I wish to repeat, ever.
It was Saturday and Simon, once I got Meems to get him up, went into town after breakfast, whereas I stayed behind and cleared up the mess, I know I shouldn't pander to stereotypes but someone has to do it and some of the girls had gone swimming and the younger ones were out in the garden with Meems and Jacquie playing some sort of game. We were waiting for Jacquie's results, she'd completeed her degree and we were just waiting to see what grade she got a 2:1 or 2:2. Jacquie ended up doing English and Gender Studies, not the most academic of courses but enough to test her and hopefully draw her out of herself. She's a lovely girl when she's encouraged to shine and I do hope she's done well.
Talking of results, we're waiting for Danni's GCSE results. Since she's relaxed into her femininity she has done really well and we'd all be shocked to think she'd do anything but pass quite high in most things.
Trish already has GCSE and A-S level mathematics and is likely to add physics to her palmares this year. She is so good at both physics and maths but I don't feel she is capable of autonomous living. She would argue that she was but as I get the final say, it's irrelevant and I get to play the big bad Mummy. But she did get to go to the hotel by herself with the others today.
David had gone to the cash and carry to stock up the cupboards, I'd also asked him to get some lamb for roasting for tomorrow. He nodded and went off in his car. I got on with some chores, assisted by Cate and Puddin' who for some reason enjoy polishing furniture. there are worse things I suppose, but they seemed even more stereotypical than I am.
I'd just finished the vacuuming when the phone rang. Usually, it's for one of the kids despite their own mobile phones, but I took the call as none of the others were going to.
"Hello, Cathy Cameron?" I waited for the caller to speak.
"If you wanna see your girls alive do exactly as we tell you. No cops or we'll feed you back pieces of your children." Stunned didn't come anywhere near what I was feeling, shocked perhaps, but sickened and red hot angry. I sent Simon a text to come home asap, though he seemed in no hurry to call home to find out what was happening.
Stella came through with a cuppa and caught me weeping, "What's the matter, Cathy?"
"I think someone has kidnapped, Trish, Livvie and Hannah."
"What?" she gasped, "Where are they?"
"They went to the hotel for a swim, they were catching the bus."
She immediately called the hotel to be told they had left half an hour ago, which means they should have been home by now. They weren't and until I had more info, there was little I could do except worry myself to death.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3301 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
"What happened?" he asked still holding me.
"Trish, Livvie and Han asked if they could go to the hotel for a swim. As there were three of them, I thought they'd be okay, looks like I was wrong." I began to weep again, tears running down my cheeks and on to Simon's shirt.
"Have you called the police?"
"They said not to."
"Sod that, we need to call them." He picked up the phone.
"Simon, the man threatened to feed them back to me in pieces if we involved the police."
"They could anyway, c'mon we have to call them."
I knew he was right but I was still frightened in case it caused the kidnappers to do something awful to one of my girls. If they so much as breathe on them, I shall exact an awful price.
"Here, phone Dad, after that call Jim. I want these bastards found and destroyed."
"You can't kill them, Si," I protested weakly because I felt the same as him.
"Watch me."
"Doesn't that make you as bad as them?" I asked almost rhetorically.
"I'm far worse than anything they could imagine, and I'm an amateur compared to you." I winced at his response but it was true, I have killed and in defence of my children would do so again.
Stella took the phone from me and called Henry while Simon asked to speak to the most senior officer available. I could only hear part of the conversation and he was getting rather angry at the person on the switchboard, but they have a protocol to go through. He didn't agree and in the end asked for her name because he was going to get her sacked. I took the phone off him, and spoke to the equally angry woman on the other end.
"Look, we have an emergency situation here and we urgently need to speak to someone as high up as possible."
"I can't help you if you don't tell me what it's about."
"Is abduction of three children urgent enough for you?"
"What? Someone has abducted three of your children?"
"Look stop repeating things back to me and let me speak with a senior officer, now, if you don't mind."
"Can I take some details please?"
"You are wasting time."
"I'm sorry, it's what we have to do."
"Forget it, I'll call the Home Secretary, she'll be informed anyway." I clicked off and rang Andy Bond, thankfully he was on duty. I cut through the niceties and told him what had happened. He immediately put me through to the Superintendent on duty, he took very few details and said he'd be over with colleagues very quickly.
About fifteen minutes later, a large uniformed police officer followed by a man and woman also in police uniforms came to the front door. He asked to put a trace on the phones and we immediately agreed, he nodded at one of his assistants and they walked off talking into their mobiles. A car was also despatched to the hotel to speak to staff and to look for any cameras that may be in use in that area of Southsea.
Another assistant went off to speak to a colleague to access the council and police cameras all around that area and the bus stops. Things were happening fast, I hoped the trail wasn't too cold already and I cursed myself for not calling the police immediately following the kidnapper's call.
"Jim's on his way," said Simon quietly, "and Dad has contacted the Home Office."
Tom, who'd been out to feed the dormice wondered what on earth was going on when he came home and found police everywhere, in fact he had to explain who he was before they let him near the house.
The Superintendent's phone pinged and he walked away to take the call. He came back looking very red faced, "That was the crime commissioner, and the Home Office have been on to him, just what is going on?"
"That's probably my father in law."
"Look we're doing all we can Mrs Cameron, I can see you're well off which is probably why they were taken."
"My pa-in-law is Viscount Stanebury."
"He's chairman of High Street Bank and Stanebury Merchant Banks. He's a billionaire and has lots of powerful friends. He's just trying to help."
I watched the redness in the policeman's face pale and his eyes seemed to grow larger. "So you're Lady Cameron?"
"Yes, I'm afraid so."
"That Lady Cameron?" he clarified.
"The pension killer, yes."
"Okay," he said through his teeth, "not that it changes anything, we have procedures to follow whether you're royalty or a homeless bum."
"Do you actually believe that?" I asked him knowing full well that we'd get much more attention than some unfortunate living in a shop doorway.
He gave me an old fashioned look, "I'd like to, but yeah, you're right, to them who have shall be given even more."
"If it's any consolation, Superintendent Gibbons, I actually agree with you in principle but where my children are concerned, if we have to spend billions to get them back safe and to convict those who took them, then I will."
"At least you're not talking about calling in MI5 yet."
"I expect Henry has already done that. The people who have done this cannot possibly understand what they have started."
"No, I doubt they have - they're dead men walking, aren't they?"
I gave him a pained smile, "If they harm any part of them, I wouldn't like to be their life insurers."
"Please stay within the law, Lady Cameron, we'll do all we can to recover your children safe and well, please don't make me have to investigate you if bodies start floating in the Solent."
"I have no intention of harming anyone, Superintendent, but I won't give them a second opportunity."
"Neither will we." He looked out the window and large Audi appeared in the drive and out got two men in suits. "The men from the ministry are here."
They turned out to be from Special Investigations - Serious Crimes Division and I spoke quietly to our Superintendent who agreed they were MI5, obviously High Street Bank is quite important. I just felt sick for the children, because we're wealthy, or Henry is, our children could be at risk and they may not be able to live an ordinary life, doing ordinary things - and this on top of having a high rate of GID amongst them.
Danielle would always be slightly at risk because she is more in the public eye and in playing soccer at the highest level could be a target because it was thought she earned lots or again because she was a Cameron daughter. Sammi, Phoebe and Julie were established in their own homes and possibly overlooked because of it. Jacquie had signed up to do a PGCE to train as a teacher, she was always going to get her degree so the university she was going to train at accepted her on condition she got a 2:2 or better. She got a 2:1. She was going to attend a university in Cardiff from October and I felt she was moving towards leaving the nest and getting on with her life. I had spoken to her about it and reminded her that she was always welcome to call our home her home and to stay as long or whenever she wanted to. We had a few tears and a nice hug but she admitted she wanted her own life away from the high profile Camerons. I understood very much how she felt.
The police and MI5 were talking to Simon, perhaps leaving me out of it because i was the mother involved and one of those hysterical female types. Another woman police officer arrived and explained she was the family liaison officer. I won't say what I thought, but I did not feel at all welcoming and I don't need police under my feet if I have to move quickly. I know, I shouldn't be thinking like that, but I usually manage to deal with these situations by myself or with some back up from Jim or Simon.
I left Stella making WPC Beatrice Strong a cuppa while I went off and sent a quick text to Jim advising him that the police were here in droves. He replied that he explain he was here to advise on bodyguard and abduction prevention policies. I felt like telling him that horse had bolted, so closing the stable doors may be a waste of time. I think he was wanting to help because he knew the girls, especially Trish and Livvie.
Once I finished with him, my mind returned to the emptiness of missing my children. I was about to return to the sitting room when my mobile rang with it announcing it was Trish's phone. My stomach flipped but I answered it hoping it wasn't the kidnappers saying they were going to hurt the girls because I'd called the police.
"Hello?" I said aware my voice wasn't as strong as usual.
"Hi, Mummy, can you come and get us we're outside M&S."
"You're free?" I gasped.
"Yeah, I pointed out you kill them all and my dad would cancel their mortgages. They decided it was better to let us go."
"Go inside the shop, stay together, the police will come and collect you, don't go with anyone who isn't wearing a police uniform."
"What if they're plain clothes?" Trish does like to split hairs.
"They'll be in uniform."
"Oh, okay. Can we go and get a drink?"
"No stay by the door and stay together." I rushed and interrupted the meeting and told them all that the girls were in M&S. Two minutes later a marked police car screamed out of the drive to collect them.
I simply said a thank you to the superintendent.
"I hate to ask this, but it couldn't have been a bit of a prank, could it. I know that teenage girls can be awful hoaxers."
"I don't think so, Trish told me that she had explained who we were and that it would be in their own interests to release them because the consequences could be life changing."
"She's how old?"
"At five she negotiated with a county court judge to be adopted by us."
"She's adopted?"
"They all are, we can't have children."
"I'm sorry, you look like you'd have been good parents."
"I thought we try our best but today has proved we aren't good enough. I just wanted them to have the same freedom as other young teens."
"Poor little rich kids, can't say it's ever been a problem before. I still can't get over a thirteen year old negotiating their release."
"She has an IQ off the scale and the confidence to match. You'll believe it when you see her, just keep off quantum theory."
"I read a book on that recently, by that bloke on telly, Jim somebody."
"Jim Al Kalili?"
"That's the fellah, very clever."
"He is but Trish likes Brian Cox, he looks a bit more trendy."
"Oh yeah, I've seen him on the box too, another clever dick."
"Indeed, but I suspect Trish is just as clever but less experienced. Come back in twenty years after she's been to Cambridge. She's been offered a place there already."
"What, at thirteen?"
"Actually, she was about eleven, but I wouldn't let her go as she wasn't mature enough to cope with classes of people ten years older than her."
"I really am looking forward to meeting her, ah, here they come," he said seeing the police car come rushing up the drive.
"Just don't mention Schrodinger."
Why don't they ever listen? He spent half an hour being turned inside out and upside down by Trish. He also made the mistake of telling her he didn't think she would be capable of negotiating their release. She replied that her sisters had helped but that she had been the main negotiator and she'd learned what to say listening to Simon and I talking to people. "Daddy, works for the bank and is always negotiating something or other and Mummy is a super professor at the university and is always trying to get funding for research and if they'd used her for Brexit, the EU would have surrendered by day two and we'd have go everything we wanted, except her mummy wouldn't have done anything to help Brexit because she was very strongly against it." At this point, I made myself scarce and disappeared to my study with a cuppa while Trish and the copper played mind games with each other and were probably enjoying it. I was just happy to have them home, safe and well.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3302 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
"Mummy, the superintendent is leaving," said Trish followed closely by the aforementioned plod. Simon also was visible behind them.
"Is there anything we have to do?" I asked our senior policeman.
"Bring the three of them down the central police headquarters to look at some photos. Your girls have all given descriptions of the abductors so we have something to go on, but first thing tomorrow at the latest if you could."
"We will indeed."
"I am really impressed with your children, they really are like natural siblings yet you say they're all adopted?"
"They decided while we were fostering them that they would become each other's sisters and they've made it work, they are special, even though I say so myself, and I love them as much as I could any natural children."
"I'm sure, but apart from their intelligence, they seem unaffected by the wealth you have, or your family has, Trish even insisted on showing me the picture of your castle. I didn't believe her at first so she called it up her phone."
I smiled, he was getting the real treatment from her today.
"She also explained about proton tunnelling, which I must admit I didn't get with the Jim bloke on the telly."
I blushed a little at this, she was showing off, but then he had said he didn't believe she was clever enough to frighten off the kidnappers. "Good job you didn't mention orbital resonance, you'd have got a longer lecture on that," I warned him, I saw Trish's eyes flash and I hoped my glower stopped it in its tracks.
"Orbital resonance?" he said.
"It's astronomy."
"Is that what you teach at the university?"
"No, I'm a biologist."
"So none of these want to follow in your footsteps?"
"Not really, possibly one of the older girls, Danielle, she's quite interested in the biosciences but she's not here today, she's playing football at Reading."
"Oh, for who?"
"She plays for Reading Ladies."
"What as in Women's Premiere League?"
"Yes, she's also an England international."
"Wow, so is she much older than these three?"
"She's sixteen."
"Jeezuz, Mary and Joseph," he exclaimed adding, "sixteen and she's an international."
"She is as talented with a football as Trish is at Physics and Maths."
"Are all your kids superheroes?"
"Super heroines, pullease," quipped Trish from behind.
"I stand corrected," said the copper blushing and smiling, showing he could multitask.
"That's a high risk occurrence in this house, I'm afraid and can happen to anyone who says something that's not one hundred per cent correct."
"Okay, perhaps I'd better go before I say anything else that isn't exactly right. We'll expect you with your three daughters tomorrow morning."
We shook hands and on the whole he seemed a nice enough man but then things turned out to be better than we at first expected and I still wasn't sure he entirely believed Trish. The fact that she was very clever may have increased the risk he thought it was a hoax perpetrated by three bored little rich kids. Part of me wasn't entirely sure it wasn't as well. I hope he frightened the bejabers out of them if it was one, because I'm not sure I could and we couldn't let them get away with it because of the precedent it would set. Once things settled down, I would have a quiet word with all three of them and at length with Trish.
It was after dinner, Danielle had come home and Simon was on about finding someone to drive her who was trained to drive defensively and who also would be able to fight people off, if they were attacked. Danielle couldn't take what the girls said happened seriously, she thought it was a gag and at the same time knew it wasn't a funny one.
"You know if they spot you're lying, you could end up in an institution, I'd talk to Jacquie about those if you want to know how bad they are, they'd make the home seem like a piece of cake."
"It happened, we were walking to the bus stop and this man asked what the time was and the next minute this van pulls up and he grabbed Livvie and Han and threw them into the van and the other man grabbed me to stop me running away and I got thrown into the van as well."
"So where are the bruises?"
"What bruises?"
"If some bloke grabbed me, I'd fight like hell so he'd either have to hit me or grab me hard and I'd have bruises. If I got thrown in a van, I'd have bruises from where I hit the deck of the van. Where are yours?"
"So, he threw me gently into the van."
"What about you two?" Danni asked Livvie and Hannah.
"You'd better tell her, Trish," said Hannah.
"Tell me it was a big con - yeah?"
"Mummy wasn't supposed to tell the police."
"So you frightened her half to death instead - what are you a bloody idiot?"
Trish started to cry and looked down at her feet.
"You'd better tell her and hope if she doesn't kill you on the spot, and that she talks the police out of putting you away, that was some stupid prank and I tell you what, if you ever do anything like this again, if she doesn't kill you, I will.
They were all unaware that I'd heard the whole thing through the crack in the door. I hadn't asked Danni to do anything but she had confirmed my worst fears, three clever and bored little rich kids had decided to play games with us.
How I didn't explode all over them, I'll never know, I was so angry but instead of shouting and ranting I kept incredibly calm and told them we were going straight to the police headquarters and they were going to confess for wasting police time.
"But you weren't supposed to call the police."
"Are you stupid? Some strange voice tells me they've kidnapped my children and not to call the police, of course I'm going to call the police, they may be the only hope I have of getting you back. You wasted hours of several officers time and made me look a fool. If they send you down, it will serve you right, you stupid little girls. Once they let you go and send you back here, I am going to confiscate everything that that gives you pleasure, for what you put everyone through here. What you did was unforgiveable."
I called the police and spoke to the senior officer in charge and a little while later I received a call from the superintendent. Half an hour later, three very frightened teens were trembling in an interview room and sniffing back the tears. They had been fingerprinted and photographed like criminals.
After that, the interview was recorded as the three of them spoke in wavering voices punctuated with sniffs and sobs as the very large police superintendent wiped the floor with them. I was all for locking them up overnight in one of the cells but he told me to take them home however, he would have to make a report to the Director of Public Prosecutions to see what happened next and to be prepared to attend a magistrates court early the next day, which was a Sunday.
I took them home and sent them to bed, they had their ipads, ipods and iphones confiscated and the computers were locked, I'd called Sammi and she told me how to lock the computers so even Trish couldn't get in, but that I could unlock them for any schoolwork. That wouldn't be for two more weeks. I know they spent a very uncomfortable night but they had to be punished. I knew it wouldn't go any further but they would get another roasting tomorrow from the police and then be released providing they didn't do so much as step on the crack in a pavement. It may seem cruel, but they had to learn that actions have consequences. Had we all not made such a good impression on the superintendent, he could have really referred them to a juvenile court and they could have ended up with blemishes on their records.
I spoke to Toby, later that night and he said he'd have words with the powers that be and point out that Trish had helped solve a number of crimes or assisted in doing so and that she had never done any such things before and wouldn't do so again. I thanked him and invited him to dinner the next week. He had to decline because he was going on holiday in a couple of days, ten days in North Wales hill walking. Sounded good except with so many people staying in this country for a holiday to avoid needing Covid tests and so on, it was going to be very difficult to get away from crowds. It was shown after a recent surfing festival in Cornwall that Covid cases rose fivefold in the Newquay area and the experts are predicting a surge when the schools go back. A couple more weeks and we have to decide at the university if we open or keep to Zoom lectures. Bloody Covid, bloody Chinese, why do I feel like I'm the only adult in a world full of children. Then I think about what is happening in Afghanistan and remember how fortunate I am. It wasn't only the girls who slept fitfully that night.
On the Sunday morning I made them all shower and Simon and I took them as if to go to the magistrates court but we ended up back at the police station. A different officer pointed out all the things her officers could have been doing but didn't because they thought they were dealing with a multiple kidnap. She told them people may have died because police officers were taken off what they were doing to start looking for the girls.
Si and I endured an hour of purgatory while this woman chief inspector very calmly and coldly peeled the girls egos apart and showed them how stupid they were, their bags were certainly packed for a guilt trip and she took them on one. In the end, the superintendent came back flourishing a file full of papers and said it was the case he'd had to argue against the DPP to stop them being prosecuted. They all thanked him and he told them to leave and said loudly, "If any of you three ever end up back in here on a possible charge, all this will be raised again and you'll be doubly prosecuted, got it?"
They all said they did and almost ran out of the building. I thanked him for frightening them enough to stop them even thinking about such a stupid prank again. He told me if that was the result it was worth it. Simon offered him a case of his favourite tipple but he declined as it could appear he'd favoured us and he hadn't; well he had, but only because he was impressed with our family and even with the naughty girls. He'd added that he'd looked up orbital resonance and was none the wiser. I smiled and we left after shaking hands.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3303 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
The week after the hoax kidnap, the three girls were grumpy and itching for their electronic toys which I told them firmly they couldn't have. I intended to keep it up for at least a month if not longer, mind you Danni waggling her phone around didn't help keep the peace and she and Trish almost came to blows. I suspect Danielle would have won such an encounter but I wasn't sure and besides I didn't believe girls should by slinging punches at each other.
I intervened and spoke to each separately, including asking Danni not to stir things up, no matter how much she was enjoying what she doing to Trish, the other two were less so as they didn't have the history that Trish and Danielle shared, their time at the home and since. Meems was a good peacekeeper as well and she tended to help keep them apart while I was at work. Yes, work which I have to do when not on holiday and also at my pay grade, I tend to be on call, even sometimes when on holiday.
Being the Vice Chancellor, Daddy, tends not to interfere in my decision making, though will give advice if I request it. He took the three miscreants under his wing when he had a few days off and he had them helping him rebuild his greenhouse. For this, they were allowed to use pens and paper not computers, so instead of taking moments they had to measure everything by hand and use rulers and other drawing instruments to get angles correct and so on. Besides that he wanted to add a few other features like maximizing light but not enough to burn the plants, he had tolerances he thought applied to the plants he was going to grow.
The actual building was going to be done by one of Maureen's people, a carpenter who could also glaze it, although it would be made of aluminium, he had considered hardwood, but felt it was too environmentally unfriendly and Trish also agreed that was true. Each day, Daddy would slightly modify the specification and at times the girls had difficulty holding their tongues. He was deliberately winding them up with the intention that they might understand just a fraction of the worry and frustration they put me through with their stupid prank. I wasn't sure what I felt about it, they weren't allowed to discuss it with me because, he was supposed to be building it as a surprise for me so I wasn't supposed to know about it.
When they went back to school, after Maureen's carpenter had built it, well, he assembled it, a contractor actually made all the parts, and they were quite impressed with the plans and measurements which they did check on a computer. When it was built and I could feign my surprise, it was more genuine than I expected, it was very different and had different sections for growing different things, it was also larger than I anticipated. Trish and Livvie had worked really hard while Hannah did much of the measurements and also gave her opinion on what I would think, so effectively she added the aesthetic element to the design, which I'd have thought Livvie would have done, but I was wrong.
When we spoke afterwards, they had all three enjoyed the challenge and even though Gramps had kept messing them around with the dimensions, which had annoyed them, they still enjoyed the challenge once they had calmed down. They had also enjoyed working with him, so I hoped they had learnt something, but only time will show that. They had stopped asking for their toys and as they had the use of computers at school, I knew they could do their necessary homework, we just arranged to collect them an hour later and they did their homework in school, a bit like prep used to be in prep schools.
If they continued behaving, they'd have their toys returned after a month, they would also be allowed some other treats instead of being confined to the house or garden. On another occasion, I took Trish in with me because we had a problem with the computer system, which with Sammi's help, she managed to correct, the usual IT tech was on holiday, and those were all over the place thanks to Covid.
It was the next weekend when Simon came home with Danni, Reading had been playing Arsenal Ladies or some such team, and over dinner she challenged him to do something after he said how sad he felt for the refugees in Afghanistan.
"Like what?" he asked her.
"You've got a castle, why not let it out for refugees?" She was just winding him up but it obviously affected him. He went off to my study and an hour later called her. They both emerged after a quite a while smiling and he had his arm round her shoulder and she had hers around his waist, like fathers and daughters do.
They looked to each other to say something and he prompted her to speak. She blushed although she was only speaking to Stella, Daddy, David and me. "We - um - that is, Daddy and me, decided we would help provide accommodation for some refugees on the estate. We didn't want to upset any of the local people who work there so we arranged with the Estate Manager to renovate two cottages which were a bit beyond and they will be offered to the Scottish government to allocate to refugees, we only specified that we wanted those escaping from a war zone, but as there are several of those, we didn't specify which one."
We all applauded which brought the other girls out to see what was happening and they all agreed it was a good idea. Simon also said he might be able to offer some work on the estate to some of them if they could arrange permits.
It still meant we had a castle which was usually empty remaining so, but at least he had arranged to do something and given the antiques and art in the castle, it may be just as well that we didn't have strangers going in there and this applied to locals as well as refugees. They did allow it to be used for weddings and receptions, though they could also hire the estate kirk, but because of the pandemic, demand had been very slow and infrequent.
At one point Julie and Phoebe were talking about going up there for a few days but then decided they wouldn't bother and stayed home instead. As there was an upsurge in the Covid delta variant after a festival in Cornwall, they may well have been wise to postpone their visit, though Simon had said they could and I knew that the staff up there would have looked after them.
I was tempted to take a flight up to Scotland to check on my woodland, then thought better of it and instead did a Zoom interview with the person from the local university who was looking after it for us. They were doing projects on red deer and red squirrels.
We, as a university were still captive breeding dormice and doing things with them relating to their adaptation to being released in the wild. So far we had masses of data as the dormice were watched by webcams and radio tracked as well as having been pit-tagged and we had readers on the places we offered them food and also on some nest boxes in the nearby woodland. That is all expensive equipment and I was pleased we could get a grant for it. We had also got some grants for research at the woodland our visitor centre was in, so Dan was delighted he could do something with some of our students on woodland ecology.
One night when I got back a bit early from the office I decided I wanted a bike ride to unwind, Diane and I had been sweating our socks off trying to get a research grant for one of our palaeontologists to go to China and we had just about cracked it. Of course, once they saw me changing into cycling kit, they all wanted to come. It wasn't exactly what I'd wanted, but that's the fun of being a parent. After pumping up goodness knows how many tyres, which Danni helped with - she was there as well - I set off with what looked like a peloton from a junior women's road race.
We did about ten miles before we got back and then it was showers all round, change and come down for dinner, which David was just putting the finishing touches to, it smelt absolutely divine and after a shitty day and bit of exercise I was ready to indulge my body in something of a pleasurable nature - eating.
The meal was delicious roast pork with crackling, apple sauce, loads of vegetables and new potatoes with a couple of roast spuds each as well. David stayed to eat with us but Simon was up in town and grumbling he had to go to some bankers' dinner, so would have to wear a DJ and bow tie. He actually looks really good in one but he hates wearing it. After we'd finished clearing up, which was all hands to the pumps except Daddy who stole off to his study to take a wee nip o' single malt, I went off to my study to check my personal emails,
Settling down with my cuppa while the PC booted up and full of roast piggy-wig, I felt quite relaxed, which was a state that changed a few moments later when second on the list after a spam email asking if I wanted any pharmaceutical help with my erectile dysfunction - no thank you, I offered as I deleted it, when I saw an email from Janice on a Gmail address. Only one Janice came to mind and I felt a cold shudder down my back.I opened it with some trepidation.
'Dear Cathy,
I hope you don't mind the familiarity, but I've managed to find a moment to ask after Jemima and the rest of you, I know you have several children. I hope you are all well and surviving the pandemic, sadly Laurie succumbed to a bad bout but he's much better now since we got bail and shall we say, made good our escape.
I'd be so grateful if you could let me know how you all are and especially our shared daughter. She probably hates me for abandoning her, but I knew you'd be able to give her a life better than anything we could and I know she's genuinely fond of you. If you could also include a photo, that would be wonderful.
Give her my love,
It was only a short note but I knew it was going to upset Meems and I really didn't know what to do for the best. Honesty meant I had to tell her about it and possibly let her read it, I could always write back and say she didn't want to speak with her without telling Meems or I could just delete it and block any future contact from that email address.
It had been such a nice evening with the bike ride and that gorgeous meal that David had cooked us and then this. I suppose life is like that, seems to set us up for the sucker punch which floors us. It felt as if I was still lying on the floor shocked by it and my brain simply didn't want to think about a solution. Plus, who else should I involve with it, I can't talk to any of the girls until I've spoken with Mima, so I can only talk to Stella or Daddy because Simon is out at that dinner thing. I tried to think of him in his tuxedo looking suave and wondering what he'd say about it. Knowing him, typical bloke, he'd say, do what you think is best. In fact, I could almost hear him saying it. Stella might be a better bet but she said she was going to bed early as she had an early shift tomorrow. Oh poo, what shall I do?
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3304 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
I knew the morning would be difficult, with what seemed like only minutes of sleep, it felt awful as well as difficult. I sat with the girls who noticed I was bleary eyed. "Why don't you go back to bed, Mummy?" suggested Mima. Oh how I wished life was that simple.
"I have a few things to do, but let's get some breakfast first shall we?" I toasted what felt like half a loaf of bread and eventually got to eat a couple of pieces along with some squashed banana - well I like it. I asked the girls what they were doing and Trish and Livvie were off to a football match, a friendly with a neighbouring convent school, so it would probably be a blood bath. It was at St Claire's, so I said I'd come and watch some of it as soon as I dealt with something. David agreed to take them and Cate and Lizzie were playing with Hannah, who had devised some sort of ball game for them, so they went off up the garden.
"Could you give me a hand, Meems?" I asked my remaining daughter, who was almost on the verge of going to watch the footie. She shrugged and nodded. I made us both a fresh cuppa and she followed me into the study, as we did so, the two soccer players called, 'goodbye' and I wondered what they'd probably left behind, they always forget something. Danni was still in bed, she'd be off to Reading again in an hour, so I needed to get her up but first, this wretched email.
"What d'you want me to do, Mummy?" asked Meems as we entered the study.
"Give me a second," I said booting up my laptop, two minutes later I was opening my emails. I had three new ones but there in black and white was the one from Janice. I decided to grasp the nettle. "Have a look at this," I told Meems, opening up the email.
She seemed not to notice who it was from until she was half way through it. "What does she want?" she asked, a hint of anger in her voice.
"She tells you." I said sipping my tea hoping the caffeine would help wake my brain up.
"How dare she? What does she care, she gave me away, the bitch?"
It was more complicated than that, but a twelve year old wouldn't dwell on the fine detail any more than the three year old she abandoned would. "Are you not happy here with us?" I asked trying an oblique entry to the conundrum.
"Yeah, it's all right, why?" Adolescent understatement or what?
"Would you have been any happier with Janice and Laurie?"
"You know I wouldn't, so why ask?"
"I just wanted to get something straight in my own mind, that's all."
"What?" she asked looking more puzzled than angry for the moment.
"Well, I believe that Janice did us both a tremendous favour. I wanted a little girl to spoil and you needed someone to spoil you and get you mobilised again."
"Yeah, so?"
"Do you remember how you were when you first came here?"
"What d'you want, thanks?" she said laconically.
Her response threw me for a moment, "No of course not, we all know I did nothing, it was my magic red shoes, which also worked for Trish, if you recall?"
"Yeah, course I do, but what's that got to do with her?"
"I believe Janice left you with me for your own safety and I hope because she knew you would be loved here."
"We've done all this before, Mummy, what's it got to do with now, you're my mother all official, so what does she want?"
I offered her a hug and she took it, "I'm happy here with you and the others, and Daddy and Gramps. I know you all love me and I love you all. I don't believe you'd ever give me away - would you?" I felt the wet from her tears on my shoulder.
"No, my baby, I'd never give you away."
"So how could she? She chose my dad over me, didn't she?"
"It can't have been easy for her..." I felt tears in my own eyes. "Mother's don't just give their children away, unless they feel they have to."
"What like the women in Afghanistan throwing their babies to British soldiers over the fence, to bring them here for safety?"
"That's an extreme case, but yes that sort of thing because the Taliban may kill them and their babies. Perhaps, Janice thought she was in a similar situation."
"How? She could have stayed here and kept me." The tears were now making my top wet.
"Is that what you'd have liked to happen?"
"God, no," she said, "Life with you is far better than anything she could have given me and I have a proper daddy who loves me too and so does Gramps and all the others. She couldn't have given me all that, she and my birth father are con merchants or gun runners or something like that. I don't want anything more to do with them. You are my mother and Daddy is my father, all legal, they can't take me back so why don't they just piss off and leave us alone? Why do I have to have this happen?"
"I know if I lost you to someone else, I'd want to know you were okay."
"But you're not going to lose me, are you? You're not giving me back to that woman?" She began to get really upset.
"Woss goin' on?" asked a sleepy Danni, "You all right, Meems?"
"Go and get some breakfast, darling, you've got the car coming in half an hour." I didn't need anyone else here.
"What's wrong with my sister?"
"Nothing, now go and get yourself sorted," I glared and Danielle eventually got the message. I realised then, that I should have shut the study door.
"Please believe me, I am not giving you away to anyone. All Janice is asking for is to hear that you are well and to beg a photo. Now I can tell her you got all upset or I can tell her that you're doing really well in school, that your speech is now normal and we send her a photo, I've got some I took the other week, how about you choose which one. I'll even let you vet the email before I send it if you like, or would you like to write it?"
"What, tell her to piss off?"
"Would that make you feel any better if you did?"
"Not really."
"I happen to think she made the wrong choice, but it favoured me and I like to think, you as well. It also helped Trish when she came, that you were here already and helped her to settle in."
"Yes, I did, didn't I?"
"You did, you actually helped her to become a girl."
"No, she was a girl when we first met."
"She was dressing as one and calling herself a girl, but you helped her to become one, she had a real sister she could learn from and she could feel safe with. You helped Trish a great deal, she'll have forgotten now, but I was there too, you know and I saw it."
"I thought all I did was talk too loud and frighten people, especially with my lisps."
"Trish never had any trouble understanding you and neither did we, once we got used to you."
"God, it must have been awful, trying to understand me, I know girls in school used to tease me and Trish got into a fight once about it."
"If I recall, you got into a fight once for her, too."
"Fancy you remembering that," she'd stopped weeping and we were talking normally though she was still in my embrace.
"I'm your mother, Mima, it's what we do."
"Yeah, so is she, so how come she doesn't. Oh, send her a photo, and tell her what you like, but you're the only one I shall ever call mother, and she'll never get me back again."
"No she won't, but I think it would show that you are more mature than she is if you can forgive her and move on."
"Forgive her? Why?"
"Because it's better for you if you can."
"Better for her you mean?" she didn't sound convinced by my argument.
"Things would only be slightly better for her to hear from you, remember, she has lost you, the most precious thing in her life and she carried you around in her womb for nine months, gave birth to you..."
"And then chose my dad over me, she can go whistle. Can I go now?" I released her and she wiped her eyes and left me sitting in my study feeling very upset. I knew there would be no winners in this scenario, what I wanted was for there to be no losers. I don't know if I pulled it off or not. I'd go and sort myself out and change to go to the football match once I'd checked on Hannah and her sisters, sounds like a good title for a book or a film.
Meems and I eventually got to the football after chasing Danni to get ready for her trip to Reading, she was only just ready when the car came for her. Then as expected, Trish had forgotten her clean knickers for after the showers, Livvie had hers and they still share a bedroom, so how could one remember and t'other forget? I give up. That was the only text, so I grabbed some from her chest of drawers and we set off for the school.
It was half time and General Trish was marshalling her forces, standing in the centre of the circle laying down the law to her teammates. It was supposed to be a friendly, but St Claires were five one up and each team had lost someone to injury, so were down to ten-a-side. Livvie spotted us first and came to say hello before her sister followed suit a few minutes later.
"I've brought what you asked me," I said to Trish who thanked me, "I hope you haven't forgotten anything else because I haven't brought it." She looked at me for a moment, roared with laughter and went back to the restart of the game. "Did I miss something?" I asked Mima.
"If you did, so did I, remember it's Trish we're talking about, she doesn't operate on the same plane as us ordinary girls."
"No, that's a fact," I agreed.
"Six one," said Mima, that's four to Trish and one to Livvie and one to someone else."
"Just as well Danielle wasn't playing, it would probably be ten goals to one," I speculated.
"In each half," qualified Meems, "Danielle would beat both of these teams together by a margin of half a dozen.
"She is on another level," I admitted.
"Another level, this lot are in the basement and she's in the penthouse sort of level," said Mima dismissively.
"Well Trish is quite good," I tried to counter.
"For a schoolgirl, Danni is like Ronaldo compared to her and the rest of them. She's on another planet."
Despite Meems considering them inadequate, St Claire's won by nine goals to one, Trish got another two and Livvie one more as well. Trish was disgusted they couldn't get the tenth goal but the other side worked really hard to prevent it. Had they played with such dedication earlier, they may have saved a few more goals. We stopped for an ice cream on the way home and then it was lunch time. David had done us a chicken salad with new potatoes dripping with butter. I ate too much but I was putting off dealing with the email to Janice.
Eventually, I picked up the courage and was just sorting a photo to send her when Mima came in. "I'll help you write it, if that's okay?"
"Of course it is, in fact, it would be very good." I smiled at her and she blushed. She sat down at my laptop and began typing I stood behind her and watched what she wrote.
'Dear Janice,
Cathy is my mother now, I'm adopted, as is Trish. I'm really happy living with my family, I have great parents and brill sisters and I'm really glad you left me with Cathy. We're all well and doing okay in school. A while back I got a bash on the head but it cleared up my speech problems, so I sound like a normal girl now.
I wish you well but would prefer it if you didn't contact me again. I enclose a photo of me and my sisters at the beach last month.
Jemima Cameron'.
It was a bit brusque and the photo wasn't the one I had in mind but I agreed she could send it. I wondered if we would hear from Janice again and also if Meems would ever learn to forgive her, time would tell.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3305 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
Seriously, I'd hate to have to choose between Simon and the girls, but I hope he'd understand, it seems my maternal drive may be stronger than romantic love, though I hope it never happens as it would really hurt both of us. He knows what his parent's divorce did to him and it took him years to recover from it realising that his mother had issues but she also deserved his sympathy. I think I helped him through that rebalancing except I'll never know for sure, but it seems men do have problems with emotional issues that I as a woman don't; mind you, I have plenty of my own instead.
It seems that transgender issues are once again in the news as the Equalities Minister, is supposed to have called transwomen, men and raised the old chestnut about men being allowed in women's toilets or spaces. It doesn't say much for her as Equalities Minister, but this government doesn't seem to care much about minorities of any sort, be they ethnic or what have you. I shall definitely cross her off my Christmas card list for being a bigot.
The university is considering buying land for a new campus in Waltham Forest, which is in North London as we don't have space to expand in Portsmouth. Being on an island, Portsmouth is one of the most densely populated places in Britain, sort of the Hong Kong of England, only with a slightly less corrupt and totalitarian government.
On a less serious note, the cycling world championships start on Sunday and I think we have a reasonably strong team to compete in Belgium, though so do they and several other countries, including the Dutch. It would be nice to see Cav take it again, but I think that might be a forlorn hope, still I can hope can't I, and it would be a wonderful end to his resurgent TdF.
I was musing on this when my computer peeped to say it had received a new email, I opened it dreading it was Janice, but it was Simon telling me he was running late and to keep him some dinner. He must be over his hangover if he's talking about food. I hadn't even thought about it myself yet and had forgotten what David had said he would do, I hope he's cooking, perhaps I'd better check, he must be about due a day or two off. Sometimes I have to remind him of this fact. It would also stop me thinking about Mima and Janice - damn the woman. She causes me problems and upset Mima, but I really don't wish her ill because I feel quite sorry for her and the awful choice she'd had to make.
David was in the kitchen preparing something which smelt delicious. I'd had my toast and banana for breakfast but what he was making made my tummy rumble. I made us both a cuppa and grabbed a couple of hobnobs, chocolate variety - well my hubby's a very wealthy man, so I'm allowed a little bit of indulgence. I noticed David happily accepted a couple of biccies as well, so that relieved my guilt. Having said that, it was as thin as gilt, so not a major problem. I wonder if anyone else has gilt guilt? If they do, it's pretty painless.
I stood chatting to David for a few minutes while we destroyed the evidence before the girls expected to share in our calorific booty. "Why was Mima in a strop yesterday?" he asked, "or shouldn't I ask, wasn't um, you know, the um.." he began to blush. As he would know more about periods than I did, I extricated myself by responding that it wasn't. I then told him what had happened.
"Bugger me," he exclaimed and tempting as it was to tell him I'd given it up, I let him continue, "she dumps that sweet little girl on you and pisses off to God know's where to be with her husband who sounds a total arsehole. Then she pops up again and upsets everyone, some people want their cake and eat it. Stupid cow."
I shrugged, I considered that Mima had dealt with her birth mother as she wanted, at the same time I wondered if she may regret it later as we none of us know how we will feel about something as fundamental as our parentage in future years, especially as adoption can cause all sorts of problems to both the adopted child and the adopting parents. So far, we've been lucky and I think some of that is because the children actually asked Simon and I to adopt them, which means they were party to that decision and subsequent action. Unfortunately, lots of adopted children are adopted very young and have no choice in the matter.
Seeing as there appears to be so many mental health problems about at the moment, it makes me wonder how these things are defined and decided because it seems that if people can't get their own way, they have mental health issues. Possibly because no one has ever said no to them before. I don't wish to belittle those with more recognised problems such as clinical depression or mental illness and I also appreciate that Covid and the lockdown that followed it caused people to be stuck in small flats with no escape from their children or parents or siblings, often with little money coming in and the housing being substandard. I watched a documentary the other night about people trapped in disgusting accommodation with water running down the walls, toadstools growing on the skirting boards and black fungus everywhere. No one should have to deal with such outrages except possibly the landlords, some of which were local councils who just ignored their tenant's torment.
It strikes me as disgusting that the wealth gap is widening with the very rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, especially once the government takes back the increase it gave those on benefits during the Covid crisis. Sometimes I feel guilty about the salary and bonuses that Simon gets, though I am also aware he works very hard for them, but is anyone worth several million a year? He justifies it to himself and I know he gives quite a bit to charity as well as being generous to the children and me and I earn a good salary myself, though I do pay my share of the expenses and also support several charities from wildlife to women's causes such as the women's refuge, which is always short of funds. I feel government ought to fund these things, especially when it's a known fact that domestic violence cases are rising again, the vast majority of which are against women.
I was asked to act as patron of the local refuge but declined it, not because I didn't want to do it, but because if my history came out, it would be a bigger issue in the press than the domestic violence and the need for these safe-houses for women and children. Thinking about that, made Mima and Janice's situation fall into a perspective. It was sad but perhaps not as life threatening as being physically or emotionally abused on a regular basis by a partner, given the number of murders and manslaughter cases these seem to become, I felt it was a greater concern than dealing with Janice.
I discussed this with David who agreed with me, he'd experienced bullying in his previous life and so had I, though not from a spouse or partner, it was from parents or peer groups. Misfits are easy targets and I know I was certainly one of those, as I suspect was our amazing chef. I also realise that several of my children had suffered bullying for various reasons as well as some abuses, which are unforgiveable particularly when perpetrated by those in positions of privilege or trust or power.
Perhaps the ultimate in that abuse is actually killing a child, and I read a sad story in today's paper about some South African woman doctor who killed her three little girls after they'd all moved to New Zealand. What drives someone to do that? I find it unimaginable and I'd kill myself first, as would most of us. Fancy having to live with that for the rest of your life? It made me shudder.
I left David to finish preparing his lamb casserole, which was now making my mouth water, before I began actually dribbling. It made a change from a Sunday roast, not that I'd complain about that either. However, I had work to finish and once again I was stepping into my study and hoping that Janice hadn't sent a snotty reply to Mima's email. I almost sent her one to try and ameliorate its effect, then I thought that she has a right to express herself and her feelings and those feelings have some justification in their expression. I think I know what I mean, whether anyone else will is another matter.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3306 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
I needed to look up when we had a meeting next week and casually flicked open my diary, it opened at the middle of July and my eye alighted on the sixteenth of that month, around which I had circle with the number 14 inside it. It was fourteen years on that day since I first met Stella and after her, Simon. When I think about what happened that afternoon and what was happening now, it felt like a lifetime ago. I suppose it is nearly, given that they count a generation as being about twenty years, unless you're a bacteria, then it's about twenty minutes. A virus can be even less than that.
I sat there in my reverie thinking about how life had changed and mine in particular and how a small group of people, friends and relatives had supported me through what had been a rather abrupt change of direction for me. I'd gone from a geek post grad student who tended to wear loose-fitting, if not almost shapeless clothing to disguise the changing shape of my body underneath it. Half the university thought I was a girl, I had long hair and a feminine face and voice, who was a bit strange or an even stranger boy who was either gay or really weird. I suppose it was bit of the girl in the feminised boy's body and that was happening before they gave me hormones.
I certainly saw myself as a girl and female but legally I was regarded as a man and male, that I was androgen insensitive meant I would never mature as a male because the dreaded T or testosterone, didn't affect or influence my body except in a very small way, probably about as much as a healthy, prepubescent female. It had caused me problems all my life but in many senses, those troubles were behind me and seeing as they were simply replaced by ever more complex ones, I wasn't sorry.
I glanced at the photo of Simon and I together at our wedding with all the girls surrounding us, all dressed up like the bridesmaids they all so badly wanted to be and which at their age, so did I, sadly I am now too old and I think I can probably cope with my disappointment these days. I have also decided that I no longer want to become a ballerina or a top model, the latter especially so when I learned most of them smoke and eat tissue paper to try and stop hunger pangs. After the meal I'd just eaten, I'd have lost any modelling contracts I had, unless it was for maternity wear.
I looked at the photo and I felt this warmth spread through me from my heart. Here captured on a piece of card were the most important people in my world, the man I fell in love with and who I still adore and all these young women who make me want to get up in the morning, sometimes to escape them, but mostly to be with them as their mother, a role I never thought I'd ever play and which had been both heartbreaking and heart-warming. Isn't that what happens when we give love to others, we take risks and make ourselves vulnerable and if we get it wrong it can be devastating, but when we get it right, it's the most wonderful thing in the world. We are emotional beings and that is what makes us human, not cleverness and skill, it's being able to love and be loved or sadly also to hate or be hated. At times I feel there may be more of the latter two than the former.
Being irrational is also something which is usually down to emotions, people who don't want the Covid vaccine, either deliberately or wilfully ignore the scientific evidence or prefer to believe a load of bunk that is proliferating on social media. Sometimes I think we'd be better off without the various sorts we have, although we all use Whatsapp amongst the family, except Daddy, who, "I've lived this lang wi'oot it, mebbe I can fa wee bittie langer." I admit I was reluctant to use it but all the older girls were and I had to to make sure I knew what they were up to, at least part of the time. I'm sure they use something else now for the stuff they don't want me to know about. Most of the girls older than about seven probably know more about phone apps than I do anyway. I mean, they do Zoom over their phones, I struggle with my laptop, though I have run some meetings via it and the world didn't disappear in a puff of smoke - just Diane's computer, it caught fire, but that's another story.
Oh, okay, the fan on her tower system failed and the safety cut out didn't. Hence loads of awful smoke and we had to get Sammi to remove the hard disc and copy it to the new machine. It was quicker than asking our IT department who seem to have longer waiting lists than the Tavistock Clinic does for trans children. See, it wasn't a big story, except at the time when the smoke alarm went off and we had two fire engines outside within ten minutes. Mind you the smell and smoke was awful, we both had funny throats for a few days after that, all the plastic I expect.
I was musing over all these when I suddenly felt I wasn't alone, it made a shiver run down my spine though when I turned to look, Mima was standing just outside my door, "What y'doin', Mummy?"
"I was just thinking about Daddy." I blushed putting the photo down.
"In he comin' home tonight?" she asked and I began to wonder why we paid all that money in school fees.
I glanced at the carriage clock on top of the fireplace, "Any time now, so I believe," she came and sat next to me and I put my arm around her and squeezed her .
"That'll be nice, won't it?"
"It will, sweetheart." We sat together for an uncomfortable couple of minutes.
"Um, Mummy?"
"Yes darling?"
"Did I do wrong in writin' to Janice like I did?"
"Why do you ask?"
"I got the impression you weren't exactly happy with me."
"Why was that? I don't remember saying anything about your email. You're a big girl now and able to make some of your own decisions."
"I don't know if I did, that's all."
"You were entitled to tell her to keep off your case, if that was how you felt."
"When I saw the email, I just felt angry. I mean she abandoned me, didn't she?"
"In some ways yes, but I don't think she did it lightly and considering how little time she had, she did quite well for you."
"Yeah, but she still dumped me, didn't she?"
"Yes, I'm afraid she did."
"An' I was lucky she dumped me on you and Daddy and Gramps."
"I like to think so, but I also feel very lucky that she did."
"Yeah, I suppose, so if she dumped me, why did she have to stir everything up now?" she climbed on to my lap and sobbed onto my shoulder, "Why did she have to come back?"
"Perhaps this was the first opportunity she had, to speak to you, or any of us."
"Why couldn't she stay dead?"
"But she isn't dead," I protested gently understanding of her anger.
"As bloody well good as, for all she's done for me, she might as well be." She burst into tears and I held her while she wept. "I'm a wicked girl, aren't I, Mummy? Will I go to hell?"
"Why is that?" I tried to keep it lighter, last thing I needed was a philosophical discussion on the nonsense of heavens and hells.
"Cause I'm a bad girl."
"I always thought you were a very nice girl."
"You know, when I drowned and you saved me, I saw myself in a very strange place, it felt light and dark at the same time and I saw you looking for me, you were with this angel lady and she helped you find me."
"You were very ill, Mima, when you're that ill your mind plays all sorts of tricks as if it's trying to work out what is happening to it. All sorts of chemicals are released and they can make you see and feel all sorts of weird things."
"I saw you, Mummy, you and this other lady, you were both like angels and you found me and held me and I felt you bringing me back to you, to life. I was dead, wasn't I, Mummy."
"I don't think so, darling, you were close, but you hadn't died and the blue light helped you, well helped me to help you."
"That comes from God, doesn't it?" she sniffed and I passed her a tissue.
"I don't know, sweetheart, all I know is it can sometimes help people get better and I'm eternally grateful that it helped you."
"So am I, Mummy, I'd hate to lose you."
"You're not going to, sweetheart., I promise."
"If I did, I'd die, I know I would." She began weeping again.
"I'm not going anywhere, I promise."
"Don't leave me, Mummy."
"I won't, sweetheart, neither you nor I are going anywhere, understand, I'm not going anywhere and neither are you."
"Okay, Mummy."
A moment later Simon popped his head round the door and I smiled at him, but he understood in a second blew me a kiss and went off to have his dinner. That's why I love that man, he is so understanding.
Mima eventually fell asleep and Simon came and lifted her off me and took her up to her bed, he talked quietly to her all the time and left me to undress her and tuck her in, she was exhausted and barely woke as I changed her into her pyjamas. We both kissed her and she sighed and smiled but turned over and went off to a deeper sleep. I'd have to warn the others not to disturb her when they came up.
"So the dreaded Janice emailed her?" he said when we got back downstairs.
"No she emailed me, I showed the email to Meems to ask her how she wanted me to respond to it."
"She told me she would write back and effectively told her to take a running jump."
"That's my Meems," he chuckled pouring us each a glass of Merlot.
"Except now she thinks she might go to hell for doing so."
"Should we move them from the convent?"
"I think that sort of abomination is placed in them very young, I couldn't see Sister Maria saying such a thing, could you?"
"Now you point it out, no, but what about some of the old crones who used to teach there, Sister Vagina or whatever Trish calls her?"
I nearly snorted red wine everywhere, "Sister Virginia, I think you mean?"
"Trish's pronunciation is better," he said and chuckled again.
"I think we may have some separation issues to deal with, again."
"I think that's an understatement," he replied, "but I'll leave that to you, you're better at these things than I am."
"She loves you very much too, and I feel you need to be involved to show her that we won't abandon her, neither of us."
"Okay, okay, I'll do what I can, all right?"
"Thank you, darling, you are so good to us all," I said while snuggling up against him hoping he didn't see through my extra affection.
"Yes, I am, aren't I, what's in it for me?"
"You have a wife and a dozen daughters who love you to bits, what else could you want?"
"An hour alone with my wife and you know..."
Sometimes keeping all of them happy is like juggling plates, but so far I've managed it, well, most of the time. He got what he wanted last night, not that I was exactly averse to it, just that I was the one sore afterwards. Then again, the next day he made a special fuss of her and it was her who went off in his F-type when he had some paperwork to deliver to the local branch.
Oh, the others grumbled but I explained how Mima was hurting and they all agreed not to say anything but to be supportive of her, even the little ones who also know they're adopted, but that doesn't mean anything to them yet and I heard Danni explaining it to them a while back, "Look most kids just happen and they have to cope with the parents they get, our parents chose us, they actually wanted us to be their kids, and that is better than many of the girls I know in school who hate their parent's guts."
"You don't hate Mummy or Daddy, do you Danni?" asked Cate.
"No, dopy, I love them both loads, they're great parents, I couldn't have had better if I'd chosen them."
"I thought you did, Danni?" said Cate. At this point I left Danni to talk her way out of it and went and did some ironing.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3307 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
When Mima started to weep because he was leaving her, he reassured her that he'd be in sight the whole time and that he would be back in a trice. When he got back, he gave her a cuddle and she burst into tears, saying that she thought he was going to abandon her. He told her he wasn't and that both of us, as her parents had told her that.
"I know, Daddy, but I just get this panic and I can't think or get out of it."
"What would you say if Trish or Cate had the same panic?"
"I'd tell them, not to worry because you'd never leave them or hurt them."
"And what d'you think they'd say to you if you were the one panicking?"
"Pretty much the same, though Trish would probably add, you nit, on the end of it."
He chuckled, "I think you could b e right there, she does tend to give you the benefit of her opinion whether you asked for it or not."
Mima laughed adding, "She's just so clever, she frightens me sometimes."
"Yes, she is pretty clever, but then you don't do so bad yourself, do you?"
"I'm pretty dumb compared to her."
"Hmm," said Simon rubbing his chin, "remind me where you came at the end of year exams in your class."
"Um," she blushed, "I was joint top in our year."
"And that was across the whole range of subjects?"
"Yes, Daddy."
"I think that's pretty good going, don't you?"
"Trish and Livvie helped me with some of the maths and science revision."
"As I would expect from them being older, in the same way we expect you to help Cate and Lizzie if they need it."
"I do already, Daddy."
"Good girl, right now wipe your eyes and nose and let's go and do the shopping your mother asked me to get." They sped off to Sainsbury's and after parking, they walked into the store with their arms linked. Instead of his usual habit of going directly for the things he went in there for, he headed for their clothing range. "See if there's anything that takes your eye, kiddo." Meems didn't need a second telling and rushed in and out of the lines of clothing, selecting several items that she went to try for fit. She liked all of them and he told her to choose her three favourites and he bought them for her.
"What about the others?" she asked coyly.
"You got three, how many more did you want?"
"No the others, my sisters?"
"Tell them it was a reward for coming top of the year."
"Trish and Livvie did, too - of their year."
"What about Hannah?"
"She was a bit further down."
"Hmm," Simon scratched his chin again. "Can't you sneak it into the house, tell them it's groceries or sanitary wear."
"What like toilet rolls?"
"Er, no like sanny pads."
"They wouldn't believe me."
"Damn, what d'you think they'd like?"
"I'm not sure, Daddy, we all have different tastes."
Fearing he was being outmanoeuvred by a twelve year old, which he was, he pulled out his mobile and called me. I nearly choked as I'd just taken a swig of tea. "Get them some fancy tights, Mima knows their sizes because they tend to borrow each others." I could hear him speaking to Mima and he told me they'd do that, how many pairs? I told him two or three each and not to forget Cate and Lizzie.
I think he ended up spending fifty quid on various pairs of tights which Mima chose for her sisters. She'd got the best of the deal but I knew there'd be no jealousy because they all do very well most of the time and I once heard Danielle telling off her sisters, "Think you're hard done by, do you? Well, think again because where you were before you were adopted by Mum and Dad wouldn't have given half the stuff you have now nor the amount of love they give us, so in other words, stop being such little shits."
Our Danni doesn't mince words. I was actually very proud of her because she was filling the role of big sister, really well. Julie had shown her a few of the ropes but Danni was better than her big sister, possibly because there wasn't such an age gap between her and the younger ones compared to Julie and Danni. Or maybe I have it all wrong and she just is better at it, some people are. It's funny because when I was little all I wanted was a sister and to be one myself, but it didn't happen. What would have happened, had I had a brother instead, I dread to think, especially seeing David and his brother together. Then again sisters can be pretty nasty as well, boys don't have the monopoly on it and not all boys or men are bad or violent, nor are all girls and women angels, I've met some real demons in my time, especially when they find out you're different.
I remember being out with Siân one day and although I wasn't actually dressed as a girl, my very long hair and relatively fine features as well as smaller stature tended to encourage people to address me as a girl. Siân was well aware of my girly tendencies and played along with enthusiasm.
We were shopping in Bristol at the Horsefair when we encountered several girls from the girls' school, where she attended, while I went to the boy's. "Who's your friend Griffiths?" asked the biggest of them, a girl a year above us.
"What's it to you?" she fired back and we went to walk away. However, two or three of them blocked off our escape route.
"Come on, Griffiths, what's her name?" they approached us even closer and the bully said loudly, "Or could it be a boy? That girly boy who sucks dicks in the sixth form toilets according to what my brother tells me."
"Piss off," said Siân and we tried to push our way through the gang, but they pushed back.
"Ooh, touched a nerve have we?"
"What's your brother's name?" I said standing firm against them, because if he's one of my clients, then that makes him as queer as me, doesn't it?"
The look I got back would have stripped paint off a door, "He's no effing queer like you, you shit bag."
"He must be, boys who do it with other boys are bachelors gay," I said smirking, feeling Siân squeezing my hand very tightly.
"I didn't say he did it with you, you...you effing queer."
"In which case you are reporting hearsay evidence which is not admissible in court and you're also slandering me in front of witnesses, so if I were you I'd take your silly, slanderous mouth and go back under the rock from whence you crawled, and for the record, I'm not homosexual," I wrapped my arm around Siân adding, "unless you consider I'm lesbian, because she's my girlfriend,. Good day, potty mouth." With that I pushed through them pulling Siân along with me, while they stood gold-fishing and apparently speechless.
A little later, when she'd stopped shaking, she looked at me and asked, "Can you be a lesbian if you're a boy?"
"Do you think I'm a boy?" I asked her back, knowing that we'd discussed the fact that I didn't think I was.
"No, no I don't. You realise what happened will be all over the school tomorrow?"
"You think that worries me? There are so many rumours flying around the place, all of them wrong, and so many enemies who think I'm gay, one more is neither here nor there. Who was that gargoyle anyway?"
Siân fell about laughing, "Gargoyle, what a brill description of her, I'll put a note in the girl's bogs to that effect. She's Melanie Stamp and her brother's..."
"Not Terence, but Timothy, a right arsewipe."
"You know him, then?"
"Oh I know our Tim, he did try it on and swung a punch at me but I pulled the door open and it he hit that, broke his hand. He hasn't been a problem since though it seems he's spreading malicious gossip is he? I expect I'll live."
"What if he attacks you again with some of his friends?"
"I get a few more bruises," as we weren't overlooked I lifted up my top and showed her the latest collection.
"Jeez, Charlie, can't they stop that happening, it can't do you any good? Can't your parents do anything?"
"Some of those are from my parents, well, my dad. He'd probably get on quite well with potty mouth."
"Oh, Charlie, I wish there was something I could do to help," she said in her soft Welsh accent.
"You do, in world where few dare to stand near me, let alone be associated with me, a true friend is a great asset."
"You say the nicest things, girlfriend," she said and pecked me on the cheek.
I'm not sure if the warmth I felt at that moment was worth the bruises I did collect and it would have been worse if Mr Whitehead hadn't seen what was going on and broke up the assault. I got a black eye and a split lip as well as other facial bruising when darling Tim stamped on my face after one of his friends pushed me to the ground. Thankfully they didn't break my nose.
I got my own back six months later when I spotted him shoplifting in a department store and reported him to one of the staff. He was stopped and challenged and they found the bottle of perfume in his pocket. He got prosecuted but got off with a caution as a first offence. He also walked into a door, that I was going through. It was amazing that he didn't seem to see me until the door hit him in the nose and that did break. No one, especially old Murray would believe it was an accident, which it was, but I got detention for a week and my parents got a letter to say any further violence towards my fellow pupils would result in my suspension. The only reason it didn't was that Macbeth was looming on the horizon and they couldn't suspend me and have me star in their play. Perhaps I should have hit someone else, deliberately this time, I had plenty of provocation. But I wasn't a violent person by nature, not until I had children to protect and the rest they say is history.
You could say I've had an interesting life and sadly so many in my position, even today, get attacked or verbally abused simply for existing and even if we're not actually interacting with the abusers except as being recipients of the abuse. We seem to be living in a world where those who use violence feel justified, though without any evidence to prove it. There also seems to be so much anger about and perhaps some of those, especially young men, are unable to express their anger except by violence and aggression. It's very sad, and no one seems to be doing anything about it.
Violence against women worldwide seems on the increase, most but not all, perpetrated by men, often ones in a relationship with the victim or from a previous one. Women, are quite rightly, protesting very loudly about the lack of protection from attackers. I don't know what the answer is, but education and keeping young men busy with work must help and I think we also have to bear in mind that, those who attack women or other men, are a minority, in the UK, most men are fine and often as shocked as women by the violence shown by the minority, but we need their cooperation to prevent the minority from causing the problems and to help educate the problem group that violence is very rarely justified and that everyone deserves some degree of respect regardless of what or whoever they are.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3308 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
I wrote back saying that I didn't influence what Mima had written neither did I alter it. I also told her that Mima had been upset by seeing the original email and that had caused her problems for several days. I felt like telling her that she couldn't give something away and then ask for it back but I didn't. I could have blocked her email address but decided against it. Despite her making, what I considered the wrong choice, she was still Mima's biological or birth mother and I understood that she would feel regret at times, but that wasn't my fault, I was just a pawn in the game, but one who made it to the other side and became a queen in my own right. Yeah, I liked that analogy though it made no difference to the cheek I got when trying to get the girls to bed.
I needed to get some space because I had brought some work home. That Simon wasn't here was just as well because he'd have told me off. That he was probably working in his office or flat didn't seem to enter the equation, when he was home he expected me to be available for him. Occasionally, I had to remind him that was after the children had been sated and also that they were as much his as mine. He was usually more attentive of them for a few hours except for Mima, who had a special relationship with him and to some extent so did Danielle, who was an absolute cracker. I don't think anyone who wasn't aware of her history would believe she wasn't 100% girl and she could pout and throw tantrums with the best of them, she could also wind her father round her little finger, much better than I could with Tom, but then she'd started younger.
The university was back in full operation and we had student health offering Covid jabs two or three times a week. Students were taking advantage of it and I wanted to encourage them as it was the only way we'd ever come out of its shadow. It still annoyed me that humans were probably the most sophisticated life-forms to evolve so far and we could be decimated by one of the simplest, I suppose it was a reminder not to let arrogance verge on hubris. We weren't gods yet and probably never would be, especially if we destroyed this planet before we had another to despoil, but sometimes we act like it.
I could not believe that antivaxers were demonstrating outside schools when they learned that the kids were being offered the jab. I listened to one head teacher on the Today programme on Radio 4, detailing how they operated and they seemed well organised and funded but that all they were saying was nonsense or lies. But they rely on influencing those who perhaps are not well informed and who may then be swayed by their fairytales.
Covid has killed possibly 16 million people worldwide, how can people be in denial of it? Then I recall there are people who deny that the holocaust happened and that killed six million. I still remembered the horror of seeing the film we were shown in the sixth form, it was shot by British and American soldiers who entered the camps and the awful things they saw. The bulldozers shoving countless bodies into mass graves will live with me forever, it was like they were something other than people, something of no importance, it was dreadful, but I understood the bodies had needed to be buried to prevent even more deaths from disease. The Nazis had just killed as many of their prisoners as they could as they fled. How one human could perpetrate that sort of spitefulness and wickedness upon another completely defeats me. But history shows we always have, there are reports in the history books of Ghengis Khan having whole towns and cities slaughtered because they resisted him and his armies. According to one story, the Khan ordered that his soldiers should kill all the farmers as he couldn't see any point in them. One of his lieutenants stepped in and said, if we do that, who will feed us? The Romans were not above doing the same, the reasoning being it creates fear in their enemies and they are less likely to resist or to surrender and plead for mercy.
There are also instances of the British doing unspeakable things in their period of world domination, after the Indian Mutiny, many of the prisoners were executed. Richard I, 'Coeur de lion', a Norman-French psychopath who was king of England executed hundreds of prisoners during the siege of Acre, which they did in front of Saladin's army. So Europeans have a long history of it. Ah, but times were different then, we weren't as sophisticated as we are now, yeah now we can do it with drones or cruise missiles without being anywhere near the target. We are still cavemen emotionally but with nuclear weapons and technology, so we have a long way to go to call ourselves civilised and I suspect we probably never will.
It used to make me smile when I saw history done by Hollywood or TV companies, where Prince John was always seen as the bad guy and Richard was always the good guy, rewarding the loyal who had stymied his younger brother once again. Yeah, of course it's all absolutely true, except Richard wouldn't have spoken Anglo Saxon and that he only spent a few months of his whole reign in England also makes it unlikely. Hollywood of history is about as accurate as antivaxers on Covid.
We had our own demonstration by antivaxers trying to stop students going to get jabbed, we asked the police to come but because it was on private property, the university campus, they didn't want to know until I suggested I'd let the professor of Virology dump a pile of viruses on them, which was what he wanted to do after someone kicked the door of his car and put in a sizeable dent.
"Professor Watts, if you let that happen you'll be charged with grievous bodily harm."
"If you don't come and shift these morons I'll have to arrange to have them moved by someone else, which might include the rugby and rowing teams and our weightlifters."
"You can't, someone will get hurt."
"They have no right to be here, they have no reason to be here, they aren't students or staff or contractors or delivery people, they're just a bloody nuisance who are promulgating lies and disinformation. If I had some names I'd sue them."
"You'll need a few bob to do that," said the wag from the Hampshire Constabulary.
"My family own a bank, so that isn't an issue."
There was a short pause before I heard in the background, "Oh it's her is it. Better do something before she sues us again." I heard the person cough before he spoke directly into the microphone. "I've managed to rustle up a few officers, we'll come and break it up within the hour."
"Thank you, Inspector, I always knew I could count on the police to assist us in our job of corrupting young minds."
An hour later they'd all gone possibly helped by one of our biology lecturer's threatening to use them as lab specimens. He came out waving a couple of empty petri-dishes and they all tended to run away. The whole thing did not help my temper or the atmosphere of the day. Daddy saw to it that we had extra security on campus for the next day.
You can see I lead an interesting life, well, compared to say, a barnacle, which of course Darwin spent several years studying and categorising. I mean apart from possibly being able to claim you were examined by Darwin himself, being inundated by the tide twice a day as the high point of your life can't be terribly exciting. I believe that one species has proportionally, the longest penis in the animal kingdom - that's something to drop at the vicar's garden party, not that I'm likely to be invited anyway, unless they had a surplus of cheap firewood, to come and have a stake.
I did manage to do some work that day, but the amount was far less than I had anticipated, so I thought had some more to take home again. I called David and asked him to collect the girls in the VW and that I'd be home a bit later, as I had things I wanted to finish tonight. I left my office at eight o'clock having had a cuppa soup to keep me going. As I drove home all I could think of was what David had cooked for dinner. I couldn't remember what it was but I knew it would be tasty.
Driving home some idiot drove his car under an articulated lorry, which caused long tailbacks and a total inability to be able to turn around and try another route. The local radio suggested it was bad everywhere as drivers tried various rat runs, so I stayed where I was but did phone home to say where I was and why.
A fifteen minute journey took nearly an hour and I was extremely fed up when I did get home. The girls tried to tell me that they didn't think I wanted any dinner because I was so late, so they'd eaten it for me. They were expecting me to explode and chase them round the house, instead I sat at the kitchen table and burst into tears. Even us pawn made queens have thresholds. When Trish pretended that they hadn't noticed my covered plate in the oven and went to bring it to the table, I turned round in surprise and knocked the contents all over her. Then it was up in the shower with cold water sprayed on her for half an hour. At the end of that, two of us were thoroughly miserable, but only one of us was hungry.
Livvie cleaned up the mess assisted by Hannah while Mima helped me try to stop scalding by ripping off Trish's clothing and chasing her up to the shower. Mima shoved the dirty clothes into the machine. I was relieved that the remedy worked and a remorseful Trish apologised profusely. I forgave her and ate a bowl of cornflakes, Kikki had had my dinner - roasted lamb cutlets, before they could stop her. I was surprised Bramble hadn't got in on the act as well but she was out strangling voles or something similar.
I sent them all off to bed earlier than usual and went off to my own with a cup of tea. It had been a terrible day by anyone's standards and all I wanted to do was curl up with Simon while he held me and whispered sweet nothings. I did phone him and his phone was switched off. I had no idea what he was doing but I felt like shit and screamed it down the phone as the recorded message told me, 'The phone you are calling is switched off, please try again later.' After that I drank my tea and fell asleep without even switching the light off or cleaning my teeth - yeah, it was that bad.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3309 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
It was unusual for Si not to tell me if he had meetings or other commitments in the evenings while he was away. We chatted most days but he said he'd be very busy for the next couple of days, as was I, so I left him in peace and quiet. I mean the last thing he needs is a weak and needy woman pestering him, especially as he thinks I'm stronger than he is. If I am, it's only on a bicycle and I hadn't done any of that for ages, god it's going to hurt next time I do ride one, everything from my bum to my legs are going to hurt.
The kettle boiled and I made myself a cuppa, added a splash of milk and sat down at the kitchen table to drink it. I'd brought my mobile with me, though I wasn't sure why, however, I checked it for messages. There were none. I sighed and as I sipped my tea caught sight of movement. Danni strolled into the kitchen, "What are you doing up?" we almost asked in synchrony of each other.
I pulled rank, "So, young lady, what are you doing up?" I repeated my question.
"Had a horrible dream, what's your excuse?" she threw back at me.
"Missing your dad, decided I'd have a cuppa. What happened in your dream?"
"Oh it was back in France and I ran into one of the guys who attacked us in the toilets."
"Oh, sweetheart," I opened my arms and she came and perched on my lap. I cuddled her and she snuggled into me.
"It's funny because I was a girl in my dream, but I was just as scared of him..." She shuddered and I realised she was silently weeping.
"Hey, come on, they can't hurt you, they were killed by French police, I saw the fire-fight, it wasn't nice but they didn't escape, I saw that."
"I know, Mummy, but every now and again I dream about it or what Pia did to me, or what my Uncle did to me when I was a kid. Sometimes I think I'm really fucked up, will I ever get to live a normal life?"
"Let me make you an appointment with Stephanie, talk it through with her as she can help you more than I can in dealing with these dreams."
"Yeah, okay," she sighed and sniffed at the same time and ended up coughing which woke the cat up and she then jumped up on Danni's lap and rubbed against her. That in itself was unusual, usually, she wakes as soon as the refrigerator door is opened, the cat, that is, not Danni. Danni sat and stroked her for a few moments. "If I come into bed with you, Mummy, I won't get nasty dreams and you won't feel lonely."
I glanced at the kitchen clock, a huge, great wall clock thing that Tom claimed was a family heirloom, I wasn't convinced as I've seen similar ones for sale at car boot sales. "Come on then, we might get a couple of hours."
I emptied my tea down the sink and rinsed the cup, then followed Danielle and that bloody cat up to my bedroom. I spooned around Danni and she was shaped around the cat who was purring like a manic Geiger counter. Amazingly, we all went off to sleep until the alarm went off at seven. I can't say I felt refreshed but I had had a bit more sleep than if I'd been on my own.
Danielle yawned as I got up to go and wee and then shower. When I came back she'd gone back to sleep and I had to rouse her and send her off to shower in her own bathroom. After dressing I woke the others and they grumbled as they got out of their warm beds into the cool morning air. "C'mon rise and shine, it's Friday so just one more day in school." They didn't seem persuaded by my comments and grumbled their way into the bathroom while I did my hair and then went down to the kitchen to start the marathon of breakfast making.
Tom was already back from his dog walking and Kiki was wolfing down her breakfast. I fed Bramble then put the kettle on and started loading the toaster with slices of wholemeal bread. Danni was next down and she began buttering the bread, nabbing a couple of slices while I refilled the toaster. In between I grabbed packets of cereal and dishes, then with a six-pint bottle of milk on the table, the younger girls came down and began helping themselves to breakfast. I mashed up a banana and spread it on my toast and sat down to eat it. Danni helped Lizzie with her breakfast and half an hour later we were all getting ourselves ready to go off to work or school.
I once had the thought that all of us were going off to places of education but Tom and I were the only ones who didn't seem to learn anything. Actually, that wasn't quite true, I had to supervise a doctoral student who was doing a project on bees, the solitary variety.
For those of you who aren't into insects, bees in the UK are roughly dividable into three or four groups, hive bees, bumblebees and solitary bees. There is one kind of hive bee, twenty four bumblebees and over two hundred solitary bees. The first two groups are social bees the solitary ones aren't so effectively they make their own nest, lay their eggs with a food store and die. They never see their young. These are bees like leaf cutters, which nest in holes in sticks or sometimes bee hotels - the artificial nests that people put up in their gardens with bits of bamboo or reed stalks, or even paper straws, in them. The nests are cells divided by bits of leaf that have been cut out from various plants, which are provisioned with a ball of pollen and an egg is laid in them, then another cell is formed and the same done again, In a suitable hole, there maybe half a dozen of more cells laid and then sealed with more chewed up leaf.
Solitary bees probably pollinate more than any other group of bees, even bumblebees and they do more pollination than hive bees, which are lazy by comparison. Hive or honeybees and bumblebees add saliva to the pollen they collect to make it stick to their pollen baskets or corbiculae, while the solitary bees don't, they collect pollen on their hind legs which have special bristles for the job, or they have hairs under their abdomen which they rub on flowers to collect the pollen. Because the pollen is loose, not being stuck together with bee spit, it tends to drop off into subsequent flowers and fertilises them. Apparently, one solitary bee does as much pollinating as a hundred and twenty hive bees.
There are parasitic bees, wasps and other predators that try to lay their own eggs in the nests of the pollinators or actively rob them and there are arguments that providing bee nest sites creates opportunities for parasites and predators but the jury is still out on that, so I can't say if I agree with it or not.
What my student is doing is creating areas for mining bees, which nest in holes in sandy soils, in a couple of nature reserves, including the one Dan manages from the Billie King visitor centre. He's also doing them at one or two farms that are planning to grow various crops that require insect pollination like linseed. What we've got the farmers to agree to is to build banks or leave a patch of bare earth for the bees to colonise in their fields, both on the margins and in the middle of large fields. Melanie, my doctoral student, will be counting the numbers of nests, the numbers of parasites and other predators.
The farmers are paid for their cooperation and for using their plant for creating the nesting areas. One of my master's students is doing a similar project with bee hotels which are being left on south-facing walls at a number of different sites of different sorts, including the nature reserve and one or two big gardens, including the university campus and the city hall.
Quite how I got involved was simply because the person who was going to supervise, and who is an entomologist, left on long term sick after contracting long Covid. They've been ill for nearly a year and at times can hardly breathe. So I agreed to do most of the supervision if they agreed to do the identification of insects bit, which they thought they could manage from home, my students taking things to them. It isn't ideal, but I think we can make it work and certainly, my colleague, Dr Cynthia Cardui, was upset to be so ill all the time because she really does enjoy her supervisory role. In return, we've temporarily employed someone to teach her courses, which are, strangely enough, on insects. I can do some basic stuff but I'm essentially a mammal ecologist these days, when I get to do any practical stuff that is, and now I shall become more versed in bee ecology than I was before. All good fun.
So perhaps I was wrong when I said Tom and I didn't learn anything these days, because in recent months I've learned quite a lot about various bees, I've also had the children putting up bee hotels in various places in the garden and we even experimented with which direction they faced, finding that it's true that south or east-facing ones do best. Bees, like all insects are exothermic and require heat from the sun to really get going, bumblebees, for which I have a soft spot, are able to warm themselves up by disengaging their wings from their flight muscles, which I believe I read some other bees can do as well, but possibly not solitary bees.
We see bees as intelligent insects because they communicate with each other, in the social ones, that is, to share information on best nectar or pollen sites which in hive bees they do with a dance. I think probably most creatures are cleverer than we think. If you clear snails out of your garden by dumping them a hundred or so metres from where they were eating you flowers or veg, they turn up again within a day or two, showing that they can navigate. Experiments have been done to prove it by marking the snails and detailing where they were found and where they were transferred so it was possible to see which ones had returned.
We don't use insecticides in our garden, both Tom and I are agreed on that, he does go on slug and snail culls every so often, usually with pit fall traps baited with beer into which the unwitting mollusc falls and drowns, which perhaps demonstrates the dangers of drink. I wonder if there are any teetotal molluscs?
It was with silly notions like teetotal slugs that I drove off to work. David takes and collects the girls to school and does any shopping we need for food while he's out. He uses the VW minibus thing and the arrangement seems to work. If he's away or unavailable then I drive them, but it wastes up to half an hour at each end of the working day and I can do quite a lot in an hour, it also means I tend to work later when he does the school run.
Getting the grants for the bee projects that my students were doing was a fiddle and probably more a case of who I knew, or Tom knew that we could tap for the money. In both cases it was Natural England who agreed to pay costs for up to three years. They weren't enormous by some research standards but still ran into thousands each year, mostly to pay farmers for their bit, building banks or leaving bare earth for the ground nesting bees to use. But compared to the scale they do it in the US, we are real small fry. Over there, they use solitary bees which they call alkali bees to pollinate alfalfa, the bees have to open the flowers to pollinate them and although hive bees are sometimes used as well or instead, hive bees don't like visiting the plants because they get slapped in the face by plants as they try to reach the nectar or pollen. Apparently, the alkali bees don't and farmers who use these bees, which are essentially wild, clear acres of ground for them to nest, they are ground nesters, but then they have large areas under cultivation so need it.
"You have a lunch appointment with the VC and a meeting in quarter of an hour."
"Do I? With who?"
"Peter Dominic."
"Who's he when he's around?"
"It's your handwriting professor, so you should know, but you've blanked out an hour for it."
It was more than my diary I'd blanked, my mind went with it and I had no idea who he was or when I'd made the appointment. "Are you sure I wrote it?" I queried.
"Well it's a messy scrawl and my writing is quite neat as you know, or compared to yours it is."
One of these I'll have to kill her, I can't just sack her she knows too much, "Never mind the insults, minion, make the bloody tea." So started another day in the life of an overworked public servant and her wage slave.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3310 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
So my mind had buzzed from bees to botany and I did succumb and look up suberin on the net and saw that I was pretty close in my recollection. I must admit my main preference for botany was when slicing up plants you knew they didn't feel pain like most bugs and higher animals did - okay, only until we killed them, but I had no qualms about microtoming large numbers of specimens, usually in wax, for microscope preparation. It was probably that which enabled me to get good at making slides and earning few pounds at university. A microtome is a device for slicing up very thin sections to put under a microscope, most of which work by shining light through the subject, so the slides are very thin. The more expensive ones have a cutter on them like a small guillotine cheaper ones require that you cut the specimen with a razor or scalpel. Having been scared to death by a slasher film when I was a teen, I had an abhorrence of cut throat razors, so always did mine with a scalpel. The microtome enables you to move the specimen up by about a thousandth of an inch and you just cut across the top, and drop the specimen in water, then you treat it to remove the wax, which is only there to hold everything together, with solvents and place the specimen on the slide and apply stains.
Sometimes it's a bit more complicated than that but this isn't a first year biology class so that's all you're going to get and I don't want the responsibility of you sniffing some of the solvents.
I was musing on botanical biochemistry when Diana dumped a cup of tea on my desk, "Your visitor is here, good looking too."
"In which case I may see him then," I poked out my tongue at her. Well, I am a real sophisticate, albeit a screwed up one. "Better ask which he'd prefer to drink and make him one, any idea what he's here for?" She smirked and shook her head, she was really enjoying my confusion, but it looked a bit like my scrawl, the sort I do when very hurried and usually only have one hand free so can't stop the diary sliding around the desk and moving under the writing hand.
She showed him in, and I still hadn't put on any makeup, too bad. In came this man probably about my age, he was about six feet tall and quite broad, dark haired and brown eyed. He was wearing a pin stripe suit in navy and a bright blue tie.
"Professor," he said and offered his hand which I did remember not to shake and he understood the reason. The chair in front of my desk was also about a metre from the front of my desk.
"Mr Dominic, I presume," my opening lines are so original.
"Uh yes, thanks for seeing me."
"Would you care to remind me why I'm seeing you? I've had so many meetings this last couple of weeks I can't remember who was who." It was true but also a bit of subterfuge to avoid looking more stupid than I usually do.
"Of course. I'm here from Hampshire LabKit, we supply lab equipment to universities, hospitals, industry and so on, everything from coverslips to cyclotrons."
"Can't see you selling too many of the latter." I said smiling at him, he was good looking and he also looked a bit familiar.
"Actually, that last bit was bit of a fib, but it sounds good, you have to admit."
"So what's your background, " I asked, "I like to think anyone selling me anything has some idea of their products."
"That would depend upon the product, surely; not sure I'd expect too much from someone selling cruise missiles."
"We don't actually buy those, Mr Dominic, universities are peace loving places, we only invent the technology for psychopaths to turn into weapons of mass murder."
He smiled and blushed, he had very white teeth, obviously a very good dentist. "Touché," he said blushing. "My background is simple, I left Bristol Grammar School, which is where we met before, did a degree at Bristol University in biology, went on to become a lab technician at UWE, we met there too, and I was bored and found this job which is a bit more challenging than setting up experiments for rich kid students, who tend to treat you like dirt, and staff who can also be patronising. It also pays better."
"We met before? I'm sorry I don't remember."
"The first time, you were in the upper sixth and producing the most amazing microscope slides. They all thought you were an effeminate boy but it was quite obvious you were a girl, your part as Lady Macbeth should have told them that much."
I blushed but said nothing, I wasn't sure how comfortable I felt about all this.
"As a lab technician at UWE I set up some projectors for you to do talks for your mammal survey thing and before that you did some summer school thing with a group of old biddies. They loved you."
I blushed even redder, or it felt like most of the blood in my body was rushing round the skin in my face and neck. "I hope I wasn't one of those patronising lecturers?"
"Actually, you were always very polite and courteous, but then you were as a kid in school. Murray made your life hell, didn't he?"
"Um, I think stuff from that period of my life is irrelevant now, if you don't mind."
He blushed, but not as much as I was, "Of course, sorry but I wanted to say that I had some respect for you, even back then. Seeing you as Lady M and then when you arrived at UWE in GB racing skins, no one could doubt your femaleness."
"Thank you for the endorsement, but can we get back to laboratory equipment?" He produced a catalogue and it seemed both comprehensive and competitive and after another ten minutes or so, I asked Diane to send for James, our senior lab tech.
"I've sent for James, our senior technician, he probably has a shopping list, though we can't buy without getting at least two or three quotes."
"I understand, that's fairly normal practice and I'm confident we can match if not beat any quote you get, especially for glassware and electronics, we do spectrometers, autoclaves, centrifuges and balances."
"Yes, I can see that." I was saved from further sales pressure by James arriving. "Ah, James, this is Mr Dominic from Labkit, could you have a look and see what equipment we need and we'll give Mr Dominic a chance to tender for it."
They went off together and Diane came in, "You look a bit flushed, boss."
"It turned out he was only at school with me."
"Oh, didn't you recognise him?"
"No, he was also at UWE for a while as a lab tech."
"Yes, I know."
"You knew? You could have warned me."
"I uh only recognised him when he came in, he didn't remember me but then no one does with the secretaries do they?"
"I try to, if you want something done keep in with the ones who control diaries and access to their bosses."
"Hypocrite," she muttered.
"Of course it only applies to other people's secretaries." I said it to wind her up and the look she gave me had me nearly wetting myself. As she went to bustle out of the door, "What are you doing on Saturday evening?"
"Could you get a sitter, or would it be easier to come to lunch, you could bring your daughter then?"
"I er don't know, can I get back to you?"
"Of course, but I'll get David to do one of his specials."
"This Saturday?"
"Well, I suppose if I move our invitation to Windsor Castle, and the evening at Number Ten, I might just be able to fit something in."
"I can't believe how honoured we'll be then."
"Unless I stay 'ome and wash me 'air."
"Suit yersel', hen," I said in my best Lallans, "jest dinna tak tae lang."
"I din't know you were Chinese," she said just before my shoe hit the closing door. It would have hit her too, except the door was in the way. You know what I mean.
At twelve noon, Daddy arrived and escorted me to lunch at his usual venue. He had his chicken curry and I had a tuna salad with jacket potato.
"Ye culd always try a Scottish salad fa a change," he said as we ate.
"What you mean with chips?"
"Ach ye ken fine well whit I meant."
"Aye, I did. Don't they also call them Glasgow salads?"
"Aye, but only if the lettuce is deep fried tae."
The thought of that was almost enough to put me off my meal. He asked me how my morning had gone and I mentioned my visitor. He looked concerned for a moment. "Wull they nivver let ye forget yer past?"
"Doesn't look like it, I'm not quite sure why he raised it. Was he showing his support for me, was he hoping for business if he did or blackmail if he didn't? I just don't know."
"Weel, if he tries anythin' at a' let me know immediately an' I'll stamp a' o'er him."
"It's all right, Daddy, but if any stamping needs to be done, leave it to Simon, he has bigger feet than you."
His eyes sparkled at that and we both chuckled. Instead of staying at the restaurant for a cuppa we went back to my office where I have facilities to make teas and coffees. That I also have a coffee maker that Simon gave me when he bought a new one for his flat, was the main attraction.
On entering my office I was astonished to see a large bouquet of flowers on my desk. "Where did those come from?" I asked Diane.
"Oh, Peter brought them for you after he finished with James."
"Well it won't help him get an order, only his prices and supply times will do that," Tom nodded.
"Coffee, Professor?" Diane asked Tom and he smiled and nodded. "Tea for you, boss?"
"Please," I replied, "now do I accept them or is it bribery of a public servant."
"Ha," came the reply from the kitchen at the word servant and Tom snorted. He walked over to the flowers and after looking at them handed me a note tucked into them. I opened it.
'Professor Watts, please accept these as a token of my respect for what you've achieved in your life despite the difficult start. You always were polite and courteous to everyone and I really admire you. Best wishes, Peter Dominic.
PS. This isn't a bribe just a personal statement.
I showed it to Tom, "He may be sincere, better no let Simon see it."
"No, I'll leave them here, brightens the place up a bit if nothing else."
"Aye, jest tak them oot o' thon bucket."
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3311 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
Diane had found a vase I'd left in the kitchen cupboard. It was from the days when Simon used to send me flowers on a semi-regular basis, nowadays he didn't. We seemed to have grown into an old married couple. In terms of love and affection, I hoped it was true, in terms of taking each other for granted, I hoped it wasn't.
The girls took us for granted, but children always do, and I don't have a problem with that, they're usually dealing with constant changes in their lives and I hoped we didn't add to those stresses - well not too much. Danielle, who constantly surprised me, sometimes as a surly, defiant teenager and then the polar opposite as a very sensitive and sensible young woman. Because she'd started hormone therapy before she'd really got into her male puberty, she was also very female looking and facially very pretty. Her football, she was now a professional, kept her fit but also caused various injuries to occur. At present, she was limping around with elbow crutches after she got tackled rather heavily by a Chelsea player.
Because she's so talented on the field, opposition teams often look to either smother her by having two or three players restrict her game, or by targeting her for rough tackles. Much of the time, she is able to ride these or even avoid them, occasionally making the offender look clumsy or stupid or even criminal and several have been yellow or red-carded for their efforts. If it results in a penalty, she tries to take them herself to show she wasn't intimidated. Given that she's often smaller than the offenders, I know, biological male - you'd expect her to be bigger, she relies on guile and this wonderful talent and on occasion she also hands out some of the rough stuff.
One woman who came charging at her like an enraged cow, ended up with torn knee cartilages after her attack went wrong and Danni managed to get her off-balance before twisting her round while her leg remained as it was. She went off on a stretcher and the video showed it was her own clumsiness and momentum that caused the injury. One of her teammates also ended up going off with an injury and a yellow card for another tackle that Danni saw coming and dodged. It was too crude for the ref to ignore and her torn hamstring mean she had insult added to injury with the yellow card for a reckless challenge.
Danni no longer plays for the school team, though when fit she does help to coach them, teaching them skills and tactics. Most of them are a little better, though Trish has learned and, while only a fraction as skilled as her older sister, she is better than most schoolgirl players and she has been approached by the county to play for Hampshire schoolgirls. That resulted in a full family debate after the trouble that Danni had following her England appearances.
Simon and I agreed that Trish should make her own decision about playing for Hampshire schools and we left her talking to Danni about it and the pros and cons it entailed. In the end she decided she would because it would look good on her CV after the Nobel prize for Physics and being master of an Oxford college at 19.
Yeah okay, my family are a bit different. They are partly because of the gender problems they've overcome, or the abuse they suffered as children and dealt with, or because they all seem very bright. Not being their natural parents we can't claim for any of that, all we did was to offer them a safe environment where they could experiment and grow while encouraging them to learn academically as well as in their life skills.
Simon and I are high achievers by most people's definition but I never think of it as I deal with life. Some might suggest that I have been lucky in being in the right place at the right time and have progressed because of that, or even a bit of nepotism given his father is chairman and major shareholder of the bank and my adopted father just happens to be Vice-Chancellor of the university.
I won't deny it might have helped insofar as we were both known to the powers that be but I also believe it meant that the examination we received before being promoted was even more extensive than the other candidates. I ran the biology department for several months while Tom was dean, and then acting VC. I ran the mammal survey which got us international acclaim. I made award-winning documentaries for the BBC and I also helped to raise ten young women who are a credit to our family. While I'm not sure I like blowing one's own trumpet unless one is a musician - and then I'd rather play the fiddle, sometimes I reflect on where I began and where I am now.
I suppose the next step is to move to a bigger university and bigger projects. I really don't know as the girls' education is important and I'd hate to disturb that. Then there is also Tom, he'd always tell me to go for the better job but it would hurt him so much, I couldn't consider it. We live in a big house and have plenty of everything, so why change anything?
The short answer is that you don't grow without challenges and when life is comfortable you don't look for challenges, though perhaps being married to Simon, running a university super-department, and having half a dozen kids plus an ageing father and the big house mentioned above is challenging enough. I don't know, but I'm looking for a new housekeeper - they don't stay for long, yet they say we were good employers - so go figure.
Perhaps they just want jobs rather than having a stake in the family and household as David, our chef has done, he is part of the family although he still receives a salary as well as his tied cottage. I wish he had a romantic interest in his life rather than just us to sustain his emotional needs, but those I've witnessed have not gone well, which makes me think that in my own relationship and marriage I have been so fortunate and Simon and I love each other as much as we ever have. We've had our problems, but in a healthy relationship that happens, it's how it grows, and the children have caused issues which have tested us somewhat, but we eventually see the solution by all working together, as family. It could work for society as well except people are rarely prepared to compromise enough to make it, but then society doesn't have an emotional investment in itself except for short periods of heightened awareness like the murder of young women in London. We still have violence against women but now the women are demanding things change and increasing numbers of men are supporting us, so perhaps one day it will change. I have to believe that it will, with ten daughters. But we need to address the anger and polarisation that is happening to have any chance of it. It would be wonderful if we could, if we could heal the fractures but to do so means changing the basis of power and that will be greatly resisted.
I see a professor of philosophy has resigned from Sussex University after what was considered transphobic remarks. She claims they weren't but the activists deemed them otherwise. I think it's got to the point of stupidity that anything anyone says can be used against them by extremists or those looking to find fault. Perhaps that guy from the New Testament was right and we should take the plank out of our own eyes before seeking to remove a speck from others.
I am aware that many people who are gender discordant have problems, sometimes it's through bigotry on the part of others, sometimes it's just serendipity and sometimes they bring it on themselves. I suspect some of the issues I suffered earlier in my life were my own fault or just poor perception of a situation or the people involved. I've got better with age and experience in understanding my own and the frailties of others and I hope not flying off the handle so quickly.
"There that looks better," said Diane placing the vase of flowers on the coffee table in my outer office, where she sits along with the meeting table and the comfy seating, thereby rousing me from my reverie. I found I tended to sit and daydream more than I used to - um, not quite true because I used to daydream a lot in school while watching the girls going into their part of the buildings envying them their looks and their clothes and even the makeup they wore which they weren't supposed to but did anyway.
"Professor, woo-hoo, Earth to Cathy."
"What?" I replied feeling somewhat disgruntled.
"You were away in a dream, boss."
"Yes, I'm a professor, which like a judge means that I am expected to hold opinions which only form after due deliberation and consideration, which are then what I profess to be true."
"Wow, boss, did you deliberate and consider that opinion all by yourself?"
"Don't be daft, Tom said it years ago when I woke him up." We both chuckled.
"I've thought about Saturday," she said after a moment's pause.
"And, what do you profess after due deliberation and consideration?"
"Lunch, if that's okay."
"Okay, I'll ask David to make something tasty but light."
"What, like low-fat chips?"
"Exactly," I said trying to keep a straight face but Diane smirking made me laugh and spoiled the effect.
"Oh, James left a note for you." She picked up a sheet of paper from her desk and handed it to me.
"Labkit are offering us prices and delivery times that the others would be pushed to beat. Should I order from them?"
"Tell him to see what Southern Lab Supplies can offer for the same order, they should be able to give him a price and delivery time this afternoon." She went off to do so and I went into my office and sent Danni a text, How's the leg? Mum x.
I should be used to it by now but it still gives me a buzz to sign myself Mum or Mummy, as I never thought I'd ever have that chance, it's therefore a matter I take very seriously. That I have photos of my children and Simon on my desk, at which I was staring, possibly shows that, or it does to me. I also have the picture of Billie in my diary and I still miss her. I was looking at this when Diane barged in.
"Oops, sorry, boss, James said he'd do that immediately. "More tea?"
I looked up and said, "No, I'm going to take a little walk, I could do with some fresh air, so field any calls for me, will you?"
"Of course, you feeling all right?"
"Yeah, I'll be okay in a few minutes, won't be long."
"Why don't you take her a few flowers, you know she loves them?"
"Yeah, good idea, I'll see you tomorrow, anytime after twelve?"
"Great, go on, go." She picked up my jacket and my bag and handed them to me. I shut down my laptop and zipped up the bag. I wandered down to the car and placed everything except my handbag in the boot and drove off to the cemetery, calling at a florist's on the way.
The sun shone on my back as I walked up to the grave, I removed the old flowers which had long since expired and washed out the vase, filled it with water and after slicing off a bit of the stems of the new flowers with my penknife, arranged them in the vase and replaced it in the recess on the gravestone and stood back. I thought they looked lovely, carnations and chrysanthemums. For a split second, I got an image of the three 'inhabitants' of the plot smiling at me. A moment later my phone peeped.
It was Danni, "Painful, why? Oh, she likes the flowers. D XXXX"
I felt a shiver run up and down my spine. It was time to go home and with luck, I should beat both the traffic and the girls, now there's a thought. I'll get a tub of ice cream on the way, that should keep the grumbles to a minimum.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3312 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
"Professor, how lovely to see you again."
I wasn't sure I agreed with him, "Mr Dominic," I acknowledged him, "thank you for the flowers."
"My pleasure."
"I hope you're not stalking me."
"Goodness, no, I just popped in to grab a sandwich."
"I wish I understood what exactly you want from me, Mr Dominic?"
"Your order for my company," he smiled but there was something he wasn't telling me. What was it? I could just dismiss him as an over enthusiastic sales rep or some sort of weirdo who wants to be a groupie - of mine - yeah weird or what?
"I'm awaiting James' report on that, and at the moment you are in with a shot, so if there's nothing else, I'd better get this home and in the freezer before it melts." I nodded and stepped past him.
"Actually, there is something, but it's too personal to say anything here." My intuition was working fine.
"I thought there was." I paid for the ice cream and headed out to my car. "I was once stalked by a very sad and rather ill man from Bristol, who claimed that he loved me and I loved him. I tried to put him right that I had a husband but he tried to kill my colleague and possibly me and ended up slipping on the wet floor of a laboratory and falling on the knife that killed him. I am therefore very wary of stalkers and the like."
"I assure you that I am not stalking you, though I did follow you here. I need to talk to you about someone, who I think you could help."
"Do I know this person?"
"I don't think so."
"So how could I help them?"
"That's a bit too long a story to tell you in a car park."
"If you're messing me about, you realise I could cause you loads of grief."
"I'm not messing you about, I promise."
"Yet you have lied to me so far."
"I haven't lied, only not told you the whole story and I apologise for that, but I needed to meet you again and see if you'd changed. You were always very helpful in school, even when the whole system seemed intent on destroying you, you remained a decent and caring person."
"I can also be very nasty and aggressive when provoked, Mr Dominic, or if I think someone is threatening me or mine."
"You'd have every right to be so, but I assure you I'm not trying to do anything against you and I'm only trying to ask for your help for this person who I care about."
There was something in his demeanour which seemed to tell me he was being truthful and noticing the time, I decided I would take a chance and believe him.
"Follow me, but I warn you if you are trying something on, my husband will probably destroy you and your company."
He shrugged and went a little pale but assured me he wasn't. I drove slowly enough for him to be able to follow me through the increasing traffic and eventually turned into our drive. The minibus thing was already parked, so David and the girls had beaten me. No matter. Though I did wonder if I should be showing someone all the children in our house if he had malign intentions. I parked and unloaded my car. He parked behind me and offered to carry the ice cream.
"This is some house you have, Professor."
"You seemed surprised by it," I said, thinking he possibly isn't stalking me but he could also be lying. If he was, he'd know my married name and who my husband was. So far he hasn't said anything about Simon, so it could be he doesn't know who I am completely. Things seem weirder by the moment.
"I know professors earn a good salary but this place must be worth over a million."
"It's my father's house."
"What the guy from Bristol who used to beat you up?"
"What do you mean?"
"I saw bruises on you first thing in the morning and I know no one had had you in school, so it had to be at home or outside. I didn't think it would be outside because you could run pretty fast, so it had to be in the house and it was more likely to be your father than your mother."
"Ten out of ten, Mr Dominic. My father did beat me when I was younger but he died a few years ago and my professor at Portsmouth sort of adopted me. I call him my father and although I made my peace with my birth father, Professor Agnew has been twice the father he ever was, to me and a granddad for my children."
"You have children, wow."
"You should really do your research if you want to stalk someone."
"I'm not stalking you as you will see in a short time."
We proceeded into the house through the kitchen, where I said hello to David and asked him to put the ice cream in the fridge. "Oh this is, Mr Dominic."
"Is he staying to dinner, your ladyship?"
"I don't know, David. Any chance you could make us a couple of cups of tea and send them through to the study."
Moments later we were surrounded by girls, including Danni and her sore knee. I told them there was ice cream in the freezer but for consumption after dinner. There were cheers and grumbles when they realised they had to wait, but I ignored them and we went through to my study.
"This place is like the Tardis, it's bigger than it looks."
"Yes, we extended it a few years ago, we now have eight bedrooms but two of those form Stella's suite where she and her two daughters live."
"Should I know Stella?"
"No, she's my sister in law."
"Oh, right. Crikey, this is a lovely room," he said as we entered my study. It was lined with loads of books as you know, but mainly the ones I was using or I like around me, mostly field guides or specialist dictionaries. I'm still an ecologist/ field biologist even though I spend much time in my ivory tower, it isn't my vocation, being out in the field observing and trying to understand what I'm seeing is.
"The library is through there." I indicated a door off my study.
"You have a library? Jesus, how the other half live."
"I love books."
"May I see it?"
I opened the door and he looked at the books and journals on the shelved walls. He walked up and down shaking his head. "You've got a better library than some institutions I've studied at."
"Some of it is Tom's my dad. He's been collecting longer than me but I'm probably more acquisitive than he is. General books, fiction, children's book are mainly in the lounge, some in the dining room and the children have some in their bedrooms too."
"How many books have you got?"
"About ten thousand give or take a few and a couple of thousand journals. I take three or four here rather than the university, Tom has a similar number, plus we have loads of downloaded stuff on the server. I pay for a service via the university so we're not abusing their services."
"I'd have thought if you work for them, you'd have an entitlement to use their library."
"I do, but I don't abuse it."
"I'm impressed, Professor, I really am. You have certainly landed on your feet despite your difficult start." We walked back into my study and he saw a photo of Spike.
"What is that? A hamster?"
"That is Spike a dormouse who lived far beyond her allotted span and who was almost a pet. The kids loved her and so did I. She's buried in the garden."
Livvie knocked the door and brought in a tray of tea and bone china mugs with a teapot and small jug of milk and sugar bowl. "Have we really got to wait until after dinner, Mummy?"
"Yes, I told you all, so any whining and you'll wait until tomorrow. This is Mr Dominic, Mr Dominic, this Livvie one of my daughters." they nodded at each other.
"How many have you got?" he looked confused.
"There's me, Trish, Hannah, :Mima, Danni with the elbow crutches, Cate, and Lizzie, Julie and Phoebe live in town in their own place, Sammi lives and works up in London, Jackie is at Salisbury, oh, and Billie died."
"They're all girls?" he gasped.
"Of course," said Livvie cheekily, "we're better than boys." She smiled sweetly and left closing the door behind her.
"You had one who died, I'm sorry."
"Thank you, she died from a brain haemorrhage while we were out cycling."
"I'm really sorry, that must have been awful."
"It was." I poured two cups of tea and we added our own milk, neither of us used sugar. We sat silently drinking our teas I let my sadness about Billie dissipate though did remember I'd left flowers on her grave.
"Are you going to tell me what it was you wanted ask me about."
"Is that your husband in the kitchen?" he asked.
"Good lord, no, that's David our chef."
"Chef? What sort of household is this?"
"We're quite well off."
"I realise that."
"You really haven't done your homework, have you?" I said smirking, okay so it's juvenile, so what?
"No, not at all, all I needed to know was where you were now so I could meet you and ask you for your help. When I saw the name Watts, and C Watts at that, it had to be worth a try. I hit the jackpot at the first attempt."
"I wasn't aware I was trying to hide from anyone."
"Does your husband know, about, you know?"
"Yes and so do all the children."
"Are they yours, I mean are you their natural mother?"
"No, as you should realise, I can't have children all my breeding bits were removed not that they were much use anyway. I'm AIS."
"What does that mean, remember I'm a poor biologist not a clever dick professor who has a brain the size of a planet."
"Yes 42 and all that. I've got or had androgen insensitivity syndrome, so my body doesn't respond to testosterone."
"So that explains why you're so female."
"Yes, I started growing boobs while I was at Sussex and my hips broadened a bit as well, plus my voice didn't break or hair start sprouting everywhere I wouldn't want it."
"You're actually a very lovely woman."
"Careful, Simon can be a tad sensitive."
"Yes, Simon Cameron, my husband."
"What, the Simon Cameron?"
"Simon the banker boy, yes."
"Isn't he a lord or something?"
"Yes, Lord Simon Cameron of Stanebury or Lord Stanebury, his dad's a viscount."
"Jesus H Christ, you are married to one of the richest families in Britain?"
"Europe, I think."
"Well, bugger me with a..."
"I'm trying to give it up and so is Simon, being ex public school."
"That was a joke."
He looked totally confused, "So you're what Lady Stanebury?"
"Uh, not when I'm working, then I'm just Cathy Watts, queen of Portsmouth."
He smiled and then laughed. "So the girl done good?"
"That would be one way of describing it, not bad for someone Murray described as the bane of his school with my perverted desires."
"He didn't did he? I just remember him announcing that Miss Watts was attending the school and for us to show you every courtesy. Half of us fancied you, you know?"
"At that stage, I didn't fancy any of you, so sorry and all that?"
"Why did he make you wear the girl's uniform, shouldn't he have sent you next door to them?"
"That's where I should have been. No, by announcing it he gave every bully carte blanche to attack me as long as they were stealthy about it. Old Whitehead tried to protect me as much as he could."
"Goodness, I haven't thought about him for years, how is he, do you know?"
"He died in my arms."
"He was at one of the schools one of my kids was at and I had to deal with him, at first I thought he despised me, but he told me he'd tried to protect me from the excesses of our beloved psychopathic headmaster when a parent whose child he'd suspended for being a thug, stabbed him to death in front of me. There were two of them, I managed to down one of them and when the other came at me with the knife, Danielle drove the car at him."
"Did she kill him?"
"No, thank goodness, but it was only when the CCTV showed we were telling the truth, that the police believed me."
"What, a peer's wife and a noted academic and they didn't believe you?"
"I have had a few run ins with the local plod but after they paid out half a million in damages, they tend to avoid annoying me. It went to a children's home."
"Goodness, I've missed out on quite a few things, haven't I?"
"One or two, now tell me why have to come to see me?"
The door was knocked and Danielle was standing there in all her girly glory, complete with a top which enabled her to show off her small cleavage and was tight across her ample hips. Normally she would dress down to do her homework. "Is Mr Dominic staying to dinner? Oh and Daddy's five minutes away."
"Thank you sweetheart, tell David, yes, he is staying to dinner. I presume that's okay?"
He blushed and spluttered, "If it's no trouble?"
"Not to me, David cooked it. How's the leg, kiddo?" I asked Danielle.
"Bloody sore, can you do some massage on it later?"
"I expect so. Get one of the others to let us know when dinner's ready."
"Trish will bang the gong I expect, you know what a ham she is." She left laughing and I smiled at her.
"What has she done to her leg?"
"Football injury."
"What in school?"
"No at Chelsea."
"Chelsea?" He looked totally bemused.
"She plays professional football for Reading ladies, she's got three or four caps for England."
"She's a Lioness, what a schoolgirl one."
"She's done that and moved on to the elite level, she's scored about half a dozen goals for England including one with an overhead bicycle kick."
"Against Germany?"
"Either them of Holland."
"I saw that on the telly, one of the most amazing goals I've ever seen. Is there anyone in your family who is just ordinary?"
"Not really, they're all cleverer than I am, one of them is off the IQ scale she's so clever. Cambridge have been trying to recruit her but she's too young to cope with older students."
"Bloody hell," he shook his head.
Just then the gong sounded and I thought saved by the bell, but he wasn't getting away until he told me what he'd come for.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3313 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
I heard Simon arrive and him tell David, 'Five mins,' which meant he would rush upstairs and change out of his suit into jeans and sweater or something. I heard one of the girls say something and Simon replied, "Oh, that's news. Okay, who is it?" I saw the back of him fleetingly as he ran up the stairs.
Trish captured our visitor and showed him the large photo of Stanebury, "This is our holiday home, not bad for a chalet, is it?"
"This is yours, really?" gasped Peter.
"Well, not mine exactly, according to Mummy, it was part of the compensation package for marrying Daddy."
He laughed after saying, "Wow."
"Don't be too impressed, Peter, it's cold and damp and it rains up there much of the time, but that is Stanebury, Simon's ancestral home - when his ancestors weren't rustling cattle."
"Hey, d'you think we could do some of that down here?" asked Trish being silly.
"I don't think Daddy ever actually did any of it, it was his ancestors," I said.
"What like Gramps was a cattle thief?" she asked incredulously.
"Why don't you ask him, but be prepared for a rebuttal and being scratched off his Christmas present list."
"Who Daddy's or Gramp's?" she asked as if evaluating if it was worth the risk.
Simon came down and after introducing him to Peter, Trish asked him loudly, "Have you ever rustled cattle, Dad?"
"What? What d'you think I am, a cowboy?" to which I snorted, "Remember I'm a banker but your mother seem unable to tell the difference," he fired back rather curtly while giving me a hard look. Well, can I help it if I react when he says something funny, or funny to me. Danielle was sniggering behind him.
"C'mon, let's eat before this lovely meal spoils," I exhorted and the tension dropped. David decided he wanted to watch some soccer match and decided not to stay but took his dinner with him back to his cottage. I suspect Danni may have felt similar except she wanted to impress and flirt with Peter. I'd play it by ear, if she got too friendly, I would intervene.
Stella arrived with her two and she was introduced and we all sat down to dine, Simon offering all the adults wine, including a small glass for Danielle. I could almost see her chest growing as she was included with the adults. She doesn't particularly like red wine but she wasn't going to turn it down. In a few years she'll be lying about her age, but in the other direction, trying to make out she's younger than she appears. I know, I'm almost at that stage already.
The two men seemed to be getting on quite well, Peter telling Simon he was impressed by the castle and Simon telling him he wouldn't be if he knew what it cost to run and maintain.
"But the estate presumably brings in an income?" suggested Peter.
"Yeah, but since a certain person has been pressuring me to re-wild the grouse moor, it barely covers the costs and despite my affection for the place, I might one day have to sell it," he sighed and ate some more paté.
"You can't do that, Daddy, it's our ancestral home," gasped Trish.
"It's a millstone, lassie."
"But it's the family's home," she persisted.
"Don't you think I don't know that, I was born in the bloody place."
"Shall we change the subject?" I suggested and Tom nodded. He was still giving Peter an uncertain look and when I cleared up the first course, I asked him to come and collect the chicken.
"Did I introduce you to Peter?" I hissed at him.
"Ye didnae but I ken wha he is, not whit he wants wi' ye."
"He wants me to help someone."
"Someone dae whit?"
"I'm still waiting to find out, here use this cloth to pick up the tray it's quite hot," I said handing him an oven glove thing.
The rest of the meal went well, we had roast chicken with all the trimmings, including bread sauce but only Daddy and Simon ate any, I made do with a big lump of David's own recipe sage and onion stuffing, it's even better than mine and mine is pretty good.
We were all relaxed and in a postprandial zone, a bit like post orgasmic one but better, and the wine was flowing easily, even Danni had been allowed a second glass. Stella and I cleared the table and we sniggered as we loaded the dishwasher about Danielle's antics in trying to catch Peter's eye, he was talking business with Simon. All the youngsters except Danielle had gone off to do their homework, she assured me she'd done hers. Tom was still sitting there and had actually produced a bottle of his wine, not one he'd made but a very good Merlot from his own cellar stock.
We returned to the table carrying tea and coffee and cream and milk, I always forget the sugar as I don't use it in either beverage. Danni likes it in coffee, so I sent her to find it, she walked a little unsteadily from the table not helped by the three inch heels she was sporting.
As we sat at the table pouring teas and coffee, I realised Simon and Peter were talking about how he knew me and I heard Simon say, "So you knew her in school and that thug Murray?"
"We all suffered under that psycho," said Peter nodding. "it must have been hell to be the only girl in a boy's school."
"It was," I said terminating the conversation just as Danielle arrived with the sugar bowl and nearly dropped it as she tried to regain her chair. "No more wine for you, madam," I said pointedly at her. I could see that she was thinking of retaliation, usually poking out her tongue but in company she behaved herself.
I sipped my tea, Simon was on black coffee as was Daddy and Peter opted for a cup of tea. Danni dropped two sugar lumps in her cup and giggled at the plopping noise they made. I scowled at her and she stopped.
"The reason I came to see you, Cathy, was...oh excuse me I need the loo." He suddenly jumped up and rushed out to the cloakroom in the hallway. Simon indicated that he liked him and I nodded, I did too. Coming back from the loo, Peter nearly fell over our demon cat, who raced between his legs and up the stairs to Trish's bed. We all chuckled at that, Danni saying where the cat was going after she'd discovered there was nothing else to eat or cadge from us.
"You were saying," I rebooted Peter.
"Oh yeah, the reason for my reacquainting us. It's about my niece, Sarah." He paused and finished his wine and then went back to drinking his tea. "She's my sister's daughter, she's pretty well all the way through a nursery nurse's course but she can't find a job."
"Why not?" asked Tom suddenly lapsing into ordinary English. I had a feeling I might know why, Danni gave me a knowing look which we shared with Stella, who'd stayed enjoying the company.
"Um, she's um, she's like..." Peter was blushing like crazy.
"She's transgender, isn't she?" I said enabling him to get over the hurdle and continue his narrative.
"How did you guess?" he said looking shocked.
"Female intuition," I replied and Danni nearly fell off her chair snorting coffee everywhere.
"Oh. yeah of course, as a mere male I miss out on such things. Perhaps the wine or the company had dulled his wits, but practically everyone else in the room had worked it out except him. I suspect even the cat had done so and run off while thinking, 'Oh no, they're talking trans, so boring.'
"Is she post op?" asked Danielle.
"Just wait a moment, Missy." I pulled rank. "How old is she?"
"Coming up seventeen in the new year."
"So she hasn't had reassignment surgery."
"I don't think - no she hasn't come to think of it because one of the problems she has is worrying about being discovered as a girl with a penis."
"Poor kid," offered Stella refilling her cup and mine.
I now began to wonder if he was begging for money so she could get it done abroad or what?"
"She transitioned about a year or eighteen months ago when she left school after GCSEs and went to the sixth form college. They've been really good but they felt she had to declare her true gender to potential clients, the result is no one wants her."
I shook my head, "Why does she have to declare a body part which probably doesn't function except for urine, I take it she's taking hormones."
"She is now," we had a hell of a fight to get them. It was a familiar tale, "She'd been on blockers since she was fifteen."
"So what do you want me to do?"
"I don't know," he said, "I've known her since she was born, it was obvious she wasn't a boy when she was just a toddler, I love her to bits but she's stuck on this stupid honesty rule and unless she has some sort of work experience in place or organised soon, she'll fail the course." He was nearly in tears.
"So you're looking for a placement?"
"Yeah, but she's coming down to me next weekend, could I bring her to see you, you might be able to suggest something we have all missed."
"Is she a good worker?" I asked and Stella's eyes grew wider.
"Yeah, she's no slouch or lazy bones."
"Have you a photo?"
"Um yeah," he pulled out his phone and fiddled with it for a moment then handed it to me. The photo was of a typical teenage girl with long dark hair. "She's gone blonde at the moment." He chuckled and so did Daddy.
"Pretty lassie," was his opinion, which was shared by pretty well everyone.
"Okay, Peter," bring her over next weekend and leave her with us for an hour or two and I'll see what I can do."
"I haven't told her about you and her being, you know..."
"Cathy, is legally female," said Simon, "so any suggestion of anything else is erroneous."
"Of course," said Peter blushing. He drank another coffee and at eleven o'clock he told me he had to go, some returns to finish before he could go to bed. "Thank you, Cathy, thank you all," he said to everyone still seated at the table, Daddy had gone for his wee dram.
"See you next week with young Sarah."
"When I tell her, she'll be absolutely knocked out."
"No promises, Peter, but I'll see what I can think of."
"You are a beautiful woman and an equally beautiful person, thank you so much," he pecked me on the cheek and walked over to his car. Two minutes later his tail lights were heading out of the driveway.
"You're not going to employ her, are you?" demanded Stella. I said nothing and started picking up dirty mugs. "You are, aren't you? You promised me there'd be no more transsexual people here."
"I didn't actually, but I'm saying nothing until I've met the girl."
Stella huffed and puffed and decided to retreat, going up to bed.
"She's right, isn't she?" said Simon.
"As I told Stella, until I have met the child and assessed her in all sorts of ways, I'm not prepared to prejudge the issue and neither should you."
"Go on, Mum, give her a chance, you'd want other people to do it for me if it was me who was in need." Danni was showing solidarity, "Should I take her to see Pia?" she asked rhetorically, at least I hoped it was, then she did fall off the chair laughing.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3314 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
I used to be able to centre down in a few minutes of starting something, be it reading a book or working on reports or other paperwork but these days it takes longer to do it. Once I'm there very little distracts me, I once worked through a fire alarm being oblivious to it so focused was I on the work I was doing. They say these things happen with age, but I suspect in my case it's more likely to be due to having too many things to think of at the same time. I sometimes wonder about retiring and setting up my own business, running surveys or research on ecology or wildlife, from somewhere like Billie's visitor centre. Dan really enjoys what he's doing and despite my position and status, I'm quite envious, especially on a bad day, of his simpler work life. If he left I might be tempted to replace him.
It's all very well being a professor but I've been constrained for months by staff absences and the need to get grants for research for my post grad students and Covid has played hell with those as well.
I've mentioned one that involves freshwater macro-invertebrates with help from a colleague who is a freshwater biologist, though he's supervising the identification element while I'm doing the rest. The student is pretty good and he signed up with the local River Fly project group, which improved both his technique in taking samples and identifying his catch. In spending the odd hour in the lab with him while he was doing the identification element before the count, I could see how far he'd come and I was pleased to realise that I'd retained quite a lot of my skills from my pond dipping days as a tween and teenager.
I have another supervisee grad student who's doing a masters in studying dormouse behaviour, which is probably a bit more up my street. Staff shortages also mean that I'm doing more teaching than I'm supposed to though I am of the opinion that a professorship is a teaching post, all the management guff that comes with the chair, is extra.
So I'd just come back from teaching a session on population dynamics and using systems diagrams, these can be used to demonstrate things like food webs and feedback loops. In the population dynamics, I used my old notes which was on predator prey relationships and the classic study which was done at Yellowstone National Park on the reintroduction of wolves and the control of herbivores which had virtually destroyed the vegetation after the elimination of predators by man.
While researching for it a few years ago when I used to teach it more regularly, I came across a very interesting statement from a researcher from Princeton University, who suggested that the ranch owners surrounding the park were very against the reintroduction of the grey wolf until they found out that some had returned to the park by themselves. Then the landowners realised that if they opposed the reintroduction the wolves would eventually return by themselves eventually and they would be protected against hunting, whereas if they were reintroduced by man, they were treated as non-native species and could be shot. Apparently, the change in the attitude of the landowners was one of the most rapid volte-face in history.
What these stupid farmers don't understand is that the wolves are working for them by reducing the spread of a number of diseases spread by deer and also keeping down the numbers of coyotes, which prey on sheep much more so than wolves do. But instead of letting the wolves get on with it, they shoot them on sight. It seems those dedicated to agriculture to make their fortunes seem only able to see dollar or pound signs and continue destroying the environment, rather than their minority colleagues who try to work with nature and conserve the environment. There are none so blind - and we let them have guns!
Having reassured James his order was in progress, he left to get his lunch. I was talking to Diane when Daddy called and told me to be available to accompany him to lunch in ten or fifteen minutes. At least I looked half decent as I try to when I'm teaching. I had on a blue skirt suit and court shoes in a close match, so after cussing him for taking time out of my day when I'd hoped to catch up on some letters, I went off and checked my hair and makeup and spritzed some perfume - Coco by Chanel.
I drove us to his usual haunt and we ate the usual, him a chicken curry while I had a tuna jacket potato with salad and coleslaw. I was hungrier than I realised and tucked into my food with gusto, Daddy always does with his chicken curries, scooping up the rice with his fork and smiling with every mouthful.
"Sae, whit's hap'nin' th' morrow?" he asked in between bites.
"It's Saturday, so shopping and catching up with household chores rather than university ones, why?"
"Och, I ken that, whit aboot thae wee lassie?"
"Which one - perm any one from ten?"
He rolled his eyes and shook his head, I knew he could multitask if pushed. "Na, ye scunner, Peter's niece, wis it?"
"Oh her, I've been so busy I almost forgot about her." I had temporarily completely forgotten, though I'm sure one of the offspring would have reminded me in time, probably as Peter and she arrived.
"I hope ye'll remember taemorrow, I'll be tae busy wi' thon garden tae entertain her."
"Yes don't worry, besides Danni will be there. I can't understand why her leg isn't healed yet, it's almost as if she'd blocking me until she sees this Sarah girl. I don't know why she's involving herself so much, she's got plenty on her plate as it is."
"Mebbe it's because she can extrapolate tae her situation."
"I'd considered that, I also wondered if there was some guilt lingering from Allie, the girl up at Stanebury who died."
"Aye, that's a possibility tae, hen, I hadnae thocht o' that."
"You weren't up there when it happened, she and I were and she was very upset, remember it was her and Trish who found the body."
He shook his head and looked very serious, "Nae child shud hae tae deal wi' such situations or feel they need to tak' such desperate remedies."
"I agree, but after years of suppressing her feelings and being bullied by her idiot father, she was probably overwhelmed by the opportunity of sudden freedom, what I should have done was bring her down here with us where she'd be supported by everyone."
"Jest because it works fa dormice doesnae mak' it transferrable tae troubled teenagers."
I wondered what he was on about for a moment, then realised it was our captive breeding programme, where we take endangered animals into captivity and provide them all their needs in the hope that they'll provide us with babies we can return to the wild when they're independent. I admit none of us ask the dormice if they'd like to choose which option to take, but most of those we do take seem to thrive, at least in measurable terms. If one of my post grad students wants to look at dormouse mental health, I think I'll pass supervision to someone else, on second thoughts, judging their physical health on a regular basis, we're already monitoring their mental health in a proxy way.
"Sae are ye goin' tae tak' her on?" he asked before ordering a tea and a coffee, I was still eating.
"Who, Sarah?"
"Weel, wha else?" He forgot to add, 'Duh'.
"I don't know, I want to have a look at her and discuss with her how I can best help her. I could do with some help around the house but what I need is more a housekeeper than a nursery nurse and I need help for more than a week or two of a college placement."
"Aye, I tak' yer point, but is ony help better than none?"
"I don't know, Daddy, by the time I've invested the time to train her, she'd be leaving again."
"Aye, but I'm glad ye're helpin' her." he smiled at me and laid his hand on mine and squeezed it gently.
"Have you ever known me walk away from someone asking for help, Daddy?"
"Na, ye're a guid lassie an' I'm prood o' yer."
I was still blushing as we left the restaurant but I no longer felt hungry so hopefully I could keep my mind working on walking in these stupid shoes. I slopped on a pair of flats in the car and he sniggered to himself. I can drive in heels but it tends to rub the backs of the shoes and isn't as easy as driving in a pair of old flat shoes that I keep in the car.
I huffed at him, "This is your fault, you told me off so much in the past for wearing casual clothes when teaching that I automatically dress more tidily when I know I'm doing so."
"Aye it's probably thae only thing ye've learnt frae me." This time he snorted when he saw the indignation in my face and was still laughing as we drove onto the campus. I felt like slapping him one as I changed back into my heels to go to my office. "I telt ye tae dress smert no cripple yersel'. I dinnae ken hoo ye walk in them."
"Practice, Daddy, practice, like playing the piano."
"Aye but ye'll no break yer neck playin' thae piano." He chuckled to himself all the way to my office before he pecked me on the cheek and winked. He was winding me up again and I fell for it again hook, line and bloody sinker.
That was when I chuckled to myself and Diane saw me where upon she muttered, "Isn't that a sign of madness, laughing at nothing," and smirked.
My response was direct, "No it's when you talk to yourself."
"At least I hear something that makes sense that way," she said filling the kettle.
I huffed and went to my office and began wading through all the letters she wanted me to sign, by the time I'd done so, all twenty of them, I needed another cuppa and a wee.
Saturday arrived and Danni was still hirpling and using the elbow crutches which meant Trish and Livvie came with me to do the shopping while Danni sorted the washing with Hannah and Meems. We'd left early so were back by ten o'clock just as the second load of laundry finished. We all had one of the jam and cream doughnuts I'd bought washed down with a cuppa, Simon missed out but David ate his when he came to start the lunch.
I'd invited Peter and Sarah to lunch before I'd left the office yesterday and he'd texted me back to say yes. I told him to arrive after 12.30pm to give us a chance to tidy the place and change. I wasn't going to wear anything too formal and in the end stayed dressed as I was just freshening my perfume. I had on very light makeup, just mascara and eyebrow pencil with a touch of lipstick. Danni had added about two cubic tons of mascara and was wearing a skirt and knee boots plus a top which showed her growing chest. Of the others, Livvie and Meems changed into something different but Trish and I stayed in jeans and a nice top, mind you my jeans were CK as was the top, I think. I cut the label out of it because it used to rub my neck.
At twelve twenty, Simon came back with Lizzie and Cate, he'd had to do something in town while we'd gone to the supermarkets out on the outskirts. He certainly wasn't going to change from his British and Irish Lions sweatshirt that he wore with jeans and a tee shirt.
David was standing by to make everyone omelettes to go with salad and sauté potatoes. His omelettes were so light and fluffy they were gorgeous and he can flip them in the pan, last time I tried it, it took me half an hour to get the grease off the kitchen floor.
We were dining in the kitchen, and I asked Si to extend the kitchen table and then Trish laid out the cutlery. Possibly it would have been better to go into the dining room but this is more homely and I wanted the place to feel welcoming for the poor kid who would be arriving any time now. If it were me, I'd probably be wearing brown knickers.
Our guests arrived at 12.35 bearing a large bunch of flowers and bottle of new season Beaujolais. He'd certainly made friends with Simon. Sarah handed me the flowers and thanked me for seeing her.
"No, it's I who should thank you, for these lovely flowers, now important question, do you like omelettes?" They both said they did and I gave David the signal to start making them, the rest of the meal was already prepared.
"We're eating in the kitchen today as it's less formal than the dining room," and I introduced everyone who was present. "Oh, where's Stella?"
"She said she'd be out today and took her two with her." I felt a twinge of irritation and if she came back at me and criticised whatever outcome today yields, I'd tell her she opted out so had no right to complain. She'll have an answer but it won't cut any ice with me, nor I suspect, with Si.
Sarah proved to be a delightful girl, despite her dyed blonde hair and she and Danni got on like a house on fire - what a stupid metaphor. By the time lunch had ended an hour later I very much liked the girl, she was polite and engaging and had decent table manners.
Our youngest children were almost school age but I asked her if I was to offer her some work, it would be paid at the going rate, would she be interested. There would some childcare or supervision and some light housework. She could live in or commute, but the hours could be variable dependent upon the needs of the day. If she had study to do, report writing and so on, we'd allow time for that.
"You know I'm transgender," said Sarah.
"So what?" said Simon, "We've all had experience of trans people and none of us have a problem with it."
"I felt I had to tell you, because I'm still..."
"Unmodified?" I offered.
She blushed absolutely scarlet and nodded. "Are you sure it's okay."
"I'm trans too," said Danni and Sarah nearly fainted.
"So'm I," said Trish.
"And me," said Livvie, and Trish nearly choked on her drink.
"What? You're really trans?" gasped Sarah.
"I used to be," said Danni, "I'm legally female now."
"What you've had the op?" Sarah was astonished.
"Yeah, long story," said Danni.
"I have too," said Trish.
"But you can't, you're too young," said Sarah eyeballs bulging. "You're all just saying this aren't you, to make me feel comfortable."
"Yeah," said Livvie, "it's brain surgery they had, they put one in and in Trish's case they put in two."
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3315 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
"I always enjoy new season Beaujolais," I replied smiling. Well, it was true, I do.
He shook his head smiling, "About my niece," he said.
"She's a nice niece." I replied switching on the kettle to make teas or coffee, "I've made her a tentative job offer, how that suits her course, is up to her to decide."
"Yes, I heard that, but you'd never know, would you?" he asked.
"I might, but then I have experience of spotting trans people, we all do it, some are probably better at it than others."
"I thought she was pretty natural."
"She's fine, really, Peter, but she needs to stop telling everyone except on a need to know basis."
"I've told her that but she's worried because she's working with children, she feels she has to tell them."
"So will she still tell them after she's had the op?"
He shrugged, "She likes to tell the truth, she's incredibly honest."
"I could see that, but she has to learn that telling people more than they need to know can make you very vulnerable and let's face it, virtually all adults have secrets they'd prefer to keep hidden. She also has to learn that being transgender is not something we choose, it's simply a fact of life and never to be ashamed of it."
He nodded, "Absolutely, but there are plenty of people who seem to treat trans people as if they chose to be that way, just out of perversity. I mean plenty seem to think that being gay is a life choice."
"In parts of the Middle East they still punish anyone having gay sex with execution." I'd read something recently about what they do, they stone them to death or collapse a wall on them.
"That is disgusting, bloody barbarians." He said this angrily and I was waiting for some criticism of Islam, if so I would have challenged it. As with any religion, it's the people who practise it that are the problem, especially those who adapt it to indulge their own fantasies or power trips. We all know what I think about religion, lack of critical thinking, but that's up to the individual and I'd fight for their right to be so, even if half of them would like to take me out for a stake. I know, I could give an archangel an inferiority complex.
"It's peculiar to transgender people that they get asked all sorts of personal questions by people who don't feel at all embarrassed to ask them, they seem sometimes, to act as if they have a right to know, 'have you had the op? Which do you prefer boys or girls? I was once asked one of those by someone who discovered I was transsexual and they got really pissed when I asked them the same question back adding, I'll show you mine if you show me yours."
Peter looked at me for a moment, then burst out laughing, "That's brilliant, Cathy. I'll show you mine..." he muttered and laughed loudly again. Tom came in from the garden and I offered him some tea as I was pouring it for the others. He asked what Peter was laughing at and snorted when I told him. At this point he hadn't started drinking his tea, so I decided I'd keep the jokes to a minimum or have to wash the table cloth again.
"Lady Cameron, could I speak with you?" Sarah returned just after we finished drinking our teas. Danni trailed along behind.
"Of course, Sarah, let's pop into my study, shall we? Danni, be a sweetie and do us some teas," with that, I escorted Sarah to my lair.
"What a lovely room," she said looking at my books and the antique desk, plus my various knick-knacks and photos. I was pleased with it, my room that is.
"The library is through there," I pointed to the door and she asked if she could see it.
"Wow, you've got a lot of books," she gasped.
"Well, we have two professors living here plus a nurse specialist and banker and several children who are still in school and like to check facts other than by computer, though we have one of those as well and of course, access to the university system."
"Would I be allowed to use it if I came to work for you?"
"The books or the computer?"
"Both, I hope."
"I should think so once we agreed what was what."
"Gosh, I wish I lived here instead of up in Bristol, you're all so laid back about my being trans, my family except Peter seem to have such qualms about everything, especially my dad, you'd think it was his balls I wanted to cut off."
That line made me smile, she was so right in some ways.
"So what about doing your placement with me?" Just then Danielle appeared with two mugs of tea on a small tray and before I could move, Sarah jumped up and took the tray.
"Give her the job, Mummy," she said before I waved her away.
"Until I started trying to find a placement, all I ever wanted to do was work as nursery nurse and look after little ones, especially as I know I'll never be able to have my own but since I've had so many rejections for something I can't help and didn't choose, I'm half tempted to chuck it all in and do something else."
"Do think very carefully before you do that," I cautioned.
"I'm sick of being trans, Lady Cameron," she said and tears began to run down her face. "I really hate it."
"Hey, don't let them get to you because if you quit, the bigots win, you have to stand up for your rights, you're still a human being and a very lovely one," I said wrapping her up in a hug.
She sobbed in my arms for a few minutes. "No one knows what it's like," she said sniffing. "It's just not fair."
"Some of us do know or have a good idea what it's like," I said quietly still holding her. "I had a daughter who was transgender, she died, nothing to do with her gender discomfort, she had a brain aneurysm and died while we were out cycling."
"Oh, I'm so sorry, and there's me being selfish again," she said.
"You're not being selfish, Sarah," I hugged her again getting a distinct feeling that Billie approved of me using her to try and comfort the girl while being a total hypocrite and keeping my own past hidden.
"To lose a child must be the worst feeling in the world," she said sniffing.
"If not it must be close to it," I agreed, "but let's deal with your needs today, Billie is at peace so I know hers have been met."
"I don't know what I want except to be a normal girl and I know I can never be that, so what's the point of anything?"
"How will anyone know you're not a normal girl, unless you tell them?" I asked, "You're as pretty as any I've seen and I see quite a few in a university."
"You're so kind, Lady Cameron, but I look at Danni and she is beautiful as are you, I'll never be able to feel as female as you do because I don't have all the correct bits, so who am I trying to fool?"
"Now hang on a moment, when you came the other day you were full of finishing your course and doing the job you told us you loved, what's changed?"
She burst into tears again, "I'm just a fake compared to you all," she sobbed.
I decided some tough love was needed. "Sarah, please stand up and stop snivelling." I pointed to the mirror and made her stand in front of it. "Tell me what you see."
"Me dressed as girl," she sniffed.
"I thought you were a girl."
"How can I be, without ovaries and all the other bits."
"Being a woman is something that happens between the ears not the legs and there are loads of biological females who can't breed for umpteen reasons or have had to have ovaries or uterus removed, they're still female aren't they?"
"Yeah, but they were female beforehand, weren't they?"
"But not anymore according to your criteria or does that only apply to you because you don't really want to be a woman."
"Yes, I do, more than anything."
"Okay, so you look and act like a woman, so let's call you a woman, okay?"
"But I can't," she sniffed.
"Sarah, if you can't accept yourself, how can you expect others to accept you as you wish to be accepted."
"But I'm incomplete."
"Arguably, we all are, we are always working to become who we want to be or seen to be, it's a lifelong thing. If you appear and act like a female, only those who need to know you're not quite complete, will know - how many times do you wander about naked in the average week?"
She turned to face me, "Only when I'm in the shower," she said blushing.
"So when you're working you wear clothes?"
"Yes, of course."
"Glad to hear it, so can anyone see your unmodified bits?"
"No, course not."
"So they wouldn't know you had any unless you told them?"
"So they'd accept you as a woman?"
"Yes, I think so."
"You think so or know so?"
"Okay, I know so."
"I'm telling you, if they thought you were a boy in a dress, they'd soon tell you and they don't do they?"
"Not any more, at first I wasn't quite so convincing but usually I don't have any problems, except boys with seemingly lots more hands than humans usually have."
We both smiled at her description of wandering hands syndrome which afflicts many females. "That tends to indicate you make the grade, so why can't you accept yourself?"
"Okay, I surrender, I'm a girl and I accept myself, is that okay?"
"It's not me you need to tell, I can see you're a lovely young woman."
"Okay, point taken."
"I deal with adolescents for a living and have done so for some time, plus it's not that long ago that I was one myself and I haven't forgotten the ordeal it can be at times. Many young women have problems accepting themselves or seeing themselves as loveable or beautiful because they don't meet the criteria that applies to super models, who are as far from real women as polar bears are from teddy bears. Just be yourself and the best you, you can be, that's all any of us can do. You are a lovely young woman just give yourself some love and less of the hard criticism, we're none of us perfect just rejoice in who you are and enjoy your life, it's too short to find fault."
She sat on the sofa opposite me and sipped her tea and her eye movements tended to show she was reviewing what I had just said, processing it, her expression going from neutral to almost a smile and then to a grimace, finally she looked up at me and smiled, her red eyes sparkled. "I wish you were my mum, Lady Cameron, no one has ever spoken to me like that before."
"I have houseful of daughters, they all go through this ordeal of being good enough, or pretty enough, so I have a bit of experience of helping them through it. I have got it wrong once, not with my daughters, thank goodness, but with a young woman up in Scotland who was the daughter of one of the estate workers. She was transgendered and had had parents who caused her to suppress who she was. She got friendly with some of my girls and they told me about her unhappiness and being someone who doesn't like to see children unhappy, I interfered and gave her the chance to live as she wanted, I even arranged for her to see an appropriate doctor who confirmed that she was transgender."
"Wow, you did all that for her?"
"Yes, and the day after she hanged herself."
"What? Why if you'd given her the chance to be herself?"
"It overwhelmed her and she couldn't cope, after that I promised not to do so again unless it was to prevent child abuse or some other danger. Do-gooders can sometimes get it wrong."
"I'm sorry that happened and I think you did the right thing or had the best of intentions."
"Sarah, everyone must make their own lives and their own decisions, all we can do is try to help when we see them struggling or heading for trouble, but unless they ask for help, we sometimes make things worse because we take away their authority. Ali, the girl up in Scotland didn't ask for my help, my daughters did it for her and I should have asked her what she wanted me to do to help not take over and push her along at the rate with which I was happy. So after all the advice I've given you, I exhort you to do what makes you happy, you're the only one who knows for certain and you're the one who has to bear the consequences."
"If I was to drop my course, would you help me do something different?" she asked blushing.
"Shouldn't you be talking to your mum about this not me?" I felt awful now, this wasn't what I intended.
"Nah, Uncle Pete is better than her and I think being a woman, you understand better than he does, bless him."
"What do you want to do?"
"I'd like to work for you and do some access course to study something at university, do a proper academic qualification, perhaps become a nurse or a teacher."
"Or a midwife or doctor, or anything you want to be, provided you put in the hours and are of reasonable intelligence you can be who you want to be."
"Yeah, doctor, that would make some of them take notice of me wouldn't it? I'd show them I wasn't just some fairy, but someone of value."
"If I may offer a modicum of advice, Sarah, do something that you want to do, not to prove something to others, if they've been that unhelpful in the past, proving them wrong won't actually achieve anything because they'll be too stupid to understand. Does that make sense?"
"Yes, are you sure you can't adopt me?" she asked grinning.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3316 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
When Trish came to see what was happening, we'd been gone about forty five minutes, I sent her to ask Peter to come down to my study. He arrived a moment or two later and immediately noticed Sarah's red eyes and streaky makeup. "Is everything all right?" Don't we ask some dumb questions trying to find a way to probe a situation without upsetting everyone and sometimes even facing hostility from other participants.
"Sarah and I explored a few of her concerns and I think she needs to talk them over with someone in her family who can help her find answers. We discussed some options she has or might have, but I can't be involved because I may provide one or two of the options."
"But I thought it was simply about you offering a placement to Sarah, what's gone on since?" He looked confused and possibly a little hurt, perhaps thinking I'd ruined his little idea and thereby proving I wasn't the fairy godmother he thought I was.
"That is still one of the options, but depending on how Sarah feels, there might be others which would provide a different option. I don't want to say too much because Sarah needs to discuss it without my influence. Right that's brought you sort of up to date," I said to Peter and to Sarah I said, "You, missy, need to pop to the cloakroom and tidy yourself up." She blushed and ran off.
"What's happened, Cathy? " he looked irritated.
"I think Sarah needs to tell you or whoever she decides to talk it over with."
"Yeah, well, that's me usually, her parents are a waste of space. So what went wrong with the placement?"
"I promised Sarah, I would help when she had a better idea of what she wanted to happen, please help her decide, not do it for her, it has to be her decision because she has to live with the consequences, but I will help her as much as I can when I know what her decision is?"
"I'm disappointed, Cathy, I really am."
"You're entitled to feel whatever you wish, but I think things might change for the better."
"You haven't talked her out of becoming a girl?" his eyes went very wide as he spoke.
"What? Don't be silly, I haven't talked her out of anything or into anything, I just helped her see some more options, I do it with students all the time, occasionally with staff as well. A big part of my job is helping people to grow and develop, including myself. I think the discussion we had is helping her to do that and I'd be grateful if you saw it that way too when she talks to you."
"Oh, okay, whatever this mysterious talk is about, I'll do my best to help her benefit from it."
"Just remember that some benefits take a while to grow and often the bigger they are, the longer they take to mature. She's a lovely girl and I promised her I would help as I could, but I need her to let me know how."
"So what do we do about this placement thing?"
"Talk to Sarah and I think you'll see a solution."
"Women, you all talk in riddles."
I smiled at him, "Have you only just noticed that, Peter?"
He smiled back, "I suppose that means it's how I see you."
"Thank you, but you should have noticed it about me in school, I haven't changed that much."
"What? You bear very little resemblance to the uncomfortable girl I knew from school, you've grown into a beautiful woman and in all the right places too. The ugly duckling fable is you to a tee."
"Me a swan? Aw go on," I said reciting a song from my childhood about the ugly duckling which I loved when I was about three. I hope now to forget it forever.
He got the link and laughed which was when Sarah returned looking much better, her makeup restored. "Thank you, Lady Cameron, I'm sorry I was such hard work. Thank you for a lovely lunch and some good advice, I'll be in touch soon."
"Thank you for coming, Sarah, and my name is Cathy."
"Do you mind if I call you, Auntie Cathy, because you've been like an older and wiser relative for me today?"
"No that's fine, go home and think about what you really want and how you want to achieve it and I'll help you if I can."
She hugged and kissed me on the cheek, which Peter copied. Then I showed them to the door and they left talking quietly as they went to Peter's car. I felt washed out and closed the door only to walk straight into Danielle who demanded to know what was going on.
"That's between Sarah and her family."
"She's not gonna revert?" she asked aghast.
"Not as far as I know, why would you think that?"
"Well, you're good at manipulating people."
"Of course I am, I'm a woman, a wife stroke mother and a professor, all three require getting people to do what I want, but I promise I didn't manipulate Sarah, just helped her to see things in a better perspective."
"Aw shit," she said and limped off with her elbow crutch."
"When are you going to let that leg heal?"
"Whatja mean?" she fired back.
"Stop blocking the healing."
"I'm not," she protested.
"Danni, I'm your mother, remember."
"Can I ever forget?" she said limping upstairs at quite a lick.
"I hope not," I said quietly to myself as I went to the kitchen and made some fresh tea then went to my study to get a few minutes peace and quiet. When I got there I spotted an envelope which I didn't put there. It was unsealed and I opened it, it was a report or reference from the college where she was doing her nursery nurse course.
'Sarah is a lovely young woman who lacks some confidence in herself although she is clever and very personable when she overcomes her shyness. She is coping with the academic element of her course very well and she is also a very capable nursery nurse student, dealing very well with all the children she has met as well as their parents. We would be grateful if you could see to help her hone these skills in a real-life placement.' It was signed by the principal of the school.
My peace was short-lived, I'd drunk about half my tea when a delegation arrived led by Trish. "So why didn't you give her the job?" she demanded with Livvie and Hannah and Meems as onlookers.
"When she realised she had to keep an eye on you lot, she told me to forget it." I was trying to keep a straight face but it was difficult.
"I'll bet she didn't, she's nice, so why didn't you employ her?"
"That's between Sarah and me and it's confidential," I said sipping my tea.
"But you can tell us," insisted Trish.
"I don't think so," I replied, "It's why they call it confidential."
"Auntie Stella will be pleased, no more trannies, I think she thinks you import them just to annoy her."
"I don't do anything to deliberately annoy your Auntie Stella, she's my sister in law remember."
"She doesn't like tranny staff, does she?"
"She likes David well enough and she loves his cooking."
"David don't count, he's been here forever."
"He does count for that very reason, he's part of the family."
"Yeah, well Sarah coulda been too."
"Look girls, I didn't withdraw my offer for her to work here we just touched on one or two other things and she went off to think about it."
"What other things?" demanded Trish.
"That's the confidential part, now if you haven't anything better to do but annoy me, then go and find something useful to do, I want to do some mending before it gets any darker."
Yeah I know, mending, I'm married to a billionaire banker and I'm mending school uniforms. It so happens I like doing it, or do when I have more time, it makes me feel more like a mother and less like a professor. I hope it shows the girls that I care about them and how they look or appear to the world, but I doubt any of them see it that way, except possibly Danni. She has grown up quite a lot in the past year or so.
Just after I'd settled myself on the sofa with my sewing box and the pile of mending, she walked in minus the crutch. "Oh," I said, "How's the leg?"
"It's okay."
"Is that okay, as in healed? or okay, I can cope with it?"
"It's fine, I have to see the team doctor on Tuesday and if he agrees I start light training then the week after I play a couple of training games and then back to full team commitment."
"Oh good, or is it?" I asked looking through the mending, there was more than I thought.
"Want some help?" she asked avoiding my question. I nodded and she sat down next to me and between us we sewed and chatted but not about anything of any consequence.
"Did I say I had a text from Sarah?" she suddenly announced.
"No, what did she say?"
"She thinks you're wonderful."
"I knew someone would notice one day," I said trying not to laugh.
"Ha bloody ha," said Danni, "everyone you meet says you're wonderful or an angel, she complained.
"So, jealous are we?"
"Absolutely she said and then we both fell about laughing.
Simon found us an hour later as we were finishing our chore, he looked as if he'd been asleep and yawned as he went to say something. "So what's happening with the girl?" he asked.
"I'm waiting for her to get back to us."
"What? she's not grabbing the job in both hands?"
"No, she's exploring her options."
"Pretty little thing," he said and went off back to the television, I expect.
Danni snorted. "That's my dad, always about half an hour behind you, Mummy, sometimes more yet he's the billionaire and you're not."
"I like him to do better at some things than me."
"Is that just your feminine intuition?"
"Intuition, good lord no, it's simple manipulation, keeps him happy and besides we love each other and we both like to see the other do well."
"I hope I marry someone like Daddy."
"What, a billionaire?"
"That would be nice, but someone I could love like you and Daddy love each other." I smiled and gave her a little hug, no wonder I love this girl, she is precious.
On Tuesday, I had a text from Peter asking if Sarah could come and see me. I replied asking if she'd like to come to the house or to my office at the university. She apparently opted for the university, I thought she might. I also had an idea of what she was going to do.
I arranged for him to bring her to the university at four that afternoon. I thought if Diane was still about, he could talk to her while Sarah told me what she wanted to do. I assumed she had decided what that was but these things are never certain, it just felt like it, but I have been wrong before and probably will in the future, it's part of being human, or as close as I get to it.
I told Diane to block my appointments from four and to hold all calls after that. She of course wanted to know what was going on but I let her stew. It keeps her focused, I accept not always on what she was supposed to be but I accepted that as part of her career development. Curiosity killed the cat... etc.
I'd had a university council meeting earlier on, so was wearing a very nice Chanel suit and blouse. My shoes were Prada and fitted well and I'd managed to walk about in them all day, perhaps I'd lost any sensation in my toes but they were quite comfortable. I had dressed to impress being aware that most of the crusty old zombies who made up the council couldn't tell the difference between haute couture and a hot dog.
Peter arrived walking into Diane's office followed by Sarah. "We've a meeting with Professor Watts," he said and Diane buzzed me to let me know they'd arrived. I asked her to make us a couple of teas and to keep Peter occupied while Sarah spoke with me. I wanted to know what she wanted not him. So a few minutes later, Sarah came in carrying two mugs.
"I believe yours is the dormouse one?" she said handing me my mug. Then she noticed the gold and diamond brooch of dormouse that Simon got me. "Wow, what a wonderful brooch, I bet you didn't get that in Samuel's," she said, "I love your suit."
"You look very nice as well, kiddo," I replied taking in her casual jacket and very tight-fitting jeans.
"I'm about ten levels below you," she said blushing.
"I thought we'd dealt with the self-esteem issues?" I asked.
"Yeah okay, but you look a million dollars and I look as if I went to a tailor at the Sunday car boot sale."
"That's just purchasing power, when you're my age you should be able to afford better labels."
"Is that a Chanel suit, I know your perfume is?"
"I think so, it was the first thing that fell out of the wardrobe this morning." It was whopper, but I was just teasing her.
"Sure, and you just happened to coordinate it with everything else, you look beautiful, Auntie Cathy."
I'd forgotten about the appellation and felt myself blush a little, I hope it wasn't noticed. I was about to ask her what she decided when Diane popped her head inside my door, "How long are you going to be, Professor?"
"Until I retire, why?"
"What?" she looked completely bemused.
"You asked me how long I'd be a professor, I told you."
"No, I didn't, I asked how long you'd be because Peter offered to run me home if you were going to be any time."
I looked at Sarah and she shrugged. "Go on then, see you tomorrow."
She waved to both of us and left. "They used to work together."
"I know, he told me."
"Hey, want to see the dormouse unit?"
"What's that?"
"The unit we have which we use to breed dormice in captivity."
"You have dormice, here?" she squealed.
"We do,"
"Oh please," she said, so we trotted off to the labs.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3317 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
"Well they are mainly nocturnal, so that's hardly surprising.
"Like bats, they're flying mice really, aren't they?"
"Uh not really, Sarah, bats are an entirely different order to mice, to start with most are insectivores through a few eat other things like birds or frogs and I believe there's one which eats fish."
"What? Crikey, I thought they were just flying mice."
"No mice are rodents, which is quite a large order including things as small as harvest mice and as big as a beaver."
"What?" she gasped, "Mice are related to beavers?"
"Uh not quite, they're in the same order which means they have some similar characteristics like the teeth are the same design, which is usually the most obvious one."
"Oh like my rabbit," she squealed almost like someone a few years younger.
"Uh, not quite rabbits and hares belong to the order of lagomorphs."
"Oh, what's the difference?"
"They have different teeth and their jaws are a bit different and lagomorphs have furry feet including hair on the soles of their feet instead of pads."
"Wow, you know everything, don't you, Auntie Cathy?"
"Actually, I don't but don't tell my students." She roared with laughter, possibly more so than the joke deserved so I wondered if she was anxious about what she was going to tell me. I know I was a little concerned about hearing it, even though I had a good idea what she would say.
I let us in to the dormouse lab and switched on the low lighting in the cages. Most of them would be settling down to hibernate now, especially as we have the temperatures in their cages reflect the outside temperature and it was cooler this last few days. We've improved on the design since I first set it up with more natural places to hibernate and where they can build their nests. These are usually on the ground, in holes in the ground or in trees near the ground. They frequently nest in leaf litter around the base of trees or thick shrubs.
"Wow, they've got furry tails," said Sarah almost squealing.
"Yes, despite the common name, the common dormouse is closer to squirrels than mice, but it is a rodent."
"Are squirrels rodents, then?"
"Yes," I fished into one of the cages and picked out a sleepy dormouse, it wasn't torpid simply a little sluggish waking up rapidly as I held it. Sarah stroked it gently on the head.
"They are so beautiful, aren't they?"
"I think so, but then I've been in love with dormice for quite a few years."
"Can you get them as pets?"
"They're protected animals, so they shouldn't be taken from the wild except as an emergency or without a special licence. We have a special licence to breed them here and release them into the wild."
"Sounds a lot more fun than looking after someone else's unwanted children."
"I thought you liked your course?" I said although I knew she wasn't being stretched enough.
"'S'okay, I s'pose, but that was before I discovered dormice." She laughed and stroked our hapless Muscardinus some more. "Could I hold her?" she asked which I was half dreading, this wasn't Spike and thus not used to handling.
The lab door opened, "Oh it's you, Professor?" said James obviously thinking he'd caught two students who shouldn't be there.
"I'm just showing Sarah the dormice," I said and he wandered over.
"Yeah, lovely, aren't they?" he said as I put the one in my hand back into its cage.
"Could I hold one?" she asked again.
"What d'ya think, Professor?" asked James winking at me.
"A torpid one?" I suggested and he nodded then opened a cage a few down from us and picked out one that was curled and fast asleep, well, it's not really asleep, but it looks like it.
"Just a minute or so, because it will start to wake up and that consumes a lot of energy."
"What is it hibernating?" she asked.
"Starting to."
"She's gorgeous," she said quietly looking at the bundle of fluff in her hand.
"It's a male," I said pointing at the sign on the front of its cage.
"How can something this beautiful be male?" she asked, I hope rhetorically because I wasn't going to answer it. James relieved her of her precious cargo and we thanked him and headed back up to my rooms.
She was silent walking back and stopped and said, "You used to play with them when you were a student?"
"A bit at Sussex when the guy who was running the surveys there left I got placed in charge of them, but it wasn't until I came here that I was able to really do any study."
"You've been very lucky."
I agreed, I have in all sorts of ways. We got to my office and sat on the couch. "So have you made your mind up?" I asked her.
"I don't know, Auntie Cathy, I thought I had but then you showed me those gorgeous dormice and now I don't know. Do they study them at other universities?"
"Probably, but as part of their ecological science courses or biology. We do some field biology and ecology courses and some environmental science as well."
"Would I be able to study dormice?"
"Not exclusively that's post grad stuff," she looked bemused, "master's or doctoral degrees." She nodded her understanding. "Some of our undergrads do get involved with dormice as part of the survey things we teach them, but they may just as easily end up counting pond life or plants somewhere and trying to integrate what they see into the environment in which they are seeing it."
"What, why does this grow here?" she asked and I nodded answering, exactly that.
"That sounds a bit more fun than changing nappies or wiping snotty noses."
"I thought you enjoyed doing that? I know I did when the girls were little."
"I thought I did but you opened my eyes to other things."
"You make me feel like the serpent in the Garden of Eden handing Eve the apple of knowledge."
"I never understood that story, Auntie Cathy, what's wrong with knowledge?"
"I think it was meant as a way of explaining our self awareness which in our arrogance we thought we were the only species of mammal to possess it. Seems several others do as well and possibly some birds."
"So it wasn't just that Adam noticed he had an outie and Eve had an innie?" she asked.
"If I remember my bible stories, they had several kids when God kicked them out of the Garden. I think as well it's about the discovery of good and evil, which of course varies with culture, though I would hope that certain themes would appear in every culture like the protection of children and respect for life, but it sadly doesn't and in places life is still cheap. Anyway we're going off course a little, so what have you decided, or what had you decided before you caught dormouse contagion?"
She giggled and looked slightly embarrassed avoiding direct eye contact. Well, I suppose I am the alpha female, so she needs to keep me on board whichever she chose, but then if she knew me better, she'd know that I try to stay supportive of whoever I'm dealing with, it's part of my role and part of my nature, so she doesn't need to appease me., all she needs is to be honest with me and I'll do whatever I can for her.
"Auntie Cathy, what would I need to do to apply to study dormice here?" she asked blushing. I admit it wasn't quite how I expected the question to be framed.
"Ideally, you would need to offer us the equivalent of and A and two Bs at A-level plus sufficient GCSEs, including English and Maths. There is an alternative where you complete and access course which would provide both you and the university you applied to an opportunity to assess whether they think you are up to the level of education we need and for you to decide the same about yourself. I'm not sure how academic your current course is."
"I have GCSE English and maths, and I have two A-levels, a B and C in Biology and Geography."
"I see, even I can't pull strings enough to accept you with those, but if you were to apply to me, and write to me personally, then I would be happy to offer you a place next year if you were to achieve another A-level in a science subject or maths or complete a successful access course."
"What if I completed my nursery nurse course? Would that count?"
"I don't think I could accept that, Sarah because it's a vocational course, were you doing physiotherapy, which is another vocational course I could accept it because it comes with a degree, so demonstrates an ability to deal with degree level study."
"What sort of science would you need me to do for another A-level?"
"Maths would be best, but I accept not everyone copes with maths, especially at A-level or higher. It would need to be science such as Chemistry, I would probably accept Geology, because there is some overlap with the ecology element in biology or environmental science. The problem is that most courses are running now and even if you were able to get enrolled on one you'd be two months or more behind."
"I've left it a bit late, haven't I?" I could see the disappointment in her face and I was half expecting tears. "Is there no other way, Auntie Cathy?"
"Officially, no, but I've just had a thought. When did you get your A-level biology?"
"Eighteen months ago."
"And that was a B?"
"If I said to you to sit and pass one of our first year papers on biology in three months time with more than 60% I would give you a place next year. You would need to revise like made for the interim and I would arrange a copy of the part of the syllabus you'd be examined on, but it's mostly A-level standard and I will arrange a copy of a past paper so you can see the type of question, though obviously the questions will be different and the topics may be different as well. If you chose to accept the challenge, you would come here and sit the exam, which is three hours long, in my office. It may pay you to continue your nursery nurse course until then or even beyond to maintain your options. I will give you a placement and allow you some time to study during that placement. That is the best I can do, Sarah and I am stretching the rules about as far as I can."
"I appreciate that, Auntie Cathy, but I just don't know what to do now." She looked quite bemused by it all.
"Wait till Peter comes back and talk it over with him and let me know, but I need to know soon because we'll be in the thick of exams ourselves and that's always a busy time; besides, you'll need to get studying if you accepted the challenge to take our exam."
"And I could still work for you, as a placement?"
"Yes, and I will pay you something for anything you do, especially if it includes things like housework."
"Gosh, I do appreciate all you're offering but my head feels like it's spinning."
"It's a big decision an answer within a couple of days would suffice and just about give us time to prepare for it or not as you decide. It's entirely up to you, girl." She blushed as I called her girl and a fleeting smile ran across her face. She enjoyed being called it as I knew she would because many years ago, I did when it was used for the first times to me.
We were sitting as she wrestled with her decision when Peter returned. "So is everything sorted?" he asked.
"Not quite, my fault, Sarah is considering whether or not she would like to study at this university and I have made her a special offer, which she is fully understanding of. She needs to go back with you now and talk it over and to consider it against the other options she had and let me know within the next two days because I'll need to set things up and so will she."
"How long is this going to drag on, Cathy, because it seems each time she sees you you offer her something else?"
"This is the last option, Peter and she needs to make her decision in the next two days."
"Could you or someone give me a bit of tutoring, Auntie Cathy?" asked Sarah.
"I could probably find someone who could help you structure your revision. I won't do it because I'm probably going to be marking it." I didn't add, as you'll be staying in my house or at least working there, it would also be wiser to use someone else.
"If that's the case, Auntie Cathy, I want to take your exam and enrol here next year."
"What?" exclaimed Peter, "What exam?"
"I have made Sarah an offer to sit part of a first-year biology paper and if she passes it with 60% or more, I will forgo further A-levels and offer her a place here to study biology in one of the modules we offer here."
He looked anxiously at his niece, "You really want to do this?"
"I'm still going to do my placement with Auntie C, but she'll give me some time to study and pay me."
He looked at me and I nodded.
"Leave me your address and we'll get a letter out to you tomorrow," I said smiling and Sarah beamed a huge one back to me.
"I saw the dormice, Uncle Pete, I want to work with them instead of children."
He shook his head, "We'll wait for your formal offer, then."
I nodded and wished them goodbye."
Sarah turned round and flung herself at me, "Thank you so much, Auntie Cathy, I won't let you down."
"I don't believe you will." We hugged and she went off with Peter who was still shaking his head.
"I knew bringing you here would mess up everything, I just bloody knew it," he muttered as they went down the stairs.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3318 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
The next morning Diane saw the letter I'd drafted and she said, "The dormice got her then?" as she made my first working day cup of tea. I do about three letters to the pot.
"Don't they always?" I replied trying to make sense of a letter I'd received from Sussex University. I handed it to her, "read this and see what you make of it?"
"Dear Professor Watts,
Your application has been accepted and we'd like you to attend for interview on Wednesday 15th at 10.00am, please be prepared to provide a short presentation and answer questions on the following topics..." She read through to the end of the letter, "It looks like a job interview letter, are you leaving us then?"
"It's news to me if I am, I haven't applied for anything at Sussex though working with Dave Goulson and Fiona Matthews could prove interesting."
"Who are they?"
"Dave Goulson is an entomologist an expert on bees, especially bumblebees and Fiona Matthews used to be chair of the Mammal Society."
"Bumblebees? I love them but I didn't know you were interested in them?"
"I have done a couple of course with the Field Studies Council on bees over the years. They're obviously not my primary interest but I enjoy watching them and identifying them. I did some work on them during my first year as an undergrad at Sussex, mainly with mining bees, got a small piece in the BENHS journal which chuffed me to bits."
"The NHS journal?" she said looking bemused.
"No the BENHS, the British Entomological and Natural History Society, a long establish society who are mainly entomologically based but they do have the odd article about other things. I have a whole shelf of their journals at home, they're very well regarded especially in entomological circles."
"Is there no limit to your interests?"
"Not to the range but alas, there is to the time I can spare to pursue them."
"If you were retired, you could spend all day doing so," she said blushing, "I mean you keep saying you don't need to work for the money."
"I don't, Simon would happily support me in quite a luxurious lifestyle if I wanted it, but I like to work and to use that work to try and improve our understanding of the natural world and to share that with my students and the world at large. I also believe I can make a small difference in conserving habitats and biodiversity and thus improving the lot of wildlife. It's an uphill battle and some days it seems we slide down the slope and then just occasionally, someone takes notice of what I am saying and it all helps."
"You're such a wise person that I hang on every word, professor." She managed to say this with a dead pan face.
"Really?" I said appearing surprised because I was.
At this she burst into laughter, "What d'you think?"
I nodded looking crestfallen, "Madam, you cut me to the quick." But that only set her off laughing even more.
"Oh, go and make some tea you minx." I snapped at her and she walked out still chuckling like a demented banshee - I assume they chuckle but I haven't knowingly met one, so it's a guess.
I picked up the letter and called Sussex connecting with their HR department. "It's Cathy Watts from Portsmouth, I've received a letter from you inviting me to attend for an interview next Wednesday."
"What's the address, Mrs Watts? I'll try and see which job that's for."
"Portsmouth University."
"Is that Mrs or Dr Watts?"
"Try Professor," I offered feeling irritated, it seems my notoriety was less than I was led to believe, unless it's just in select circles, such as mammal surveying and Hampshire Constabulary.
"Ah, got it?" she said triumphantly as if she'd just recovered it from some ancient text lying abandoned in an ancient vault, in an ancient museum of an ancient university somewhere in an ancient town...you know what I mean.
"Are you confirming that you will be able to attend?" she trilled back at me. She sounded younger than Trish but obviously wasn't, unless they had work experience people in that office, which is unlikely, too much sensitive and personal information floating around in HR.
"I wasn't even aware I had applied and exactly what is the job I'm supposed to have applied for?"
"Oh, that's unusual, most people know what job they're after unless they're sending off hundreds of applications. You should really be aware of what job you're chasing, they usually require to write something about that on the application form."
"I'm aware of that, young lady, I am just unaware that I actually applied for any job as I already have one I quite enjoy." I do about once a week, enjoy it that is.
"Oh, that is very unusual, did you apply by accident or something?"
"I don't think I applied at all."
"Oh, I'm sure if you filled in a form you'd have some recollection unless it was one of dozens you sent out."
"I haven't sent out a single application form because I haven't filled one in, not in living memory."
"Did you write to the wrong university, this is Sussex, you know we're in Brighton."
"I know where you are, I was an undergraduate there for three years."
"Yeah, it's a lovely university, isn't it? Can't wait to get back here? We get this all the time."
"What was the post I supposedly applied for?"
"Oh that's easy, Chair of Biological and Ecological Sciences."
"Could you send me a copy of the job description and so on as I seem to lost it."
"Of course, Professor Watts, I'll put it in the post today."
"Thank you." I rang off envisioning the girl saying to her colleagues, 'Had a right one earlier, some dozy professor not even sure which job she'd applied for," and them all having a good laugh about it.
"I sent out the letter to Sarah, you really going to give her a chance to enrol to do biology with just two A-levels?"
"Is that what the letter says?"
"Yeah, conditional to her passing an exam in three months time."
"So, does that answer your question?"
"Yeah, I s'pose so." She dumped the mug of tea on my desk and went back out to hers. Then I heard her chattering with Nikki, who is her support - I know, go figure. I told her I'd get her support but I meant a new bra - only joking, Nikki has only been with us since November and she does the basic stuff like typing letters and supposedly making the tea, but her typing is so bad and her tea making even worse, Diane still does most of it. She can, however, Nikki, that is, answer the phone, although we can't always read the notes she leaves after she has answered the phone. I now have an ansafone which we set if Diane is out of the office. It will also take messages after hours such as death threats and other malicious messages usually from Russian accented voices.
To make the morning more interesting, Peter rang. "Cathy, why didn't you just offer her the placement by itself, she really doesn't know what she wants to do after seeing those bloody dormice, which I suspect you knew would happen. Didn't you?"
"Not for certain, but it does tend to have a certain effect upon young women."
"So you set out to screw her up, why? Is it some revenge for something I said or did in school?"
"No of course not, Peter, I simply wanted to be sure she knew what the options were and then had a chance to take other ones if it was her wish."
"But it's like going to the supermarket and finding they have 85 types of toothpaste so you go out without any and buy one from the corner shop because you only have to choose one from six or seven."
"I think that's an over simplification and you know it; you seemed intent on keeping her in her current course which she isn't enjoying as much as she thought she would and which isn't stretching her intellectually at all. I asked her if she'd ever thought about doing something more challenging and she hadn't because like many young women, she lacked confidence which I believe is also an effect of being transgender. That she has coped so far is a testament to her ability to deal with something much more demanding but also equally rewarding than becoming a nursery nurse, without wishing to denigrate that honourable occupation, but she would be wasted in it."
Peter sounded slightly irked, "You know what it's like being trans and trying to get a job, but at least it's an established vocation and I'm sure she'd have managed to find one when she qualified."
"What did you fancy doing when you left school and went off to uni?"
"I hadn't thought beyond getting a degree, I was never as dedicated as you were Cathy, but then I had an active social life as a school kid and a student."
I felt myself blushing as if he was indirectly castigating me for not having an active social life because I was a nerd. Or was he doing so because I had been transgender and thus socially ill at ease because I didn't know quite what I was or supported to find myself either at school or university or by my family and friends.
Besides Siân I suppose I had no friends at school unless you consider Marc Absalom, the one whose house got flooded and I went to help clean up but because I borrowed some wellies from Siân, his parents thought I was a girl and he sent me a copy of the photo his dad took. Despite the day I spent helping them, and his parents thinking he had a girlfriend, we were never really friends though he was one of the boys who was bigger than me but never insulted, teased or hit me and after I helped that day, he would acknowledge me with a smile, but that was all. No, I tell a lie, he once intervened when another boy was intending to punch my lights out and I escaped in their confrontation.
I have no idea if Sarah has a good social life, I hope she does. She's transitioned younger than I did and I'm sure that makes a difference, but whether or not it did to her I don't know, I suspect her seeming need to tell people almost guarantees she won't have too many boys interested in her unless they're possibly leaning towards being gay or are just curious. Girls can also be curious not appreciating we feel very much the same way they do, though not hindered by periods, which we all regret and envy - or probably would once or twice.
"Anyway, it looks as if she wants to go for this exam thing you offered her, you said you'd write to her."
"I have, it will be going out in the post today."
"Mind if I collect it, to save time?"
"No, I'll ask Diane to hold it for you."
"You said something about having someone to give her the odd tutorial as well."
"I shall arrange that, but I'll have to ask them first, we do have one or two to choose from, including our other technician, Hilary, who does some teaching with first years who haven't done much biology."
"What you get students who want to do biology who didn't study it at A-level?"
"We get some who have never studied any but because they can do maths, their maths teachers tell them they can pick up the biology as they go along, it's so easy."
"They obviously haven't studied biology, have they?"
"The teachers no, or not beyond GCSE level. When they get to degree level, the only bit they would understand is the maths involved, which sadly, our A-level biologists often struggle with."
"It's only a few equations, Cathy."
"It's a bit more than that, Peter, we do quite a bit of statistics at different times, including things like population modelling, especially if they go on to do some ecology."
"But that's just number crunching."
"Yes it is, but if you struggle with numbers, crunching them is quite difficult. I know I struggled until I found someone who could help me."
"Do you still make microscope slides? If I recall you were a dab hand at that."
"I teach students how to do it occasionally, but yes, I did it through my undergrad days and got an A+ for it."
"Not surprised, and you had such small and neat girly handwriting, your diagrams were always so neat as were you slide labels."
"That's a long time ago, Peter, my handwriting is as bad as most other people's these days. Look I have to go, I'll speak to Diane about you picking up the letter and I'll sort her out a tutor for occasional help."
"Okay, thanks, Cathy - oh, when do you want her to start her placement?"
"Tell her to call me at home and we'll agree something."
He rang off and I made notes of things that I had to do including organise a tutor, I wonder if Hilary would be interested?
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3319 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
Debbie Matthews met me at the dormouse laboratory, "Any chance of another sewing lesson, sometime?"
"I suppose, what are you doing on Friday?" I said off the top of my head.
"Nothing as far as I know, that would be great."
"Could you do me a favour?" I asked blushing.
"If I can, Cathy, you've done me enough.
I regarded my companion, she'd settled down and become a very lovely young woman who'd been living with John, one of my technicians, for the best part of the year. They were still living in the house they rented from me, which was actually Cate's original home, although she'd only been there a matter of weeks before her mother died, taking her life after her husband and daughter were killed in a car crash. The coroner said suicide, I believed it was a broken heart that killed her and if you recall, she left me a note asking me to take care of Cate for her, a baby girl she had named after me.
"What would you like me to do?" she asked bringing me back from my rather sad memory of when Trish and I found her, Maria Drummond, that is. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, just remembering something a bit sad."
"What did you want me to do?"
"I want you to tutor a young woman so she can pass the first year written paper."
"But that's in three months," she gasped.
"Yes, she has A-level biology so has the wherewithal to pass it, just needs a few tutorials to refresh her and work through a couple of past papers."
"How many tutorials are we talking about?"
"Three or four and no more than ten say," I said smirking.
"Ten, that's one a week."
"What a good idea, she'd pass with flying colours with ten."
"Okay, who is she and why the fuss?"
"She's a young woman who I have offered a place to if she can pass this exam."
"Okay, I'll do it, I owe you loads already, as my surrogate mother cum boss."
"I'll pay you thirty pounds per tutorial."
"Why? I'll do them for nothing, for you, you know that."
"Exactly, you're not doing them for me, you're doing them for Sarah, that's the young woman who's going to be joining my course when she passes the exam after your coaching."
"Why is she special?"
"Once you meet her you'll understand why."
"When will that happen?"
"Come to dinner on Friday and meet her."
"Why aren't you coaching her?"
"She needs to be involved with someone other than me and I won't be marking her paper either."
"Okay, I'll invite her to dinner and also to stay for the sewing bee if she wishes to."
"Right, okay. Can I bring John?"
"Better not this time."
"Fine I'll tell him I'm coming sewing with you so he can go and see his mum. He'll be quite happy with that."
We chatted for a bit longer including dealing with a matter John had raised. I was glad he wasn't in the lab, but then remembered he was working with another lecturer this morning. "Is that all you wanted?" she asked me.
"Yes, I think so." She left a couple of minutes later, she did much of the first-year biology and especially those who hadn't done very much before coming to us, so she'd be ideal for coaching Sarah. She was also developing as a good teacher and that was the reason why I wanted her to do it, besides, I knew she could do with the extra cash as her car was in dock again. I did offer to loan her a bicycle but she just laughed at me. John cycled to work but she wouldn't be seen dead on a bike.
Walking back to my office prior to lunching with Daddy, I had a thought. On Friday, there would almost enough transwomen to form a society. There'd be me, Trish, Danni, Sarah, Debbie and possibly Sammi as well. If I let Danielle invite Cindy too, that would be seven plus David, though none of the non-family members would be aware that David was a transman.
Talk about cluster effect, it's almost off the scale. Oh well, tough. I could invite Julie as well, but she seems happy in her own place these days and I only see her about once a week, when she calls by or rings if she's busy. Danni sometimes goes to see her and Phoebe because they have quite a strong bond as sisters and she wouldn't let anyone else near her hair. Mind you, neither would I these days. She still does Debbie's as well, so I've helped to bring her in a bit of clientele as well.
Diane was busy looking at something that Nikki had typed and shaking her head. "Why did you say yes to her coming here?" I asked her, Diane that is.
"They were going to sack her and I thought that no one could be as useless as they said she was. She isn't..."
"I know, she's worse, but she is cheap," I said smirking, "I'm sure you'll eventually knock her into shape."
"I wish," she said, pretending to tear out her hair.
"Don't do that, you'll get dandruff on the carpet," I said quietly as I ran into my office before she could process what I'd said.
It appeared Nikki had been sent to get a pint of milk from the cafeteria, we'd run out mainly because she'd knocked it off the work top as Diane was making some teas. Apparently, she came back with the wrong type of milk, and this was now the third attempt to get a pint of semi-skimmed milk. At times I wondered if she had some sort of learning difficulty, but not according to personnel, she was just thick and we were her last chance before they sacked her.
I mentioned it to Stephanie who suggested from the symptoms I gave her that she could be ADHD or even mildly autistic and that her opinion was that she would improve if we kept her working to a very rigid programme. So far we hadn't managed to run the programme two days in succession, she always did something or something happened which prevented it. I'm sure she was good at something, apart from breaking things, including my dormouse mug, but I took it on the chin, hoping she'd eventually be able to do something useful, but I didn't really believe it.
The rest of the day was spent doing what I always did in the office, paperwork and yet more paperwork. I thought someone had declared we'd all be paper-free in offices by 2020, well it's nearly 2022 and we still have reams of dead trees floating about the place, and personally, I'd rather have it on a sheet of paper than a computer screen, or in a book rather than an ebook, but when it came to finding things quickly, nothing can beat a computer and I can do a literature search of the library or several libraries via Athens in seconds, which before would have taken weeks by hand or not been possible before, so in their place computers make a definite contribution. I can also get BBC iPlayer on it and you tube and a few other things, that would have been impossible before, so as long as the blessed things do what I want them to do, I'm happy to have machines helping make my life easier, except they don't because we spend the time, we could have been relaxing or recovering, doing extra things, usually the next thing on the list.
There was a crash outside and I heard Diane yell. I poked my head out of my office door and Nikki had dropped the full cartridge of photocopier toner all over the carpet and she was half-covered in it as well. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry and Diane was running around like a headless chicken. The cleaners are going to love us.
"Go outside and shake your clothing," I instructed Nikki, who looked at me as if she was going to burst into tears but on a second prompting she went off trailing fine black dust behind her. "Phone the estates department and see if they can send someone over with a vacuum cleaner," I instructed Diane who stopped running around in circles and did as I bid her. She replaced the handset a couple of minutes later. "Send her home, she needs to get that stuff off her and to avoid breathing it in. How does she come?" Answering my own question with, 'with difficulty'.
"Okay, professor, I'll make some more tea in a minute."
"Shut the door to the kitchenette, to keep the dust down." I decided I needed to do something and that would mean telling personnel we can no longer tolerate her here as she does too much damage. It was sad and all that but, we had a busy office to run and she was creating havoc.
"How does she come to work?" I asked Diane.
"By bus, I think."
"Here's ten pounds, tell her to get a cab home or better still call one for her, and tell her to take the rest of the day off. I'll speak to personnel later when I've had a cuppa to fortify me."
"You're going to sack her?" asked Diane looking alarmed.
"We can't afford to keep her, I mean look at the mayhem she's caused today, we haven't got time to babysit her, we're a university department not a nursery."
"Okay, I'll tell her we don't want her anymore."
"Leave it for one more day, but another one like today and I shall probably just be looking for help to dispose of the body."
She took the money and went in search of our office gremlin. She'd send her over to reception and send the cab there to collect her. While she was out one of the domestic staff appeared with a vacuum cleaner and a face mask and began sucking up the very fine powder that constitutes the toner in photocopiers and laser printers. I shut my door to try and keep the dust out and went back to my paperwork.
While I was reading something as an email attachment, I had a sudden thought and clicked on Google and looked up dyspraxia in adults, I called personnel or HR as they term themselves today.
"How can I help you, professor?" said the bland female voice.
"I'd like to see the full personal file on Nikki Fulbrite."
"Oh, can I ask why?"
"Yes you can, but I still want to see it."
"I'm sorry?" said the voice not so bland anymore and I decided teaching them how to speak was probably not the best thing to do at this moment.
"I want to see the file because I believe the girl has got something like dyspraxia and we need to see what we can do to help her."
"I can't reveal what might be in her personal details."
"Look, she's a nice kid but about as useful as a chocolate teapot and as clumsy as a rhinoceros in a china shop, I believe we need a proper diagnosis and some sort of programme put together to see if we can help her."
"We still can't reveal that sort of information, professor."
"I appreciate the data protection stuff but I feel we are not doing as much as we could for the girl and as her manager, I am acting on that responsibility. I shall speak to staff health."
"They won't be able to tell you anything either."
"No, but they may help me by seeing her and getting some sort of diagnosis sorted and then appropriate treatment." I put the phone down, the vacuum cleaner stopped outside and I went to look at the damage. The carpet was ruined and I wasn't sure if that could be sorted or needed replacing. I also wanted to speak to Diane about Nikki before I spoke to staff health who are probably all working from home.
The cleaner left toting their Henry* with them and at least the carpet no longer had a thick layer of black powder on it. "D'you think she could have dyspraxia?" I said to Diane who was washing mugs and plates in the kitchenette.
"What Nikki?" she asked rinsing off a mug under the tap.
"Yes, you know this uncoordinated movement thing?"
"Could do, shouldn't they have told us?"
"No, remember no one can reveal anything about anyone anymore, even if they've been a convicted mass murderer on parole."
"I don't think she's done that, Prof, unless it was by accident, you know pushed the wrong button or something."
"I'm going to ask staff health for some help, I assume they do other things as well as stick pins in people."
"They don't do acupuncture, do they?"
"I have no idea, but I meant Covid bashing."
"Oh, that sort of pin-sticking?"
I rolled my eyes and she smirked. "Just make the bloody tea," I said went back to my office.
"Did you call a cab for Nikki?"
"Just about to."
"Don't bother, I'll take her home."
"Eh?" she looked at me as if I'd just said something outlandish. I grabbed my coat and walked round to the front of the university and found Nikki standing around looking desolate.
"I'm really sorry, Professor, you won't sack me, will you?"
"No, I'm taking you home, just let me put a cloth on the seat will you?" I clicked open the boot and the old curtain I use if I have the dog in the car and laid it over the front passenger seat. Cream leather covered in toner dust didn't bear thinking about.
She eventually got into the car and took ages to get the seatbelt buckled. This girl had some sort of motor problem or coordinating motor skills. Having ascertained where she lived, I set off in that direction and she directed me to her house at Leigh Park, which is a huge housing estate.
I'd elicited from her that she lived with her mother, her father having left them a year or so after she was born. She tried to dissuade me from following her into the house, but I wanted to speak with her mother. The house was more or less as they'd been built back in the 1960s and could probably do with modernising. It was clean and tidy but in need of some redecoration.
Before Nikki could say anything, I introduced myself to Nikki's mum and said she'd had a bit of bad luck with a copier toner and needed to wash and change. Her mother understood and invited me into the lounge while she sent Nikki upstairs and told her to put her clothes into a plastic bag before getting into the shower.
She told me Nikki was a prem baby and had several problems and as she grew she'd got rather clumsy and was bullied through her schooldays because she was a bit slow and uncoordinated. The doctor had referred her for help but Nikki didn't like the person she was referred to and refused to go. She'd left school and had a number of jobs before ending up at the university on a special scheme for long term jobless.
"I suppose you're going to sack her as well, are you?"
"At first that was my initial reaction to the mayhem she seems to cause, but she's a nice enough kid and actually, I can see she has a problem and I want to see how we can help improve her life and turn her from a liability to an asset. I am therefore going to ask staff health to assist with a firm diagnosis or send her to someone who can do it for us and what we need to do to help her, as I'm sure it's possible."
With tears running down her face her mother looked at me and said, "You're the first one who's said anything like that, most just offer her money to go away. Thank you, Professor, thank you so much."
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3320 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
I'd also done some reading up on the subject and discovered that it was very variable in its presentation and symptoms suffered. Nikki was, unfortunately, a bit slow in terms of cognition at times but it was difficult for me, a rank amateur to decide if that was because she had a learning difficulty or her motor coordination caused her to have to consciously think about almost everything she did. We do so much automatically because it's been practised thousands of times, walking, bending down to pick things up, writing or typing and this is because repetition has set up nerve pathways that function without any conscious thought. Having set up the pathways, even after quite a time gap, the skills can be reused after a few reminders. Something like riding a bike, if you do it every day it's done with almost no thought because it's all automatic. We sometimes don't even look at the bike before we get on it, which caused a few problems to a friend who got on their bike without realising someone had pinched the saddle. Thankfully, they didn't do themselves much injury but it wasn't a prank, someone had pinched his rather expensive saddle.
If you haven't ridden for a while, you temporarily lose the muscle memory, which is actually the nerve pathway, but after a small number of rides, you recover the skills and feel much more confident on a bike again. Unfortunately, it can take a bit longer to stop your bum hurting and your legs aching but serves you right, you should cycle regularly.
In the case of Nikki, I doubt she'd be able to ride a bike without specialist help and given the carnage on the roads these days, I wouldn't even consider suggesting it to her, though possibly a trike might help her coordination but I don't honestly know, but at least we'd started the process for her and I hoped we'd be able to help achieve some degree of independence, she really is a lovely girl. Occasionally, I find it difficult to love her, after she broke my dormouse conference mug, I got half a dozen cheap ones from the carboot sale, so it no longer matters. Diane has brought in some old ones from her house and I did consider doing the same with our old ones except they end up in Tom's shed and he uses them for mixing small amounts of things for his gardening. I don't ask.
"Auntie Cathy, could I start work for you tomorrow?"
"I suppose so, but is it worth it, Christmas is here next weekend and you'll want to spend it with your family."
"I'd prefer to work if I could."
"Just a second," I picked up my study diary. "Right, it's the seventeenth today, Christmas and New Year's Day are on Saturdays. What time is Peter coming to collect you?"
"Uh, he's not he's out with his office Christmas dinner, I'll get the bus."
"We'll see. Now, please tell me why you'd rather be here over Christmas than with your family and will your mother object? I'm sure she'd like her daughter home for the holiday."
Sarah began to blush, "Actually, she won't, she is still having difficulty with me as a girl. You and the rest of your family don't and I hope I could start my placement and include Christmas as part of it, but if you don't want me to, I'll see if I can stay at Peter's."
"That bad is it?" I asked her hoping she wasn't trying it on. I like the girl and I'm trying to help her but she isn't my problem - yet. Oh shit, why does life do this to me? Why always me? Someone should have sorted Nikki out years ago, why did it fall to me? I suppose like Nigel Green says in Zulu to one of his young troopers who is frightened of the impending Zulu attack and asks, Why us? 'Cos we're 'ere, lad.' I suppose I was here too and I can't let things go, no wonder I'm always in trouble. I've been like it all my life, interfering, my dad used to call it. But I can't walk by on the other side, it's probably called 'Good Samaritan syndrome' or something similar.
"Yeah, but I'll ask Peter if I can stay there, so it's all right if you don't want me."
"Give me your mother's phone number," she wrote it down on the pad on my desk. "Now go and see if David needs any help." She nodded and went off to the kitchen.
"Is that Mrs Spears?" I said hoping her first name was not Britney.
"Yes, who's that?"
"I'm Cathy Cameron, your brother Peter asked me about giving a placement to Sarah for her course."
"Oh yeah, he said he had someone who could help, why is there a problem, apart from her being you know?"
"No I don't know, Mrs Spears."
"Oh I thought she had to tell you she's really a boy." I felt a mixture of emotions including shock, this was like a female version of my dad or Murray. I wanted to hit her, to rip her apart verbally, but then she might take it out on Sarah.
"Well no one is perfect, now I wish to employ her from tomorrow and I'm going to need her over Christmas and possibly New Year as well. I hope that is okay?"
"What will she be doing?"
"I have oodles of children so she'll be helping me look after them and a bit of housework. "
"She's happy with that is she?"
"Oh yes, very happy."
"Okay, I suppose so."
"Thank you. Goodbye." I rang off.
I wandered out to the kitchen where Sarah was helping David make a salad and they were chatting away as if they were old friends. I think she would fit in very well. Just then the doorbell rang and Livvie let Debbie in. "Ooh, that smells good, Cathy," she said taking off her coat.
"Salmon with David's own recipe watercress sauce," I replied, "It's amazing."
"Take me to your feeder," she said and we both walked towards the kitchen.
"Debbie, this is Sarah, Sarah, this is Debbie. If you hadn't worked it out, Sarah is your student, and Sarah, Debbie is your tutor."
"Oh," they both said almost in unison.
For the rest of the evening they got on fine, Debbie brought some sewing that she wanted to do and so we talked as we sewed. I had more mending to do - how do these girls manage to destroy school uniforms with such monotonous regularity. Not Danielle or Trish playing footie in the yard but Hannah and Livvie. Livvie, I mean little Miss Perfect was caught fighting in the girl's toilet, obviously with another girl. It transpired that the other girl had suggested that Danielle was a boy because no girl could be that good at soccer, but lots of boys were.
When Livvie called her a liar, the girl slapped her causing her to slip backwards and she caught her blazer on a tap and tore the seam. When the girl went to hit her again, she turned and back kicked her in the face. The squeals from both girls as they fought caused a teacher to investigate and she found the two screeching at each other like two owls.
The offending girl was sent off to hospital with a suspected broken jaw and Livvie was suspended. They sent for me and I collected her from school after being told what had apparently happened. Then I got Livvie's version and when Trish came home, David went to get them, she said the other girl had been overheard saying she was going to wipe the smile off Danielle Cameron's face and her ugly sisters. On further investigation, we discovered her brother's girlfriend had been dropped from the county team because Trish was a better player and it was well known that she was coached by Danielle, an English international.
"So why didn't she attack Danielle or Trish?" asked Sarah, who was looking at patterns.
"She was going to, but Danielle is two or more years older and probably too intimidating, and Trish is known to have had a fight and won it against an older girl, and Hannah was considered too tough to even contemplate fighting, so Livvie, who also plays football was next best and an opportunity arose before she had planned it through. I'd have thought that Livvie would have verbally destroyed her but when faced with physical injury, she replied in like fashion with interest.
"The girl denied it for a day or so but when Trish managed to get further evidence, like the name of the girl who'd lost her place to Trish, who was from another school, and she was confronted, she owned up despite her jaw being wired. Apparently, Trish Hannah and Livvie have been practising kick-boxing in the garage having watched either Stella or me working out - or reducing our frustrations."
"So what happened?" asked Debbie.
"Livvie was reinstated and told on no account must she kick anyone like that again."
"She was lucky," said Debbie.
"She actually told Trish she'd do a different kick next time. They both thought that was hilarious."
"She's a girl, isn't she?" chuckled Debbie.
"In the end, we explained to the girl's parents that we'd had several attempts on our children's lives and therefore we condoned then learning some form of self-defence and we considered the girl was lucky because Livvie would have punched her in the face and possibly broken her nose. The jaw was probably going to look better after the surgeon sorted it, a broken nose might not have and with her looks she needed all the help she can get."
That set Debbie off again and she cackled like an old witch. Of course, Sarah had to tell Debbie that she was transitioning and Debbie looked at me before telling her not to be so forthcoming with personal information as she had no need to know to teach her, even on a one to one basis.
"But I thought you should know, I mean if you'd realised I was actually a boy being alone with me, I mean..."
"Sarah, you are not a boy, okay. Even if you were, I've tutored young men twice your size and they were more frightened of me because I was in the position of power, being the teacher and being older."
"Oh, okay, just thought..." Sarah blushed deeply.
"Look, girl," said Debbie, "it's fine if you want to be out and up front with everyone, but why should you be? You look and act like a girl, okay you have a few rough edges to knock off but otherwise, you look as much a girl as anyone else."
"You don't have to justify yourself to anyone, if you believe yourself to be a girl, why shouldn't everyone else accept it?" I offered suddenly realising that the same could be said of people who weren't classic transsexuals like the three of us, I obviously had some thinking to do.
The other girls had allowed us some privacy so Debbie and Sarah could meet and chat. They both said they were looking forward to working together. I suggested as Sarah would be working here, they could use my study and that they had access to my books and journals if they needed them. Debbie could bring her own laptop and use our wifi and even access the university if necessary.
While Debbi went off to the loo, I suggested Sarah came with us when I took Debbie home and she could either stay at Peter's house or bring some stuff back with her and move into the room I'd allocated her, across the landing from Danni's. It was Julie's old room but I knew now she'd not come home to live again and that was okay. We still had contact, I was still her mum and she my daughter, but like Sammi they were growing up and fleeing the nest - as it should be.
"You mean I can stay tonight? Oh wow, thank you, Auntie Cathy." She was wrapped around me when Debbie returned.
"Am I interrupting something?" she asked.
"Yes, I mean no. Auntie Cathy has said I can move in tonight, we're going to get my stuff when she takes you home."
"Right, thanks for helping me sort out my little catastrophe," said Debbie. She'd made an error taking up a pair of trousers which I was able to correct quite easily and she hemmed them before she left, all she had to do now was press them and she said she'd do that at home. "I suppose I'd better get back and see what the cat has done."
"Oh you have a cat?" said Sarah.
"Yeah, she's a monster, I had to pick up a vole when I got home yesterday, half of it was in the hall the rest in my bedroom."
"Ugh," said Sarah.
"Where's your psycho?" Debbie asked me and as if in answer to her question the feline tornado shot past us and up the stairs as if she had the devil after her. It wasn't the case, just a dumb spaniel from whom she'd pinched a chew stick thingy made of rawhide. Apparently, Tom was giving one to Kiki when the monster moggie flashed through taking it from his hand and before the dopy dog even saw it. He just laughed, it was probably too tough for her teeth but he had another one he gave the dog who ended up happy.
We took Debbi home and then off to Peter's house, quite a nice one in Southsea where Sarah rushed in packed an overnight bag and telling Peter's wife what was happening. I spoke with her as well, a nice woman called Anne. I thought if I showed myself it would be official not Sarah shooting off to sleep with her boyfriend or girlfriend. That made me wonder if putting her opposite Danielle was such a good idea. Oh well, I'd done it now. Danielle knows how to behave and I'm sure Sarah does too, she has a lot to lose if she upsets me and she may be young but she's not stupid and she's older than Danni in any case. Oh dear, was that another worry?
No, I decided, she's a nice girl and trustworthy and besides with her coursework to finish for the nursery nurse course, and her actual duties plus her biology revision, she wouldn't have either the time or the energy - I'd make sure of that.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3321 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
I can only guess that either someone had annoyed her or she'd discovered I'd allowed another gender different person to share the house with us. That I'd not been able to recruit someone to help me with housework and occasional child sitting, didn't seem to figure in her reasoning, just I'd let another weirdo come to stay with us.
I let her cool off and said nothing. Sarah came down with Danni, they'd been hanging up her clothes and putting the bags in the top of the wardrobe. Each of the bedrooms have wardrobes, a bed, a washbasin and a small table and chair, plus an easy chair of some sort. The tables mean that the occupant can sit and read or work on a laptop or tablet or even write in a book. Sarah was going to need that facility as well as somewhere she could call her own for her stay with us.
"Wassup with Antie Stella?" asked Danni who said she'd said hello and was ignored by her usually favourite aunt.
"Not sure, but she's certainly got a wasp in her knickers," I replied switching the kettle on. "Anyone for tea?" The two girls answered that they would like one. I continued making the beverages while they chatted between themselves. "Once we've drunk this I'll show you what I want to do for me and where everything's kept. Danni knows most of it, so if you get stuck, ask her or the older girls or David. He's pretty good and as you discovered earlier, very approachable.
"It's like living in a self-contained community," said Sarah sipping her tea.
"It's a family," I replied, "so even more tightly bound than a community."
"Yeah, Mum's the boss," said Danni smirking.
"Oh, I understand that," said Sarah, "She pays me and is helping me to get to uni next year, so I have no problem with that."
"Yeah, she did the same with Jacquie, din't you, Mum?"
"Din't? I think I'm wasting my money at that wretched school, none of you talk properly. The word is, didn't."
"Oh, I din't know that," said Danni trying to wind me up.
Stella came down and saw Sarah in the kitchen and turned about and went back out again. I couldn't make my mind up whether to go and speak to her or see if her puerile behaviour was going to continue.
"What's the matter with her?" asked Livvie wandering into the kitchen after Stella stalked out.
"I think her pomposity just exploded," said Danni.
"Oops," squeaked Livvie as Stella stormed back into the kitchen and screeched at our football genius.
"Think it's funny, do you, living with a load of freaks and weirdos, I told you I was unhappy with you employing another one but you went ahead and did it."
"Stella, that is totally uncalled for, the only one who is acting strangely is you." I challenged my sister in law.
"Right that does it, either she goes or I do," she said almost hysterically pointing at Sarah.
"Is that your final word on this?" I asked.
"Yes," she snapped folding her arms.
"I'd think a bit more carefully if I were you," I said quietly trying to give her an out but she wasn't in the mood for discussion or diplomacy.
"So which is it then?" she demanded.
"The girl is staying," said placing myself between them.
"What? You'd support an outsider against your family?"
"Sarah is not an outsider, she's coming here to help me with the house and to study."
"Why can't you find a proper girl, there must be thousands of them out there?"
"I tried if you remember, no one was interested." I wasn't giving way to her bombast and unless she calmed down, I'd be more likely to show her the door, Stella that is."
"Well, I'm not paying anything towards her, and I don't want her anywhere near my girls."
"For goodness sake, Stella will you listen to yourself?" I said which was probably the wrong thing but I was sick of having her challenging my position in the house. I made the decisions regarding the domestic arrangements including hiring and firing of staff."
"Yes, the last time you hired a young woman you ended up adopting her," she almost growled at me.
"You were quite happy to avail yourself of her assistance, if I recall," I retorted.
"Well, that won't happen with this creature," she gesticulated at the table.
"Where are your manners, Stella, for a public school educated woman, they seem signally absent.
"What?" she screeched, "as if you'd know anyway," she sneered.
"Sit down and have a cup of tea you dingbat, before you explode," I said pointing at the table, "Let's discuss this like adults. Sarah is on the payroll, so calm down and let's discuss this like two adults."
She huffed and puffed eventually sat down avoiding the space next to Sarah.
"Have I done anything to offend you, Lady Cameron?" asked Sarah in a very reasonable voice, "because if I have, I apologise unreservedly."
Stella stared at her then looked away.
"Well answer the girl," I insisted.
"No," snapped Stella.
"I'm the one who did that," I said passing my sister in law a mug of tea.
"I'm sorry you don't like me," said Sarah with tears now dripping down her face.
"I don't dislike you," said Stella seeing that she'd hurt the girl.
"I can't help who or what I am," Sarah was now weeping and Danni put her arm around her and they both rose from the table and went out of the kitchen.
I sat down and said nothing as I knew anything I added would likely set Stella off like an incendiary bomb. She stared at her mug on the table and a tear dripped off her chin and plopped in her lap. I let her reflect on what had happened, I wasn't going to make it easy but neither was I trying to make it worse. We sat in silence for several minutes, then she looked at me wit tears running down her face.
"She's going to stay, isn't she?"
"I hope so."
"I made a fool of myself, didn't I?"
"Is that a rhetorical question?"
She shrugged. "I'm sorry I made a scene, it was wrong of me and she's right, she can't help who or what she is, anymore than you can."
"It's not me you need to apologise to," I said.
"Mummy, Sarah's packing all her clothes," said a breathless Livvie, "Danni's trying to stop her."
"Oh," I gasped, I'd hoped she wouldn't.
"I'll go," said Stella and went to go upstairs.
"Is that wise?" asked Livvie.
I shrugged and followed as quickly as I could. I got to Sarah's room moments after Stella. "I owe you an apology," she said to the youngster, "and I'd like you to stay."
"What after you said? I may be transgender but I try to conduct myself like a lady." Sarah was crying again, "How could you say such awful things to me and in front of Auntie Cathy, now she's a true lady."
I thought I saw Stella twitch for a moment but she didn't. "Look, I'm sorry, I've had an awful day, which is no excuse but it didn't help. I realise you can't help who or what you are and I shouldn't have said what I did. I take it all back and I'd like you to stay, Cathy needs you and I see you get on well with all the others. If anyone should leave it should be me."
"But you can't Lady Cameron, you have two little girls, it would be better if I went. I'll get a cab and go back to Peter's. I'll phone Anne and say it hasn't worked out."
"Right," I said firmly," You and you in my study please," I pointed to Stella and Sarah. "Make us three mugs of tea, Danielle, will you?" As I followed them downstairs I told Livvie to rehang Sarah's clothing in the wardrobe, pushing my luck, perhaps but I'm known as a bit of a risk taker.
Once the three of us were in my study I shut the door. "No one leaves here until we've sorted this out. I am not interested in what's gone on before just what is now and in the future. Who wants to start?"
Stella raised her finger at Sarah indicating she should keep quiet. "I can't undo what happened out there but I'd like us to try and put it behind us. I'd like Sarah to stay and to help around the place and that includes my children at times, for which I'll pay towards her salary." I nearly fell over, Stella spending her own money, what else will happen?
"I hope that she can forgive me and I'll do everything I can to make her welcome."
Sarah's red eyes looked on in astonishment. "I'm not sure I want to stay, I'm sorry, Auntie Cathy, I knew I shouldn't have pushed you to have me over Christmas."
"You didn't, Sarah, I discussed it with your mother, if you recall and I decided having an extra pair of hands at Christmas would be useful. So it was my decision."
"Sounds like a good one," said Stella wiping her eyes with the tissues she saw on the coffee table.
Sarah looked as if she wasn't at all sure she believed her. In her shoes, I'd probably have felt the same. It was an irrational attack and so unlike Stella, who if you will remember encouraged me to become Cathy and never ceased to be my major supporter. I know at times she's grumbled about the numbers of transgender children I had allowed or encouraged to live with us, but she knew it was because no one else would have them and really, she was a very kind hearted soul.
The door was knocked and Danielle handed me a tray of teas. I thanked her and shut the door.
"I don't know what to say," said Sarah.
"I'd like you to stay," said Stella, "nothing like that will ever happen again, I promise."
"Christmas is usually good fun here, but with so many of us, it's also hard work. You up for a bit of fun and hard work?" I asked her directly.
She paused for a moment before nodding her response. We finished drinking our teas and I asked Stella and Sarah to shake hands to confirm their truce. Stella pulled her into a hug and thanked her for staying.
I was about to open the door and announce the outcome of our peace negotiations when Stella said, "Do you have a tablet, you know, iPad thingies?"
Sarah shook her head, "No I have my lappie."
"I'll get you one for Christmas as a peace offering."
"That's not necessary, really it isn't, Lady Cameron," said Sarah.
"I insist and my name is Stella."
"Thank you, La-um-Stella." They both smiled and went out of my study with arms linked, so pre-empting my announcement of a peace treaty. In an hour, Sarah was helping Puddin' with something when I overheard her say to Sarah, "You call Auntie Cathy, Auntie, why don't you call my mummy Auntie as well?"
Stella overheard the question and kept quietly in the background. "Because your mummy asked me to call her by her name. I call Cathy, Auntie Cathie because she's like a second mother to me."
"I think you should call mummy Auntie, too."
"I don't think I've earned that appellation, Pud," Stella said to her daughter, "I'm not a natural angel, like your auntie."
"No, you're a star," I said and had to turn away before Puddin' saw me smirking.
I got everyone to agree that we didn't mention the incident to anyone who hadn't been present, which meant Simon, Daddy and the girls who were out with them taht day. As far as I know, nothing was said about it, so some of us can keep a secret.
It was two weeks before Christmas and while I'd bought many of my presents online, Mr Bezos didn't get all of it. I needed to go shopping in shops, and since the lock down I'd worn a mask while in shops or anywhere else indoors with strangers, for instance moving about the university. Sadly, not all the students followed suit, some of them believing that Omicron was a mild infection, though we had notices up advising they had vaccinations and that people were still in hospital beds because they hadn't been vaccinated.
Henry continued to stay well, though he'd eased off his schedule and had hired a new PA, a man, to help him do all he needed. He now had three PAs, his long time one and two younger ones. He made sure they knew, that they were his assistants and people like Simon and I as directors and board members, were still several levels above them. Henry had learned from Simon that we'd employed a young help around the home and who was also a nursery nurse and was trying to do some study to enter university. He apparently told Si, that he was glad I'd found someone however temporary it was because he'd thought I was looking a bit peaky at the last board meeting. That might have been because I'd been up half the night revising a paper I'd written for the meeting because I came into some new data from newly published research. I also discovered that hedgehogs suffer from MRSA infections - not surprising given their ecology. What I didn't know, was that they also carried a fungus that secreted an antibiotic which killed the bacteria off - until the bacteria evolved to deal with the antibiotic and developed immunity, thereby showing the constant competition between such things in nature and not just in medicine.
Oh well, back to trying to get some time to finish my Christmas shopping, I do love this silly season, not.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3322 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
For the next couple of days Stella and Sarah were friendly with each other and I hoped the problem had solved itself. I hadn't pushed Stella to explain her odd behaviour hoping that in time she'd tell me what had set her off. So far she hadn't. I managed to get Sammi to include Sarah on my payroll, which means that all I had to do was fill in the number of hours she did and pay rate and her software would do the rest, including paying so much into a pension fund for her.
She probably wouldn't earn enough to pay any tax in this financial year but the software would sort that out and also send the required information to the Inland Revenue.
I'd done all my shopping, David had ordered a huge shopping order which was due to arrive today, which would fill all the freezers and fridges and food cupboards for the next couple of weeks, all we'd need then were perishables like milk or vegetables and of the latter we had loads in the freezer, though we prefer fresh.
I had Danni wrapping most of the presents I was giving to everyone else as she doesn't mind doing it. I was leading the work party cleaning through the house and David was sorting food for storage or cooking. It was Thursday and Christmas eve tomorrow. The weather was dreary and I felt about as full of the joys of Christmas as a hot-cross bun.
Sarah was on childcare duties and due to finish at lunchtime when she was going out with Danielle to finish her shopping. While the rest were busy I asked her if she had enough money to do her shopping, she wasn't sure. "Okay, I've paid you for two weeks for December and that is in your account."
"But I won't have done two weeks by the end of the month," she said surprised by my announcement .
"I'll probably be asking you to do extra hours over Christmas, so if we call that quits, then you have some money available now."
"Are you sure, Auntie Cathy? You've been so kind to me and I don't want to take advantage of you."
"Nor I you, so yes I am sure." So while I forced the older children into slave labour she kept the younger ones from discovering their fate when they got older. Stella was working but she seemed happy to let Sarah look after her two giving her some cash, though I did make sure Stella knew that Sarah was only working the morning, she seemed okay with that as she knew we'd look after them, most probably through Meema, who still loved being with either her dad or the little ones.
By lunch time, we'd pretty well done everything and tomorrow would only require a quick flit with a duster and vacuum cleaner and we'd be ready for Christmas. In the afternoon we'd be doing the tree and decorations.
David produced a lovely Spanish omelette for lunch, which he knew we all liked and scoffed down with a side salad, Sarah commenting the food was brilliant, better than anywhere she'd been before. Tonight, Debbie was coming over for a tutorial with her and also coming to dinner. I'd loaned her the money to get her car fixed, which I'd take off the debt at thirty pounds a time for each tutorial. Given the recent weather, she was rather glad to get her car back in working order. People sometimes say I'm too soft or generous but I see it as being pragmatic, if people are able function as i want them, all I'm doing is keeping the wheels greased. Technically, I suppose I should declare the money I'm paying Debbie, but it's too much fiddle so I'll write it off as a gift. Sarah isn't aware that I'm paying for the tutorials possibly assuming the university is paying for them.
Tom came home after he'd had his curry at his usual venue and he helped us bring the tree in. It took four of us pulling the pot up onto a post mover thing - a small cart with castors on and then to get the tree into the lounge after washing the pot off with a pressure hose. I'd laid out some polythene sheets then the 'saucer' for the pot, which is about a metre across and the same high, then it was a huff and puff to get the pot to the saucer and unloaded without breaking either. The tree was about seven feet tall, so was a bit of a struggle to get through the door ways. Next year we might have to think about a different tree or an artificial one.
Once the tree was in place, I left it to Livvie and Trish to decorate while Hannah helped me put up all our cards on ribbons we stuck to the backs of doors, we did about three or four ribbons to the door. An hour later, we stopped for a cuppa and included David in the break, seeing as we were eating his mince pies, it seemed a good idea.
Dinner was going to pork steaks in a cider and cream sauce, and for all of us, I think David had to order half a pig, I know he had quite a large tray of meat loaded in the oven which was cooking gently, we'd eat about seven. Simon and Sammi wouldn't be home tonight but hoped to be home early tomorrow. Officially, they'd then be on four days holiday, but I know Sammi would be on call all over the period as would two or three of her team members as assorted scallywags and other ne'er do wells wouldn't take a holiday, especially Russian hackers, who seemed to be completely without any compunction whatsoever. I know Simon would sign death warrants on any of them for the amount of trouble and time they cost the bank and they wotk with law enforcement agencies all over the world trying to catch the nefarious scumbags. Sadly, the arrest rate is very low and the conviction rate even lower.
I know Sammi occasionally sends cyber-bombs back to them, which will damage their equipment, but it only seems to hold them up for days or a week or two. Part of her enjoys the contest but it also takes quite a lot out of her and she insists she now has a weekend off every month and a day a week off during the week as well. I think she needs more time than that but she seems to manage on it and her salary has increased year on year as she has become so valuable to the bank. I sometimes thinks she ought to have a bodyguard because if it became known that she was all that was stopping the hackers from taking down the bank, someone might try to take her out to make it easier. That is one of my nightmares, that any of our children should be pawns or targets in such awful games and I encourage all of them to take self defence lessons, and in the forms that don't take prisoners, or look to inflict serious damage on would-be assailants. I know Sammi and her girlfriend both take these lessons.
The youngsters we send to kickboxing and Danielle is extremely good at it, I suppose it goes with her fitness and leg strength from her soccer, Trish, Livvie, Meems and Hannah are all good at it too and we just have to remind them that it's only for use in extreme circumstances and not for bashing other girls in school or on the soccer pitch. So far they seem to be able to distinguish the difference.
Dinner was good, well, David made it, of course it was good. Sarah and Debbie used my study for their tutorial which they both seemed to enjoy and I spent time with my Christmas decorators and Danni playing a board game in the dining room. The excitement amongst the younger children was rising, tomorrow night they'd be like bottles of pop.
I suppose all the exercise and housework sent me off to sleep quite quickly and I was up early on the Friday, to get last minute shopping and the newspapers. Danni came with me and we grabbed a couple more six pintas of milk, and a couple more thick sliced wholemeal loaves as well as my Guardian and the i newspapers. If all else failed to amuse me, I had a couple of crosswords to look at.
I also collected a Christmas wreath to put on the front door and a smaller one on the back door, plus a bouquet of flowers to take with Tom to put on the grave as we do every year. It was almost a routine and one I was happy to maintain as it reminded me of my absent daughter and him of his a deceased daughter and wife. It was probably my imagination, but it also focused my thoughts on my parents and Simon's mother and it almost felt as if they all congregated at the grave and we're able to receive our love. Fanciful, but it makes me feel better and Trish frequently says she sees things there or Billie appears to her to say she liked the flowers, sometimes it's Danni she appears to, very occasionally me.
We were back by ten and I left hanging the wreaths to Danni while I ran the vacuum around and Trish flitted a duster here and there. There would be no more cleaning done unless something happened to need sorting out, like the year we had soot everywhere.
Daddy had gone to check the dormice and have his curry and would be home after to snooze in his study, I'd spoken to Diane and wished her a merry Christmas and told her to look for her prezzie in my desk drawer, I got her some perfume. She'd finish lunchtime and apart from essential staff the university would be closed for the four days. I kept my fingers that I wouldn't be called out for something this holiday, a benefit of being the equivalent of a dean and thus on a list of names that the police held to call for access to areas or to assist in assessing if things were missing after break-ins or fires.
As the countdown to Christmas wound down, the excitement wound up and the youngsters were practically bouncing off the walls by tea time and Sarah was earning her money. Danielle was earning some too, as she was wrapping Stella's presents and Simon had already hired her to do his after dinner.
Julie and Phoebe would be over the next day for dinner and had taken their daily LFT and had remained Covid negative, so we'd be having a real houseful tomorrow. I know Henry and Monica were coming for lunch and so was Jacquie, which meant everyone would be here. My in laws were staying at the hotel and would drive down there tonight or tomorrow morning. They were very interested in making the acquaintance of my new help and they also knew, thanks to Stella, that Sarah was a transwoman. I did ask Simon to make sure they didn't spill any of the beans about who else here had been also labelled that way once. In other words I was hoping there'd be no unintentional disclosures. I'd also told Sarah that her medical history was not a matter for disclosure to anyone in this house, everyone who needed to know did so and no one should need to be told. I think she got the message as I was very direct. She blushed and thanked me.
It was dark by half past three and certainly so when Sammi and Simon arrived and we had salmon for dinner, it was gorgeous. David left immediately after eating as he wanted to watch something on the telly and he'd also be over early tomorrow to cook a turkey about the size of an ostrich.
Simon was pleased to see me and wanted to show me how much, so I let him have his wicked way without much resistance. I enjoyed it, not as much as he did, but we get different things from our intimacy.
Christmas day was crazy. We were all awake by six, Cate and Lizzie, Pud and Fiona made sure of that, and besides we needed breakfast out of the way to clear the kitchen for cooking the huge meal we had planned for lunch.
We had breakfast after washing and dressing, the children got their presents and Stella had honoured her promise to Sarah and got her an iPad. Simon and I gave her a little car, a VW Fox, he'd organised it but I gave him half the cost of it. She was so overcome that she ran up to her room and burst into tears. I sent Danni to go and check on her a bit later.
After the madness of the present distribution, and we were down a bit on the usual excesses quite deliberately, Tom, Trish and I went up to the cemetery and laid the bouquet I'd bought on the grave. Trish told us that they all loved it.
It was the only bit of sanity we had because once we got back it was all systems go. Trish and Hannah did the table, laying out nearly twenty places. David was staying to dinner this year, so the table would be pretty full, and I joked at least we knew the food would be safe to eat if the cook was staying. Thankfully, David took it in good part or possibly didn't hear me say it.
Somehow, at one-thirty pm, we all sat down to eat an enormous Christmas dinner and it was delicious. We were still pushing food around an hour later but most had already reached satiation some while before. Henry was toasting everyone with the case of Prosecco he'd brought with him. Sarah had calmed down and had joined in the fun and followed me out to the kitchen when I went to make a tray of teas.
"I'm just blown away with the car, I don't know what to say, I really don't."
"Just accept it in the spirit in which it's given, Simon had the chance of it at a good price and knew that you didn't have a car, so we bought it between us."
"I know you're well off and all that, but it is just so much to give a relative stranger, you really are the kindest person I've ever met, Auntie Cathy." She hugged me and started to sniff again.
"Hey, no more sniffles, okay? Here help me make these teas..." and so ended Christmas 2021, it petering out as a combination of too much food and glasses of wine took their toll. It was mainly the men who zonked, though Julie wasn't especially active after lunch and Phoebe nodded off cuddling Lizzie. They hadn't been in the house for at least a couple of months, having their own flat and Julie was curious to see what Sarah had done with her old bedroom, Sarah seemed happy to show her that no much had changed, but that was before dinner and Julie's postprandial lethargy had set in.
Danni and I sat in the kitchen and hugged each other and wished each other Merry Christmas before we started recruiting volunteers to help clear up the mess. Yes, as they say, every action has a consequence and now we had to deal with it.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3323 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
The taxi brought the three who were living here back at about 2.00 am briefly waking me but I soon went back to sleep knowing they were home. The usual fireworks at midnight were noisy but I felt probably fewer than in previous years. I don't like fireworks, especially after what nearly happened to Julie, so I'm irritated by those who do use them. I always feel they're imposing themselves on others without a by your leave. But then people seem to be increasingly selfish and Covid hasn't helped. Apparently, the numbers of people flying and refusing to wear masks is increasing and they are often abusive to airline staff. Surely they should know if it is a condition of buying the ticket or boarding the plane and comply with it. If they don't perhaps they should show them the door while still airborne.
I really don't understand people these days are they stupid, pig-headed, or anarchic? Those who are most ill in hospital through Covid are the unvaccinated, and while some may have been so through casualness, others are there because they deliberately refused the vaccination. What I don't get is the thousands of NHS staff who refused because it was made mandatory. I don't know the issues but it seems common sense to me that unless you have a valid reason for not being vaccinated, especially in a high risk job, which many NHS ones are, then you should be called to explain yourself to your manager.
We haven't forced staff at the university to have the vaccines but we do encourage them to do so, often a little word from someone who has lost someone to the disease is enough and we also remind them of the staff we've lost, who have died or are on long-term sickness through catching the virus. Personally, I think it's both irresponsible and inconsiderate not to be vaccinated and also to refuse to wear face masks in public areas of the university. like corridors or lecture theatres. As it looks as if the government is wanting things to return to normal, it seems likely we'll doing our lectures and other work with students within a few weeks.
I know staff and students are grumbling about wearing masks and using hand sanitiser gel so I've commissioned some posters thanking people for wearing masks by having a picture of an old lady sitting in a wheel chair with a nurse wearing a mask behind her, the caption reading, 'Thank you for having consideration for me.'
Talking of consideration, I asked Diane where Nikki was, it seemed she'd been doing quite well with exercises until she fell doing one of them and broke her arm. As she has her arm in a rigid harness thing with her elbow sticking out, she can't attend for work. Seems like my good Samaritan act is causing others as much harm as good. When I said this to Diane, she told me off in no uncertain terms, "Cathy, without your intervention, Nikki would be having no treatment and thus have very little chance of improving. At least with what you've managed to get for her, she now has a chance of making her life easier and more successful. She's a lovely kid and thinks you are the most wonderful woman on earth." Watching me blush and stutter, she added, "But then we all do in this department."
I turned back to my office and called for tea as she cackled behind me like an extra for Macbeth. The mound of paperwork had propagated itself over the holiday despite one or other of us coming in and dealing with the urgent items. But then it's a well known fact that paperwork breeds while no one is looking at it, it's like those stone angel things in Dr Who that move while no one is looking at them. We had an episode of that at New Year where the Doctor dealt with the Daleks yet again, though in a sort of Groundhog day fashion. It would seem the Daleks are like lots of humans, only half as clever as they think they are. I suppose I should be included in that somewhere.
Debbie came by as Daddy was on his way to take me to lunch and she got invited as well as did Diane, so today was an expensive one for Daddy. He never complains, well not about money, he did when the restaurant didn't have his chicken curry available and he had to have beef instead. We don't have that much beef in our diets, even with mince David tends to use minced turkey or pork which is lower in fat and we don't eat that much processed meat like bacon or ham or even sausages.
In the end he actually enjoyed his curry and his moan about it, I suppose it gave him something real to complain about albeit something rather trivial. Usually he doesn't complain that much, more the odd whinge that the girls are doing something or I have. I'm aware that in being myself I do things with which he doesn't always agree and sometimes it takes a while for me to realise it. If I know I've upset him I usually apologise because I'm so fond of him and he has been very generous to me and mine. The girls love him to bits as well, but that doesn't stop them annoying him because they're young and self-absorbed. We have thousands of students who are just the same, and while I don't wish them to lose their childhood, some of them are in their twenties and should know better, or would if their parents had exercised proper boundaries.
I know, that for some it's their first time away from home, so we do tend to indulge them during their first term, after that we expect them to have a bit more control and to act like adults because they tell us they want us to treat them as such, right.
They're not all like it, and hopefully the numbers of problem students decreases with time, they either grow up or leave. All universities have their failures and we do take it very seriously but we can only work with people, we will neither do it for them or force them to change, we're not the army, we're a place of learning (sometimes).
The main item on the menu that day was Sarah. Debbie seemed pleased with her willingness to learn and thought she should achieve the level I required, however, she said she felt guilty because she hadn't disclosed to Sarah that she was also transsexual. I told her that she had been but was now legally female, as she'd done the Gender Recognition Panel thing and been accepted by them. She confessed that since her troubles at Sussex and then her outing here caused by the hate-brigade of TERFs at Sussex, she hadn't thought much about it until that professor of philosophy had resigned over accusations of transphobia, which I understood - the allegations after hearing her speak on Radio 4's Woman's Hour, she was a TERF and a lesbian. I have nothing against her personally nor her being a radical feminist but she is an exclusionist whereas I'm an inclusionist. Okay, I'm a romantic, I want everyone to be happy with themselves and each other while knowing it's impossible because some folks seem unable to be happy and others are only happy when making others miserable. I admit I intensely dislike the latter because I see it as some sort of perversity. I know, I suffer from a Goody-Two shoes mentality at times but enjoying the discomfort of others is not something to be admired, it's one of the worst of human emotions - though we all do it, even me. Yeah, can you believe they called me all sorts of names at Sussex, including Mary Poppins, because I was 'practically perfect in every way.' When I got a first, they felt justified and someone actually crossed my name out on the list and wrote in Mary Poppins.
We had an interesting lunch, the food was the same as ever, except Daddy's, but the discussion was good including the story that tumble dryers produce thousands of minute fibres, especially plastic ones from man-made fabrics, which are present in the air, and in fresh and sea water. Apparently, they produce significantly more than even washing machines, so that is something I shall be considering if we could do without at home or at least reducing its use. If you must use them, and I accept that sometimes they seem necessary, it's better to use them with a full load as proportionally, smaller loads produce more fibres.
The fibres are mistaken as food by invertebrates and they in turn are eaten by larger creatures such as fish or birds and each time one of them is predated by something bigger, the amount of fibres gets bigger. It's like the accumulation of toxins, especially fat soluble ones which build up in larger animals, especially oceanic ones like seals and whales and some fish, the mammals especially tend to have large amounts of body fat to protect them from the cold and that provides opportunity for the toxins to accumulate in them. Sometimes they are indicated as involved in diseases or misadventures these animals suffer. However, perhaps the worst fibres of the lot are those dumped by fishing boats, especially French and Spanish ones in the form of ghost netting.
Big trawlers can drag fifty or more miles of the stuff behind them and mishaps happen where some of the net is lost accidentally. However, it also seems that these continental trawlers have been dumping it as well as other illegal rubbish in the North Sea. As you can imagine if this is near the bottom of the ocean things which are swimming down there, hunting or whatever, can become entangled and drown, sometimes inflicting severe damage with the fine netting upon themselves as they struggle to escape. If people like the French and Spanish are doing it, it's very likely that the Chinese and other fleets are also doing it, so everywhere we look humans are abusing and destroying the environment and its denizens. We really are despicable as a species and it always seems that there are ten or more times of despoilers to those trying make things right. The worst thing, much of it is due to laziness or sheer wilful ignorance.
"Why do we bother?" asked Debbie as we drove back to the university. Tom indicated I should answer her question rather than himself.
"Why? because if we don't things will be even worse and biodiversity will suffer even more, if we believe in the right of other species to share this planet with us in reasonable conditions, you can't ignore things, you have to work to educate the ignorant in the hope that they will take up the issue with the stupid and change their minds. If we wait for governments to do anything, we'll wait forever, they use green issues as sound bites but do as little as possible towards them unless they are seeking votes or support, or as a distraction for more nefarious activities. Some politicians are only interested in what enables them to climb higher up the greasy pole, but there are one or two decent ones who do care and we have to feed them with data to expose the activities of others and the state of play in our biological systems.
"We've lost more species in the past twenty five years than we had the previous hundred and fifty and unless something is done internationally, it's only going to get worse."
"So is what we do of any value at all?" asked Debbie.
"Of course it is, we're educating the people who are going to have to sort it out, we have to fill them with passion as well as purpose, we have to give them the skills to show how bad things are but also to work out how to improve them. Sadly Covid has interfered with some of that and also distracted governments from doing what they should, it has, however, demonstrated quite clearly what happens when humans are engaged in activities in places they shouldn't be."
"Oh aye," said Tom.
"Yes, while we may never know how Covid got into the human population in China, whether it was from bush-meat or lax laboratory bio-security, we know that the source of the closest form to that which caused the first epidemic is found in bats. We shouldn't be either eating them or disturbing them. After forests, which are pretty impenetrable, have been visited by loggers, much of it illegally, then all sorts of other activities follow them, mining, hunting, ranching, soya bean growers and so on.
"If governments protected these areas instead of taking kickbacks, because nearly all governments are corrupt these days, including our own, most European ones, the US, India, China, Russia plus places like Brazil, there would be a chance we could sort the planet and protect biodiversity which we need to survive ourselves. But most of them prefer to take the kickbacks. One day, probably after it's too late, these scumbags will be called to account by desperate nations. I hope to live long enough to see it happen."
"Why don't you stand against them, for the Green Party?" asked Debbie.
"If I actually believed they were any better than the others, I might support them but I don't," we arrived at the university and walked back to our respective appointments possibly feeling less optimistic than before we ate.
"Is it that bad?" asked Diane as we entered our suite.
"Actually, it's probably far worse but they hide much of the data from people like me."
"Perhaps Debbie is right then, you should stand up and denounce it."
"They'd only destroy me or kill me in an unfortunate accident, remember Dr Kelly. The vested interests have more power than the green movement are ever likely to have unless it gets so bad everyone is affected and forced to act. Until then, we're stuck with watching our own decline and eventual demise from greed and stupidity."
"I'd better put the kettle on then..." she said heading towards the little kitchenette we have.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3324 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
Orcas tend to be quite specific feeders usually groups of them feed on the smaller whales, seals, pemguins or fish, but this population of Western Oz are much more adaptable to different prey and that includes the world's largest animal, the blue whale. Reading the description of the hunt and the kill was quite upsetting, so I won't detail any of it here, and of course, larger animals tend to take more killing, so it goes on for some time before the prey actually dies, where it feeds every carnivore within miles after the killer whales have sated themselves, up to fifty of them have been counted at such a kill, most of which are the smaller females, but which may be feeding their own young.
Remember whales are mammals, so their flesh is high in protein and also they are rich in fat, both of which are desirable to other whales, birds and fish. Apparently the only whale pretty well immune to such attacks is the humpback, which has large, very strong flippers which have been known to kill such things as great white sharks, so no sensible orca messes with them. Currently, their main predator is man and they are protected for the moment, though the Japanese, Norwegians and one or two other nations, who hunt whales against global public opinion, apparently in the name of science (bollocks) could change that at any time.
When I think about nations whaling and the Faroe Islands annual dolphin cull, I think I understand why this planet is heading for an extinction event, humans are just too fucking stupid and selfish to stop their nefarious activities and they feel justified to keep doing them. And who's going to stop them? Boris Johnson or Trump or that moron in Brazil? I doubt it, they're already soaked in more sleaze than a sewer microbe.
Still when I get very low like now, overworked and under pressure from all sorts of directions, I think about my girls which cheers me up and then I find out what they've been up to and I do wonder if Simon is rich enough to buy me a desert island, somewhere warm but not hot, which has dormice and lots of insects and birds I can study and forget about thousands of students and millions of moronic people.
As a desert island with dormice won't happen, Simon won't buy it for me and being an ecologist means I couldn't introduce alien species somewhere just for my own amusement, part of the problem we have now is because Victorians and Edwardians did just that, or unscrupulous types introduced them to farm for their skins or fur, and even dumber ones released them to run wild and destroy native species. Mink, especially come to mind and thanks to the animal activists, who were driven by good intentions but very little else, certainly not ecological reasoning, we have many less water voles, which are critically endangered in places and are protected, though feral American mink seem unaware of this fact. Pity they don't eat grey squirrels.
Eventually, I gave up trying to beat the paperwork and beat it home instead, where I remembered I was hosting another sewing bee. So this is what life in the fast lane is all about is it, or did I mishear Faslane, where we park our nuclear subs when Russian learner submariners are crashing into them.
On the way home, the news was either full of the No 10 party scandals, or the possibility that Russian might invade Ukraine and we would introduce even more sanctions. They haven't worked so far and unless we stop Putin being allowed any air to breathe, I can't see it working at all. I mean the Germans don't want to do anything because they import lots of gas from Russia, and no NATO country is going to get involved in a war so what's it all about? Posturing and piss I think sums it up and the thought of Boris and Putin talking about it makes me want to laugh, two compulsive liars and sociopaths swapping stories or threats. What are we going to do, stop laundering all their dirty money? The world has gone completely bonkers and the lunatics are well in charge of the asylums.
Sarah had collected the girls from school using the people carrier thing, David watching the little ones while she did so. He had apparently, cut his foot, stepping on a piece of glass when he went to the bathroom. He had dropped his tooth glass and it broke and he missed a piece - the first time anyway, he found it later after it lacerated his foot.
Sarah did some first aid on it and he went by cab to the A&E at the QA. They dressed it for him and told him not to drive. He was also told to rest it but he managed to cook our dinner and sit with his foot up much of the time. He came over to the house because he knew Sarah was there and he was fed up with being on his own.
I have no complaints about Sarah, she's been a real trooper, though I'm aware we shall lose her in October when she goes to my university, naturally, I'll distance myself from her when that happens, especially with things like exams and assignments.
When I got home, I spoke to the girls who were pleased to see me, enough to stop watching telly for twenty seconds, yeah that long. Sarah seemed to avoid me and it wasn't until David had a quiet word with me, that I understood. She'd been dusting in my study and Mr Whitehead's journal fell off the shelf and fell open at the first Macbeth play I did.
I made myself a cuppa and one for Sarah and asked Danni to find her and bring her to my study. Oh well, she'd have found out some time wouldn't she? David had also cued Danni in her discovery and so she knew in case we had to involve someone closer to her own age.
Sarah knew why I'd asked her to come to see me, though I felt like a headmistress dealing with a problem pupil. She sat opposite me on one of the sofas and sipped her tea, she looked very anxious.
"David told me that you discovered something about my history today," I used as my opening gambit.
"I'm sorry, Auntie Cathy, it just fell off the shelf, I didn't go prying, I was doing some dusting while David made us a sandwich for lunch."
"So how much do you know?"
"I puzzled over the Charlotte Watts bit then realised you'd changed your name but then I realised that you had changed more than your name."
"I have indeed, it's not top secret but it was a long time ago and my legal status is female so I don't feel that I have to explain or justify myself, though one or two people have felt let down by my not telling them.
"As I see it, we can either walk about with our hearts on our sleeve crusading or we can stand back, let the novelty die down and then get on with our lives as ordinary women. Apart from not being able to menstruate and thus bear offspring, I see myself as a non-breeding female."
"I see you as a female as well, Auntie Cathy, you're so lovely and so female in everything, I can't believe you weren't always one. You are very lucky, you really do look like a natural woman."
"I'm AIS, so never had a male puberty, my body doesn't do testosterone."
"So you were obviously meant to be a girl."
"I like to think so, but that may just be self-delusion. Some people have thought so over the years but mostly, I seem to get by."
"Danni told me that she was a boy a couple of years ago."
"So you can see you're amongst friends and why we kept telling you to stop telling everyone if they don't absolutely need to know."
"I think I'm beginning to realise that. When they all said they were trans that time we had dinner here, were they telling the truth? I can't believe you have so many trans girls here."
"I won't tell you if anyone else is, because if they are they've been re-registered as female and are no longer trans. I don't feel I have the right to disclose anything about any of the girls but I can tell there are also some biological females here as well as we neo-females."
"Can I pretend I didn't see the book and go back to thinking of you and Danni as natural women?"
"You can't unlearn something like that but you can decide what you wish to do about it, and I will repeat that every woman and girl living here is legally female."
"Well, I know they're all too young to have had surgery as you have to wait until you're eighteen, except Danielle, she told me she was a special case and had been injured in her genitals and they had to operate. She also told me she wasn't sure if she had been trans but was now female for the rest of her life, but she had adapted and was enjoying being a young woman, including dating boys."
"Her football training stops her doing too much socialising and as people are beginning to recognise her talent, she gets approached in the street for her autograph, so we have to be careful about stalkers."
"She's really beautiful, I can't believe she was a boy, maybe she's like you?"
"No, she has talent and such coordination of movement and thinking, I could never achieve what she has."
"She said you were brilliant and a good racing cyclist."
"She's being kind. Trish and Livvie are brilliant, I live in their shadows hoping I can stop them coming to grief because of their intelligence. As for cycling, I was never that good, just better than Danni for a while, I suspect she'd beat me now as she keeps fit and I spend more time sitting at a computer or desk. I'm also older than her, obviously being her adopted mum, so that doesn't help either."
"I think you're wonderful, so does Uncle Peter, he knew about you, didn't he and that was why he wanted you to give me a job, because you'd understand."
"You don't have to have experienced something to try and understand or empathise with someone, I've had gay people on my staff and as friends, I still have. My oldest friend is a gay woman I knew in school and she had me sussed before I did myself. I knew I was a girl in nursery aged three or four but the reaction from others was not nice so I hid it, like everyone does, or most of us do. My dad tried to beat it out of me."
"What Professor Agnew?" Sarah gasped, "but he's such a nice old man."
"Tom is a delightful old man, no my birth father, who died a few years ago. We were reconciled before he died but he had awful problems with me when I came back from uni because I had had a small degree of freedom and the genie wasn't going back into the bottle, however, it was Stella who launched me into transitioning but I declined to tell her that story just now."
She eventually went off to beat my children or something and I discovered my tea was cold, as I did so Danni came in, "Everything okay?" she asked.
"Of course, thank you for also outing yourself, but you didn't need to."
"I thought with Sarah, It was pretty safe, we're becoming good friends, so I don't think she's any sort of risk."
"I'm sure she isn't but you also need to learn to forget about your past unless it become essential to declare it."
"Okay, hey your tea's cold."
"I know, you couldn't make a fresh one could you while I go and change?"
"We still having sewing bee, tonight?"
"As far as I know, why?"
"Can Cindy come and is Debbie coming?"
"Yes to both, now go and make that tea while I zip up and change."
Ten minutes later I was wearing jeans and a jumper and drinking the tea Danni had brought me. I was trying to sort out my sewing basket, I'd put it away in a rush last time and had bits all over the place. I'm not the world's tidiest person but when I'm working, I need to have a degree of order, so my bike shed is very organised, when I was doing lab work, my lab was with everything in its place, it makes for easier working, so I spent the time up until dinner sorting out the cantilever box, I call my sewing basket. It was my mum's and I have lots of sentimental attachment to it as well as it being very useful and it holds loads of pins and needles as well as reels of cotton, buttons, zips, hooks and eyes and lots more.
When I did more sewing, I used to go to car boot sales and markets and buy all sorts of bits of sewing things, tapes and bias binding, velcro and dressmaker's chalk for alterations, you name it, I bought it and besides my sewing basket overflowing, I have a cupboard in my study with my electric sewing machine and the stuff I can't get into my basket, like materials and paper patterns, there's a box of those in there too.
The gong sounded and I closed up my basket and went to see what delicacy David had made for us today.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3325 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
"You going to eat or daydream?" asked Stella who was waiting for me to pass the new potatoes.
"Sorry," I said and gave her the bowl.
"What were you thinking of, it was obviously interesting as you were well away?" Stella asked.
"I was looking at this lovely meal and thinking about how I ate when I was at uni."
"What did you eat then, Auntie Cathy?" Sarah asked her curiosity piqued.
"If she hadn't bought that stupid bike, she'd have had plenty of money," Stella wasn't beating about the bush.
"Oh this sounds interesting," said Sarah, the rest of them yawned, they'd heard it a dozen times before.
"I used most of my student loan to buy a carbon fibre road bike."
"Tell her how much it cost," instructed Stella.
"About four thousand." I said blushing, "but it was pretty well top of the range, Shimano Dura ace..."
"That's a lot of money for a bicycle," observed Sarah.
"It was a lot of bike, only weighed about 5kg."
"Wow, that's light," she exclaimed and Trish yawned again.
"It was plastic rubbish," Stella teased.
"Plastic, they don't make bikes out of plastic, do they?" Sarah wasn't sure if we were pulling her leg.
"Carbon fibre, actually, which is very light and rigid."
"Falls apart if you hit it against something," Stella was still in playful mood.
"Does it?" asked Sarah.
"It doesn't do impacts very well, Stella crashed her car into the back of me and knocked me into a hedge, it was how we met."
"And it broke your bike?"
"Not quite it destroyed the rear wheel, but the rest of it was okay. Know I crashed it later when some idiot in a white van and a car decided to drive like lunatics down Portsdown hill and crashed, I jumped off the bike because I couldn't stop and the van ran over the bike. I was lucky really, the van driver hit a tree and died."
"Gosh, Auntie Cathy, you do lead an interesting life."
"Boring," muttered Trish and Livvie and Hannah giggled.
I concentrated on my meal and the chatter became more widespread. Sarah did ask me about my diet as a student and I said that I ate lots of bread and pasta for carbs and tins of beans or tuna for protein.
"She lives on tuna," cackled Stella.
"But it's got mercury in it, you're not supposed to eat too much of it," said Sarah anxiously.
"Yeah, I've been eating it for so long, that I actually grow when it gets warmer," I said repeating my only joke. Sarah looked bemused.
"Think thermometers," said Stella, "the mercury rises when the temperature does."
"Oh, yeah," said Sarah blushing, "we use the electronic ones these days."
"So do we in hospitals and the old ones had alcohol in them not mercury, it's too poisonous."
"Actually, mercury itself isn't poisonous because it's pretty inert, mercuric salts are extremely poisonous, but not pure metallic mercury." Stella looked at me as if I was mad. "To start with, you can't pick mercury up with your hands, it runs away from you."
Judging by the expressions on their faces, neither Stella nor Sarah knew that or had tried to do so like we did in our chemistry class in Bristol. But then, our chemistry teacher was quite inventive as well as entertaining and I learned a lot from him. Nowadays, pupils just sit around watching while the teacher performs the experiment because the schools are so risk-averse and terrified of lawsuits. Universities are almost as bad and our technicians and lecturers have to remind first-year students that dissection instruments and needles tend to be rather sharp and sticking a dissecting needle in your finger after it's been holding a dead rat to the dissecting board, is probably not a good thing, although the rat is probably cleaner than the student.
The last time I dissected anything, it was an already dead dormouse and we trying to establish a cause of death. All I remember was that the liver looked enlarged and did ask for some slides to be made of sections of the liver but I have no idea what happened to them. Dan may know but I wouldn't bet on it.
After dinner, we repaired to my study to do our sewing bee and Sarah pestered me for more details of Stella crashing into my bike. Trish had decided to go and do her homework instead.
So I explained that I was transitioning and taking oestrogens and had little boobs which I hid with a conforming bandage and that Stella had discovered in the bath that I was sort of half and half, my dangly bits were as yet attached to my body, despite her best efforts with her car.
They were all laughing at my description and I'm not sure how much sewing was done. When I then related the story of Simon fancying me, I was wearing Stella's cast-offs at this stage, and then me tripping up and pouring a glass of red wine over his best shirt and falling on top of him.
"So how did uncle Peter know about you from school?" asked Sarah. I was obviously the entertainment for the evening and Debbie was enjoying it all too.
"I was always being mistaken for being a girl and that coupled with very long hair, which I grew to annoy my dad as well as to pander to my own needs, and the headmaster, who was an absolute ogre, loathed me a feeling that was mutual. I told them of the pond dipping episode and helping to rescue the old man who'd fallen and how it got in the local paper and Murray was very angry about it.
Then about how he made me do the Lady Macbeth role in the school play when they'd usually used girls from the girl's school next door. He had hoped to make me so uncomfortable that I left, but I was determined that I wouldn't let him drive me away, so he upped the ante and made me wear the costume for a month while we were rehearsing - nowadays, he'd be done for abuse or cruelty, then he got away with it probably because my father agreed with him.
Sarah was shocked when she heard how Siân loaned me her uniform and I wore it to school with makeup and how Murray nearly had a stroke he was so angry, he was practically frothing at the mouth. I told them that I was a target for all the bullies but I sometimes got my own back, one of them broke his hand punching at me and I dodged it, so he hit the wall. Another ran into a door that I just happened to open onto him and laid him out, another I knocked a desk over and it landed on his foot and broke some metatarsals - he was in plaster for a few weeks. I told them how most of the boys and one or two teachers, called me Charlotte and I was made to present one of the woman guests visiting the school with a bouquet, can't remember what that was for now. All in all, I must have spent three months wearing dresses or skirts to school, which seeing as it was a boy's school and apart from one or two teachers, I was the only one who was dressed as female made me a rather obvious target.
Sarah was astonished, "And I thought I had it rough, it was nothing like your experiences."
"I was okay until the TERFS found out at Sussex," said Debbie realising at the same moment that she hadn't told Sarah she was also TS.
"What you're trans too?" gasped our surprised nanny.
"Yeah, surprised you hadn't picked up on, Cathy did with milliseconds, didn't you boss?"
I shrugged, happy to let someone else provide the entertainment, happy that Cindy, who was expected to come, cried off because she had a bit of a cold. Danni was happy to hear about how Debbie dealt with the press by turning up looking like a model after a makeover by Julie and Phoebe. I well remembered that day and how surprised I'd been and how proud I was of her in taking them on head-on, partly because she didn't want to expose me.
I'd not had any problem at Sussex because I hadn't declared myself as either sex and half thought I was a grungy girl wearing boys clothes and the rest thought I was a gay boy. My body was already showing some signs of my AIS as my hips and bum were too tight in boy's trousers so I had to wear women's, my waist was also slim and I suppose I had bigger nipples than most boys and slight fatty deposits underneath them, but it wasn't until I took oestrogens that my body really developed and it was all female.
"Why did they harass you at Sussex?" asked Sarah of Debbie.
"Well, Cathy got away with it because they weren't sure about her, I made the changeover in full view of everyone, and Professor Herbert was very supportive but the TERFS got in on the act and spread their poison as far and wide as they could, they even tried it on here, but Cathy threw them out."
"'Scuse my ignorance, what are TERFs?"
"Oh you don't know the jargon?" said Debbie surprised that Sarah didn't know. "Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists."
"Ah, got it," said Sarah nodding, "Wasn't there something recently about some woman professor at Sussex who was one of those?"
"There was, she was on Woman's Hour, on Radio 4 and I thought she was a psycho lesbian by the end of the interview, she was pretending to seem so understanding but the underlying message was she had no tolerance of transsexual women and refused to acknowledge that we were should even be called women, god help anyone who was trans and regarded themselves as lesbian, that really showed her true colours."
"Was she lesbian, then?" asked Sarah and Debbie nearly collapsed laughing, even Danni was smirking, she'd obviously heard something of the story.
"Just a tad," I answered.
"She was one of the angry brigade at Sussex and Prof Herbert asked Cathy to give me a temporary job. She employed me as a technician and I got into teaching here, all thanks to Cathy, she even rents me a house."
"Goodness, I am in the best household in the area for being transgendered," said Sarah blushing while looking at us anew. That was why Uncle Peter asked you to take me on, wasn't it."
"I'm not sure how much he knows, but he was one of the boys at school who tolerated my eccentricities unlike most of them. He also heard that I was working at the university and worked out who I was, although he wasn't sure until he met me. He went to UWE at Bristol and my secretary knew him from there, he was a lab technician and the rest is history."
"You know how much he respects and admires you, Auntie Cathy?"
"So he said but I didn't know if that was a ruse to get you a job or if it was genuine."
"It's genuine, he was amazed that you'd coped with the abuse in school, got a degree and then did a master's here and also a PhD, considering your history, and then to become a professor and marry into the richest family in the country and get a title as well, he was well impressed."
"He didn't know who I'd married, so he was quite surprised when I told him."
"It's like a fairytale, talk about Cinderella, she's got nothing on you, Auntie."
"Would her carriage be pulled by dormice in Mummy's fairytale?" chirped Danni, possibly to show she was still awake or even as a device to keep her awake.
"Oh definitely," replied Debbie.
"Who wants a cuppa?" I asked, all the talking I'd done was making my mouth dry and it would give me a chance to wind up the bee and I could get the kids to bed, especially as their nanny was sitting here with me. Thus ended another day in paradise.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3326 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
"Debbie was teaching here, so that gave the transphobes grounds, at least in their narrow minds, reasons to question if she should be allowed to influence students' minds. My answer was that if she wasn't making them think, I wouldn't employ her."
"I don't understand Auntie Cathy, weren't you agreeing with them?"
"No, I was very much disagreeing with them, university teachers are supposed to be expanding their student's minds, teaching them how to think more critically and use the scientific process to look at any or everything. Those who don't get the message fully, think that science is something they only do in class or their assignments; it isn't, it's a process that you use to help you understand things, answer questions. It isn't just about learning facts, that's basically knowledge, it's building on what you know by using that information to move your understanding forward by asking how, what, where and when and if you have answered those correctly, you might understand why something happens, but not always because why things happen sometimes isn't always understandable. At least not with the way we currently do science."
"Gosh, Auntie Cathy, I'd always thought science was about discovering why something happens, I'd never thought it might not be possible."
"It may be possible, but it may not be worth the effort or cost to explore the issue. Life is finite, although at your age it feels as if it goes on forever, it doesn't and it's important to try and use your time as usefully as you can when you're young because you'll never quite have the same level of energy and cognitive skills that you have when you're young.
"You're in your prime, it only lasts twenty years or so if you're lucky, and although there are compensations as we get older in terms of experience and knowledge base, we don't function as quickly or have the energy we did when younger. In fact I read a report in the paper earlier that sometimes older people, that is over 60s can have problems because their brains are cluttered with data that they can't sort through it as effectively as they when younger because the clutter was smaller."
"Well, Professor Agnew doesn't seem to have that problem, does he and I'm sure you don't either."
"He is a bit older than me, Sarah, like thirty-odd years."
"Oops," she said blushing, "Sorry, I didn't mean it to come out that way."
I smiled to show I wasn't offended, "Tom is a remarkable old fellow, like many academics, although he's well past retirement, he still has a very fine mind which is as sharp as a razor."
"Och, hen, waur did I put yon paper on thae university council meeting?"
I looked at Sarah and we both smiled, you can always rely on parents, children or animals to prove you wrong. "You had it in your hand when I gave you the socks I darned."
"Och, sae I did, whit wud I do wi'oot ye?" He went off to look for the missing document in his sock drawer, which wouldn't be the first time he'd done something similar and let's face it, we can all do it if we're thinking about two things at the same time.
"So he does forget things then?" observed Sarah.
"We all do, but if you talk to him about anything he's working on or on zoology in general, he'll quote you chapter and verse much more than I could. I could probably tell you which book or paper to look at, or what to search for in the library, but he pretty well knows it all. He's wonderful really and we all love him to bits at the way he copes with all the noise, mess and clutter we brought with us when we came to live with him."
"He told me that he was a miserable and lonely old man until you came into his life and enriched it and then you gave him grandchildren, which he said the daughter he lost would probably never have done. Did you know her?"
"No, he has told me bits about her, she was extremely clever and studied things like Anglo-Saxon literature and was killed by a drunk driver hitting her car as she was going back to Oxford where she was doing a PhD."
"That's so sad," Sarah looked all in, so I told her to go to bed. She nodded, pecked me on the cheek and wished me goodnight. She was certainly a lovely young woman.
After Sarah had gone up to her bed, I was pleased that Debbie and Danni had told her not to tell anyone who didn't need to know about her history of being transgendered as no one at the university would know except possibly student health in case something happened to her like her becoming ill or needing advice on some health-related matter, such as mental health which everyone seems to suffer from these days, made worse in many cases by Covid and the ensuing lockdowns and isolations that happened to so many.
However, It isn't nice to see how so many people seem to get angry and abusive or even violent since we started to get back into regular life, if we ever do because things have changed. We have notices up all over the campus advising students and everyone else that management of the university would not tolerate abuse of its staff and students by anyone and that they would take action against anyone who was deemed to be so. I'd had a message that one of our students had insulted and abused one of the lab technicians because she couldn't use one of our microscopes to catch up on some work she hadn't done. The technician told her that the lab was going to be in use by a class in an hour's time and that she'd have to use one of the prep rooms to work in. Normally, students who've got behind tend to be grateful for any chance to catch up, but this one lost it and called James all sorts of names and told him where to stick his microscope and offered to show him before leaving shouting abuse all the while. Apparently, James got quite upset. He's a large chap but soft as butter and he tries to help as much as he can.
Debbie was running the class in the lab and she was fuming when she found out what had happened. She left a message with Diane who sent it on to me. Thankfully, she'd calmed down before she came over tonight but it was why she didn't come to dinner as she usually would.
I would be investigating the case on Monday and told her to leave it to me, but unless the student has a very good reason for her behaviour, she will be suspended and the matter will be passed on to the university council to decide her fate. I usually only dismiss students for academic failure or things like failure to attend lectures on a regular basis. You'd be surprised how many do it, though we usually give them notice that we are aware of their absence. That is usually enough to get an improvement, for a while anyway.
We obviously get students who are struggling with the course for a variety of reasons and if they let us know we try to help them get back up to speed. If it's through illness or other circumstances beyond their control, we may give them a chance to re-sit some of the course, if it's because of poor commitment and effort, we will help them if they promise to change their behaviour but otherwise, we point out that we don't refund fees and the level of debt is bad enough if you get a good degree, at least it may seem worth it. If you don't get a degree, you've wasted time and money and have nothing useful to show for it. If they can't take that message on board, we wonder how and why they came to university in the first place.
Simon and I went to bed but we were both too tired waste energy on gymnastics and instead talked for a while as we cwtched, then fell asleep. He'd been full of the fact that after beating England at Murrayfield last weekend, they were favourites to win against Wales at Cardiff. I advised caution as Wales in Cardiff were difficult to beat.
The next morning after a later than usual breakfast, no one seemed that interested in getting up very early, I took a carload of daughters shopping making sure that we each had a facemask to wear in the shops. I read in the Guardian that the most likely people to die from complications were those with suppressed immunity, often from treatment for things like cancer, leukaemia or organ transplants and I feel that although restrictions are being relaxed we could continue to try and avoid passing on any symptomless virus we might be carrying.
We got back in time for lunch and for a change we had fish and chips. David makes his own breadcrumbs and the way he grills the fish tastes gorgeous, because I'm such a gannet for his fish, I try not to eat too many chips, not that I'm given much chance as they disappear very quickly to the locusts who make up my family.
Danni was playing soccer for Reading tomorrow at Bristol and rather than have her go to Reading to go on the coach to Bristol, I offered to take her and while I was there do a quick check on the house. We spoke to her manager and he agreed that he wanted her playing well not stressed out by needless travel so she was feeling quite good as she went with her dad to watch the rugby. David accompanied them as I agreed to sort out dinner - I must be mad, because I never seem to learn, but we have to keep David on board as he is a genius in the kitchen and Henry would offer him far more than we pay him to defect to the hotel. Thankfully, he seems happy with us.
Sarah had the afternoon off and had driven over to Peter's house to speak with her uncle about some matters that concerned her. She wanted to discuss them with me, but as I'm her employer that unless they related to her employment she'd be better talking them over with him.
"You're so much more than an employer, you really are like an auntie or substitute mother, sometimes you seem more interested in me than my mother does. She was so relieved that I stayed here for Christmas because she didn't have to look at me and be reminded what a disappointment I was."
"I'm sure she doesn't really feel that, but unfortunately not everyone seems able to deal with us when we transition, I know my dad had problems, though to be fair to him, he did eventually deal with his discomfort, although I accept that might have been because he was weakened by a stroke or that he played along by giving me the reactions he thought I wanted so I didn't abandon him."
"Why is life so unfair, Auntie Cathy, we can't help who we are anymore than anyone else can, but we seem to be open to all sorts of abuse because of it."
"It seems to be the way things are, but not everyone is abusive and some are even trying actively to improve things, I see the retiring bishop of Liverpool is calling for the Church of England to accept same-sex marriages and those of transgender people too."
"I thought you were married in a church? I saw the photos in your study when I dusted."
"I was but it involved in getting a number of permissions."
"But that's stupid, you're female by law and in every way I can think of, you should have a right to marry in a church."
"It takes time to change things sometimes but since a senior bishop is talking about bringing the church into the modern world, I hope things will eventually change. Remember that religion is something that people feel is part of their core system."
"I think I'm a non-believer like you, Auntie Cathy, so does my core system have spare capacity?"
I smiled at her joke, especially given the article I'd told her about older minds getting overfilled with data. "I'm sure your core system is as beautiful as the rest of you, now off you go and see Peter."
I was busy making a cheese filling to have on our jacket potatoes helped by Trish and Livvie, when Simon came scowling into the kitchen. "Bloody Welsh, they beat us by three bloody points thanks to Biggar's drop goal."
"I did tell you not to dismiss the Welsh in Cardiff."
"Okay, point taken, what's for tea, do you want a cup and where's Sarah, losing the cook for the afternoon is bad enough, much more of this and we'll have a fullscale mutiny on our hands."
"Just as David needs some time off, so does Sarah and yes I'd love a cuppa."
"We're having cheesy jackets, Daddy," piped Livvie.
"The only cheesy jacket I ever had your mother made me dispose of, not sure I wish to have her criticise my clothing again," he joked back at her.
"Silly Daddy, jacket potatoes, we've been helping Mummy add the death cap to the cheese mix."
"Death cap?" he said looking lost for words.
"Only joking, Mummy said it was hemlock, she calls this type of cheesy filling Socrates cheese, good innit, it rhymes."
"From what I remember from my Classics' studies hemlock is not a nice way to go, I'd much rather pop off after having made mad, passionate love to my beautiful wife. Now that would be much more my thing."
"I've got a headache so you'll have to make do with hemlock tonight," I said dismissively, "and what happened to my tea?"
"Just looking for the hemlock, babes, so it'll take a bit longer."
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3327 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
"Professor, there's a Mandy Philpotts asking to speak with you?"
"When's my next meeting?" I asked Diane.
"Not for an hour."
"What does she want to talk about?"
"I think she may be the one who had the run in with James last week."
"Oh, I've got better things to do that deal with petulant children, I've got enough of them at home. Send her in and as soon as she goes, bring in a cuppa will you, I hate disciplinary meetings."
"She has come to you, we didn't send for her."
"She's had a weekend to manufacture an excuse, let's see how creative she is." Diane left me and after a tap on the door, in walked a young woman of about twenty. She was short and dumpy, with long dark greasy hair, spectacles and less dress sense than Kiki. It didn't exactly endear her to me, but if she was trying to give the impression of someone who was under some sort of stress it was working. She hadn't put her bra on over her top, but the university sweatshirt she wore and the jeans accompanying it looked as if they were due their annual visit to the washing machine soon. I've seen male students who look as scruffy but we tend to excuse it in them, in women, we expect something better thereby proving we have yet to eliminate all forms of sexist values and behaviours in the administration and personal ones.
But then my girls tend to be rather more clothes oriented. Julie won't wear a pair of jeans unless they have been ironed even if she was going to work in the garden or do some decorating, but she's probably hypersensitive about how she looks compared to most of us. I hang mine up after wearing them if they don't need washing and that tends to keep them reasonably tidy and if I'm going somewhere I need to look a bit more presentable, I don't wear jeans anyway.
"What did you need to discuss with me, Mandy?" I asked to check what Diane had suggested.
"I came to apologise, Professor." She stood blushing and looking at the carpet and I suspect was irrigating it with tears, crocodile or otherwise. Like many women, I'm not always moved by them, it's men they have the most effect on.
"For what have you come to apologise?" I pushed some tissues across the desk but stayed seated.
"I let fly at James on Friday."
"What, you hit him?" I hadn't heard that bit before.
"No, professor, I swore at him."
"Why did you feel a need to swear at him?"
"I was upset."
"I see. Perhaps you'd better start from the beginning. What made you upset?"
She paused to take a couple of tissues and wiped her eyes and nose. I sat waiting to hear how inventive her reason might be. Some of them are very good actors and liars, some are just plain stupid and most are somewhere between.
"On Friday I got kicked out of my digs."
"Okay, why was that?"
"The week before I lost my purse with most of my money in it and my cards. A day later, some nice person cleared out my account and my direct debit to my landlord wasn't paid. I'd cancelled my cards as soon as I discovered they were lost, but not quickly enough.
"I told my landlord about my loss and he gave me a few more days to come up with the rent. I asked my parents, but we're a bit estranged these days and my dad refused to bale me out telling me I should be more careful. I went to the local High Street bank and explained what happened but they weren't much help.
"So where are you living?"
"In my car," she said in a very quiet voice before beginning to sob. She was either a very good actress or very upset.
"Have you spoken to student welfare?"
"I made an appointment to see them this afternoon."
"Good, so what happened with James?"
"I'd slept in the car and was very tired, it was cold and I'd had no breakfast except a cup of coffee. I was hungry and behind with my work, I can't use my laptop in the car and I had some microscopy to finish and wanted to try and catch up. James told me I couldn't in the lab because they had a class due, I suggested I could work at the back and not affect the class. He refused and told me I could work in the prep room but I can't, it's too small and they had boxes everywhere. He offered to move them but I just saw red and swore at him. I have since apologised to him."
"What did he say to that?"
"He accepted my apology."
"When's your next class?"
"This afternoon."
"Right, this what we're going to do. Have you eaten this morning?"
She looked at the carpet again and shook her head.
"I can't condone your behaviour however difficult your life was on Friday, it wasn't James' fault, so I am going to issue you with a verbal warning and a note of your abuse will be made on your record. If it happens again, you will be asked to leave the university. Is that clear?"
"Yes, professor."
"Here's ten pounds, you can pay me back when you sort out your finances, go and get something to eat at the cafeteria. I'll give you half an hour, then go and see student welfare."
"But I have an appointment this aft..."
"Do as I tell you, you will go and see them in half an hour."
"Yes, professor."
"You will do what they advise, and after you've done that, you will come back and see me. Do you understand."
She sniffed, took some more tissues and wiped her nose again. "Yes, thank you professor." She dumped a pile of soggy tissues in my wastepaper basket and left.
Diane appeared with a cuppa while I was on the phone, I nodded at her but continued with my call. "Hi Sammi, look I need you to break all the rules on confidentiality."
"I can't, Mummy."
"Please just listen, I need to know if an Amanda Philpotts, who's one of my students cancelled her cards and if her account was emptied and where and how much was taken. Also if there's any record of a meeting with the bank."
"Do you know how many Amanda Philpotts there are?" She said after I heard a keyboard being used.
"Oh, here we go, she had about a thousand removed in five separate goes from the same branch, a week ago Wednesday, hang about, it was withdrawn by a man, he looks Asian or middle eastern. Yeah, same bloke each time, he's captured on the cameras. She saw the bank who apparently refused her an overdraught as she had no collateral and there's half a dozen direct debits that were unpaid. A letter was sent to her current address. She was definitely one of our clients."
"Okay, thanks, Sammi. She had her purse taken lost her accommodation because she couldn't pay the rent and is currently living in her car."
"Oh, poor kid, see you at the weekend, Mummy."
"Look forward to it, sweetheart, bye."
I called student welfare and told them they were going to see my student in twenty minutes, when they told me they couldn't and besides she had an appointment after lunch, I said I would possibly reconsider my department funding them as they weren't doing much for my students. They decided they would see her but under duress. I told them I was also under duress, it was called life.
I next phoned the bank and asked to speak to the manager. "Who's calling?" asked the voice on the other end of the phone.
"Lady Catherine Cameron," I said crisply.
"Do you have an account with us, Lady Cameron."
"I hope so as I'm a director of the bank."
"Of course, I'm sorry Lady Catherine, putting you through to Mister Wedgewood now."
"Wedgewood," said an irritated male voice.
"Good morning, Mr Wedgewood, I'd like some help with one of my students who has an account with your branch."
"Sorry, I don't deal with those sort of issues directly, can't you speak to one of my under managers?"
"Mr Wedgewood, as a director of High Street Banks plc, if I can be bothered then I'm sure you could be."
"I'm sorry, who did you say you were?"
I could see the receptionist getting a bollocking as soon as rang off. "I'm Catherine Cameron."
"Cameron? As in Lady Catherine Cameron?"
"The same, now please check your records for an Amanda Philpotts who had her purse taken and her card used fraudulently to empty her account. I expect it's on the camera at the ATM that was used. She lost about a thousand pounds, as these withdrawals were not authorised by her, I believe the bank is liable to reimburse the money and issue her with new cards."
"I'll see what I can do, Lady Cameron."
"Good man, now she's currently using temporary accommodation, so could the new cards be sent to my office at the university, care of Professor Watts, department of biological sciences."
"It's somewhat irregular, Lady Cameron."
"I'll accept responsibility for their safety once they're received."
"Okay, I'll get someone on it straight away."
"Thank you, Mr Wedgewood, I'm pleased at your efforts to maintain good relations with your younger clients."
"Of course, Lady Cameron, glad to help."
I sipped my tea wondering how many rules I'd broken and encouraged others to do so as well. Simon will probably kill me if he finds out. Oh well. I wandered down to student welfare informing Diane where I was going. "Bit old for their help, aren't you?" she cheerily called as I left. I could always sack her when I got back.
"Oh, Professor," gasped Mandy who was sitting in the waiting area.
"Mind if I come in with you?"
"Uh, no," she said looking a bit bewildered.
"You did inform the police about the theft of your purse and cards."
"Oh yeah, they gave, me an incident number, lotta help that was."
"Keep it, the bank may require it."
"Oh, okay."
She was called in and I wandered in behind her. "Excuse me, who are you?" challenged the woman in the room.
"I'm a representative of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Science. I've come to support Mandy."
"Uh," said the middle-aged woman in dark trouser suit, "these are usually private and confidential with just the student."
"Tell me, do we still have emergency accommodation for students, on a temporary basis?"
"Yes," said the woman.
"Good, could you please make sure this young lady gets some by this evening, she's currently living in her car which is unacceptable, I'm sure you'll agree. She has also been robbed of all her money, so I'm sure some sort of loan would be possible, wouldn't it?"
"I shall see if we can help, um, who are you, exactly?" said the older woman.
"That's my professor," piped up Mandy, "Professor Watts, an' she's brill," she said beaming at me."
"Let me know how it goes," I winked at Mandy and left.
"I will, prof," she called back as I exited.
I wasn't there when she came back to report that she was staying in a bedsit in one of the university's accommodation buildings. They're not cheap, but they won't bill her for a month or so giving her a chance to sort herself out.
On the Friday of that week, a rather tidier version of Mandy arrived at my office to collect a letter from her bank and new card, she asked Diane to see if she could speak to me. Diane told her to knock my door.
"Hello, Mandy how are things?"
"Much better, thanks to you, Professor. I'm in a much better room than I had before and I can wash my clothes and things, and the bank has reimbursed what was stolen, yet before they told me it was my own fault. So I'm back in credit, I dunno why they changed their minds but, I don't care. I'm gonna buy James a little prezzie to say sorry."
"I'd just send him a card," I said knowing that when James understood the pressure Mandy had been under he asked me to remove the complaint from the record. I told him I couldn't because there was no excuse for abuse, there was always another way to deal with things and as long as she knew she would be expelled if it happened again, it would remind her not to do so. He'd protested but I held firm.
I'd also got Diane to make sure that Mandy understood that the university had ways to help students who were in dire straits and that I would ask the council to flag it up to the student support elements to make sure students knew where to get help if they needed it. There were leaflets and so on about the place, but we obviously needed to make sure students read them. If they're working hard on their modules, they don't need the extra stress of being robbed or dumped on the street, their lives are stressful enough and we had an obligation to help them.
I suspect, that had Mandy presented at student support and had known what they could do for her, she wouldn't have needed my help and Sammi told me she'd removed the trace of her accessing Mandy's records. It was also unlikely that Mr Wedgewood would complain about my direct approach to him to reimburse the stolen money, so I didn't bother to tell Simon anything about any of it.
It didn't quite work out that way, however, when he asked how my week had been I shrugged and mentioned we'd had a student who'd had her purse taken but as far as I understood they'd refunded it.
"Probably, babes, the branches usually do, costs us a small fortune but it's what we're required to do and hopefully afterwards they stay with us as lifelong customers."
"Do they ever catch the perpetrators of these nasty little crimes?"
"I have no idea, we leave that to the police, naturally we give them anything we have, video clips, bits of paper and so on and any of the stolen cards that are kept by any machines they use, so possible finger prints. How about, I pinch one of these?" he said gently squeezing my nipple between his fingers making me think of things other than banks or universities and I kissed him with some passion.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3328 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
"What's the matter?" I asked coming in from my study.
"England just beat Wales and France did a demolition job on Scotland. Bloody frogs will take some stopping."
"Were either of those results unexpected?" I asked.
"Not really, it was hoped with home advantage, Scotland may be able to stop the French settling into their rhythm, and they did for quite a bit of the first half but then the French started to motor and that was that."
"What about the other match?" I was trying to show some interest in things that are important to him.
"Well, when the Welsh turned up, they nearly stole it, but they gave away a soft try and it took them a while to get over it. But in the end, they made a game of it. Though their captain should have been sent off in the final few minutes for a deliberate knock-on, or at least sin-binned, but he wasn't." (A knock-on is a foul in rugby union, a deliberate knock-on is a professional foul and is usually punished with being suspended for 10 minutes or worse, so their team is a man down for that period).
"How was your afternoon?" he asked though I doubt he was that interested in me telling him.
"I took up a pair of trousers for Sammi and we chatted while I did it. She's moving after she got robbed that time, but I expect you know that?"
"Uh, yeah, she's been saving a little nest egg, so she has a good deposit and is thinking of moving somewhere like Primrose Hill or Maida Vale."
"Not 'Ampstead where 'urricanes 'ardly ever 'appen?" I did my best Eliza Doolittle and all Simon did was roll his eyes.
"Audrey Hepburn has nothing to fear from you, babes."
"Well no, she's somewhat deceased, but what is wrong with Hampstead?"
"Nothing if you have a few million to spend."
"What even down in the village?"
"It's all got extremely silly, but seeing as we're going to confiscate all the houses owned by Russian oligarchs and throw them out, prices may come down."
"How could that imbecile invade Ukraine? It's monstrous."
"I can assure you that I feel exactly the same way towards the megalomaniac as you do and quite a few of his countrymen as well. We're constantly under fire from his hackers and it's only Super Sammi who keeps the bar-stewards out."
"Did she tell you Cheltenham have been asking her to give them a couple of days a week?"
"My daughter the spook," I said smiling.
"More helping to create codes for them and trying to decrypt what other people are doing. If you remember it was her who showed them how to get into an iPhone when the 'Mericans couldn't."
"I hope they pay her something for her efforts?" I frowned.
"The bank usually cops much of it but I told GCHQ that unless they showed a bit more willing, we'd stop her helping them."
"Can you do that?"
"Yeah, bank security is almost as important as national security, if we were breached it could lead to a run on the banks and the pound would plummet and we'd all be in queer street."
"Never mind, darling, I'll always see you as heterosexual whatever they say." It was a wind-up but I can't resist.
"Ye whit?" he exclaimed.
"You know if you go a bit queer like you just said."
"I was referring to our finances and that of the bank and I said Queer Street, as in the phrase."
"Oh, I must have misheard you, Si." I was trying to keep a straight face but it was really difficult and I had to return to my study before I laughed out loud or wet myself. I was still putting the sewing machine away and tidying up the little bits of thread when he came into the study.
"See this?" he shoved his iPad towards me.
"Oh," I said when I saw the story in the Guardian about Elsevier being in league with the oil industry as well as publishing scientific papers on climate change brought about by the industry. "I suppose they can sleep at night, I wouldn't be able to but some Dutch people can be quite tough and mercenary."
"I know, I've competed with them and they are tough. I suppose the small country syndrome. They were also very cruel in running their colonies, not that we have much to brag about."
"Oh, I don't know," I added to his statement, "no one had invented the concentration camp before the Boer War, had they?"
He shrugged but neither of us suggested that it took German efficiency to produce the ultimate form which murdered millions. Compared to them, we were amateurs.
"Empires are all about exploitation, so they're not going to be nice, but it makes me smile that the most imperialist nation at present, is China. Like all tyrants, however, they will fall possibly not in our lifetimes but Putin will eventually be toppled, though whether democracy will ever happen in Russia or China is another matter."
"I hope you're right, babes, but not too violently, it upsets interest rates and stocks and shares and remember the people who suffer the most are always the poorest."
"Like the new student loans arrangement, they'll have to pay it for another ten years and they reduced the threshold from twenty-seven to twenty-five thousand before they have to start paying it back. The poorest students will suffer the most, this government are real elitists and they spend most of their time trying to kill off the poor while aiding and abetting their corrupt friends in business." I was on my soapbox now and it took him a few minutes to calm me down.
"Where's our child-care expert?"
"She's out with the little ones, feeding the ducks or something."
"Not with our homemade bread, I hope?" Simon said indignantly.
"So do I, bread is no good for ducks or aquatic animals, it just rots at the bottom of the pond or stream and sets up fungal or bacterial conditions in the water, I gave her money to buy some grain to give them, which is natural and doesn't damage the environment.."
"Well, you learn something new every day." I wasn't sure if Simon was being straight or winding me up, so I just responded, 'Yes dear.'
"Where's Sammi now, you said she was in here?"
"She was while I was shortening her trousers."
"I can't believe you can do that, let alone actually do it."
"Why? I shortened my dad's trousers when I was fourteen, about the same time that I did the first Lady Macbeth."
"He let you do that but beat you up for doing some embroidery," Simon shook his head.
"Well of course he let me do it, they were his trousers."
"But you were deputising for your mother?"
"I was doing it under her instruction, sort of, I actually pretty well did it all by myself as I'd done a pair of hers and some of my own before that. In some ways, I wonder if she was cocking a snook at him because of his homophobic stance."
"Goodness, I haven't heard that expression for years, was never quite sure of what it meant."
"What, cocking a snook?" I asked and he nodded, whereupon I put my thumb to the end of my nose and spread out and wiggled my fingers.
"You feeling all right?" he asked chuckling.
"I was demonstrating how to cock a snook."
"Oh that's what it means, trust my clever wifey to know."
I huffed on my nails and pretended to polish them against my top. As we were talking Cate and Lizzie ran in shouting to us that they'd seen an otter.
"Goodness, you are lucky girls aren't you? Do you know that most people in this country have never seen one, so that makes you special."
"Hi Auntie C, Uncle Si, I think they saw one, could have been a mink I suppose." We all chatted about where they'd seen it and so on, while Livvie gave her younger sisters a drink of juice and a biscuit, thereby guaranteeing they'd have no teeth in a few year's time. I made the two littlies come with me to clean their teeth.
"Auntie Cathy, Debbie tells me you're teaching on Monday, may I come along and watch."
"What an earth for?" I asked offhandedly.
"Debbie is a very good teacher, she's taught me loads more than we did in school."
"I would hope so, Sarah, we're running a university."
"Yeah, well anyway, I asked if I could come and hear her lecture and she told me not to bother with the monkey when I could see the organ grinder. I didn't know what she meant, so she had to explain it to me."
I shook my head, "The expression is something like, don't deal with the monkey if you can with the organ grinder," I smiled at her.
"Yeah, Debbie told me that much."
"It goes back to Victorian times when there were people who had mechanical organ things, which ran on a basic clockwork type programme and were powered by turning a handle. They were I suppose something between a musical box and a pianola, you know they run on a continuous programme made out of card or something similar which has holes cut in it and they catch on something which makes a musical sound, they sound very mechanical and tinny. Anyway, these people were like buskers today, only they often had a monkey attached by a chain to the organ and the monkey held a cup or mug for people to put change in. I presume the monkey was there to attract the attention of children to part with their farthings or ha'pennies."
"That wouldn't be allowed today, would it?" queried Sarah.
"I doubt it, primates are known to suffer stress doing things like that plus they have been known to bite small fingers, so not a good idea in any sense."
"We've done awful things to animals haven't we?"
"Yes, we've destroyed biodiversity all over the world but this country is one of the most bio-diversity depleted in the world."
"Crazy, we've had charities fighting for wildlife and the countryside for more than a hundred years and we're more depleted than anywhere else in Europe? How come?"
"Simple, a small number of people control most of the land and until recently some of them felt that they could do exactly as they liked on it. It may have been the case years ago but now they're supposed to adhere to the same laws as the rest of us."
Sarah laughed loudly, "Like hell they do."
"We all know that we're still trying to find out about the two sea eagles which were killed in Dorset and Hants last year."
"How could someone kill those magnificent birds? It's a crying shame, Auntie Cathy."
"I agree entirely, but I think you have to bear in mind that it's suggested that one of them was found near where they catch wild salmon, it's big money and they possibly see the eagles as a threat to their livelihood, whereas in fact we know that is rubbish and there are probably compensation schemes for them anyway. The problem is that those sorts of people don't wait to see how they can be compensated, they just strike out and the birds die.
"I remember a report about a researcher who was flying a peregrine from the wrist as they were filming how the birds snuck up on their prey species without the prey working out that they were under attack. So this falcon was flying with a small camera on it and some farmer in this country, came out and shot it."
Sarah looked shocked, "Is that true?"
"Yes, though I don't know if he was prosecuted. Given those birds are worth thousands and are all protected be they captive or wild, he should have been. Had it been my bird I'd have beaten him to death with his own gun."
"I think I'd have helped you, Mum... I mean, Auntie Cathy."
She was blushing furiously, "Sorry, Auntie Cathy, but in some ways, you're more like a mum to me than my own mother."
"I can't comment on that, Sarah, but she is your mum and I have enough children of my own."
"Sorry, perhaps I'd better go and see where the little ones are or do some study."
"Go and do some study."
"Thanks, Auntie Cathy, oh Uncle Peter said he might pop round sometime this evening."
"Oh, okay, do we know why?"
"He'll tell you."
"That sounds ominous," I said to an empty space, I suspect caused by discretion being the better part of valour.
Peter did arrive just before dinner, we were late waiting for Danielle to return and the rugby had also made us later. I invited him to stay for a meal but he rather brusquely declined. I almost asked him who'd taken his lollipop?
We went to my study and he cut straight to the chase, "Cathy, I'm concerned that you gave Sarah a car for Christmas. I thought she'd just borrowed it, but she informs me you gave it to her."
"She needed a car to get about and if they own them they tend to take better care of them. It's only a runabout, so what's the problem?"
"It's only two years old and worth far more than a young woman in her position should receive. How can the rest of us compete with you, we can't afford ten thousand pound gifts?"
"I'm not in competition, she needed one, Simon mentioned that he'd been offered quite a nice little thing at a bargain price, so he bought it."
"And you gave this to someone who a few weeks ago was a complete stranger."
"She isn't now, so what is the problem?"
"She works for you, Cathy, she isn't a relative."
"I'm well aware of that, I still don't see what the problem is."
"You're buying her, aren't you?"
"What?" I was horrified and a cold sensation happened in the pit of my stomach.
"I've been told that's how you operate, you entice or seduce them with your money and before long you have another daughter. Well, not this time, Lady Cameron, I'm taking her back with me and you can stick your car as far up your backside as you like." He wandered out into the hallway calling Sarah.
"Yes, Uncle Peter?" she arrived to greet him.
"Pack your stuff, we're leaving."
"What for?" she asked and he just shouted at her to do as he said.
"What's going on?" asked Simon when he heard the raised voices.
"I'm taking my niece away from here before she," and he pointed at me, "get's another girl to add to her collection."
"What the hell are you talking about?" asked Simon.
"Look, Cameron, I know how you people operate, seducing children to come and live with you because she can't have any, can she, she's a boy just like Sarah is really."
"Peter, what has got into you?" asked Simon of the very angry man shouting at him. "Look let's go and have a drink and talk this over like two civilised people," he tried to steer him into the lounge.
"Get your hands off me, Cameron or you'll be sorry."
"In what way, Dominic?"
"I'll hit you."
Simon shook his head, he'd eat the other man for breakfast and come back for extra servings. "Go home and calm down, we'll speak of this tomorrow when everyone's slept on it."
"She's coming with me now."
"No I'm not, Uncle Peter, I'm staying here."
He made the mistake of grabbing at her and Simon told him to let her go, Peter swung at Simon who dropped him with one short punch. I called the police.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3329 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
Sarah had rushed to me, "Don't let him take me away, Mummy," she said giving me the wrong appellation, but given the circumstances I wasn't going to say anything. Two of my girls also witnessed what happened, Danni and Trish and they were horrified that Peter had tried to remove Sarah against her wishes and that their dad had had to hit him.
Danni, pushed Trish back into the room and then stopped the others from becoming embroiled in something which concerned no one else. By the time Andy Bond arrived with a colleague, Sarah had stopped shaking and Simon had helped Peter up off the floor and to a seat, he still looked pale and I sent Sarah to get him a glass of water. Thankfully, there were no teeth or blood lying on the carpet.
I explained what had happened and that Sarah was employed by me and was an adult being over eighteen, she was therefore not obliged to go with her uncle if she didn't want to and if Simon hadn't intervened, Peter would have been guilty of abduction or wrongful arrest.
Simon said he'd been reading the paper when he heard the raised voices and came to investigate and he found Peter shouting abuse at me and trying to grab Sarah who was resisting. He told Andy that he asked Peter to calm down and go and have a chat over a beer but Peter wasn't having it, so he told him to go home and come back tomorrow after he'd calmed down whereupon he took a swing at Simon and missed but Simon's short, sharp response didn't.
Sarah told the same story as I did and was equally horrified by the change in her uncle, especially his sudden transphobia. She told this to Andy who alternately nodded and shook his head, making notes the whole time.
When it came to Peter's turn to talk he still looked out of it and I'm not sure if he could tell what day it was let alone an accurate record of events. He sipped the water that Sarah had brought him but said very little.
"Do you wish to press charges?" Andy asked the rest of us. None of us did. "I'm going to arrest you, Sir, he said to Peter, because you committed several offences but I'm also going to have the police surgeon examine you because I suspect you may have a concussion. Would you please come with us," he helped Peter up and walked him out to the car.
"Do you have to arrest him, Andy?"
"If I do, he'll see a doctor whether he likes it or not. If I just let him go and he has an accident while driving..." he shrugged, "besides he is guilty of several things including breach of the peace, attempted false arrest, abusing you and Sarah. It'll be up to a senior officer to see whether we just caution him or he's charged."
"Will you let his wife know where he is or would you like Sarah to ring her?"
"We'll do it. Good night Lady Cameron, your lordship, young lady," he said keeping things formal in front of his colleague."
We watched as the police car drove down the drive and out into the traffic, Sarah tucked under my arm sniffing back the tears. "We'll sort it out tomorrow," I said giving her a gentle squeeze.
"I don't understand, I thought he accepted me as a girl and he called you a boy as well, I don't understand, I thought he liked you and respected you. What was he on about you wanting to keep me?"
"Let's go and have a cuppa and a chat, okay?" she nodded and we walked into the kitchen where all the others had eaten, except Sarah and me and neither of us felt much like doing so now. Danni had put the meals in the cool oven of the Aga so they'd keep for a little time before they dried up and ended up in the dog.
"You okay, Mummy?" asked Danni accompanied by a deputation of daughters. I nodded and went to put the kettle on but Trish was there warming the teapot and she gave me a quick hug. "You okay?" Danni asked Sarah and she started to sob again and they had a little hug.
I hugged Simon who decided that something stronger than tea was required and thanked him for protecting us. "That's what I'm here for, babes, to protect my girls, besides if you'd hit him they'd have taken him off in an ambulance, so it was safer for me to do it."
I shook my head, "Honestly, Si, the way you about me, you'd think I was some sort of dangerous monster."
"So if I hadn't intervened, you'd have let him take Sarah away with him?"
"I didn't say that, Si."
"No you didn't, but he wouldn't have listened to reason from you or Sarah and I know you'd have prevented him taking her, wouldn't you?"
"I don't know, Si, thankfully it didn't happen."
"I do know, and you'd have hit him a lot harder than I did." I shrugged and accepted the mug of tea from Trish before sitting at the kitchen table where Sarah and Danni joined me each holding a mug of tea.
"You'd have hit him, Auntie Cathy?" asked an astonished Sarah.
"It has been known," said Danni smirking, "the female of the species is more deadly than the male," she added and she and Simon chuckled.
"She's a veritable tigress when she's roused," said Simon, "especially if she thinks her cubs are at risk."
"Goodness," said Sarah sipping her tea, "I'd never have guessed."
"I'll show you my scrapbook," offered Trish making Sarah nod at her as if to confirm the offer would be taken up.
"So what caused all the problem?" asked Danni who had heard the disturbance but not what was said.
"I don't know, but Peter accused us of trying to entice Sarah to join the family by giving her the car at Christmas, which we thought would be useful for her seeing her mum and possibly for her work. I tried to explain that Daddy got it for a very good price and it was no big deal. He then seemed to lose it and he tried to grab Sarah and Daddy asked him to calm down, he took a swing at Daddy who defended himself and all of us."
"I saw that bit, Mummy." said Danni draping her arm around Simon whereupon she said, "My hero," in such an affected manner that we all fell about laughing.
"Tell you what, kiddo," Si responded to his daughter, "next time I'll let you do it."
"Uh no thanks, Daddy, I'm not after your job or Mummy's, I'm quite happy to remain as a mere footballing superstar phenomenon, as the press called me."
"Did you win then?" asked Simon.
"Natch," she replied sipping her tea.
"Who did you beat?" he asked.
"Chelsea," said Trish before Danni could swallow her tea, "three one, and yes she scored two and made the other."
"Well done, Kiddo," said Simon putting his arm around her shoulders and squeezing her. Danni smiled and blushed with pride.
"I scored two for school today as well, you know?" said Trish trying to edge into the acclamations.
"Well done, you," I said to her although I knew it to be the case because I stood in the rain watching her. Trish looked back at me and winked before beaming a smile at her dad - little flirt.
"So why the change in character of Peter?" asked Simon.
"I can only surmise he's been talking to someone who seems to think they know about our family but obviously they don't and are going on surmise and prejudice or even gossip. I suspect someone from the university may be involved, but don't know who let alone why."
"So he thinks we got all the children by bribery and enticement?" Simon looked disgusted.
"Seems like, which takes no concern for consideration of the children's needs into account."
"Best thing I ever did was having you adopt me," said Danni and Trish agreed emphatically.
"I wish you could adopt me," said Sarah, "you're more like a mother than the woman who gave birth to me."She frowned, "I'll bet he's been up to see her." With that, her mobile began to ring and she answered. "I need to take this," she said and trotted up to her room.
By this time I was feeling more than a bit hungry and kept hoping she'd come down so we could both eat. She appeared ten minutes later, "That was my auntie, she wanted to know why Uncle Pete had been arrested and why Uncle Simon had hit him, so I told her, she was horrified but she confirmed he'd been up to see my mum earlier on."
"Perhaps we need to go and see her to set the record straight," I said looking at Sarah.
"I'd rather not, she might try to stop me coming back with you."
"She can't, you're an adult and thus able to make your own mind up about what you want to do and where you want to live."
"You don't know my mum, she's an expert at moral blackmail and she'd also try to stop me associating with you because this being a girl business is obviously just a fad and you're encouraging me, so setting a bad example."
"What?" gasped Danni, "I hope I never meet her, I'll soon put her right, stupid woman."
"I'm afraid she isn't very clever and she is also a bit trans and homophobic, you know typical Daily Express reader, lots of opinions but few facts, so lets gossip and innuendo take their place."
We all nodded including Trish who I doubt has ever read the Daily Express as I won't allow it into the house.
"What if she goes to the press, Mummy, I mean Auntie?" blushed Sarah, "she could make life very uncomfortable for you."
"Not as much as we could for her, if she says anything deprecatory which isn't true, I tend to sue and I suspect I have more resources than she does, which means she can only lose."
"Against the newspaper?" gasped Sarah.
"Daddy's loaded, remember we own a bank," said Danni quietly.
"I must try and speak to Uncle Peter, make him understand that you are just being very nice to me not trying to entice me into anything..."
"Nah, that's next week," said Trish and ran off from the table before anyone could say or do anything.
"Blessed teenagers," sighed Simon.
"Hoy," said Danni, "I'm a teenager, remember and apart from being an amazing footballing phenomenon, I'm also very nice and loveable."
"You are," said Sarah and they high-fived.
Sarah and I finally ate our evening meals at nearly nine o'clock, far too late to enjoy. I left half mine and Simon finished it off, he's as bad as Kiki, she got half of Sarah's who'd also lost much of her appetite.
"So what do we do next?" asked Sarah.
"We clean up the dishes and go to bed, I think, I'm exhausted."
"I'll do those," said Danni who was living up to her self-declared, 'nice' reputation, which at that moment I thoroughly agreed.
"I still think I should talk to Uncle Peter and put him right."
"Let's all just sleep on it and see how we feel in the morning," I suggested putting my cup in the sink and wishing everyone a goodnight, I went up to bed. "Make sure Trish and Livvie don't stay up too late will you?" I asked Danni and Sarah and they said they would send them up to bed at ten. Sarah also said she send up the little ones now and went off to do so.
"She's a nice kid," observed Simon, "let's hope this business doesn't affect her too much."
I yawned and went up to bed, I was asleep moments after getting into bed and as far as I know, stayed that way until about seven the next morning. I awoke feeling much better but I was still aware that the business with Peter Dominic wasn't quite over yet and I wouldn't relax until I knew it was finished.
I couldn't see how he could do much more than annoy or inconvenience me. Everyone who needed to know about my past already did so and most were okay with it. Sarah was another matter, but surely it would take a very sick person to use her to try to get at me, especially as she could get very hurt in the process. Surely, a close relative wouldn't do that to her, would they? Wouldn't they love her and want to protect her or could they be full of the sort of love that burns people at the stake to save their souls? That sort of individual is really difficult to deal with.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3330 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
Peter also told her that Andy had known me for some years and that I had rescued several transgendered children who no one else wanted to foster or adopt, so he thought I was a life saver and also a very good mother. Peter said he thought the same until he spoke to Sarah's mother who convinced him of her version of events.
He also told her that he had to come to get his car and would like to apologise for his stupidity of the night before. He'd mentioned this to Andy Bond who agreed to meet him here at 11.00am. He was warned by Sergeant Bond that if he tried anything stupid, all the charges that were not processed last night would be so and he could expect a custodial sentence, which would obviously affect his job and future employment prospects.
Sarah asked if he'd been seen by a doctor? He had and the conclusion was it probably wasn't a concussion, more just a case of shock though he was given the usual advice about feeling sick and headaches to contact A&E immediately.
Sarah said he told her he felt better after a night's sleep except for his behaviour which had left him feeling terminally embarrassed.
"Good," said Simon, adding, "perhaps it'll stop him being a prat next time."
"There won't be a next time," I said firmly, "I will tell him not to come to this house again after he collects his car. I won't stop you seeing him, Sarah, but I would urge caution if you do."
"I'm still fond of him, Auntie Cathy, but I think it will take some time for him to earn my trust again. I'm not sure about my mother either after she seemed to set him up, so I'll have to find somewhere to live when I start my degree."
"You can stay here. Normally, I can't have much to do with students, but I don't teach first years very much these days, I leave much of it to Debbie and the junior lecturers."
"Seeing as I know Debbie, would that be a problem, Auntie?"
"No, you're employed by me, I made you the offer to sit the exam and win a place on the course. I won't be involved in examining you, so it's all above board."
"Thank you, Auntie Cathy, I really do wish you were my mother."
"Right well, that's not possible," said Simon ending the conversation, "So you'll have to make do with adopting us as aunt and uncle."
"Can I ask Professor Agnew if I can call him gramps?" she asked looking close to tears. I felt rotten but she is an adult albeit like many transgender ones, rather socially inept and naïve because they don't have a chance to grow up in their preferred gender. I know I was always making gaffes when I transitioned until I learned how to avoid them. It's amazing that you think you should know these things because you've had interactions all your life, but they're different for different genders, different social status and so on. I know that as a Professor or Lady Cameron, my standards of behaviour are expected to be much higher than just plain old Cathy Watts because of my status and all of these things have to be learned.
"That's between you and Professor Agnew, sweetheart, he's back tonight so he's missed all the excitement, but give him a day or two to recover." I knew that Tom would probably allow her to call him Gramps, at the same time he'd been away on the Vice Chancellor's conference so would be tired, we forget he's not a young man anymore though he keeps going like one most of the time, but every now and again, I see him look exhausted and quite grey.
At just before eleven, Andy Bond, in uniform, drove into our drive and parked next to Peter's car. He was on his own. Minutes later a taxi pulled up and Peter walked up the drive and spoke briefly to Andy.
"Right, I'm going to invite them both in, so, Sarah make some teas and coffees, Danni help her please."
"How many, Mummy?" asked Danni.
"Just Andy, Peter, Simon and me, and Sarah, so five. Better wait to see what people want."
I invited them in and we sat around the dining table, orders for tea and coffee were taken by Danielle and a few minutes later, Sarah, who was looking very smart in a skirt and top, brought in the three coffees and two teas. The men had coffee we girls, the teas.
"Before we go any further, I must remind Peter that Sarah is twenty years old and thus an adult in her own right. She is an employee here and lives in. Peter, I'm afraid after your behaviour last night, I must say that you are no longer welcome at either my house or at the university. I'd like to make that informal rather than seek restraining orders."
Peter looked very shamed faced and nodded. I asked him to verbally agree so Sergeant Bond would be in no doubt of the agreement. "I agree," he said realising that he could lose contact with Sarah, but also one of the biggest purchasers of his products.
He looked rather sad but I tried not to have any sympathy because he'd betrayed my trust yesterday and potentially endangered Sarah and members of my family, so I may never forgive and forget.
Peter asked he could speak. We all agreed and he began. "I saw my sister, Sarah's mother yesterday, she asked me to go and see her because she was worried about Sarah being in my house. She claimed to have seen an article about how, as couldn't have children of my own, I inveigled several from perfectly happy families, enticing them with expensive gifts, even changing several of them into girls against their will, including conspiring with a young disturbed youth to damage them so badly on their genitalia that they had to have remedial surgery and were converted to females, all against their will."
"You don't happen to know what the article was in, do you?"
"I think she said it was on the internet," he replied to my question. I would ask Trish to find it and we'd take legal action against the site and the author. I'd also ask Sammi to drop a cyber bomb on them.
"These are pretty serious allegations to make, Mr Dominic," said Andy and I know, having been involved with Lord and Lady Cameron on numerous occasions in the course of my duties, that they are all wrong."
Peter shrugged. I looked at Sarah, "Please ask Danni to send in all the children one at a time. Don't tell her why, just to send them in but individually." She gave me a perplexed look but went as I asked.
Two minutes later Trish came in. "You want me, Mummy?"
"Yes, sweetheart." To Peter, I said," ask her how I enticed her and changed her gender."
"No, I won't upset her, you've made your point."
"Trish?" asked Andy Bond, "could you tell Mr Dominic how you came to live here?"
"Why?" she asked looking less than happy. She continues to have a fear of being removed from here despite me saying it would never happen.
"You're not under any threat, young lady, but it's an interesting story and I think Mr Dominic would appreciate hearing it."
Trish sighed and looked at me, I nodded and she sighed again. "My mother got rid of me because she wanted a boy and I was a girl. I was put in a children's home where I was bullied by one boy in particular and he also raped me. He pushed me down the stairs when I said I would tell on him. I woke up in hospital and my legs didn't work. They sent me back to the home but my legs still didn't work and no one believed I'd been pushed down the stairs except Dr Rose at the hospital, they all thought I fell.
"In hospital, I met Meems and her legs didn't work neither, she got hit by a van. Her mother dumped her on Mummy supposedly for a short time, but they disappeared in a foreign country. Mummy, who is really an angel, made her legs work again and Dr Rose asked if she could try with me. She helped me to walk again as well and I can run and play football as good as anyone.
"I was fostered by Mummy and Daddy at first but they were adopting Meems and I asked the judgeman if I could be adopted as well? He said yes, and I love my Mummy and Daddy, they're the best in the world," she flung herself at me and I wrapped her in a hug and she sobbed for several minutes.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, that was very brave of you."
"They're not going to take me away, are they?"
"No, never, not as long as you want to live here, you may."
"Okay, Mummy," she accepted the tissues I gave her and I asked Sarah to see her out and for Danni to stay with her and no to send anyone else in.
"She was also abducted by her mother after she'd been with us some time, she'd forgotten that. All my children are damaged in some way, Livvie was staying for a weekend with us when her father murdered her mother and killed himself. He instructed his lawyers to ask us to look after her. Need I say more?"
Peter was sniffing back tears after hearing Trish's testimony. "I am so sorry, Cathy, I should have known after what Sarah had said that you loved these children and they were happy with you and Simon. I don't know why I believed my sister, I think she's jealous because she wants Sarah to revert to being a boy, even though we all know that isn't going to happen. But she's jealous because Sarah feels that you're more like a mother than my sister, and hearing what Trish said, I appreciate that more than I did before.
"I can't undo what I did last night, I wish I could and I am sincerely sorry for what happened. I just don't know what came over me. It won't happen again and I doubt Sarah will want me anywhere near her."
Sarah had returned to the table and listened to her uncle, she was silently weeping as well.
"I'm sorry, I put Trish through that," said Andy, "but I knew her story and I knew she was capable of telling it coherently. I didn't realise she was still so upset about it seeing as she's been with you nearly ten years."
"It's very deep seated stuff, Andy and even we have to be a little careful with her. You know when you jokingly threaten to send them to the cat's home if they don't behave, Trish gets really upset, she is terrified she could be sent away again, despite my vows to never do such a thing.
"Danni came from the same home along with Billie, my little girl who died, she, Danni that is, was taken by an officious social worker and dumped in a boy's home despite Danni trying to prove she was a girl. She was upset for weeks and I took the social worker and the department to court. She lost her job and was struck off the register, the council made a very large donation to a children's charity.
"Danni, despite appearing beautiful and fearless was with me when we happened across the woman in a supermarket, she attacked us and Danni was very upset. The woman tried to infect my computer in the university with child pornography, but we were able to prove it was a set up."
"The two detectives involved were so prejudiced against Lady Cameron that the police were only able to carry out an effective investigation after they were removed from the case by which time Cathy had solved the case for them. One of the woman's family had infiltrated the department as a technician and tried to plant the porn on the computer. They were all prosecuted and got some jail time."
Peter looked even more sad if that was possible. "I had no idea this sort of thing went on. It makes feel even sicker when I realise the injustices done to you and your girls by people with such malice in their hearts. I am so ashamed of what I did last night. I've lost you as a client, as a old school friend and I've probably lost my favourite niece as well." He burst into tears and we all sat feeling very uncomfortable witnessing his catharsis, I noticed Sarah was weeping silently, then she got up and walked to me and buried herself in my hug, now sobbing inconsolably.
I felt like saying to Peter, 'You probably have done all that and more because you betrayed us and we will never know if we can ever trust you again.' I didn't, I just nodded at Andy, who said it was time they left. Leaving Simon and me to clear up the mess.
I shouldn't have allowed Andy to question Trish and it took me several hours to calm her down. Sarah was also very upset and she called me Mummy several times during the day. She may have been twenty physically, but she was much younger emotionally and I asked Stephanie to come to dinner and why. She sorted them out and also tore a strip off me, which I accepted.
Later that evening as Sarah was going up to bed, she asked again if she could listen to me lecture the next day. I couldn't say no after the weekend she'd had, though I did wonder if I'd be up to my usual standards the next day. Somehow I was in sparkling form and both Debbie and Sarah watched me perform. It was basic ecology and I used some old tricks and gimmicks I hadn't done for a few years and because they hadn't seen it before, it went down rather well.
Am I the teacher I used to be? Occasionally, but the responsibilities of office tend to restrict that energy and opportunity, which is sad but apparently necessary.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3331 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
"That was brill, Auntie Cathy. I hope you teach on my course occasionally."
"You liked it then?" I said which was rhetorical but she chose to answer it.
"That was the best lecture I ever remember attending," Sarah replied, "It had everything including humour."
"I'd have thought they'd all have heard the one about the 'hare'restorer' long ago." That was my corniest joke, but they were a good audience and much bigger than I expected our first year were."
"It was full to capacity, Diane," said Debbie, there were even people standing at the back."
"Yes, the prof does seem to have celebrity status when she lectures that we get students from other modules and even other subjects come to listen. Mind you I did put a notice up in the library, so it may have encouraged the odd one."
"You did what?" I gasped at my PA cum secretary as Nikki hadn't returned, mind you we hadn't broken any more crocks or dropped the copier toner since. Poor kid, I must find out how she is.
"You young lady, home and do some study," I said to Sarah.
"Yes, Mummy," she said as she disappeared.
Debbie's jaw dropped, "Have you adopted another one?" she said.
"No, she keeps doing it and I don't know if it's Freudian wishful thinking or she's trying to get me to allow it."
"It could cause problems when she starts here," suggested Diane.
"It could but it won't. I attended here as a post grad student when Daddy had unofficially adopted me and within a short while was calling me his daughter publically. He never taught me, officially anyway, nor marked any of my work. He did offer me advice but that was all." It wasn't quite but we stayed within the rules to prevent any allegations of favouritism or nepotism.
"So are you going to let her adopt you as her mother?" asked Diane.
"Probably not, I don't need any more daughters, I've still got a houseful of them. She also already has a mother, I'd rather help her improve the relationship there."
"It doesn't sound as if that's gonna happen anytime soon, does it?" Debbie, having had some family abuse and hostility was pessimistic."
"That doesn't mean it won't," I said with an air of determination in my tone.
"Still if you do adopt her, let me know, you take me as well." Debbie smirked and slipped through the door before I could say anything.
"Don't you dare say anything," I said to Diane who was practically helpless with laughter.
"Unfortunately, I don't think you can adopt people older than you are, she said nipping into the loo and locking the door.
"I know where you live," I said loudly to gales of laughter emanating from the toilet. Mind you, it probably didn't sound very threatening.
The rest of the day went in much the same way, the exception being that Tom invited me to lunch. I was too busy to go really, but he insisted and I gave in to keep the peace.
"Whit wis Sarah on aboot, wi' her uncle?" he asked me as we waited for our meals to arrive.
"Oh that," I blushed, I expected it to take a day or so longer for him to find out about it and thus have a few more hours to build a narrative. "Peter Dominic apparently was asked to go and see Sarah's mum by Sarah's mum."
"Aye," he nodded.
"Well she apparently went on about some internet article she'd seen about me enticing children and then converting them into girls."
"An' he believed it?"
"Yes, so he decided to remove Sarah from the house, taking her away from a supposed bad influence as he thought, and she objected loudly. I tried to intervene and he called me all sorts of names while trying to grab her. Simon came to see what all the noise was about and Peter insulted him and when Simon asked him to leave and come back when he'd calmed down, he swung at Simon, who dodged it and decked him."
Tom shook his head, "He ought tae ken better than mix it wi' Simon."
"I suppose anger makes us take risks, if he'd hit Simon who knows what would have happened."
"Thae same," he said shaking his head. "Sae is it sorted?"
"Yes, I called the police and Andy came listened to everyone, took Peter away to be checked over for concussion, and then he came the next day and so did Peter to collect his car. He apologised unreservedly and I banned him from the house and the university."
"Ye cannae ban him frae' thae university as he's done nothing wrong tae thae university. Ye can refuse tae see him, but ye cannae ban him."
I accepted he probably knew more about it than I did and agreed with him.
"Why is Sarah callin' ye maither and me Grandpa?"
"I think she's feeling isolated from her family, her mother has practically disowned her unless she reverts, and her uncle upset her over the weekend, so I think she's desperately trying to join a family she know won't judge her and accepts her as she wants to present herself."
"Aye, we'll dae that alricht."
"If her calling you Gramps is a problem, let me know and I'll have a word with her."
"It's nae problem, jest a wee bit unexpected, actually, I quite like it," he smiled to himself, so that was that. "Sae we hae anither granddochter, och weel, ye cannae hae too many."
"I thought that was shoes," I said rolling my eyes, "And I don't know what I think about her calling me mother."
"Och, ye'll get used tae it eventually, ye did wi' Danielle and Julie."
"They weren't twenty when they adopted me."
"Whit aboot Sammi, she must ha' been."
I don't know why I bother arguing with him, he's like the cat, she always wins too because they refuse to accept your argument. Mind you, most of the time it probably is rubbish; unless it's a subject I'm well versed in, I'm not the best debater. I learnt that in grammar school as you might remember and enhanced my girly reputation even more probably not helped by nearly crying after the insults became personalised.
He chatted on about his Vice Chancellor's conference and discovered most of them were paid much more than him. Some of them are paid outlandish sums but universities are businesses these days, except when we can distract them and squeeze a few educational elements through while they're not looking. Like many other universities in England we believed that we were on a gravy train, we had a good reputation for a number of our courses and were increasing facilities including living accommodation, which of course we hired out to the students, thus paying off the loans on them. Except, we were doing very nicely, with two more blocks started and along came Covid. The university has been moving figures around ever since and things of an 'unnecessary' description are sold off rather rapidly.
I don't know what the situation is now as students are returning to more or less full lectures, but I know we've lost quite a few overseas students, who pay bigger fees, so we're losing money. It's partly my responsibility, I have to try and get science papers published or the study or research supported with grants or other funding. Much of what we do is funded by Natural England, but I sometimes have to sell them the idea or put it about that we're about to investigate something I heard they were interested in.
As I drove home, I listened to the news and the reports coming out of Ukraine were heart breaking, I'll never understand that sort of situation and how it happened, but apparently the head of the Russian Orthodox church says it's a just war. It seems according to an article in the i newspaper, that Putin considers he is the custodian of the Rus empire, from about the C14th and that includes Kyiv and he is trying to restore it. That's like the Brits sending an army to recolonise India because we changed our mind about their independence.
Once I got home I sent some more money to the Disasters and Emergency Committee to supply food and so on to Ukraine. I don't know whether Nato keeping a watching and supply brief is good or bad, I suppose they consider to confront Russia would risk nuclear weapons being used and possibly that China might be pulled in on the Russian's side. After my entanglements with the Russian mafia, my thoughts were definitely on the side of the Ukraine, which was developing as a vibrant democracy, which might have been what provoked Putin, that and his megalomania supported by his church. The sooner he falls the better, he's a monster who spends most of his time in his fortress partly because he's terrified of Covid.
"Are we gonna adopt Sarah?" asked Trish while I was sitting in my study drinking a cuppa.
"I don't think so."
"Well the rest of us think we should, she needs loving parents and lots of sisters and we'd like to have her as a sister."
"Thank you for your opinion on the matter." I dismissed her but she didn't go.
"Me, Liv, Han, Meems, Cate, and Lizzie all think so, an' Sammi, Julie an' Phoebe, an' Jacquie have no objections neither." Can thirteen year olds produce faits accomplis? If so I've just had one presented to me.
"Either, you mean," I said picking her up on her grammar.
"Yeah, that too," she said smirking and left giggling.
That's the problem with your kids, they never fight fair. No wonder parents retaliate with moral blackmail, at times it is probably the only way to win, especially as you get older and slow down a bit while your kids are running rings round you. I should have considered all this before I let the first one in.
I took my empty cup out to the kitchen, David was busy with the dinner, he had told me what it was but I'd forgotten, too much weighing down my surviving brain cell. "What's this I hear about Simon thumping someone?"
"It was all a misunderstanding which we've cleared up." I tried to downplay it.
"So there won't be a rematch then?"
"No of course not. Look someone got hold of the wrong end of the stick, got a bit excited got into a bit of ruck with Si who had to clock him. Everyone is friends again so no big deal."
"So why were the police needed?"
I nearly told a huge whopper but then realised it could come back to bite me if I did. "Why don't you ask Simon about it when he's next home, I'm sure he'll give you chapter and verse."
"What better'an Sarah?"
"If you've spoken to Sarah, why bother asking me?"
"You're always telling me that newspapers don't check their facts enough, so I'm just doin' a bit o' fact checkin'."
"I'm sure Sarah gave you all the facts and more."
"Whatja mean, more?"
"Well how she felt about what happened, she must have been frightened as well as upset."
"How could her mother do such a thing to her and to you?" David was beginning to annoy me.
"I don't know, I've never met the woman nor do I wish to."
"She's a bigot, isn't she?"
"I think that epithet might fit her, but not having met her I can't say for sure."
"Why can't people mind their own business?" he said doing something to a spud.
"She is Sarah's mother, so she's entitled to voice her opinion but the girl has been diagnosed as GID and is having treatment for it, she also seems well adjusted as a young woman, so it seems she's doing the right thing, though as you well know, we can never be certain."
"No because women like to change their minds," he teased.
"And men don't?" I snorted in mock derision.
"Nah, course not, we get it right the first time so don't need no change of mind." He sounded like something out of a gangster movie.
He continued making the dinner and I went and changed out of my suit and now uncomfortable shoes, but I had been wearing them all day.
I had just settled down with a cuppa and a dissertation draft I agreed to look through when the doorbell rang and I heard someone open it and then there were voices. I was tempted to go and see who it was but I stayed where I was and began checking the introduction to the dissertation. I'm so glad I don't have to write these anymore, mind you marking them is nearly as bad.
Suddenly Danni knocked and entered my study and glanced up, she was looking very serious. "What's the problem, sweetheart?"
"There's a lady at the door who claims she is Sarah's mother and she has a copper with her."
"Okay, I'll come." It was certainly going to be more interesting than checking a dissertation, or perhaps nerve-racking may be more accurate.
"Hello," I said offering my hand, "I'm Cathy Cameron," the woman hesitated but shook it very briefly.
"I'm Daphne Spears, Paul's mother though he prefers to call himself, Sarah, he thinks he's trans or whatever they call it." A favourable impression is not what I would consider she was making.
"Do come through to the dining room, Danni, could you make us some teas?" I looked at the woman and she nodded and so did the WPC, she looked quite young and wondered what she was thinking, I hoped she kept an open mind.
We sat at the table and Danni appeared a few minutes later with a tray of tea, three mugs and milk and sugar plus a large pot of tea. I poured and handed out the mugs offering milk and sugar if they required it. She looked at the teapot and her eyes grew, okay it is genuine Spode, but they're owned by Portmeirion these days, so nothing stays the same.
"How can I help you, Mrs Spears?" I offered trying to stay calm and non-threatening.
"I'd like my child back," she said putting down her mug.
"I'm not sure she would want to come back to you and we can't ask her because she is having a tutorial with a colleague at the university." I glanced at my watch, "She'll be back in about half an hour, if you'd like to wait, you may."
"He is only just eighteen, he's still a child, a crazy mixed up one and being with you just makes him worse. You have enticed and enchanted him with your money and clever talk."
"Eighteen is the age of maturity, so Sarah, and I'm using her preferred name and gender, is an adult and thus able to make her own decisions. Isn't that the legal position?" I asked the WPC.
"So I believe, ma'am." At least she was polite.
"I believe you're keeping my son against his will and you've brainwashed him into believing he's some sort of girl, but he's not, he's a boy, you can't change sex, even JK Rowling knows that."
"She's entitled to her opinion, as are you but so are the experts and Sarah is seeing a specialist psychiatrist who deals with gender disorders. It is her opinion that Sarah is gender dysphoric and should be allowed to live as female, which she does. In fact you allowed her to do so eighteen months ago when she went to train as a nursery nurse."
I saw the WPC's eyes widen just a little at this disclosure. So far it was going my way but there would probably be some fireworks before it was over, especially when Sarah arrived.
"I hoped it was just a fad he was going through, but he's kept it up probably because he's too frightened of what you'd say if he went back to being a boy."
"No one is forcing Sarah to present as female but to my knowledge, she hasn't mentioned wanting to do so, in fact, if anything, she seems to be enjoying living as a young woman, and she makes a very attractive one."
"I don't believe you, there was an article on the internet about you and people like you, corrupting young men into becoming homos or drag queens."
"You have a very poor opinion of me which as we have never met before I find rather curious. I'm a university professor so my position is checked regularly as I'm in contact with young people in my occupation, some of whom are vulnerable. we take their protection very seriously."
"So you say, perhaps we should ask some of them," she said to me but looked at the WPC.
"Their identities are protected as well, Mrs Spears and I'd be in breach of the data protection act if I disclosed anything of it." The WPC nodded and began to look bored. I heard a car pull into the drive and looked surreptitiously at the clock, it was almost certainly Sarah. Now things would get interesting.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3332 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
A moment later Sarah burst into the room and standing just inside the door said loudly, "What's she doing here?"
"That's no way to speak to your mother," said Daphne in reply.
Sarah was having none of it, "You're no longer my mother, you disowned me if you remember?"
"That was a misunderstanding, Paul."
Sarah gave an enraged shriek, "Misunderstanding, you lying cow. You told me to go and not return until I stopped pretending to be a girl. I am a girl, ex-mother, my name is Sarah and Professor Watts is my guardian, not that I need one because I'm eighteen and an adult in my own right."
I hope my surprise didn't show when Sarah said I was her guardian. I'm her employer and mentor possibly protect her as well, so perhaps guardian isn't too far outside that remit.
"You're upset, Paul..."
Sarah interrupted, "How many times do I have to tell you my name is Sarah, not anything else, but you can't even be bothered to call me by my chosen name, so what are you doing here and why have you brought this police officer?"
"I was asked to accompany Mrs Shears to prevent any unpleasantness occurring."
"Well, as you can see, she's the cause of most of it."
"Look, why don't we all calm down and try and act like adults with a degree of politeness and courtesy," I said and called Danni to make us some more tea and bring in some biscuits or cakes as well.
"It's not me who's being impolite, it's him," said Daphne pointing at Sarah.
"Perhaps you could do me the honour of acknowledging Sarah's new name and declared gender, even if you don't like it."
Daphne bristled for a moment but after a bit of huffing and puffing nodded and I thanked her. I reminded her and the policewoman that Sarah had received a diagnosis from at least two gender specialist doctors and was currently seeing Dr Cauldwell who was the local specialist. I was saying that I employed Sarah as a nanny come domestic help and had offered her a place to study biology at the university providing she passed an exam in June. She was receiving tutoring from a colleague at the university, when Danielle came in with another tray of teas and biscuits and announced, "Lizzie needs a feed and there's no milk in the fridge."
"Oh," I said wondering if Stella was doing one of her tricks, me breastfeeding tends to put off the opposition or doubters. "I need to feed my youngest, would you mind if I do it in here as I feel we're still at a crucial point in the proceedings."
If you ask nicely, people rarely refuse as was the case today and I suspect they expected me to do it with a bottle, but I could feel myself to be rather full in the boob department and they were all in for a slight surprise. Danni returned with Lizzie in one arm and the bag of feeding stuff and nappies in the other. A cloth is always necessary because they do tend to dribble. Of course, Lizzie was alleging I was her mother with the limited vocabulary she has, "Ma-ma, ma-ma," she said gurgling at me as soon as she saw me. I took her from Danni and lifted up my top and the baby practically sucked me through my bra, clamping onto my nipple as soon as I undid the bra. Daphne's eyes came out on stalks and the young policewoman gave me a lovely smile.
"Is this some trick?" asked Daphne.
"Uh, no, I'm breastfeeding her."
"I can see that, but how are you doing it, some special operation was it or hormones?"
"Neither, I started lactating when my sister in law was unable to feed her own baby through illness, it was spontaneous and this now the third child I've breastfed. Sadly her mother died rather tragically and I was asked by her father to look after her until he could do so himself. Unfortunately, that can't happen as he died as well, so I'm afraid she seems stuck with me."
"A likely tale, so you're stealing them as babies now, are you?"
"Don't you dare impugn Professor Watts, she's a brilliant mother unlike someone I could name," said Sarah jumping to her feet.
"Oh, and as a boy I'm sure you know all about it, don't you?" Daphne fired back, the policewoman's head going from side to side as if she was watching a tennis match.
"I'm a qualified nursery nurse and nanny, so I think I know quite a bit about baby and childcare."
"Alright little miss know-all, what did I do wrong with you that you turned out to be this travesty in a dress?"
"If I might say something here?" I intervened before we had bloodstains on the Persian carpet. "As far as the science goes, we have no definite cause of gender dysphoria, which means discomfort with one's own gender. It is probably a multifaceted cause involving inter-uterine hormones, other chemicals secreted by the placenta and other parts of the mother, stress levels and possibly some genetic element as well. So it's rather complex and no one's fault, it just happens."
"So Paul just happened to want to be a girl?"
"I suspect, Sarah has been aware that she wasn't a boy quite a few years ago but was unable to do anything about it, which is a common occurrence."
"Pity, if she had I'd have taken him to the doctor and asked him to cure him."
"There is no cure other than allowing the individual concerned to become who they feel they are, which usually helps reduce stress levels and with the more enlightened climate today, they are usually supported by employers or educational institutions, but sadly, not always by families, though that is improving."
"That's the problem today, no moral fibre, if we didn't indulge them, they'd soon come to their senses and see how stupid they look." Daphne was on her high horse and I began to wonder if this was going to end well or not. At this moment it didn't look promising.
"See what I have to put up with?" Sarah said abjectly and slumped in her chair tears running down her face. The policewoman looked very uncomfortable. "You sound like something from Q-Anon," accused Sarah, looking in her bag for a tissue.
"What's that?" asked Daphne.
"An American organisation which is very far right and which promulgates all sorts of racist, political and homophobic lies and nonsense, such as Trump won the presidential election against Biden and that Biden stole it."
"I don't care who won it," she said disdainfully.
"No, that doesn't entirely surprise me," I let slip and blushed and just then Lizzie chose to teethe on my nipple. I had to pull her off and switched her to the other breast hoping she didn't chew on that one.
"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked aggressively.
"I'm not surprised that you have little interest in what happens in foreign countries."
"No I don't, stupid Americans."
"I suspect they think the same about us, especially with the specimen we have in Number Ten at the moment."
"There's nothing wrong with Boris, at least he got us out of bloody Europe," asserted Daphne and the young copper looked at her with slight disgust. Carry on missus and you'll alienate everyone, but the copper and I will remain polite but possibly with an element of contempt involved too. Daphne was showing her bigotry and poor cognitive skills.
"I think we should keep to our own topic, don't you, Mrs Spears?"
"Yes, get your stuff and I'll take you back to Bristol," she addressed to Sarah.
Sarah, shaking her head, replied, "What part of no, don't you understand? I'm staying here where I'm amongst people who love and support me and who care and understand me. I'm not coming back to you ever. So why don't you just piss off back to your cave you stupid bigot?" With that, Sarah stood up and ran out of the room.
"How dare he talk to me like that? Is this what you teach them to do at this posh university of yours?"
"No, and she doesn't talk to me like that or anyone else here, come to think of it."
"No, because you're all as queer as he is, aren't you, all homos and pretend women and child abusers, bloody paedos."
"Mrs Spears, before you give me grounds to sue you for slanderous accusations in front of a professional witness, I suggest you leave and take your disagreeable opinions with you."
"I'm just going, I won't stay a moment longer in this den of iniquity," she bristled picking up her handbag.
"Are you sure you actually know the meaning of iniquity?" I asked her as she bustled out of the dining room door and the young police officer snorted. Daphne Spears left slamming the front door behind her before the young copper could get through it.
"Are you okay?" I asked as the door slammed practically in her face.
"Yes, I'm fine," she replied, "I think she has a few attitudinal problems to deal with."
I smiled at her succinct summation of the evening. "If she ever wants to see her daughter again, yes."
"Will you keep her here?" she asked obviously referring to Sarah.
"I'm not keeping her here now, she asked me for employment and I gave her a job. She only stays here as long as she wants to and at the moment, that seems to be her intention."
"Will you adopt her, I believe you have a habit of doing so with gender different kids?"
"I doubt it, but let's face it, someone has to give them a home and I was fortunate to live with a family who agreed that I should and they all support each other, to my mind, it's what families do, support each other with love and affection."
"It would make my job easier if they did," she sighed and said goodbye as she left wandering out to the police car in the drive. I waved her goodbye and shut the door.
Neither Sarah nor I fancied any food but we did have some soup a bit later with a slice of bread. Before that, I went up to Sarah's room and she was curled up on her bed with Danni trying to comfort her. Danni left after I nodded to her. I sat alongside the weeping teen and stroked her shoulder. "It's okay, she's gone," I said and Sarah half sobbed and half muttered some sort of reply.
I sat with her for several minutes neither of us saying anything until she rolled over and looked at me through bloodshot eyes and asked, "Will you be my mother now?"
Oh boy, don't they always ask such easy questions? Now, what do I do or say?
"I'll act as an older woman for you to offer advice and support as much as I can."
"Thanks, Mummy," she said and hugged me.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3333 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
I spoke with Stephanie after breakfast and she asked what was for dinner. I had no idea but said if she was inviting herself, I was sure I could persuade David to make something both tasty and nutritious. "What time?" she shot back at me.
I didn't know if Sarah would be happy to see her or not as she hadn't appeared for breakfast so I decided to pop and check she was all right. Danni had eaten and disappeared and I wondered if she'd just gone to apply her makeup and do her hair or if she'd gone to see Sarah. It turned out to be the latter. They were engaged in quite an animated conversation which I felt I needed to disturb.
"Hello, girls," I started, "How did you sleep, Sarah?"
"I was too angry to sleep easily when I thought how that woman showed you such disrespect in your own house, you showed her great self-control and acted like a lady, which you are. I was ashamed of her, Mummy," she said and I watched Danni's shaped eyebrows rise and fall.
"It wasn't worth the effort to answer her back except with politeness and calmly tell her the truth as we see them, which is supported by at least two experts, whereas her's appeared to be the ramblings of some Facebook group of ill-educated bigots." Both girls laughed at my reply.
"I wish I had your self-control and didn't let her get to me, Mummy." Sarah used the M-word again and once more Danielle's eyebrows went slightly up her forehead.
"It's something which comes with practice and experience but also in knowing that it's also part of the process of outmanoeuvring an opponent by refusing to engage them on an emotional level. They get frustrated because they want to turn it into a slanging or shouting match which no one wins. However, by remaining calm iy enables you to think more clearly and have some sort of strategy to use to beat them. Occasionally it goes wrong, usually when some oaf gets even more wound up and wants to thump you and doesn't have the control not to."
"What do you do then?" asked Danielle.
"Try and turn any onlookers against that sort of action, or run away if the coast is clear."
"But you usually clobber them first." Danni was enjoying this.
"No I don't, but I also don't like allowing people a chance to hit me, it hurts and I've taken my share of beatings over the years, so yes I do tend to be a bit more proactive and may make a pre-emptive strike. However, the man who taught me to defend myself gave me the following advice, never fight if you can run, but know where you're running so you don't trap yourself. Also always see what assistance there is if you have to fight. I f you think you're going to get hurt, use anything available that you can hit them with or stab them or throw at them. If you find a weapon to use like a club aim for elbows and knees, it hurts and it slows down any pursuit, but you have to be quick, like something out of the Bourne trilogy. If you can kick or punch someone ten times in as many seconds, one of them might put him down and you then can finish him off or deal with another attacker, they often work in small gangs and sadly these days, carry knives. If someone pulls one of those, you neutralise them at the first opportunity, because they are looking to hurt or kill you."
"Wow, Mummy, I'd never have thought you were so violent," gasped Sarah.
"I'm not but neither am I dead when several people have tried to make me so."
"What dead?" she really did gasp.
"Yeah, they've tried to kill her several times," offered Danni, "but she always gets the better of 'em."
"Some of it is having practiced moves, somersaults or dropkicks, or striking with elbows. I was once trapped by three men, two I kept in view but the third grabbed me from behind. When they thought they had me, I jumped up and kicked the nearest one pushing myself and the one behind me backwards and we fell. He let me go on landing on his back so I back somersaulted off him elbowing him in the throat as I went, jumped sideways as the third one came at me with a knife and threw a chair into his legs he fell over it and I hit him with another before he could get up. I then ran like hell and told the police what happened."
"How long ago was that, Mummy," asked Danni.
"Oh, years ago it was in Bristol, I was at Sussex and had gone home for a weekend and these three decided they wanted to do some queer-bashing. I looked an easy target."
"So they were wrong on a number of things, you're not gay and you weren't an easy target."
"One of them broke an arm the other I think hurt his knee falling over the chair. One of them did see me again and tried it on in a pub. He pulled a knife and..."
"Goodness, Mummy, what did you do?" Sarah looked quite shocked.
"I asked him if he had a fork to match then hit him with a fire extinguisher. I think I probably broke his wrist but I ran off double-quick while he was howling at the moon."
"I thought women were the gentler sex?" said Sarah.
"Not in many mammals, meerkats being one, the clan is ruled by a dominant female who is absolutely ruthless and she will kill the babies of any other females, drive out her sisters, who are then doomed to die. Hyenas are run by a dominant female and so are baboons and killer whales."
"Why don't they teach this in biology courses?" asked Sarah.
"Because you need to have basic biology before you can even start to understand what you see these groups of animals doing. Some of these facts are only known because ethologists spend lots of their time watching and recording these things and then try to work out what is happening. I'll loan you the book I'm reading when I've finished it. It's by Lucy Cooke who is a zoologist and writer and tv presenter. It's called Bitch: A revolutionary guide to sex, evolution and the female animal. It's full of interesting things they don't tell you on courses unless you have a feminist teacher, one who's done some research and shown that occasionally Darwin was wrong because he believed in passive females, so those that took the initiative in sex completely baffled him and he tended to skirt round them."
"What? Darwin was wrong? Isn't that a present for the creationists?" Danni asked showing a degree of maturity and understanding that she seemed to possess these days.
"Only in some areas, on the whole, his natural selection works really well but remember he was a prisoner of his time and Victorian culture, especially middle-class Victorian culture where women had babies and looked after supervising the maids. Most of them may have gone to finishing school but they didn't become educated there except in how to find a wealthy husband and hang on to him."
I was half waiting for one of them to say, "Is that what you did?" but they resisted the temptation.
"Are you coming down for breakfast, young lady?" I addressed Sarah.
"If it's not too late," she said jumping up from her bed, she was dressed.
"No, but don't eat too much or you won't want any lunch."
"I won't, Mummy." She came down with me and ate a small bowl of cereal and we had some tea sitting at the kitchen table. I like this house, Mummy, I feel loved here."
I nearly choked on my tea before answering, "It's not the house but the people who live here, they are very loving."
Of course, Trish had to spoil it, "Where's Livvie, I'm gonna kill her," she declared as she rushed through the kitchen.
"I see what you mean, Mummy," she said and we both laughed.
"They're both very bright and extremely competitive, so sometimes tempers flare but it's usually over quite quickly." In about two weeks it would be Easter, it seemed impossible that the time was moving so quickly, or was that a sign of old age?
Ten minutes later as David had come in to make lunch, I mentioned we had an extra for dinner, he nodded and he continued to prepare lunch. I'm surprised I'm not fatter than I actually am, especially with David's wonderful cooking. Trish came back into the kitchen after a drink followed by Livvie, they went off together as if nothing had happened. Sarah noticed this and gave me a meaningful look and understanding of what I'd said earlier.
I expect in the next day or two that she will ask me to show her how to maim and kill people while defending herself. They always do until they realise how hard the practice is. I can't teach them all-in fighting, because you need to have prepared spaces so they can see that everyday items can be weapons, but I can show her some basic kickboxing and some useful movements like somersaults to escape being held or hit. My overwhelming advice would always be see if you can talk your way out of it and run for it. Fast cowards tend to live longer than slow heroes.
Remembering the violence of the attack I described earlier reminded me of the men I killed in Scotland. I know they were trying to kill me but I still feel ashamed of having done it. I bore the mark of Cane and would remember it for the rest of my life.
I went to my study and looked at my emails, Diane had sent some after I'd left yesterday. Oh well, let's get stuck into them. I beavered away for just over an hour and the gong went for lunch. I think David was doing some tuna sandwiches on homemade bread, absolutely delicious and it fed my addiction beautifully. We had side salads and so forth, but the sandwiches were gorgeous, or I thought so and as I pay him...
Sarah did what I pay her for and looked after the youngsters while I read some more of my Lucy Cooke book. It really is very easy reading. The post arrived and I received the latest edition of the BENHS journal, which is the British Entomological and Natural History Society, which is 150 years old this year. It's quite a technical journal and often has pictures of dissected out genitalia of various insects, it being the only way to identify them, the Amateur Entomologist's Society one came yesterday and that had very similar types of articles and photos of dissected genitalia. I tend to lose track of just how many organisations I belong to, though we have a shelf full of journals in magazine holders as after reading them I store them away in order so I can find them. These sorts of organisations have a number of professionals in them, often running them and many of the amateur members are also pretty expert in their chosen field.
Part of my problem has always been a desire to try everything which means that I am foremost interested in dormice and similar mammals, but I also enjoy doing pond dipping or kick sampling for freshwater invertebrates, and as I've mentioned several times, I've been doing it since I was a kid. Sadly, not as often as I'd like but then that goes for most of the fieldwork I do. That's when I start to really enjoy myself and I hope I always will.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3334 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
Something I was thinking of doing was signing up for the Riverfly Partnership and the project they run. Basically, it was set up by groups of anglers because they felt the quality of the rivers they were fishing was deteriorating but they had no way of proving it. They set about trying to do that and with the assistance of some professional groups and some local authorities they developed a system using biotic data to show how good or bad the river is.
By biotic data, I mean the live things they use to categorise their water purity and siltation rate. They now have a very useful system that relies on volunteers going out monthly to check a stretch of river which they do by kick-sampling for three minutes. Kick-sampling is holding a hand net, one that is designed to cope with the rigours of various sampling methods has a square or oblong shaped frame and you simply wade out in your river or stream, place the head of the net downstream of you and kick up the riverbed for the required time, catching any invertebrates in the net which you then empty into a tray add some more water and identify your catch.
The species are weighted so that you score so much for each that you catch and the way the numbers are weighted tells you if your river is clean or has problems. It's relatively simple, though it took years and lots of work by freshwater ecologists and biologists to sort out the weighting and it was tested against a similar much-used system and arrived at the same conclusion, so it works. It's called the ARMI system which stands for the Angler's River Monitoring Initiative. These days it's run by the Freshwater Biological Association who are based in Cumbria by Lake Windermere, but it's genuine citizen science and thousands of volunteers do the surveys every month, but it has led to the Environment Agency being called in to investigate pollution incidents, and as with all emergencies, the quicker you act the easier they are to sort.
Each area has a trigger point based upon the calculations made on the invertebrate totals and once that is reached the point is passed back up the chain of command and the appropriate agency informed. I accept it was started by people who were serving their own interests, ie the anglers, but at least they did something positive when they realised the Environment Agency only gets off its bum when they have hard data given to them and usually even then, thousands of fish and other creatures die. However, someone is noticing these things and hopefully, it means things will change and illegal polluters, whoever they are, will be caught and prosecuted.
As the database grows, research using it may be able to show if climate change is causing problems by dint of extreme weather events which means watercourses may dry up or be washed out with flash flooding; the latter often being made worse by sewage overflow discharges made by various water companies not doing the remedial work they should have done and declaring a severe weather event even when there wasn't one so they could dump untreated sewage into the river system. This endangers everyone as it pollutes possible drinking water, causes eutrophication - an overgrowth of algae or bacteria, and kills many fish and invertebrates and possibly aquatic plants and riverbank plants as well. In fact, the only ones who profit are the water companies, which is probably why it happens plus a lax and sloppy regulatory body who have seen their funding drop each year as part of current government practice. Politicians wax lyrical but act only in their own interests.
The weather has been reasonably warm and dry for the time of year and with Easter practically here, it hasn't realised it's a bank holiday on Friday and Monday because usually, it rains on them. However, it also means we won't be going far as the roads are congested for the whole weekend, especially near the coast, which we are. But typical of the rail network, they are running virtually no trains while they carry out repairs or maintenance, so it's buses or cars or air travel and that's been affected by staff shortages caused by Covid. Yes, that little bug(ger) is still around and still making susceptible people ill. According to one paper I saw, 1.5M people have had some form of Covid for over 3 months, which constitutes Long Covid and some have suffered quite severe illness that has been recurrent. All because some morons in China caught some bush meat, fruitbats, and they were infected by a novel virus while doing so. Serves them right, bush meat, unless there is no farmed equivalent available, is disgusting especially when it appears on the menus of expensive US or European restaurants.
I'm reading reports of Russian cruelty and barbarism in Ukraine and while I'm sure most Russian people are decent enough, there seems to be a significant number who act like savages with hundreds of Ukrainians being executed in towns near Kyiv. These are war crimes but I doubt anyone will ever be prosecuted for it, if you recall they tried to poison two Russians in Salisbury a few years ago with Novichok, both survived though some months later a member of the public died through contact with the poison which was disguised as expensive perfume. To my mind, Russian intelligence agents trying to kill people who were naturalised British citizens on British soil is an act of war.
It reminded me of being in Cyprus and visiting Aphrodite's bath, a cave that always has water in it, even in summer and watching the antics of a Russian man and his delinquent son who were lobbing stones into the pond inside the cave trying to see a giant ell that's supposed to live there. It was an act of vandalism at an ancient site and I came close to shoving them both in it but resisted the urge in case they polluted the pond with their disgusting bodies.
I suppose as well, seeing how many times they've tried to kill me or the Cameron family, over the past few years or create bad propaganda about individuals or the bank generally, and it's unlikely that I should like Russians, also the president whose lunacy created this war in the first place and which is being run very badly against a country which has had to beg, borrow or steal weapons to resist one of the largest armies in the world and this week, we hear they sank a battlecruiser, the Russian's flagship. It shows that Putin and his inner coterie got it all wrong and that the competence and reputation of the Russian military, are exaggerated. However, Russia is still a nuclear power as Putin keeps reminding us, presumably to stop NATO from being drawn into the equation, which could pull in the Chinese as well and before you know it a world war has begun.
I was musing on these while hiding large bars of chocolate that I'd bought for the children as well as Simon and Stella as their Easter eggs. I've said before that those are a rip-off and a bar of chocolate is much better value but even that is shrinking as the prices increase with inflation and other causes like the war in Ukraine.
Something I hadn't appreciated was that Ukraine is a major supplier of wheat and that Russia is one of white fish. I eat both so am watching their prices very carefully.
"Are we doin' anythin' for Easter?" asked Trish who appears to only have twenty-five letters in her alphabet, the G seems absent.
"I don't think so, sweetheart, why?"
"Well, half my class have gone away and we never do anythin' like that, do we?"
"Not for bank holidays, sadly many of those people who were hoping to go abroad are likely to spend as much time waiting for their planes or ferries as they do on actual holiday."
"We coulda gone to Scotland, no planes or ferries needed for that, is there?"
"Whenever it is raised as a possible destination for a holiday, you always say no, why the change of heart?" I have to watch this one like a hawk while trying to work out what the real question is.
"Sarah hasn't seen it has she?"
"Sarah has only been with us five minutes and at the moment there are other priorities before Stanebury. When you're older, I'm sure if you speak nicely to your father, he'll let you go up there as you want."
"When I'm older, it's always when I'm bloody well older. I suppose the same will apply to the villa on Menorca, will it?"
"Possibly, why?"
"We never go anywhere, we've got houses all over the place but we never go there."
"What would you like to do, go to Bristol?"
"I dunno, do I? But it woulda been nice to do something." She stomped off and I still wasn't sure what she wanted. Was it to go away, to be entertained or what? She didn't seem to understand that Si and I work so hard that just being home for a few days is so good for boosting energy levels before we sink beneath all the paperwork and disappear completely. They said paperwork would be redundant by about 2010 and here we are in 2022 and it seems to be just as bad as ever. The only people who seem to have prospered are the utilities who no longer send out bills but send you an email instead. It's like supermarkets who con you into doing your own checkout on an automated till or take some sort of reader around with you and click it as you pick goods up and the banks are just as bad. I sent Julie and Phoebe some cash for Easter through the bank, shove in my card put in their account details and how much, and it's done in seconds. I could do it via my computer but I don't trust online banking, especially as I get things wrong on the computer as often as I get it right.
I did some research on invertebrates and the Riverfly project recently and had problems with some of the papers i wanted to look at, couldn't even get them to show me their abstracts. I called the library several times but none of them was terribly helpful, it was only when I spoke to a young Scotsman on the library helpline that I got some explanation and a solution.
Apparently, some websites use add-ons and those can react with other sites and block you from using them, which is beyond the library's control. However, by going in on the incognito version of Google, I found the papers I wanted and either read what I wanted or downloaded them with no problem. So I knew what I'd be doing over the weekend given a chance - reading these papers to bring myself up to date on how they sample invertebrates these days, might be an idea if I check my equipment too, nets and trays ID guides, some of which I've had since I was about twelve when I used to go pond dipping quite a lot. Did some at A-level and a bit when I was at Sussex, but I ended up doing small mammals and I suppose I shouldn't complain because I've done really quite well.
Danni came to see me when I was sorting through my aquatic survey equipment. "Muuum, what's all this I hear about British Cycling stopping a trans woman racing against other women?"
"Oh, it's a typical overreaction by a sport when someone complains about the issue, it'll settle down eventually when we get common sense instead of opinions, why?"
"Well, is it gonna happen in soccer next?"
"Why should it? Besides you're probably the only one playing professional women's soccer."
"Yeah, but Emily Bridges is just one there, too."
"Well, your club knows, the FA know, has anyone said anything yet?"
"No, but it's gotta be just a marrer of time, init?"
"Speak properly, Danielle, you're not a stevedore or a barrow boy."
"Wossamatta with 'ow i speaks?" she said deliberately to wind me up but I wasn't playing.
"Juist ye watch yer ting no gets stuck in yer chaft, ye wee nyaff," I said quickly back to her in as broad a Glaswegian accent as I could, I didn't use 'Jimmy' as a form of address but otherwise I knew she'd have difficulty deciphering it.
"What?" she said looking completely bemused.
"You heard what I said."
"Yeah, but I didn't understand it."
"Perhaps because I was speaking in dialect."
"You was talkin' like Gramps only worse."
"Wha wis takkin' like me?" announced Daddy had arrived.
"Mummy was."
"Aye, weel, she's Scots, sae whit dae ye expect?"
"But she talks normally most of the time."
"She's complaining because I replied to her trying to be clever by talking like someone from the dockyard."
"I was just talkin' Pompey, Gramps an' she spouted this Scottish gibberish which I didn't understand."
"Whit did ye say?" he asked me.
"Juist ye watch yer ting no gets stuck in yer chaft, ye wee nyaff,"
He roared and Danni stood there looking even more confused.
"What did she say to me?" she asked her grandpa.
"Be careful yer tongue disnae get stuck in yer cheek, ye scallywag."
"Duh!" exclaimed Danielle before she turned around and left daddy and I in the big cupboard off the utility room, where I was looking at my hand net. "They're all barmy," she said loudly as she left.
Daddy just roared with laughter and I had to admit I was chuckling too.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3335 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
In a pencil tin, I must have had since I was thirteen, Royal Sovereign Pencils, I bet they don't even make them anymore, I found a scalpel handle and some blades in paper with a blob of paraffin wax to hold them in place, a pair of fine-pointed forceps, a camel hair brush and a probe I made myself by forcing a sewing needle into a dip pen holder, having removed the nib. I think it was an old one of my dad's, the pen handle. There was an old teaspoon, and a pencil to write in my notebook, which has long since disappeared.
Considering, all I had to work with when I was a young teenager was John Clegg's, Observer's book of pond life and the larger format book which I had as a reward for saving that old chap's life, with the inscription, To Charlotte. Still, it's easier to say they got my name wrong as a girl than they got my name wrong and I was a boy at the time, or my parents thought so. I did love those dungarees.
Nowadays I have a shelf full of books on insects and invertebrates, their identification and ecology as far as it's known, plus a folder full of papers on these critters as well as on mammals and birds and wildflowers and even mosses and liverworts. I've got quite good at using keys providing the bits you're comparing aren't too much fiddle to find. Some of the stuff I see in my journals from entomological societies I belong to have incredible photos of slides of dissected and stained genitalia from some tiny fly I'd never even heard of, which makes the slides I used to make in university look a poor second. Then dissecting insects, especially to that level, is very much a very skilful level of activity both in identifying them and then dissecting out the bits you need to prove it and beyond my lowly skills.
But we all have to find our own levels in the things we do and compared to what I could do with a pond dipping net thirty years ago, I should be able to improve upon as an adult and seeing as we have a pond in the garden, I was checking out my kit for doing some dipping that afternoon. I'll mention it to the girls and maybe one or two will be interested in assisting me.
"Wotcha doin', Mummy?" asked Trish when she came to ask about what we were doing after lunch, which was imminent.
"I'm sorting out my pond dipping kit, why?"
"You gonna sell it on e-Bay?"
"No, I'm going to use it this afternoon."
"In the pond in the garden."
"Oh, I keep forgetting we have one out there."
"I don't know why, you've fallen in it often enough," I threw back at her.
"Is there anything in there worth catching?"
"I don't know, and until we've had a look, we won't know, will we?"
"Can I come with you?"
"Of course you can, sweetheart." I showed her all the stuff I had. These days the trays biologists use for examining their catches ate plastic, these were enamel ones and at least twice as heavy but less likely to bend or distort when you have water in them, and I now had help to cart the stuff out to the pond and I used to carry this on my own as a thirteen-year-old girl. Yes, girl. I didn't have a male puberty, so I was a girl - semantics - who cares?
The gong went for lunch and I left my equipment, went and washed my hands and ate the broccoli and salmon quiche that David had made with accompanying watercress salad. It was gorgeous and not too heavy for our challenging task of identifying invertebrates of a freshwater variety. Trish announced what we were doing and Hannah decided she'd come with us. I collected my x10 hand lens from my fieldwork jacket and also grabbed the hand lens I used to use as a girl, which was actually quite good. There was a shop that used to sell stamps and things for philatelists and they had lenses and also magnifiers on a stand. I've still got one with a flexible column on a heavy metal base, I got about the same time. I'd saved for it from my pocket money and my parents were quite pleased that I didn't spend it on sweets or worse but bought something useful. Nowadays, in my study, I have a table I use as a makeshift laboratory bench, it stands upon, along with the binocular microscope I 'borrowed' from the university, which is covered with a plastic bag to keep the dust off it. I also have a more modern stand magnifier with LED lighting and a cover to stop sunlight shining through it and burning the house down.
In the cupboard alongside the table, I have my own compound microscope and about a thousand boxed slides I made or bought when I was a student. I paid for it by selling slides to slackers, to replace it today would cost thousands, but it was a good instrument in those days and it's securely locked in its carry case in the locked cupboard.
We carted the stuff out to the pond, Trish took the net and I carried the bag and Hannah brought along one or two books we'd use to try and identify things. I hoped we'd all have some good fun.
Sadly, the first thing we pulled out of the pond wasn't an invertebrate but a rather well-deceased hedgehog. I was sure we had a ramp for them to scramble out on. We had but it had rotted and broken. I suspended our dipping, grabbed a spade and dug a grave for the expired tiggy winkle and then placed a new ramp in the one corner of the pond. Meanwhile, Trish had washed the net out under the tap we have outside the utility room.
We tried again and this time we had a couple of palmate or common newts, which we examined, photographed and replaced back in the water. I hope we didn't catch them too often. Hannah had a go and apart from pondweed, we had a couple of gammarids or freshwater shrimps, a hog-louse which is related to woodlice and had nothing to do with hogs, hedge or otherwise, and a dragonfly larva.
Using the book, with a bit of guidance from me, Trish decided our 'pond dragon' was a broad-bodied chaser, Libellula depressa and I explained how they have a jaw which lies under the head and extends out to catch its prey rather quickly and it will even take small fish or tadpoles but in turn may be eaten by other predators, even a larger version of its own species.
I explained that dragonflies were an ancient type of insect and had been around when the dinosaurs had inhabited the land and even before then, arising in the Carboniferous period about 400 million years ago. Then they were huge compared to modern versions due to the higher oxygen level of the atmosphere, havinf wingspans of over a foot. Imagine having one of those hit you while you were out on your bike.
We also caught loads of different fly larvae like those of the non-biting midges and mosquitoes which as larvae are fine but as adult females, they're after our blood to produce their eggs and when they bite they clear their stylets - their stabbing tubes - by passing some saliva through them which contains and anticoagulant and any bacteria or other contaminants they may have, malaria being one of them in hotter climes and this is how they disperse the disease, having picked it up from an infected person or animal earlier. We have Anopheles species in Northern Europe and malaria was a problem centuries ago, and was called ague. If climate change continues, which it will, as the temperatures climb, malaria could become a problem again in places we haven't had it for two hundred or more years.
Insects are such an important part of our world and while some are problematic spreading disease or damaging our food or homes, we would find life very difficult without the ecosystem services provided by so many, such as pollination which is well known for involving bees, both social and solitary but also wasps, beetles and possibly most of all, flies. We'd also be up to our eyeballs in manure if beetles and flies didn't remove it for us, some also clean up freshwater systems for us by filtering out particles of organic material, including our own waste. In some places insects are eaten as part of the normal diet and remember as well how we enjoy seeing things like butterflies or other creatures which feed upon insects, such as many species of birds, not to mention my beloved dormice, for which insects play quite a part in their summer diet.
We uncovered some beetle larvae and a few water bugs, some of which eat plant material and some which eat each other, including their own species. Insects are declining worldwide with North America and Northern Europe suggesting that the decline over the past twenty-five or so years could be as much as 75%, caused by habitat destruction and agricultural chemicals and not helped by climate change. I saw recently in a paper about bees that in the future we may lose our larger bees like bumblebees as the climate warms and that bees in the future may become smaller physically.
People usually can't accept how many insects we've lost until you ask them to recollect how dirty their windscreens got back in the 1980s and how few insects now get splattered on them because there simply aren't as many insects to collide with cars.
Having said that, a friend sent me some barn owl pellets to dissect and analyse and before i realised what was in the box, I had moths everywhere, yes, clothes moths, they feed upon the fur and feathers that end up in owl pellets not to mention the natural fibres in our homes of clothing and carpets and other fabrics.
The girls enjoyed their pond dipping, Danielle was playing football so wasn't about once she'd had lunch she was off to Reading, conveyed by the taxi firm we employed some months ago. Now she's got used to it and recognises some of the drivers - they're all women - she doesn't mind it half as much as she did at first.
A few days later and I was back in work and so were Simon and Stella, so Sarah really had her work cut out for her, but with a little help from David, she stopped them from trashing the house or holding huge parties.
Diane had had a good break and was quite chatty when we met on the first day back. It was the last thing I needed because I had so much work on my desk, including a need to do another report for the bank as they felt they wanted to emphasise their reputation as the world's greenest bank.
Not being aware of what other banks are or aren't doing, I don't know if that is a true description, but certainly, High Street are trying to maintain their green investment and I'm trying my best to make sure they do.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3336 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
Apart from supposedly only investing in green companies, avoiding oil companies or armaments, most don't seem to be doing very much. One was offering tips upon its website to save money on fuel, save fuel - duh. Yeah, save money, freeze to death with a friend.
I suggested we put up a thing on our website on how to avoid problems of debt with energy bills and it was more about some low interest loans we offered for a limited period. It must be awful if you're on a low income and struggling to pay the rent and heating and feeding a family, no wonder food banks are proliferating. I called my favourite supermarket and asked to speak to the manager, once they knew it was Lady Cameron, they seemed to find him very quickly.
"How can I help you, Lady Cameron?" he said.
"If I give you an order could you deliver it to the local food bank?" I asked.
"I don't see why not, would you like to dictate it to me and I'll organise it."
"Fine, and I started. I wanted a case of large tins of baked beans, a case of peeled tomatoes, case of corned beef, ten 2.5 kg bags of potatoes, a tray of lettuce, a tray of tomatoes, a tray of spring greens..." and so on. By the time I'd finished he totted it up as £500. I gave him my card number and he thanked me for my custom, but also said he would add a hundred pounds of other tinned and fresh produce from the supermarket and have it all delivered together. I asked him not to give my name, I wanted it to be an anonymous donation, which he understood but he would ensure they knew it was mostly from a customer with a bit of the supermarket largesse added. I was happy with that, I know all the supermarkets give food and cleaning things to food banks all the time, but at least I felt I'd helped ours.
I wasn't sure about the women's refuge anymore, because according to the Equalities Commission as a transgender woman, I couldn't use one if I was being abused by a partner. This was a fairly recent ruling and it appears trannie bashing is now the sport of choice in many of the countries who should know better and of course in the democratic republic of Russia, where their would be tsar, Vlad the destroyer Putin, got the courts to bash GLBTQ people even more. The only place possibly worse is the US where several states are doing their damnedest to make life impossible for transgender folk, especially children or their parents.
The right are on the rise, by right I don't mean correct, I mean fascist, ultra conservative, right wing bigot. There's always been an undercurrent of them but since the orange one, they've come out of the woodwork (or from under stones) and are increasingly mainstream. Their arguments are facile or puerile or both and based on selling fear or confusion, so tg kids in the wrong toilets is right up their street. I wish them well, or was that hell? Who cares, they're all bastards anyway.
I can't understand why the word liberal is such a stigma in the US especially as many of their politicians were neo-liberals until recently, presumably they're just neo now? Sounds like someone from a poor man's Matrix.
Diane brought me in a cuppa and some letters to sign I was waiting for Lottie to confirm that no other bank was matching us for green measures. I had an idea and spoke with a contact I had in the Forestry Commission. I told him of my scheme and he agreed to go and ask about it and come back to me. Basically, I was thinking of a joint sponsored initiative between the FC and High St of offering ten native trees to every school with enough land to plant them. Okay, it's more publicity than progress but it involves children and some of them may just remember that trees are good for the environment, carbon capture and mental health and even remember the bank who sponsored them. I sent an email to Lottie to see how many schools there were with enough grounds to plant trees, these were council run schools not fee paying or public schools or academies - they want to plant trees, they can buy their own out of their profits.
If that didn't work, I would suggest we help breakfast clubs in schools by making a donation. It's appalling that many children come to school not having had breakfast, I don't mean teen girls who are terrified of putting on weight or are too lazy to make any, but the younger children who don't have a choice or whose parents don't.
At lunch I ordered a few second-hand books on freshwater biology or species guides and decided I'd spent enough.
I arrived at home and Trish told me she'd been looking at my Freshwater Life book, the one I got for helping to rescue the old man, you know the one, when Sarah asked to look at it and noticed the inscription in the front and asked, 'Who was Charlotte?' Trish told her to ask me.
I sighed, asked David to make me cuppa and I ran up to change out of my suit and into something more comfortable and casual. I trotted back down and went into my study bearing my cuppa when Sarah appeared with her own tea and asked if I would tell her the story of the book inscription.
I could have said no, but I didn't. "My dad mistakenly bought me a pair of dungarees in the hope it would make me want to do messy jobs in the house or garden. He didn't realise they were girls' ones and I wore them at weekends and when I went pond dipping. I explained my kit was straight out of The Observer's Book of Pond Life and I used to tote it to our local pond about a mile away. While passing a house I saw feet sticking out from under a bush and went to investigate. It was an elderly man and as there was no one else in his house I went knocking on neighbour's houses until I found one in and they called the ambulance. They mistook me for a girl with my dungarees and long hair tied back into a ponytail, and made me wait until the police and ambulance arrived."
"You do get in some scrapes, don't you?"
"I just did what anyone else would do."
"Except they don't, do they?"
"I can't speak for them, whoever they are, but the copper asked my name and I said 'Charlie Watts,' he assumed that was Charlotte Watts, addressed me as Miss and took a note of my name.
"A few weeks later, I was upstairs when the door was knocked and my mother answered it and moments later ran upstairs and told me to wear something girlish and come down in a few minutes. I couldn't believe my ears, so I pulled on the dungarees over a girly tee-shirt and went down. They were all drinking tea and the copper was the one from the day I found the old man. The person with him was the old man's son and he presented me with the book, I've had it ever since. I had to pose for a photo which went in the Echo."
"What here?"
"No this was up in Bristol."
"Oh, I didn't see that one."
"As you probably wouldn't have been born, it's not surprising."
She blushed and shrugged. "As you're a strikingly beautiful woman, you were probably a very feminine and pretty child."
"I didn't think of myself as pretty, I was inclined to be a bit feminine but a few beatings and I learned to disguise it because they thought I was gay, but I wasn't camp, I was..."
"A girl, I know, Mummy, it was only the Neanderthals who couldn't make the connection. I've seen one or two photos of you, remember, of the play and stuff and Mr Whitehead's journal. You were a very pretty girl."
"Anyway, that was the story, I have some work to do, so go and abuse my children or something useful."
She laughed and went off leaving her empty cup behind. You just can't get the staff. Just before the dinner gong went she came back with the story and the photo. "You were a girl, Mummy, there's no sign of a boy here at all," she handed me the sheet of paper, I looked at it and handed it back to her.
"My headmaster didn't think so, he called me in when we were back in school having seen the story and photo and our mutual dislike of each other began. He was a bully and a sadist and should never have been allowed anywhere near children or teens, let alone a school. He spent the rest of my time there trying to humiliate me or get me to leave. I spent my time winding him up or pissing him off. I was also winding up my father, with whom he occasionally colluded in what he thought was a way to make me drop the girly stuff. Neither of them seemed to be aware of gender dysphoria and how to deal with it which wasn't what they were doing. I should have been sent to see a psychologist or specialist in mental health and the fact that even as a sixth former, I was still smaller, with no facial hair, zits or deep voice, but they didn't."
"At Sussex, they didn't know what to make of me, was I boy pretending to be a girl or a girl pretending to be a boy. I wore drab clothes which were loose fitting mostly and usually women's. I wore a sports bra or elastic bandages to hide my bulging chest and loose trousers hid my widening hips. They weren't as developed as most women of my age but my bum was definitely larger than any boy I knew.
"In school, I had to wear girl's trousers because boys ones no longer fitted me, too loose at the waist and too tight over the bum. I bought my own in the end because the ones my mother got were useless. She'd buy them in M&S, I'd return them and use the money to buy two pairs in Matalan. In uni, I tended to wear women's cargo pants and had pens or pencils in the leg pockets. That I used a fountain pen used to amuse people no end. I had ball points but have never liked them as much as my fountain pens."
"You are so different, Mummy."
"Am I? Does that worry you - living with an eccentric?"
"No I love it. You do things because you choose to or because you value something not to be different, but you are. It isn't being affected, you are just different."
"If you start comparing me to Jacob Rees-Mogg, I shall personally shoot you."
"Is that the guy in double-breasted suits who acts like Lord Snooty?"
"The same, he pretends to be old fashioned, a throwback to the 1950s but he wasn't born until 1969, so it's all total nonsense."
"Whereas, you're being different is genuine."
"Yep, I'm an alien," I said dead pan. Then the gong sounded. "See, that's the mother ship calling me."
"What calling you to be a mother again?"
"Something like that," I replied as we both walked towards the kitchen and dinner.
"I'm so glad you let me stay here, I feel so much at home."
"If you start wearing double-breasted suits, you're out," I said and we bothbegan to laugh.
"I won't, Mummy, promise."
I put down the dirty mugs and asked David what we were having.
"Mushy pea fritters in a pesto and soy sauce. You told me to keep the costs down, so ..."
"We're not are we?" asked the brain, who despite her intelligence is often easier to con than her sisters.
"Don't be daft," said Livvie, "pesto is far too expensive."
"Is it?" asked Trish shrugging.
"It's not boiled beef and carrots, is it?" asked Livvie sniffing the aromas which filled the kitchen. Shades of Oliver the musical, I thought as I tried to interpret the smells. It was more salmon than beef. I was right, it was salmon with watercress sauce, a favourite of mine, with duchess potatoes and purple sprouting broccoli and with strawberry flan and ice cream for pudding. Oh boy, must try not to eat too much assuming the girls don't grab it all first.
"Save some for Simon, will you?" I asked David.
"His lordship called earlier and said he and Sammi were on their way, so I've put theirs in the cool oven of the Aga."
"Won't that melt the ice cream?" asked Trish, showing she was wide awake and salivating at the prospect of our feast.
Even our kitchen table is big, it sits us all plus room for David when he stays to eat which he did. He sat next to Danni and they chatted about football while Trish and Livvie were on about something for school and Sarah asked me more about my time in school in Bristol. We were soon the only conversation and I became self-conscious about it for the first time in ages.
"It's all so different to my experience in school. I went to a comprehensive and they didn't care if you worked or not, so loads of kids didn't. It was mixed, so we had girls and boys in the classes except for sport and PE. I was marked down as different so I tended to avoid the roughnecks as much as I could and made friends with a couple of girls and found to my delight that they allowed me into their group most of the time. Some of the roughnecks, the yobs and so on had first envied me being with the girls then realised I was more like the girls than they were, so they used to call me a poof or a nancy boy. Occasionally, they got me on my own and I got duffed, but mostly they left me alone," was Sarah's experience.
"It was the girls who gave me the trouble," said David. As he rarely said anything about his past, we all listened eagerly. "They thought I was a butch or a dyke, they hadn't heard of gender unconformity. Largely they left me alone because I fought like a boy, got into trouble once or twice for it but usually, they left me alone."
Just as we all agog to ask questions Simon and Sammi arrived and everything stopped to make a fuss of our latecomers. It was good to see Sammi, who was going to be here all weekend, an extended one for the bank holiday and I was going to enjoy it, I might even get a bike out if I can remember how to ride one.
"Missed you," said Simon hugging and kissing me.
"I missed you, too," I replied and kissed him back.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3337 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
David was doing a leg of lamb for dinner and I invited Julie and Phoebe to come over to help eat it if they were free. It seemed they were and Julie asked if we could do some sewing, she had mending to do for the salon. I also invited Stephanie and her little girl and Danielle asked if she could ask Cindy, especially if we were sewing.
So we had a real table full for dinner which we had at six o'clock. I mentioned to Stephanie that we doing a sewing bee and she nervously asked if she could bring something for me to look at for an opinion. That intrigued me because usually, it's her giving me opinions. I naturally told her to bring whatever it was but as I was no expert I didn't promise to do more than look at whatever it was she had. Besides she's not exactly poor, so she could consult a professional seamstress not an amateur like myself.
I was so glad my mother had shown me how to do a number of things in sewing that she must have known I would never use for boy's things. For instance, when do you see darts in a male garment, unless he walked in front of a darts match? She taught me how to do them, how to insert zips and make buttonholes, with a bit of cutting out and tacking together, there isn't that much more to do on a simple dress or skirt pattern.
I actually made a skirt while I was in my bedsit, in the days before Stella and I met at thirty miles an hour or whatever speed she was doing. It can't have been very fast because I survived it, much more speed and the energy of the collision would have been disastrous and I'd have been badly hurt or killed.
That made me think of Billie's accident and I felt sad for a while, I took myself to my study and managed to extricate the crossword from Simon's grasp but I couldn't concentrate until I almost felt Billie with me and imagined her saying not to be sad because she was okay and that I should worry about the living. I wanted to ask her who she meant, was she trying to warn me? I shook myself out of my lethargic sadness and set to with the crossie and finished it in forty minutes.
I took the section of the paper it was in back to Simon and he was disgusted that I'd got the crossword first. Tough, it's dog eat dog world out there and any unsuspecting crossword was likely to get its issues solved, sort of permanently. It sounded good to me but he rewarded my humour by looking rather blank before he picked up the financial section and ignored me.
Julie rang me back and said she'd come a bit early with her scissors in case anyone needed a trim. I knew I did, so appointed myself at the head of the queue. She'd be singing for her supper, but we'd have a good chat while she was here. She assumed we weren't using masks anymore, because she said they insisted on them while she was doing someone's hair, but I told her she'd only have to wear one while she was actually eating. It took her a moment to get the joke.
Everyone arrived at least an hour early, Cindy being the exception, she'd come after lunch and she and Danni were up in Danni's room playing music and probably messing about with makeup and clothes like teen girls do. A little while ago, I'd had a chat with Cindy who'd understood while I was being a bit of a prude before although she assured me she hadn't had any sort of sensation down below except when she wanted to wee and that she saw Daniele as another girl and she wasn't into girls, despite her having been accused of being a lesbian at the convent, she insisted she wasn't. She said she didn't think she was anything because although she sometimes half fancied boys, she was too scared to do anything. I didn't offer her advice as my own experience was so limited but I did tell her things can change as we get older and as I had found, quite unexpectedly and suddenly.
Julie started cutting my hair and the queue started to form, with Danni next, Cindy got included as nearly family, then Trish, Livvie, Hannah, Meems and the little ones, Cate and Lizzie. Stella did Pudding's and Desi's but she came for a chat with Phoebe and Julie and, Phoebe had a little cuddle with Lizzie, her niece.
The salon was doing really well and they offered Cindy a Saturday job if she wanted it, she jumped at the chance to earn £20 for the day, cash in hand. Phoebe then went off to talk with Sammi. She was having a bit of trouble with her laptop and had asked Sammi to take a look. We didn't see either until dinner was served, and then I had to call them twice.
Stephanie arrived with a large carrier, in which, I presumed, was the mystery item requiring my opinion. Emily went off with Meems and Lizzie and I took Stephanie into my study. "So, what's in the bag?" I asked after we both sat down with cups of tea, dinner was still an hour away.
"It's like this, I bought a dress to go out on a date a couple of months ago and at the time I thought it looked okay and fitted me. Since then I've been running most mornings for half an hour and I appear to have lost some weight and the dress no longer fits. Can you do anything? I've seen some of the stuff you've done and you did help me that time before."
We'd finished our teas so I told her to put it on while I disposed of the dirty cups. When I came back she was struggling with the zip. I helped zip it up and assessed the fit. It was a cotton material and thankfully there was no lycra or other stretchy material involved, if there had been she might have got away with it as it was. It needed to lose about an inch on each side from the underarm down the seams. I thought if I could just do a tuck, if she gained weight again, we could let it out and it would fit once more.
She didn't share my view of frugality and teased me, "Cathy, you're married to one of the richest men in England, why worry about saving money? I'm not, the dress was only about ninety or a hundred quid, so don't worry, cut the bits off if you want."
"If I cut the material off it will alter more than the fit and I'd possibly have to over-sew the edges to stop them fraying making it a much bigger job which may not work and the dress could be ruined."
"I don't care, look do what you can, I won't hold you responsible if it doesn't work, I was going to give it to a charity shop if you couldn't do anything,"
"Why didn't you try an alteration tailor's?"
" I phoned one up and they weren't interested."
I shook my head and shrugged. I asked her to take off the dress and she sat in her lingerie wrapped in a spare robe of mine which I had brought back with me from the laundry room.
I measured and pinned it, and then as we still had about half an hour before dinner, I quickly tacked it for her. It meant the seam was obviously thicker but it didn't seem to show and when she tried it on she was surprised.
"How come you can do that and I can't? I'm the one who went to a girls' school."
"You didn't have my mother who felt any of her offspring should have some sewing skills."
"What like sewing on a button?"
"It started like that but it soon expanded to shortening trousers - I did a pair for my dad, with his full knowledge on the understanding, that if Mum was ill or absent, I could look after my dad, so I was taught to cook, clean, launder and iron clothes, do minor alterations and so on. It was all girly stuff, or I took it that way and after feigning reluctance, which she called me out on, I did all she asked and more."
"She taught you to be a housewife for your dad in her absence? How weird is that given his history of homophobic and transphobic abuse?"
"Ah, but he had a vested interest, he liked to appear smart and well turned out for his work, which I agreed gave him a more professional air and he couldn't do much more than make a cup of tea or coffee. He couldn't cook much at all, except something on toast and I don't know if he knew where the on switch was for the washing machine, and certainly not which programme he'd need for certain clothing."
"So as long as he was getting something from it, it was okay?"
"Pretty much, yeah."
"That is so double standards, he'd let you act like his housekeeper but wouldn't let you dress the part?"
I shrugged. "It's all water under the bridge now, Steph and I like to think we came to a compromise before he died."
"This feels okay, she said looking at her dress in the wall mirror in my study. What d'you think?"
"It needs a bit more than just tacking to hold it together and you'll have to be careful ironing it, make sure it all lies flat, but it looks okay. I'll sew it on the machine after dinner."
"Thank you so much," she said taking the dress off and redressing in her jeans and top.
"Given the generosity you've shown us over the years with the girls, I see it as a totally inadequate payback."
"I've probably eaten my own weight in dinners here, both David and you are better cooks than me and if I didn't have Em, I'd probably buy ready meals, buy-in or eat out."
"Goodness, that is so expensive and you can never be sure what you're getting once it's cooked."
"You and your penny pinching, Mrs married to a bank."
"Until my dad got his qualifications at night school, we were relatively poor. I was only a baby then but I know my mum got into the habit of saving money when she could and I suppose when I was doing my master's and living in the bedsit, I lived on about a fiver a week."
"How could you do that, I spend that much on milk?"
"I made lots of stews with cheap cuts of meat or ate beans or other legumes or eggs. I certainly lost some weight with that and the hormones."
The dinner gong sounded, we all went to the dining room for dinner, to which David stayed and he and Julie teased each other mercilessly, at times worrying me but it all seemed to end amicably. When we finished, he told her he'd missed their banter, she promised to come and tease him more often.
After dinner, when all I really wanted to do was snooze in the chair, we went back to my study and did our sewing. I had to help Cindy once or twice and Danni got stuck on a hem she was doing for a skirt she'd made for school. She hadn't pinned it correctly so I let it all down and showed her how to do it and the second time she did it properly. I'd finished Stephanie's dress in about twenty minutes and she simply sat chatting with all of us astonished at our skills.
"It's all Auntie Cathy, she's taught us better 'an the teachers at the convent," was Cindy's opinion. It seemed they didn't make much progress on her conversational English either. But that aside, she was developing into a really nice kid and a good friend to Danni. It sometimes worried me that because we have such a large family, there's little pressure to make friends outside and of course the complication of secrets of some of our life histories.
Sarah, who'd been doing some study after dinner came along for the last hour of my sewing class and sewed a button back on her cardi. Stephanie had a quick word with her on the QT, and they both came back in smiling, so it seemed everything was well.
Monday, everything was still wet from the rain before and we had the odd shower as well, so we did things in the house accompanied with grumbles about the weather and being unable to go out. I told them to wear waterproofs but they didn't want to solve things, simply to whinge about them. That was my bank holiday and Tuesday I had to go back to work for the morning for meetings. I hate meetings.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3338 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
"Good weekend?" asked Diane.
"Okay, I suppose, the next bank holiday is that weird one, isn't it?"
"Yeah, the Thursday Friday for the Queen's jubilee."
"If it's fine, the whole south coast will seize up."
"I know, we can't go anywhere really because the roads are clogged with tourists, Bournemouth will probably double its population."
"The beach there is nice if no one sets fire to the cliffs again, or the vegetation on them. It's been so dry, Daddy's been watering the garden."
"Hosepipe?" Diane asked plonking a mug of tea in front of me. The mug was one I got from a dormouse conference a few years ago that Nikki hadn't dropped.
"We've got a series of tanks which collects virtually all the rainwater from the house and the outbuildings. Holds quite a lot of water and he runs a hose from that before we use any mains water. When's the first meeting, oh keeper of the diary?"
"Ten minutes, heads of departments, papers are on the table," she was referring to the large table I have in the office which I kept here for the purpose of meetings, it saves having to organise a room and people can make teas or coffees as they wish, as it's pretty well all in the same room.
"You doing the minutes?" I asked her knowing how much she enjoyed doing them, joke.
"Yes, my tyrannical boss insists upon it."
"Is the boiler thing filled?"
"You have to ask?" she shot back at me.
"Well, yes, otherwise I have to go and check it and that takes extra energy and I need all I have to try and stay awake - I hate meetings."
"Why does there always have to be meetings?" she muttered as I refused to recognise it was her Indiana Jones impression and it should be snakes.
The others started to arrive and we transferred to the table and as they helped themselves to tea or coffee, small talk was engaged in until everyone was here. I asked if there were any apologies, meaning for absence and some wag answered that Gordon Wills was down with Covid and it had used up all his weekend trying to catch it.
The meeting used up the whole morning and when Daddy came by as we were clearing up, I jumped at the chance to get out of the office for an hour, he invited Diane as well, so she grasped at the same straw that I had.
"Guid, twa lovely ladies tae escort me tae lunch." I felt that I should pay as he always dose but he won't hear of it, 'His pleasure,' he always says. I noticed he could use some new underpants, so I'd get him some the next time I went to town or, I could even order them on line, Marks and Spencer deliver or will send them for a consideration unless you spend more than fifty pounds. I might just do that, I'm sure some of the others need things as well. I'll do that this evening when I get home.
At lunch we chatted about all sorts of nothing, Tom referring to how nice it had been to have Phoebe and Julie over for lunch. I commented that it had been like the feeding of the five thousand and Diane asked me to explain, so I did telling her that Stephanie had come so had Cindy and we'd had a sewing bee afterwards when I'd altered a dress for Steph and Julie had used my machine to repair some of the overalls they use at the salon. I also told her that Cindy was delighted to be asked to do Saturdays on a regular basis as Danielle was often playing football she thought it was wonderful.
"How much does she get for that?" asked Diane.
"Twenty quid in the hand."
"That's hard work for twenty," was her response which I suppose it was.
"Times are hard, and the salon finances tend to be a bit up and down."
"I'll gi' her ten more," said Tom which was very generous seeing as she was only a friend of the family, well of Danielle's really although all the girls attending St Claire's knew as well. If you recall, Trish rescued her from some bullies a year or two ago.
"What does Cindy want to do?" asked Diane continuing the conversation.
"I have no idea, her mother works in Tesco or Sainsbury's as a supervisor so there's no history of going to university there, but I expect the convent will have some advice to offer her when she needs to think of options. It's crazy that we expect sixteen or seventeen year olds to decide upon a career for the rest of their lives and then can't guarantee them a job at the end of school or further/higher education," was my take on things.
"At least with the Cameron millions, your lot won't be exactly destitute will they?" Diane threw back at me.
"I don't know, they won't be able to access their trust funds until twenty five, they could starve in that time."
Tom nearly choked on his Guinness, "They'll no sterve wi' Cathy as their mither."
"Or you as their grandfather," I shot back at him and he smiled. He loved that role, one which he'd almost given up on when he invited me to move into his house, so he told me and my fostering and then adopting all the children had, he reckoned enhanced his life and given him something to live for. I did seem to have an impact on the lives of others, intentional or otherwise and I was delighted to have enhanced his by simply being me and a sort of poor-man's good Samaritan, oh the expression is pound-shop not poor man's. I smirked and Diane picked up on it.
"What are you smirking at?" she asked.
"Oh nothing, just a silly notion that went through my head."
"Well, come on, spill," she instructed.
"Just the expression that we use to indicate what was once, 'poor man's' now it's pound shop, like Boris was described as a pound shop Trump." At this Daddy did choke on his Guinness and was red-eyed and blushing when he sorted himself.
I explained I had a short interview with every doctoral student we had and their supervisor this afternoon and Tom smiled in sympathy, he'd been there himself. For those who are pulling their weight it's a formality, for those who aren't, it's a wake-up call, though at that level they shouldn't need any incentives other than the entitlement to call themselves 'doctor' after they successfully complete the task, which is not an easy one.
We finished our lunch and I invited Tom for a cuppa when we returned to my office but he declined saying he would have a coffee and catch up on some paperwork. I was about finishing my own cuppa when the first of our pairs arrived. This was the one who was doing the freshwater invertebrate project and he was bemoaning the fact that the small amounts of rain we'd had for the past couple of months was affecting his streams and ponds. I suspect it would be affecting dormice too as it has an effect upon other plants and animals including the insects they eat at this time of the year, especially as spring was now about three weeks early these days.
After a tedious afternoon, but a necessary one, I drove home and found Trish and Sarah in deep debate about some scientific fact. My money, were I a betting woman, would have been on the younger one. She had a phenomenal memory as well as lightning quick brain and as she got older her thinking was much more organised. I was tempted to offer her a place at our university until she was old enough to go to Oxbridge or London. I'd talk to Daddy about that when we had five minutes.
Of course, I had to share some time with all of them, which I enjoy, but first I needed a cuppa and to change out of my work clothes. I was soon in jeans and top and sipping the live giving qualities of the drink of the gods when Sarah knocked and entered my study.
"Mummy," she said totally unaffected by the fact that I wasn't except in loco parentis "could you take a look at a couple of things I've encountered in my biology studies, they confuse me somewhat and even Trish couldn't quite understand them." What chance I would have was probably debatable if she couldn't understand it, but I am supposed to be a professor so I'd have to plug my brain back in.
Actually, it wasn't difficult just explaining one or two terms that neither of them had encountered before and explaining it to her. If she'd looked on the net, I'm sure she'd have found them, although she said she'd tried that as had Trish, or at least the definitions they'd found were contradictory - one of the major problems of the internet and even worse on social media, which she'd also tried.
Dinner was delicious and I felt quite sleepy afterwards. David had made a salmon and broccoli lattice of the most beautiful pastry and with new potatoes and watercress with tomatoes and other salad items, made me eat too much. I cleared up and with Sarah's help, we got the table cleaned and the dishes in the washer in ten or so minutes. She went back to her studies in her room and I knocked on Tom's study door.
"Daddy, I had a thought."
"Oh aye," he said ominously.
"I'm wondering if we should get Trish into the university and see how she does with older companions and how she copes with the stress of a higher level of learning. She already knows one or two of the physics and maths departments and if anything does go awry, you or I are there to rescue her."
"As she wuldnae be in yer department, it micht be a guid idea, even on a trial basis, are ye gang tae mak' her submit formally?"
"She has already got As in Physics and Maths and this year she's doing one in pure and applied maths, I can't see anyone turning her down unless they're frightened she'll be too clever for them."
"Aye, that's guid point, but Chris James, is pretty good himself."
"Yes, I'd heard that and he does know her a bit, he set her a couple of questions during lockdown which kept her busy for a couple of days. He was impressed with her answer when she emailed it back to him."
"Aye, so I ken. Why not, unless she does'nae want tae."
I thanked him and he smiled back before he settled down to finish his paperwork and eventually have a wee dram.
Ten minutes later I got Trish on her own, she was looking for some book in our library and I asked her. "Trish, what d'you think if instead of returning to the convent next year, you came to the university to study?"
"What Cambridge?" she beamed.
"Not yet, I thought Portsmouth, see how you get on and I'll be close enough at hand if you need me."
"What to help with maths?" she laughed.
"You know what I mean, you little madam." She giggled at that. "So what d'you think?"
"Yeah, okay except the school will lose me for the soccer team."
"I think that's a secondary consideration, don't you?"
"I s'pose. Yeah, what do we have to do?"
"I'll speak to Professor James and we'll sort it out."
"Will Daddy pay my fees?"
"One of us will, it won't be that much more than the school charges."
"Wow, didn't know it was that dear."
"You do now."
"Gosh, I'm not even at university yet and I'm learning new stuff all the time," she said and ambled out of the room. "Hey, Sarah, I'm gonna be at university with you."
"Wow, you doing biology, too?"
"No, I'm gonna do proper science - physics and stuff."
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3339 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
This episode is dedicated to my companion for nearly 17 years, Bonzi, my cat, who died yesterday.
I managed to get hold of Chris James, Professor of Physics at our university. "Could I have a word with you about a personal matter?" I said over the phone.
"Is that personal to you or me?" he asked back.
"Me, sorry if that sounded a little ambiguous."
"Could do about eleven this morning, if that's any good to you?"
"Hang on, I'll speak to the keeper of my diary," he chuckled down the phone at me. Diane showed me I was available so we arranged that he would come over to me which enabled me to get stuck into the correspondence that Diane had dumped on my desk.
It seemed no time later that Chris James appeared and Diane made us some tea and I opened the box of shop-made cakes and we each took one and went off to talk.
"Chris, I'm seriously thinking of asking you to offer my daughter Trish a place here to study physics."
"This is the one who I set that work for back in the summer?"
"Yes, she really enjoyed it, doing it, I mean."
"Her answers were pretty good seeing as she's what...?"
"Would she be able to cope with being the youngest by some years?"
"I think so. I think ultimately she'll probably end up at Cambridge but coming here would test her a bit and also help her decide if it's what she wants to do."
"She's pretty bright isn't she?"
"She got As at Physics and Math A-levels last year and she'd doing pure and applied this year. "
"Wow, five years early, well I feel as you work here any issues not related to her actual study could be dealt with, so I'm prepared to take a gamble and accept her."
"We'll go through the process and make an official application and as funding is no problem, can you believe it's only about a thousand above what we pay for her at the convent?"
"I know private schools are expensive, my granddaughter is being educated at one and my son is finding it quite a sacrifice, but she's quite bright and I'm sure she'll make it to university."
"What does your son do?" I asked never having spoken to Chris about his family before.
"He has his own computer firm, they do lots of retail-based work, internet purchasing that sort of thing. He's doing all right but he has a big mortgage as well as two girls at private school."
"Yes, I don't have a mortgage but I do have six girls at this convent."
"Wow, that must be nearly fifty thou a year?"
"It is plus another one who is a bit too young just yet."
"Did you plan on having six kids?"
"They're all adopted, I can't have my own babies."
"Oh," he blushed, "So why adopt a football team?"
"They needed a home and we had room."
"Goodness, you don't do things by halves do you?"
"All of them had problems with family or were in a home, Trish was originally in a home, one of my girls was dumped on me as a temporary arrangement so I thought but her mother pushed off to Africa I think and she and her husband were being pursued by half the governments in Africa or the Middle East for gun-running or something similar. We adopted her as she no longer wanted to be associated with her birth mother."
"Are all of them hard-luck stories?"
"No, but some were quite traumatic; one of my girls I found lying semiconscious on a rubbish pile, she'd been beaten up and just left."
"And you took her in?"
"Yes, she was sixteen at the time, she's now in her twenties and doing quite well running her own business with her sister who came to me after her mother died. She had stayed with us before and the two got on well together, so we took her in when she asked us to and to her credit, she fitted in and was soon acting as a sister to the others and calling me her mum and so it happened. They all have stories why they came to us, but they all seem to be happy there and no one is forcing them to stay.
"My eldest, is a whiz with computers, especially protecting them and she works with Simon at the bank's HQ, keeping out hackers and ne'er do wells, runs the computer security team and even helps GCHQ occasionally when they get stuck."
"Are all your kids special?"
"They are to me, but yes, as far as I can tell, they are all quite bright, perhaps not as clever as Trish or Sammi, the computer one, they are something else, but Livvie is pretty bright and will do well at whatever she wants to do, Danielle is an outstanding footballer and plays for Reading Ladies and has several England caps."
"Didn't she score that spectacular goal with an overhead bicycle kick for England against Germany?"
"That was her."
"Wow, so I'm the presence of something of a matriarch of gifted children, I bow to your achievement, madam." He stood up and bowed to me which caused me to get very hot and go bright red.
"I haven't done anything but give them an opportunity to develop themselves. Trish is also quite a good footballer but nothing like Danielle, who is something else. She's sixteen now and wants to do a degree of some sort and think she fancies biogeography at the moment, but it changes by the week."
"None of them want to study dormice?"
"I have one girl who wants to do biology, she isn't my daughter per se, but she sort of adopted me and I let her call me Mum because otherwise she'd be the odd one out and the others are quite amenable to her being one of the family, so they're all very generous in that way and I try to give them all as much equal time as I can. Simon's up in town most of the week, Stella his sister, who also lives with us and has two girls of her own, is a nurse specialist in genitourinary medicine, so Sarah, our latest member helps to look after them when I'm not there, she's doing a biology course as an entry to start here, and she's doing well at the moment."
"Don't you have any help, besides Sarah?" he asked.
"I have in the past but they don't seem to stay, I don't know why. The only one who has is David our cook, so that takes some pressure off me and means we all eat very well, he also does some supervision of the younger kids when necessary."
"Is he the only staff you have?"
"Really, yes. I make the children do some chores for their pocket money and they still squabble over who loads the bread maker."
"I feel in awe of you, Cathy, no wonder your kids are all special, they take after your example."
I blushed again. "Don't forget Tom, he's something special too as is my Simon."
"My hubby, Simon Cameron."
"Of course, you're Lady Cameron in your alter ego, aren't you?"
"I operate here under my maiden name, professor or doctor is sufficient a title, wouldn't you agree?"
"I have to, it's as far as I shall get and that, when I look back, seems a long way from the backstreets of Southampton, which is where I started. I suppose you went to private school and so on?"
"Me? No, I went to grammar school, my dad was a quantity surveyor so we were okay but when I was small he was still struggling to get his qualifications, so I was the first one to actually get to university."
"Likewise, and now, even the family cat is expected to have a degree. I don't disagree with kids doing uni, but we need plumbers and electricians as much as we do doctors or teachers."
"I agree with you, but there's nothing to stop someone from training as a plumber after doing a degree, is there?"
"Yeah, except when they start to earn money, which is quite an important part of life, you may not agree there with the family owning a bank."
"I try not to let that influence too much of my thinking, I survived before I married into the Camerons and would beyond that. It does make things different, I'll grant you, but we try to instil some reality about money with all of them. They don't do without anything, but neither do they get spoilt and they know that I expect them to earn their livings when they're old enough."
"Good for you. I'd better get back to my department just to make sure there isn't a coup of some sort in my absence. I'll await Trish's application with some interest, we'll take her, I can guarantee that because I think she is special, and I'd like to think we helped prepare her to cope with Oxbridge."
"Thanks, Chris, that's really good of you."
"Not really, if she's as talented as I think, I'd be stupid not to take her even though she is bound to cause some of my staff problems."
"Yeah, give her a year and she'll be teaching them stuff - but it will be good for one or two of them, as they need a bit of a challenge."
"I think I can pretty well be sure she'll do that all right."
He left chuckling to himself, all bar the paperwork, Trish has a university place lined up. I hope she's ready for it, she'll be the youngest student on campus, thankfully, she'll be on the same one as I am, so she does have a bolt-hole if she needs one, but I hope she'll fit in enough to cope with the social issues, because I know she'll do so with the academic element and she can get a lift to uni with me most days unless she goes with Sarah, assuming she's still with us.
Daddy appeared and invited me to lunch, he also invited Diane but she declined saying she had too much work to do. So just the two of us went, I was in the middle of my tuna salad when a familiar face hove into view. Sarah's uncle, Peter Dominic. What did he want?
"Sorry to interrupt your lunch, but I'd like to try and get us back to where we were before my sister tried to poison my mind against you?"
"I see, is this for the benefit of your job or for Sarah's sake?"
"I've met with Sarah every week since it happened. She says she forgives me for my stupidity and I'd like to do the same with you if you'd allow it?"
"Why should I?" I asked suddenly feeling my appetite disappear.
"Because I think it would make Sarah's life easier."
"So you can report back to your sister?"
"I haven't spoken to her since she came to see you, she was absolutely livid. I know that Sarah treats you like her mother and I know she could do a lot worse for someone to help her grow into womanhood."
"You weren't so complimentary when you tried to abduct her calling me anything but a woman." I felt angry as I relived the emotions of that evening.
"I was wrong, I was angry and I was trying to justify something that I wasn't at all sure about, but if you like, I was almost brainwashed into taking her back to her mother because she felt she was losing her and she also doesn't believe that anyone can change their gender. I don't agree with her and think you are an outstanding example of that."
"How do I know if I can believe you?"
"I'm still the person who believed in you at school, it was obvious when you did Macbeth that you were really a girl but that idiot Murray, couldn't see as far as the end of his nose and he was so full of homophobic prejudice, it blinded him to other possibilities."
"It certainly did that, but he also saw me breastfeeding and nearly had a stroke."
"Couldn't have happened to a nicer person."
"You know Mr Whitehead tried to keep an eye on me."
"No, he didn't did he?"
"He followed me down here when his wife died and kept a watching brief for years, he even kept a journal of it."
"Isn't that a bit creepy - like stalking?"
"It could have been had I known anything about it. He died trying to save me from an attack by an enraged parent who pulled a knife on us because his thug of a son was excluded or suspended, can't remember which. "
"Goodness, I didn't know any of that, I read about a teacher being stabbed in the school playground by a stupid parent, he was convicted of murder, wasn't he?"
"He pleaded guilty once the court refused to accept one of diminished responsibility, so we didn't have to give evidence, although I believe the police used my statement as part of their case."
"Didn't someone try to run him over?"
"Danni did, she was sitting in the car waiting for me and saw him with the knife and Mr Whitehead get stabbed, so she managed to start the car and ran it into him. She wasn't going very fast, but she saved my life, I reckon, or I'd have been on the next slab to Mr Whitehead."
"Bloody hell, Cathy, you do live dangerously, don't you?"
"I don't start it, I didn't with you, I just opened Sarah's eyes to wider possibilities than she had seen before."
"I see that now, she's going to study with you, isn't she?"
"She's going to attend my department if she passes the exam, but I won't actually be teaching her. It would be unethical, but she'll be well looked after, we try to support our students these days, they're our cash crop, so to speak."
"So can we start afresh?" he asked imploringly.
"For Sarah's sake, all right, but a hint of any of that prejudice from her mother, and I'll run you out of town if not the UK, and believe me I could."
"I don't disbelieve you, Lady Cameron, but I assure you it won't be necessary."
"I have your word on that?"
He offered me his hand. "I may not have quite the same reputation as your good self, but I like to think that if I give my word, I will honour it." I shook his hand and he thanked me and left.
Tom was silent the whole time. "Dae ye believe him?"
"I have to try to for Sarah's sake."
"Weel, I'll back ye up if he reneges on it."
"Thank you, Daddy." He placed his hand over mine and gave the gentlest of squeezes. I loved this old man I was privileged to call my father.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3340 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
I took both of us back to the university and Daddy went back to his office, "You'll never guess who I just met?"
"Peter Dominic?"
I nearly fell over. "You told him where to find me?"
"It's hardly a secret, is it?"
"Judas." I hissed at her.
"Come off it, Cathy, everyone knew where you were."
"Well, one of them did, but then you knew that."
"I refuse to play this game, do you want tea, or not?"
I disappeared into my office and pretended I didn't hear her. "Here." She slammed the mug on the desk.
I looked up and pretended to be surprised, "Thank you, is it that time already?"She went muttering to herself.
I stared at the mug and burst out laughing and she returned, "What's so funny?"
"You are."
"I see, perhaps you would be good enough to enlighten me?"
"You take me too seriously."
"I do?"
"Yes, I was just winding you up."
"Now hang on, a moment ago you were accusing me of betraying you."
"You did but because it worked out, I forgive you."
"I don't give tinker's if you do or not. Peter needed to see you and say his piece and you as good as told him he couldn't do it here, so I told him where you were likely to be."
"I see."
"What if he had said something different?"
"He didn't, did he?"
"No, he didn't."
"You didn't know that."
"I did, I worked with him at Bristol for umpteen years."
"You told me this before."
"At least I'm sticking to my story."
"You are indeed, but I'd be grateful if you'd not tell anyone else where dine."
"Do you want me to resign?"
"No, I want you to finish your typing."
"I see, you don't, it could have been anyone, even someone bearing me malice. I have been attacked, nearly murdered by people I didn't even know were after me and when someone dies trying to protect you - it hurts."
"I'm sorry, I thought that part of your life was over?"
"I'm never sure it is. They say it is but neither our little Russian friend, assuming he has any friends, is not renown for keeping his word."
"What do want me to do?"
"I'm sure it will never happen again, so I'd like you to return to your desk and finish the typing."
"Tea?" she asked on leaving.
"Now you're talking," I said holding out my dormouse mug.
About two hours later and surrounded by St Claire's finest I mentioned that I had seen Peter, "Did you punch his lights out?" asked Trish.
"No, I didn't, he came in peace," I declared.
"When has that stopped you?" continued Trish.
"I am not aggressive," I said and then decided to turn it into a joke, "So watch it or I'll bash you," I said to Trish who ran off screaming that I was going to hit her.
When I caught up with her she in her bedroom laughing, suddenly she threw herself on the bed her arms over her face calling out,
"Don't hit me, Mummy, I'll be a good girl."
"What are you doing, I don't think I've ever hit you?" I said to the teenager on the bed.
"Just carrying on the joke, Mummy."
"What? You'll have everyone thinking I hit you."
"Only if they're stupid, my acting isn't that good."
"Well, it fooled me," I said.
"That's not difficult," replied the superior teenage being on the bed.
"You brat." I called her.
"I've been called worse," she shrugged, mainly in school.
"Who has called you worse?" I asked her wondering if we had a problem.
"Girls in school sometimes call me names because I'm cleverer than them, most have no idea about a decent one-liner so my replies are killers and tend to end the discourse."
"What do you mean?"
"Like they call me the brain, so I call them a precursor to the Neanderthals or a dish of fried beetle pee if they get down and dirty, sometimes it gets more personal and they tell me I'm menstruating monster and I tend to reply with something like, you're like a bundle of dinosaur faeces - a pile of poo turned to stone and just as useful."
"Does it happen often?"
"Most days, but I'm used to it, Livvie gets it too and she is even better at shooting them down."
"That wouldn't surprise me, Livvie always could stand her ground in a slanging match, is that why you want to go to university?"
"No. although I should get a better class of insult there."
"I wouldn't count on it, the first years are often like high school students until they realise they aren't in school any longer and have to act like adults."
"Oh, I thought they would be like young adults."
"Very often that doesn't happen until they had one kick-up the arse to remind them they are here to study, somehow I don't think that will be problem with you because you're too young to become involved, which may be an advantage we'll have to see.
"Do, they really mess around instead of working?"
"Alas, many of them do, especially those who aren't properly mature. Some of them grow up quite a bit during their courses. We want them to have fun but the main reason they are there is to learn."
"I shall learn, Mummy, that's why I want to go."
"I know that sweetheart, that's why I want you to go. You're beyond what you can learn in school and before you go off the track, I want you to develop that mind of yours. "
]"I won't disappoint you, Mummy."
"I'll make sure you don't." I looked her in the eye and I think she meant it. I hope for both our sakes she meant it.
"Did you have problems at university?"
I reflected on my time at Sussex. "Not really, I didn't make loads of friends because of my gender problems, half of them didn't know if I was grungy girl or a strange boy."
"But you were a girl, weren't you."
I looked wistfully into the distance, "I don't know, Trish. My prof knew that I was probably trans and as good as sent me here I'd got a good degree and needed to sort myself out, and Gramps already had experience of a trans person in his daughter twenty years before, so if anyone could cope, he could.
"Then Auntie Stella hit you off the bike and you fell for Daddy. I'm glad you did."
I got a warm feeling as I said, "So do I dear, so do I."
"You're the best Mummy in the world."
"I doubt it and by a long shot."
"I don't care, you're the best and so is Daddy the best."
He's never here, I thought to myself before answering, "I expect you're right, dear, I expect you're right."
With that we returned downstairs before the rest missed us.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3341 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
How anyone can believe in this day and age baffles me but then most people are a bit dumb and seem to need a mental crutch to carry them through, if they only knew that if it gets tough no-one is coming to help them, least of all some omnipotent sky- fairy, and they have the resources they need if they only believe in themselves. We are all more capable than we think and friends and family will normally help.
Are gender-confused people extra strong? I don't know but I suspect not, we are just good actors and good at hiding things, sometimes for many years, like how we feel and what we feel. I know I hid it from my peers in university, but not as well as I thought and some guessed the right answer and some were way off beam. Murray should have referred me to the educational psychology service but didn't because he was convinced I was poof, because in his small world there were only two types of individual; straight and queers. He was very wrong as we now know, there are many types and that refers to sexual orientation and snowballs when you add gender identity to the equation. Even today we have trouble which is ridiculous. In America, it seems half the country wants to kill the other half and because we are so visible, we are an easy target for Republicans, many of whom seem to be Trump clones, and not only talk through their arse, they also think with it or seem to. Why are trans kids such an easy target - because they can't fight back, that's why. Why do generally sane people have a need to carry guns -you tell me, but I shall dismiss you answer because no ordinary person needs one most of the time, if ever. They still have a wild west mentality and may become civilised one day, but I'm not holding my breath.
We are not much better, only it applies to knives, and it seems people stab each other and ask questions later. It's stupid, but so are most young men, and with a knife, they feel safe. They are not, in fact, they are more likely to be stabbed than those of us without a weapon, the same probably applies to guns for a similar reason.
The only times I carry a knife is either when I am going to eat or my good ol' Swiss army knife. I always thought that they were only dangerous to the user, folding on them etc. but is appears you can stab someone with one and suddenly, my penknife becomes an offensive weapon. The rest of us have to suffer because one idiot used one to kill someone. I believe the story was the youth was slashing a man's tyres. He got a bit angry and rushed out with a hammer and the youth stabbed him with a SAK and the man died. Why he was slashing the tyres, I don't know, probably he didn't know, as I believe he was high on drugs or booze, which I keep away from. So, although I am not superior I am less stupid as drug use eventually will lead to one's downfall. Perhaps I should have been a preacher as I do so as seemingly default mode.
Perhaps I am just a parent who wants their children to mature without substances or weapons. I once saw the blood from a stabbing, it was awful, like a bucket of it had been spilt in the street. I later learned some young bloke had killed another who he thought was laughing at him. He wasn't, but the one who did the killing was convinced he was and did for him, the wits and inhibitions lost to booze. Again should we stop selling booze, I doubt it, because large numbers of people seem to need it to function, it's nonsense, as they can do without it, but prefer not to, demonstrating their stupidity, as it gets harder to stop as they progress down the slippery slope to dependency.
Simon still drinks too much and every so often it worries me. Do I have right to stop him? No, I don't but I do have one to say it makes me uncomfortable because it does. I don't drink much and could stop easily, others can't or don't see why they can't have a tipple, a while ago they used to get drunk as a skunk and drive home without seeing they were being stupid, now they wouldn't think of drinking and driving. One day they'll see the light and life will be more boring but safer.
George Monbiot is trying to improve the river Wye, which used to be a major salmon river, but because of the run-off from poultry farms is now eutrophic with phosphate poisoning everything and the lush vegetation is just a bit of algae and viruses, nothing else grows there. Obviously, the answer is to stop more poultry farms, so what do they do bit give permission in Powys for a big processing unit for poultry which will bring extra poultry farms to feed it. The reason being that jobs are worth it. I have news for them we have more vacancies than jobless so they won't be able to fill them, and the poisoning of the rivers is just the start of the poisoning of the system - they'll discover it when there are no more wild salmon, bloody Tories, they'd sell their granny.
The environmental lobby doesn't have the pull of money and never will so until they notice that there is no more wildlife, the people won't act. It's like people complain about air pollution until you tell them to travel by bus, they shut up then, bloody hypocrites. When it comes to doing something themselves only the young seem interested, vested interests will kill off the rest.
I took my misery into the kitchen where David was preparing salmon for the evening meal, I couldn't face him so pretended I had something to do, so I greeted him and disappeared. Farmed salmon causes all sorts of problems in the sea with pollution and pests just some of them, but we have to eat something. It would be better if we got used to main meals of pasta and legumes as they use less land but I don't think they would tolerate it for too long, they like their meat and fish too much. I must speak with David and see what we can do as we have the occasional meat-free day, we'll have to extend that to two or three days a week and meat substitutes are getting better all the time so it is a real prospect for the future and David is so good at making tasty meals, I'm sure he'll relish the challenge he usually does.
I went to my study and shut the door, now I have to work out how to get the rest of the family onboard, do I ask for their cooperation or do I work with David on the quiet? Then there's Tom, can we win him over with vegetable curries, I doubt it and I suppose he will have a point and it will be all that he's tae auld tae change. I may have to prove he isn't and perhaps involve the children in doing so. It's like mounting a campaign only harder.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3342 by Angharad Copyright© 2021 Angharad
I know Trish has expressed an opinion that we should try not to eat meat every day but saying and doing it are two different things, In all honesty, she is probably the most committed to going vegetarian but she can get her knickers in a twist very easily so I have to handle her with kid gloves, I wonder if other Mums have this problem?
At the evening meal she, Trish, that is, about eating dead animals - they'd had some debate about it in class. Livvie was of the opinion that we'd be neck-deep in them if we didn't eat them, I thought it would only be knee-deep and we wouldn't breed so many if we didn't eat them, so that would eventually sort it out, at least I hoped it would. In all probability we'd screw it up, we always do. Or am I becoming cynical?
The tea time debate roamed about a little encountering feminism as well as dietary needs, football - how did that get there? Oh yes, Danni had some comments about her football club, I forget what it was now. Am I going senile or have I gone there, because sometimes I think I'm on the way, I'm so crazy I've become sane again. Anyway, we broached the subject and there was no argument, nor did anybody die, so that must be good. I went to be alone that wasn't so good in all the time I've been married I spent more nights alone than I have with. I had nothing to do one night, and I couldn't sleep so I made a calculation of the two. I have spent more nights alone.
The next day I was met by Diane with a face like thunder. "What happened to you, lose a pound and find a bawbee."
"Why don't you ask me the same in English?" was her response.
"You know what I mean, just give me the bad news."
"Dr Rice has phoned in sick, he thinks he has Covid."
"Oh, poor chap I hope gets over it quickly."
"Sod, that who's going to do his lecture for him?"
"Who've we got?"
"We have just one person free."
"Fine, just ask them to do it." We'd had a problem before with the first year complaining of lack of tuition time, actual face-to-face stuff."
"They won't like it."
"So what, we pay people to do things not sit on their fat arses like you do."
"You ever tried typing while standing up?"
"Can't be that hard."
"Can't it, you try it boss lady."
"You're going to tell me you have aren't you? Well don't bother, just get someone to cover his lecture, ask them nicely but forcefully, like you do when you want me to do something."
"Will you cover Dr Rice's lecture?"
"You could be more forceful than that."
She smiled, "My idiot boss wants you to cover Dr Rice's lecture, will you?"
"Hey, I'm not an idiot just a bit soft to allow you to get away with a statement like that."
"Okay, how about my soft-hearted but idiot boss wants you to cover Dr Rice's lecture?"
"You still have too much levity in it."
"My overbearing but soft-hearted boss wants you to cover Dr Rice's lecture."
"Better, look we're going to be here all day at this rate, just tell them, okay?"
"Okay," she responded as I walked into my office and approached the mound of paperwork that was sitting there. I think I saw it smiling at me at one point. Perhaps I'm crazier than I thought, nah, mad people never think they are, so as long as I keep thinking it, I'm mad, I shall be all right. I had barely had time to put my bag down when my phone rang. Dumping down quickly I picked up the handset.
"Hello, Professor Watts," I squawked down the phone.
"My overbearing but soft-hearted boss told me to phone you to cover for Dr Rice, he has Covid and he should be lecturing in half an hour."
"You idiot, call the member of staff you want to do it."
"I did."
"No you didn't, you rang me."
"You're the only one available. Twenty-five minutes before you start, it's freshwater habitats, only two hours."
"Oh, shit, you're joking?"
"No, overbearing but soft-hearted, idiot boss."
"I'm going to strangle you one day."
"Best wait until I finished your typing then, though standing up I can only manage two letters an hour."
"Why are you standing up?"
"Because my idiot boss told me to."
"The same one you tricked into covering a lecture?"
"Yeah, but it's no trick. you are the only one available."
"Okay, do we have his notes?"
"No, but it's called, Freshwater Habitats."
"Okay, make me a cup of tea while I see what textbooks I have on it."
I found two or three and looked through them. I could manage to keep them busy for an hour or so, if we finish early so be it, just make them be grateful for small mercies.
By the time I'd drunk my tea I had a decent idea of what I needed to do and had written a quick list of habitat types. I'd make them work while we did it, should be challenging but not insurmountable and I have done work on habitats before as it happens to be one of the foundations of modern ecology.
I wandered down to lecture theatre one and spoke to the technician there, he had a list of slides that Dr Rice had requested, mainly pictures of different habitats but all freshwater ones, streams, rivers, ponds, marshes and so on. He ran me off a list and with that, my own list and my textbooks I blundered my way through it and had a stimulating time, talk about ad hoc, this was that with bells on. I extemporised and fed off the info I extracted for them, at one point I even asked them why habitats were important or were they? Thankfully I got back the answer I wanted and it went on like that,
I had apologised when I began that it was a scratch lecture because Dr Rice had rung in sick that day at the end a couple of students approached me to tell me it was good and they didn't believe it was a scratch lecture. I shrugged and told them I'm an ecologist and such things are the basis of understanding ecology, reminding them that the basis is the relationship between the organism and its environment including other organisms, then we incorporate ecosystems and then we follow the energy through the system, which involves solar energy and foodwebs going from simple autotrophs to level five predators, the superpredator like sharks and lions or man.
They asked me if was doing the terrestrial habitats and ecosystems the next day and it looked very much as if I would be. Back at my office still buzzing from my performance I was happy to be invited to lunch by Tom who wouldn't take no for an answer, not that I was going say it, so Diane and I accompanied Daddy to the restaurant to listen to his moans of despair about today's youngsters. I did try to point out it was ever thus but it was wasted on him, tomorrow would be different but today he had a moan and we listened.A
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3343 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
I spent some of my evening, apart from getting fat after David's wonderful cooking, reading up on freshwater habitats, it was quite interesting and I learned about several different types and variation on the same types, although I suppose if they were a variation, they wouldn't be the same. I also learned several new words about different elements of aquatic life, like cannibalism as a means of avoiding competition when the going gets tough as in overcrowding, or things develop quicker and eat the slower ones, if humans did it, it would sort out food shortages and overpopulation in one fell swoop, not that I am advocating it as an answer as we'd probably have an increase in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). A horrible disease found amongst cannibal societies which is caused by a prion and ends up with the victim having large holes in their brains which ultimately kills them. Mad cow disease, which poisoned the name of English beef for a while, does the same to cows. It was caused by humans trying to save money or make profits by feeding ground-up sheep bones to cattle as a food additive, some of the sheep were carrying scrapie, a disease specific to sheep which crossed the species barrier and the prion attacked the neural system of the cows. It's what happens when we mess with natural systems without understanding the consequences, cane toads come to mind as a vivid illustration.
Gosh, how the human mind jumps from one subject to another, or mine does, there I was reading about different types of substrate and flow rates, with light and temperature and suddenly I'm thinking of cannibalism and a new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
I went back to my books and concentrated on the topics for tomorrow, I had done quite well and would link the subject to terrestrial habitats, about which I am more familiar, but I enjoyed my foray into things aquatic and decided I would continue my reading when time permitted. I was also rereading some of Elly Griffiths' stories, I like a bone specialist who knows less anatomy than I do as a heroine, it gives her a flawed element which appeals even though it isn't supposed to have happened and is an author mistake which I expect has been corrected in later versions, my own copy came from a charity shop and was probably a first edition of the paperback. Still I've made plenty of similar mistakes but no one pays for my stuff except students and these days I check my stuff for such mistakes.
Oh well bedtime for the offspring who aren't, if you see my point, but they are my children in everything except actual bloodline, which is a pity but we live with it and part of me is proud of what we have done, they needed a home and I had one with space to take them and perhaps as much need to foster them as they did to be fostered a sort of mutualism in a biological sense, one I understand and so does Tom, who also benefits from it as a granddad he wouldn't otherwise be.
The next day I did the lecture on terrestrial habitats and added some bit about freshwater ones that I learned since I spoke with them before and everyone seemed happy, one of the students who'd spoken me the day before gave me broad smile and thumbs-up afterwards so she seemed to get something out of it and so did I knowing that at least one of them did.
It was when I got back to the office that my sense of fulfilment was shaken. "We have a situation," was Diane's way of telling me.
"What sort of situation?" I replied awaiting the facts.
"We think there has been a break-in in lab 2, you know the one with all the info for our ministry stuff."
"Who discovered it and when?"
"Brian Smith, about half an hour ago."
"Why so late?"
"He was working till late last night, you said if he did he could take some time back."
"Have the police been called?"
"They got here a few minutes ago. I sent them over to the lab."
"Looks like I'd better go and see things for myself, who is in charge?"
"Inspector Old, he said he knew you."
"He does." I left my office thinking how I had last met Toby Old, I'd saved his life and only just escaped a manslaughter charge if no murder, because someone died, the fact that they had come to kill Toby and possibly us as well, that is, Simon and me, is probably what saved me because I certainly had acted to neutralise a threat, as I saw it, and that meant hurting or killing the murderous pair who'd come to visit with malice aforethought in their hearts.
Mine of course is filled with love and pureness of spirit unless someone causes it to be otherwise and a couple of malcontents caused it to react spontaneously. I mentioned about a short course I did in Bristol many years ago about total fighting, where everything becomes a weapon, well it was one of those occasions and to me the end justified the means, kill or be killed and not waiting to chat about it first like civilised folk. I acted without thinking except to stop the threat, and people who come armed with a sawn-off shotgun are not coming for afternoon tea and to discuss the ladies fashions at Ascot.
I found Toby waiting for SOCO, that is, Scene Of Crime Officer, who look for evidence of the crime and collect things like fingerprints if the perps were stupid enough to leave any. "Hello, nice to see you again," I offered to our favourite policeman.
"Cathy, I wondered when you'd show up, your secretary said you were actually working today."
"My ex-secretary, you mean?"
He laughed, "You're worse than the bad guys," he suggested.
"Only when provoked, remember you'd be the wearer of shroud now if I hadn't."
"I remember all right, now what's this about top-secret stuff having been half-inched?"
"As I've only just learned of it I don't exactly know what is missing, but I understand it was a contract we have with the ministry."
"Which one?"
"Defence," I admitted.
"Oh, depending on what it was about could mean we have to send for MI5 or Special Branch."
"I'm sure Hampshire Constabulary's finest will be enough to catch the villains, assuming there was more than one."
"Is there somewhere we can talk?" he responded.
"My office and the coffee is reasonable."
"Sold," he said and after leaving instructions For SOCO, we departed the scene which certainly looked as if it had been broken into. The university security would be getting a rocket from me later.
Over coffee, I was able to tell him about the contract with the MOD and what we were doing. He made notes and rang his superiors to ask for advice, I hadn't had a chance to do that although I knew that Diane would have informed Daddy, who would have then contacted someone in the ministry.
The men in suits arrived as Toby was on the phone. "We'll need an office,love and loads of coffee, this'll do," he said looking around.
"This my office," I said possessively.
"Who are you then?"
"Professor Cathy Watts."
"Yeah, professor of what?"
"Look you moron, this is all my department, I am effectively the dean of the faculty of science."
"I hear you've got some aristo here, they warned me she can be trouble, where is she at the moment?"
Diane having heard enough of our conversation to act addressed me, "Would you like me to arrange an office for this man, your ladyship?" He looked at her and blushed, knowing that I needn't answer it now."
"If you could, Diane, I'm sure we have some animal cages we can loan them if necessary." Toby came back as we were completing the introductions.
He took the MI5 officer to the lab and came back to me, "How about I buy you lunch?"
"It'll have to be in the refectory then, I want to keep an eye on James Bond."
He laughed, " Wrong MI department, he's MI6, which is external stuff, this is MI5 or internal stuff."
"Of course, but if it's internal I want my doctor involved."
"Very funny, you knew what I meant," he said to me.
"Why can't you deal with it? You probably have more brain cells than Mr Bean, and we can always call for Sherlock Watts."
"We could indeed, let's go and eat."
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3344 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
Lunch, which I paid for was a curry for Toby, which he said was good and my jacket potato with tuna, well, if I had anything different they send for a doctor. It was okay, probably better than I'd have had in a cafe, the restaurant I go to with Daddy is usually better, then it is twice the price.
Toby went to see the scene of the crime and I went to my office to Deal with Dr. Alison Smithers, my head of department, starting before I'd had my cuppa, the profanity of it.
"There are people walking all over my lab, who are they and why are they here?"
"MI5, and they're trying to catch the burglar who drove a cherry-picker up to the building and broke into your lab, I'm surprised you weren't here earlier screaming blue murder."
Alison was about my age, rather articulate and highly voluble and well-known for expressing her opinions. "You mean my research has been taken?"
"Seems like it and the MOD sent for MI5 to solve it."
"But that's outrageous."
"I quite agree. I presume it was under lock and key?"
"Yes, my filing cabinet, we were all set to start clinical trials, I'd ordered the animals and everything."
I find animal experiments distasteful especially as they usually have to be destroyed when you've finished, we have tried changing the rules, but the ministry won't wear it.
"What were you researching that someone, obviously in the know, found it worthwhile to steal, especially in such a flagrant manner?"
"I don't know, that side of the building is sheltered from the rest, and seeing as no one is working that late, they wouldn't be seen."
I agreed with her, it was quiet and sheltered from the rest of the campus and also from the park which has a hedgerow of some trees and bushes, but it seems not thick enough to stop some van with the cherry-picker on its back. The van was damaged by its encounter with the hedge but not enough to stop them breaking into our third floor laboratory. It was obviously planned.
She told me that the project had been about wound healing and apparently a combination of vitamins plus the inclusion of various bits from jellyfish, if applied to a fresh bullet wound or shrapnel meant, the patient was due to recover quickly and infection risk was reduced.
"We had three formulations to test, we've done so with tissue cultures and they all work, were now due to test it on living animals. The licences were all approved ages ago."
"You're going to shoot live animals?"
"Well, simulate it, yes."
"How big are these animals?"
"Dog sized."
"You're experimenting on dogs."
"Yes, you have problem with that?"
"Yes, I do."
"You approved the research."
"I don't recall reading about dogs."
"No, it didn't feature in the original application."
"Why not?"
"At that stage I didn't know we'd be scaling it up to larger animals, if the dogs work we go on to pigs and we do that with the Welcome Trust who have facilities to deal with larger animals."
I was astounded, no one had used dogs for ages, my predecessor had stopped them to prevent attacks by animal rights activists, I almost sided with them.
If we call in Trishlock Watts, actually she changed her name to Cameron, she is not going to want anything to do with the animal experiments except to stop them. Alison left to see what could be salvaged in her lab, we say her lab, it was the one which she used most often. As she left so Toby came back they spoke for a moment in the doorway but he came in with his hands in his pockets and sort of swagger.
"You look pleased with yourself," I threw at him.
"I think I've solved it."
"What The Times crossword?"
"Ha, ha, no, the theft from the lab."
"All right, give it to me."
"She robbed her own lab and sold the research to someone else."
It could explain her absence this morning, but why and who is this someone else? "Why?" I askled.
"Easy, money, she did it for money."
"I drive a bigger car than her and I wouldn't like to force a van through the hedge."
"She paid someone to do the dirty work, sells her work to the highest bidder and that explains what she was doing this morning."
"You could face charges of wrongful arrest."
"Not me sunshine MI5 will do the dirty work."
"But you have to stop them, Alison is bonkers but in a nice way. Seh wouldn't do this to the university."
"If enough money changes hands or is offered, no one is safe."
"Who's going to buy it."
"Anyone with an army, the Russians would be definitely interested, even the Americans would show some interest especially their drug companies. If it heals up bullet wounds quicker, anyone would be interested."
"I don't believe she'd do that."
Looking out the window he said, "Well, MI5 don't agree with you."
"What?" I asked rushing to the window to see Alison In handcuffs being led away by Mr Bean.
"You've got to do something."
"Because you have."
"I haven't any jurisdiction, I told you that, it's for the intelligence services to sort out,"
"Please, for me," I said batting my lashes at him.
"That won't work, Cathy, besides I think she did do it."
"If I can come up with a better scenario, would you investigate it?"
"You mean if Trish can?"
"No, I am just as capable as she is."
"I can't promise you anything, but if you and Trish came up with a plausible answer, I might take a look."
"Is that your best offer?"
"'Fraid so," he almost chuckled back at me.
"Have SOCO dusted everything for prints?"
"I think so."
"If you find any odd ones, can you let me know?"
"That's privileged information, Cathy."
"So, you can take the credit if I'm right and I think I am."
"I'll see what I can do," he waved and was gone I visited the crime scene and tried to visualise what happened, my phone trilled and it was Daddy who wanted to know all about the events in our laboratories. I went to see him and he asked if I was going to involve Trish, when I said I might he told me to go and collect them from school, I glanced at my watch and saw that it was now going to be a rush.
I only just made it, Trish looked at me, "You appear frazzled," she said.
"The university was broken into last night and somebody's research stolen."
"Physics?" she asked.
"No, one of the biology labs,"
"Didn't think they were capable of research of any merit, biologists are too thick."
"Ever heard of Darwin, you wouldn't call him stupid?"
"Only because he's dead."
"What?" my personal hero rubbished?
"Yeah, they think his idea on evolution was wrong, big article one day in your Guardian."
"I haven't looked at the paper for days, Gramps saw it first, I only pay for it."
"Want me to take a look at the crimescene?"
"No, they've arrested someone."
"Did they do it?"
"I don't think so."
"So let's get rid of the rest and go look it over."
"We'll see after dinner." I was desperately feigning my lack of interest in the hope of stimulating hers.
"The leetle grey cells,"
Before she could finish Livvie interrupted, " Couldn't find dinner on your plate."
"Where was I, oh yes, the great Belgian detective was solving the case."
"I haven't told you anything yet."
"It doesn't matter to the great Belgian detective."
"Great Belgian chocolate you mean." called Livvie. It obviously was going to be a fun evening.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3345 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
The great Begian chocolate, sorry detective and I went back to the university after dinner and then up to the scene of the crime. There was police tape at the door but my pass key still worked and we entered the lab. I saw that maintenance had been and boarded up the broken window, in the office the filing cabinet had been forced open and only the notes from Alison's experiments had been taken. It seemed as if whoever had broken in had known what they wanted, had taken it and scarpered.
Where do you start, I looked at the window and its view of the damaged hedge, the cherry picker was still outside, then I walked across to the office and the broken filing cabinet. Nothing came to mind, except it was an inside job because it was so quick and they knew exactly what they wanted. I could see why MI5 had reached the conclusion that had, it was the easiest and perhaps most obvious, yet I felt Alison was innocent. it wasn't the sort of thing she would do.
"Have the little grey cells worked out anything yet?" I asked the brain box.
"Not really seems like they knew exactly what they wanted ant took it."
"My thoughts exactly, looks like an inside job," I replied to her.
"Why did they not take anything else, I mean there's loads of valuable stuff here and they could have pinched the lot?"
I looked at the valuable equipment, microscopes. centrifuges and incubators, all very specialised but plenty of people seem happy not ask questions about its provenance, so it would be saleable, especially the optics.
Trish thought about the same things as I did, none of it made sense unless it was an inside job. "What did they steal?" asked Trish.
Some work on a miracle substance that promoted healing, stuff including jellyfish and various vitamins and some pineapple extract. It apparently healed up bullet wounds extra quick."
"They could use that in America the way they shoot each other over there, it's the main cause of death according to something I saw in your Guardian." Yet another reference to the newspaper I buy but rarely get to read.
"They've yet to do animal trials but so far the evidence on tissue samples is very good." Oops I forgot Trish was against animal testing.
"You mean that they will shoot animals to test their stupid stuff," she asked incredulously.
"Yes, it's the way they prove the efficacy of their drug."
"That's terrible, rabbits and mice."
"They have got beyond that, it's dogs and then pigs."
"What pigs are intelligent animals, why kill them?"
"They have similar flesh to us as far as wounds go."
"What pigs are like humans?"
"As far as flesh wounds are concerned, yes."
"How awful, poor piggy-wiggies."
"I agree."
"How can you let them do it then?"
"I wasn't aware they were ready to move on up to large animals"
"So killing mice is okay?"
"No, I had hoped that we just be using tissue samples which come from humans."
"When do they take them from humans, I'd have donated a certain bit of my anatomy? I can't now but I would have."
"I know sweetheart, but it's scientifically produced from foetuses when they aren't wanted."
"You mean babies?"
"Not quite, they are only embryos which are produced for in vitreo implants, they always make more than they need in case any are damaged or diseased and they would be discarded so are sold to the medical companies. Tissue samples are made from them."
"That's gross, no wonder I want to do physic biology is evil."
"I'm sorry you feel that way, perhaps we had better go."
"I'm not sure that I want to help if they are doing such awful things. Perhaps animal rights people did it?"
"They might have but normally that advertise they've done it, no one has claimed responsibility for this."
"That's because it's the Ministry of Defence they are taking on, they may be misguided but they aren't stupid."
This girl was growing up although displaying typical teen traits, I was waiting for, 'I'd let them use me instead of the animals,' which you usually get as teenagers see things in black and white not the shades of grey upon which reality is founded.
We went home and Livvie teased Trish remorselessly as only sisters can, Oh how I wished I'd had one when I was younger, although April Ashley's siblings weren't very friendly to her and I might have one who was similar which would have devastates me.
I went to bed thinking that despite being at the site of the robbery, I was no further forward and I began to think it was an inside job but would I ever find out who and why? I resolved the next day to speak to anyone who was involved as I knew there were some postgraduate students who had assisted, they often get lumbered with the tedious or boring things, but at the end of the period of they're lucky, they have their names on the paperwork as well and that may determine if they get jobs or not.
Someone somewhere must know all I have to do is find them, the words needles and haystacks came to mind, I wondered if our American cousins used the term, if they understood it and then decided it was self-explanatory. I seemed to sleep okay until the light woke me. I'd left the curtains undrawn last night watching the Moon drift by, I fell asleep before I'd have pulled them closed, so this morning I was awake before five o'clock and by then the day was here and light enough to read except I turned my back to the windows and woke again at half-past seven. Then I leapt out of bed and showered calling the girls as I dressed.
Of course the teasing continued at breakfast and Trish got so fed up she actually stormed off leaving some of her cereal. I had to intervene and told them that there'd be no more of it or I'd get cross and they'd be punished. It went quiet for a while until they found another topic they could give their attention and probably pull apart. Harpies as a term crossed my rather stymied brain.
In my office I asked Diane to get me a list of post grad students involved with Alison's project. She produced it in seconds which impressed me until I discovered she done the original for MI5. I nearly challenged her but thought better of it.
The biggest surprise I had was seeing Toby again when he marched into my office and as usual I offered him a drink of tea or coffee which he accepted and as we settled down with our brews he looked at me and said, "You don't know do you?"
"Don't know what?" Actually there were many things I didn't know but I did probably know more things than the man on the Clapham omnibus.
"Alison is dead."
"What!" I exclaimed at him.
"She was released last night, on bail of course, and she went home and killed herself, leaving a note to say she was guilty."
I found myself feeling quite sick. "How do you know?" I asked him.
"Someone called this morning to ask her some more questions, failed to rouse her and thinking she might have done a bunk, broke in and found her dead in bed, having taken a bottle of pills and the note was on her bedside table. She apologised for letting you all down."
"Can I see the note?"
"No, its property of the security services."
"Can you get me a copy?"
"Why do you want to see it?"
"To check it's her handwriting, we have samples here."
"It was typed, I think."
"She didn't write it then."
"Says who?"
"Says I and I will state that in a court of law."
"How can you say that?"
"She didn't believe in typed notes, she was almost fanatically opposed to them."
"She was under stress."
"So, she'd still have written it by hand, so who wrote it and was she murdered?"
"That puts an entirely new complexion on things," said our pride of the Hants Constabulary and a frown crossed his face.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3346 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
"If Alison was murdered then why, they already had her notes, so why was it necessary?" I asked Toby.
He didn't answer for a minute or so, "That's just what I was thinking and how did they get her to swallow a bottle of pills?"
"Quite, it's difficult to do even if they force them down, do we know what the cause of death is yet?"
"No, the post-mortem won't be until later today."
"Perhaps you need to tell them she was murdered?"
"No they can claim bias then, if they discover it for themselves it's different, besides I wouldn't like to impede the security services in their search for enlightenment."
"That sounds very cynical verging on contemptuous," I told him, his facial expression was a vision to behold and he stuttered for an answer.
"I'm not convinced it wasn't suicide," he said when he stopped blushing, "That's likely to be the result of the security services examination."
"Who is doing the post-mortem?"
"They'll bring in someone from outside, they always do."
"Someone who is told what to say?"
"I didn't say that."
"No, but you implied it." I watched as he blushed again. "Who usually does it?"
"Varies, sometimes it's old Butcher, sometimes it's some woman, Cynthia someone and sometimes they call in someone from the Home Office, like they will now."
"Can't you ask for your own pathologist to assist or sit in on the process?"
"They won't countenance it." What an old-fashioned expression, shows he went to public school.
"Can't you insist?"
"Who do you think I am, Sherlock bloody Holmes?"
"I think you know more about policing than he ever did or his creator."
"Coming from you that is quite a compliment," his chest swelled up, just in time for me to puncture it, if I chose. I didn't.
Instead I asked him how we could get a copy of the real results. "You can't," he said.
"So they will cover up a crime of murder and blame her for the loss of her notes? That's two crimes and you're just going to sit there?"
"Nothing I can do."
"Bollocks," was my response.
"Yeah, and how can we stop it?"
"I shall go to the press and tell them the truth."
"Just like that?"
"Pretty well."
"You will fail and be subject to the scorn of MI5."
"That's not a new experience, I've encountered them before and they lost then."
"That'll mean they are doubly bound to win this time and you don't want to make enemies of them."
"Who is the local boss?"
"Sir Roderick Allen."
"Wasn't that a fictional detective?"
"No that's Alleyn, Ngaio Marsh's creation."
"Sounds the same, anyway I shall tell him to pull his finger out or I'll get pa-in-law to ask questions in the house."
"Cathy that frightens him as much as you do. It's no good you can't do anything."
"Don't bet on it."
"Anyway, I have to go."
As soon as he was gone I got Diane to find out the name of her daughter, they were estranged but I was sure I could manipulate her or morally blackmail her.
The problem was that we could be intercepted by the security services. Playing a game of hide and seek, we managed to meet without being overheard, I think. I had removed two trackers from my car and she had found one on hers. I had a look and found another which we added to a truck which would hopefully give them the run around before they realised their mistake. Deidre had never forgiven her mother for such a dreary name, but she had done nothing to change it when I explained she had possibly been murdered by the security services or somebody similar she was up for trying to do something to pay them back. Our plan was simple and she would insist on the post-mortem being carried out by a named pathologist as well as the official one. I offered to fund it and we hoped that it would make the official doctor think twice about faking the results as we could argue about them in a coroner's court, against my counsel, who was considered one of the leading barristers in the country who few would want to stand against, so it looked like we had them. All Deidre had to do was insist on a second post-mortem and she looked up for it.
I warned her that they would try everything from bribery to intimidation and she told me she was prepared to stand her ground. She was much more likeable than her mum had been and I quite liked this twenty-something girl who had lots of spirit. I told her to tell the coroner she wanted an independent post-mortem and I'd do the rest.
It wasn't long before MI5 tried to intimidate and I told them to leave my office and stop being crooked. As soon as he was gone I phoned his boss to complain and told him if they wanted to play silly buggers, to look for a new job as I would be seeking out everyone involved and would personally seek compensation. He told me that being wealthy didn't mean I was as important as I thought and as I had loads of children, I could be vulnerable. I told him he was a despicable bastard and if anything happened to any of my children I would kill him myself and look to repay the debt to any family he had.
I immediately contacted James and asked him to get the name of Sir Roderick Allen's family and by tea time his son was out of work and his mortgage was called in. I was futile I know, and very nasty of me, but I had to show his father that his family was as much at risk as mine. Later I discovered my car had the tyres slashed and interrupted a stranger talking to Danni. When he attempted to grab her I broke his arm and told him, next his neck was the target. He ran off to a nearby car and I began to wish I'd broken his leg instead.
I was nicked for speeding and parking and as soon as I called the police the charges were dropped, my name still intimidated them and when I told Toby someone had tried to abduct Danni, he hit the roof. Simon who had called in the mortgage of Sir Roderick's son told me he was massively in debt from a bad investment and he had sent him another demand for more money than his father could comfortably raise, I knew we had the upper hand. The next day Sir Roderick came to see me.
"Lady Cameron if you don't stop this campaign, I shall remind people of your past history."
"Go ahead, I am not ashamed of it, but you might read the bit about my killing Russian terrorists and not underestimate me, so if one of your men or women comes near any of my girls, they will go home in a body bag next time."
"You're very violent for a woman aren't you but then you aren't one really, are you?"
"You sent someone to abduct my daughter, I broke his arm, next time it's his neck and then I shall visit the same violence on you. Your bank accounts are frozen while the bank investigates them. Your internet accounts are viewable by millions and by this evening you will be out of a job and by the time of the inquest, you will be a convicted murderer. I hope your replacement is better at this stuff."
"Hang about, you've done all that?"
"Oh, I have several plagues to visit upon you yet."
"How can you do all this?"
"Easy, and if I really give it my full focus, your life expectancy is much diminshed, still your wife can openly see the man she has been having an affair with, and they can have fun spending your pension pot."
"What, you are breaking the law and impeding an investigation."
"I would call murdering one of my staff somewhat illegal and you will pay for it."
"That wasn't me."
"I don't really care, you were involved."
"I wasn't, that came straight from the centre."
"I hope the Home Secretary is insured because she is on my list to be investigated."
"They will close you down."
"I have already got a promise to publish from the Guardian. I suppose she can always move to Rwanda, she has contacts there with the tyrant who runs the country."
"You can't win you know."
"If anything happens to me, articles will be published that destroy you if they haven't already sacked you for incompetence. You're on borrowed time."
"You think you have covered everything don't you?"
"No, I don't but I'll take you down with me and part of the Home Office, who let these things happen."
"What if we let you have your second post-mortem?"
"You can't stop me, it is a right of her family."
"Oh, the body could disappear."
"So could yours."
"I am just predicting that if it does, bad things will happen."
"What if I said that it doesn't have to be like this?"
"I would say you were lying or you are a bigger coward than I thought."
"If we let the coroner find unlawful killing by person or persons unknown."
"But we know who did it don't we?"
"What if I told you we didn't do it."
"I wouldn't believe you."
"We didn't actually."
"Who did then?"
"Ah, that would be telling." I watched his facial expression beam, he thought he had me.
"What if I have evidence that you are lying."
"I'm not, we didn't do it." There was his sickly smile again.
"That won't stop me from publishing."
"This will," and he produced a handgun.
Just then my secretary walked in, "Thought you might like a cup of...oops how clumsy of me," she tipped to cupfuls of the boiling fluid on him. He dropped the gun and jumped up shouting I leapt over my desk and after a torrid tussle, I had him secured with cable-ties.
The gun was bagged up and I instructed Diane to call Toby. She did so immediately. Sir Roderick complained about that she had ruined his trousers. I reminded him that they'd give him a new outfit in prison.
"You think you've won don't you?"
"Know but you have lost."
"Toby arrived saw the gun and immediately arrested him."
"It's licensed to me," Sir Roderick protested.
"We'll see said Toby, nobody carries a gun on my patch."
"You fool, your career is over," threatened Sir Roderick.
"I think it will last long enough to prosecute you," replied Toby, and I handed over the card from the camera which had recorded our meeting. "Does this compromise you?"
"It might I admitted." I was thinking of the threats I made.
"In which case I won't take it, I know nothing of it," he smiled and took Sir Roderick away. I took Diane for lunch along with Daddy as I prepared them for more dirty tricks by the security services.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3347 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
Talking of rain, we badly need some for the gardens, Daddy was forced to water some of the vegetables or they would die and I'd have to buy them.
Inspector Duvalle, was the man Special Branch sent to interview me. Although they'd taken at least two statements from me. He was a man in his early forties, well dressed and rather dapper. I wondered if he was gay.
"Lady Cameron, could you run through it again?" He gazed at me as if he wanted to say, 'Not bad for a grammar school boy,' "Why do you think Alison did not commit suicide?"
"She didn't, she was murdered."
"Poisoning with sleeping tablets is a rather inefficient way to bump somebody off," he commented.
"Not if you want it to look like suicide," was my rejoinder.
"Have they done a post mortem yet?"
"Two actually, which I'm sure you know, seeing as you paid for it."
"I didn't trust the Home Office pathologist."
"I would, this isn't some government conspiracy, you know."
"Isn't it, can you prove it to 95% as we require our students to do."
"Hopefully, I can prove to you that Alison took her own life and it's as simple as that."
He crossed one leg over the other than suddenly jumped up, "Cramp," he squeaked and walked up and down my office.
I grabbed him and my handbag and walked us over to the refectory. "You need to eat a banana."
"Don't be silly," he tried to insist but I told him it was that or an avocado as they are rich in potassium which helps to alleviate cramp. When faced with eating avocado he resigned himself to eating a banana. First point to me, although of course he was investigating the theft of the research papers and a sudden death. He told me that Alison had taken barbiturates in sufficient quantity to kill her, that there appeared to be no sign of violence and given she had let people down, it was just a simple suicide. They happen every day.
"If that was the case why are you here?"
"Because highly secretive work for a government department was taken, many foreign countries would like it."
"So I am told. Inspector, if I said that I knew Alison very well and she is neither the type to sell out to a foreign power nor is she any more likely to kill herself. She simply isn't the type. Her daughter will confirm that."
"As a scientist I presume you deal in facts?"
"Yes, of course I do."
"Despite what you feel?"
"Naturally, where are you going with this, socratic questioning won't work because you're wrong."
"Am I, where is your proof to 95%? I'd love to see it."
"It might take some time to collect it," I replied.
"Carry on, but don't get in my way." So saying he finished his banana and coffee and left. I drank up my tea and wondered where did I go from here?
Of course back to my office and another cuppa, when in doubt drink tea, it doesn't actually help but the extra five minutes in the loo passing it does give you time to think. I rang Toby and he was out, so I actually did some work, which should surprise Daddy as he seems to think I just sit here day dreaming, well, I do but don't tell him.
I was just ending one such day dream when Toby rang. "You tried to reach me?"
"No I tried to phone you."
"That's what I said."
"No it wasn't, you asked if I tried to reach you. Well, I have news for you, my arms aren't that long."
"I've just had the pleasure of meeting Inspector Duvalle from Special Branch."
"Oh yeah, so are you now gonna come quietly?"
"Good lord no, is he gay?"
"I dunno, you're supposed to be better at picking up these things."
"'Cause you're a woman, men are useless at that sort of thing."
"Men are useless full stop."
"Hey, we're not all useless."
"That's true, Simon does have his uses if I'm the mood."
"I don't think I want to know that."
"Suit yourself."
"Why did you call me, I'm sure it wasn't because Simon is unavailable and you're in the mood?"
"I'm not actually."
"Don't tell me you got lonely?"
"Okay I won't."
"Won't tell you."
"Stop being literalist."
"Simon says that sometimes."
"Ah, so I'm right then."
"Don't push your luck. If I told you you were right you'd keep on about from now until doomsday."
"Why did you call?"
"I have the post mortem results in front of me, the second one that is."
"Yeah, so what does it say that the other doesn't?"
"I don't know, they wouldn't let me see the other one."
"I see, so you want to see mine?"
"Gosh, I can see why you're an inspector."
"Sarcasm does not befit you."
"You have wounded me."
"Tough, now what's for lunch?"
"So the way to a man's heart is via his stomach?"
"In my case it's closer to my bowel."
"That's a funny place to have a heart."
"I wasn't talking about my heart." I heard sense of frustration building so I cut the sweet nothings.
"Do you know...?" Half an hour later I was parking in the car park of the restaurant that Daddy frequents, except I knew he wouldn't be here today as he had a meeting. I scanned it for Toby's Saab but he wasn't here yet. I looked around and spotted that I had a tail, no, not literally, but I was being watched a moment later my mobile peeped. Toby had sent me a message. 'I'm inside, you're being followed.'
I sent one back. 'Order me my usual, I'll in in ten minutes.' Having sent it I drove out of the car park and my tail followed. I drove about for several minutes before doubling back on myself and parked in a side street. I then took off my jacket and pulled on a scarf and surreptitiously strolled to the restaurant leaving my tail floundering I hoped.
"This is what you want," he handed me a photocopy of the pathologist's report, "you can keep it, just don't let anyone know how you came by it."
"I done one for you of the second post mortem, please note minute traces of rohypnol."
"How come we didn't find it?"
"The bill I paid would be expensive for an operation on a living body, for a dead one it's outrageous, but if you want the best.
"You pay for it. Rohypnol could explain why she poisoned herself but we still have to prove it and also a motive."
"How about the government stole their own documents and pretended some foreign power had taken them. Then eliminate the weak point in the chain and get someone else to finish the job after the heat dies down."
"Are you trying to tell me the security services killed Alison?"
"I'm not sure yet but it is one scenario that needs investigating."
"Oh, so I stroll into MI5 and casually ask if they killed anyone recently."
"If they were responsible, I suspect a third party was involved."
"Wouldn't that mean the papers could have been copied after the robbery?"
"That's how we catch them."
"I don't see that."
"Because you're not a woman."
"What does my sex have to do with it."
"You have to be sneaky at times."
"Well, you're that okay..."
I closed him down with a look, but he was right, I can be sneaky, now I just have to be sure I don't wake up dead.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3348 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
Early the next morning I found myself via train, a tube and a cab outside the offices of the Welcome Trust, I had with me my laptop and a sheaf of papers. Dr Jonathan Goldsmit was a short, dark person wearing a yarmulke or kippah, a Jewish skullcap, I, resisted the urge to suggest that a 'Kipper' was a xenophobic little Englander who believed the propaganda of that despicable rogue, Nigel Farage and helped bring about Brexit with its subsequent loss of 10% of the economy, instead we shook hands and then rubbed hand sanitizer on them.
After a cup of delicious coffee, we got down to business. Jon had heard of Alison's death and the burglary at the university, what I hadn't expected was his offer to see his copy of the notes. I couldn't wait and with bated breath sat and perused them. I was there an hour and had only read a small part of them, so as he had another meeting to attend, he offered to have a copy made to take back with me. I declined and asked him to send it encrypted to my computer at the university. I also asked if perhaps he could do a second copy on an encrypted pen drive, which Trish had offered to decode for me when I got home, it meant that if Special Branch confiscated my office computer I still had a copy. He complied but thought as it was likely in the public domain, it was pointless. I disagreed and told him that it was missing but we didn't how many had seen it and it did pertain to national security. He obviously thought differently, but then he wasn't Alison's boss, I was.
I organised a light lunch with Simon, I only seem to see him at the weekends if then, as the bank often calls him out in an attempt to infiltrate their firewalls. The Russians are the usual perpetrators but sometimes we also have to deal with the Chinese or just home-grown hackers which Sammi puts to the sword It wastes so much of her time that she sends them a program which wipes out their hard drive and sends their URL to the police and GCHQ. It is apparently possible to discover that despite their attempts to hide it and being cleverer than they are she always wins.
One or two of the better ones end up being interviewed by Cheltenham and even offered jobs after a deal of screening. Simon and I talked about umpteen things including the recent fires in London during the heat wave and he admitted the new flat had air conditioning which was expensive but necessary. I didn't tell him about why I was in London except to say I had an appointment with the Welcome Trust, which seeing as they sponsor all sorts of research could have been just run-of-the-mill stuff, had he asked, I would have told him just that. I'd also asked James to make all sorts of background enquiries and he went off licking his lips with anticipation.
Simon certainly gets to know the best restaurants and knowing my love of Italian food took me to a little place off Cannon Street. I had a dish made from aubergines and a side salad he had pasta after a minestrone soup, that looked like a meal in itself. If I'd eaten half as much I'd have slept all afternoon, and the half bottle of red he drank as well, would guarantee it for me. Oh well, he'll be grown up in twenty years, perhaps he'll think more about his calorific intake by then, I had my own problems to sort out and Alison was the major one at the moment.
Despite the temptation to read Alison's notes on the train I desisted and read the paper and finished the crossword. I rarely see it until Daddy has finished with it and by then I'm usually too tired so I either fall asleep over it or don't bother. Today was thus treat, even if it did mean paying twice for one, mine and the one delivered to the house.
I got home early enough to collect the girls and still had an hour or two before dinner. Trish opened the drive for me, the encrypted one and by dinner, I had severe doubts. After dinner, more salmon, I set about checking her calculations and I got a different answer. I summoned Trish who had finished her homework and gave the calculations to her. In half an hour she reached the same answers as me. We had reached the same conclusion and she looked as puzzled as I did.
Just as we wondering if we had made a mistake, James phoned. "I had an interesting conversation with a man who reckons he knows who the burglar was and where the papers might be."
"How much is that going to cost me?" I asked.
"Oh, I thought you'd have been pleased with my enquiries?"
"I am, but I have hit a new complication here."
"Oh, do tell."
"I can't at the mo, need to check a few things first," I replied.
"Okay, the stuff I have collected for you is on its way." He rang off and I looked at Trish.
"I still have the same answers," she showed me.
"Unless the original papers are different..."
"This ain't gonna work, ma." I reached the same conclusion so were the original papers different or had Alison cocked up?
I rang James back and asked him to secure the original papers if he could, "Oh, so now you want them?"
"They are the university's property so of course, I want them, I also want to check something against them."
"Okay, I'll try and get them tonight."
"That would be good."
"I'll let you know how I get on."
"Keep safe," I said reminding him of one death related to the papers.
"I shall, I want the pension that's due to me."
"Why did you embark on a career that makes it very difficult then?"
"I thought train spotting or stamp collecting were too dangerous." He rang off before I could comment about his latest absurdity.
"What do we do now?"
"I think we wait and see if there are two sets of notes and calculations."
"And if there aren't?"
"We have a problem."
Trish shrugged and decamped. I sat and pondered what was Alison up to? I didn't know. I would speak to her research assistant tomorrow. I went to bed but slept little as things ran through my mind. Just what was she up to?
I struggled into the office the next morning and on my computer was the same as the papers I had read already complete with mistakes. I rallied enough to hold a meeting but yawned all the way through it and had to apologise to colleagues saying I hadn't slept well the night before, when James text that he had the papers and because they were stolen he had threatened to call the police. They were surrendered without a fight although they had probably been photocopied a dozen times before. A bit later he strolled into my office with them and while he drank coffee I tried to find the calculations.
They were the same, what Alison had done had been wrong, had she known this or not, if she had she might have arranged the break-in to conceal it, she may even have killed herself, the Rohypnol designed to muddy the waters. It felt possible but very sad when all she had to do was tell me and we would have discussed it with the MOD and taken it from there. She could still have been murdered but why? I called Toby and the Special Branch. They both arrived within minutes of each other.
I showed them the papers and the mistakes I'd found in the calculations, they both hemmed and hawed, saw what I was on about and looked at each other. "What exactly are you trying to say?" asked Inspector Duvalle.
"The research is useless, it doesn't work."
"Perhaps it needs tweaking?" Duvalle uttered.
"No it's too far off the numbers required, if only she'd come to me?"
"Did she just miscalculate?" Toby looked directly at me.
"I don't know what happened but this lot is just a pile of junk," was my comment.
"The Rohypnol could have been a red herring, her family doctor didn't prescribe it but it's available if you know where to look for it," added Toby.
"We have at least one case per year of students accused of using it for nefarious motives. Welcome to the internet," I said.
"I have checked with MI5, it's nothing to do with them or any known department, so it looks as if the poor lady did it to herself," said Duvalle.
"As if they'd admit it?" I commented and Toby suppressed a smirk, Duvalle shrugged.
I think I'm going to collect my girls from school and go home," I said and collected my handbag.
The three of us left my office, me telling Diane I'd be in tomorrow when I woke up. Toby laughed and I drove off towards the convent.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3349 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
Later that evening James came to see me, He'd been to see the man who sold him the papers and after a little persuasion, he admitted there was another set that he'd sold on to a foreign gentleman. James pushed him to reveal who that was and it transpired he was a Russian. The man who'd broken into the university was also Russian. I asked why they weren't working together, both being Russian, and apparently, they couldn't stand each other. So it's not just me, other people have dislikes too.
He'd apparently left the country, no doubt with the papers, although James having pressed a little harder had discovered there was still at least one copy in this country and he persuaded the man to give it to him. He mentioned that previous copies had been forgeries or altered as they didn't do as the paper suggested they would and if this was different he might part with some cash if not, too bad.
He gave me the new paper and I called Trish, "Check this one," I told her and she went off happy to know she had figures to play with.
"You give a scientific paper to a thirteen-year-old?"
"You want a result in half an hour because she will have been through the calculations twice, or you can wait for an hour and I'll have done them once. She's got A-level maths, I struggled with Ordinary level."
"I mean she's good, but you understand the science."
"Only vaguely, this is cutting-edge and possibly flawed, I'm not yet convinced that she didn't con us all and then commit suicide when she realised the game was just about up."
"D'you really think that?"
I don't know what I think anymore. There are so many versions of it and why did the crown pathologist miss the toxicology, the Rohypnol?"
"Maybe he was crap?"
"Not according to my chap, he is brilliant, so how come he missed it?"
"Or did he?"
"My point exactly, if he had been told to miss it and it was only by chance that my chap found it, it was a minuscule amount but it was there and had mostly metabolised out, so she had taken it some while before she died. She also had some small bruising near the mouth which could mean the tablets were forced on her after she had passed out."
"In other words, murder?"
"Yes, but I'd have expected a stronger dose of Rohypnol, as the security services don't tend to use subtlety unless it suits them, especially when they control the pathologist. They didn't know I was arranging for a second examination."
"But why kill her, it doesn't make sense."
"Unless someone else did."
"You mean the Russians?"
"Well, them or a third party."
"It still doesn't make sense."
"Who was the Russian who sold him the papers?"
I burst out laughing. "Is that his name or what he did?"
"Eh, Bogdoff, ah, bogged off, very funny."
"Not if he killed her."
Before he could reply Trish returned with the figures, "These ones add up," she said, "but there are a couple of terms I haven't seen before in the text."
"I'll have a look, have a biscuit and some milk and off to bed with you," I told her.
"Mum, I'm thirteen, I'm going to have a cup of tea while I read my book."
"Which one?" asked James.
"Quantum Universe."
"Just something light then?" he joked, she rolled her eyes and left handing me the paper and her calculations on a separate piece of paper.
"I wonder if that's the only copy?" he said referring to the paper I held in my hand. "I'll do a bit more digging, who knows what I'll turn up."
"Take care, it's already cost one life."
"I can take care of myself."
"I think that's what Alison said."
"Yeah, but I mean it."
"So did she. She had a black belt in taekwondo."
He left, his car waking up half the neighbourhood as he sped back to his home. I liked him so I doubly didn't want to see anyone harm him, he was a nice bloke but that is no protection against crime, especially, one organised by the Russian secret service, no wonder MI5 were hovering in the background.
The next morning I phoned Toby, I told him I'd got hold of a paper where the maths did add up. "Ah, but does the rest?"
"That's what I'm going to check next, as much of the science as I can, but I still have doubts about it actually working, But I can't check that."
"Cathy, from the rumours that abound about you, you may be the only person who can."
"Which rumours are they then?"
"The magic healing ones amongst others."
"What magic healing?"
"The stuff that happens when you are around, the knowledge you have of others they don't know about, including senior police officers' wives, you get my point."
"You don't believe all that stuff, do you? You do, don't you."
"I have heard some very grounded people talking as if you were the Messiah, they are not the sort you would expect to hear that from."
"Messiah? Don't be daft."
"So with you about anything could happen, including raising the dead."
"Now you are being funny, no one can do that."
"It depends on your definition of dead."
"Yeah, being able to run a marathon, kind of dead."
"I'm only saying what I've heard."
"I suppose it comes before or after flying saucers and ET in you filing system."
"Aliens come first because they start with A."
"Whatever, I have work to do, bye."
He started to say something but I didn't hear it. I settled down with a cuppa ad the paper. Trish had mentioned terms she hadn't seen before, there were some I hadn't seen either, and much of the paper seemed written in a gobbledy gook. I sent for her research assistant, a PhD student, Russell Neme, he happened to be in today and he appeared an hour later. I finished reading the paper and had surreptitiously copied it, I had sent Diane to get me a tuna roll as I'd not had time for breakfast.
Russell arrived and Diane brought us a cuppa. I showed him the paper and after a ten-minute read, he said he thought it was the final version. He told me that MI5 had been to see him and most recently Inspector Duvalle had been, he was spooked by it and didn't appreciate my smirking at his choice of words. I had to explain that MI5 were called spooks. Thankfully he saw the funny side of it and smiled too.
He was kept away from much of Alison's research, she told him she wanted to protect him, he'd been sceptical at first but now he was quite glad she had. I asked him if he had known what it was all about. He wasn't sure but he thought that she had hit upon something quite unexpectedly, which she had thought could revolutionise wound healing and possibly fighting infection as well, but that hadn't been tested. No wonder Welcome were interested. They could make a fortune, again.
I had considered there was a lot missing from the paper, she had hinted at things not stated them fully. It sounded like an interim report and I said as much to Russell, he agreed. After Diane was sent to get more tuna rolls, we sat down and went through Alison's paper, Russell and I did.
She had hinted more than detailed her research and I felt it was an interim report rather than a finished item, I certainly would not have passed it as research degree worthy, Russell agreed. "I've wasted a whole year, she was so secretive, she wouldn't let me in on the interesting stuff. I found her over a hundred papers on healing regimes and she didn't even say thank you."
"Would you like to continue the project?"
"What here?"
"That looks doubtful but the Welcome Foundation seem quite interested. I could put in a word for you."
"Wow, I'd love to but I'd need a lot more information than we have at present."
"Assuming both those and them being agreeable, it sounds more up their street than ours, would you be interested."
"Absolutely, especially if it got me my doctorate."
"We might still offer one of those if Welcome were happy for it to be set up that way."
"Yes, I am interested."
"Right, it might take a little while to talk them into it so I will let you know one or t'other."
"Okay, I wait for you to call."
"Take a week or so off, take a holiday or something."
"No money for holidays as the research grant was suspended when Alison died."
"Okay, have a few days off but keep away from strangers."
"You think I'm at risk?"
"Possibly, pays not to tempt providence."
"Yeah, I was going to go birdwatching at Farlington Marshes."
"I think you'd better not."
"If someone was after you it would be an easy place to either abduct you or deal with you."
"I see, okay I'll catch up on my reading."
"Sounds safer and you can use the library here if that helps?"
"Okay, I'll wait to hear from you."
I called Welcome and spoke to Jonathon again, I told him we'd found a new paper and that I'd spoken to Alison's research assistant who would be willing to continue with the research. He was quite cool about it so I mentioned I had to speak to Astra Zenica so I wouldn't use up any more of his time. His attitude changed immediately and he thought he could find space for Russell after he'd interviewed him of course. I told him we could award a degree but he'd obviously need to do a dissertation which we'd have to mark. He went cool again but agreed to see Russell.
I got Diane to call him asking him to call me, meanwhile, I called Jim and asked him to come to me at the university. Russell phoned and I told him to call Jonathon at Welcome and to wear something tidy, I filled him in on the situation, he thanked me and rang off. Jim did arrive and I had to inform home. I'd be late home.
We searched Alison's lab for anything she may have concealed there,I was sure there was something. Eventually, we did find something, it was taped to the bottom of the lowest filing cabinet drawer and took us several minutes to extract, Jim holding the cabinet at 45 degrees while I struggled with the file which was taped to it. Finally, it was free and I skimmed through it. It may have been what I wanted or what someone else had wanted enough to kill for. I made two photocopies and then with much persuasion got Jim to help me put it back, minus a couple of pages, so I had the missing bits. I swore him to secrecy and we went home where David had made the most amazing souflé and Jim thoroughly enjoyed it, well his share plus anyone else's he could steal, beg or borrow.
Trish and I went off to my study and we went through the maths and then the paper. Without some more work, it would never do what it set out to, possibly Welcome could finish it and possibly Russell would get his PhD. I would submit a version of it to the MOD and tell them I had given it to Welcome as I felt it wasn't really or bag. It was up to them what they did about it, but I would mention Russell's part to them and how he'd like to continue. Jim went home when we ran out of food and I went to bed having decided what I wanted to do the next day.
It was about 2.00 a.m. when something woke me, it was a noise from downstairs. I sat up and listened, we had intruders. I went into the bathroom and called Toby's private number, he eventually answered. "I think we have burglars."
"Stay away from them, I'm on my way..."
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3350 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
I went to the bedroom doorway and listened, there were definitely sounds coming from downstairs, then suddenly, they were coming up the stairs. I looked around me for something to use as a weapon. The steps came closer and I swung back the old vase ready to bash anyone on the head with it, when mumbled, "It's a sair fecht,' just saved me bringing it down hard on the head of anyone coming up the stairs.
Just then a couple of police cars burst into the drive and there were sounds of a scuffle outside. "Daddy, I could have killed you."
"For why wud ye hae killt me? I fell asleep in ma study."
"I thought you were up in bed?" There were definite noises off, so I sllpped passed him and ran downstairs, I opened the back door as two coppers were restraining a complete stranger.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Oh, hi Cathy, look whar we found trying to gain entry into your house," came Toby's reply.
"What? I just discovered the noise were my father coming up the stairs, not wishing to wake anyone he didn't put the light on, and crashed about like a wounded elephant."
"A few more minutes and you'd have had an intruder, we suspect it's the bloke who broke into the university. He's ex Russian secret service, so MI5 will enjoy talking to him."
"I thought he would have had lock picks and so on?"
"If he had any, they've probably been turned into bombs by now and dropped on Ukraine, but let's not start down that road," said Toby.
I invited him for a cuppa and the other officers, they'd take it in turns to watch the prisoner or drink them outside. While the kettle boiled, he asked me what was the man after. I pretended I didn't know, but it was locked in a safe, in a rather obscure part of my study, behind the faux fireplace, but that was between Jim and me, I told nothing of our find to Toby, it was too dangerous. So how did this Russian agent find out?
The police went on their way and I went back to bed thought I was anything but sleepy. I tried to puzzle out how he knew there was something to take to risk breaking in for? Only James and I knew and I'd told no one, so they must have 'I can look after myself' Beck. I eventually rung the police station and discovered that Toby had gone home again. I tried hi home number.
"What is it now, flying saucer on the roof? You realise this reducing my beauty sleep?"
"I think they might have James, I tried phoning him and he doesn't answer."
"Maybe he's actually got to sleep?"
"I have a bad feeling about this."
"Sorry, we don't send out patrols for those, only for good feelings."
"We found some more papers."
"In Alison's office."
"Why weren't we told? You wanted to DIY it, didn't you? You and bloody Beck. Then when you've messed up, then you call for the professionals to sort it out."
I resisted the urge to tell him that none of them could find socks in a drawer, "Look I am worried about James."
"So am I, his interference usually costs us time and money, it's about time he got his comeuppance."
"I see so I have to find and rescue him by myself?"
"That isn't what I said Cathy."
"Isn't it? Prove me wrong."
"All right, I'll send a car out to his house and see if he's there."
"He's not, he's near here, I can feel it. You should be searching near here not bloody Winchester."
"Do you realise what that would cost?"
"Do you realise what law suits cost? I asked him.
"You'd have to prove negligence first."
"Oh, I think Jason could do that, or enough to swing a jury."
"You've already spoiled my sleep, I'll come over again and we can look in a few places. Get dressed and be ready for half an hour."
Damn, he makes me work harder to get what I want, why? He knows that I always win in the end, pity those wretched Russians don't. I dressed in a thin black top and trousers and had a ski mask in my pocket. I also packed one of the multi-tool things in my pocket and I had some climbing rope coiled about my waist.
I saw the lights of his car come into the drive and after locking up walked out to meet him, except i wasn't him. I dashed off into the orchard with someone close behind. I ducked behind a tree and he went rushing passed. I saw the moonlight glint on his gun. I pulled on the ski mask over my ponytail and disappeared into the shadow of a a big oak tree. I scaled up the trunk and looked down on him walking underneath. Just then Toby came into the drive, I saw the lights of his car. The stranger walked stealthily underneath me, a few moments later, he was laid-out and unconscious, he hadn't looked up and didn't appreciate how fast I can climb if I see a gun.
The other car disappeared when Toby drove up to the house and because it tried to drive off with no lights on, of course, Toby followed it. Well, he did for as long as he could, but he isn't a pursuit driver and his ageing Saab wasn't quite up to it. By the time he came back, the one I'd disabled was trussed up tighter than an oven-ready turkey.
"Where'd he come from?" he asked getting out of his car.
"Oh, this was one I made earlier," quoting the famous Blue Peter line. "I saw the car headlights and thought it was you, it wasn't but he was looking for me on the ground and I was up a tree. I quite hurt my knees hitting him on the back of the neck."
"God, he's all tied up and you like a Ninja, what did you call me for, it looks like you have it all under control?"
"He had this," I handed him the gun.
"Glock, eh? at least they have decent guns not some horrid Russian thing."
"As far as I know they still kill people."
"Yes, but these do it more style," he checked the balance of the pistol. This what they issue to the force."
"Oh, I thought you had catapults and pea-shooters."
"Nah, that's the cadets, us hardened coppers, get to use real ones now and again."
"What shall we do with him?"
He walked off phone in hand then minutes later he returned, "They are sending a car."
"Will I have to explain?"
"Not tonight."
"What does that mean?"
"As soon as they come, we can go look for Beck, bloody amateurs."
I ignored his remark and an unmarked car came into the drive, they loaded the still unconscious stranger and drove off. "Okay, I had to buy some petrol but we're good for a few hours if necessary." I got into the Saab and buckled up. "Which way, Kemosabe?"
I closed my eyes and the blue light told me left, "You sure, 'cause the other one went right?"
"Go left," I repeated and he followed my instructions. The light steered me to an old industrial site. "Stop here," I said.
"What for, there's nothing here?"
Instead of answering I got out of the car. "Simon and I once caught a murderer hereabouts."
"He'll have to get a move on," joked Toby.
"No, I'll make do with you."
"Aw, you're so kind. Hey, wait for me," he called as I walked towards a derelict factory. "If anything happens to you, Simon will probably invade Russia."
"They're in there somewhere, come on." As we walked in silence we heard voices, we had found them.
"Where is the paper, Mr Beck, we know you found it?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." There was a sound of someone being hit, several times, and my blood ran cold. I pulled on the ski mask and Toby started to snigger. Two minutes later he was frantically searching for me hissing my name, that he'd walked past me twice didn't occur to him, neither did he notice when I took his gun. I tucked it in my waistband and pulled my top over it. He didn't know I was walking behind him till I tapped his shoulder and signed that we should get down.
A moment later, one of the Russians walked out and shone a torch about, there was gun behind it. He walked stealthily past us and dropped like a stone when Toby hit him on the back of the head, dropping his gun. He began feeling for the one I had given him earlier and then cuffing the man with his handcuffs, his arms behind him, he gagged him with his hanky and the man's belt. "If he wakes up he won't be able to alert them," he whispered.
We crept onwards and we saw two cars and a group of men, one of whom was strapped to a chair and another was shouting at him and punching him. He'd pay for that.
I'm calling for back-up. Fortunately, any wind that was blowing was coming towards us and after Toby had finshed and pocketed hi phone I spotted a old scaffolding pole. "Cover me," I said and marched into the group of men and hit the one who was punching James across the face with my pole, he went one way and I think his teeth went another.
"I managed to hit another with my pole and just as one of them drew his gun to shoot me, Toby called, "I wouldn't do that, old boy, if I were you." They dropped their weapons and the one who'd been beating up James lay groaning and rolling on the floor. As I was untying James he stopped groaning and drew a gun James grabbed my pole and threw it like a spear at the writhing man and it went straight through his head. Unsurprisingly he stopped writhing.
As we sat and waited for the police, Toby said, "We're are in the caca for this, Cathy."
"As it is I think we did quite well, though I lost my bashing pole."
When reinforcements or was that three and four pence, did arrive we were immediately arrested and taken off for questioning. They'd come about four o' clock and I got home after eight, they were still eating breakfast.
"Where've you been?" I groaned it was going to be long story and I still didn't know what happened to Alison, but I was going to do my damnedest to find out.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3351 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
"I rescued you, doesn't that call for discount," I said smiling at him.
"I'll let you off this time."
"I didn't lose them last time."
"Don't be pedantic," he sco9lded.
"I wasn't, I was just stating the facts and that was you lost it, not me."
"That's the trouble with women, they're all so literal."
"At least you know what you're getting."
"I am grateful, Cathy, but don't expect me to show it."
"Bramble has been training me for situations like this."
"Bramble...the cat?"
"The one and only."
He laughed, got in his car and drove away. I hope Simon doesn't miss his shirt. I went home and after a snack I went for a few hours sleep. My head was still buzzing with thoughts of what had happened, at least I hadn't killed anyone this time. I tossed and turned thinking I had missed something. It must have been three hours later that I awoke with a start. My memory had just remembered something. I showered and tried to think where I had seen it.
Trish came in while I was dressing, at least she knocked before barging in. "Are we doing anything today?"
"Not as far as I know, why?"
"Can I have another look at the secret paper, the one you have in the safe."
"You are not supposed to know that, besides you seen it once, you checked the calculations."
"It's not those I want to see, it was the chemistry."
" I want to look at that myself." That was what I had recalled, something which I had glossed over earlier came back to haunt me.
"We can look at it together," she smirked.
"I don't know the less you see of it the better, then you don't have to lie."
"I'd never tell anyone, well would you expect and teen to know anything."
"A teen who's going to university next term."
"I know that and so do you but who else does?"
"I don't know, I don't want to expose you to danger."
"I'll be okay, I have you as my guardian angel."
"I'm more of a Guardian reader."
She laughed and showed her regular shaped teeth, I hoped she never had anything happen to threaten them. Fortunately, they tend to leave us alone after we've had a contra temps while they regroup. They would need reinforcements and that take a bit of time especially with MI5 picking them up as they arrived.
I'd missed lunch so David did me some scrambled eggs on toast, they hit the spot and after eating Trish and I went into my study and I took the paper out of the safe. Over a cup of tea that Danni brought us, we went through the paper line by line and came to the same conclusion, the chemistry would never work. The substances in the jellyfish were well know although there were six or seven of the compounds mentioned none of them were known to react like they did in Alison's paper.
"Either she did something to them that isn't mentioned or they were different from those mentioned or the thing doesn't work, full stop." I voiced my concerns to Trish.
"I've been reading up about these things and don't they usually use seaweed not jellyfish?"
"Agars are used for all sorts of things from ice cream to drugs," I suggested.
"I don't think we substitute ice cream for jellyfish."
"No, course not," I said and she laughed as she visualised us swapping Häagen-Dazs for Cnidarians. I had to admit is was amusing and I laughed too.
"They could be doing something with DNA they use a technique called agarose gel electrophoresis when they are separating out DNA."
"That could be it, Ma," she said cheekily.
"Oy, watch it," I replied to her lip.
"We need some help, this is cellular biochemistry, I'm an ecologist."
"You're a smart arse ecologist, and I love you despite your inadequacies."
No one had mentioned my inadequacies since my pre-op days and Simon, instead of talking, fucked me. He hadn't complained since, so I was left to assume rightly, or wrongly, that I was no longer inadequate. I must ask him one day.
Trish was almost bouncing," We've cracked it," she danced around my study, "electo-foreskins," she repeated over and over again. I phoned Toby, who I learned had just got up.
He drove over and Trish was still chanting her mantra which made him look perplexed then he laughed especially when I told him the proper term. In letting him in I had glanced at the post. There was a brown envelope addressed to Sarah who had taken a part of the first year biology exam. It looked like her results. She had been very busy supporting me and doing the bulk of the childcare/entertainment. Somehow she hadn't noticed it.
I settled Toby with a bottle beer and went to look for her, she was with Cate and Lizzie doing a board game. "There's a letter for you on the hall table."
"Yeah, I know, I was waiting till you were with me before I opened it. I am so scared about it."
"Why, Debbie said you were prepared for it."
"I know, it's just me, I get panicky in exams, especially one this important."
I hugged her and told her not to worry and to call me when she was ready. She relaxed and went back to her board game. I went back to Toby and we discussed what we knew. It seemed certain that the Russian secret service had kidnapped Ali and killed her. He had someone viewing traffic cams and it looked as if the car the Russians were using had appeared umpteen times near her home. It wasn't conclusive but it looked quite suspicious and Toby was convinced it was them, even though it had appeared clumsy, perhaps affected by the war in Ukraine.
I sent a fax to Jonathon and he emailed me back that my suspicions could be right. He'd set an experiment up to run the next day. I submitted the file to Toby and he'd pass it on to whoever was most appropriate but ultimately, the MOD. I also asked him to tell tha grapevine that they now had all the bits and the case was closed. It might even get to Russia eventually, I was sick of their shenanigans, I was a middle-aged professor who just wanted to be left alone to run her department and raise her kids.
So much had happened that I couldn't give my time to, for instance Danni had ended her contract with Reading and transferred her allegiance to Bournemouth. It was nearer and the team seemed to be going places. Danni had been left out of the European Cup competition and decided this was her last year.
"But you are only seventeen," I argued.
"Yeah, I'm gonna give it one more year and the concentrate on uni."
"What happens if they, the university, ask you to play for them?"
"I'll see how I feel, I'm sick of being injured."
"It's what less talented players do to equalise things. It never does of course, because you can't stop people who are better than you, and you are one of the best."
"Thanks, Mum," she smiled and we had a little hug. The money that the Cherries (Bournemouth) were paying her, much of which she was saving, was nowhere near what they pay men but it was better than Reading.
"You need to score a few goals to show them what you can do."
"Show who, Mum?"
"Those dopy England selectors."
"They won the Euro Cup, they can't be so dopy."
"They'd have won it more easily if you had been playing."
"Probably, but we don't know that and they seem to have pencilled me out of the squad."
"Go for Scotland again, I'm sure they be interested if we told them you were available."
"But I'm not, going to Bournemouth is bad enough I'm not travelling up to bloody Scotland just to please my mother."
"You could probably have got a uni place up there."
"I have to play down here, I'm not interested Mum, and I'm not interested in England any more, they can go and play with themselves."
"Okay, if that is how you feel you'd better tell them you're no longer available."
"Nah, they have already dumped me, so stuff them, two can play at that game."
"Okay, I'll leave you in peace."
"I'll see you ate tea, Mum." she went upstairs to her room. Toby had gone too and I was reduced to making my own tea as David was putting the finishing touches to dinner. I made him a cup too and sat at the table looking at the paper.
"This Tory party election is all wrong," I said, " how can somebody claim to be Prime Minister of Great Britain when they are elected by a small group of geriatrics with Alzheimer's."
David laughed, "I've missed your anarchic comments this week," he told me but before I could reply Sarah arrived with her envelope.
"I don't think I can do this," she almost whimpered.
"Why not, changing over takes more courage than this does."
"I know, but this is different."
"How is it?"
"Oh, I dunno, it just is."
"Give it 'ere, I'll open it for you," David offered.
"Um, I wanted Mummy to do it, no offence."
"None taken, young lady."
"It's addressed to you, and I think you know what it says."
"I don't," she said adding, "it was harder than I expected."
"Was it, hadn't Debbie covered it all?"
"Yeah, no it was me, I don't like exams."
"W ell, you have one a year if it's good news."
"Yeah, but I'll be with other girls."
"You're hardly alone here," I said with an element of frustration in my voice.
"You know what I mean, you've all been wonderful, especially you and Danni."
"And Trish and Livvie, they encouraged you?"
"Yeah, they knew more than I did, they're like, ten levels above little ol' me."
"They are clever I'll admit but don't put yourself down."
She sat on my lap and while David beavered away she slid the envelope under my hand. "Go on," she said.
"Let's do it together," I whispered.
"Okay," she said.
I slid a knife across the top of the envelope. "Your turn," I said pushing the brown paper towards her.
She shrugged and closed her eyes while she drew out the contents. "Tell me, she said, I'm too frightened to read."
David walked around and peered at it. "Well done, kiddo, you're in the uni with Trish and Danni."
She opened her eyes and read the document, " I passed, Mummy I passed." She hugged and kissed me and did the same to David before crying her eyes out with happiness.
"It says here you got 85% for your submission, I think you did more than pass, girl."
"I suppose I did, I was so scared."
"Why, I told you Debbie was a good teacher."
"I know but there is always a doubt in my mind."
"Why, I only offered you the place because I knew you were up for it."
"Thank you," she hugged me again, "You're the best Mum I've ever had," she spoke quietly and tears poured down her face, "You won't regret this, Mummy, I promise."
I kissed the top of her head, " I know, sweetheart, why don't you go and tell the others?"
She wiped her face and ran off to spread her good news. "Did you know she passed, you know on the grapevine, like?"
"I knew she would because I had every confidence in her, but no I nobody told me, Ait's against the regulations."
"Oh," he said adding, "I'm glad I never bothered then."
"They can't teach genius," I said and he absolutely beamed back at me.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3352 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
I heard back that the experiment with the agar seemed to be doing the trick and it made me smile to think of Trish and her Häagen-Dazs in the formula. In a few weeks, she was going to be studying physics and maths, Dannielle would be taking biology and so would Sarah. I might be involved if they do any ecology on their courses but I didn't think there was anything much as it was more laboratory-based than out-in-the-field stuff. It was what the other universities were doing and were competing with them. The environmental science we did included some ecology and because I had degrees in both I could teach ecology and biology but of course I not be able to teach my own family, of which Sarah was now considered a member, because of possible conflicts of interest.
Life drifted back to normal and I applied myself to problems at the university, one of these was the rise in fuel and energy prices which had risen nearly 100% in the past few months, mainly due to the effect of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Now they were accused of a cyber war against Moldova a tiny country that had gained independence from Moscow and had even joined NATO. It was harder than ever to think of Russians as evil although I knew the ordinary people were like us only Putin and his gang could be seen as truly evil.
The university council was summoned for an emergency session to sort out some sort of policy for energy use and using my experience of creating policy for High Street Banks, it fell to me to draft one for the university. I would remind them of my efforts the next time there were any jibes about me being a director there. Diane and I worked on a policy for a day or two and we also did a variation on it for the bank, which Henry liked. Basically, I decided on reducing temperatures and told people to wear more clothes as the need arose or we would close branches, which was a possibility yet.
I sent a copy to Simon once Henry had approved it but it still had to be passed by the bank's board and we had a meeting in a couple of days. It was a coup as Henry pushed it through with little or no dissent and the same happened with the university which approved my suggestions nem. con.. I tried to adopt a low profile afterwards but it was leaked enough to be mentioned on the local news and then later on the national news. The next day it was featured in the newspapers with headlines of, Don't forget your vest and University tells students to wear extra clothes..
That morning I had various news outlets contact me for sound bites to include in their next issue or to play on their news bulletins. For two minutes I achieved notoriety again and was referred to as 'Dr Dormouse,' as they recalled my successful films. Thankfully, it was short-lived and I was allowed to get back to my normal duties of writing begging letters to get sponsorship for research projects, which were harder since we'd fallen foul of the research monies we used to get from the EU. Once again I cursed Boris and his con-trick which caused the morons who make up the electorate, to vote us out of the EU. It was only now that the problems I had forecast were showing, that everything cost more and took longer. This caused by a government which was going to cut red tape presumably by changing the colour and doubling the amount.
At the weekend Simon came home and I walked funny for a couple of hours the next morning, no one said anything but I suspect that they were still thinking it. I wasn't ashamed, I happen to love my husband and like to show him. We did it again on the Saturday and once more I walked stiffly the next morning and again I received the knowing looks from my children, but they said nothing, it was almost less hassle when they did say something instead of the smiles I got now.
It was about two weeks since we had given the formula to the MOD that it happened. Simon had taken my car to the garage to get a minor fault sorted, I was taking the tarpaulin of my old Jaguar and was inside the garage out of sight of the others, Meems might even have gone with her dad. I was busy folding the tarpaulins when Something was jabbed in my back and a strange accent demanded that I didn't move. Although I was standing quite still I felt my blood pressure climb and my heart rate increased.
"You think you are so clever, girlie-boy, don't you?"
I was tempted to answer that I was compared to him but said nothing.
"I have come to kill you."
Again I said nothing except try to get my mind to think about how I might escape. I had tarpulins in my hand and he had the drop on me and was standing about a yard behind me. It was at this moment Danielle chose to come and see me. "Mummy, if you are, oh who are you?" she said as she stumbled upon us in the garage.
I whipped around and hit him with the folded tarpaulins which knock the gun out of his hand and threw myself at him. "Run," I shouted her and she disappeared.
"No matter," said my attacker and started to try and strangle me. I did realise who much difference adrenaline makes to strength as broke his grip and pushed away from him trying to get a breath into my empty lungs. He lunged at me again and this time I shoved the heel of my hand into his face. I think I heard his nose break but still he came at me. Given his superior weight and strength it was only a matter of time before I succumbed. Once more his hands grabbed my throat and I managed to head-butt him in the face, he stepped back and I did a back-kick which had him stagger backwards into Danielle and Daddy, the latter who came armed with his shotgun and whacked the Russiian across the back of his head. He went down like a stone. I picked up the gun he'd dropped and warned the others that there was probably another about, perhaps with the engine running for a quick escape. The gun had a silencer, so they weren't waiting for a shot to mean the job was done. I tied the would-be assassin with some rope we had in the garage and unfolding the tarps I began, with Danielle's help, to roll him up in them.
We needed now to get back to the house, so with Daddy waving his gun about and me holding the hand gun to hurry back to the house, once there I phoned Simon to warn him and next I phoned Toby.
It only seemed like a few minutes and the place was crawling with armed police and a helicopter was hovering over the place. Because the response was so quick, they caught the accomplice of the assassin, as he was being taken away, I told him to leave me in peace or next time I would kill him and anyone else who they sent. It was pure bravado but I was so psyched-up by it all I was ready to kill anyone who threatened me or my family.
Once the police had departed and Simon had returned with my car, I shook and cried in his arms. He told me that the bank would retaliate if they had a chance by taking investments out of Russia and by making a donation to the opposition parties to help them destabilise the government by exposing the corruption. He also told me he'd ask Sammi to do something nasty to their computers if she had a chance. Usually, we were busy keeping them out, the Russians and the Chinese were the worst, now, for a short time we'd go on the offensive and when she rang a little later she had left presents for the Russian energy giant, Gazprom and also their military sites. She said she'd enjoyed it reminding her of her earlier life as a hacker. GCHQ in Cheltenham was told briefly what she had done and if their attack on her mother had been successful, she'd have destroyed everything she could of their computer resources. We may not be a superpower but we could still inflict damage. I likened it to not being able to land a killer blow, but being able to land a kick in a tender spot, which reminded them not to mess with us.
Henry was informed and when I attended the board meeting some days later he unveiled a series of measures to inflict more damage on the Russian economy and his intention to act with other banks to maximise their effect. My paper on reducing energy use was well received and I was invited to see where else I could save energy and thus money. I just had to hope the university didn't get wind of it or they'd be chasing me as well. I suggested they use an environmental science postgraduate and sponsor him. Henry immediately backed me and it was agreed unanimously.
Now all I had to do was find someone and supervise them, but we had achieved another research grant and that was what my job was all about. The nightmares were easing and I no longer had Kiki sleeping on the top of the landing. Hopefully, soon I'd be back to normal, it was just that I couldn't understand why one person could cause so much trouble worldwide. If only he didn't have nuclear weapons and now he's agreed to fit planes from Belarus with a facility to carry nuclear weapons. The man is a disease he's beyond contempt but my hating him achieved nothing except it gave me a headache. It was Monday morning again and I was back to work. The cycle was back to normal.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3353 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
I was saddened to hear of the death of the Queen who had reigned over us for over 70 years, some job I wonder what the pension is like? Forget it, the jobs they have to do, meet and greet the world's loathsome leaders, at least Covid had stopped them shaking hands. People on the Radio 4 news had met her and said she was something special and they'd felt they had her complete attention, even if probably she was bored stiff, she was polite. Rest in peace Lilibet, your sense of duty was remarkable. It screwed up all your kids but then living in a goldfish bowl can't be easy.
I listened to experts and people who actually knew her or Charles who now becomes Charles the third, we haven't had a King Charles for three hundred years, so things will feel a bit different for a while. We also have a new Prime Minister, so with energy prices rising faster than a Saturn 5 rocket, things will be different. My contempt for that silly little man in the Kremlin grew in the same proportions to my energy bills and although we shall be able to afford them, it is all down to the megalomania of one rather annoying little turd, a pox on all his houses.
Everything was quiet at the university, anything not absolutely necessary was shut down and the flags were at half-mast as we entered however many days of official mourning. I felt a little sad mainly because it was the end of an era and we always miss those, partly because we don't know what's coming. At the moment everything is so uncertain, climate change and weird weather, the cost of living crisis, the war in Ukraine and more revelations out of America. I looked at the Guardian online and after reading about the court case between Mermaids and another LGB charity, which it claims are trying to prove that gender has nothing to do with sexuality and they accused it of trying to separate transgender people from other sexual minorities to weaken the support they get. I read of a mother's dilemma that by supporting her transgender daughter who has just transitioned, she could lose custody of said daughter as Republican states become a hostile places for transgender children. Apparently, the governor of Texas has created a witch-hunt by having investigators check out families with transgender children with a view to removing them. Before long, these same people will probably make it illegal for trans people to breathe.
I read an article which showed that one of the judges that passed the anti-abortion legislation has a wife who is very much involved with right-wing Christian groups, particularly those looking to damage individual human rights. I also saw that Iran had sentenced two women to death for being lesbian activists and Ayatollah Khomeini described homosexuality as being a crime against the earth. I would think his nastiness was more inclined to beat that category.
It seems we live in world which is run by arseholes, Russia, Republican America, Brazil and the Middle East including Iran, is run by lunatics with dangerous delusions and they hate people who are different because they show there is another way to live. They (the megalomaniacs) are frightened of anyone different so they find the most helpless minority and kick them, especially if they are down while telling lies and crying crocodile tears and selling fear to those who are gullible.
Apparently, the judge named in the above article was now set on undoing same-sex marriages, which he is quite happy to pursue unable to see that marriage should be between to people who love each other and not for any other reason. What sort of Christianity they follow isn't one the founder would recognise as it seems to have hatred as its main component, close followed b by fear, fear that people will see through them perhaps?
Diane brought me a cuppa, "Sad about the Queen," she said plonking down the mug.
"Yeah, the day after she met Liz Truss," I answered.
"That mean she's toxic to old ladies?" she joked.
"I think if we have a cold winter lots of old ladies could die."
"But it's hardly her fault, is it?"
"True, I wonder if we could charge Putin with their murder."
"I gather you don't like him?"
"I have never hated anyone before but I am beginning to make an exception for him. He's a total monster."
"Shall we make that unanimous?" she asked and I nodded.
The rest of the day dragged as much as the first part, everyone seemed to be sad. Daddy came by before lunch and told me we were going for lunch. I accepted his offer because the refectory was probably going to be like a wake.
The restaurant was displaying a photo of Her Majesty and it was a little subdued but generally, it seemed just quieter as people spoke with retrained voices. "I met her, ye ken."
"I didn't know that," I replied.
"Aye, twice."
"Twice. How come?" I asked.
"Aboot thirty years ago she opened the new laboratory block and aboot twenty years ago I was invited to a garden party. The sun actually shone all day."
"I met the now Prince of Wales at my garden party, he was very nice, but I think your two meetings with HM trump that."
"Aye, she wis very nice on both occasions," he looked quite wistful as he remembered his encounters.
"Are you okay?"
"Aye," he said as our lunches were brought. These days we just have to say, 'The usual,' and they even bring our usual drinks, my cranberry juice and Daddy's Guinness.
We ate them without feeling the usual enjoyment, eating out of need more than pleasure. I was quite glad to be back at my office and the irritating Diane, who had stuck a picture of the recently deceased monarch to the office notice board alongside which was a picture of a relatively youthful queen opening the laboratory block in 1989. "Where did you find that?" I asked.
"In an old file," she replied.
"I came across it a month ago when we were, well, I was sorting stuff. I remembered it when I saw the pictures in the refectory."
"It's quite a good photo of her," I observed.
"That's what I thought, tea?"
"Is the Pope a catholic?" was my response and I resumed trying to finish the report I was supposed to be writing for the bank on further methods we could employ to save energy. It included reducing heating and supplying thermal underwear. By law, we had to provide a background heat of 60 degrees F and it also was necessary for hands to be warm enough to function. I included an option for people to move around every hour to stimulate circulation or hot drinks in offices, I also suggested we check every branch had a microwave to provide hot food for lunches. It was all basic stuff and I made reference to experiments that showed the temperatures were so or the laws stated statutory definitions of minimal temperatures. For the first year, we wouldn't save that much as the thermal underwear would cost a packet as would any microwaves or new kettles. However, I suggested people working in their coats were unlikely to produce the corporate image we would like to present.
I had Diane proof it and we sent a draft to Henry and to Simon, they both approved of it but hoped we wouldn't need to reduce heating that much. At home, I had a meeting with the children and said we would be reducing the house temperature and turning on the heating only when it becomes necessary. They all complained, I told them to sit about in the kitchen which would always be warmer due to the Aga and David cooking for us. I also said that I would buy them extra thermals if they felt it was necessary.
Trish was gleeful saying that she could wear trousers to uni until Meems reminded her that she complained of wearing trousers before and couldn't wait to wear skirts. It wasn't quite true because she'd presented as Trish when Meems first met her and when she came to me she was in a skirt but it did shut her up for a moment. Then Trish looked at me and asked if I was going to wear trousers instead of skirts to work. I hadn't really thought about it and I had some longish skirts where I could almost wear trousers underneath them, but I decided that I would probably wear thicker tights when I had to wear skirts and warmer undies. "I'm gonna wear those too and thicker tights under my trousers."
"Trish, we live on the south coast and you're not exactly volunteering for the Antarctic Survey are you?"
"No, but I feel the cold," she said and I believed her because I did too, despite the layers of subcutaneous fat the hormones had created. It was one of the changes I had noticed when I transitioned and like Trish I had initially eschewed trousers, when the cold wind blew up my knickers, I soon reverted to trousers again although a longish skirt of heavy material, thick tights and a couple of petticoats was almost as warm it was twice as cumbersome, especially going to the loo, but I decided that evening to have check of my wardrobe and especially my woollies. I just wondered if I'd be able to function wearing so many layers as like others, I'd got used to central heating everywhere and most of it gas-fired.
Daddy had brought up the suggestion that a heat exchanger of the sort they make for large gardens, which we have, would be a good idea. As they cost so many thousand to install we decided against it, but then a madman hadn't invaded Ukraine in those days and the chance of getting hold of one and the workmen to fit it was unlikely, but certainly something I'd keep in mind. I was not looking forward to winter although temperatures were in the twenties at present but they were dropping slightly and we had had some rain, often thundery and thus not particularly helpful to the water supplies. Climate change and Putin were not helping anyone.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3354 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
It had suddenly grown colder at night and instead of leaving the bathroom window open, I shut it. If anybody showered the Expelair fan should deal with it, although I hadn't used it for weeks, I didn't need to, I opened the window. I was now thinking differently. I had only experienced a sense of cold when I was outdoors, getting wet on field trips and the like were the only times, unless you count wandering around in a rugby jersey at school waiting to be picked by one side or the other, whichever drew the short straw. I knew that nobody wanted me, except every so often they threw me the ball which was an excuse for everyone on the opposing side to jump on me and punch and kick me until the referee decided I had enough punishment just for being girly. I couldn't help it, it was just the way I was born. I was, however, a reasonably fast runner and I recounted how one day I was thrown the ball and instead of being tackled immediately I snaked my way past the entire opposing team and scored a try.
My team was ecstatic, my run was described as ghosting through the opposition, worthy of Barry John, a Welsh player who had retired at the height of his game having partnered Gareth Edwards for a few seasons. They were both I was informed some of the greatest players ever to play rugby. I was still wondering how I ran through the 'enemy' when the ball found its way to me again and I did the same again. The tries were converted and they were exactly the amount by which we won.
The head of the sports department was told of my achievements and refused to believe it. As far I was concerned I was the arch pansy and couldn't run with the ball or tackle to save my life. However, the next Saturday I found myself picked for the second fifteen and had to play a team from the school just up the road. I walked there expecting that by the end of the first half the opposition would know I was a wimp and had no idea how to play. I didn't fully understand the rules, I just did what everyone did except spit on the pitch.
Unbeknownst to me the head of sports came to watch. It was the second team, so nobody had a real sense of the game, so when the ball got thrown to me I did what I could to avoid someone twice my size clattering me. I ended up scoring a try. Suddenly my team were all friendly, it was first time we had been in the lead that season. Amazingly, it happened twice and ran through the opposition with none of them able to touch me. We were well ahead and I might have scored a hat-trick, except someone tackled me before I had the ball. They knocked the stuffing out of me putting a knee into my leg causing a dead leg when they hit me. We were awarded a penalty and it was converted. They scored once when they came past me, I couldn't tackle at the best of times, carrying an injury I couldn't run fast enough but it was too late and we won because of my tries.
My father was informed. I was promoted when the person playing on the wing in our first fifteen was injured and was told to stand in for them. I was horrified, this team were one of the best in the schools league, they knew what they were doing, mind you so did most of the teams. I was very different to playing in the secondsI tried to opt out but neither my father or the head of sports would listen. I pleaded for them to release me as I felt out of my depth but they insisted I play. Being named in the team was a real honour. Play umpteen times for them and I'd get school colours, which would enhance my chance for acceptance by a university when I applied. I tried to tell them but everyone thought it was the end of my girly period and that I had suddenly become a man.
We lined up against the opposing team and I was the smallest on the field, probably by about 20 or 30 pounds. They threw me the ball expecting me to run down the wing but within about two seconds I was splattered by their winger. To add insult to injury he ran through me knocking me flying when he scored their opening try.
We were lambasted, beaten by five tries to nothing. I was called a disgrace by the captain and I nearly burst into tears. "You big girl's blouse, tackle the bastard or you'll face me afterwards." I must have taken his advice because in the second half, their wing was charging down the line and only me to beat, when he tried to run through me again. I made a token effort to get in his way and in doing so got knocked out and he fell over me and broke his wrist. Neither of us took any further part in the game, but shared a trip to the hospital in a teacher's car.
My father came to get me, after I had a scan on my bonce to determine if anything up there worked. I presume it did and I actually felt all right before they took me to hospital. I didn't tell them in case they put me back on the pitch. The chap who broke his wrist called me all sorts of names, mainly questioning my masculinity, because the injury stopped him trying out for the county team. I just shrugged, he should have looked where he was going. My tackle attempt was pathetic, all ha had to do was run around me instead he tried to show his dominance and go through me and fell awkwardly on his hand breaking his wrist. I had a slight concussion but I had stopped him scoring. It didn't help, my own team saw me as ineffectual and the opposition spotted me as the weakest link. They were both right but I had tried to tell them it was a mistake. My concussion had meant I couldn't play for a month and by then they had forgotten about me and I continued hiding in the shadows trying not to seen by anyone who would beat me up.
I shuddered at the memory and felt cold again. Trish was quite right, I did the cold more than I used to. If I said anything to Simon he'd just pull my leg and tease me about it. I shivered again and decided I'd say nothing. My rugby memories had lasted a few seconds and I can't remember touching a rugby ball ever again. My mother had been upset by my concussion and told the headmaster that I wasn't to do games again as I was too delicate. I was sore the next day, it felt like I stood in front of a train but I milked it for every drop of my father's guilt. He had been excited by my playing rugby until he saw me play and then wished he hadn't. It wasn't my fault as I was up against other player who were much bigger and knew what they were doing I was just there to make up the numbers. I had tried to tell them perhaps they listen in future.
I thought about Danielle and her football, she was fearless. I was timid unless one of the kids was threatened. As a school kid I sometimes preferred to take a beating because it was easier to survive one by one than by half a dozen, so I became quite good at risk assessment. I also learned to fight, using whatever was available. It wasn't pretty and the guy who taught me and thought I was girl, told me that survival was everything. It was no good to play fair and end up dead. So I learned how to read a situation, to see if there was escape possible because cowardice is preferable to violence and potentially dead heroes. Indiana Jones may be able to take on six opponents and come out without a scrape on him, real life is not so amenable, and if attacked by six opponents the most you are likely to do is take out one or two.
However, I did fight my way out of an attack by five assailants. Had they known what they were doing I could have been killed or seriously injured but they underestimated me. While they were trying to provoke me thinking it would be a pushover, I had assessed them all, backed against a wall and then took the inititative. I knew that if I got it wrong they could do me serious harm. The first one didn't see my punch to the throat coming, he went down and stayed there. They now had to get over him to get near me. The second was off balance and I kicked his knee dislocating the kneecap, he rolled about on the ground making loud noises but he couldn't stand up. Number three pulled a knife and so number four who was stepping over his prostrate friend got pushed on the knife which shocked both of them, I managed a kick to each of their groins and they ceased being part of the assault, the fifth tried to run off when he saw it was him versus someone much smaller and feminine looking who had just dropped four of his friends. I leapt onto his back scratched his face and I tripped him landing on him as we feel. Being on top I got up first and delivered a kick to his jaw which rattled his teeth if not liberating some and walked away. None of them ever challenged me again. As a girl it was the only fight I had and it proved several of my self-defence coaches points. I had a few bruises, they had several but rather than lose face by saying that they got them from me, a known girly-boy, they kept it quiet or said they were cornered by a gang and fell to superior numbers. It made me smile, but they say one woman is worth half a dozen men, I don't think they mean it that way.
It's all psychology and sometimes surprise is worth loads, it was to me. I have taught all the girls some kick-boxing, so they may get a decent first blow in, but also emphasised that running away is best of all unless the chasers can run faster. It also means you can split them up, not that most people feel like fighting after a long run and always run towards people. If you beat someone up you don't want any witnesses if you can help it.
I worried about Trish and Danni going to uni in a week or two's time, especially Trish, who although intellectually superior was naïve and not used to dealing with boys, so imagine my surprise when she announced she was going on a date.
As she attends an all girl school she has limited contact with boys. So she put an advert on the internet saying her potential love interest wasn't to be older that sixteen and not be in an existing relationship. Interests included quantum physics and mathematics. Apparently, three replied and she was going to see the first tonight. I tried to put her off but she wasn't having it and by preventing her going secretly Danni and I followed he to her first rendevous. It was certainly different as I'll explain sometime.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3355 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
Trish caught a bus to the town centre, my Jaguar was about three cars back. I left most of the spotting to Danni while I concerned myself with dealing with driving, it would undoubtedly help if we stayed alive during the purpose of the exercise. We saw her alight the bus and I stopped the car and Danni jumped out to pursue her on foot while I found somewhere to park the car. It took me a few minutes to catch her up and as far as she knew, Trish hadn't spotted her.
We were both wearing dark jackets with a hood which could be pulled up to cover our hair and face if necessary, it hadn't this far because she didn't turn around or look behind her. We followed her for about ten minutes we were trying to look inconspicuous which made us stand out like two sore thumbs, then fortunately for us she turned into a cafe. I don't mean she became a cafe but entered one, a sort of bistro place.
She was wearing her tidy jeans which were tucked into a pair of ankle boots with a two-and-a-half-inch heel. Her rather pretty top was covered by her red jacket and she carried a handbag on her shoulder. It was large enough to carry an umbrella and a book about quantum theory. I wondered why anyone would take such a thing with them to read on a date then realised it wasn't for reading, in fact, I think she read it ages ago, but to advertise her presence to her date.
The place wasn't exactly heaving but sitting with her back to the window enabled us to see her quite clearly without her seeing us. We watched for a few minutes and then a young man went in and seemed to be looking for something or someone already in there. He approached her and they spoke for a few moments then he sat down beside her and the waitress came to take their order. I had tried to drum into all of them that they had to pay their share, anything else may be assumed to be payment in kind. The fact she was still a minor didn't mean that she couldn't make any mistakes and while she couldn't get pregnant, she could either be assaulted or damaged or catch something dreadful. She was only a kid and while I wanted to see her enjoy herself, I didn't want her hurt.
"He looks older than sixteen," observed Danni when we had a chance to see him fully.
I agreed, "He's more like twenty," I replied.
"Too old for her and probably wanting something you told her not to give."
"I'm concerned that she may be wanting to test it all out, in which case, unless he's built like a dormouse, she will be torn something rotten."
"Built like a dormouse?" Danielle chuckled at my expression.
"You know perfectly well what I meant."
"I do but quite how you managed to fit in dormice, surprised me."
"You know I compare everything to dormice."
"I wonder where Daddy comes in this dormouse world?"
"Um....mind your own business," I replied.
She laughed again and I felt my colour rising. "What do we do now?" she asked me. I was beginning to feel decidedly cold.
"Let's go in," I suggested and we slipped in the door and sat behind Trish in a corner by the window. I said quietly to Danni we'll just have a drink because if they leave we can abandon a coffee without too much trouble but a meal we can't."
"Okay," she said and then added, "I need a wee." She was blushing profusely and we were quite a distance from the nearest loo, apart from the one in the cafe and that was just in front of Trish. The coffees arrived and I paid for them, she pulled her hood up and walked into the toilet as if she was desperate, she could have been. Minutes later, the hood still up, she snuck back to our table. "I don't think she saw me," she added.
"No, I don't think she did." We watched them eat feeling hungry ourselves, then suddenly he seemed to look at his watch and they went outside. I was tempted to run after them but resisted the inclination and followed a minute or so later hoping they hadn't turned off anywhere before we could see them. Our luck held and we picked the trail up ending at our local multiplex. It looked like we were the guilty party as we hid in doorways and alleyways on our way to the cinema. After we saw where they were going, I bought us a bag of chips, which we ate and then went into the cinema.
Looking at the names of the films I opted for the one about a mathematician and bought us tickets to it. The film had started and watching the audience I spotted them in the middle of a row about halfway down. At least it wasn't the back row.
About ninety minutes later we hid as they left now arm in arm, and I managed to catch him on my camera and sent a copy to my physics professor. Any idea who it was? He replied a few minutes later saying the photo was one of his new lecturers and why did I have it? I replied that he seemed to be dating my daughter of thirteen who was starting university in a week or two, although if this was to become a regular event, either she wouldn't be coming or he'd find himself unemployed for going out with a minor, possibly even in police custody. I received a reply, Oh shit.
As we tailed them he answered his phone as they were about to get in his car. I had a feeling I knew who the caller might be and as he took the call and then his reaction afterwards, I was pretty sure who it was and we turned and ran back to my car and I drove as fast as I could back to the house. We arrived about ten minutes before they did. I was trying to pretend I had been working on something in my study and Danni shot up to her room.
Trish got out of the car and she insisted he come with her into the house. She marched into my study and introduced her friend to me. "This is Dr Tony Millward from the physics department and we have just been to see a film. We are going to have a cuppa in the kitchen if that is okay.
I asked him if he knew how old she was and he replied that he did and that today had not been a date but more a friendship meeting as both were lonely and interested in similar things. I pointed out that the police might see it differently and I also explained that I was the Dean of the science faculty. He went white and didn't bother with tea leaving immediately. He didn't know who I was and once he made himself scarce.
Trish went bananas and couldn't see how lucky she'd been and that I was going to ask James to investigate Tony Millward for possible paedophile activities. Trish had worn little makeup as she wasn't really that good at it, so it must have been obvious that she was only young. I tried to reason with her but she stormed off to her bed and slammed the door. I asked Danni and Stella to keep their eyes on her while I went to the university to look at staff records.
I could find nothing on Millward there nor in pending on Diane's desk. I at last found a not saying his records were in transit from Durham University, where he'd got a PhD. I called James and sent him the photo, I also sent one to Sergeant Andy Bond at Portsmouth police explaining why I had sent it, and then I drove home to deal with an outraged adolescent. That we might have a paedophile in the university alarmed me.
Trish had calmed down and I spoke with her apologising for bursting her balloon and she told me he had suggested going back to his place for a drink and talk, then his phone has rung and he brought her straight home and his whole demeanour had changed from casual to worried. I asked her how old she thought he was and she replied he'd told her he was eighteen.
"Eighteen with a PhD? didn't that strike you as unusual?" I asked her.
"He told me he was a prodigy as well and that he'd get his degree at fifteen."
"In which case, he won't mind me checking on him but he's still too old for you."
"You're just jealous," she threw at me and then ranted and raged some more. I just tried to explain what he may be and that was an impostor. that really set her off and I asked Livvie to sit with her until she calmed down. I then found out Danni had eaten both our dinners, which were being kept in the little oven of the Aga. She'll grumble at me next week that she's getting fat. I had a cuppa and a piece of toast. I didn't really want it but felt better for eating it.
Stella and I talked about what had happened and she told me that she hoped I had been less obvious than when I tailed her some years ago. I laughed and said we were invisible to them which nearly had her in hysterics, "Borrowed Harry Potter's cloak did you?"
"Yeah, something like that."
When I checked an hour later both Trish and Livvie were fast asleep as were the other girls who shared their room. I was amazed that none of them were demanding their own bedrooms but all happily shared what almost became their dormitory. Oh well, I didn't disturb the status quo and when I went to bed I locked the front and backdoor and did so to the mortise lock and removed both keys. If she decided to do a runner, she'd have to walk through a wall as all the doors and windows were alarmed.
The morning came and she seemed over her anger or at least she seemed civil enough at breakfast, apparently, Danni had told her how worried I was and while it was okay to date boy a year or two older because boys were always immature compared to girls, it wasn't right to go out with someone five or six years older. When she was older, like twenty-something she could then date someone much older but until then she had to be wary.
Trish had protested that she was precocious in everything, and apparently, Danni had said to her, "So if he shagged you and tore open your fanny, remember you've only got a girl's one until you finish growing, or his house was full of his friends wanting to do the same, it was all right because you're precocious - or does dating a paedo turn you on?"
That made Trish think for a moment and she never complained again. As for Durham, they had never heard of Millward and even James drew a blank. Interestingly he failed to turn up for work and was never seen again - so if you know someone with a PhD or equivalent our physics department would love to hear from you.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3356 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
Andy Bond told me that the room he'd been renting was empty of all his stuff and he appeared to have wiped all surfaces that he may have handled to remove any fingerprints or DNA, which was hardly the action of an innocent man seeking friendship. The university from now on was not allowed to start someone without references being confirmed, this being the second time they had employed someone without them being checked because we were so short-staffed. If you remember Daddy employed someone who I actually thumped because he insulted me for being transsexual, well I slapped him and it unseated him. It was in Daddy's regular restaurant and it upset him until I could prove that the man didn't have the credentials he claimed, and they weren't on their way from Edinburgh University because he had never been there.
We read stories of people claiming to be surgeons and carrying out ops until the personnel department or HR carries out fresh investigations and the fraud is discovered. It's a serious offence to pretend you are something you're not, in the case of a surgeon, it could have tragic consequences as it could have with a paedo in this case. We were unable to discover if he was acting alone or part of a network. James only discovered what the police did and the man literally disappeared, which with the electronic trails we leave, or ordinary people do, seems impossible today, but then if you're up to no good, perhaps you just avoid leaving them. We did have hopes of finding something with his mobile but it turned out to be a burner and he obviously dumped it when he left.
It was interesting when I thought about presenting as something you're not which lots of people would think applies to me or some of my girls as we started out as male in the eyes of the law. And we did but by accepted by the system, we were able to legitimately reassign ourselves as female, which meant I, Sammi, Danni and Trish were able to claim legal status as female as was our adopted student Sarah and my staff member, Debbie who all went through the system and achieved the same. In fact, I think the law allows you to cross-dress in public as long as you are not pretending to impersonate anyone for the purposes of deception, which is a pretty big field. So the odd cross-dresser going out for a thrill to the shops and who probably thinks no one notices, is fine as long as they don't do it for criminal purposes, mind you seeing some of the things they buy, they should be arrested for lack of taste, but that's a different story.
I did mention about one member of staff whose husband was cross-dressed when I went to them for dinner one night, it surprised me but didn't upset me as I try to be broadminded, living as I do in a glass house, so to speak, and they came to our house for a reciprocal dinner and no one said anything. It seems that 'the scene' is sometimes more mainline than we realise and increasingly people are tolerant. Having said that, the number of hate crimes against transgendered people is increasing, especially since the Covid lockdown, but I think that applies to anti-social behaviour in general. It seems that a certain percentage of people are that way inclined, antisocial, and being constrained for a long period has made them nastier than they were before, it apparently happened to xenophobic people after Brexit and they became increasingly racist much to the annoyance of the majority.
Once more, I continue with the feeling that if I want acceptance or tolerance I need to display that to other minorities, which I believe is broadly practised across the developed world except for certain fundamentalists who have a burning desire to take us out for a stake. That this intolerance seems to be growing across parts of America, is a worry.
The university is in full swing and Trish and Danielle seem to be settling in. Both are a bit young for the activities of fresher's week and although I suspect they resent my insistence that they avoid it, they at least comply. They can join certain clubs and societies but I think most of them hold no interest for my two, except possibly for football. In about three days Danielle was recognised as having played for England and they tried to talk her into playing. She tried to include Trish in the invite and they were less certain that a thirteen-year-old should be playing with the big girls as she could be hurt. Danni reminded them that officially she was still a minor but had played for the senior England team and had several caps at home, so she was literally able to call herself a 'Lioness'. Although she no longer wanted to be considered as available because they had twice messed her about even though she was one of the most talented young women players in the country, if not the world. Being transgender, even one who didn't have a male puberty, she became an object of interest to the tabloids and the FA chickened with all this anti-trans movement in sport nowadays. She no longer wanted to be in the press and I understood but felt she could have fought more, as I would have supported her all the way. But it's their loss and that all there is to it.
She did come and see me while I was working in my study at home the day she was invited. "What do you want to do?" I asked her.
"I don't know, part of me feels I should play for them as I'm going to be there for three or so years and another part feels like it will be playing with large kids, there are still Bournemouth ladies to consider as well."
"I think they are better players than that but most are still amateurs. Now we negotiated about training with Bournemouth, they may be hostile to you playing for the uni in case you get injured, but I suspect they might be amenable to you playing as long as they have first call on you, they are paying you."
"Yeah, I'll have to talk to them but I suppose I could do some extra training with them and give them some tips. I wonder if Trish wants to come along."
"I doubt it, as they get hot and sweaty, not quite her thing, whereas the astronomy club is."
"Yeah, that sounds up her street or orbit," she giggled as she said that and I chuckled as well. Danni had quite a good sense of humour. She sloped off to do the reading she had been told to do, Trish was already doing so, and Sarah was too, although her recent encounters with a biology exam meant she was already up to speed and could probably take it easy for while but I wouldn't tell her that as I didn't want her to lose the impetus of studying, it is quite easy.
Of course, I was faced with a childcare problem, Cate was now in the convent school and Lizzie was at their nursery so they were looked after most of the day, as were Livvie and Hannah and Meems, who were all doing quite well. Livvie was next most academic to Trish but Meems was a revelation, her abilities in English literature were off the scale. Once she lost her speech impediment she developed a confidence she'd never had before and her grasp of Shakespeare and John Donne were better than mine. She always seemed to have her nose in a book and she was always asking the school library for books they didn't have. Simon ended up granting them something for their book fund which pleased her no end.
Hannah, seemed to mature as well as bodily in her mind and she began to see the advantage of a good education and as far as it went, the convent was quite a good school. She had quietened down after her mother died, if you remember she wanted to stay with me for that reason alone however she went off the rails a bit as a reaction to the loss of her birth mother. We had tantrums and rebellions as well as a general bitchiness for a while. I was so proud of the way that everyone seemed to understand what she was going through and tried not to react to it. Then suddenly it stopped. She came to see me in my study one night and told me that Sister Marie had read her the riot act over a scrap she had with another girl which Livvie had broken up. However, a teacher saw it and reported it to the Headmistress who told her off in no uncertain terms.
I had had a chat by phone with Sister Marie, so I knew what was happening. I had not spoken to Hannah because I had a pressing piece of work to do myself so I'd had dinner and gone straight back to it. I'd noticed that nearly all the girl were a little subdued during dinner as if there was something going on between them but was too absorbed in my own world to worry about it. They knew they could always speak to me, well except that evening.
I was so intent on what I was doing that I didn't hear the first knock on my door, so a second harder one shocked me out of my concentration."Come in," I said automatically hoping it wasn't David wanting some specialised oven or something, in came a rather circumspect Hannah.
"Can I speak to you?"
"Oh, not now dear, I have to get this paper finished, it's important."
She just slunk out saying, "I'm not important, am I? I'm the prostitute's kid."
I picked up my pen again, I was doing some tricky calculations when I reran what she had said as she left. It was like a shell burst and jumped up and dashed off after her. She was nearly at the stairs when I caught up with her.
"Hannah, a moment please."
"I thought you were busy, you always are these days."
"No, I'm never too busy for my children."
"But I'm not am I, I'm the whore's daughter, like mother like daughter," the way she casually said this almost broke my heart.
"Look, come with me and we can talk this out."
"What about your important paper? I'm sure it's more important than me?"
"Nothing is more important than my children and you are one of them."
"But I'm not am I? I'm like that girl in school said, I'm the whore's kid."
"What girl?"
"Do you care?"
"Yes, very much." I wrapped her in a huge hug and she burst into tears. Danni came to see what was happening but went back to the dining room when she saw what was happening.
"What girl said that to you?" I asked her.
"Linda Cavendish."
"That's the girl you had the spat with?"
"Yes, but only cause she said that."
"Did you tell Sister Maria?"
"She didn't give me a chance to, according to Cavendish I just attacked her 'cause she looked at me funny."
"So what did Sister Maria say to you?"
"If I had to go and see her once more she'd suspend me."
"Not after I've spoken to her she won't and the Cavendishes had better take their daughter in hand or I'll get your dad to withdraw their overdraft."
"Right now let's get something straight, you're my daughter just as much as any of the others and no one is going to insult you like that while I'm still breathing." We had a nice hug and cuddled for quite a while before she went off to bed with the others. It was too late to ring the headmistress but I would insist on seeing her tomorrow and she'd better speak with the Cavendish parents very soon or she'd find a number of grants would be withdrawn. I was steaming and I decided against finishing my paper and went and had a cuppa instead ringing Simon and telling him why I hadn't finished it. I was in tears and he was upset and angry. "Sod, the paper and the meeting, if she ever says anything like that again I'll call in their mortgage."
It was nice to talk to him but I went to bed feeling exhausted yet I couldn't sleep. Tomorrow I was going to sort out that bloody school or die in the attempt.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3357 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
Breakfast was fraught the next morning the girls perhaps picking up on my tension as I contemplated what I would say to Sister Maria. In all probability she would agree with everything I said but in case she didn't I was prepared to take retaliatory action.
Danni and Trish took the bus as I loaded everybody else into my Jag and we drove to the convent. It was quite crowded and there seemed to be a premium for parking spaces that morning, in fact, I had t wait until someone pulled out their 'Chelsea tractor' before I could find space for my car. We all piled out and I held some hands as we advanced across the playground. I happened to spot Sister Maria and asked if I could have a word with her, she looked at her watch and said it would have to be a quick one because she had a meeting in half an hour. I assured it would or alternatively I could pull the girls out instead.
"This is obviously of importance to you," she said rather pointedly.
"It is more important than you realise."
"Look, I have this meeting in half an hour it should be over by 10.30 could we talk then?"
"!0.30 it is, I shall see you then." I marched back to the car and felt frustrated that the head of steam I had building up had not been released and I was angry and aggressive when I got to my office about twenty minutes later.
"Who's taken your lollipop?" asked Diane after I bashed about and swore at things in my office. She placed a mug of tea on my desk.
"Why does there have to be something wrong?" I said pulling my laptop out of my bag and flinging the bag over my shoulder.
"Because even you aren't usually as bad tempered as this."
"Just watch me," I almost dared her.
"Cathy, what is the matter?"
"Just go and do your typing and leave me alone," I replied to her, I didn't want help I just wanted to thump a headmistress and a schoolgirl.
"I see, so it's either about Simon or the girls, or one of them. Am I right or am I right."
"Just leave my private life alone and do what your paid for," I said in high dudgeon.
"It's the girls or one of them."
I just frowned, "Why can't you mind your own business?" I threw back at her.
"One of the girls then, trouble in school or one of them not settling here, as you haven't been dashing off to the physics department or sent for anyone, it can't be Danielle or Trish, therefore it must be one of those in school. I doubt it's one of the younger ones so it has to be Livvie, Meems or Hannah. Seeing as you just flinched at me mention of Hannah's name it has to be her. Care to share?"
"It's not up for discussion," I said flatly.
"Okay, when the stress gets to you you'll regret this opportunity to talk."
"What are you on about?"
"You having a heart- attack or a stroke."
"Why is that important to you?"
"Because you're the best boss I ever had, you care about people and fight tooth and nail for them and you happen to be my friend despite all your failings."
"What failings?" I said loudly.
"How long have you got?"
"What?" I declared.
"See too quick to jump to conclusions, unless it's a scientific experiment, then you wait for it to end before forming half -cocked ideas about it."
"How dare you?" I snapped.
"Quite easily."
"You are close to impertinence."
"Must be losing my touch then, what's Hannah been up to now>"
"She was threatened with expulsion for fighting."
"What little Hannah? She's relatively harmless and usually quite calm, someone must have provoked her."
"They did," I said.
"It can't over something involving you so it is either something she did or her previous mother."
"You're like Sherlock bloody Holmes."
"I happen to like my boss and what upsets her unsettles me, I like an easy life so I try to keep you calm."
"I knew you were manipulative, but it's more than I suspected."
"Good secretary anticipates her boss, that's all it is."
"I didn't realise," was all I could say. It seemed I was the more academic of the two of us but she could read me like a book, it was like having a wife in work, no that was too horrid to contemplate.
"So what has Hannah been up to?"
"Some girl called her a 'Whore's Daughter'."
"Ah, now you rage makes sense."
"It was possibly a throw away but she reacted, so no they know what upsets her."
"It upsets me too."
"Of course it does, it's spiteful, it's meant to hurt."
I looked at my watch, "I have to go and have words with the headmistress."
"Hmm, good luck, just stay calm."
"Until I've buried the body I might be a little anxious."
She simply laughed and waved as I left. I drove straight to St Claire's parked the car and strode into the office.
"Ah, Lady Cameron, how can I help," said the school secretary.
"I have an appointment with the headmistress."
"Oh, her meeting has overrun, I'll tell her you're here." I nodded.
She made a short call and two minutes later the door opened and two parents and a girl appeared and walked away. "Sorry about that, please Lady C, come in, oh Susie two coffees please.
I waited for the coffee to arrive before saying anything and took a sip of mine. "That wasn't the Cavendish family?"
"Good guess."
"Had I known that I'd have given them a piece of my mind."
"Lots of problems that girl, I really do worry about her sometimes."
"You know she called Hannah a whore's daughter, it's why Hannah slapped her."
"No I didn't but it doesn't surprise me."
"But you know Hannah isn't easily provoked."
"I do," she replied.
"So why did you threaten to suspend her when the other girl is the problem?"
"I'm not telling you this but little Linda Cavendish has real problems, this is the third school in six months."
"Why id she pick on my Hannah and why did she know about Hannah's original mother?"
"The straight answer is she didn't it was a generalised insult which struck gold. It will be a bugger to try and get her to forget it."
"If you don't I shall withdraw my girls."
"That's a bit of an overreaction, isn't it."
"You didn't have to deal with an upset adolescent all evening."
"No I do it all day, every day and it can be anything up to five hundred of the little buggers."
"Only five hundred, my day job encompasses several thousand of the acne and angst brigade."
"I thought yours were all supposed to be adults?"
"They don't appear to read the script."
"Oh, bad luck."
"Yes, if it wasn't for bad luck I'd have none at all."
"Boom boom," she finished off my punchline.
"So what do we do about the Cavendish girl?"
"You don't have to do anything," she said pointedly.
"I do if it impacts my girls again."
"It won't."
"What's wrong with her?"
"You know I can't tell you it's all confidential."
I sat for a moment and thought about the girl and I saw her in my mind's eye, it wasn't pretty. "When was she abused?"
"Who said she was?"
"She was by an uncle who later killed himself."
"How do know that?"
"He got away with it for five years possibly more, didn't he?"
"Where did you get this from?"
"I have my sources," I said as I didn't know if she knew of my alternative lifestyle other than healing.
"Oh, " she said but commented no further.
"What about therapy?"
"She's seen umpteen and resist them all because she felt it was her fault it happened."
"It's never the fault of the victim especially a child one."
"We both know that but she doesn't or doesn't want to."
"How much are you able to do for her?"
"She sees the school counsellor, it's all we can do"
"Any progress?"
"Perhaps a little, it's a long job."
"May I see her?"
"No, I can't let that happen."
"I think I could help her."
"I think my healing could help."
"But I can't let you do anything."
"My body is telling me I could do something."
"Sorry, Cathy, I just can't let it happen."
"What if she had to come and see you and I just happened to be waiting to see you and she just happened to sit next to me?"
"What do you mean?"
"Just send for her and be unable to see her immediately."
"I'll be outside, waiting for you."
"Do it."
I went out to the secretary's office, "When Linda comes make her sit next to me but imply Sister Maria is on the phone or something so we both have to wait, then don't take any notice of what else happens."
"Um, okay, I think." I was seated apparently waiting and twiddling my thumbs as Linda Cavendish arrived.
"Sister Maria sent for me."
"Oh, yes, Linda do take a seat she won't be long.
The girl sat beside me and I felt the energy moving between us. "Gosh, I feel hot," she said and promptly collapsed in her chair. I Placed my hands over her head and in a moment I had tuned into her memory, it wasn't a pretty sight and I erased memories of the abuse like it was page after page of it. Just the abuse was erased and the way her mind remembered it afterwards. I told her she had had a great weight lifted off her shoulders and no longer would she be oppressed by it and her memories of her childhood would be happy ones. I felt the energy flow stop and told her wake up in five minutes, then I left.
I knew that my healing could only have good consequences because it comes with love and from the feminine principle so I didn't need to wait around to see how successful it was.
Later that evening Hannah came to see me, "Did you say anything to Linda Cavendish because she bumped into me and I thought she wanted more trouble and instead she apologised for what she said earlier."
"Oh, that's good, maybe she was her period and was just prickly."
"Yeah, maybe that's what it was," she sort of agreed with me. "Actually, she seems quite nice."
"Oh, good," I said as she left me smiling smugly to myself.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3358 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
The next morning I asked Sister Maria if there was anything in her notes of a history of any abuse in her notes. "I can't tell you if there is, you know that."
"It was her uncle, over a period of years. Was he prosecuted?"
I don't know without looking it up and even if he was, we won't necessarily have a note of it."
"I wonder what his name was, we may be able to trace him from it."
"You aren't going to ask her, I'm not risking her stability to find out."
"What are her parents' names? I can possibly source it from there."
"I'm sorry Cathy, but I can't even tell you that. It's against the law for me to reveal anything from her records."
"I understand, okay I'll see what I can discover by an indirect source."
"I'm sorry, Cathy" She looked embarrassed.
Just then who should appear but Linda with my Hannah and they were chatting like two old chums. "Oh, hi Mum," said Hannah.
"Hello, sweetheart, and who is this?"
"This is my friend, Linda," she replied.
"Hello Linda," I said to the girl, "you look familiar, do I know your mum?"
"I don't think so, she's Belinda Cavendish."
"She doesn't work at the university, does she?"
"No, she runs a couple of shops, dress shops in Portsmouth."
"Oh, maybe that's where I've seen you?"
"I never go there, it's not my scene at all."
"Oh, well, it must have been someone else then. I'm always embarrassing Hannah, aren't I sweetheart?"
The girls walked on and in a stage whisper Hannah said," She's the original professor, no, that might be my grandpa." The two of them laughed and walked on.
"Nice to know what your kids think of you," said Maria and with that, disappeared into her office.
I walked back to my Jaguar and called Andy Bond. He cautioned me to be careful, " Her mother has a chain of dress shops but her husband Charles is something big in finance. He's quite an important so-and-so."
"Is he Cavendish, too?"
"Yes, have you never heard of Charles Cavendish?"
"No, so he can't be that important, I hope you haven't doffed your cap just mentioning his name?"
"No, Cathy, we reserve that for mention of the Camerons alone," he said with only a hint of sarcasm.
"Oh, well it's good that you know your place," I said as I rang off. It was good to be able to share a joke with a copper, now and again.
I drove to my office and after some banter with Diane and a cup of tea, I had a meeting with Human Resources about recruitment. What a name for a department it sounds as if they supply snacks for cannibals. The only good thing was that MIss Saunders likes Earl Grey, so we were able to have a cuppa to keep us awake.
"God, that woman could bore for England," I shared with Diane after our personnel manager had left.
"I thought she was quite charming if a little old-fashioned."
"Eh?" was my elaborate response.
Diane's face crinkled and she burst out laughing. "If you could see your face?" she teased me.
"She might be charming but she gives new meaning to tedium and I don't mean anything to do with Simeon, oh that was the Nunc Dimittis,wasn't it?"
"Who?". she asked.
"Oh nothing, it is in the Book of Common Prayer, I think"
"Whit is?" asked my father who had walked in while we were talking.
"The Nunc Dimittis," I said.
"Aye, it is," he confirmed, "may I ask why ye were discussing it?"
"Oh, Diane's doing the Alpha Course," I said and shot into my office.
"Are ye?" I heard him say to Diane while I was busy laughing my socks off and trying not to wee in my pants, it gives new meaning to multitasking.
A few moments later he stormed into my office, "Alpha Course be buggered," he said, "Whit for did ye tell me a lie?"
"It was a joke, Diane is more likely to take an A-level in bricklaying than a load of fundamentalist crap like the Alpha Course, why?"
"Och, I was jest checkin' how d'ye know it's crap?"
"All religion is , it's all a con trick, you know that." I actually felt myself blushing, it was no pleasure to tell my dad that he believed in rubbish.
"Ye ken this aboot thae Alpha Course?"
"I have seen the syllabus, it's all about teaching fundamentalist stuff, especially evangelical under the guise of a scripture class, creating a new generation of bigots full of self-righteous rubbish."
"Aye, so are ye comin' fa lunch?"
"It's about time I paid isn't it?"
"Aye, but it's ma treat tae ye."
"Oh well, I tried," I muttered to myself as I picked up my coat and handbag.
During lunch he asked how come we had been discussing the Nunc Dimittis. I explained that in being overly clever I had confused it with the Te Deum, which I had attributed via tedium to Miss Saunders from Human Resources. He actually laughed at that, "Aye, she is a wee bit of an acquired taste," he added and I chuckled at that.
"Daddy, do you know Charles Cavendish?"
"Aye, an' his brother, James, why?"
"I suspect his daughter was abused by the brother."
He looked shocked, "Ye ken who yer talking aboot?"
"No, I don't, please tell me," so he did. The brothers Cavendish are something big in the city and have endowed the university with hundreds of thousands of pounds, as well as local charities.
"I don't care if it's millions, if he abused that girl, I want him to pay. He will deny it, of course, but I saw into that girl's soul and he was as guilty as they come."
"Look Cathy, be awful careful whit ye dae, he could wipe ye oot and embarrass Simon an' Henry."
"He is as guilty as sin and he is going to pay."
"Aye, weel afore ye gang aft cack handed, like ye usually dae, be warned yer playin' wi' fire."
"I think the army have fireproof knickers, I'll be sure to get some," I offered this as a parting shot before we went back to the university.
I admit I didn't earn my money that afternoon because I spent half of it talking to Simon and then to Henry, neither of them endorsed my crusade, Simon thinking he was a lovely chap and Henry telling me to take care as James Cavendish could cut up rough and I wouldn't want him as an enemy.
I tried to explain what I saw in the girl's psyche and while Henry didn't doubt me at all, knowing that I was capable of the most weird things, he was very careful to advise me against such things. It was a shame that a nasty perpetrator got away with it but that was better than me becoming another victim. I'd have preferred it if he had named the bank as being a potential victim if people started talking lawsuits and if the shares lost value we could be open to hostile bids.
I sat and had a think and decided that any retribution had to be of a surreptitious nature which would prevent the truth coming out which could affect the girl or any other victims but then half a loaf was better than no bread at all. I called Jim it sounded like something he would enjoy.
We arranged to meet after dinner, he was too busy to come for the feast of whatever David was creating, but he came and we talked in my office unaware that Trish and Hannah were in my library and heard every word.
Jim went off to do what gumshoes do and his first report was that James Cavendish was squeaky clean. His next report was just as bare, "This guy's so clean there isn't even a report of an overdue library book. Are you sure you got the right brother?"
"There's only the two, isn't there?"
"Yep, but it's like his records were dipped in Persil or something, they are whiter than white unlike Charles, now he was a bit of a lad."
" Any mention of sex abuse there?"
"Now but James could make the pope look dirty."
"Have they been amended?"
"It's highly possible but it would be difficult to prove and expensive."
"Just find me some evidence, I'll pay what is required."
It went very quiet for a few days and as I was dressing I was listening to the Today programme on Radio 4 when I was visibly shocked. "News is just coming in of a serious accident in Germany thought to involve British financier James Cavendish.
I sat on the bed doing up my bra as I listened but there were no further details. In work, I tried various news services but there was nothing other than he was seriously hurt but still alive. It was so frustrating.
A few days later Jim rang me and told me that retribution had been served,I asked him how he could say that and he told me he had got a friend to hack the German hospital's computer and he learned that James had had his wedding tackle removed by a surgeon because it had been very badly damaged in the accident. It seemed quite amazing that just that had been damaged and the rest of his body was fine, almost like a surgical strike. It amused me to think he'd have to sit to wee like I did and no woman was likely to be abused by him again. I felt quite good for Linda and even said a little prayer to the goddess telling her it couldn't happen to a nicer person.
I actually voiced this at the dinner table that night and Trish and Hannah asked to be excused before they had finished their meals. I hurried through mine and caught them in the library Trish was waving about her 'poppet' about and they were both laughing and joking. I heard enough before I confronted them.
"I thought you had learned enough of such things before," I addressed Trish.
"What 'appened?" asked Hannah.
"Someone died."
"Oh." was all she said looking at the floor.
"I don't know if it was me last time and we asked for his life to be spared, just never be able to hurt another girl or woman."
"I don't like you paying with black magic, you don't know where it's going to lead."
"I didn't do black magic, I asked the golden lady who comes to you to help."
"You did what?"I shouted.
"I asked her to stop him hurting anyone else."
"You called up the Shekina to punish him?"
"Well, we didn't want you to do anything and get into trouble did we Han?"
"Why did you think I would get into trouble?"
They were both crying now and hugging me," We heard you talking to Jim and we didn't want you do anything where they put you in prison or Jim."
"But I hadn't decided what I was going to do?"
" We didn't want you to do anythin' in case they caught you, I'm sorry, Mummy"
"I'm sorry two," sobbed Hannah.
"You abused the power of the Shekina, do you realise that? You only had it because you were deemed worthy and you have just demonstrated you weren't. I don't know what to think."
"I'll never do it again, Mummy."
"That's what you said last time," I replied.
"I mean it, Mummy."
"Both of you, go to bed, now."
"But I 'aven't finished my 'omework yet," said Hannah.
"I've got some reading to do for the uni," said Trish.
I sent them off to finish it and then to go to bed. I needed time to think about what they had done. Had they invoked the goddess? If they had would she respond to a poppet? I didn't know and I slipped wearily into my bed and fell asleep.
I was in the marble hall with the glaring light and just knelt where I was and rested my head on the floor. I was there some moments before I sensed a presence and the room resonated to her voice. Tell me, Catherine, why have to come to us?"
"I have come to apologise and beg forgiveness for my daughters."
"Why? What have they done?"
"They abused the power you gave them by asking for a punishment for someone that they had no right to ask for."
"Did they now?"
"I believe so, your Ladyship."
"So you believe I respond to children playing, do you?"
"I am not able to comment on what you may or may not do, that is not my business, your ladyship." She laughed and the floor shook under me.
"Well, that is an improvement in your usual arrogance."
I just kept quiet as I thought any comment would be unseemly.
"For once neither you nor your girls were involved, we responded to the cries for help from another of our handmaidens who had suffered from the disgusting behaviour of this animal. He was punished accordingly as it seemed his position and money made him virtually untouchable to you mortals. To a goddess, such baubles are meaningless and we dealt with him. He will no longer be able be able to abuse my servants and every effort he tries to repair the damage will fail, we shall ensure that.
"The girl he hurt has our essence in her, help her to develop the power for good and we approve of your little trick to ease her pain. Well done, Catherine, you are proceeding as you should. Rest now and feel refreshed on the morrow."
I awoke the next day feeling absolutely wonderful, if humans could fly, I'd be looping some loops. I remembered I had some lovely dreams but I couldn't say what they were about. Funny that...
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3359 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
Then we got to the climb and I expected her fly past me but she didn't and when I asked if I was going too slow she told me it was okay. I never did discover if she could have beaten me on the climb, I suspect she could but chose not to and when we got to the top we both were hot and sweaty like dripping tomatoes. I had a drink from my water bottle or bidon which is French for a can or bottle and she copied me.
We were at the viewing space where the ice cream van is found in summer but not today the weather had been quite mild but was going to turn wet so when Simon offered, despite me being a bit tender somewhere, I took advantage of his offer. Trish had decided against, I think she wanted some neutron splitter or other and hoped he would buy it for her. As it cost just a few million I suggested she ask for two and being Trish she just didn't see the sarcasm of my suggestion. Danni and I had laughed about it as we pedalled out of Portsmouth.
She had played football on Friday night and had scored a winning goal for Bournemouth against her old team of Reading. I asked her if the university had approached her and they had in the first week, let's face it, would you pass up a chance to have an England international play for you? I know if I was running a team I wouldn't. Bournemouth were happy for her to train with the university team but were less certain about her playing because of the risk of injury and within moments the opposition would target her because her class would show from the moment she touched the ball.
I didn't understand why England had dropped her, she was still scoring goals and making them for others, I could only think it was a political act and with lots of anti-trans stuff in even the serious press it was not unexpected, even though she had not had a male puberty, so didn't have the benefit of bigger muscles or bones. But then politics permeate everything we do and while it sickens me, I can't always avoid it and people are so funny about it. I heard a know Brexiteer declaiming the government rather loudly in the refectory last week and told him that a lot of the troubles we had we caused by Brexit. He hemmed and hawed but couldn't answer me back and several members of staff patted me on the back later.
We looked over the city as we got our wind back, it looked much more romantic in the golden tones of the sun, which hid the industrial filth from our glances when our attention was gripped by the sound of a loud quarrel from one of the cars and a girl shouted something at the bloke driving it and got up out of the car, her bag was hurled out at her and he screamed off and up the hill. She was obviously upset and was standing there sobbing.
Danni walked over to her and asked if she was alright, I was left holding both bicycles so stayed where I was. They chatted for several minutes and although she was still upset they came over to me, why I don't know. "My mum is good at fixing things, tell her about it."
Punctures, even wonky wheels but romantic problems, I try to steer clear, it probably means I might live longer. Mum, this is Francesca, the berk driving off is Matthew. He has abandoned her miles from anywhere and she can't walk home in those shoes." She was wearing a pair of red courts which matched her skirt almost perfectly or so I thought. "The problem is, that Francesca hasn't any money for a taxi and there's no chance of a bus on a Sunday."
"I gave Matt the last money I had to buy petrol," she looked sad and I was weakening. "I'll pay you back," she added which probably means she will if I live to be a hundred.
"It'll cost you a bit on a Sunday, probably double, so back to town is I should think twenty quid easily." I tried to bring some reality to the situation, I hadn't said I wouldn't give her the money neither had I said I would.
"Is there no chance of Mr Angry coming back for you?" I asked.
"Oh no, he'll take a few days to calm down over this, he wanted to take me off to a quiet spot he knows and have sex, except I'm on so that messed up his horrible plans a bit and he just picked on me after that."
"Well you can't control bodily functions to a large extent," I said.
"And Mum should know she's a biologist, I'm studying it at uni and so is my sister Sarah."
"I always wanted to do something with little furry things ever since I saw that film on dormice a couple of years ago, have you seen it? They're so cute."
"She made it, the film I mean," exclaimed Danielle while I blushed red enough to alter the colour of the sunlight on the houses several miles away.
"You didn't did you?" a pointless question as Danni had already said I did. Danni was nodding like one of those things that extract oil from the ground. "Well, I'm blowed, a real tv personality."
"Not really, I'm just a biologist who happens to study dormice, the film was a chance occurrence," I said still blushing.
"Don't believe a word of it the government and granddad wanted her to make it, he works for a bank and they put up so much money."
"Wow," said the girl, "I'd love to see a real dormouse, they just look so cute."
"It's nearly time for them to hibernate, I told them trying to tell Danni surreptitiously that they should stop doing this to me.
"We're doing a survey next weekend, perhaps you could come to that," announced Danni making me start to wonder if I could kill her on the way home without anyone noticing.
"Oh, that'd be wunnerful," she said, the Pompey accent coming out in her speech as she relaxed. There is an old saying, you can take the girl out of Pomey but you can't take the Pompey out of the girl.
"I don't know if that's a good idea, it's quite rough woodland we'll be walking in and it can be quite wet if it rains." I tried to cool her enthusiasm.
"Oh, I can wear waterproofs and I love working in woodland, it's so primeval," she spoke as if the taxi was nearly forgotten. I tried to work out what was so primeval about a woodland and decided there was nothing unless it was halfway up a mountain in Canada somewhere or in a tropical rainforest somewhere in the um tropics, I suppose.
"Can she come, Mum" asked Danni.
"Don't you have a soccer match?"
"Nah, not till Sunday. I'm coming dormousing with you, remember?"
"I suppose so," we went on to discuss where she lived and I would pick her up on the way at nine o'clock, I also told her in no uncertain terms to be ready as I was leading and had to be there on time. She promised she would.
I then asked her about the taxi and she looked at her watch, "My dad might be back from golf so he can come and get me." We waited while she rang her dad who just got out of the shower, so he would come and get her. As neither Danni nor I liked the idea of leaving a teenage girl in the middle of nowhere we opted to stay with her until he collected her.
I asked if she was in school or college and she told me she was doing hair and beauty therapy at the college, the same one that Julie and Phoebe attended. I'm rather proud of the fact that they both won prizes so I mentioned it.
"Julie Cameron is an absolute legend, there are about ten girls who want to do a placement with her and there's talk she might start teaching at the college next term." That was the first I'd heard of it but we usually only talk about it once a week so as long as there haven't been any disasters we rarely talk about work. She and Phoebe were coming for dinner today and David was doing a roast dinner - scrumptious.
"She's my sister," said Danni, " want me to have a word with her?"
"Your sister wow, this must be my lucky day."
"We used to be very close, but her business with another sister Phoebe and my playing soccer professionally and going to uni, means we don't see so much of each other. Mum insists they come for dinner every so often so we can catch up with each other if Trish allows them to get a word in."
"Who's Trish?"
"Another sister, she's doing physics at uni, she's only fifteen."
"What? Fifteen and reading physics at uni? What is she, some sort of genius?"
"Probably," I said, "Cambridge wanted her but she's too young to go that far away so she doing a bachelor's degree now and may do a master's at Cambridge. Pity Steve Hawkins is dead, she'd have loved to study under him."
"Wow, how many sisters are you?"
"I think eleven at last count, but Sammi's up in London, Jacquie's in Southampton, she's teaching at the uni there. There's Meems, Hannah, Lizzie and Cate, Trish and Sarah. There was Billie as well but she died."
"That's enough for either a football team or a hockey team," said Francesca.
"Mum, adopted all of us, our house is a cross between a library and a children's home." Francesca laughed at that.
We'd been waiting about half an hour and my legs were stiffening up so I called telepathically for her dad to come so we could get home. Just then a large Range Rover hove into view and Francesca said, "Oh, here he is," and the car turned into the car park.
I cocked my leg over the saddle, "We can go now, " I said to Danni as she prepared to mount her bike.
"Wait, say hello to my dad," called Francesca. Then as her father got out of his car and hugged her I thought I recognised him, if I was right he's not someone I'd care to have as an acquaintance. "These kind ladies helped me after Matt drove off and abandoned me in the middle of nowhere, Dr Watts was going to lend me the money if I needed to call a cab. She made that dormouse film a couple of years ago and I'm going to survey some dormice next week and Julie Cameron is her grown-up daughter too."
"Well, ladies thanks for waiting with her,. I'll have words with Matthew later, though I'm blowed if I know what she sees in him. Please accept my thanks for waiting with her, you read such awful things happening to young women these days, don't you?"
"Dr Watts is a biologist and Danni plays soccer professionally and her sister of fifteen is studying physics at university."
"That's awfully young," he said.
"That's why I've kept her at university in Portsmouth she would be at Cambridge if I let her."
"A bright spark," he commented.
"She's the only one I've met with an IQ of genius proportions," I dropped into the conversation, "and this one, "I pointed at Danni, "Is a genius with a football."
"You played for England a few times, I remember that goal you scored with the overhead bicycle kick, that was you wasn't it?" he said.
"I guess," said a blushing Danielle.
"Why aren't they playing you now, with Beth Mead you beat anybody?"
"I don't think her face fits in the current squad and she as good as told them she's no longer interested, it's all politics today." I answered for her.
"If I can help," he pulled a card out of his wallet, "Just let me know, I know someone on the FA."
"Thank you," Danni pocketed the card.
"We must be off or we'll be late for lunch, bye." Before they could say anymore I pedalled off down the hill, my legs hurt as the stiffness pulled on the muscles.
"Who was her dad?" Danni called as we went down the hill.
"Only about the most notorious crook in southern England," I called back as we belted home towards a shower and roast lamb a la David.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3360 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
"We met a crook on our ride today didn't we, Mummy," said our very own football star.
"Eh?" I was such a natural conversationalist.
"Francesca's dad, you as good as called him a gangster," added Danni.
"Who's Francesca? " asked Simon.
"A girl who was abandoned by her boyfriend in a car park up on the downs. I was going to loan her the taxi fare."
"That would have been a bit steep, outside Pompey and on a Sunday," Simon gave his opinion.
"Well, I couldn't do nothing, we couldn't leave her to walk home, especially as she was wearing shoes that had four-inch heels."
"So, what happened."
"She decided her dad would be back from golf, so she phoned him and he came and got her."
"Yeah, so?"
"Well, he only turned out to be George Davidson, " I dropped my bombshell.
"I'd keep well away from him, they never found his partner did they, probably looked under the wrong motorway," said Simon with a touch of glee.
"What's all that about?" asked Danni.
Just as Simon was about to hold forth I reminded him that we could be there until tea time if he didn't exercise some brevity. "Right, edited highlights. George was in partnership with a bloke called Tony Allen, they had a number of small businesses like second-hand cars and reputedly some drug supplies on the QT. They hit a bad spot, possibly because the Customs and Excise people caught up with them and Tony, who was the senior partner, just disappeared. All the blame was borne by Tony because he couldn't defend himself, and a large amount of money disappeared with him. High Street took the loss, about two million quid, so we'd love to find out where Tony is and what happened to our money, he'd borrowed it a week or two before he disappeared. As it was down as a personal business loan, we couldn't touch George for it and he still claims his innocence, although everyone believes he offed Tony and kept the money.
"He's done well for himself and is apparently quite a good businessman but when you add drugs and prostitution or people trafficking he's making a nice little earner and because he's earning quite a lot from his legit business he manages to launder money from other sources, which might not be so legit, through his books. He uses the most creative accountants in London to make sure he seems to stay on the level. But we won't touch him anymore so he has to use a private bank in Soho."
"So you think he killed his partner? Couldn't he have slipped abroad somewhere and disappeared to South America or something?" asked Danni, never having heard the story before.
"We employed private detectives to find him, which cost us a hundred K or so, they didn't find hint nor hair of him, he just disappeared into thin air, which would happen if he was killed and disposed of under a motorway or dumped in a deep quarry. There's a reward of fifty thou for finding the money or a conviction on him, as far as I know, it's still extant."
"So Francesca's dad could be a murderer?" reasoned Danni.
"Yeah, so why did you invite her on a dormouse survey next week?"
"Well, how was I to know? besides she hasn't killed anyone has she?"
"I hope not," I said now wide awake and needing a cuppa.
"Aw, come on, Mummy, she's only a kid like me, I haven't killed anybody."
"I should hope not," I said bustling out to make some tea.
"I leave that to you," was said very quietly and I suspect very regretfully.
"What did you say? said Simon in a loud voice.
"Nothing, it was nothing."
"Just remember your mother only shot those men because they were trying to kill her and she was protecting herself and others. You know all this."
"Great," I thought, "I'll have nightmares for days now." I made the tea but suddenly it all back, bashing the woman with a bottle and throwing the whisky Molotov cocktail and then finally shooting those three guys by the loch. I did it then thought about it afterwards. I found out later the copper who got wounded but survived because I killed those men, and had a wife who was newly pregnant. Accidentally, I gave him a chance to become a father. I'd heard he left the police shortly afterwards. I don't blame him.
"I did say sorry," Danni insisted. Perhaps she did, but I didn't hear it, possibly because Simon was shouting.
"So you should, she was found not guilty by a coroner's court by reason of acting in self-defence. Besides she saved Grandpa's life when that Russian woman was going to kill him and broke her collarbone in the struggle that ensued."
"I know, I know," she said, " I did say I was sorry."
"Well say it to your Mum, not to me," Simon instructed.
"I'm sorry, Mummy, I didn't mean to say it," she sobbed into my previously dry shirt.
"Okay, sweetheart, I forgive you."
"Remember the difference between what your mother did and George Davidson is that she acted for the common good, he acted for his own greed," said Simon loudly.
The rest of the week flew by I was so busy and our three university students discovered that there can be a load of reading attached to higher education. Trish asked me how I stayed awake when I did my degree. I just laughed and told her that was nothing compared to a doctoral thesis. I lost count of the papers I worked through, all while looking after Simon and Daddy and Stella plus various children. I don't think I could do it now. Danni and Sarah being in the first year of biological science - it gives us more scope than pure biology - worked together. Sarah found it easy as she had covered much of it in tutorials with Debbie but she happily shared her expertise with Danni who struggled with the introductory stuff, it was boring but we have to ensure they learn it because the later stuff requires that they know it so they can deal with the more complex stuff afterwards.
Anyway, that Saturday morning at just before 9.00 am found us knocking on the door of George Davidson's mansion and waiting while she went in search of her anorak - there were showers about. She had on a pair of Dr Martin's boots which didn't impress me as they were good shoes but we needed walking boots with cleated soles, the woods can be very slippery even with them. We had to wait while she changed her footwear which gave her father time to engage with us, a situation I wasn't wishing to encourage. I'd told Danni to keep quiet about who we were as I didn't want to encourage the acquaintance.
We talked about the weather and political situation in very general terms and we left without him knowing which way I voted except he quite astutely suggested as I was a university teacher that I probably supported remain in the referendum and was probably not a Tory supporter. I didn't give him the benefit of answering his questions and rushing off to meet the others. I didn't tell Francesca off because she was an absolute novice as dormouse wrestling.
We met up with the others, there were ten in all and we had two hundred nest boxes to check. We went to the first one and Jordan a relative regular, almost a veteran, showed everyone how to check a nest box if there was a nest inside we'd take it off the tree, put it carefully into a big, clear plastic bag, and check its contents. It involves checking inside the box and if anything pops out, we remove the box and lid and have a quick check of what we have. It's often a wood mouse, occasionally pygmy shrew or as some people have reported a toad. Though I haven't seen one of those but we have had brown long-eared bats, tree bumblebees and loads of blue tit's nests.
This time the first living thing we had was a snail. That was followed by a wood mouse which I quickly pulled out of the bag so everyone could see it and before it peed in the bag and made the bag hostile to dormice. It seems that wood mice are quite incontinent and often pee in your bag, which if you only have one, you need to turn inside out which makes driving things onto the corners prior to handling them more fiddly. Sometimes actually catching them in the corners to have a better look, to sex and weigh them, is difficult and several times I have seen the captured animal run up someone's sleeve and escape - it happens to the best of us, though I haven't done it for years.
The survey took us three and half hours and we had two dormice and the same number of wood mice. I was able to show the difference between various nests, birds, wood mice that collect debris off the woodland floor, and dormice, which weave a round nest with a definite chamber inside and always have evidence of green leaves in the nest area, why that is we don't actually know but it might be camouflage - remember they normally build nests in tree holes or dense bushes the nest boxes are purely for our convenience, or possibly it's something to do with moisture. If they go torpid they may be in a box for days and dehydration could be a problem, but we don't actually know.
We had caught a male and a female both over 15 g which meant they were considered viable for hibernation, hopefully, they would gain a few more grams before they tried but the horrible truth is that over 60% will not survive until next spring, so hibernation isn't necessarily a particularly good move, though what to suggest in its place is uncertain. With relatively mild winters, it seems even more dangerous to dormice who we now know wake during their long sleep and which uses up vital fat supplies and which they are unlikely to replace. Our captive breeding programme which got me my master's degree means we are able to replace a certain amount of them with the agreement of Natural England, the government agency about whom you will not hear many kind words, but they try to do their best with very limited resources.
The bit Danni was waiting for was our stop for lunch at a cafe where we all had sausage and beans and chips and a cuppa, Danni even had bread and butter as well so could hardly move as we drove back to Francesca's, and then home.
"She's quite nice, do you really think her dad is a murderer? He seems pleasant enough."
"Psychopaths or more correctly someone suffering from a social pathology can be quite charming while they sign your death warrant. Hitler was supposed to be nice at a superficial level but his tantrums were uncontrolled and often resulted in executions of relatively innocent people, Joe Stalin was really lovely to your face but signed your death warrant while you left the building, his goon did the rest."
"Who was Joe what's his name?" Danni asked as I parked the car.
"Look it up on the internet," was my reply.
"How it go?" asked Simon, "Did you meet the main psycho or was he tormenting someone else."
"He was there and we had to wait for Francesca to change her boots."
"So what did you talk about, lovely day where did you bury your partner, and can hubby have his two million quid back?"
"No I didn't let on I was a Cameron let alone married to a banking family, I tried to keep it all very low-key. I simply don't want anything to do with him. I don't want a repeat of Cortez and his heavies."
"Oh, I don't know I thought you did very well there."
"Except Jim nearly bought it and he might have killed me too."
"Angels are invincible and you are my very own angel," Simon beamed at me whereas all I wanted was a shower and to put on something more comfortable than my boots and cargo pants. I kissed him which shut him up, especially when I rubbed my leg up and down his and then trotted off to the shower. Men are so easy to manipulate which is just as well as they are so much bigger and stronger than women.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3361 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
The rest of my Saturday went very quickly and as I was going to take Danni to her soccer match in Bournemouth, my Sunday would be short-lived too. I had actually packed my laptop so could deal with some emails if I felt up to it, part of me decided they didn't pay me enough for a 7-day week, but I earned more than any of my staff so part of that was extra hour working.
David had prepared us a picnic which would probably feed about 8 people with healthy appetites and Danni would browse it each way as I drove her and then she's eaten a cooked dinner when we got home. I would just have enough to keep me going for a few hours.
We loaded up the car with the picnic bag accessible for Danni's seat, I'd eat while she was running around. The game was against Arsenal Ladies who were title contenders, Bournemouth being closer to the bottom of the women's super league, although I could have been wrong about that as I had no interest in football even though my daughter was quite a well-known player.
I started up the car when Danni asked me if I could go via Francesca's place. I asked why and she told me that Francesca was keen to see her play. I expressed my extreme distaste of this as I'd have to keep an eye on her the whole time that Danni was playing and I had better things to do.
Danni just cajoled me and the next thing we are picking up Francesca and she was dressed a bit more appropriately than for dormousing. She was clad in jeans, boots a thick sweater and a warm coat thing which she was carrying as she sat in the car, Danni moving to sit behind with her on the back seat, I felt like a chauffeuse.
They giggled and ate as I drove and Danni had to navigate to the place they were playing, it seems that many women's teams aren't good enough to use the main stadia. I have news for them, women's soccer is growing faster than men's and soon they will allow it simply to cash in on the turnstile traffic, it also annoyed my feminist viewpoint.
I packed some food into a smaller bag, including a large flask of tea and a couple of sandwiches for myself and asked Francesca if there was anything she fancied. We added another cup and a few biscuits for her as she'd already had lunch and also some sandwiches on the way down. Danni knew better than to touch the tuna ones David had made especially for me. With my handbag strapped across my chest and carrying my laptop case in my right hand and the picnic bag in the left, we followed Danni into the players' entrance. I had to pay to park but we got into the match for nothing as family of players, they could take two apparently.
We ended up in the grandstand which was draughty and had no electricity supply for my laptop, fortunately, it was fully charged and I opened it as soon as we were seated. When Danni has played before I have taken great interest in her games and in her playing them. Now I had some urgent emails to deal with and I almost felt like I be better off in the car except Francesca would be on her own amidst a football crowd, even if women made up the greater part of it.
As Francesca could see everything I did I closed up the computer and bagged it up, if I didn't want her to see what I was doing it would have to wait until I got home which meant I'd have to sacrifice my evening to it. Oh well, it's part of having kids I suppose. I ate my sandwiches, which were lovely, tuna and cucumber a favourite of mine and Francesca had a cup of tea with me. Next time Danni caught me I'd have salmon and tuna sarnies just for a change, another favourite of mine. "How is the boy who left you in the car park?" I asked Francesca.
"Oh, we split up my dad told him to clear off," actually I felt quite sorry for him as he apparently fell down some stairs at home and cracked some ribs, and gave himself a black eye."
"How clumsy of him and you say this was before or after he spoke to your dad."
"About the same time I think," she replied not putting the two together.
"Unlucky coincidence being told off by your dad and having his accident wasn't it."
"Yeah, I suppose it was I hadn't thought of it like that before," she replied to my observation. She obviously didn't know her father's reputation unlike Danni who jokes about mine all the time, usually with her siblings.
We sat and watched the match and Danni was in the mix from the beginning often on the bad side of it as she was fouled continuously, she was obviously seen as a danger by the Arsenal defence and they gave her a lot of stick, mind you having a blind referee didn't help. Francesca made her displeasure known in no uncertain terms and I also learned a few new words and phrases all translated from Pompey.
Amazingly, the teams were still to score when the first half ended and we felt satisfied that Arsenal had not had it all their own way a fact some of their supporters who were seated in front of us lamented.
We had another cuppa while we waited and a Tunnock's choccie wafer each. I pulled my coat more tight around me as the draughts were penetrating bits they didn't usually find. The second half got underway and almost immediately Bournemouth attacked and a certain Danielle Cameron scored a goal. It was so quick I almost missed it, like the Arsenal goalkeeper.
Arsenal came at them like demons but the defence held and on a breakaway by Bournemouth, that same Cameron hit a thirty-yard shot which the goalie just didn't see. Mind you it curled all over the place before smashing into the top left-hand corner.
Arsenal saw their rating falling and threw everyone into attack Danni was passed the ball and she smashed it up at the goal catching the keeper out of position and she just watched as it sailed over her head and bounced into the goal. Three nil to Danni, Francesca was screaming her support as Danielle had scored a hat-trick. I hadn't seen her play like this since her England days, she was possessed.
Some of the oomph had been taken out of Arsenal's attack and Bournemouth began to put it together so much so that Danni was given an almost free shot at the goal and she doesn't miss many of those, it obviously wasn't going Arsenal's way as Danni was now four scores up on them.
They kicked off yet again and Bournemouth managed to steal the ball and their obvious strategy of give it to Cameron had so far worked very well so they passed it to her and she beat one defender slipped past another and was then hacked down in the penalty box. Even I was on my feet calling for the ref to do something, Francesca was calling for capital punishment to be restored for the offender. After consulting with the linesmen a penalty was awarded. Danni was still receiving attention and was on now getting to her feet and limping around, she had received quite a heavy and illegal tackle. After trotting about for a few moments she opted to take the kick herself.
She placed the ball on the spot and walked away then turned and ran at it, having had two smashed at her the goalie chose a side and dived at it even before the ball was kicked whereupon Danielle just tapped it to the empty side and made the score five. The Bournemouth supporters were going wild and the thought of why isn't this girl in the national side as she was head and shoulders above any other player on the pitch? Her legs were still giving her trouble and she was replaced after the kick-off and Arsenal just got worse as they ended up 7 goals to nil. They expected to win easily and were shown the problems of being the favourites and the way it can affect performance and morale when it doesn't happen. Besides, they met a player on superlative form who, playing to impress a friend, ran rings around them and they just collapsed.
I thought about the way she played and it struck me as almost boy-like was there a motive to it, was she trying to impress Francesca and why? They are both girls but it felt as if I was missing something here, some hidden message, and did Francesca know it or not. It gave me food for thought.
I would speak to Danielle on her own some time and see if she knows what is happening, Francesca is quite a pretty girl, but then so is Danni. She has a figure to die for and once she gains weight in her thirties, I suspect will be far bigger than I am, although breastfeeding caused mine to almost double in size and they have mostly stayed that way. Simon doesn't complain that my breasts are so small these days, can't think why?
I drove the girls home, dropping off Francesca at her house whereupon Danni scooted into the front passenger seat to continue home and our dinners. I was starving but curiosity was getting the better of me. It was teatime on a Sunday afternoon but there would never be a better time to catch Danielle on her own so I pulled into a lay-by and switched off the motor.
Danielle was surprised and almost thought we were home being a bit dozy after her afternoon of exercise. "Right, answer me this missy," I started, is there anything going on between you and Francesca?"
She blushed, "Why do you ask?" she replied.
"Because it feels as if there is."
"What do you mean?"
"You played like someone showing off down the park because their girlfriend was watching."
"Don't be daft, it was all planned."
"What seven goals against one of the best teams in Europe," my face told her I didn't believe her.
"I'm no lesbian," she said rather emphatically, rather too emphatically.
"I wasn't saying you were."
"You were implying it."
"Was I?"
"Yes, you were, if my girlfriend..."
"I wouldn't worry if you were, you have the same right as anyone to fall in love and we often can't always choose who that is."
"What are you going on about?"
"Danielle, I am no fool and I probably know you better than anyone, I just want you to be happy and Francesca is not a good idea because of her father, you heard what happened to her old boyfriend I don't want it to happen to you because if he lays a finger on you I shall make him pay for it and your dad would rip his head off. We love you too much to see you risk it all for a gangster's daughter."
"We're just friends, honest." The blush that nearly set fire to the car was enough to convince me something was going on, perhaps she hadn't actually recognised it yet.
"I can almost taste that roast beef, let's get home, eh?"
She nodded as I started the car. "Mum, there is nothing going on."
"I see, you regularly score five goals against the league leaders, do you."
"I do alright, they were overconfident and we showed 'em."
"You destroyed them, you were head and shoulders above anyone there today, you should be playing for the Lionesses and this afternoon you showed them why."
"Oh, Mummy don't go on about that, I thought we put that to rest."
"Well, I'll be interested in what the papers have to say about that in the morning."
We didn't have to wait that long as the news bulletin showed all five of her goals and the comment from their football correspondent, 'She made the top of the table club look very ordinary and it asks questions why is this woman not in the national side because half of those she thrashed already are?'
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3362 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
The meal was absolutely delish and we shovelled it down, enjoying every mouthful. Once we had finished Danni retired to her room while I cleared up the mess. As I was doing it I wondered if we were too easy on the kids, they get regular pocket money but do little for it. I had emails to deal with that I couldn't do at the football and dealing with them took up at least an hour. I took a break to make a cuppa, I looked at the girls, at least the ones I could see. Trish was reading a textbook and Sarah was wrestling with some homework. I didn't know why as I thought she would cope with the first year, but she was certainly getting her knickers twisted. I read the question, asked her some rather simple ones that she answered and I handed her back the question. I could see her puzzling for a moment then the penny dropped, "No wonder I couldn't see it, I completely misread it, now I see it, it's so bloody obvious, thanks, Mum."
Curiosity got the better of me and I nipped up to see if Danni wanted a cuppa, she was on her mobile and I suspect talking to Francesca. "She stopped on the way home and asked me if there was something going on between us. I denied if of course, when shall I see you again?"
The little toad, telling me lies. Now is she having a relationship or are they just friends? Whatever I'd be happier if Danni didn't see her either way but life isn't like that. I also fee if she thinks I'm intruding she will get worse, she hates being told what to do and she's old enough to make mistakes and deal with them but Francesca's dad is a real slime-ball and I want to minimise the contact with him for all our sakes because I'm sure he's bad enough to have killed someone.
I tapped on her door, "Danni, d'you want a cuppa?" I called, and she replied no, she had a bottle of water so she was fine. I called out okay and went back down. Then I sent Hannah up to ask if she had any coursework to do, knowing that Sarah did and she was on the same course as Danni. I was back to my emails and Hannah popped her head around the door and she told me that Danni had said no. I would have her tutor speak to her on Monday and see if she'd done it or what.
I finished my emails and had a chat with Mima, since her lisp had gone there was no holding her back and she was becoming a lovely, attractive, and very confident young woman. It irked her that Trish was already at uni and she was just doing GCSEs but she knew Trish was cleverer than she and also two years older. She usually went out on a Friday night with a gang of friends.
Lizzie and Cate were playing some board game and making lots of noise I went back to my study and closed the door. I phoned Sammi and asked her to see what she could find on our local gangster. "Do you want me to hack him?"
"I don't know, I just don't want Danni to get hurt."
"Is Danni gay then?"
"I don't know, she says not quite vociferously but then I expect her to. You girls worry me to death."
"How's Julie? Has she got her hooks into a man yet?"
"No, she still trying too hard, Phoebe is dating someone which of course leads to some friction but so far Trish has learned from her narrow escape."
"Oh yeah, that reminds me the police have arrested Mr Creepy or whatever his name was."
"Where did they catch him?"
"In Scotland somewhere, anyway he's in nick at the moment."
"Oh good, he certainly deserves it."
"Anything else I can do for you, Mum?"
"Yes, come home for a weekend again so I can spoil you."
"Won't be this weekend, the Russians are blaming the UK for all sorts of things, so we're under increased threat risk. I'll come when I can, promise."
"Okay, sweetheart, I'll leave you in peace."
"Bye, Mum, love you," and she was gone.
I rang Jim and commissioned him to do some surveillance on Davidson, but low-key stuff. I wanted to be ready if anything happened. So he wasn't to be noticed, I wanted Davidson unaware that I was investigating him.
"Didn't his partner disappear?"
"Yes, owing the bank about two million quid."
"Is there any reward?"
"Simon said he thought that it was still extant if they recover the money and get a prosecution, it's a hundred grand I think he said it was."
"Hmm, that would almost pay my gas bill," he said.
"What a hundred grand or two million?" I asked.
"Either," he said.
He rang off a moment later. I had engaged the two most useful people I knew and they were both past masters of observing someone without them being noticed. I just want to keep Danni safe and if that means putting Davidson away, then so be it.
I drank my tea and daydreamed of the time that Mary had tried to kill or hurt me, apparently, she was intent on cutting off my genitalia and then possibly cutting my face. I remember talking to her mother at the funeral, she was a lovely lady. I recall going to Salisbury to see her and she insisted on almost drowning me in tea and cakes. She was really nice and so supportive once she realised that was a transsexual. I told her that Mary had been fooled by my glued-up goolies and she smiled warning me to be careful with the glue or I might end up sticking something to the wrong thing.
She died a couple of months later from old age and a broken heart. I went to the funeral with Tom, it was well attended despite the fact that she was in her nineties. She left me a letter in her own hand, it was still in my drawer. I searched and found it. Her writing was so much neater than mine even in ballpoint.
Dear Cathy,
I enjoyed our meeting and I wish you well with your career and in your romance with Simon. I hope being a complete woman will bring you all the things you hope it will, though I think you look absolutely splendid as you are.
I'm sorry we met under such dreadful circumstances, as you said Mary wasn't bad it was her illness which was the problem, and her infatuation with Tom, who I've known for many years. I couldn't believe she could stab him like she did and as you were still at risk, the police were forced to act. I feel no animosity towards them, they did what they felt was necessary and Mary felt nothing as it happened so quickly, she died instantly. Maybe they could have fired to disable her but the inquest stated not, so I have to live with that for the rest of my days, though I know that is coming to an end.
I am sorry I didn't know you beforehand as I enjoyed your company tremendously and the fact that you have received this letter means that it won't happen again. So I wish you happiness whatever you do whether it's marrying Simon and adopting lots of children or counting dormice or becoming a career woman or all of it. Just promise this silly old lady that you will remember to have some fun amidst all the hard work you do and that you will enjoy what you do. Mary when she was well thought you were a lovely young woman and a first-class researcher. Remember that she thought highly of you before she was ill.
I shall wish you well for your future and I leave you this hat pin, which belonged to my mother, remember me when you wear it.
With sincere best wishes,
Phyllis Mallory"
I looked at the hat pin I kept it in the envelope. It was jet, and as black as coal. It was about one hundred years old and I thought far too valuable to wear, it was irreplaceable. It came into the same category that my pearls did, the ones my auntie wanted so badly. They were my grandmother's or was it, great grandmother, anyway they were real pearls and too valuable to wear regularly. I think I wore them once, otherwise, they resided in a bank vault.
Although I can afford it, I never wear expensive jewellery or watches because it in inviting robbery and no jewel or watch is worth injury or even death by some bandit, just for their illegal sale value, which is usually a fraction of their legal value.
I am married to a billionaire and have reasonable resources of my own but I don't wish to flaunt it. I saw that one of the Ecclestone girls had jewellery of about a million pounds stolen. That is disgraceful that someone should have that value of capital tied up in bits of carbon, gold and carborundum, which is all it is. Diamonds are pure carbon so is anthracite yet one is valued much more highly than the other. That's the system and I don't agree with it but whoever listens to the ramblings of a woman?
"What's that, Mummy? asked Mima.
"It's a very old hat pin," I replied.
"Where'd you get it, you rarely wear hats?"
"From a lovely old lady, I knew who lived in Salisbury."
She took it from me and looked at it, "Gosh, it's very black isn't it."
"Yes, it's jet."
"I thought that referred to aircraft."
"No, jet jewellery was made by the Romans."
"Wow, that's not Roman is it?"
"No, it's Victorian."
"It's really pretty. Why don't you wear it."
"It's too lovely to risk, so keep it in my desk drawer and when I see it I remember the lovely old lady who gave it to me."
"Aw that's nice," she said before she asked me if I wanted more tea and went off to make it.
I would wait for Sammi or Jim to report when they could and I may know a little more about George Davidson and hopefully will be able to stop my daughter from having any sort of relationship with his family. I don't want to cross him because I have no desire to become part of a motorway or any other construction site, I just want us to keep well away from each other and not interact at all.
Danni dashed into my study, "You'll never guess what?"
"You've completed your coursework?"
"Don't be silly, Francesca's dad has sent a snotty letter to the FA asking why I am not in the current Women's England Squad."
"This I suppose was based upon today's score?"
"I think so."
"I thought you wanted nothing more to do with them?"
"Yeah, that was then this is now."
"So you've changed your mind again?"
"I might have done, why can't a girl do that?"
"Of course but I don't want you associating with that family."
"Francesca's all right."
"She may be but her father could be a murderer, do you want to find out the hard way?"
"Meaning what?" she said to me.
"I think you know what I mean."
"You think he'd do something like that to me?"
"No, but if he broke your legs, your football career could end suddenly."
"He wouldn't do something like that, would he?"
"No, because your father would break his."
"This getting silly, I suppose you do even more to him?"
"I honestly don't know what I'd do, which is why I don't want to encourage your friendship with Francesca."
"Why should he be involved?"
"Because she's his little girl and always will be, you're mine but I will allow you to grow up, unlike her."
"What's that supposed to mean."
"It's like neoteny Look it up."
"That's axolotls and stuff innit?"
"That's right and it means they stay in a sort of eternal childhood, a sort of Peter Pan state."
"How does this relate to Francesca?"
"It means that he doesn't want her to grow up so he's likely to see of any serious suitors."
"This is like something out of Shakespeare."
"It's been a problem for women for a long time and involves possession and ownership of females by men, especially their fathers."
"This bloody stupid."
"It is to a modern woman but not where the family dynamics involve a dominant male who acts like a caveman and feels he owns his females."
Danni swore and rushed off to her room slamming the door. "Here's your tea, Mum," Mima arrived back with a cup of nectar, "Whatever got into Danni?"
"I think we just had a disagreement on neoteny and whether it occurs in humans."
"Does it?"
"I don't know but I've a feeling we might find out soon."
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3363 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
"So you haven't got anything then?"
"I said almost impossible which isn't the same as impossible."
"So you have something?"
"Yes after I spoke with your Sammi, who did the unlocking for me."
"I didn't know you knew Sammi?"
"Yeah got to know her after the bank commissioned investigations on some clients that concerned them, her computer skills are something else."
"I know all that, who'd you think got her the job in the first place?"
"I've an idea it's someone I know quite well."
"Perhaps, but I want to know what you have on my target."
"Like I said, he's very private and I hate to say it but I suspect the remains of his partner are somewhere under the M25 as that was being enlarged when he disappeared and there is an unexpected payment to someone, it's a one-off payment too. My attempts to trace the payee ended equally abruptly, but he was a contractor on the enlarging of the motorway. I did a search amongst police records and a body resembling overall but missing a head and hands was found in a quarry in Surrey a couple of years ago. We don't have any DNA to go on, although we have plenty from the corpse we don't have any to compare it with and we don't know if he had any kids. There is no sign of the hundred grand he was supposedly paid, so perhaps he got acute lead poisoning for his troubles."
"So you think our man killed him too?"
"It's speculation but it's entirely possible, especially if he wanted to keep his money."
"How was the money paid because if it went through a bank there'll be records?"
"He drew out the money in cash."
"To minimise further records and to launder through his legitimate activities."
"I have noticed that he sold a few cars at ten thousand each, which to my mind were vastly overpriced and which have since seemed to disappear soon after."
"Bought by fictitious customers no doubt?"
"It's very likely but must be a risk with HMRC."
"I think if he's paying some taxes they don't look at you too closely and he does pay taxes on all his legitimate business, it's the other which makes most of his money, drugs, people smuggling, prostitution and so on."
"But he could be guilty of killing at least twice?"
"Very likely, plus who's going to miss young women that aren't even recorded as being here. Stella and I caught some bloke beating up a woman years ago, Stella was injured but we detained them until police arrived. The woman was eastern European and didn't cooperate with the authorities so they sent her back to Serbia or wherever she was from. It wasn't one of Davidson's as far as I know because this was a while ago, but if it happened now, it could well be."
"You move in strange circles," he commented and I agreed I had at times.
"Sadly, we have nothing tying any of this together, it's all suspicions and they don't get you convictions."
"No we need something we can drop in the HMRC's lap so he'll be too busy to notice us or any relationship between Francesca and Danni, so keep digging but do it quietly I don't want him to suspect anything."
"Quite as a mouse, I'll be, perhaps a dormouse, they go largely unobserved."
"Tawny owls and various ground predators hunt them and remember 60 - 70 % die during hibernation, so maybe not the best analogy."
"Speak to you when I have something else." He rang off and I was left contemplating what he had told me. Simon had told me he was suspected of making snuff movies, the ultimate in bad-taste porn, where the victim doesn't survive the abuse and the film includes their actual death. I don't know what kind of scum watches such things but they obviously don't come cheap. If it's true that he is involved in it, I'd love to bring evidence to the authorities to stop it and convict him, I'd also like to see an end to people trafficking and him convicted of that as well. However, murder convictions would put him away the longest so I shall concentrate on those."
While I obviously wanted to know if Danni was still seeing Francesca and what sort of relationship it involved, I didn't wish to involve any of the other girls in any sort of surveillance as it would cause ructions and could break up the family and it has undertones of the Stasi or North Korea. No, it would have to stay low-key and involve as few as possible.
Danni had use of the moped scooter thing which gave her some independence at least around town, any further and she used Mum's taxi service as often as not or we paid a taxi to take her to Bournemouth for her soccer matches. She was supposed to be saving for a car, she was eligible already but she wanted something nice and Simon offered to help her get something when she was eighteen. I offered her some lessons for her next birthday and she accepted.
Seeing the reports of collisions among young drivers didn't encourage me to want her to drive but I also knew that if she got her degree she might want to do a master's in something like ecology in which case a licence and her own transport could be useful. My time doing dormouse checks using a bicycle didn't want to repeat for my daughter, I was certain of that.
The week had seen me busy with my mundane chores but it's what the university pays me for and apart from trying to encourage investment to continue research in climate change and biodiversity and how they affect one another, I did some supervision for my two PhD students and some teaching amongst the first and second years, especially on ecology or fieldwork, the course I had set up had eventually combined with a few other bits and pieces to make a full ecology degree at master's level and we required a 2:1 as a minimum qualification or a very tough interview when we accepted the occasional student with less. Usually, we had it fairly well right and all the students we took as interview candidates successfully completed their master's degree. I left that to one of my staff now as was mainly concerned with things higher up the food chain like doctoral degrees and trying to get them funding from the various bodies that provided it like the NRC and Natural England.
As we approached the weekend my thoughts turned again towards our football star and the complications of her life and trying to protect her against some of them. Jim had not reported again and Sammi was occupied with yet another attack by various Russian hackers. At times, it seemed that most of the world was disgusting and dishonest and was trying to get your money or your information. I know that hi-tech industries have a problem with them as do banks and other financial houses as well as defence and other government departments.
Why can't we all live in harmony without trying to get one over on each other, Putin's Russia is simply a state run by gangsters, the leader being the biggest of them all with his morality being shown to all by his use of the Wagner organisation which is known to employ all sorts of psychos and convicted murders as well as assorted sex offenders. They have been implicated in a number of war crimes and torture or execution of civilians and military personnel and acting in a terrorist-like manner running amok in Ukraine.
I see the Dutch investigation has concluded that three men are to blame for downing that Malaysian airways jumbo jet with a anti-aircraft missile killing hundreds, they were two Russians and a Ukrainian separatist. Whether they will ever stand to atone for their crimes is questionable, but then the Russian agents who killed various dissidents in the country as well as the woman in Salisbury, have been identified and we all know they will escape punishment because they were acting for the regime which seems to have lower standards of morality of anywhere outside China. They in turn are accused of having their own enforcers in various countries including Britain and America.
I read in my newspaper that transsexuals and other non-binaries have been killed in the US and the number is likely an underestimate because nobody keeps an official record of their deaths which in many cases are likely to be hate crimes, killing just because of what you are. Doesn't everyone have the right to be who they feel themselves to be. In Qatar, the world cup is just starting where the authorities are accused of treating the foreign labour that built the stadia as if they were slaves and many it seems are unpaid and the casualty figures of deaths and serious injuries are being swept under a large carpet. In the papers today the authorities are also accused of funding fundamentalist Islam all over the world, so it's not just Iran and Saudi Arabia. Perhaps we should have colonised them until the oil ran out as they seems to be inhumane states which we know have caused countless deaths and unhappiness. Possibly Iran's rule by religious morons is coming to an end but everywhere else things seem to be getting worse and even in the UK the right-wing attacks on trans people is on the increase, something which seems to have spread here from the US.
Here, we have just had a budget that will penalise the poor more than the rich, they siphoned off the profits long ago and with Brexit, Covid, the war in Ukraine and twelve years of Tory mismanagement, we're up a gum tree without a paddle. They are all in self-denial about Brexit, it has caused damage of up to 40% to the British economy. They just won't listen, but it is like an elephant in the room. The liars that persuaded the idiots that voted for it should be tried for lying and then for doing untold damage to our businesses, isn't that a form of treason, damaging your state? Why they can't go back into the single market is ridiculous and it seems if we don't have more migration here, then our economy will shrink even more. Who says, the Chancellor.
So there is much going on around the place, some of which affects me or my job or has an impact on Simon's job in the bank. It looks like Britain is well on the way to becoming a third-world country under the Tories and also it seems that people have changed since Covid, they have become more demanding, more aggressive, more intolerant, and more racist. I sometimes don't recognize the place. It seems the culture war against woke is really an American phenomenon that we have imported via right-wing Tories, which has little meaning here if not irrelevant except the rise of the right-wing in Europe and America means that until we've had a reminder of what fascism is all about we are due to repeat the mistake again with some other version of the Nazis perhaps spread by the Taliban or Qatar where intolerance runs wild again.
As for me, apart from switching off lights everywhere and turning down the heating, I am trying to keep a wary eye on my footballing daughter while waiting for more evidence of what she's up to and how I can help produce evidence to make us safe from the likes of George Davidson and his ilk.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3364 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
I wasn't sure if I pitied her or them, but she was certainly showing a definite involvement in her course whereas Danni was under caution for a couple of requests for extra time on her assignments. Sarah was okay but Danni had been cautioned andthe letter of caution was copied to me as per usual practice. It was designed to keep me in the loop and also if disciplinary action was sanctioned, we had a record of it, a copy was also appended to their file. If they got their head down and worked satisfactorily, the letter was removed after the end of term exams. I seemed to work for the serious students while the more frivolous sort got sent down, in other words, discharged from their course. It was always a sad event, no one wants people to fail, but if they are messing about, treating it like some big game, then we are better off without them. Danni was heading towards this situation and I sent for her.
She bowled into my office as if there was nothing wrong. "Hi Mum, you sent for me?"
"Yes, I am actually Professor Watts and you are Miss Cameron, we have official business to discuss and it isn't a social event."
"Oh, okay, Professor."
"I have been notified of you two cautions for late work and requests for extensions."
"Yeah, I got a bit behind, I'll catch up no bother."
"When will you do that as you have assignments outstanding."
"No worry, I'll sort them out soon."
"Do you realise, Miss Cameron, how close you are to being discharged from the course and apart from anything else, no other institution is likely to admit you and you'll still have to pay fees, even though you won't actually be here?"
"Um, no I didn't. I just got behind a little, I will catch up."
"Um, two weeks."
"You realise that you will have another assignment before then, how will you cope.?"
"Oh shit," was heard as whisper. "I'll give it my best shot, um Mummy, I mean professor."
"You will spend every night at home unless you have football games or training, and you will work to catch up. If we see an improvement by Christmas, we will ease up just a little."
"I'll try um Mu...professor."
"Thank you, Miss Cameron, that's all we want you to do, which is clearly what you haven't been doing."
She looked as sick as a parrot and couldn't wait to get away. She actually almost ran out of my office. "How did it feel to discipline one of your own?" as Diane.
"Bloody awful, it was like threatening my granny."
"Oh, that bad eh? Why isn't she coping?"
"A bloody girl."
"Oh, I thought she was into boys?"
"She is normally, she fallen for this girl called Francesca Davidson., she's a pretty girl but not the sharpest knife in the drawer."
"Where's she from? Leigh Park?"
"If only, she George Davidson's daughter."
"Do I remember a series of articles in the press?"
"Yeah, his partner disappeared with two million belonging to High St. Bank plc. We suspect he's under a section of the M25."
"Wow, I'd forgotten that bit."
"We may never prove it and the contractor who buried him, allegedly for a hundred k, himself disappeared and is still missing. They have a body but the arms and legs and head were removed before it was dumped in an abandoned quarry."
"Ouch, lovely people you meet."
"If only Danni's hormones weren't firing, it's losing me my sleep. She doesn't have much in the way of testosterone in her lovely body so quite what is causing this, I don't know. The fact that her father is possibly the most dangerous gangster on the south coast, intent on getting the FA to reselect Danni and he is an obsessive possessive and likes to run her life like she's a six year old and he doesn't know that they are fast becoming a couple. He'll do his crunch if he finds out."
"Have you tried warning Danni?"
"Apart from putting notes in her underwear, we've tried about everything else but she just ignores it. I wouldn't mind so much if it was somebody else's daughter, I can cope with Danni being gay, if that's the case. But I want no involvement in anything involving a gangster, plus what he might do to Danni if he finds out."
"You did."
"Yeah, but I interact with my daughter and spotted the blossoming friendship and then realised it was more than that."
"Oh well, you're a professor you'll work it out. Can't you semd her up to the international space station for a couple of months?"
"If I could that would be a perfect solution but alas, I don't know anyone working on that programme." We both chuckled but it was no laughing matter, I was really worried about it and if Danni complies with my discipline, it might work much more simply. What's the betting that she doesn't?
It was Wednesday evening and I was working on an application for grant funds from the National Environment Research Council or NERC for short. Unfortunately, their application forms aren't. My phone rang and I was a bit dozy and half expecting Simon to call. it wasn't it was James.
"Guess who's a genius, then?"
"Isaac Newton?"
"What? he's been dead for three hundred years."
"He was still a genius, look, what do you want I'm busy falling asleep over some grant application forms?"
"I have found the DNA for the missing road laying contractor."
"The one who we think got too involved with his work?"
"Perhaps, anyway I found a conviction he had from 2008, and they were taking DNA then."
"Clever boy, how come the plod didn't find it?"
"I think somebody was paid to lose it and instead they just buried it in an old file."
"So what happens next?"
"We let them check if it matches our headless body and only interfere if they need a bit of help."
"Sadly, there won't be any of Davidsons' there will there?"
"No, but they found extraneous blood on the corpse, seemed like the butcher who chopped it up cut himself."
"Ooh, so he might not be so clever after all?"
"I live in hopes."
"Be careful, if someone was paid to lose the report, they may notify Georgie-boy and he would be spooked, plus they may remember who found it and come a knocking."
"I hope I was discreet."
"There's one way you'll know if you were."
"Oh, bugger, I'd better go."
"Well done and take care." I spoke to thin air. Somthing else to worry about, I don't remember my mother saying, 'A girl can't have too many worries.'
The rest of the day went more easily, at least Danni stayed in and did some of an assignment. This involved asking Sarah for help, which she was reluctant to do in case she was accused of something herself. I assured her she wouldn't be, so she did give Danni a couple of hints.
Danni actually came to me with a couple of queries and because I was busy myself I couldn't spare much time, however, she had a few clues and stuck at it. I told her if she'd concentrated like that in the beginning she wouldn't have to play catch up now. She saw my point but didn't acknowledge anything.
Danni had a match on the Thursday evening against Chelsea, which she wanted to play, especially if she could do the same with them as she did with Arsenal women. To avoid anything like an association with Francesca I drove her there and did some work on my tablet in the car. Francesca was there and Danni couldn't do the same again, she only managed four goals this time. When I showed up, Francesca, mysteriously vanished, I wonder why?
I brought a slightly sulky Danni home bit it didn't affect her appetite and at nine o'clock I made her do an hour's work on her assignments. She grumbled, but complied.
Trish who had run out of work to do helped her big sister out with her assignment, throwing all sorts of things that Danni hadn't even considered. It might gain a few brownie points, but I wasn't sure.
By the end of the week Danielle had completed two assignments. She still had a whole one to do when disaster struck. Davidson became aware of his daughter's romantic involvement with my daughter. He turned up with a car-load of thugs and demanded to see Danielle. We had got an hour's notice and we sent her Julie's place. Fortunately, nobody outside knew of our link so the trail ended at Tom's house.
"Let her know I'm looking for her and the longer it takes me to find her the worse it will be."
"Mr Davidson, I shall tell her that you came to see her. If, however, you were wanting to do what I think you were I would have to intervene and you might end up under a motorway like your partner did."
"You filthy bitch," he spat at me.
"And you owe my husband's bank two million pounds, which he'd be very glad to see. So behave and we can all stay friends."
"Friends, ha. That unnatural daughter of yours better stay away from my Francesca, or she won't be playing soccer no more with two broken legs."
"If anything happens to Danni I'll come looking for you. There is no escape from the angel of death."
"You make me laugh," and to prove it he chuckled out loud.
"Do not laugh at Azrael, you fool," to make my point I threw a ball of light at one of his henchmen and and the car door he was standing next to it open, suddenly was hit by the door slamming on him breaking several bones. They drove off rather quickly after that.
An hour later Sgt Bond arrived. "We've had a complaint that you used witchcraft to hurt one of Mr Davidson's men."
"They were threatening to do all sorts of things to Danni, she's been seeing his daughter Francesca and he just found out. He again threatened my girl so I told him if he did I would intervene and he wouldn't like it. I would take him for every penny he has and sue the pants off him."
"He implied something more physical involving motorways."
"I might have promised to bury him under the same one he buried his friend under and that they still owed Simon's bank two million. He laughed at me again and I told him not to laugh at Azrael and suddenl;y a gust of wind caught the door and slammed it on the unfortunate man. I have no doubt they meant to do Danni physical harm and will protect me and mine."
"Who is Azrael?"
"The angel of death."
"So were you threatening his life?"
"No it was said for effect, most of these gangster types have much more brawn than brains and it sometimes worries them a little."
"So you didn't slam the door on his man?"
"I was standing twenty feet away so you tell me how I could."
"I see, I shall tell him to keep away from you and your family and ask you do the same with his. Failure to comply could result in you facing criminal charges."
"I'd be happy never to see his ugly mug again."
"Let's hope he feels the same way."
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3365 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
"I have a PhD, what about you?" I answered back.
"You scum had better stay away from me and mine," he threatened.
"Or what?" I asked wondering whether he would be stupid enough to say something I could either sue him for saying or just annoy him although that could cause consequences.
"You do'n wanna know."
"Actually I do," I said though it was debatable that I did.
"Just be warned, no one messes about with the Davidsons."
"Mr Davidson, I am not messing about, in fact, I am doing nothing, it's you who is threatening to attack my daughter. The fact, that your daughter seems to like mine is nothing to do with me. I don't wish to encourage her, Danni, that is, but I won't interfere with her freedom to see who she wishes, that you can't tends to indicate it's you who has a problem."
"If she doesn't leave my Francesca alone, she'll have a definite problem. No wonder they don't want her for England, bloody lezzy."
"She'll be in good company then because half the team is gay."
"They're not are they?"
"Mr Davidson, maybe you should get out a bit more, the First World War ended over a hundred years ago.
"Bitch," he snarled at me.
"Motorways weren't invented then so how would you dispose of rivals?"
"You ain't the only one with brains you know?"
"I am well aware of my place in the world, I'm a professor, remember."
"Bits of paper won't protect you."
"You are a spiteful man aren't you, I'll bet you were a playground bully as well. I am protected by the angels and the Hampshire constabulary, you've met the one and if you remember you weren't all that comfortable with him unless you'd like to meet him again or the constabulary I'd keep well away from me and mine."
"Bitch you're gonna pay."
"Will you provide an invoice so I can claim against tax, oh, I forgot you don't like the HMRC do you, I wonder why?". It was getting boring so I rang off after saying goodbye.
I wondered what he might try with Danni, so I sent for her. "Davidson has been on the phone threatening to hurt you unless you stay away from his daughter. I'm not threatening you but common sense tells me it might be a good idea and also to take special care to not make yourself vulnerable to attack."
"He wouldn't dare if you are about."
"Danielle, I am not always about and some of my engagements are easily discovered if they want to."
"So you're abandoning me?"
"I didn't say that, I just want you to be aware of what you are doing and what the consequences are."
"Why don't you say you don't like Fran 'cos she isn't good enough to mix with your family?"
"I have been called many things but superior isn't one of them, nor is a snob, so I resent that last accusation of yours."
"Well, you don't do you?"
"I don't want any association with Davidson or his clan. We know what he's capable of doing to people he doesn't like and I suspect he carries a grudge forever. I have nothing against Francesca other that she is his daughter and she allows him to treat he like a six-year-old."
"I know her better than you and she's a nice kid."
"Danni you are nearly an adult and you just described her as, 'a nice kid.' Maybe you should listen to yourself and also decide if you're gay or straight, I don't care which but you need to know and how you're going to deal with it. I don't mean for our sakes because will love you regardless but others may not, especially, one George Davidson."
"She's getting ready to leave him."
"When? Sometime never, like my decision to transition? If Stella hadn't knocked me off my bike I may still be thinking about it. She is worse than me and she is either too frightened of him or has no intention of disrupting the status quo.
"I'll get her to come next week," she smiled at me with some determination.
"Not to our house you won't, There are nearly a dozen other people to think of living there and the last thing I need is a reason for him to visit again. Azreal may not protect us again."
"What are you on about, Mum, you zapped him with the energy, you can do the same again."
"Look, darling, much as I'd like to zap him good and proper, it isn't guaranteed and he may not be stoppable next time. It was luck and my ranting several biblical names at him. He may be a little superstitious but he isn't stupid. So say goodbye to Francesca and all will be well."
"I can't, Mum, I've asked her to marry me."
"You've done WHAT?" I yelled at her.
"I don't want to lose her, Mum."
"Well, he isn't going to send her away, so I'll have to do it to you. I think we'll see if Mr Dunstan could do with some help at Stanebury."
"I'm not going anywhere."
"Is she worth dying for?"
"Nobody's gonna die."
"I wonder how long she remembers your memory and what you did for her and will she still be under the control of her dad and how upset I'll be and your sisters."
"No one is gonna die, Mum. I'll elope with her."
"Danni, I wish you hear what you're saying. Father Christmas doesn't exist you know and you won't beat George Davidson. That man is pure evil. If he can kill people for money, what chance someone he really dislikes?"
"I've faced overwhelming odds before and come through it."
"You have never faced someone with the ability to kill before."
"What's the difference?"
"You could say a matter of life and death."
"I'm going," she suddenly announced and left. I didn't know what to do. I rang Simon but he was out visiting clients.
Then I had a good idea and rang James. He agreed to follow Danni and try and stop any form of tryst happening. He was especially charged with keeping Danni away from George Davidson. He was pleased that the police had some DNA from the killer of the headless construction worker and that it might be the same as Davidson. He had all his fingers and toes crossed.
As I left to collect the school contingent, Danni, Sarah, and Trish all had lessons until at least five o'clock, I expected to see James sitting in his car waiting for them to leave. There was no sign of him anywhere but I knew James knew how to do his job. I duly collected, Meems, Hannah, Livvie, and Cate and took them home.
At six o'clock Daddy came home along with Trish and Sarah. "Where's Danni?" I asked wanting to serve dinner or for David to.
"Dunno, haven't seen her since this morning," replied Trish.
I immediately told David to serve and I went and phoned Jim. "Where's Danni, she wasn't with the others?"
"Um. she's in Davidson's house, I'm trying to watch out for Georgie boy to keep them apart."
"Get her out, I'm coming straight over," I switched off the phone and throwing on my coat I ran out to car ignoring protests from the kitchen. Ten minutes later I arrived at the Davidson house.
"Is she still in there?"
"Put it this way I haven't seen her come out."
"Shit, that's his car," I said pointing to a car in the drive.
"That was there before we got here," said James, and I went cold, if he'd hurt so much as a hair on her head, I would not be answerable for my actions, I'd just go ape shit.
We passed through the gate and the immaculate front garden and marched up to the front door. The police would not be pleased with me but I was trying to prevent injury unless of course, I was handing it out. I was just about to ring the bell when a shot rang out. For a moment my blood ran cold then James tried to kick down the door. It was lined with steel and didn't move one iota. I dashed to the rear of the property and threw myself over a fence I didn't think I could climb. James appeared a moment later calling the police as he came. He reported the gunshot. The police told us to stay where we were but they didn't have a daughter in there.
Jim managed to force the back door and we scrambled through the rooms only to find Davidson's body lying in the lounge with his daughter standing over him and holding a smoking gun. She had shot him in the head and he was obviously dead. Danni was lying groaning a couple of yards away, trying to pick herself up off the floor.
James opened the front door for the police to enter and I took the gun out of Francesca's hands, and into a towel I found in the kitchen. Once the gun was secured I went to help Danni to stand up, she was badly beaten. I looked at James and glowered.
The police arrived and took charge. We left the central police station four hours later. They accepted my statement which was corroborated by Jim. Francesca was shocked and subsequently collapsed when she realised what she had done.
Apparently, she and Danni had decided to elope and had gone to her place to get some of her stuff. Davidson had arrived while she was packing. He picked on Danni who put up a fight before his superior size and strength began to tell. He had just knocked Danni flying when Francesca screamed at him to stop. He didn't and so she shot him. Where the gun came from, we didn't know. Her prints were all over it and the test they do for proving you fired a gun was positive.
Danni was checked over in the hospital and discharged, she had been badly beaten but at least she had survived, George didn't. We took her home and she barely made it up the stairs, she really wasn't well. The next morning, we heard on the radio that Francesca had been charged with murder. I immediately phoned Simon who seemed puzzled that I wanted a good defence lawyer for her.
by lunchtime, the charge was replaced to manslaughter with elements of self-defence. Davidson had continued to hit Danni even after she had fallen down. Francesca asked him to stop and he didn't. She knew where the gun was kept and she was hoping just to stop him from hurting her. She screamed at him to stop, but he wouldn't so she blew his brains out.
Of course the shooting enabled Davidson's affairs to be thoroughly inspected and they found a match for the DNA of our killer and in a secret cache they discovered all sorts of evidence tying him to the murder of his partner, the money he owed the bank - which they now hoped to reclaim, his interests in people trafficking and import of various hard drugs and ownership of a house he hadn't declared from which he ran his prostitution and drug empire. Several eastern European girls were arrested but later deported.
Danni was in bed for a week and Trish healed on her every night, the bruises began to fade and her girlfriend pleaded guilty to killing her father and I was glad she did, Danni protested believing she acted in sef-defence. If she hadn't stopped the beating of my daughter James or I could have been involved and if he had really hurt her or killed her, I might have done the same to him or James might and he's trained to fight by the Royal Marines. In him versus George Davidson, I think he'd have won hands down. If I'd fought him, I might have won, I was just so mad I possibly would have killed him, instead his daughter did. For the first time, I respected her for saving my daughter.
Danni of course, was distraught for days but although I now had new feelings for Francesca, I hoped that the separation of a couple of years or more might mean an end to the relationship, it was to be seen if I got my way. When discussing it with Simon a few nights later I told him that Azreal possessed Davidson's soul and once he'd appeared there was no escape.
"But he hadn't appeared, just you, wasn't it?"
I just smiled enigmatically.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3366 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
Even after the fortune he left was dissected by HMRC and the bank, he was still rumoured to have left 2 or 3 million, so if her counsel doesn't spend it all, she should be quite wealthy when all this is over. At the moment, her counsel is going for manslaughter through diminished responsibility. I hope it works and she gets off without a custodial sentence, but I doubt it, even though she killed to protect someone (one of my daughters).
Apparently, there are special cleaners who deal with gruesome scenes and clean it up without a thought, they aren't cheap and of course, they can't clean up until the police have finished. Why they take so long, amazes me. I think archaeologists work faster and they usually find time to dig holes and sieve the soil they dig up as well. Francesca had said she never wanted to enter the house again, so we supervised the removal of her personal items, everything else was sold anonymously to avoid the ghouls and there were plenty of those. Suddenly George couldn't hurt them so they became very bold and we had to use a security firm to keep them out of the house, George's one that is.
Francesca had to show herself at Portsmouth Central police station every day to meet the bail terms. It was ridiculous and we went back to court to say so. Most other people only have to do so once a week, which we would agree to, not daily.
Jacquie, who'd learned of our situation offered to come to help babysit Francesca and of course I longed to see her again, so she came for a weekend about a month after it all happened. We agreed that all the children knew what had happened and therefore how they would treat enquiries - 'It isn't anything to do with us, so we can't tell you anything. If you want to know more speak to Francesca's counsel.'
I adopted a similar line as did the others, even Danni. I had made it a condition when Danni was badgering me all the time to offer bail, that she, would continue her course and attend the university again. She initially refused and so did I as regards the bail. No one else would touch it and she couldn't raise the money herself so she had to come back to me.
I realised her learning had been left a bit behind but Sarah was steaming ahead, the work she'd done for her exam had stood her in good stead for it and she flew through the assignments and was doing really well. I had Danni in my office when she had any free time, and made her work. She complained that she should be home comforting Francesca instead and I had to face down a small rebellion in which I gave her the facts of life as they stood. This was mainly because I was supporting Francesca everyone else seemed to be, at least in the family. If I withdrew my support, she would have to go back to prison and Danni may only be allowed to see her once per week or so, at the moment she was able to see her every day.
I had a full blow paddy from Danni and when I told her what was what and she exploded again, I informed her I would withdraw my support and of course she begged me not to. I then informed her that her producing a decent mark for her course was now a condition of my support. I had agreed it with Francesca beforehand. They were allowed to spend time together if Danni had finished all her uni work and only then. Francesca was helping David about the house and he was teaching her lots of stuff about being domesticated. She'd never done anything with her mother who disappeared when she was very young. She seemed to think her mother was still alive, somewhere. I decided that I wasn't going to pay someone to find her so it went undone.
Danni couldn't understand why the trial was next year as as far as she was concerned it could all be over in one day. I informed her that legal things can grind on very slowly and sometimes it worked in our favour. She couldn't or wouldn't see it that way so she just had to bear it. Seeing as Fran was the accused, and she was being much less excitable about it all, I tried to use her as an example for him to follow.
Of course, she was having fun with David who became fond of her as an uncle might and when Danni discovered it we nearly had a fight in the kitchen. Boy, I don't want to go through that again, it was all I could do to keep Danni from attacking David and when I dragged her up to her room I felt exhausted but I still had read the riot act.
She was allowed to train and play each week which I felt was important as she had to be allowed something to release all the pent-up energy. I warned that if she deliberately got herself injured, she wouldn't be allowed to see Fran, and if she got herself suspended, she would spend the extra time working on her course. If I said we had a few arguments, I doubt you'd be surprised. That she told me some very painful things when she was trying to hate me left me in tears a few nights I can tell you. Instead of the woman who had kept Fran out of prison so far I was a monster who was trying to split them up and many other things that I don't remember now.
To stop any hanky panky, I got Fran to agree to locking her bedroom everynight, she had an en suite so it wasn't a problem, but sex starved teenager could be, again Danni went ballistic and we had words.
Suddenly this thing had taken over my life and my other chores and responsibilities were being neglected. I spoke to both the teens and they seemed to understand. I laid my cards down for them to see and asked for their cooperation or we wouldn't be able to support Fran and while her case was important it shouldn't consume my life as well or any of her family's. We had some disgruntled words from Danni but she eventually saw reason.
After some weeks, the ardour in the relationship eased and as well we didn't have any further gentlemen of the tabloid press wandering in the garden and the spell of cold weather in December saw off the less hardy ones. It also kept Francesca in doors, so little candid snaps stopped appearing in tabloids.
Danni could see how happy she had become interacting with all the family including David because we were allowing her to act as a normal young woman, I had to remind Danni that her path was more circuitous and that she didn't always enjoy girly things. Before long, both of them were asking for frequent sewing bees, as Fran genuinely enjoyed it and Danni came because Fran did.
I know she was acting like a love-struck young man rather than a young woman and I accepted she had never asked to be a woman her friend Pia had decided for her and mutilated her so cleverly that the surgeon had very little option but to do gender reassignment surgery, especially, as she was dressed and made up like a girl at the time, assumptions were made and Danni was the outcome. I expected we may have some trouble later but not like this. In a way, if I'd loathed Fran, it may have been easier only to be involved with Danni because she was so good-natured and so likeable it made it harder, she had come out of her chrysalis and metamorphosed into a lovely young woman If only she hadn't fallen for my daughter.
In the university, Daddy and Diane kept me going although some days it was a struggle and once or twice I felt like resigning or worse. I also had rows with these two lovely people and on one occasion I locked myself in the loo an refused to open it for three hours. It wasn't my finest hour but then I hadn't actually hit anyone, so my self- restraint was obviously working.
life was so intense that I completely forgot my birthday and it was only because Stella writes down dates in her diary that all the kids were made aware of it. I think I shall remember Christmas, but I'm not certain as life and this bloody trial are ageing me faster than usual time. Danni hasn't asked about reverting yet but that may be because Francesca fancies her as a woman. I don't know what will happen yet but I'll make sure I tell you.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3367 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
I suppose Christmas was going to be well populated, the family except Billie, but with Fran as an extra, we expected Henry and Monica and also I had invited James as he said he would otherwise go to a restaurant or open a can of beans. I told him we now opened a can of soup as well as the beans and he was welcome to share them with us. "How many beans are we talking here?" I suggested it would be at least five and two centimetre square of either bread or toast to be either eaten with the beans or with the tablespoonful of soup, it was up to him.
"And you have a chef there?"
"That's why it's two courses, if I did it you could have either one or the other."
"I see, what about drinks?"
"You can have as much tap water as you like, we like to be generous."
"Um, yes could I bring my own coffee?"
"If you do half of them will want one too."
"I think l I might cope with that."
"Oh, and bring your coat we turn the heating off for Christmas." Seeing as Simon and I paid most of his salary, I'd bought him some rather nice driving gloves made by .Porsche.
I went shopping in town for last minute things and Danielle came with me, she wanted something for Fran but had no idea what to get her. I told him she should have asked her like I did. "You mean you actually asked her?"
"Do you not understand English?"
"Course I do," she replied blushing.
"What did I say to you?"
"You'd ask Fran what she wanted."
"Meaning?" I asked.
"I suppose she told you."
"Of course she told me, it's only you I have a problem with."
"Thanks ,Mum, bitch," she whispered.
"I heard that, it's unbecoming and untrue."
"Huh," she said and remained silent for a few moments and then said, "what did she asked you to get for her."
"I don't think I'll tell you now."!
"Suit yourself," threw at me, "I'm gonna get her some jewellery."
"That wasn't what she said."
"Well unless my stupid mother tells me, that's what she's going to get."
"She hardly ever wears jewellery these days."
"She hardly ever wears makeup these, yet she looks gorgeous when she does."
"I think I have persuaded her to think about tertiary education."
"Isn't that up to her?"
" Yes, but since her father has stopped controlling her life, she can be a normal young woman."
"We can live off my earnings for a bit."
"I doubt you'll ever earn that much."
"It's enough if we don't waste it."
"This a woman who is used to gold plated toilet paper?"
"No that's Auntie Stella."
"I always thought it was Donald Trump," I said stifling laugh.
"Who cares anyway?"
"You do, which is why you can't settle."
"Well it is Christmas eve," she snapped.
"She'd like to go far from here and start again."
"We'll do that as soon as she gets off."
"I'll leave that to the lawyers, meanwhile she'd like a...Oh I wrote it down, now what did I do with it? I thought I'd put it in my pocket maybe it's in my bag." I began searching frantically. It was really a wind up, I had never written it down. I had her almost dancing up and down by the time I found a shopping list and pretended it was what I had learned from Francesca.
"Come on, Mum, the shops close in about five hours."
"Ah, yes, she wants a..oh I can't read my own writing."
Danni was now bouncing up and down like an excited little girl. "Oh, I've remembered."
"Well, tell me and I'll get it."
"She wants a set of Sabatier knives or equivalent."
"I thought there were some at her house."
"She wants her own set, you know she wants to be a chef."
"What? No way."
"That's what she told me, David has been showing her some tricks in the kitchen and she loves it."
"He's bewitched her."
"Don't be silly, she'd rubbed shoulders with biologists, physicists, social historians, computer experts, bankers and nursing and despite all of it she likes cooking best and if that's what she likes, why shouldn't she do it?"
"I'll bloody kill him."
"Don't talk rubbish, for the first time in her life she is free to choose what she does and that's what she says she wants to do."
"Says you."
"I'm telling the truth."
"Yeah, sure you are."
I handed her my phone, "Here speak to her yourself."
She did just that and Fran confirmed it was what she wanted. It was what we bought and Danni grumbled the whole time, especially at the cost of them, they aren't cheap.
We did my shopping little things for the girls stockings and once she had stopped moaning about Francesca's present, she entered into the spirit of things and we quite enjoyed ourselves, I even managed to send her back to the car at one point so I could get her something small for her stocking. The problem with a large family is getting them something different. This year for the older girls I got them vouchers from Next so they could choose an outfit. Then I got silly things for stocking fillers like bath salts or lavender bags or talc.
We stopped for lunch then more little things. I suppose by the time I'd finished I'd probably spent as much as usual, but we had limited the main present to £50.00. That was quite hard to find useful things they actually wanted thank, goodness for Amazon, as that was the way I shopped mainly this year, with David taking in the presents and secreting them in my bedroom. His present was a subscription to a motor magazine which I knew he would enjoy, though why defeats me, I got Daddy a new pair of slippers and gardening magazine in the hope I might see a bit more of the Guardian I pay for every day but rarely see. I think it started as a joke but now it's the norm. My fault, I should have said something earlier, now is a bit late.
Christmas day, we tried to make it special for the children, which with all the adults about, meant it was. If the bairns had actually stopped and looked at all the stuff they received they'd realize that Santa must have a sleigh the size of a pantechnicon and he must have been up and down the chimney all night, ferrying all the stuff they had. Catherine and Lizzie must have had dozens of stuff, Barbie dolls and outfits, and enough sweets for them to be diabetic by lunchtime.
Julie and Phoebe were coming for lunch, we don't see them for a week or two these days, Jacqui was back from her studies which was nice, Sammi was there too and she spoilt the littlies something rotten, including Stella's two who loved their Auntie Sam, because she spoilt them all the time.
Stella gave me a subscription to British Wildlife, a natural history magazine which contains an update on several things going on in the British wildlife world, some of which I knew about and others not. I gave her a subscription to Vogue which she suggested and which I was quite happy to do. The house was filling up with paper but that's life. I kept my mags in magazine holders in the library, where anyone could access them and they did, it wasn't just my Guardian that Daddy borrowed, but that was partly why I stored them there.
Sammi gave me perfume, there are places in London where it's cheaper, probably fell off the back of a lorry somewhere, but hey ho. I gave here some diamond ear studs which she loved. Julie and Phoebe I only gave small prezzies this year because I had bought them a new lounge suite a month or so ago.
Simon is always difficult to buy for, he had enough handmade shirts and other clothes and he doesn't wear jewellery. he'd got Tim to make me a pendant of gem encrusted dormouse to match the brooch he gave me years ago. I bought him some Bose wifi earphones and new MP3 player, although he can use them with his phone as well as he listens to the radio app as well as his downloaded or streamed music.
The kids between them gave me a new fountain pen and ballpoint pen set, which will be very useful for marking and I also write things and do not use a key pad for everything. Fortunately my writing is quite legible if not particularly neat and Danni gave me a new desk pad cum blotter for my desk which had its own clock and thermometer in it and a calendar as well, I wonder if she was trying to tell me I didn't know which day it was.
It was much easier with the catering this year with David doing all the spade work re the cooking and we helped where he needed us. A short time mid-morning, after Tom had lit the fire in the lounge, we slipped away with Trish to visit the grave and plave some flowers upon it. We left a holly wreathe and small pot plant, a couple hyacinths for Billie. We tidied up the grave and took it in turns to hold the dog while sharing out thoughts with our deceased families then we walked back home. Trish told me later that Billie really liked the hyacinths, I knew she would.
Henry and Monica arrived and gave all the kids outrageous things, he gave me a deed of some farmland he'd acquired and wondered if I'd like to rewild it as a project which I could share with the university if I wished. Essentially, it was mine to do with as I wished but I thought his idea was just right. I gave him a case of single malt Scotches, of several varieties and I just watch his eyes widen and the beaming smile which said he'd enjoy it.
To Monica I gave an electronic atlas of France which she could make as big or small as she needed. Henry told me she'd broken her last one getting out of the car while forgetting she'd left it on her lap. It also had international sat nav on it, so she was well pleased.
Christmas dinner was delicious and David stayed with us for the rest of the day, which was better than sitting in his cottage just getting drunk. I was still busy helping out and then clearing up the mess before sitting on my own with a cuppa while I reflected on 2022. It was a mixed year and like the curate's egg, good in parts. I wouldn't be sorry to see the end of it and hoped that the new year may resolve Danni's dilemma and also Francesca's. I hoped they would get tired of each other but that didn't seem to be happening so far. Oh well, a girl can hope.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3368 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
Of course, we're talking about people rather than in some abstract sense, all these were human beings as are all transsexuals but the hardships they face elsewhere are awful and countries as diverse as Russia and Iran were making life very difficult for sexual minorities, if not almost impossible. We shout and scream about injustices here but we are lucky compared to many places and there is still much to be changed here for women and gender-variant people. Scotland has tried to make it easier for them to apply for new birth certificates without medical intervention and while I wish life to be easier for all people I don't understand what was wrong with the old system.
I don't understand why someone with a male body should wish to be legally recategorized as female unless they were waiting for surgery to accompany it unless they were medically unfit for surgery. If you were adopting a female lifestyle but retaining a male body wouldn't that mean you were transvestite while there is nothing wrong with transvestites, they seem very different from transsexuals even if they are both still tiny minorities amidst the general population. I don't understand those non-binaries who want to be one thing one day and something different the day after, or who want to be no gender at all.
I'm not sure if people who haven't taken the long path I've taken to achieve being female should be classified as the same as me, are they claiming to be female by sex or just gender, and what's the difference if there is one? I know it's as complex as the chicken and egg story and I know that I can't get my head round it but I have to accept people if I want my own acceptance. People talk about spectra, where my type, a full-blown transsexual is the far end of the gender spectrum, altering our bodies to fit our minds and at the other end is someone who sexually fantasises about being a woman until they have an orgasm and then it is forgotten and they go back to being a man.
Perhaps the cross-dresser who dresses up as a female and gets sexually turned on doing so , has an orgasm while wearing woman's clothes, then satisfied he changes back to male garb and returns to his masculinity, stuffing his stuff back in the suitcase or closet. Is that just fetishism or what, the sexual release being about the clothes unlike mine, where if I dressed in male clothes, which unless they were too big would no longer fit across my breasts or hips and would be loose elsewhere, but I'd still consider myself a woman, and these days I'd still look like one in men's clothes?
I'm not quite sure what I'm trying to say except I don't quite understand what they have done in Scotland and life is too short to wade through the legal documents they discussed, so I suppose I remain in ignorance but wish everyone there a happy New Year, as I don't feel it likely that authentic claimants to the new status will be likely to wish to invade women-only spaces as sexual predators. I think statistically that it's almost unknown and they are more likely to be victims than perpetrators.
I was dwelling on this when Danni came into my study. She was very upset and in tears. "What's wrong?" i asked her.
"It's over between me and Fran," she lamented, " so you should be happy now."
"Why should I be happy to see one of my children upset?"
"You never wanted it to work did you?"
Was that true? It probably was. I didn't feel as bad about it lately because they were becoming less passionate and more affectionate and because I began to get to know Francesca, who free from the control of her awful father, was actually a really nice girl and I was becoming fond of her. "I'm sorry," I said to her and I felt that sincerely.
"She's talking about surrendering herself to the authorities pending the trial."
"Why can't she stay here it's better than remand," I offered.
"If she's on remand, it shortens any stay in prison and she'd be away from me."
"Do you want her far away from you?"
"It's not working here is it?" she looked at me with red-tinged eyes.
"I wasn't aware of that, except having to take a tough line with you over your course. How isn't it working?"
"We're in close proximity all the time."
"So, I thought that was the whole reason for it, and letting her be under house arrest was better than seeing her banged up."
"Yeah, it was initially."
"Danni, why has sharing the same large old house become a problem? It's a big enough edifice for you to be able to avoid each other quite easily?"
"We've been doing that."
"So, it's no longer working, that's what"
I was aware that they were both adolescents, who often fail to deal with situations as adults would or even how they would in a few years' time. "Let me speak to Fran," I offered, "and see what she wants to do."
Danni shrugged and went off to her own room. I went up to Fran's room and spoke with her, she'd been looking at Youtube recipes. "Danni tells me you two are having a few difficulties."
"Nothing me leaving here won't prevent." She looked at me and I could see her eyes were also red and sore.
"Don't you like it here?" I asked her.
"It's lovely here and I've felt a freedom I didn't know existed before. I think I've also outgrown Danni and I need to move on for both our sakes."
"You're aware that your remaining free involves staying with me."
"Yeah, I know it's this or remand. It's not fair on Danni if I stay, it is her home after all."
"That's true, but I'm afraid for you if you end up in remand."
"Cathy, I appreciate and am grateful for your support and hospitality, but I feel it's time to move on. After all, my counsel says I'm almost bound to get a custodial sentence, so I may as well get used to prison and they subtract it from the sentence."
"It would be an awful shock to your system, like nothing you can imagine amongst all sorts of people you've never encountered before."
"You forget I've had to deal with my dad and his associates, most of whom were very unsavoury and I felt very uncomfortable to be with. My dad protected me from most of them but even so one or two tried it on. Once he knew, I didn't see them again, dunno why?"
I had a few theories but now wasn't the time to discuss them. "I feel that you're only dealing with this in the abstract, it's going to be very uncomfortable in reality, verging on brutal." I was trying to shock her out of what I felt she was totally unprepared for, not that I had any experience of the justice system or injustice system. I was glad it was Britain as America had a retributive system and places like Iran were evil and totally brutal. Then again we had no system for trading with the authorities although they were well aware that she only shot her father to save my daughter who he was beating up and she seemed unable to make him stop. He might have continued until he'd killed Danni which may have been why I wanted to protect her, she had saved my daughter by taking extreme action. I appreciated it and had tried to show that in the way I had I had supported her.
"Does Danni feel the same about you leaving here?" I asked her.
"It's my decision, she seems unable to get beyond I might have saved her life, you're the same. I killed my dad and now I have to take the consequences, so you don't have to feel guilty any longer. I'm a big girl now."
"Any one of us could have killed your father that night."
"Yeah, well you didn't did you, it was me who did and now I have to pay the price for it."
"You don't have to leave here for while yet until the trial and what the judge and jury decide."
"You can't kill someone and get away with it."
I blushed, " You can in self defence and defence of others."
"I don't think that happens too often."
"But it does happen and that's what I hope we can show the court, so it was justifiable manslaughter in defence of yourself and Danni."
"I don't think they'll let me get off with that."
"Why not, I did."
"What? You've killed someone."
"Yes, I don't want to talk about it, but it does happen and the powers that be accepted that I defended myself, my adopted father and my kids as well as two injured policemen."
"Wow, that's quite a list."
"We were attacked by Russian mafia who were pursuing us, we picked up a police escort but they weren't equipped to deal with people wielding Kalashnikovs, I picked up a gun and emptied it into the car that was chasing us causing it to swerve into a loch. There were no survivors and I regret it, in terms of killing people, but I would do it again to protect those I love."
"When was this?"
"Quite a long time ago, it was up in Scotland and they have a separate legal system but It was shown that I had acted under extreme provocation and the powers that be, accepted it after an enquiry proved my story. The fact that I had saved two policemen who were wounded by our pursuers possibly helped my case."
"I can't believe what you are saying, Cathy."
"Well it's true but that's all I'm going to say. Now, you can obviously stay a bit longer and you never speak about your mother."
"Not much to say, she left when I was a little girl, and I've heard nothing from or about her since."
"Do you think your father killed her?"
"I don't know, If I thought he had, then I'm glad I killed him. He said he tried to find her and he failed."
"If she thought he was trying to track her down to punish her, possibly kill her, she'd have tried to stay hidden. Perhaps, we should try to find her?"
"I don't know, Cathy, she'd more or less be a stranger now with possibly another family somewhere."
"If she married again, she'd needed to have divorced George and he would have been able to find her."
"Gosh, that doesn't bear thinking about, d'you think she's still alive."
"Well, unless George found her or she suffered some other catastrophe, yes, after all, she'd only be in her forties."
"Why has this come up now?"
"Because what is going to happen next year is going to need all the support you can get and who better than a mother to support you?"
"She might not want to, breaking her own cover. I mean she might be someone else now."
"She'll always be your mother, and if she does resist helping us, I will try and make her see our point of view."
"You're not going to threaten her."
"I won't threaten her but I can reassure her George won't threaten her again although she could be due a cut of his estate."
"If she came to see me, she could have it all. I mean if I get sent down, I'm not going to need it for a while am I?"
"I don't know why I didn't think of it before, she could be a very useful witness against him."
"Eh?" she wrinkled up her nose.
"I need to speak to someone and you stay here, I'll sort it with Danni, don't you worry."
"Anyone else and I wouldn't have believed them, but you, Cathy, are something else."
"Um, maybe," I said as I went off to phone James.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3369 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
James answered his phone on the second ring, "Hello, my goddess, what can I do to you?" he said.
"You can do nothing to me, but you could do something for me."
"That's what I said wasn't it?" he replied.
"James, you know jolly well it wasn't but I have bigger fish to fry. I want you to find George Davidson's wife, she left him years ago. We haven't a clue where she is or even if she's still alive. She may be living under an assumed or different name, but I feel Francesca needs her like never before."
"Usual terms?" he asked.
"Yes, plus a couple of hundred bonus if it's done before we go to trial."
"When is that?"
"We haven't been given a date."
"I'll need as much info as you can give me."
"I'll ask Francesca to call you, if it's okay to give her your number?"
"Yeah, I suppose, you know there is no guarantee of me locating her, and what if she is dead?"
"You can only do your best and I'm sure if anyone can find her, you will."
"Gosh, two compliments in one day, any more and I'll have to lie down."
"Yeah, well if you do, start billing me after your siesta."
"Ooh, you are fickle," he said to me in a silly voice.
"Yeah, and you're idle."
"No, not fickle, vicious, that's the word."
"James, put your phone down so Francesca can call you."
"Oh, okay," and he did.
A little later Francesca rang him and told him all she could remember of her mother and her premature departure. She was on the phone half an hour during which time I saw Danni and told her what was what. She protested a little but it was only token stuff then she accepted what I had said. She told me that Francesca told her that she had outgrown my daughter and wanted to move on, which made Danni feel like child being told off by an adult.
I told her it wasn't as personal as she had taken it and that Francesca had grown in the freedom she had had here and had changed quite a lot and therefore shouldn't reflect on Danielle as she hadn't done anything at all.
"Yeah, but she makes me feel like some sort of kid who's holding her back."
"I don't think it's meant that way but since she has been free of her father and his wet blanket approach to his daughter, her horizons have expanded and she wants to explore on her own. It's not a reflection on you but I suspect she doesn't want to be tied down in a relationship just yet."
"So I get the elbow?"
"I think I understand what she's about."
"Glad somebody does, I was prepared to tie myself up for the rest of my life because I felt that she was the one, now I feel a fool."
"Danni, you are still very young to settle down yet, if she is the one, give her some freedom and if she comes back to you, it was meant, if she doesn't it wasn't meant to be."
"So I'm just supposed to sit around waiting to see if she changes her mind, am I?"
"No because she's given you back your freedom too. You are free to play the field again and perhaps you will find someone more suited, I don't know. As we age we become frightened of being left behind. We're nervous that we won't meet anyone, I suspect girls are more prone to it, but boys get equally worried about it, yet there's no shame in being single as either sex, as things have changed and more people enjoy the freedom to do the things they want to do. So don't worry, I thought I was going to spend the whole of my adult life on my own as I assumed I was undesirable, like I had been the whole of my childhood. The only friend I had was Siân and when we both went to uni, we lost touch. I thought that I was ugly and inadequate, desiring to be wanted as woman but little thinking anyone would do so."
"You were wrong, Mum."
"Only because I ran into Stella."
"I always thought it was the other way around."
"Yes it was, she ran into me and the rest as they say is history."
"But you married the first man you went out with?"
"I was very lucky, Simon and I are soul-mates, many never find there's and have to settle for second best."
"That's how I felt about Fran."
"It needs both of you to feel the same."
"I know that now."
"Haven't you a football match to play?"
"I was suspended, remember?"
"Of course, sorry I'm trying to keep a load of balls in the air simultaneously."
"That just about sums up my situation, a load of balls," she sloped off by herself and although I felt sorry for her, it's a teenage romance, she'll get over it and the next and the next. As they say you have to kiss a few frogs. Thought I never did determine who they were.
I was trying to finish a report, organise some help with the mammal project, deal with my secretary wanting next week as holiday and sort the dinner this evening, David has the evening off. As my report is going nowhere I might as well look what's for dinner. David did say he'd left something.
I had just reached the kitchen when I was ambushed by Fran, although button holed might be a better term. "How old is James?" she asked.
"Too old for you," I responded.
"Oh," she replied.
"What did you tell him?"
"Everything, why?"
"If you did, he'll have more chance of finding her, your mum, I mean."
"You've been the nearest thing I've had to a mum since she left."
"I've tried to meet your need for support."
"You've been brill," she said, "There's part of me would like to stay for you to spoil me some more, but I guess it's time to move on."
"Is it?" I asked.
"I think so, I've changed as a person, Danni hasn't. It's a pity because like you she's very generous."
"Danni is very generous, "I agreed.
"I think she felt sorry for me or that she owed me something for saving her from my dad, he was likely to have killed her. He had these rages, if only he'd stopped, it wouldn't have happened. "
"I thought he liked her," I said, "I mean the last I heard he was going to get on to the FA because he thought she was worthy of their consideration."
"He has a friend there who told him about her, about you all. He was furious, in his book you can't change sex. As far as he was concerned, Danni was effeminate male and he wanted me t have nothing to do with her. I told him what had happened to her and about the assault in France. Instead of him understanding he became absolutely dead against her and so when she came with me to try and escape him, he caught her and went berserk, I'd never seen him like it, he was deaf to my protests and so I had to do something and well, you know what happened."
"I do and I'm very grateful to you. We couldn't get in, James got stuck by the door and then we heard the shot and he just smashed his way through the back door."
"That was James, was it?"
"Yes, it wasn't really the time or place for introductions, I'm sorry."
"Oh Cathy, you've all done so much for me."
"Well, I hope he can find your mum, she must have heard about your plight."
"I don't know, it might have been just the local papers who ran the story."
"I assumed it would have been big enough for the nationals as well, it was on the TV news on both channels, so unless she doesn't watch it or read newspapers she must know."
"Isn't that assuming she's in this country, what if she's in Australia or something, although it wouldn't have stopped him getting to her."
"It might well have done so if she disappeared somewhere like that, it's such a big country and she could have gone to ground, be living on some remote cattle station, and the news may not have carried that far," I opined.
"Oh, goodness, will he ever find her?"
"He's pretty good at it but it might take a while if she is abroad. Especially if she did change her name but he has his networks and things, so we just have to give him some time."
"I'm likely to have lots of that before too long, thank you for trying," she said and went back to her room.
I went back to my study where the younger girls found me and I was distracted from all the things I had to do sorting out Cate's dollie's dress, which she had split trying to force it on the wrong doll which was too big. I hadn't given them much attention for a day or so, so I had to sort it.
While I was still up to my eyeballs in doll's clothes when David tracked down to my study. "Cannelloni?" he said shoving a cuppa on my desk.
I just looked at him as if he had said something in Greek, then thanked him for the tea. " He looked oddly at me and said, Cathy, is it still cannelloni for lunch?"
"Oh, that's what you said, I was so distracted by this piece of haute courture I didn't recognise the haute cuisine, sorry."
He just laughed as he usually did, "I can see you're busy so I'll..."
"No, just finished I gave the dress back to Cate and dared her to try and put it on the wrong doll, next time I'd throw it in the dustbin. They both went off squealing.
Lunch was delicious, I'm not overly fond of spinach and ricotta but I ate a small amount in my cannelloni with salad and a baked potato. Neither Danni nor Francesca seemed very hungry but the others, including Stella, wolfed it down.
I was still a bit preoccupied with the search for Francesca's mother to concentrate much on anything else so I let David decide on dinner and I'd try my best to turn up and devour my share, assuming my appetite improved. I went back to my study and tried to finish the report I'd started but it was no good, I just couldn't centre on it. In the end I grabbed Danni and we went for a bike ride together hoping the fresh air would blow away the cobwebs. It was actually more wash away the cobwebs as it chucked it down when we were about ten miles from home. The discomfort of entirely wet cycling kit chaffing on my bum and elsewhere meant I soon forgot about the other things as did Danni and the ride home became almost one of survival.
We arrived about an hour later like two drowned rats and I couldn't converse until I'd had a hot shower, warmed myself up and dressed myself in something warm afterward. I suspect Danni was in a similar position and she was shivering as we came in. Everyone who saw us thought it was hilarious as we squelched to the bathrooms, I said nothing feeling a sense of humour failure so ignored their jibes and laughter. I think Danni followed suit.
Half an hour later with all my kit drying in the airing cupboard and a cup of tea in my hand, body clad in soft warm clothes, I felt ready for anything, even to laugh at myself and think it was the same for Danni. No wonder they used to run prisoners as chain gangs mending the roads in all sorts of weathers as a means of punishing people to break their spirits. It hasn't happened here for many a year but I believe they still do it in parts of the States and other primitive countries or should I say other countries with primitive justice systems.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3370 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
The phone rang one morning and I hoped it was James, as Francesca was becoming despondent about anyone finding her mother. It wasn't James, it was Jason. "I have had a reply to a letter I sent to the FA, at least a couple of months ago."
"Oh yes," I said but felt it was a lost cause.
"They are trying to tell me that transgender players going from male to female are excluded from playing at organised levels because, after a male puberty, they have bigger hearts and lungs and also have greater bone density and can harm cisgender females who have weaker bones."
"Neither Danny nor Trish have had male puberties."
"I wondered if they had or not, especially Danni."
"She hasn't and they run any test they like, she was devoid of testosterone by age twelve and on female hormones by age thirteen. She didn't have a male puberty so her body is becoming increasingly female, as happens to cisgender girls. So they can't use that as an excuse. Plus she has been seen by their doctors, so they should know that too if they don't, it doesn't say a lot about their medics."
"Oh good, now I have something with which to challenge them, if and when they deign to reply. I might add we are considering suing for discrimination. It tends to focus their minds a bit."
"How will they manage to eat or drink if we are occupying the attention of their single brain cell?"
"That's their problem, I'm quite enjoying this again now." He rang off and my thought was, that I was glad somebody was, it certainly wasn't Danni or me. Mind you, we had much bigger fish to fry, dealing with Francesca's dilemma. When she had refused to plead guilty to a charge of murder, but accepted one of manslaughter when defending herself and Danni, which the Crown Prosecution Service took a while to accept.
Nowadays, I wonder if we plead justifiable homicide because he had gone completely unresponsive to her other attempts to cause him to stop. He was in total rage which was transphobic and probably homophobic as well because he was said to claim no one could change gender, therefore Danni was trying to mask his homosexuality. If that was the case how come she was infatuated by Francesca unless she was lesbian?
Personally, I think all these labels miss the point. We have this urge to pigeonhole all things, I know, I have taught classification and while it brings some order to chaos, people are a bit different and should we care if two men or two women want to be together and seek to make the union a legal one. Surely, that is between the two concerned and only them. Once you start to widen it, it becomes full of various opinions which are mostly irrelevant and probably irrational as well.
While a parent my be concerned that their son or daughter is going to marry someone unsuitable, if the child tells them, 'too bad, that's who I am going to marry,' it's probably a 50/50 chance that the parents will cope with it or sometimes tell their child to chose either their partner or their parents, in which case they are likely to lose their offspring. It's very fraught and I have seen how unhappy it makes so many young people. Why should a lecturer try to help them through it, we should be educating them not holding their hands..
Families, are either wonderful or awful but they do have a powerful influence on our daily lives and decisions. I suspect my parents may have considered my relationship with Simon as being homosexual, certainly before he became enfeebled by his stroke and I would possibly have changed his mind by blackmail, such as not asking Simon to push him down the pub occasionally, which was the only pleasure he had towards the end, which Simon was happy to indulge him when he could.
If the stroke hadn't happened, would he have liked the fact that I had a boyfriend who wanted to marry me? Especially, when he realised that Simon was my social superior by a few levels and was very wealthy in his own right. Would he have tried to prevent me from having surgery? I'll never know, thankfully. All I can say was that my father changed quite a lot after the stroke and I am sure it was because he became vulnerable. The only way that I believe he may have accepted me, was if I'd gone home to keep house for him when my mother died. Whether he'd have been happy for me to go all girly was debatable, I suspect not but he might have recognized my role as that of replacing my mother in supporting him, but it would have been about his need rather than mine. Realizing this as soon as my mum died, I would never have agreed to it and I suspect that Stella would have counselled against it.
It didn't happen instead the old devil had a stroke and everything changed including me, I negotiated from a position of strength and never looked back. Did I feel guilty, yes, of course I did, but the hell he'd caused me as a child when it was obvious that I was more girl than boy, meant I'd never give him power over me again so it was my way or I took the highway. I gave him the facts of life and he could like it or lump it, he gave way and I'm prepared to say I probably bullied him, to which I would just say touché.
Anyway, it's all water under the bridge, and although I loved him most of my life, I certainly didn't like him but seeing as I can't hold a grudge against a live person it seems doubly stupid to do so with a dead one. So I don't. He was my dad, and I loved him, but he was very flawed as a dad, whereas Tom Agnew isn't. He's a brilliant dad and a wonderful and indulgent granddad.
Jason had suggested we use Kit Mitten for Francesca as her main defence counsel as he specialised in criminal law. I of course argued that she had done nothing criminal, mind you if James or I had seen him beating Danni into unconsciousness he or I might have well done so. Instead, she is up for trial and I still have my darling daughter albeit a somewhat grumpy one.
I tried to remember that I had a busload of other children who saw me as their mother, so I had to get on with life and deal with them as they also had needs and I had more or less invited everyone here, so I had no one to blame but myself.
Cate chasing Bramble brought me back to reality. If she caught her there would likely be squeals as the feline one defended herself by scratching her on the hand, she's generally very good and only usually scratches the children's hands, whereas most cats would scratch wherever the fancy took them or opportunity presented itself. If she started removing eyeballs, she would find herself moved to a childfree home.
Actually, I think she enjoys a certain amount of attention, she is still young and likes to be chased, in the same way as she likes to ambush the dog who isn't as young and she often runs off in surprise with Bramble giving chase. Okay, Kiki is a wimp and Bramble a trainee psycho, but like so much in this family, it's all back to front but we cope. A moment later Bramble shot back out of the dining room and seemed to wait for Cate to give chase again before accelerating like a Porsche 911 and up the stairs as a feline possessed. Of course, Cate would follow until Bramble went under Trish's bed and hid while Cate called her but didn't find her.
The university was becoming boring and I wondered if I should find another career. The problem was I needed the academic status of being an academic in employment to fulfil my role for the bank. I'd asked Henry and had told me in uncertain terms that I could lose Billie's centre and was no use to them if I wasn't involved in a university somewhere. So I continued drawing my pay as professor and as director and ecological adviser. I had talked it over with Simon but he agreed with his dad, so I decided to go on a bit longer. I'd almost thought to ask Daddy, but he put me in this position so was unlikely to do much aboot it, as he would say. I did accept that no one forced me to become a professor, I accepted the role so would have try and do it. Occasionally, I felt good when something seemed to happen that I'd brought about despite the odds, sometimes it was worth it for that especially when I helped an underdog succeed when everyone else had written them off.
I took a hostile first year under my wing and gave them tutorials with me -- I don't normally mix with first years, I'm too important. I was covering an absent member of staff and I did a lecture which saw the first year humiliated. He tried to attack me as I went into my office. Instead of calling security I went with my intuitions and talked him down and found he was struggling. I should have suspended him, not with a rope, but on the course. It would have meant he'd get even further behind and left us owing pots of money and having nothing to show for it. Instead, I sat down and talked with him, listened to his complaints and caused him to change his attitude. Most men would change their socks first but he did it and within a couple of months, he was doing fine. It appeared all he needed was someone to believe in him. He caught me on a good day and I gave him the boost he needed. I di tutorials with him once a month for the whole of the first year, and helped him understand the bits he was stuck on, usually by just explaining what was happening, it's amazing how many of our students have not got a science background and don't understand jargon or technical terms despite us saying does everyone understand. They don't but at the same time, they feel they'd look stupid to all their mates wouldn't because the likelihood is their mates don't get it either, so one of them asking my help, could help all of them. If they were girls it probably would help all of them, though the chances one of them would have asked for help before then, instead, bravado happens and they all fail and lose goodness knows how much and an academic career.
I never did ask him if he coached his friends or if he watched them fail. He got a 2:1 a very respectable degree. What happened after that I don't know, but there are always one or two like him. It will depend on my mood as to whether I help them or no. If I've had a bad day, I am less likely to. So this angel is very flawed however much my children say otherwise, but I suspect we all have off days when an appeal to our higher self is a waste of time and yet others when we feel more sociable and decided to help someone. The Samaritan professor I am not, well not today I'm not.
Bramble had come downstairs ages ago and was hiding behind Kiki in the conservatory and I had shut the door which Cate can't reach to open. It was okay, she was still upstairs calling her. I gave the cat political asylum, though she probably needed the old-fashioned asylum because I'm sure she was bonkers, and as they say it takes one to know one.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3371 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
Some things don't seem to change in this everyday tale of academic folk, well not in the university sense, they don't. Some of us have some knowledge and a large body of younger one don't. Essentially they pay me to share what I know with those who don't and to check at the end if they have learnt anything, if so we give 'em a degree and start the process all over again.
It ain't much but it pays the bills - and if you believe that, I may have a bridge to sell you. Simon pays most of the bills and I spend all my money on chocolate, well, wouldn't you? Actually, I do pay some of the bills and still manage to save some just in case Simon should get tired of me and want a bio female. i know he says I'm all he wants, but just in case he changes his mind, I won't be destitute. In fact, professors earn quite a good bit when compared to the average salary, but then I've worked hard to be where I've got and I've had some luck along the way as well.
I was busy signing about twenty million letters when my phone rang. Seeing as I'd been signing bit of paper for the last hour, I welcomed the intrusion. "Cathy Watts,"
I answered the phone as I usually do.
"I thought you were a professor?" said the voice, which was male.
"I am, but most people who ring me already know that, so why waste breath on something that is common knowledge?"
" Oh, your secretary said 'Professor Watts' office," said the voice.
"Well then, I didn't need to did I?"
"I suppose not," admitted the voice.
"Well, I am glad we settled that, goodbye," I said knowing full well that whatever it was he wanted to tell me or ask me, hadn't been voiced, so effectively I was teasing him.
"Wait," he called, "I haven't finished yet," he added, "I wanted to speak to you about my son."
"Do I know him?"
"He's in your department."
"So are a thousand others and it's impossible to know more than a few."
"Well you signed a letter telling him you no longer wanted him at your university," he sounded a little upset. Mind you I would be too if I'd blown £9,000 and achieved nothing."
"The computer signs those letters, we have quite a few each year."
"What? It sounds as if you don't care, don't even know his name."
"Actually, I care very much."
"A likely tale," he almost spat at me.
"I care enough to stop him running up even bigger bills before we sacked him."
"Oh, very caring of you."
"Would you prefer bills of £18,000 at the end of next year and him still having no chance of a degree?"
"No of course not, but I still think you have a nerve."
"Really, what's his name?"
"I can't discuss individuals unless I know who they are," if he's dumb I think I could see which parent passed on the stupid gene.
"Paul Matthews."
"Date of birth?" I asked and he gave it to me. I reached for a file with the names of those we told to leave, in alphabetical order. "Ah, we discuss each one of these before we send the letters. According to my colleague he has suggested better at partying than study when he can be bothered to turn up. His attendance is rather poor, only about forty per cent."
"Are you sure you have the right Paul Matthews?"
"He told me he was struggling a bit and said the staff were unhelpful."
"My staff are very helpful Mr Matthews, in fact, we try to avoid those letters and send one out before hand telling them to contact us if there is a problem or to pull their fingers out."
"You know about his dyslexia?"
"No, because he hasn't told us, nor has he sought any help."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive, if we learn that a student has an issue which could affect their grade, we invite them to discuss it with their tutor, if they feel they can't talk to them, we offer another member of staff or if it's very personal we suggest they see student health who can help with a number of issues or refer to various agencies like debt problems or pregnancy in young females. We do try our best to help them, but if they don't come forward we can't do anything because we don't know anything about their situation."
"Oh, I see."
"Look, Mr Matthews, I hear that you're upset and want the best for you son, I would in similar circumstances. I am prepared to have him back provided he resits his exam in a month's time and passes it and stops fooling about. If you can assure me he has learnt his lesson, I am prepared to give him a second chance but if he fails again, he's out, full stop."
"Right, I'll tell him."
"We give some of them a second chance on the assurance of the parent, but no third chance. Where is he now?"
"Still in bed, your letter upset him so much."
"I have been up five hours and worked for four of them. I think your son is just bone idle but maybe you can talk some sense into him, it's his last chance, goodbye Mr Matthews, perhaps you can prove me wrong, but I doubt it."
"Just for that I will, if I have to stand over him."
"Be careful you don't fall off the bed, goodbye." I rang off, the boy was obviously too lazy for his own good. At least his father no knows the score and may change the boy's attitude for him, I don't think, but at least he cared enough to ask us about it and I often give them a second chance which most blow but one or two get the message and knuckle down, some even get a decent degree.
I told Diane someone else could do the next call, there were two other professors who shared the burden with me when they could be bothered. I'd done three of these since the letters went out and my other mail wasn't being signed, so even though I had had a break from that, I had to finish them before I could go home, so my needs were paramount this time around. I continued using up the Quink in my pen on the letters, I usually sign them with a fountain pen, when the phone rang again. I rose from my seat as it continued to ring, "If that's another disgruntled parent, I'm not in," I called to Diane.
"It's not," she called back."
I quickly stepped into my room, I was wearing a skirt suit and heels, so couldn't rush. "Hello, Cathy Watts?"
"God, you give some almost impossible tasks," said Jim's voice.
"If it's god's fault why are you moaning to me?"
"What? he said.
"You told me that god gave you some almost impossible tasks, so why are you complaining to me?"
"God doesn't come in to it, you set me the job of finding this woman, not god."
"So I paid you to find her, it's not as if you did it out of the goodness of that stony heart, is it?"
"I beg your pardon," he said stiffly back to me.
All I said was, "Granted."
"What are you on about?"
"You said pardon, I acknowledged it."
"Looks like one of us forgot our medication this morning."
"Not me, I've signed about two trillion letters this morning and spoken to two awkward parents."
"Oh, perhaps it's me then."
"This isn't a helpline, so why are you calling."
"I think you'd be good at that."
"I have done my share of helpline stuff."
"See, I knew you'd be good at it."
"I didn't say if I was any good or not, just that I have done my share. I was probably useless but people used to phone to speak to the girl with the nice voice."
"See, a natural talent."
"I was living as a boy at the time."
"Why have you rung?"
"To talk to the girl with the nice voice."
"I kind of set myself up there didn't I?"
"Yep," he laughed down the phone.
"Look, what do you want?"
"I found where your missing lady was until three years ago."
"Oh well, that's alright then, I'll just get into my Tardis and go and visit her."
"Glad to be of service."
"Just before you go, where is she now?"
"Pass," he said back to my question.
"Pass what?"
"I don't know where she is, she just seemed to disappear again, but I will keep trying, the Salvation Army are yet to report and they're good at finding missing people."
"Keep trying, I've got to go to collect thegirls."
"Give them my love," he called and rang off. I dumped about five zillion letters on Diane desk.
"I'm off to get the girls," I said pulling on my coat, a duffel sort that I hadn't worn for years.
"Bye boss, any friend of Paddington's a friend of mine."
"It's the wrong colour, this red, Paddington's is blue."
"His is too small for a mature figure like yours."
"You saying I'm fat?"
"Wouldn't dream of it, just bigger than Paddington."
"He is a small bear."
"I was meaning the station, see you tomorrow." She'll have to go. I gave her one of my world famous scowls and she just ignored it, must be losing my touch.
When I got to the convent I walked towards the school to meet the girls at the earliest opportunity. Don't know why but I felt I wanted to see them again as quickly as possible. I was careful to try and avoid Sister Maria but her secretary saw me skulking in the corridor. "You're quite safe, Lady Cameron, she's out at a meeting." I nodded my acknowledgement of her message but said nothing. An electric type bell rang and suddenly the corridors were alive with children looking like clones in the identical uniforms. I suppose they did look uniform, which is where they get it from. See, educational innit?
Hannah spotted me and they came to me as a group, "You're early," declared Trish.
"I could always go home and get a cuppa and then come back," I offered.
"Uh, no," she said, "I want my dinner and David's doing something nice I expect."
"I'm not sure he's working tonight, so you might be stuck with what I feel like cooking." I said this knowing he was working today.
"Oh well, I expect what you cook will be just as nice," said Livvie.
"Just for that delightful comment, I'll try and find a soft shoe to use for the soup tonight."
"Yeah, but whose shoe?" asked Trish.
"Perhaps Danni's old football boot will make a tasty meal," I was well away into surrealism.
"Yuch," they all shouted including Danni.
"Oh well, I'll have to look in Daddy's garden shed, I'm sure his old gardening boots would be just right."
"Can't I just have bread and butter?" asked Meems.
"Of course you can, sweetheart."
"I'll have the same," shouted Trish and Livvie, to which I agreed.
"When we got home as we walked through the kitchen I said, " Just bread and butter for this lot tonight, David."
"Gone off cottage pie have they?"
"Hey, we were robbed," called Trish and Livvie supported her.
"I didn't say I didn't want it," said Danni.
"That's okay then," I added," I could kill for a cuppa."
"I'll get it, Ma," yelled Trish and she and Hannah squabbled over the tea pot. It's Friday and I have them for two whole days, wunnerful, just bloody wunnerful.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3372 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
I awoke on Saturday, Simon was lying on his back snoring for England. The noise he was making was a cross between a combine harvester and ram-jet in reverse thrust, if they can do such things. My elbow found his ribs and he turned over away from me. Well, it was quieter but he's always complaining of bruises on his side. I always try to look mystified, which is easy for someone who is in a constant state of confusion. Anyway, he hasn't twigged yet or if he has he keeps quiet about it. I looked at the clock and time read 6.30 am, which meant I had to either get to sleep again double quick or get up. My bladder ached a little and I think it was probably what woke me up in the first place rather than my husband snorting Rule Britannia.
I nipped to the bathroom and reduced my fluid content by about a bladderful. The heating was on and although it was chilly, it wasn't jump-back -into- bed cold so I stripped off my nightdress and knickers and got in the shower. In a short time I was clean and warmed by the water, I dried quickly and dressed. His lordship, correct in his case, was still playing Shostakovich's greatest hits, I thought I recognised Tea for two but I could have been wrong as I hadn't heard it played on a vacuum cleaner before. Dressed in jeans and sweatshirt over my polo shirt, one that proclaimed, 'Sussex University', I headed downstairs to see Daddy making his coffee. "Wit fa are ye up?" he asked me. It's like living with Yoda from 'Starwars'.
"I cudnae sleep," I replied before realising I had in Lallans.
"Guilty conscience?" he asked.
I had to remind him that psychopaths like me don't have one. He simply nodded, finished his coffee and took the dog out. She was pleased to see me and wagged her tail until about three kilos of catfluff hit it in midwag. As Tom opened the backdoor she practically fled through it pursued by mischievous moggie, who came back almost smiling. Their interaction, at times, make me want to laugh, Kiki is five or more times the size but she is terrified of her, something like Simon and me or perhaps like Simon and Trish. He'd make half a dozen of her but she frightens him at times because he's not quite sure how to take her. I suggested by the throat but he ignored me.
I was glad to see she was enjoying university, well not the full experience but she's still too young to integrate with her older colleagues and to do sport with them, but she has a special dispensation to play football for her old school, seeing as she'd still be there if she was a normal child and is the same age as the other girls. Danni is now back on schedule. We had a blip when she was romantically involved with Francesca but after Francesca told her that they had no future and she wanted to enjoy her freedom, ironic as she could be in prison soon, as she had been released from the restriction her father had place on her, she was enjoying much more of life.
Danielle was up first followed by Trish and Livvie, so the table was soon awash with banter between the three girls which I just watched while emptying the dishwasher. Danni, who is pretty quick on her feet holds her own with the brain, because she has more experience of the world, Trish for all her brainpower is still rather gauche.
I had just put the last of the crocks away before they fill it up again when the phone rang. I wasn't expecting any calls and half thought it would be for one of the older kids. It wasn't, the caller just gave me the name of a coffee shop and told me to be there at ten o'clock and to make sure Francesca was with me. I tried to ask questions but the caller terminated the call. I knew where the coffee shop was in Winchester, but even so it seemed like a long drive for a coffee. I went and roused Francesca. She'd been fast asleep and took a few minutes to understand what I was saying. I told her to look tidy and then I went to my own bedroom. Sounds of young children and their merriment greeted me as I opened the door and the littlies were in bed with their dad and he was blowing raspberries on their bellies or tickling them, hence the giggling. It was lovely to see and hear , I was glad that they seemed to love him and he them as it's in play that we can be ourselves.
"Oh, hello love," he addressed me.
"Can't stop have to be somewhere in two hours."
"Oh, where?"
"I'll tell you later, Danni is still about, can you watch the younger ones while I'm out."
"You don't need me to come?"
"That's kind of you, but no, just Francesca and me."
"He's found her then?"
"I don't know, I'll tell you later. I'd better wear something decent," and I disappeared into the bathroom with an armful of clothes. I wore a longish mock tartan skirt and a woolly top over a tee shirt. Slapping on some makeup and doing my hair a bit more tidily, I returned to the wardrobe and pulled on some black boots with a moderate heel. Simon shot into the bathroom and I heard the flush pulled before he got in the shower, I put on a gold necklace and matching bracelet, my gold plated watch and a couple of rings. I went down to breakfast as Daddy came in with his dug which looked like she had rolled in something. She had, he was looking for the dug shampoo. As soon as he'd located it he took her out again and went to fetch the tin bath from the garage. I don't know if she guessed what was going to happen next but I was willing to bet she wouldn't enjoy it, stupid dog.
I had toast and a banana with a cuppa, not that I wanted much at all and I insisted Francesca ate something too. She told me she was too nervous. I told her she couldn't come if she didn't, so a short altercation ensued which she lost as it's my car we were going in.
Danni understood where we were going and tried to calm Francesca down by suggesting we didn't know if her mum would be there, so to be prepared for disappointment. Even I had to admit I didn't know if she been found or whether we off on one of Jim's wild goose chases.
We left in plenty of time to get to Winchester, the capital of King Alfred's Wessex, which became England. He was unusual as a medieval king in being able to read and write, and he was quite well-read for someone in those days. They'd chased him and his supporters all over the marshes and moorland of the southwest, and at one point he hid in Athelney marshes from the Danes who it seemed were just as bad as Putin for keeping their word. It appears that Wessex and Mercia were always fighting each other unless the Vikings turned up and then they fought against the invaders. Alfred apparently was troubled pretty well all his reign by pesky Danes or Vikings and eventually, it was only by building walls around burhs kept them out as they caused the Vikings to stop their rapid raids and have to besiege the burh giving time for the king or his local chieftain to send for reinforcements and combined forces of local shires usually sent the packing.
I parked the car, it's awful in Winchester, and we walked to the coffee shop, neither of us saying very much, I think we both felt too nervous. If she turned up what is Francesca going to say after about 15 or 16 years, to the woman who ran away. How did I feel I would deal with it, someone I've never met but there could be scenes of great pathos or anger, I didn't know which. "If she comes treat her with dignity and respect," I told Francesca.
"I don't know what's going to happen or how I'll feel, let alone her if she comes."
"We'll find out in a couple of minutes," I said looking at my watch.
"Oh, God, I feels so sick."
"Just take deep slow breaths, it'll pass."
She sat with her eyes closed slowly breathing and holding her breath for a few seconds and she calmed down. She reached to hold my hand, "It's you I feel like calling mummy, not some woman I haven't seen for sixteen years."
"I think it might be better if yiu just call me Cathy for the moment."
"Yeah, I know, don't want upset the apple cart."
"Haven't seen one of those for a long time."
"What? They don't exist do they?"
"If you visit the farms around either Kent or Hereford you may well see one, though I think they'll be just farm trailers today."
"Why there, why not Hampshire?"
"It's where they grow apples, Kent for eaters and Hereford for the cider apples."
"Of course, sorry to be so thick, since you woke me I've felt in something of a dream."
"Since I took that phone call, I think I have too."
"Hello, ladies," said James, is this seat taken?"
"Yeah," I said, "the Invisible Man is sitting there."
"Ooh, I should be so lucky," he said camply.
"Well, where is she?"
"Ah, there's the rub."
"Never mind bloody Hamlet, what's going on?"
"She's not far away." He looked just past reception and added," In fact, here she is."
A woman strolled out of the loos, she was slightly shorter than Francesca, who is quite tall. She was in a pair of jeans and top and she looked quite a bit older than me. Her face was lined and grey hairs were visible in otherwise dark brown hair.
"Hello," I said, "You must be Francesca's mum, I'm Cathy, she's staying with me at the moment, this is your daughter, Francesca."
"Mummy," shouted the young woman and they embraced, Jim and I moved to another table to give them some room. The waitress came to take our order and asked about the reunion we had precipitated.
"I'll have an espresso," said James.
"Could I have a pot of tea and a slice of that lemon drizzle cake? They haven't seen each other for nearly twenty years," I indicated the table next to us and the waitress nodded. She went off to make our order. She returned about five minutes later with James' coffee and my tea plus the lemon drizzle. It was alright but I've made better myself, you need lemon curd for it and we don't seem to have it these days. I'll bet if David made it, it would be memorable.
We had practically finished our tea and coffee, well, James took two gulps and his was gone, I had two cups and was nearly ready to go to the loo. Our two guests came to our table and they were holding hand quite tightly. "Sorry for that, we had a lot to say."
"That's okay, do you want to order?" they did so I had another pot of tea so did they with some toasted tea cake and James increased his caffeine levels.
Helen, the mum, had taken some leave of her job when James found her. She hadn't heard of the recent drama and agreed to come and stay at my house for a couple of days. "Oh yeah, if they want chapter and verse of that miserable so-and-so, I can tell them a few tales, I'll say. I knew he was coming for me one day and fled, I'm sorry love, but it flee or die. That bastard had already killed a couple of people so, I couldn't let you know, he'd have found me."
"That's okay, he can't hurt anyone now."
"I can't believe you did for him.
"It was only because he was going to kill Danielle, that's Cathy's daughter, who came to help me get my stuff. He just went for her and wouldn't stop. I shot him, Mum, I killed him and I'm not sorry."
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3373 by Angharad Copyright© 2022 Angharad
I told him that terms of such homophobic resonance were not very helpful, and he told me I should tell that to public schools. I declined the offer, it's nigh on impossible to talk to dinosaurs when the asteroid is rushing toward them.
We drove home in my car, Francesca and her mum, Dawn, sat in the back and chatted while I listened to Classic fm as I drove home, partly so I wouldn't overhear what they were saying. I had pointed out to Dawn that by staying with me, Francesca was avoiding a prison sentence. She had suggested her old family house but Francesca vetoed it as it was full of awful memories, not least the violent death of her father.
I added that she had agreed with the court to stay with me, so her mother immediately agreed we should try to keep the court on our side. As drove into the driveway of our house Dawn said, "You live here?"
"It's small but it's my own," I said knowing that was all false.
"Don't listen to her, Mummy, it's her dad's house," said Francesca. I was aware that Tom had actually put the house in my name to avoid death duties, which I'd had to pay on the house that Mr. Whitehead had bequeathed me but it was still worth a fortune, plus of course, the old Jag in mothballs in my garage.
"This place is huge," said Dawn Davidson, "How many bedrooms?"
"Eight plus one or two more we use as bedrooms if we need to, we added a few rooms a couple of years ago."
"Go on, Cathy tell her what."
"A few bedrooms and other rooms upstairs and a study and library downstairs and a facility for the children to study as well. Sadly none of them use it. preferring to clutter the dining room. We use the kitchen most of the time for meals, it's also quite big."
"Big, it's vast, Mummy, wait until you see," Francesca added.
The girls were there and David was doing dinner, he made quite a fuss of dawn. "Is David your um...?" she asked.
"Good Lord, no, he's our cook."
"Oh," said Dawn blushing, "You have a cook?"
"Tell her who you really are," urged Francesca. When I said nothing but felt my facial capillaries flushing, she continued, "Mummy, may introduce you to the Lady Catherine Cameron who is married to Lord Simon Cameron who is the son of Lord Henry Cameron..."
"Who owns his own bank," Dawn finished the sentence.
"We thought he should have an interest because old people become so bored."
"So he took over High Street and made it the third biggest of the clearing banks."
" Oh, did he?" I feigned interest.
"You should know um, Cathy, you're a director too."
"Oh, yes so, I am ." I tried to act as if the fact was a surprise to me.
"Don't let her fool you, she's as sharp as needle."
"No wonder you can't sew, Francesca, all your needles were as blunt as a spoon."
"So I am dealing with a genuine lady?" said Dawn.
"Nah," I said, "I got the title as part of the compensation package for marrying Simon."
As we entered the kitchen so Simon put in an appearance, "All shipshape and Bristol fashion, milady," he said bowing.
"Thank you, Cameron you may have the rest of the afternoon off."
"Very good, milady," he said and walked off.
"Who was that ?" Dawn asked Francesca.
"That was Lord Simon."
"Wow, I can see who wears the pants here."
"I think you may be mistaken, Simon likes to play-act on occasion, I asked him to watch the girls while I was out, I'll bet Meems supervised him and David did the lunch."
"How many girls have you got?"
"Um, I forget, they keep moving while I'm trying to count them, let's see, there's Meems and Trish, Hannah and Livvie, Cate and Lizzie, Danielle, Sarah, Sammi, Jacquie, Julie, and Phoebe. I think that's all of them."
"I don't think I've met Sarah," said Francesca.
"No, she's in hospital having a birth defect corrected."
"Oh, right."
"Well, someone cancelled and we took it at short notice."
"She's gone to stay with her Uncle Peter to convalesce, she was so far ahead with her degree the university decided to allow her to go."
"The fact that you're her professor and Tom her granddad is the Vice Chancellor, doesn't count then?"
I blushed, "It may have a small contribution," I replied.
"Cor, a lady and a professor, anything else you're not telling me, Lady Cameron?"
"Yes, let me show you to your room," I started toward the stairs.
"Dinner in half an hour, Cathy, " called David.
"Shouldn't the maid...?" asked Dawn.
"I think there are enough women in the house already, this way," I led her up the stairs to the room next to Francesca's. It had been Phoebe's and some of her stuff was in the cupboard and the wardrobe.
"Who am I dispossessing?" said Dawn.
"Phoebe but she has her own flat, Julie, and she have a shared flat above their salon."
"Yes, they have a very successful hairdresser and beauty salon."
"Oh, I could do with something being done to my hair."
"Ask them tomorrow, they'll be over for dinner."
"They're both very good cutters of hair."
"I'll have to see if they can fit me in while I'm here?"
"They are pretty busy but I'll have a word with them tomorrow."
"The girls are very quiet," I said ominously and left the mother and daughter alone in the mother's temporary room.
I left hearing Fran telling Dawn that David was a brilliant cook. In the dining room, I found all of the girls, well, the usual offenders and they made a fuss of me, which felt good. Apparently, Simon who was working from a laptop had promised them a fiver extra if they finished their weekend homework before pestering either me or our visitors.
"Is it Francesca's mum?" asked Livvie, beating Trish by a millisecond.
"Yes, and that's all I know, now no pestering either her or Francesca. Where's Danni?"
"Football at Bournemouth, the men's team were away this weekend so the ladies team got the use of the stadium."
"I'm surprised she hasn't phoned, "I said to no one in particular.
"She's rung about five times, you took so long getting here. She only scored a hat trick today and made two other goals," answered Trish.
"Who were they playing?" I asked.
"Chelsea ladies, beat 'em five three, according to Dan, she got man of the match again."
I shook my head. She was becoming one of the best woman footballers in the country and holding down a degree, which was up to scratch, so she was such a special girl, I don't think I could do it but she pulled her finger out and once the business of the relationship with Francesca and the beating she got from her father had been put behind her, with a bit of help from Sarah, she caught up faster than I thought she was. Somehow I think this ability was always there but being in a state school and in the company of boys, she had suppressed it, not to be bullied or thought of as a swot. I know what that felt like, pretty uncomfortable.
Sarah had had her op as Mr O'Rourke had a space and he knew she was waiting so that she could get on with the rest of her life, he fitted her in all done via Stella, who is quite important in the urology department, and he fitted her in because SRS is more interesting than poking prostates, according to Stella reporting what he said. I think I'll stick to chasing research grants and dormice.
David sounded the gong and we went to the kitchen, I introduced all the girls, and Danni was still in her room having her eyelashes rust-proofed or something, she called by and said hello and had apparently done so upstairs too, so Dawn had met her. The meal was venison pie with carrots, peas, broccoli, and creamed potato. David had stewed the meat in a pressure cooker for some two hours and then baked it in pastry, no wonder it fell apart in the mouth, usually, venison takes about two weeks to cook and usually stinks, so you need to cook it in a fume cupboard.
It was an exquisite meal, David showing he knows what he's doing and he sat and ate with us, so we knew it was safe to eat. Of course, Simon's schoolboy humour had to announce to our visitors. I think Dawn was beginning to believe my joke about the compensation package.
After dinner and me daring Trish to ask a question of Dawn relating to Shrödinger's cat, she went off pleased that Dawn knew she was an undergraduate at thirteen. We repaired to the lounge and said that Kit Mitten KC, was visiting on Monday to see if Dawn could remember anything that they could use to help Francesca. In effect, telling the court that George Davidson, was a right brute and killing him did the world a favour and it saved Danni's life.
Dawn told us loads of stories, a lot of which were hearsay and thus inadmissible in a court of law, however, any tales she had of direct experience would be admissible, so I left her and Francesca talking, hoping she'd remember some juicy morsels for Kit on Monday. I think the fact that she fled for her life, leaving her little girl behind, was evidence enough, and the fact that recent discoveries had implicated him in several suspicious and unexpected deaths, which was her reason for running away.
She was apparently working in a school as a teaching assistant and had done several jobs to keep herself as she had feared if she went on any sort of benefit, that George would have traced her. He even had the police looking for her as a missing person until one of them twigged that if they did find her, she'd be a serious risk. So they didn't try very hard. Just as well because they nearly found her at one point and she only escaped because a police support officer, warned her. She went up to Scotland for a while and things seem to calm down afterwards. I told her to write a book or even some magazine articles, which would make her some money. She declined, it would remind her too much and friends of George had memories like elephants and may not be prepared to let things lie.
I pointed this could happen if she testified. "If it does, I was doing it for my daughter, and that's worth the risk. If I was doing it for money, I'd be losing the moral high ground which they seem at the moment to be respecting."
"That may be the case, Dawn, but I suspect they don't even know we have found you."
"You don't know them like me, once they knew that James was searching for me, they would know as soon as he found me and then I only let him for Francesca's sake."
I admitted it wasn't my strong point but to make sure that she took plenty of safeguards while she was here. Then wondered if Danni should look to her safety, because if George hadn't been beating her to a pulp, Francesca would not have shot him. It was a bit convoluted, but I'm sure stranger things happen, like Old Testament goddesses making house calls. Now it was getting silly and at half ten I went to bed, with Simon and Tom celebrating Scotland's win over England. I hoped I was asleep before he came to bed.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3374 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
On Monday, Kit had called and spent a couple of hours with Dawn and Francesca taking down stuff he hoped he could meld into some sort of defence, suggesting that George was at time uncontrolled and when he was, people seemed to die or disappear.
We had found links to him with a body disposed of in a quarry, unusually, George left DNA traces, so we could put him at the man's death and also we could identify the body as a construction foreman, who knew George. Of course, it nice not having George able to defend himself, but being dead does tend to imply that. Kit took so many notes that he arranged to call and see Dawn again after he had put the stuff in order, so he could use it to manipulate the court, which is barristers do, try to convince the jury that black is white and the better ones succeed. They often know as much about the law as the judge so they often keep him or her quiet, too. Kit was certainly capable of that kind of performance, swaying juries and thus outcomes. I was hoping he could work his magic for Fran.
At dinner that night, Dawn felt quite sad after remembering the things George did not least, trying to kill her. It isn't often that a young woman flees leaving her baby behind, which was what she did because George was coming to get her. She knwthat George would never hurt Francesca and she had hoped to sneak back and collect her but George stymied her efforts every time and when he nearly caught her she decided she had better forget Francesca for both their sakes.
It must be every mother's nightmare but both seemed to have survived the experience though I expect it was awful at times, for both of them. To see how nice Dawn actually was, relieved me and must have done something similar for Fran. The way they were chatting the back of the car you'd think they had never been apart.
They had several late nights during that week, I was often up in bed and asleep before they were. I was working part time for that week in case they needed me but they managed fine without me, making up for lost time. On the Saturday, that Wales lost to Scotland, Dawn had been to see Julie and Phoebe's salon and had her hair restyled and coloured. Franceca and I picked her up and we went shopping. I couldn't get over how much Dawn had changed with the new hairstyle, she looked years younger, and we went shopping.
In a boutique she saw a dress she wanted to try and ended up in the changing rooms while Fran and I waited outside in the shop. I saw some woman dash out of the rooms and speed out of the shop, I told Fran to look after her mother but by the time I got out into the road, a car was pulling away at speed and was too far away to read the number. I rushed back in and the woman, if it was one, threatened Dawn if she raised certain issues. The woman had taken some dresses into an adjacent changing cubicle and I did wonder should I buy them in the hope of getting some DNA from them, but Dawn said she was wearing gloves the whole time as well as dark glasses. Dawn was quite distressed by the experience and she left without buying anything, even though she looked really nice in the dress with her new hairstyle. I discovered which size she had tried and reserved it by phone with the shop. I asked Julie to grab it for me as it wasn't too far from the salon, I'd already paid for it, so all she had to do was pick it up as arranged. I collected it from her place on the Sunday leaving home quite early to do so before anyone else was up, except Tom who was out with his 'dug'.
As I disturbed Julie's Sunday lie-in, I wasn't exactly flavour of the month, when I described what I surmised had happened at the shop, Julie and Phoebe who'd got out of bed to have a cuppa with me, were horrified at how the grip of someone who was dead, could reach for you afterward. No one had tried it on with me or with Fran, they went after Dawn, from whom they felt more at risk. I was happy for them to underestimate me, because I'd likely come out fighting, though if you're not expecting it , it can leave you in shock, had it been me in the changing room, the woman might have left holding her nose while they went for treatment to straighten it, had she pulled a knife, I'd have broken her arm because I've been shown how to disarm them and then hurt them in two very quick moves.. The third move, nah you don't want to know that, but it leaves the attacker unconscious and you able to make a get away, which may be important.
We spoke to Andy Bond who brought a whole pile of mug shots, but we didn't identify her, if it was her, but they might have hired someone from out of town. I asked James to provide bodyguards for the rest of her stay but she didn't go far to scared, the experience had raised so many earlier issues which she thought she had dealt with but obviously hadn't.
Kit was furious when I told him about it and visited us again to reassure Dawn that she had a duty to Francesca and all the others George and his associates had hurt in the past. She understood the theory it was just the practical which caused problems.
"The day of George's inquest which we were subpoenaed to attend, the QA Hospital had sent the coroner a medical report from the beating Danni had taken. The emergency Consultant on her admission wondered how she was still alive the punishment she had taken was so severe and she had lost quite a lot of blood. The report included photos which looked like something from a horror film. I think Francesca had little option but to stop her father however she could and shooting him was probably the easiest option.
Danni gave evidence as best she could and was upset in doing so, James and I gave evidence but it was limited as we heard the shot before breaking the backdoor down, I have never seen James so shocked and energised. The door with which were pussy-footing around with lock picks, he just stood back and kicked at it smashing it off its hinges and lock. We were in the lounge moments later where he saw Danni's lifeless body and George lying on the carpet with blood and brains everywhere. I called the police and took the gun away from Francesca who was distraught at what her father had done to her friend and what she had done to stop the violence when he took no notice of her.
I suppose James could have taken him but he was a big bloke and quite strong. I'm not sure I could have protected my daughter and stopped him without a weapon, but dining chair over his head may have slowed him down a little. I said what I thought, he set out to kill Danni and would have done so had Francesca not acted as she had.
Dawn told of his previous temper tantrum when she had hidden in the bathroom and he had punched holes in the door and she said once he started one of his tantrums he just ignored you unless you could stop him, to qualify what she said she mentioned some people who disappeared when George went into a rage and he refused to talk to her about it but seemed unrepentant if he had hurt them, they deserved it. Usually their bodies were found in burned out cars so examinations were only basic.
Francesca gave evidence saying that her father was like some wild animal who wouldn't stop hitting and kicking Danni and she feared for Danni's life and for her own. Amazingly the coroner directed the jury to carefully examine the plea of guilty of manslaughter in self-defence and defence of another, to wit, Danielle Cameron who was badly beaten for no reason other than trying to help Francesca escape his control.
The jury was out for two hours, while sat and sweated. They came back and they announced their verdict, killing in self-defence of herself and her friend and that they felt she should serve no sentence because she had little other course of action. The coroner agreed with them because George was found killed by his daughter in a case of clear self defence, she felt she had to pass the case onto the police who would confer with the Crown Prosecution Service about the case and its verdict but until the police arrested her she was free to continue staying at my house.
It was probably as good an outcome as we could have had, Francesca had not been found of unlawful killing or murder and in some circumstances, killing in self defence is not a crime, so I was hopeful that Kit might be able to keep her from being listed as a killer or worse a murderer.
As we were leaving the coroner's court, we walked ahead of Dawn and Francesca who were consoling each other after their trauma when I saw of the corner of my eye the same woman who had threatened Dawn before. I rushed to intercept calling to Danni and James what she was. Just before she got to Dawn and Francesca, I threw myself at her and brought her down to the ground, the shock of my tackle caused her to drop the knife she was carrying and James arrived with police to drag her off the floor and recover the knife without handling it to preserve her prints although she was wearing gloves. She managed one punch at me but I hit her back twice and I think I did break her nose. It was a woman and she was arrested and subsequently found to be from London, where she had record probably longer than Cher's greatest hits. She was charged with conspiring to assault with a deadly weapon. I pointed out her accomplice sitting in the car with the motor running and he was arrested to after fleeing the car and trying to outrun a much younger copper who nicked him.
So it could have had a much worse outcome, although we aren't out of the woods yet. Whether Dawn and Francesca were the intended targets of the assassin, not a very good one, we didn't know but they were in custody and because a weapon was intended to be used we knew the police would oppose bail and I'd agree with them.
Sadly, people with mobile phones should be disallowed from photographing everything and then submitting it to the flaming Echo which published a photo of me catching the assassin under the headline, Crime-fighting aristocrat foils murder attempt and of course there was me in full colour rugby tackling the offender and the knife blade clearly visible in her hand. I wish I'd seen it before grabbing her. I was named because the person who reported it saw me in court giving evidence. After the description of my efforts in saving the day, naturally, it carried the story of George's demise and the events leading up to it and effectively said good riddance to someone who was a gangster but who could reach from beyond the grave to carry on his evil intentions by trying to have either his wife murdered or his daughter or both, only my quick action had prevented tragedy.
Trish thought it was hilarious, the story and the photo, suggesting I was always throwing my weight about, this time I couldn't deny it and also she was glad it had mentioned my quick actions because if it had said quick-wittedness, she'd have to write and complain.
One thing with her around you can't ever get too conceited although she tends to forget when it concerns her, because she is doesn't do modesty or humility. Oh well, another criminal or two taken out of the mainstream for a bit so things could be worse. Despite my apparent triumph in defeating the powers of evil, Trish's words not mine, we were all in bed early, feeling knackered by our day in court and the extracurricular activity of someone I know.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3375 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
I awoke tired the next day, trying to decide whether or not to destroy the person who submitted the photo to the echo. One thought I had was to hire some paparazzo to get a juicy photograph of them in their underwear or something similar, and to get Trish to post it on every social media site they knew. I don't know if it would teach them something or if they would just be aware of the embarrassment I suffered as a consequence of their selfish action. My action had possibly saved Dawn's life as the knife blade was found to contain a poison that would have led to her very painful death.
It was mid-morning when the police arrived and I know they were only doing their job but they were surprised when both Dawn and I took their questioning personally, we had done nothing wrong and yet we felt like some suspect in a mass murder investigation. I know Danni and Trish are always complaining about feeling like criminals just for being different, but this really did feel like we were under caution, which we weren't. I know because I asked twice because it felt so invasive.
The police were seeing how many disappearance or murder cases they could hang on George. I nearly said poor George but he was neither poor nor did I feel sorry for him. I felt more sympathy for a rat in a trap because it has no desire to be malicious, just survive the best way it knows, whereas George, was a monster and when I saw Danni lying unconscious on the lounge floor, my first response apart from tending to her, would have been to neutralise the threat and dying at my hands would have been slower and more painful than his daughter blowing his brains out, which would have been as instantaneous as it gets. I really did feel an angry hatred of Davidson and was thankful that someone other than Danni had done the deed. As I have said previously, I was very grateful to Francesca for saving my daughter.
The police were with us until late afternoon, David even provided them with sandwiches for their lunch, after they left although he had cooked us a roast dinner, which would have been delicious, Dawn, Francesca and me went to bed for a rest. Amazingly, no one ate our dinners and I came back down at about eight and ate. I learned later that Simon had warned the others off and if anyone was going to eat them, he was. When I came down he was fast asleep on the sofa and Daddy was similarly ensconced in an easy chair. They had cracked a bottle to celebrate the verdict and Francesca's release from custody, although she had only ever been in mine.
Once sleeping beauty and Daddy were with us again as we munched our way through enough dinner for a group of marines, we discussed the future and what we proposed to do if George's friends appeared again. Francesca even joked we'd be alright if it looked like they were trying to kill us, then we could do the same. After my experiences in Scotland, where the images came flooding back to me, I didn't find it very funny and then Simon, the idiot I married, asked what about the gunman I had shot at Toby's, and they all wanted chapter and verse on that, which I declined to share and left it to him to describe in true schoolboy luridness.
It appears that it's best to kill someone with no witnesses and hope the forensics and a good barrister will get you off. Unless they are impeccable witnesses and don't mention it again. Better still, don't kill anyone.
As the week progressed I read about the little trans girl who had been viciously assaulted and left to die horribly. It seems the two charged with her murder were a year younger and may have been bullying her for some time. If so, I hope they are convicted of a hate crime and the judge adds another two hundred years to the sentence, just for good measure. Emotion makes me want to punish them just because if they were bullying her, they need to suffer a long time and see how it feels, then when they come out every one they know and complete strangers can pester them because they're convicted murderers and people like to confront them. It's a bit like confronting young women because they're trans and slightly different.
It seems at times I can be quite nasty in seeking retribution, but we as trans women and girls, until we become part of the furniture, are bothered by people who feel they have a right to invade our privacy and private space, asking cruel and personal questions they wouldn't dare ask of a biological female and, here it gets even more ironic, or is it moronic? Biological women suggest we haven't suffered abuse like them so we shouldn't be allowed into woman-only spaces. Okay, Ms. Rowling, I haven't suffered period pains but I have ten times as much experience of suffering for my gender than you have, plus I have to cope with sexist gropes and insults the same as you do, and then because some multiple rapist decides they are trans, they get sent to a female prison. Can't you get through that thick head, I can be raped as well and the damage it does to me could be worse than it does to you. I don't wish you ill, I just want you to think before you spout out such hurtful nonsense. Use some of that imagination that produced such fiction to think about reality, or don't you do that?
The same applies to any of the TERFs, who are so bigoted they can't see further than the view from their arses, because they talk and see through them. I could add right-wing Tories and micro-brained Republicans, but a lot of that is purely rabble-rousing political nonsense, but they never suffer as a consequence of their selfish nastiness. It seems the Devil looks after his own, but they accuse us of the devilry as a distraction. They are evil people and deserve all they get.
So after condemning a significant element of the public to all sorts of torments I was forced to walk among them again in my role of professor of the faculty of science. My only hope was that these young people pursuing degrees of various levels, were becoming more understanding of differences in fellow humans, and then when I said this to Diane, she reminded me that the two who killed that young trans woman last week, were only fifteen. I felt a cold shudder flash through me.
Tea, my panacea for most things short of being dead, helped to bring me back to my usual buoyant, crabby self. Wondering who I could sack before lunch to give me an appetite, when I expressed such thoughts, Diane took me to task saying that I walk the extra mile and then some and come back to being my usual compassionate self. I almost felt some tears pricking my eye when she said that and I even jokingly asked what she was after, and she replied quite simply, "More kindness, I think we've seen enough of the inhumanity stuff," and then she left my office quietly, closing my door and me very close to tears. Why is she always bloody right?
As a punishment when Daddy ordered me to accompany him to lunch, I made her come too. We actually had a good time until she said she saw where my kindness had come from and he was sitting across the table. Of course, he just glowed a wonderful crimson and I was able to announce I had never seen him until I was twenty-two. Not only did that make him blush even more so but he was actually tongue-tied as well. I enjoyed my lunch.
Oh tomorrow, we get a new typist for Diane to lord it over. You remember Nikki, the girl with the coordination problems, well, she has been receiving treatment ever since she broke her arm and most of my crockery and machinery and they have provided her with a special placement to do what the therapy is prescribed to do and she has left us. She came to thank me with her mum, and we had some cakes sent over from the refectory to have with a cuppa to celebrate. I wish her well and hope they're insured where she goes.
Consequently tomorrow, we have a new young woman coming to help us called Amanda. When Diane told me this, I asked if she was sent by Philip of Spain. "No, you idiot that was the Armada."
"Well, I was close, did you say her pet name was Manky?"
"What has got into you today? Just because you got one over on the VC, you seem unmanageable. you didn't was your brain when you were in the shower this morning, did you because that might explain some of it. Her name is Mandy, not Manky, so don't let me hear you calling her that or you'll regret it."
"How can you threaten that?"
"I'm the office manager, so Mandy is working for me not you, teaching staff and technicians are answerable to you, and I'll force you to make your own tea for the rest of the term." I whimpered a response and she said, "Right, I suppose you want another cup?" I nodded half expecting her to tell me to make my own, when she disappeared and I heard the kettle boiling a couple of minutes later.
"Here," she said adding, "You are the best boss I have ever had and I have quite a few, please don't ever change and try to be nice to this new girl tomorrow."
"Do you honestly think I'd be any different?"
"No but I wasn't sure if it was a full moon tonight." She turned away and left my office with me trying not to laugh because I needed to wee. She is a one off and I am very fond of her but she'll only accept some of my nonsense, which is probably a good thing. I complain about Simon's schoolboy stuff but some of mine can be equally puerile or should that be puellile? I checked with the dictionary, puer means a child, when I did Latin ( I know it was still the official language) Puer meant a boy and puella meant a daughter, I wonder if it is a bit like the term girl, which until the Victorian era meant a young child, it didn't distinguish between boys and girls, so I suppose young females were addressed by their name or some other term long forgotten. As children at about ten years old were treated as young adults, perhaps it just didn't apply until we decided they needed a childhood and an education and that has changed quite a bit since the war, when boys and girl could leave school at fourteen and be employed. The war changed all that thank goodness, now they have to stay until eighteen unless they have an apprenticeship or go for training in a tertiary college.
The education system like the health service is in a dire state, unless you go private. Remember that most of the government went to private schools and then to university and many of them became MPs as a first job. It explains why they are so clueless at dealing with life, except their own, when that means squirreling enough money away to live well as long as they live. Politicians, thank goodness, my encounters with them are quite rare unless I am trying to get money for research students.
As I was leaving, I dropped a load of correspondence on Diane's desk, just to show I wasn't just drinking tea all afternoon, and I said, " Tomorrow, I'll take you and Manky for lunch, to show goodwill," and dashed out the door before she could throw something at me.
"It'll cost you," she called as I slipped down the stairs and I wondered if it would or not, we'll see.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3376 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
In the old days, I used to do it with Dan before he went of to Southampton, before coming back to us, and then with Neal and with whom I had lots of fun. Usually, I just struggle under and he'd tell me there was a cuppa for me here, there never was of course, or he'd say something really funny and I'd not be able to move for laughing. On another occasion there was a small hole and I got a face full of dirt from it when I poked at it. I came out coughing and spluttering and a after a wash and cuppa, went back under with means to repair the hole and it took me the best part of half an hour to do it. I drilled four hole and screwed on a plate bigger than the tiny hole and then gave Neal the job of filing off the points of the screws so none of my babies got hurt by them.
David had taken the troops to school and I'd brought Danni and Trish to expand their minds, or in Trish' case, challenge the minds of any of the teaching staff she encountered. I left them at the car and wandered off to my office carrying a pair of overalls with me, a bit like a cross between the ones the police wear during forensic investigations and the thing your plumber wears, may be I shouldn't say, but my plumber wears a tee-shirt and shorts all year round, he has nicer legs than I do. He came in complaining of the cold one day and I offered him a pair of tights. He hasn't complained since.
Anyway, I poked my head in the office and it was empty, where was Diane and Manky, I mean Mandy. Oh well, I'll have to wait for a cuppa, however, I checked the kettle was full and switched on then returned to my office to await my secretarial support. Half an hour later they hadn't returned and I was getting frantic - I hadn't had a cuppa for about an hour and was starting cold turkey. I went and made my own and I had finished it before they had returned. It was time for me to play maintenance engineers for our dormouse unit.
I walked down to the labs and Debbie and John were waiting with a fresh brew and like me were dressed down for the job in hand. There were students about doing practical study but they weren't in the same room as us, a side room dedicated to dormeece. Once the tea was supped I donned my overalls and lying on my back, inched my way under the cages. Debbie knelt on the floor ans watched what I was doing as I shone my torch on the bases of the tanks. Thankfully, dormice don't seem to do much in the way of pee, that dripping on my face would mean I delegated to someone else next time. Debbie eventually followed me under and I showed her the patch I made with Neal and also what I was looking for and she seemed to understand perfectly. I informed her it was her job next year. She seemed quite happy with it but not as much as I was to get rid of it.
After another cuppa, I pulled of my overalls and returned to my office. "You're late," suggested my secretary.
I glowered at her, "I had to make my own tea this morning," I said as I went into my office.
A few minutes later she entered bearing a cup of tea. I pointed at my diary which stated 'Dormouse cage maintenance,' at ten o'clock. "Sorry I didn't see that."
"Obviously, where is the new girl?"
"Amanda is having induction this morning with all the other new starters."
"What were you doing then?"
"I took her for registration."
"Why couldn't she do it herself?"
"I like to show were approachable in the department even if you're not."
"Hang on," I said, I'm perfectly approachable, and while my minion's minion was being branded opr whatever they do," I paused for breath.
"I am no one's minion, Professor, and neither is my assistant, I'll have you know, and without us you be stuffed."
I suddenly thought 'cups of tea' and 'making my own' and suddenly the world seemed possibly more hostile. I was teasing Diane but today she chose not to play. Even Covid seemed to pale into insignificance, this was tea we were talking about and I am sure we Brits have gone to war over less important matters. Actually I think the last time it happened was in Boston and we lost, hmm, better make sure next time.
"Fine when Manky comes introduce us and I'll be my usual charming self,"I smiled to reinforce the message.
"How many times do I have to tell you, her name is Mandy or Amanda."
"That's what I said, didn't I?"
"You did nothing of the sort, you called her Manky again."
"Oops, unintentional, better warn her that I'm absent minded."
"You are as sharp as a pin so don't try to get around it with false sterotypes."
"Well, Tom has managed it for years."
"Tom is a genuine absent minded, nutty professor."
"Eh? Who told you that?"
"He did and then you reinforced it a day or two later."
"I have heard him confess to being irascible or grumpy, but not a nutty professor."
"Well, he did," she stared straight at me.
"I hope you got it on tape, he's unlikely to admit to it twice."
"No, I didn't, besides I respect him as a kindly old gent and remember all the things he's done for you."
Now I felt embarrassed, don't know why, I'm well aware of the kind things he has done for me, from letting me live there to allowing me time off for all sort of things. In return I have given him one of the best departments, the mammal survey and loads of grandchildren. I think I win on points but only because he loves them all to bits. It gave him something beyond himself to live for and I think I know that feeling more than a bit myself.
My phone rang making me jump about a foot into the air which made Diane chuckle. It was the de'il himsel' well Daddy anyway. He insisted I come to lunch with him and I told him I was going to take Diane and Mandy for lunch, "Aye, alrich there'll be three of ye," and rang off. I can hardly refuse him can I, Diane would never speak to me again, even though the world is not quite as black and white as she sees it.
"You got the gist of that?"
"I did, so you get out of buying lunch, lucky you." She left my office before I could explain that in Daddy's day the man always paid. I'm not happy with it but he won't let me do anything about it.
Amanda eventually showed up with a whole pile of bumf from the personnel department, sorry Human Resources, what a shower. She was younger than I expected and pretty rather than beautiful, although she was pleasing enough on the eye. She was wearing a skirt and knee length boots.
I asked her if they had given her any tea, and she replied that it was an hour ago. I insisted we have another to welcome her and while Diane went off to make it, I asked her if she had found her way about yet.
"Not quite, Diane is very supportive but I realise she is busy with supporting you, so we haven't really had time to do much."
"Actually it's probably better if you do it slowly because then it tends to stick, if you try to do it all in one go, you end up forgetting half of it, especially when you need to remember it."
"Yes, Professor, that was a bit like my induction, after a bit I just blanked."
"Well, Diane is the best to help you there, if you need help come and ask her or me if there is no one else. I have to get assistance to find my office some days, so without Diane I'd be lost, but don't tell her. I said this loud enough for big ears to hear so didn't need to repeat it.."
"She told me you were the best boss she'd ever had."
"Yeah, because I do as she tells me."
"I don't think she meant it that way, she said you were the closest person to a saint she'd ever met."I decided that before she said too much to change the subject.
"That's your office over there," I informed her pointing to a desk.
"Yes, I know Diane showed me it last week, she's very efficient."
"Has she demonstrated walking on water yet?"
"She told me that you're the only one who can do that." I retreated to the toilet before I embarrassed myself some more.
By the time I surfaced from the loo, Daddy was waiting to take us all to dinner in my car, thank goodness I keep this one fairly tidy, wasn't full of my fieldwork clothes, it was actually but they are tidy stowed in a box in the boot, or trunk as Americans call it. Mind you we have the bonnet, which somewhere you wouldn't place your head unless you were having a very bad day.
Lunch was a success, at least as not hearing Daddy's old stories, he spent most of the time interrogating Mandy, who being a little wet behind the ears didn't realise how much he was asking her. It was done very gently but very cleverly. I wonder if he did that to me when I was younger?
I can remember a couple of occasions when we dined together before and after my transition when my head was reeling from the conversation with Tom, of course, being young and largely innocent I was revelling in the attention I was receiving from someone I respected and held in high esteem. Being less innocent, I saw it happening and watched with fascination. Amanda is an employee of the university and he is the operational boss of said university, so he has some right to know his staff. After we finished and he went back to his office, she asked what a vice chancellor did and was.
"I take it you haven't been to university or had much to do with them," and Amanda shook her head. "okay, well there are various layers of people in a university, on the academic side you have people like technicians who set up experiments, facilitate some study, or might even teach a bit, especially technical stuff, like making microscope slides, one of our technicians is very good at it, and so is Cathy," she nodded at my office where I was reading emails and drinking tea, see multitasking.
So the technicians sometimes teach making slides for those who need to know or want to know how to do it. It's quite skilful stuff. then you have various levels of teacher or lecturer, up to reader which they call assistant professors in America. Then you have the professors and usually a dean of a faculty but we have Cathy who is like a super-professor and is effectively dean of science. She's very important. Then we have the vice chancellor who is in charge of the operational side of the university and sets the goals of the establishment. They are in charge of everyone and finally we have a chancellor who is more of a figure head, the day to day running is down to Tom.
"So I have been to lunch with three very important people."
"Well, two of them," Diane added.
" What about you, if you don't keep Cathy, I mean Professor Watts, up to date she will make mistakes or won't be as effective"
"I suppose you could put it like that, yes okay I'm important too."
"More tea slave,"I bellowed from my door,"Please."
"Don't be put off by her manner, much of it is for effect." She walked to my door, "Yes, master?" she said and we both burst out laughing. I'll never find another like her so watch what you're saying and stop showing off in front of Manky.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3377 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
The first day with Man-dy, went well. So how can I describe her, very young and naïve, very willing, and wants to learn. I hope she's not another Delia and wants to learn about biology, because we'll lose another one. I had an email from Delia the other day, she's doing a master's degree in ecology at Brighton, she got a 2:1 from us a very respectable degree, so I'm glad she's doing well. Diane has no such ambitions, or if she has she's kept them well hidden, besides she's been around biologists and ecologists for a long time, so she knows what we're like, though no one is like me. Mad as a hatter and practicing my grumpiness so my kids can claim mental cruelty when they leave home.
Mandy doesn't seem to have ambition beyond doing the best job she can for our department and so far her typing is good and she hasn't broken my latest dormouse mug. The second day she appeared in jeans and trainers with a nice jumper over it. Of course, Diane was clad in trousers and blouse with a waistcoat and looked immaculate, I was in a designer suit as I had quite an important meeting later.
Mandy complimented me on my dress and said she could see the quality of it. I looked at her a little more carefully, I didn't necessarily approve of jeans and trainers but I do wear them myself, so can't say anything, Diane would blind me, and her clothes were clean and pressed so I decided just to accept, after all we have myriad students who wear similar and Mandy's was tidier.
"Diane, who is Lady Cameron? I had call for her while you were in the bathroom, I told the caller I was new, took their number and told them I would find Lady C and ask her to get back to them. So, do we have any aristocrats working here?"
"No we only have the one and I've warned her that the tumbril is waiting outside if she plays up."
"What's that?"
French Revolution, they had carts called tumbrils to carry the aristocrats to Madame Guillotine."
"Oh, I see, I'm learning so much. So where is this endangered aristocrat?"
"From the people you've met so far, who could it be?"
"I don't know, I wasn't thinking of it when meeting them. The nicest dresser is the prof, so who else is there?"
"Go and speak to the professor, she tell you where our errant aristo is."
Mandy walked to my door and knocked I told her to come in and she stood beside me, or rather by the side of my desk. "How's it going?"
"Very well, thank you professor, you said I could come to you if I needed some help."
"I did indeed, so what help do you need?" I tried top appear approachable and friendly to her but she was blushing like a three bar electric fire.
"Um, I took a phone call for a Lady, something or other, sorry I forgot her surname, could you tell me where to find her?"
"Certainly, go out of our office, out the door, turn around three times and come back in and then proceed to this doorway, and by then, the notorious Lady Cameron will be here."
"Go out and turn and come back?"
"Yep, but you have to rotate three times or she won't come." I teased her, and because she was so green she did just as I said, much to Diane's astonishment.
Of course, by this time I had combed my hair and checked my makeup, donned my suit jacket and made sure the door was shut. A light tap sounded on my door and I called 'enter', her eyes nearly came out on stalks, "Where's Lady wotsit, I mean Cameron?"
"Where do you think?"
"Is it you, professor?"
" 'Fraid so, I also turn into a bat when there's a full moon, if you believe Diane." I watched her embarrassment and decided to stop the tease, "It's my other name, Watts is my maiden name, Cameron is my married one and they threw the title in as compensation for marrying Simon, so you've tracked me down and you mentioned something about a telephone call?"
"I'm so sorry, I didn't realise professor I mean, Lady Cameron. I didn't know."
"Look, sweetheart, it's fine if you don't know ask we told you and you did just that but I couldn't resist a gentle tease, so please forgive me. Now what was the message?"
She handed a post it with the number I had to call back and the caller's name. "Oh, this is the chap I'm supposed to be meeting for lunch, I wonder if there's problem?"
"I don't know I just took the message but I now understand why the caller was a bit surprised, I'm sorry, Professor, you said Simon was your husband, is Simon Cameron the banker?"
" That's him when I see him, he spends much of his time up in town."
"Wow, he's like a millionaire, I've never met one of those."
"It's bit of a letdown unless they want something, I didn't know who Simon was for weeks, I just don't move in those circles."
"But surely, you do now."
"Only when I have to, moving around in circles only makes you dizzy," she smiled at my attempted joke and blushed like Belisha beacon. "I'm just like you really, a plain ordinary woman who happens to married well and got a few degrees. You could do the same you know."
"Oh, god," she said and rushed to the bathroom.
"What have you done now?" demanded Diane rushing into my room as I was dialling to return my call.
"Out please and shut the door as you leave," I said firmly and astonishedat my tone, she did as I asked.
I made my call and realising I had no lunch partner for an already booked table, I went out to assess the damage in the outer office. " All right now?! I asked Mandy who looked a bit pale and was wiping her mouth with a tissue. Before she could reply Trish and Danni burst into my outer office.
"Mummy some creep as good as accused us of only being here because you're our father, I want you to tell them we're here because we deserve to be. Hi, Diane," she said looking around.
Mandy suddenly had real life drama to watch and her colour seemed to be returning, "Okay, who was this person and where did they go?"
" They came out of lab 7 and we were only together because I picked up some of Trish' notes by mistake this morning, so I went to take them to her."
"Male or female and when did it happen?"
"Ten minutes ago, it was man who looked like a lecturer."
they both said
"Sorry, Mandy, the big one is Danielle and the smaller one is Trish, say hello girls."
They both looked around noticed Mandy sitting next to Diane. "Hi," to Mandy who nodded and blushed.
"Diane can you find out who was using lab 7 until fifteen minutes ago."
"On it, boss," she replied and I noticed that Danni and Trish were talking to our latest recruit. I heard her mumbling into the phone then she thanked who she talked with and said loudly, "Dr Ericson from chemistry."
"Call him and tell him I want to see him urgently."
She made a call and she told him the message to come and see Professor Watts urgently. "He'll be here in ten minutes."
"Oh good, Mandy you are about to witness high dudgeon, so sit back and enjoy." she looked at me in confusion, Diane winked at her and she went to her desk. "You two in my office and stay there, put the door on the jar. Trish don't touch anything, I mean it." she pouted and went into my office.
A little more than ten minutes later in came Dr Ericson, "You wanted to see me, Professor?"
"Yes I have had a complaint from two first year students, they said you disparaged them."
"Me, I don't think so, only the two Cameron girls and they're because of their father, the university always bends to money."
"Oh that's good to know."
"How is that good?"
"He sponsors quite a lot of our research."
"Yeah, big deal."
"Oh dear, Dr Ericson, I don't think I like you. Girls come out please." They trooped out and I asked them if this was the man who had disparaged them. They confirmed his identity. he began blushing, "That is Trish, who is down to go to Cambridge as soon as she finishes her degree here, she is only here because she's too young to go to Cambridge, or at least I thought so. She has an IQ off the scale and has Physics, Maths and Pure Maths a-level, all in A star categories, her sister passed her A-Levels with Two As and a B. Both deserve to be here and I'd like you to apologise to them and I'd like to think you meant it, because if you didn't, I'd recommend disciplinary action. Finally, I'd suggest you keep stupid thoughts like you voiced today at home because they have no place at my university."
Blushing he apologised to the girls, eating a large wedge of humble pie, they accepted his apology and he then apologised to me for his stupid behaviour. He went out blushing. "We gotta get some lunch," Trish said and they shot off down the stairs.
I said to my office support and announced, "If they hadn't run off so quick they could have come with us, get you coats on ladies, it's lunch time." Then without further ado we descended to my Jag and I drove us off to Hamilton's restaurant and my pre-booked table.
"I can't let you buy me lunch again," said Mandy.
"Sorry but it's all on my account." We were approached by a waiter who regarded Mandy a bit snottily although he clothes were clean and tidy. As we went in, the maitre de, called out," Good to see you Lady Cameron." I raised my hand to acknowledge him and instead went over to speak with them and mentioned the waiter's surly attitude. He nodded as if to say, leave it to me.
"Is my casual style letting the side down?" asked Mandy.
"Only to one person and I've marked his card for him."
"I knew I shouldn't have come, I can't afford to eat here if the truth be known," she added.
"You are as entitled to eat here as anyone else, now stop worrying and order, the meal's on me." From the look I got from the waiter, if he'd been serving us, that could have been true, but we were served by a lovely young waitress and she got a good tip for effort.
"Do you eat out like this all the time?"
"I wish," I replied not really meaning it.
"Don't listen to her, Mandy," said Diane, "They only have a professional chef at home and he is brilliant."
"OMG," said Mandy and went quite pale again. She was okay when we got back to my office and after a cuppa we all cracked on, She brought me in some tea an hour later and thanked me for her lunch which she had enjoyed, she'd had smoked salmon for the first time and enjoyed it. I had the same smoked salmon on scrambled egg on a piece of toast, well two servings."
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3378 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
When I went to bed I thought of Dr Ericson's disparaging remarks to Danni and Trish. I'd let him off quite lightly. I suppose if positions were reversed I might have done something the same and I wondered if people thought that about me, that I was only a professor because Tom was my adopted father. I think there had been murmurings and rumours at first but they seemed to have disappeared into the woodwork again. I like to think I had proved my credentials and my worth and wasn't just some bimbo who made films about loveable small mammals which usually resulted in deluges of applications from young women who thought they'd rather like to make films about dormice or harvest mice, not realising that they ought to know about them beforehand, I mean who needs to know about handling dormice, if you squeeze too hard just pretend it was still dormant and quietly sling it back in the nest box and try the next one.
There's actually a knack to handling small mammals, dormice are wriggly but when you have a reasonable hold on them they stay put, woodmice continue to wriggle and nip and I've seen someone take a pygmy shrew and it died in their hand, probably because they held it too tightly. The poor things have to be able to breathe and sometimes they succumb to shock, I mean how would you feel being handled, something so small, about 15 g and if a human is 80 kg, they are over five thousand times heavier. No wonder I haven't lost a fight with a dormouse. The harvest mouse is even smaller, is it any wonder that they die of shock when held by humans, we must look like giants to them.
I fell asleep thinking about dormice and how we appeared to them. As if they were awaiting execution and we don't do it, we whip them out of their cosy nest boxes and then shove them in a small plastic bag to weigh them and examine their private bits to determine sex and possibly insert a pit tag in their scruffs and then shove them back in the nest box they have just been taken from. 'What a waste of time,' I can hear them squeaking, though much of it beyond our hearing, and might be just as well because who knows what they are actually shrieking. I doubt it's, 'You big bully, come back and fight like a dormouse.'
I awoke back in school. Once again I was waiting outside Murray's door. What had I done this time? "Ah Watts, I have spoken to your parents, you are to go home at half past two as you have an appointment, your mother will tell you about it. That's all."
I stood my ground, so when he asked what I was waiting for, I replied, "I'd like to know what the appointment is for."
"I told you, your mother was organizing it."
"Yes you did, but I would like to know what it's all about."
"Oh, would you?"
"Yes, sir,"
"Too bad, speak to your mother this afternoon."
I was so frustrated that I could have hit him. I'm glad I didn't because young women don't do that unless really provoked. I was close to it but not quite there yet. I was on a steady simmer not quite boiling, I left his office in a state of irritation and anxiety, I mean what if he was thinking of expelling me? Where would I be going this afters? I mean who would I be seeing? I hadn't a clue.
I had to get through lunch yet. Yesterday, Sweeny and Michaels took my sandwiches off my tray and threw them back and fore until I was supposed to beg for them, I got fed up with the game and belted Sweeny in the guts with my tray., whereupon Michaels ran off with them. I mean tuna and cucumber sandwiches in wholemeal bread, they don't come any better and are made for me by my mum. I was livid. I gave chase of Michaels and lost him and when I came back Sweeny had also made his escape.. I ended up with a plate of chips because that was all I had the money for. They were okay but compared to my wonderful sarnies, they were second-rate.
Just before I was due to leave for the unknown appointment, Michaels happened to whisper, "Lovely sarnies, Watts, How about cheese tomorrow?" It just so happened my tennis racket was hanging out of my Care Bears backpack and as I swung it quite violently onto my shoulder, happened to make firm contact with a small part of his anatomy, and didn't he shout?
I told the teacher I had to go somewhere and had no idea what Michaels was shouting about, perhaps it was the sandwiches he stole from me, the female hormones they we laced with didn't agree with him. He was last seen dashing off to the toilets, Michaels not Mr Hurst.
I amble home, I was in no mood to fight any more battles. "Where have you been?" asked my mother, hurry up." I apparently had to wash and change, when I saw what was going on, I asked Mum to explain. I was expected to wear the dress on my bed and the bar shoes and I wanted to know what it was all about.
"What finished last week?" she asked.
"I don't know, some serial or other? My library book, um, Lent? I don't know do I?"
"What have you been doing every night for the past month?"
"Macbeth, so what's this about?"
The Echo is coming to make some award to Charlotte as best actress and we have to get your hair done so you look tidy."
"Let me get this straight, no pun intended, but they have given me time off school to get my hair cut and you're going to take me to the salon?"
"At last, now hurry up we have to be there in just over ten minutes."
"What does Dad say?"
"I don't know and don't care what he thinks, but no daughter of mine is going to an award ceremony with unkempt hair, so move it missy."
We got there and Mum explained I was there for a tidy-up, I added that I didn't want much off the length and the hairdresser assured me she would cut off more than the split ends. Apparently, wearing the extra hairpiece had done some damage to my own hair. That made me cross. I let Cheryl do her stuff and she shampooed and then dried my hair and conditioned it. It was lovely, I always liked having my hair done once I stopped going to that barbarous barber that my father used. My hair felt beautiful, silky and smooth and hung beautifully below my shoulders, to about mid back.
"I don't know how you girls can wear it so long, but it's in good condition, so enjoy it while it lasts."
We did a little shopping for new tights for me and I think my mother quite enjoyed the experience of shopping for her daughter, I know I did, even if all I got was the tights.
"You realise I have to wear the girl's uniform to school tomorrow, I suppose I could come home and change at lunchtime."
"The headmaster told me to expect you to be in the girl's uniform all day."
"Why didn't he ask me, I'm the one who has to put up with all the jeers and suggestive remarks, perhaps I'd have preferred having an ordinary day tomorrow? I certainly don't fancy dressing up, the play was bad enough."
"I thought you enjoyed your girly side?"
I blushed, we were about to have an adult conversation about my transsexualism.
"I do, but not in front of the whole school."
"Are you gay, Charlie?"
"Why, do you think I am."
"I don't know, but I don't think you are."
"I'm not, I'm transgender, I'm a girl in a boy's body."
"What one of those sex-change types, like April Ashley? Marry a Scottish nobleman?"
"I have no idea, I might marry no one the way I feel. I have been abused by that monster Murray ever since he found out I was different. I have been bullied and abused by the staff and the boys at my school, I was coerced into doing that bloody play and now, they want to celebrate my humiliation."
"Stay home then, I'll tell them you have a bug."
"If I did, Murray would probably send me to vivisection, certainly, he'd make my life hell."
"Humiliation, I think you were very good in the play and I had to keep reminding myself that you were my son because you convinced me you really were Lady Macbeth."
"I did my best, Mum, and thank you, but Murray's intention was to embarrass me and hope I'd leave. I'm not going to, Mum, I'm going to stare him down, I am going to get good grades and I am going to go to uni and do biology."
"I know so... I mean Charlotte, and I hope to see you with a good degree. I don't know what is to become of you if you go ahead with this sex-change business, I'm sure it won't do you any good."
"Maybe not, but at least my mind and body will be singing from the same hymn sheet."
"I can't stop you but I urge you to think very carefully."
"It's all I have been thinking about for years."
"Sounds more like an obsession than reality."
"I knew you wouldn't understand."
"May be it's you who doesn't, anyway, come to me at bedtime and I'll tie your hair up so it will look better tomorrow. Oh, will you need help with your makeup tomorrow?"
"I think I can manage, I was doing it every day for the past month."
"Did you enjoy doing the play and playing up your dad?"
"Playing up Dad, what do you think I am."
"I don't know what you are Charlotte but I know you had some fun winding up Derek."
"Thanks for the tights," I said and dashed up to my room.
She tied my hair up in ribbons, about seven, all the way down my back and it certainly looked better in the morning. I hadn't slept much because I knew what was coming. I dressed in my girl's uniform, Mum had made me press it the night before and did my makeup, just a light bit to make me look slightly different and like the girl I was. I was told to make myself available after assembly when Murray did his spiel about me attending for the day and to be accorded every courtesy. In other words, don't get caught.
The paper duly arrived and the presentation was made and then a buffet lunch, into which the rest of the school was allowed access and it disappeared very quickly after that. Because they were all on a high from the free feed, most of the boys were kindly disposed to me, except Michaels, he chased me into the staff toilets, I came out carrying my Care Bears backpack, "Huh, no tennis racket today Watts."
"I 'm not playing today," I said and swung my bag, which has a biology textbook in it, into his groin and he collapsed squealing and holding his pride and joy, as he succumbed to an attack of 'Vines and Rees, volume one, and I sauntered up the corridor, funnily enough, neither tried to take my sandwiches again.
Some noise woke me and I had a clear recollection of what happened in my dream, it didn't quite happen like that and I didn't get taken to the hairdresser by my mother, nor did we have that little chat. Perhaps my mind was trying to say it was how it could have been.
Instead, she just lost the paper that night so my dad didn't see it, with me gracing the front page for the one and only time. However, a copy of the paper arrived in my bedroom the next day and I put it into my scrapbook. My father subsequently destroyed it but I discovered they had their own one when he sent it to Tom and I found it one day in my office at the bottom of a drawer. My old school still holds the award I won, but as I'm no longer Charlotte, they can keep it.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3379 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
So it seems that no matter how fireproof we are, we try to make it more so, at least I think that was what the dream was all about. May be it was a little focused because Sarah was coming back today after recovering from her op, the op, so I was perhaps thinking about that in the back of my mind.
I went and collected her from Peter's house after I got the girls from school, they all wanted to come, so had the minibus thing, it would just about hold us all, as long as I let two of them sit on my lap.
"I'd have thought an aristocrat would have something more special," opined Peter's wife.
"I have but this lot wanted to come to collect her, that we'd have been home in a short while didn't occur to them."
"Well, they are children," she replied.
"No we're not, I'm in university," said an outraged Danni with Trish nodding and almost adding me too, then she remembered she was supposed to be a child prodigy and shut up.
"I stand corrected," she said.
"Anyway thanks for having her for a month, I hope she didn't give you any trouble."
"We are relatives," she said with mild indignation as I'm not one except in law, I'm actually her adopted mother, And we only got that application in, in time.
"I know, but she is my responsibility, even though she's old enough to look after herself."
"No I'm not," Sarah protested, " I need to be pampered and spoiled to help me recover."
"Sorry, kiddo, with me you are just one of many, who have all suffered in one way or another, but we have packed an extra cushion for you." At this, the rest laughed.
"But you don't know who I am," protested Sarah, and then saw, they would tolerate her being tender but as several of them had been through it themselves they just ignored her as far as I could see.
Sarah sat up front in the people carrier thingy and I said quietly to her, "It's good to have to back kiddo."
"Thanks, I've missed David's cooking and the rest of you." I knew what she meant, David's cooking is rather special and I'd miss it too. We got home and they made a huge fuss of her, letting her have the softest chair. After dinner, a David special, she said, "You were right, Mummy, I can't wear jeans, though I tried umpteen times to do so."
"Experience ie the only advantage I have over you lot, these days," I smiled.
"And a chair at a university and a few million, and husband who is worth pots of money, and all of us. What would you do without us?"
"I don't know,kiddo, I suppose I might just enjoy myself spending Simon's loose change."
"Huh," she huffed and went off with Danni to see what she'd missed. I had emailed her assignments, so she wasn't behind at all but she is conscientious, so I was pleased to see her diligence.
We had lost our temporary residents, Francesca and her Mum had pretty well secured an acquittal and had been allowed to set up home together. Now Danni had Sarah back in the house she'd have someone to talk to of her own age so the absence of Francesca was not as traumatic as it could have been. I was really quite glad that episode had finished, or I thought it had. I could have been wrong.
It was about three weeks after Sarah had been home and I was taking her, Danni, and Trish to Uni when my phone rang. As you can't use phones without a hands-free, and I hadn't connected it this morning, I asked Danni who was riding shotgun, to answer it for me. She did, and I watched an increasing alarm on her face, "Someone has had a go at Dawn and she was in hospital."
"Who's Dawn?" asked Sarah.
"Francesca's mother, a lovely lady," I said before Danni could say anything.
"Oh, dear," added Sarah, "I hope you didn't ask them to go because of me?"
"No, not all, they were ready to go out into the big wide world and see what happens. I hope the police have got them, the perpetrators, I mean."
"She says not, it was a drive-by shooting, apparently."
"But that's not British," gasped Sarah.
"Quite," I added, "This isn't Belfast or New York." I wondered what the world was coming to.
"Thugs today are like that, no honour or decency, getting it done is all that matters, they don't care if anyone else was hurt." Danni sounded quite bitter.
"Well, we knew that Georgie boy was quite a ruthless figure, so we can't expect much more than from his associates. Do we know how she is?" I asked.
"She's in hospital, was all Fran knew."
"I've got her number I shall ring her from my office. Be aware, don't take unnecessary risks, and always tell me or one of the others where you've gone. This is survival stuff, so don't do anything stupid, and that includes you, Danni. Adults die just as easily as children when shot, so no paramours for the moment."
We arrived at the university and I rushed off to my office and after asking one of the minions to make a cuppa, I sat down and dialled Francesca. I owed the girl, she saved my daughter's life. I'd never forget that. She was engaged and I asked Diane or Mandy to keep trying it and when she answered, to pass it through to me.
"they did as I asked, but it was nearly two hours later that she answered, "Sorry, Mum was in theatre, she's quite ill but expected to pull through."
"You're not staying on your own, I'll come and collect you and your stuff at lunchtime."
"I'll still be at the hospital, I'm not leaving until I know she's safe."
"Okay, but you are going to stay with us again, I insist."
"It's very kind but I'd rather be on my own."
"Sorry kiddo, but you are coming here, you can do your solipsistic thing when the danger has passed. I'm coming after lunch, be prepared to come here."
"I..., I... don't know," she stammered down the phone.
"I do, I'm taking charge, you are coming here, give Dawn my love. Be ready."
Why do people think they know better? She is the most effective healing aid her mother has. If she gets hurt or killed, she won't be much use. Fortunately, we still have a spare room. I rang David and told him what I knew happened and he said he'd make a bed up, he was fond of Francesca. I also rang Daddy as it is still nominally his house, or to me it is, and he agreed we couldn't leave the girl on her own. I didn't know under what threat she was as her mother had twice been the target, but the company would be good for her.
And so it came to pass, that Danni and I made our way to the hospital, which was full of the plod waiting to speak to Dawn when she was well enough, even though doctors told them to come back tomorrow, some knew better and stayed in the waiting area. I managed to get one of the consultants to tell Francesca to come away with me, on the understanding that they had our number and would call if anything changed and we would bring her to see her mum, day or night. She reluctantly acceded to come with us and she and Danni filled the boot of the Jag with her things. David had the people carrier and took the girls to school, he doesn't mind driving it, I don't like it, too bulky and unresponsive compared to my Jag.
I booked the rest of the day as working from home and apart from flap around Francesca I did answer some emails. I also have a super PA who takes responsibility for things as she knows me well enough to make the same decision as she thinks I would. If it goes wrong, ultimately I am to blame, so I take the rap, but I trust her implicitly. Mandy is fitting in well, too. She idolises Diane, and so do I but I'd never tell her but I do tell her when does a job well and I also thank her. I rarely order anyone to do anything, as they respond better to being asked, so I request them to do things for me, so far it has worked well but you have to remember to thank them because they have just saved you having to do something. We are a team and I am trying to promulgate that concept to my whole department, it's only some of the academic staff who are too thick to see it.
Francesca rang the hospital for the tenth time that hour and I told her to go and lie down, she was safe here so she could relax. "How can I relax? My mother is on life support."
"No, she isn't and your calling every two minutes just frustrates the nursing staff."
"That's what they're there for."
"They are there to look after patients, they can't do that while answering the phone to you, they have told you that if anything changes they will call you. They are usually pretty good and do so in my experience."
"Oh, yeah, and what if they're all on strike."
"The strike is over and besides, it's an emergency unit so they are honour bound not to strike."
"Oh, I'm going for a lie-down," she groaned.
"Please don't use your mobile phone, the landline is perfectly okay and if anything happens I'll take you in myself. Promise."
But it could, couldn't it?"
"Yes, it could so could a meteor strike, they have slightly longer odds, but it could happen."
"Now I know you are playing silly buggers, I'm going for a lie-down."
"Damn, I'm getting too obvious," I said to myself out loud and I heard her laughter echo down the stairs. Sometimes we have to pretend to be silly to let people get the point. Francesca had just done so.
I told Julie and Phoebe what had happened, they admitted they'd heard of some trouble in town, so now they could gossip with their clients only I asked them to keep identities private, which I knew they respect. I wondered about Francesca's mental health but it would be high-handed to organise something without her agreement.
David went to get the schoolgirls, while I collected our university crew, adding the extra cushion for Sarah, whose tail end was still tender. I couldn't think why. Of course, there was a great sharing of information once everyone got home and while they all chatted, I retired with a cuppa and sent a text to Simon. He phoned me for a few minutes afterward and expressed his concern for our safety, you should have left Francesca in her home and stayed out of it, was his advice. There was no point in saying that I'm as involved as anyone due to the beating Danni took, if anyone, even the De'il himself, tries to hurt one of my children, I will do my best to destroy them so they can't do it again. I am an implacable enemy as some have found out to their cost.
I can't let go, the girl saved my daughter and I have nearly got her off the manslaughter charge, her mother, who is very brave, helped as well, so I will do all I can to protect them. I picked up my phone and called Jim, he promised to help as soon as I stopped to draw breath. He then went on about how women talk too much and I considered my wrist well and truly slapped. He would call by tomorrow, meanwhile, he would gather what the police and intelligence people thought about it. He rang off and I said I'd see him tomorrow.
Unlike Simon, Tom thought the girl should stay with us until we had some resolution and hopefully Dawn got better. Jim would have better ideas of them disappearing in the future with no traceable tail. I'd try and talk about it with him tomorrow.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3380 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
Danni told her that George, Francesca's father had nearly killed her because she was transgender and was having a relationship, tainting his daughter. Francesca had killed her father, thereby saving Danni. Finally, Dawn had appeared from nowhere after fleeing George's wrath as he had threatened to kill her. We had seen mother and daughter reunited and they got on like a house on fire. I or my counsel, had nearly overturned the charge of manslaughter to one of self-defence and we hoped that Dawn and Francesca could go off and live together, at least until Francesca had finished growing up, kissed a few frogs like the rest of us. Okay, so it was just one frog I kissed and he turned into a prince, but that was beginner's luck and my sophisticated charm - ha, I was so green, if I stood on the lawn, I didappeared.
I'm sure by the time they got to classes, Sarah would be more or less up to speed and I'd also got Danni to call me before she tried anything herself if Fran should call her. It wasn't really that I thought I could do anything better, but I did have slightly more experience at dealing with monsters than she did. She tried to answer me back and I reminded her that her first encounter nearly saw her beaten to death, when she acceded to my request.
It resulted in me being on edge all morning, I doubted Danni was any better and at lunch time I went to the hospital to see how Dawn was and how Francesca was holding up. I sent the latter to go and have lunch and I sit with her mum. The police were still there despite the fact that Francesca had told them her mother had gone to the shop and been mown down by a passing car, she didn't even know the colour or make as she didn't see it herself and there were no witnesses, at least none who were prepared to come forward and tell what they saw. I can't blame them, most of us would be shit scared in case the same happened to them.
I collected Francesca on the way home from work and insisted she come with us, her mum was still unconscious, and again I promised to bring her in any time of the day. Jim arrived just before David cooked a huge roast chicken, about the size of an ostrich, and amazingly within moments I had persuaded Jim to stay for dinner.
The police knew very little about the shooting but the word on the street was George had ordered it some years ago. When Dawn had disappeared and he had failed to trace her, he ordered some of his associates to kill her because she knew too much. It appears since she left his empire had changed and she knew very little but the order hadn't been rescinded, so two attempts have been made on her life, the first I stopped and the second nearly worked.
I told him to offer a thousand pounds payable in the event of a prosecution, he laughed, !I wouldn't risk my neck for such a measly sum," he said. He also told me he had some idea who was causing the problems. I asked him to check and return to me. He left about ten o'clock. I told Francesca we might have a lead on the person organising the attacks, in which case if we could confirm it, we could act. She laughed at me as the police were worse than useless, was her phrasing. I knew one or two coppers who weren't and if possible I'd liaise with them.
Two day's later Jim got the confirmation we needed, a Mr Smith, who lived in Muswell Hill in London, one a very fashionable part of London. I told Jim we'd go and see him. "Are you bonkers, this man is twice as nasty as George and twice as rich."
"I doubt he's as rich as Simon and I don't care how nasty he is, I shall ask him to call off the dogs and I'll also remind him if he does anything to Francesca, I'll point George's old friends in his direction and wait for the funeral arrangements if they ever find his body."
"Better wear a big hat, then."
"Why do people say that?"
"I think it refers to cowboy films of the Randolph Scott era where he always wore a large white hat so you could distinguish from the baddie who wore a dark hat." I didn't have a better answer so accepted it. I arranged a day off work and with Sarah using her car to go to uni and David taking the school run, I left with Jim, in my Jaguar to drive to London. With Satnav we found our way to Muswell Hill and Mr Smith's address.
Of course his receptionist denied all knowledge of a Mr Smith and after pleading with her two or three times, I made to leave and said quietly to her, "I wouldn't book any holidays this year because if I don't see Mr Smith today bad things will happen and I'd hate for you to be in the firing line but even if you're not you'll be unemployed and unemployable. I gave the number of a burner phone we had and told her to remember I was far more dangerous than Mr Smith and I employed several hundred people, one would find her." I just walked out well aware that the chief thug was watching my performance on camera somewhere.
"You're going to get yourself killed one day and worse you could get me killed as well," offered Jim who then asked me who my hundreds of staff were. I told him they worked at the university and he laughed all the way to the nearest taxi rank. I knew we would see the big man himself before the day was out and I didn't want him to know whose Jag it was that was parked down the road.
Sure enough, as we were having coffee and a late breakfast in a nearby cafe, the burner phone rang, and we were offered an appointment in an hour's time. I saw Jim feel his shoulder holster as if subconsciously reassuring himself, I was hoping we'd need no weaponry but I was carrying a can of mace in my bag, even if it is illegal as was the short police-style baton that was telescopic like the better police ones.
We were shown into his room and his desk, was bigger than some yachts I've seen, I walked in smiling but he scowled and he said, "Who do you think you are, scaring my staff half to death with idle threats."
"You will call off your dogs on Dawn Davidson."
"Who is she when she's around, I'm a responsible businessman."
"You know who she is and we have enough evidence of your schemes to close you down and get you life imprisonment."
"Oh, yeah, and who are you?"
"My name is Nemesis, and this is your one and only warning, if I am forced to return or something happens to Dawn, make sure your will is in order."
"What you come here threatening me, who do you think I am and who do you think you are?"
"I've told you who I am and how the future lies, be warned."
His facial expression changed and he nodded at the door two men attempted to enter until Jim shut the door on them and they were locked outside. I stood up with my hand in my bag, he told me I wouldn't leave the room alive, whoever I was. I had spotted the gun in the front of his desk I jumped up on it via the chair and sprayed him i the face with the mace, then brought my baton out and brought it down hard on the hand that was trying to open a desk drawer.
I then disabled his other arm with a blow to the elbow and he winced. The door was being bashed with some sort of battering ram, he smiled and said, "You won't get out alive," he smirked.
I smirked back and reminded him that I could kill him before they broke in and hit him on his sore arm again, this time I probably broke it. I then knocked him down and saw the gun mechanism in his desk, then just as the first goon came in the doorway, I shot him from the desk. Jim was beside the door dragged him in and then threw him in the face of the next to try and enter. We pushed the door shut, but it wasn't going to hold for long. In came another and once again I couched down behind the desk and shot him as he tried to enter, Jim knocked his gun from his hands and pushed him back out of the office. Smith was trying to get away and I threw my baton at him, it struck the back of his head and he fell.
One more someone tried to come through the door and I shot him and Jim removed his gun and punched his light out. I called the police, not the Met, half of whom were on his payroll, but some friends in MI5, that Jim knew. By the time they got here, we had rounded up the injured and secured them. I had wiped the mechanism of the gun and his camera. The receptionist was nowhere to be seen. Jim and I had persuaded Smith to hand over the books, the hidden ones and also to admit he had tried to have Dawn killed. We produced the evidence for the ministry guys and gave them the combination of his safe. We talked for an hour and they were very interested in how he'd come to shoot his own people. I simply said he was aiming for me but I jumped out of the way. He was terrified of me, which I knew wouldn't last, but just before they took him away to have his arm checked I happened to knock it, by accident of course, and said quietly to him, "If I have to come back here, it's body bags, I think you'll look good in one."
They looked over the evidence and said that he should go away for at least twenty years but could be longer. I said if we sat him in front of the desk I could bump the mechanism with my leg, save the cost of a trial. They lifted him up and pushed him into the chair I walked around it and just before I got level with the trigger, they asked him if there was anything he wanted to say and he pleaded with them to keep me away from the gun and told them all sorts of things. "Okay, Cathy, you can shoot him now." I actually stepped back from the gun and he fainted.
"Well if we can prove all of this we'll have to arrest half the Met and he should be in prison for life.
I nodded and said, "That should be long enough to keep out from under my feet, we showed you payroll lists for his own people and those in the police, there's probably enough to stop half the crime in London, make sure he pays for all of it or I will."
"Wow, Wonder Woman and Batman, can I get your autographs?"
"We were never here. You broke this up on a tip-off, you can have all the credit for breaking up a drugs ring and organised crime group. It should give you enough kudos to last for umpteen years."
"Funny, I thought I heard a woman's voice," he said.
I packed away my baton and tin of mace, which was now empty, and called to Jim, "Come on Batman, dinner calls." We walked out and I drove home via a restaurant. I told Francesca they were both safe now as we had neutralised the threat and all the news seemed to say was that MI5 had broken up one of the biggest crime gangs in British history, and hundreds of arrests should follow, especially of bent coppers. I had to smile at that and also that someone who bullied and killed for a living was actually a huge coward who was frightened of me, who'd have thought it. It worried me that I could play the psychopath so easily, especially breaking his arm, I just remembered I could so easily have killed him but I didn't, in fact, no one died because of my charm offensive but I was pleased to see they had arrested his receptionist, I wonder how much she knew about what was going next door? Of course, she pleaded ignorance but MI5 didn't believe her and she knew the names of people on his payroll. She was expected to go down for a while as well, all I can say is, I did warn her oh and the meal we had coming home wasn't a patch on David's cooking.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3381 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
I wasn't sure if they would but so far I haven't heard anymore as part of MI5 looks for the mysterious attackers while the other half look at the list of bent coppers on the pay role and how much they had received. I felt sorry for them in prison but they should have stayed honest and then they would collect their pensions instead of having it confiscated to pay their victims, of all sorts of scams including protection, handling stolen or counterfeit goods, prostitution, which I personally hated, and of course good old drug supply. In all nearly a hundred people appeared on Smith's pay and his records were meticulous they even named who had attacked Dawn and how much he had paid them. Attempted murder meant they would go down for a long time.
What else happened that week, oh yes, anyone who had a male puberty and was transgender could no longer play women's sport or athletics. I suppose that would be tough if you were a professional athlete before transitioning, but wouldn't affect most male to female trans people. Of course, all but Julie and Sam were in transition before puberty, the likes of Danny and Trish could play women's sport, well, we knew that because of all the fuss we had with Danni, who was playing with Bournemouth ladies team, and who had decided her international career was over and she no longer wanted to play for the 'Lionesses' as they call the England ladies team, and who were very good, even without our football genius, with her they'd have been almost unbeatable.
I did try to tempt her to keep her options open but she just wanted to concentrate on her studies and with a little friendly rivalry and help from Sarah, they were both coming on fine and would certainly complete the first year on a high. Unfortunately, those awful university types make it harder the next year, but they looked okay for that too. Trish of course, was on course to be the top of her class and if she kept up her interest in the subject, was like to get a first. Sometimes she gets bored and I warned the Prof of Physics to be aware of it. Thankfully, he just threw her some stuff that no one else in the first year could do, she did and he started giving her third year stuff to keep her busy. The was also getting harder to handle at home and it is quite frightening that if she really knew her potential, she'd be even worse. Daddy, was the only one who could match her most of the time unless Sammi came home for the weekend.
Of the others, Hannah had really settled in with the others and Livvie took her under her wing, Cat and Lizzie were growing up too, Cate was in school and Lizzie, the nursery and ready for school next year. For the moment the bank is thriving and posting better profits each year, the only problem is most of it comes from ordinary people or the investment bank. Simon has been allowed to take some part in the latter, having served his time and he helped drive up the profits with some canny investments. He also drove up our personal wealth with the same investments and they day he did it, he told me quietly, I would never need to work again as my personal pension pot was over a million and the bank held two million in shares and bonds in my name. When he was on form, Simon was a mean investor.
The thought of never needing to work again was interesting, my job was rewarding and paid well for a woman, remember it's still a man's world out there and we earn about 60 % of what they earn, even some jobs in the public sector pay men more, but they are being closed down. If I didn't work, apart from feeling lost, once I'd dealt with that, and the girls were a bit older, I'd think about doing some personal research projects both to educate myself and also to find some pet projects and not necessarily on dormice, although I couldn't rule it out, but maybe I'd try some insects this time, the more I learn about them the more respect I feel we should have for them. Bees, possibly have some form of self-awareness, which if true, lifts them up to the same level as birds and simple mammals. Bumble bees have been seen playing with wooden balls and as the activity wasn't for a reward, they seemed to be playing with them. Play is something we expect in higher mammals and birds. With our customary stupidity, we assume insects like bees, because they don't live very long (about 6 weeks) are pretty stupid, yet we have known for fifty years they pass on information to each other with their dance, and it's in the dark and vertical, yet they realise what it means. We also know that they can create maps inside them of the area around a nest or hive. So they are really clever insects.
Some of the aquatic insects are quite sophisticated as well, their antennae full of sense organs that detect all sorts of vibrations and chemicals, we know that several such as stoneflies, make noises to attract mates, as well as the well-known use of pheromones by moths and other species. Aquatic larvae of various sorts use all sorts of chemical communication, especially if they are under attack by predators or parasites. Even plants make noises, perhaps made by air and water flowing inside them, they also do during transpiration and of course, they release chemicals to warn others of attack by insects and more recently, the fungi that connect them to a huge web of mycelia underground, which in a mature woodland may run for miles. They have estimated that the fungal connections under trees in a mature woodland may be the largest living thing, bigger even than blue whales, and certainly, in terms of weight, hundreds of miles of fungal strands must weigh quite a lot.
Again we underestimate fungi because without them, most herbaceous plants would .only grow half as well and trees not at all. In some the fungi invades their roots in others it surrounds their roots, but either way, they form a partnership, the fungi getting sugars that it can't manufacture because they don't do photosynthesis and the plants because they can't breakdown bacteria and the chemicals they form, but fungi can.
We tend to denigrate nature because some of us a just plain ignorant and others have an Old Testament approach in which god purportedly gave us dominion over plants and animals. If he did, he made a mistake and we have been abusing the natural world ever since. It doesn't really matter anymore because our rule over the planet is coming to an end as our cleverness backfires on us and climate change makes us extinct, unless we change very quickly, and our greed makes it unlikely. Besides, I don't believe in a god of any sort, so we have to dig our way out ourselves, it's our mess and no sky fairies are going to come and save us.
Maybe Yellowstone will go up, the huge caldera under the national park, or we get hit by an asteroid, as happened with the dinosaurs, but unless we change our ways, our demise as a species is certain.
I read about the high-speed rail link, and while I am in awe of the engineering, one of the sites is already polluting a chalk stream river, also, I'd prefer ancient woodland to some crappy railway set which will only shave some twenty minutes off the journey from Birmingham to London or wherever. Over a hundred billion pounds seems like quite an expensive investment for a few businessmen to save a few minutes, especially as those of us paying for it with our taxes, will be unlikely to travel on it. It's the Tories again, with the poor paying for something that further advances the rich man's convenience.
I see the Orange Ape has been indicted, I look forward to seeing him arrested and charged with loads of crimes and spending years in prison, it probably won't happen because the Nazi, oops, Republican Party won't let it, but unless they are stopped democracy in America and their legal system will have been damaged by someone who is known not to care about anything but himself. He already changed the Supreme Court until it became a laughing stock and Boris Johnson tried the same here, we mostly managed to stop him but he has done some damage. People like either of them should never be allowed into any sort of public office because they don't care for ordinary folk, and like the Tories here, there are many people who back them although all they are going to get is abused, they make sure the poor get poorer while they still pay for everything the rich require. I'm probably sounding like a hypocrite here because I am well off, but I can see it all quite clearly, the lies and the deceit, and remember, I wasn't always rich, living on baked beans on toast and tuna jacket potatoes.
Remember Covid and all the poor people who didn't make it or have disabilities from it and keep an eye on bird flu, because if it gets going, the mortality rate will make Covid seem like a stroll in the park, millions will die, and horribly. I hope the government agencies are up and running but I doubt it, not with the Tories unless their friends make money out of it. Apparently, over a billion pounds is unaccounted for from Covid and it's known lots of frauds went on, half of which seem to be untraceable.
While the US still has gun crimes with over a hundred mass shootings since Christmas, it seems our knife crime is almost as bad as there was a stabbing of two men in a taxi the other night, apparently, three men drove up and stabbed them in the cab. One of them died the other is still alive and I hope tells the police who did it.
Why people carry knives is almost as crazy as carrying guns, someone will get hurt and then they complain about the length of sentence, personally, I think it should be life and make them grow their own food, they'd have the time to do it.
I know I was a bit naughty when we went to see Mr Smith, but he had tried to order the murder of one of my friends. I found out he was a coward and a bully, aren't they always, but nobody died. They were scared but hey all survived the experience. I said next time they wouldn't, but I wouldn't kill them, but they don't know that.
I watched Welsh ladies beat Scotland in the women's 6 nations and it was very good, much more fluid than the men's games and quite exciting. They meet England next, who are reputed to be one of the best teams in the world, so we'll probably lose but we've beaten Ireland and Scotland so we might just win it. I know I should support Scotland but it was a good game and the better team won.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3382 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
I was trying to repair a pair of tights that I had snagged, I was using invisible thread, the problem being that you can't see the wretched stuff. I was minded of the old joke of, 'I went to buy some camouflage trousers today but I couldn't find any.' Well, I didn't say it was funny. The light was fading slowly and making it even more difficult. At last, I managed to thread the needle and start sewing, gently pulling the two sides of the snag together, there'd be a mark in the nylon but it was up on my thigh so none would see it and I could live with that.
Simon came into my study, "So that's where you were hiding," he announced sitting close to me on the sofa.
"I wasn't hiding, I had mending to do."
"You are the wife of the fourth richest family in Britain and you spend your free time mending things, why?"
"Because it was the way I was brought up and I can, we live in a throw-away society and I don't like it, it does nothing for anyone and damages the environment. Some companies think that even people are dispensable and then they wonder why they can't recruit anyone."
"Well, I'd like to spend some time with my wife, the lady I love, and fancy dreadfully." to be fair he'd been tied up with work for a couple of weeks and he hadn't been home let alone made love to me.
"Okay, let me just finish these tights, I snagged them on Friday as I was coming out of the office, and caught them on the corner of a box I was trying to move."
"Just chuck them, you can afford a new pair, let's go up to bed," he said nudging me and of course, I jabbed my finger with the needle.
"Ouch, will you be careful, I told you why I'm mending them, there's one of your shirts there, you tore the seam under the arm, remember?"
"I thought you'd chucked that."
"I paid a small fortune for that shirt so I'm blowed if you are going to chuck it just because I had a small tear in it."
"Well, it's not as if I can wear it again, is it?"
"And why not?" I felt he was just being a little too casual with his clothes.
"I am hardly able to wear mended stuff to work am I, in my position?"
"Here, tell me which one I repaired," I said throwing the shirt at him.
"How am I supposed to remember which arm it was?" he said back examining the shirt. "Which was it?" he asked being unable to see where I had machine stitched the tear. "Which was it?"
"Seeing as you seemed to imply everybody would be able to see the repair, you tell me."
"Um was it the right one?" he asked a little quietly, unsure of his choice.
"You tell me," I replied still sewing my tight with a sore finger he had caused me to jab.
"I can't tell which one," he admitted.
"So you can still wear it to work then?"
"I suppose so," he reluctantly agreed.
"Good, it can go back in your wardrobe."
"Which one was it?"
"Neither, I just sewed a button back on that one."
He then examined the buttons, "I can't see which one of those you did."
"You won't," I replied rather smugly.
"I didn't know any of my buttons had come off," he said.
"It was after the washing machine, I saw it when I was ironing it."
"Thank you," he said unaware that I hadn't touched the buttons but had sewn the underarm seam but if he knew that he wouldn't wear it so I told a little white lie."Have you finished those bloody tights yet?" he asked.
"Just and they're only bloody where I jabbed my finger when you nudged me."
"I'm sorry, I wait two flipping weeks to see you and then do something stupid like that in my impatience to be with you."
"It's hardly terminal," I said back, "The most I'll have to do is remember to wash my haemoglobin out of them next time they go in the machine. Come on let's go to bed then." We did and lay there sweaty and breathless and of course, I had to rush to the bathroom and have a little wash, I wondered if having a cervix would stop it oozing out of me. I have to ask Stella when I remembered and there were no children around. They always seem to be when any personal stuff could be discussed by us adults, especially now that Danni sometimes goes to bed after we do.
Did I mention she's seventeen and having driving lessons and eyeing up my old Jaguar, Mr Whitehead's old one. She seemed to think I'd promised it to her ages ago. I hadn't but we would provide her with a little runabout if she behaved herself and passed her test.
I turned over on my side and Simon spooned around me which I had missed for the past couple of weeks, I twinged up inside me, it had hurt a bit and there was just a smear of blood in the ooze that came out. I had rinsed it out on the bidet and put some antiseptic cream up there and hoped it would sort itself out before it met Simon's enthusiasm. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he still loves me a shows it, I still love him very much, but sometimes it's like having a lovesick labrador and I keep wanting to say, "Down boy." Of course, I don't but it is tempting. I'll have to remind him tomorrow that I am a bit vulnerable up there, he should know, he really did hurt there once before and I had to have a surgical repair. He should remember, he had to wait six weeks for it to heal. He was on about blue balls syndrome which I think is a nonsense, it seems men are very suggestible which is why they think they are dying with a cold or man-flu as they call it. So enforced celibacy is likely to incite some form of hypochondria like blue balls.
I was so glad I was a woman but then again the Home Secretary was considering making certain women-only spaces off-limits to trans women. I took umbrage at that after all I was supposed to be registered as female. I notice that someone had written to the i and stated just that, she had spent forty years living and working as female so what was she supposed to do now? I didn't know but I was horrified that I could be excluded from some places. It made the whole business of changing sex pointless to some extent. I suspected both I and the woman who wrote the letter to the newspaper would just ignore it.
The Tories are becoming like the Republicans and I suspect also targeting minority groups, especially it seems, trans people because they are a very small group of people despite all the headlines, and although the activists would probably make some sort of noise eventually, they won't be able to stop that stupid and cruel woman, we have as Home Secretary, changing the law. Of course, the mess in Scotland didn't help, it reminded them we exist, only for their sport now they can't go chasing foxes. The Tory party really is like the nasty party and is like to be so until their policies destroy too much of both the environment and society. As you may gather, I don't much like them and I would suggest we bury them about ten metres deep, because deep down they are really nice people. I wondered if ten metres was deep enough and then I fell asleep.
Simon wanted to make love again the next morning and was mortified that I was bloodied the night before from his attention, it almost made his morning woodie subside, which at least meant he could empty his bladder without spraying half the bathroom as he normally did. I usually wiped it all up after he went back to work if not before. I had a cloth and a bucket stashed in the bathroom cupboard for that specific task. Men, still without him I suppose I'd have to buy more batteries!
Breakfast was a bit of a downer because Simon had become really quite upset. I wasn't, I'd rinsed it out again and added another dollop of antiseptic cream and although it was still twingeing, it wasn't too bad. We had bought the younger girls an Easter egg or chocolate of some sort, the older ones preferring legal tender, and they grumbled when we issued them to the children.
"But it's Easter, you always give us chocolate at Easter," protested Trish who seemed to think she was entitled to both.
"You had money, you said you preferred it," Simon said rather more forcefully than I expected or she did.
"Yeah, but...", she attempted to reason.
"No buts about it," he snapped interrupting her. She left the table close to tears.
I had small chocolate bars for the older ones too but now was not the time to mention it in front of Simon and the younger ones. The kids left us alone for a while and Simon said quietly, "I can't believe I did it again, hurt you that is."
"I'll live," said trying to make light of it.
"Yeah, I suppose. I'm sorry, Cathy, if I lost you... that would be the end of my life."
"Hey, I'm not going anywhere," I responded as jocularly as I could, "Hey, did you see that exposé in the Guardian about that anti-abortion group, it seems they have links with evangelical churches in the States and were saying all sorts of untruths about abortion. I think they should be prosecuted, the last thing a young woman needs is to be told all that crap when she is trying to decide whether or not she goes for one. This is all Trump's doing ultimately because after he rigged the Supreme Court with evangelicals they seem to have felt the confidence to poison people all over the world. Evangelical Christianity bears as much in relation to what Jesus taught as Easter does."
"Eh, I thought Easter was their big thing," said a surprised Simon.
"Easter outdates Christianity and I'm afraid the resurrection is just recycled Mithrasism, besides Easter is about the fertility of the earth which we are destroying by the minute and many cite the Bible about that, god gave us dominion of the land and its beasts. Yeah, the god that man made in his own image."
"Hush, if the kids hear you it'll be like Trish causing problems all over again." Simon tried to caution me but I had the bit between my teeth.
"How have they got away with it for two thousand years?" I asked him.
"I think it's because most of them feel it gives them a sense of hope."
"Yeah, a false one. No sky fairy is going to rescue them or save the planet, are they?"
"I don't think so but I don't feel a right to tell them so.
"As an educator I do, there are so many lies out there, the Tories and Republicans are all liars, the anti-abortionists and the anti-vaxxers are as well and so much comes from American evangelical churches, how do we stop them, the bastards."
"I don't know, darling, " he said and kissed me. "I love you when you're on your soapbox or off it, you are still the only woman I have ever loved. Sometimes I wish we could use the passion you feel for other things."
"Yeah, well just remember while we're having our passionate moment somebody is still destroying the earth and our passion won't have much significance without it."
"Have you ever thought about registering as a contraceptive, because you just killed any passion in me."
"Oh," I said and went out into the garden where Tom and Danni were planting stuff with help from Sarah.
"Practical biology," she called and I just shivered in the cool breeze wondering what Simon was feeling.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3383 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
The rest of Sunday went quietly on, I surreptitiously gave the bigger girls their bars of chocolate and at last, I seemed to have pleased someone. I'd also sent some money via bank transfer to Julie and Phoebe and also to Jacquie. They sent me texts to say thank you, obviously telling me they had received it in a roundabout way.
The weather was up and down after Easter and being a school and university holiday, I had time off but I also had children under my feet the whole time and I while I understood how it was my fault they were there, it still cramped my style more than a bit.
We did things as a family, for a day or so then Simon had to go back to work. He seems to work about 360 days a year, rarely takes time off and seems to think the planet will stop when he does. I tried to remind him that it was more likely while he was in work because much of his profits came from destruction of the natural world. He went all sullen on me after that and we parted on not good terms, him to London and me staying here. I must admit that possibly I had been a little tough on him but I wasn't going to take back what I had said, we might be the greenest bank, but we still had loads of shares in oil companies and other planetry agents of destruction.
After he had left on Easter Monday, a bank holiday, Danni saw me in my study and came and put her arm around me, "You feeling a bit down?" she asked me.
"I always say the wrong thin to Simon, I wait for weeks to see him, then he causes me a problem with his over-enthusiastic lovemaking and with you kids and Easter chocolate and I then criticise his business ethics. It was uncalled for and I wish I'd kept my mouth shut."
"Let's go watch a film," she said, "and eat some chocolate."
"I'd have thought you would have eaten yours by now."
"Oh, I have," she joked, "I meant let's eat yours."
"I didn't buy any for me, sorry kiddo."
"Yeah, well we put in a few quid and bought you one, it's in the lounge, come and see it." So it was, a large gold-wrapped Easter egg. We all sat down and had chocolate and watched a weepie together and enjoyed it so much we all cried buckets.
Then after chasing the younger girls to bed, Danni and I just sat closely together on the sofa. "Thank you," I said quietly to her.
"Glad we could give you something back, you give us so much and all we do is take. I felt it was time we gave you something back." She hugged me before I could say anything. I admit I was close to tears and some wet stuff trickled down me cheek while we embraced, I loved these girls so much.
"I take my test next month," she casually mentioned, "and you did promise me the old Jag."
"I didn't, but I tell you what," I whispered to her.
"What?" she replied full of anticipation.
"If it's still in my possession when I die, then you can have it with my blessing."
"Huh," she said almost angrily, "You as good as said I could have it."
"I didn't say when, besides, it's too powerful for a learner driver, it takes years of practice to drive safely and young drivers are prone to speed which is why their insurance is sky high."
"Yeah, but by the time you die, I'll be too old to enjoy it if there's any petrol left?"
"I expect there will be and you'll still enjoy driving it. That car was given to me by someone special, who I didn't appreciate until it was too late. The car reminds me and also that he rebuilt much of that car himself, it was his baby and he gave it to my custody. When you are old enough to appreciate it fully, that car remains mine and will be kept in mothballs, except when I want to remember Mr Whitehead and his attempts to protect me from the Murrays of this world."
"Well, I knew him too and I'm sure he wouldn't mind me driving it, I'd look after it,"
"I know you knew him and I don't care if he minded or not, I am not going to give you his old car. I've told you, you can have a runabout when you pass your test, but that's all. You need to get the miles in controlling an ordinary car before you aspire to a powerful one like the Jaguar."
"You've got two and I haven't any, even Julie has one."
"She was happy with what we gave her it's only you who doesn't seem to be."
"Is that because I'm really a boy?"
"Are you, most boys are happy just to have a set of wheels."
"Huh, we're one of the richest families in Europe, so we can afford it."
"I tell you what, I'll buy you an old Jaguar but you have to insure it yourself."
"Yey," she shouted punching the air. Kissed me and went off to bed unaware that insurance on a powerful car for a young newly-qualified driver, was more than the car cost. She was going to have a shock.
Early the next morning I spoke to the little man who did our repairs and explained my dilemma. He was shocked that Danni should have my old Jag and again offered me thousands. I declined his very kind offer but asked if there was anyone he knew who had an old jag for sale and could I borrow it. I explained how Danni was going to have to insure it herself but I needed an actual car for her to get quotes. He promised to ring me back. I was going to mention that I would buy it if she could insure it but he rang off.
An hour later as I was eating some toast and reading a scientific journal, he rang back. He gave me the number of the owner and told me that the car was in good order as he had serviced it a few months past. I spoke to the owner who listened to what I had to say and agreed to my promise to buy it if Danni could raise the insurance cost.
He brought it over and it was in very good condition. It was an old Jaguar X-type with a two-litre diesel engine, he wanted five thousand for it because it had an hundred and twenty thousand miles on the clock. I drove it for a little distance and liked it immediately. I agreed to buy it there and then. We shook on it and off he went and I went to my bank account and transferred the money to his account. I couldn't wait for Danni to come back, she was off training at Bournemouth and still required a taxi to take and collect her, but she was earning a regular income so she could pay for the insurance if she had saved enough.
She came home for a late lunch and immediately notice the strange car in the drive. "Who is visiting?" she asked.
"No one, why?"
"There's a strange car in the drive."
"Is there, show me." She led me to the back door and pointed out the dark blue Jaguar contrasting with my white one.
"Oh, that's the Jaguar I promised to buy you when you passed your test."
"Oh wow, Mummy, it's fantastic." She dragged me down the drive and we had to go back for the keys, then she sat in the driver's seat and look around her in pure wonder, I felt rotten about the insurance trick I was going to play on her. She looked at the engine and at the boot, which was capacious, and at the spare wheel and the jack. "Can I drive it?" she asked excitedly.
"Not until you insure it and you also need L plates."
"Can't we do it on your insurance, just for me to see how it goes?"
"You're not on my insurance, so you can't drive it and we still need L plates."
"Oh bugger!" she exclaimed and ran back into the house and straight to the phone book. I went to my study as she began calling insurance brokers. Half an hour later she came into me with tears running down her face, "They want five thousand a year for me to drive that car, and that's just third party."
"Oh dear, that would mean that my old Jag would be even more."
"I asked them, It would be between seven and ten grand. Oh, it's so unfair, I'm either persecuted because I am a transwoman and now I'm persecuted just because I'm young."
"There is some advantage in being a woman, a boy in your position would be charged even more."
"Oh, I'm so glad having my balls cut off was for a good reason," she said ladling on the irony.
"It could be worse, they could have cut your head off."
"Ha, bloody ha, if they had at least I wouldn't be in this hell now."
"Is life that bad?" I asked her.
"Did they give you any idea what an ordinary car was?"
"Yeah, if I had a little Peugeot or a mini it would be about two and a half thousand for third party or about three and half for comprehensive. It's so unfair."
"I tried to tell you it was expensive, but neither Daddy nor I want a new young driver on our insurances."
"Why? I'm hardly going to be racing am I?"
"I hope not, but young drivers have more than their share of accidents which is why the premiums are so high. And I'm not suggesting you will race or go mad but lack of experience often causes dangerous situations and collisions to occur."
"Compared to you my reflexes are faster, my eyesight is better and I'm less likely to fall asleep."
"Hoy, I'm still young too you know, not some geriatric old fuddy-duddy and I have twenty years safe driving behind me."
"Yeah, like some geriatric old fuddy-duddy," she laughed.
"Speak to Daddy after dinner, what's David cooking?"
"Beef something or other looked like stew."
"Okay, talk to Daddy after he's finished work, he might be able to get you something a bit cheaper."
"I think I might have to sell my Jag," she sobbed and ran off to her room.
I did try to tell you it was a hard world out there, I said to myself, it's a pity but youngsters do have more accidents and she plays football like a boy, for all I know she may well drive like one too. If she takes it to Uni she will have to pay for parking and it will drink the juice in all that traffic, mine does and I have a more modern engine albeit twice the size of hers. However, I have to show some tough love here because she isn't coming on my insurance and I'm sure Simon will say the same.
I rang him at his office. He was busy but did listen and I told him the saga. "What the hell did you buy her a Jaguar for?"
"That was what she wanted."
"Wanted sex but I didn't get it," he made a dig at me.
"That is another issue, I promised to get her a Jaguar and it is in very good condition and it is one of the lesser models."
"It's still a Jag and they load it on because so many drivers are complete maniacs."
"I know, especially youngsters."
"Why can't she go on your insurance?"
"Same reason I can't see you adding her to yours."
"Fair enough, leave it with me, I have to go."
"Thank you, Simon, just act surprised when she phones you, she doesn't know I've spoken to you."
"Okay, byee," said and rang off before I could tell him I loved him and that if he hadn't shagged me like a steam engine we might have been able to do something again before he went back to London. He was apologetic when he knew he'd hurt me again and I did ask Stella to examine me, which she did and told me that there was a little tear again and brought me some medicine from the hospital which would heal it in a few days, she also said she would ask Michael to check it for me.
So here I am trying to teach one of my daughters a lesson about desire and I'm feeling randy but know I couldn't have sex if I wanted to, life is just great and it's back to work next week. Ain't it just wonderful?
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3384 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
My tear healed though Michael ( we were on first-name terms now) wanted to check me out, he was quite pleased that I seemed to be healing without any intervention and just told me to go gently when we next made love. I told him he should speak to Simon and not me, he replied, "Why talk to de monkey when I have de organ grinder here."
I laughed at his expression which he explained was if he had spoken to Simon, the first time he thought about sex, my vulnerability would go out the window and although he'd be very sorry if he caused me trouble again, it wouldn't stop him once he was in sex mode. So I would have to take control and remind him to be gentle or he wouldn't get any sex for a while. He reminded me that most men think of sex twenty-six hours a day.
Puzzled, I told him that there were only twenty-four hours in any one day, he laughed and said, for some of the hours, men were on double time. I think I understood and laughed with him but really were men that sexual? I suppose they were, he ought to know he's one himself and he is married to my ex-shrink, who is a very attractive woman. I say ex-shrink because I haven't felt a need for therapy for some time and although I've had some quite traumatic experiences I seem to be over them for the moment.
Simon phoned me and told me he could get the Jaguar insured for three thousand but that was the best he could, if settled for a VW golf which was three years old, he could get it for two thousand, the insurance that is, and he would give her the car for her birthday.
Of course, Danni was angry because none of her elder sisters had had to pay for insurance, so why did she? I tried to explain that it was something we felt would make her take more interest in the car and its safety if she had an investment in it as well. She went off on one and only calmed down when I told her that if she wanted a car those were the terms, otherwise she would be stuck with the scooter.
It didn't take her long before she had thought it over and decided that she would accept the terms. I reminded her that she still had to pass her test and that she couldn't legally drive a car on the road until she was actually seventeen, until then she was welcome to keep practicing her driving on a simulator or on Steve Turner's farm, he had quite a set of roads which he used for people to practice before they could drive on real roads. I had to pay him, but his wife was one of my botany lecturers, so he gave me a discount.
It made me smile, here, I was a member of one of the richest families in Europe and I was claiming discount. I know Henry would approve, he tells me that it was how they got their wealth but my researches into the family suggested they made their money stealing other people's sheep and cattle in the C18th. As far as I know they don't do it any longer, instead they rob them as a bank these days. Simon would kill me if he heard my inner thoughts, though it's not exactly news to him and in reply he would tell me that the bank's rates were competitive.
I didn't have the problem with Danni that I'd had with Julie, who, if you will remember, took her car for a drive after she had been drinking with some friends. As a result, Simon took the Mercedes off her and she ended up with a Smart car, I believe Mercedes look after their repairs and son, so perhaps she didn't lose out too badly. I know if I say Danni can't do something, she won't do it partly because she knows that consequences will follow and she will be in deeper shit than before. She found out the hard way but if she was to go out in a car without permission, she'd have to wait a year before she had another chance and recently she has learned to think a little before she acts.
So why didn't Sarah have to insure her own vehicle? She needed a car in order to carry out her duties for us and to visit relatives, remember she worked for us at one time, now she is considered family and gets an allowance like all the others, but she does look after the little ones when required. Her course was going very well and she was tutoring Danni at times but most of the time they were doing okay according to my spies.
Debbie, if you can remember that far back, another Tgirl from Sussex, has just submitted her PhD thesis on hedgehog hibernation and recovering spring populations. Daddy read it for her and suggested a few things, I also read it and made similar suggestions but her supervisor was Professor Anthony Bigglesworth. I know he must have suffered for years with all sorts of nick-names based on the Biggles stories by Capt W E Johns although nobody I knew used them, perhaps Biggles was rather passé these days.
I'm sure I read book when I was a girl about some kids at a circus called something like, The White Cockatoo, and I'm sure it was by Capt W E Johns but I can't find it amongst the list of his books on Wiki, I can remember the cover more than the story but it was quite a few years ago. It was hard back with a picture of a cockatoo on the spine and think there may have been a picture of a circus or something like it. I bought it at a jumble sale as an adventure story for girls. Thankfully my dad never twigged what it was. What happened to it I'll never know.
I also had a collection of Biggles books, I could read one in a day, they'd be worth something now but I suspect Mum or Dad got rid of them when I went to university, I know they redecorated my bedroom while i was away looking for my collection of female clothes, except I took what little I had with me to uni. So my bedroom got decorated and they found nothing incriminating there. I was actually very law abiding as kid and still am. I suffered quite a lot in school as I have said before and during the Lady Macbeth period when I dressed in a girl's uniform rather than the stage costume and Sîan and I had several adventures during that period.
Most of the time we didn't do much at all being satisfied that the two of us in school uniforms wasn't challenged by anyone and a few of times we persuaded a couple of boys that we might be interested in going to the cinema one evening. Of course we never went, Sîan had no interest in boys and I didn't either really, I was trying to work out what I was more than have fun. I know one of the boys from my chemistry class offered to take me to the cinema while I was in girl mode but I declined as I wasn't sure of his intentions, which were probably good. He later explained that he thought it would be nice to experience dating as girl while I was dressing as one. I was so screwed-up I really took fright so I lost out there.
I really didn't retain any of my contemporaries as friends, except Sîan and even there we lost touch for years and only got back together when i wrote to her after I was with Simon. I'm glad I did because she is my oldest friend, we've known each other since we were about ten or eleven and even then she described me as her girlfriend even though I was supposed to be a boy. She used to call me Charlotte, which a lot of the boys did too and the Echo showed me a few times as Charlotte, when I saved the old man when he fell in the garden, another when I played Lady Macbeth in the school play.
I really was conflicted as child, I felt I was a girl, but I was so heavily castigated by my parents I tried to hide it. I didn't make much of job of it because Mr Whitehead's wife told him she saw me as a girl, not a boy pretending to be a girl. In school quite a few boys in my English literature class, when we did a play were happy to read the men's part if Watts read the girl's part. Remember, I didn't have a male puberty so my voice remained in the higher registers usually associated with younger boys or with girls.
Remember the builder I worked for was happy that I could come dressed as girl I had wished to, so my voice would match my appearance. I didn't have the nerve to do it and my dad would have gone nuts because he was the one who set up my working there. It only lasted one summer holiday but he was a nice bloke and very laid back.
Oh, I have never mentioned the shop work I did during another summer holiday. I was with my mother and we had been shopping and we went collect her magazine from the newsagents and while we were there the newsagent complained that he could do with some help during the summer, he needed paperboys and also someone to help him in the shop. My hair was quite long at the time and he said to my mother, "Would your daughter be interested in a summer job?"
My mother looked at him oddly then suddenly laughed, "Oh, Charlotte you mean?" She knew that I was sometimes called that and that I had had appointments at the hairdresser's calling myself that. "What a lovely idea," she said and told him to ask me directly, even though I was there in person already.
"Well, Charlotte, want to work for me, you'd need to be here early in the morning, say five o'clock and you could look after the shop while I'm sorting out the papers for the boys to deliver. You'd be finished about noon unless you wanted to work over, I'd pay that at overtime, or time and a half. Well, what d'ya think?"
The money would be useful and he offered me £2.00 a an hour three if I worked over time. Seemed good to me and my mother was smiling, did that mean she approved. "Look, why don't you try tomorrow and see if you can do it?"
"Yes, why not Charlotte?" said my mother. I kept waiting for her to pull the carpet away from under me but it didn't happen. We walked back to her car and I was waiting to see what she said. It was, "You'd better go to bed early if you have to go to work at five, wear those girly jeans you have and you'd better a wear a bra to give some semblance of breasts and from behind it will also be visible and make you look more like a girl."
"Mum, why are you doing this?"
"I'd have thought the money will be useful?"
"Yes, it will, but you led him to believe I'm a girl, why?"
"Look in the mirror and I'll think you'll see why I couldn't call you my son, Besides you'll be out before your father is up and finished before he's home, so he won't see you."
"You're serious about this?"
"Yes, or I wouldn't have said it."
"Okay, you're on." So I worked in the newsagent and tobacconist for six weeks in my summer hols. He never did twig as far as I know and I became quite popular with his regulars, always trying to smile as I greeted them I also saved about a hundred quid which was big money to me and it meant I could buy a new bra and more jeans, all rather girlie but at least they fit me, boys jeans and trousers didn't. My mother and I never talked about it again, so my dad had no idea and the work wasn't difficult once I stopped yawning, in fact, I expect a trained monkey could do it so why not a transsexual youth?
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3385 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
I took my mother's advice and wore bra and panties over which I wore some girl's jeans and a tee shirt over which I had on a thicker jumper. Even in summer it tends to feel cold at that time of the morning.
After a few days I got to recognise several regular callers, they'd often have a newspaper and a packet of fags as well. After a while I'd see them and be reaching for the appropriate brand of ciggies for them. Occasionally they'd want something else, but mostly I was quite right in my recollection. I didn't approve of smoking but kept my thoughts to myself, all they wanted really was their usual order and a smile as I served them. None of them twigged I wasn't a girl and they seemed contented to see my smiling face and a cheerful greeting. It taught me a lot about dealing with people, especially the sexist way that people still react thinking that a pretty face is probably stupid but they like it to acknowledge them and smile.
It is probably misogynistic but it also meant I could get away with a number of things that I'd never be able to do as a boy. My employer was delighted with the response of his customers that he asked me to work extra hours. He wanted me to work until 5.00pm but I needed to be back before my father was and he sometimes finished early at work. It was practically my last week when it happened. My dad came into the shop to buy a stamp to post something on the way to work. We weren't a post office but Royal Mail had allowed shops to stock stamps for a few years. .
He usually kept some at home but he'd run out, just my luck. To make matters worse, my boss was at the cash and carry, getting the list of things that I'd drawn up the day before.
I had to try and list what we were running short of and based on it he'd make an order of supplies and then go and get them, so quite quickly I was being trusted and given extra responsibility and I was learning the business of retail which quite complex. Once a week he disappear into the office to do the balances and see how much we owed in VAT and other taxes, he loathed paying the accountants anything he could avoid doing but he tried to stay within the law. I assumed he would pay me cash in hand, instead he wanted my national insurance number so he could deduct taxes from my salary. I put him off for a few days but he really wanted it.
I was at a complete loss, I'd either have to come clean with him or somehow try and see how I could get round it or give it up. I was getting used to the early mornings so I wanted to try and stick it out. I spoke to someone on a helpline for National Insurance saying that I was transitioning and needed to change my name on my NI form. They told me I had to get an official change of name form from a solicitor and the cheapest way was to so a statutory declaration. The next day I left work early and while still dressed as a girl I went to a solicitor's in town and asked to do a stat dec. It cost me a fiver I think and involved a solicitor doing a quick paperwork plus me actually stating that my new name would be Charlotte instead of Charlie and I wanted it registered as female.
I went to the local tax office and local employment exchange and explained what I thought they wanted to hear and showed them the legal name change, they didn't bat an eyelid and promised to do the changes for me as quick as they could, all they wanted was for me to submit the original declaration which they photocopied and various forms arrived about a week later. I was officially female for certain parts of government bureaucracy and my boss got my tax and NI details.
Back to my dilemma, Dad was about to enter the shop and it so happened a family followed him in so it would be unlikely he would make a scene of it. I was busy serving one of the regulars only he must have had time on his hands because he wanted to chat. Normally, I didn't mind because it made the day go quicker but today I could see my father bristling behind as he was going to be late for work.
He coughed and the older chap looked around at him in his suit and carrying an unstamped letter, "Want a stamp mate?" he indicated the letter.
"Yes, I do, sorry to interrupt your chat but I'm in a bit of a hurry."
"'Ere, lass serve him next I can wait a moment for my order."
I didn't say anything but look towards him and a loose wave of hair which had escaped my ponytail elastic draped over my face partly obscuring it. "First class stamp, please," requested my dad, "oh, give me a book of four instead," he requested so I took one out of the till and placed it on the counter. He placed a fiver down and I took it and gave him his change. "Thank you," he said and was about to turn and leave when he thanked the old boy in front.
"Pleasure," he replied, "I just like standing here talking to a pretty girl, makes me miss my Doreen less, for a few minutes."
"Quite," said Dad without looking at me and he turned and left, obviously the letter was important and he popped it in the pillar box just outside the shop and was back to the car a moment later. He can't have failed to notice who served him, so I expected another tongue lashing tonight and possibly my mother would get one too for allowing me to pretend to be a girl. A rivulet of sweat ran down by back and under my bra strap. I had survived for the moment.
The old chap waved on the younger woman with two kids to make their purchases, the kids apparently wanted sweets so when they had chosen their favourite tooth-rot and she had selected a Daily Wail, I served them and then tried to look interested for the old boy's story. He went on about his Doreen and I muttered my apologies assuming she had died.
When he challenged me it transpired she had gone on a coach trip for the day to Weston Super-Mare with her bingo club and he was going to have to buy a fish and chips for his lunch. I blushed like mad at my wrongful assumption and I felt another drop of sweat run down my back, perhaps I needed to take my cardigan off? At last he left so I started to try and tidy the shelves a little before any other customers came in or the boss came back. I was still worrying that Dad had noticed me but he gave no sign of it, perhaps me being out of context made him not see me, I didn't know. At least I'd be home well before he was, I was supposed to finish at three today.
I noticed the boss was taking longer than usual at the wholesalers. I couldn't complain he was the boss and if he ran some other errands while he was at it that was his prerogative. It gave me more time to tidy up the shelves, which I did.
A while later Sîan came by and the time simply flew as she talked to me while I tidied the shelves and put out the Echoes for sale in the shop and carried those for the paper rounds to the back of the shop. After a rush of customers Sîan left, I'd hope to go with her but that depended on the return of my boss. He didn't come and at quarter to three I was beginning to think he'd have trouble in marking the Echoes for the paper rounds. Just then the phone rang, I answered it, well, there was no one else. "Hello, Galbraith's Stores, Charlotte speaking how can I help?"
"Hello, Charlotte, look I'm having to wait for a delivery can you hang on until I get there?"
"How long will you be?" I enquired.
"How long is a piece of string, look I'll pay you for your time but can you start doing the Echoes for the kids and their rounds, there's a book on the desk in the office, get John to help when he comes in, he knows most of them."
"Can I ring my mother and say I'll be later, she's expecting me back for dinner?"
"Course you can, Sweetie, I do appreciate it."
There was no one in the shop so I dialled my home number and Mum answered it. "Looks like I'm going to be late and you'll never guess who came in this morning?" I explained it was Dad and he must have seen me but as there were other customers there he didn't say anything. She accepted my warning and told me that if he said anything she help defuse it. I thanked her and took the paper-rounds book off the desk and a pile of Echoes with me from the back of the shop. It would have helped if customers didn't come in the shop while I was trying to mark the papers but they did and they kept disrupting me. When John arrived he told me it was out of his pay grade and until the boss came back I was in charge. I hadn't thought of it like that but I suppose I was.
I was left doing my best but I had several disgruntled paperboys just loitering while I tried to make up their rounds. It was nearly five before I finished and even then they didn't thank me, just grumbled because my slowness kept them waiting. I learned as a woman I was always going to lose the argument with men over timekeeping because they are much more time oriented.
Galbraith arrived at nearly six and he needed me to stay while he unpacked the van. My tummy thought my throat had been cut and I knew my Dad would be home before I was. Finally, he said I could go after he added three more hours to my schedule and he handed me a ten-pound note for my trouble. I ran home removing my distinctive cardi before I went in the house, I walked into the kitchen and threw it in the washing machine, I'd have to find something for tomorrow but at the moment that wasn't my priority.
Mum greeted me and I whispered what I'd done with my woolly and she told me he was in the study and he hadn't said anything about it so far. Both of us were on high alert for nothing, he never did raise the matter and we were both happy to let sleeping shop assistants lie.
The next day with just one more before I finished and Galbraith asked me when I was starting university, I naïvely told him and he asked me to work for another three weeks. I was planning on having a few weeks off before I went to uni but I sold my soul for two fifty an hour and three pounds fifty when I worked longer. It meant I could save another fifty or hundred pounds before I went off to uni and that meant I could buy a dress or something for when I did. So, all in all, it could have been much worse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3386 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
Sîan who came by the shop again thought it hilarious that I had served my own father and he hadn't recognised me. "He wasn't looking for you, so he saw you out of context and it didn't resonate with him and you have your hair down which partly hides your face, no wonder he didn't recognise you. If you wore makeup, he would be sure not to recognise you and you'd look a lot prettier."
"I don't want to look any prettier, if I wore make up then I'd possibly offend my mother who is only going along with this because she thinks it a wonderful prank."
"She doesn't know about the change of name then?"
"No, you're the only one who does. Galbraith thinks I'm a girl..."
"He isn't the only one there is he?" she threw back at me.
I blushed and had to serve a customer and we broke off the conversation the boss was back at cash and carry again with another list I had drawn up for him of things we were running out of like crisps and toilet cleaner.
"So what time do you finish tonight?" asked Sîan, "I thought we could go somewhere," she added. I had to admit my evenings were virtually non-existent in terms of social activities.
"I'll have to go home and change," I answered.
"Not if you were to go as a girl."
"What?" I said perhaps too loudly, it was wonderful that there was no one in the shop as I ejaculated my answer.
"It's easy, bring something and change in here and we'll go out and do the flicks or something, perhaps go for a drink after by which time you dad will be fast asleep."
"You have forgotten, that I don't have a lot of stuff at home, my parents go looking for it and purge it."
"Well, wear that, I'm sure it'll be okay."
"What? I've been wearing this since five o'clock I need a wash as well and don't forget I need to get to bed."
"Not on a Saturday?"
"Yes, very much on Saturday, it's only Sunday I have off and old Galbraith has asked me to do those as well before I start college."
"I just thought you'd like a girl's night out before we go our separate ways."
"I'd love that but I'm not too worried about going out in boy form with you to say cheerio for now."
"Yeah, but I have standards and you as a boy look more like a girl than anyone I know. So how about I loan you a dress and we go out for a meal?"
"How do I know it'll fit?"
"My stuff all did last year."
"But we've changed somewhat since then, I mean, you've got bigger boobs."
"So have you."
"They're little breast buds, probably all I shall grow until I can take hormones."
"How many boys do you know who have breast buds at your age?"
"I have no idea," I stated wishing to end this conversation.
"Practically none, it usually happens younger during the start of puberty when hormones are running amok, it's called gynomastia or something like that not only that but puberty seems to passed you by. You're not taking something are you?"
"No, I'm not, I'm probably just a late developer."
"Yeah, so late it missed the bus."
"Look, I'm quite happy I haven't got a deep voice or body hair, I don't know why but if I do transition as I plan to, all those things would have to be sorted."
"I reckon you should have a chromosome test in case you're something odd."
"Oh, thanks. I am something odd, I'm a girl in a boy's body how odd is that?"
"Looks quite a female body from where I'm standing."
"What d'you mean?"
"You have narrow shoulders, small waist and broader hips than most boys and those girl's jeans you're wearing fit you perfectly, but that because your arse is bigger and your long hair. Yeah, all typical boy."
I blushed and she got fed up with me and went. I missed her company but I really didn't need her pointing out what she thought were my female dimensions. I was already aware that I had to buy women's trousers or jeans if I didn't want them to fall down, my hips and waist measurements were more female than male and now my chest was starting to let me down, oh boy, why couldn't I just transition now. Because my dad would kill me, that's why.
I hadn't worked a Sunday before and I had to get Mum to buy me a couple of tops and more jeans so I could continue working. I largely wore trainers, ladies ones of course, but even there I had to get mum to order me some more through her catalogue. Fortunately, I had quite a narrow foot and could wear a size six in UK sizing so girl's ones fit me okay.
I crawled into work as Galbraith was making up the paper rounds , just as well you came in Charlotte, Mike's sick with some sort of injury from soccer last night, his mum rang just after you left yesterday, so I'm going to have to do his round so you'll have to man the shop on your own.
"That's okay Boss," I said to him noticing that we had a range of makeup we hadn't carried before. I'd have a look before he came back. It was six o'clock and she shop was open as was my mouth in a terrific yawn.
"Nice teeth," said a male voice as my yawn repeated itself. I managed to mutter a grunt which could have meant anything. "Doing anything tonight?" he threw at me and apart from shock the last thing I needed was a date.
"Yeah," I answered, "Sleeping."
He laughed, "Okay we sleep if you want," he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
"Go home to your wife," I responded as I collected his money for his Sunday paper, she was in here the other day with your two little girls."
"I was only joking, you needed cheering up," he said leaving.
"Yeah, right..." I had seen him with his kids and with his wife as well. She was no oil painting but she was female, which I wasn't, at least physically, the girls were lovely and I envied them with their promises of growing into proper women, all I'd be was a facsimile but I felt I'd be happier than I was now, being a nothing. I failed the exam to be male and didn't quite have the required bits to be female.
I tidied up some more shelves writing down on a scrap of a cardboard box what we were short of. I also perused the makeup and treated myself to various bits including mascara and lipstick. I got ten per cent discount so it was cheaper here than in a chemist's shop and I loaded my treasures into my Care Bears back pack which was under the counter. I'd tell Galbraith when he came back. I had a till receipt.
It got to lunch time on the Sunday and Galbraith told me I could go, I told him about the makeup and he gave me the rest of the price of it as a token of his appreciation and that he would pay me until one o'clock so I made half an hour on the deal as well as a fe freebie items of makeup. He told me he approved of my honesty and gave me a bottle of nail varnish as well. How he'd balance the till was his problem. I pulled on my backpack and walked towards home. I should have warned Mum that I was on my way home in case she'd cooked, but she hadn't we were having our main meal at six because she didn't know what time I'd be home. Dad was in his office and very busy with work so I don't know if he even knew I'd been out or returned. I'm not sure he cared either, I know I didn't and although I was hungry I was tired more than anything else. I had a cup of soup thing and went to my bed for an hour's rest.
Once I had worked out where I was and what time it was, I felt much better and helped Mum with the dinner I had changed out of my shop clothes and she told me she had held back a machine wash so I could include mine. It was a pity because it was fine today and rained the next. However, we dried the essential stuff over the radiators and put the rest on the clothes-airer in the utility room. After dinner she told me I could either pay her for my catalogue items or do the ironing until I went away. I worked out it was about forty quid's worth of goods so I accepted her deal. I spent an hour ironing before I went to bed, no wonder I had such a poor social life.
While I was out the next day her catalogue order was delivered and I was pleased that everything I had ordered fitted me like a glove. What I didn't know was she had ordered me another bra and a new pair of shoes. These were casual flats in black which she thought I could wear with jeans when I was working.
I was so tired that I thanked her and went to bed. I should have asked why she apparently supported me this time but any other time she told my dad and he would play hell with me. Having gone early to bed I then couldn't sleep because this puzzle was going round and round in my head.
I heard her come upstairs for something and leapt out of bad wearing panties and tee shirt so I had to call her into my room. I asked why she was supporting me working as a girl but generally was against it.
"I don't quite know, I suppose when Mr Galbraith said he needed someone in the shop I thought it would suit you, then he mistook you for a girl, so just felt it would be quite a giggle to make him think you were my daughter and as everyone seems to think your name is Charlotte, I thought what the hell? and volunteered you. I thought working as a girl would teach you something about women and also I thought you would enjoy the opportunity to do so. Have you enjoyed it?"
"I suppose I have except for the early mornings but even those are becoming easier. Oh, by the way, my name is officially Charlotte."
"What?" she looked at me wide-eyed.
"In order to be paid I had to produce documents from the tax office and National Insurance. I told them I was transitioning to female and wanted my name to be registered as Charlotte. I had to do a statutory declaration with a solicitor to make the changes."
"Good gracious if your dad ever finds out he'll kill both of us." She looked shocked.
"Relax I will only need it if I do any paid work, Oh, Galbraith offered me a job in the Christmas recess, I told him I'd let him know as we only have just over two weeks and I don't know if continued sleep deprivation is worth it."
"Yes, I take your point."
"Anyway, he seems to have got fond of me working for him he told me I was honest and reliable, unlike the kids who do the paper rounds."
"Well that's nice to know, but I understand about the paper boys, they don't seem to have any moral fibre these days."
"Whatever, I need to sleep."
"Yes, of course." I was just about at the entrance to my room when she added, "Charlotte, sleep well.," and smiled to me.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3387 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
I got through the day but really all I wanted to do was sleep, however, I had had the summons from my supposed girlfriend to attend and we spent a good hour trying on different dresses before she announced that was the one. I looked at it in the mirror, a long one on the inside of her mirror and had to admit it looked lovely. Her mother popped in as I was doing so with some tea and biscuits for us and admired it.
"Are your parents going to come with us on Saturday?" she asked although I thought she knew my situation.
"I haven't asked them, Mrs Griffiths," I replied.
"Oh, I think you should," she said as a parting shot and I sat on the bed and drank my tea. I felt like crying, all the fun of selecting a dress had faded at the thought of my dad coming out for a meal with me as Charlotte. I made a hurried excuse to leave and virtually ran home to avoid my father who was due at any time.
"You're later today," exclaimed my mother as I ran up to shower.
"I'll tell you in a minute, "I shouted as I ran up the stairs. I now had to think of something to tell her. I mulled it over as the shampoo and body wash eased my woes for a moment. I decided that instead of making up a story, I tell her the truth.
With this in mind I quickly dried and dressed myself after a bit of body lotion and combing my hair and dressed simply in jeans and polo shirt over which I wore a sweatshirt to hide my budding booblets. I did consider a bra but that may have been detected by my dad.
"So why were you late? More cash and carry problems?"
"Uh, no," I blushed and told her about the coming dinner appointment.
"You know that your dad is away all weekend on a course?" she informed me, so I could come."
Blushing ever redder I told her, "But they want me to go as a girl."
"So, I think I can pretend for one night that you are, after all, they were very helpful when you had to wear the girl's uniform while you were doing the play."
"You don't mind?"
"I can put up with it for one night but never mention it to your father." I hugged her and almost burst into tears instead she offered to plait my hair to make it look less girly to my dad.
The rest of the week passed ever so slowly as I dreamt of my coming meal with a sense of happiness and also one of impending doom. Whenever I tried to do anything like this, it always backfired on me, usually with cartloads of manure and I got covered in it. However, as Saturday approached it seemed that the man upstairs must have been on holiday because everything seemed to be going smoothly. Of course, I was at the shop serving customers as I seemed to be every day but it enabled me to save a few quid and I was hoping to buy a few things to take to university with me, or buy them there. Brighton wasn't as big as Bristol but no one knew me there, so it may be better to wait.
I finished work and went home not quite sure if today would be a good thing or not and I nearly suggested to Mrs Griffiths that they went without me, but Siân handed me the dress to borrow and kissed me before throwing me out as she wanted to get ready. We were still three hours from the time we would meet at the restaurant so I wondered if I had time to sleep for an hour first. I went home carrying the dress in a garment bag and my mother told me to go and shower.
"I was hoping for a quick nap first," I told her.
"No, you need to get ready, we'll only just make it as it is," was her reply and I almost felt like calling it off despite my excitement of going dressed a girl, I was just so tired. I trudged upstairs and she'd already laid out my lingerie for the evening, a bra and panties and tights along with a pair of shoes I'd never seen before. I went into shower and she told me to bath and shave my legs, there was a razor there. Too tired to argue I did as I was told then after bathing I rubbed body lotion into my hairless legs and into my largely hairless body, remember puberty had passed me by.
I gently towelled my hair and wrapped it in a hand towel before I emerged from the bath. "You smell better," observed my mother and told me to get my undies on and she'd brush my hair. I complied feeling slightly more upbeat as I did so. She dried and brushed my hair as I sat in bra and pants as she did so, then to my surprise she put my hair into an updo. threading it through some sort of doughnut thing. When she had finished I was astounded, stood up hugged her, and kissed her cheek. She promised to show me how to do it myself when she had time. She never did but Stella did some years later.
We put some foam pads in my bra and the dress fit more properly, the shoes, which fit me comfortably she explained were on offer in M&S so she thought they would. They had a two-inch heel and I had to potter about the house before I felt safe in them but they made the dress look better. She helped me with my makeup and then helped me into my dress. I felt so good and I had never looked better. She smiled ruefully at me and then went to dress herself while I went off to make a pot of tea. In my world, everything runs around a cuppa.
She gave me a squirt of smellies and loaned me a jacket to keep the evening chill away but I was so high with pure joy, I wasn't really aware of the temperature. We drove in her old Fiesta to the restaurant and a few moments later Siân and her parents arrived. Mum knew the Griffiths as Siân and I used to play dollies and tea parties when we were younger and we enjoyed ourselves with all sorts of memories about Siân and my girlhoods even though they were well aware I wasn't a biological one, they ignored that and came up with stories about events I could hardly remember which indicated to Mr Griffiths that I was more girl than boy and that they'd never had any problem with me going up to Siân's bedroom even now.
My mother blushed a little at times, I'm sure she thought I was gay or asexual and until I met Simon I really wasn't sure myself. All I knew was that girls didn't turn me on, I just envied their bodies and clothing and their ability to give birth. Siân told me that I looked so nice in her dress that I should keep it, sadly, it and the shoes were dumped by my father while I was away at uni, my mother said nothing about his intrusive behaviour and subsequent vandalism.
I had had a wonderful evening as my mother's daughter and felt almost blissful about it at the same time knowing that my father would be apoplectic about it if he learned our secret. When we got home, Mum told me she had enjoyed herself too but that she would never mention it to Dad and if I had any sense, neither should I. We effectively had to pretend it had never happened, and the next day I was back down the paper shop yawning and serving early customers. Siân called in about midday and handed me some photos she had taken with her phone, Galbraith saw us discussing them and said if he had known I was out last night he'd have given me a later start this morning. Now he tells me after I've been here for five hours.
I took them home and discretely showed them to Mum who thought they were very nice and I should save them to look back on but somewhere my father wouldn't find them. I shoved them inside a folder on biology which he never examined but he found my dress and shoes and destroyed them. We argued like mad about it and he actually hit me. I was so surprised that I did nothing about it. He got physical several times in the ensuing years including the last one where he did me real damage and I tried to end it all.
But that was a long time ago and both my parents were deceased even though I could remember Mum quite enjoying the dinner we had. It was the only time that she treated me as a girl off her own bat. When I had to wear the school uniform while I did the Scottish play, she was able to pretend that she had nothing to do with the decision as that had been between Murray and my dad. Perhaps if she hadn't died we might have been reconciled and I remember that evening now and I still have the photos somewhere of her and I together at the table smiling. It was one of my fondest memories of her and it showed me how much my dad had controlled her.
It's all water under the bridge now but when I went home that night I sought out the old photos and put the one of me and Mum in a small frame and put it on my desk. Livvie spotted it and correctly identified a younger me in it and she asked who the older lady was. I told her my mother.
"But you said your mum was anti-trans, so how come she's smiling sitting next to you as a girl."
"I shall never know but I think she was much less worried about it than my Dad and only toed the party line while he was about, he was away that weekend and we went out to dinner with Siân and her parents before we both went off to uni. Then we lost contact with each other for several years, found our true selves, and met up some years later as older and wiser women."
"Well, I think you're quite wise but you are much older," Livvy threw at me.
"Hey, not that much older, I'm only forty this year."
"Yeah, like I said, much older. Never mind, Mummy, just think it won't be too long before you get your pension." She ran off before I could reply I was so gobsmacked, the way things were going, I'd get a state pension about 80 thankfully, I don't need to rely on it and I have several pensions that Simon arranged, so I should be quite comfortable provided nothing adverse befalls me. But that is all in the future and now I just sat with a cuppa enjoying my memories of that night with Mum, it was magical.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3388 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
On Monday, I was back at university and bantering with Diane as usual, she was trying to remind me that I had exams that I had to supervise, I usually did a share at them to stop my staff from grumbling and I was doing my shift near the end of them because of my other commitments. I was quite happy as I had a paper to present to the Bank board in ten days time and I could possibly do a quick draft while I was invigilating. Diane had even made me a flask of tea to take with me, so provided I didn't need to go to the loo I was fine, and like the candidates, I went for a wee before starting, It was three hour exam so I reckoned if I waited an hour before I started my tea, I'd be fine for a couple of hours before I'd need to go again.
I started the exam with the usual announcements or housekeeping as we called it reminding them if they heard a fire alarm what they should do as it wouldn't be a test so to leave the exam room and proceed to the assemble point and so on, I'm sure you've all been there. Then I had to give a warning about cheating and how anyone caught doing so would be removed from the exam, their paper cancelled and they would probably be expelled from their course. Then we were off and I could at last start thinking about my bank paper. I'd get up every so often and walk up and down, occasionally answering a query or just watching the students without putting them off.
I got a draft done and also consumed a good mug of tea from my flask, making the odd check with my fellow invigilator that all seemed well. This time there seemed nothing out of order and we collected the exam scripts and sealed them, these were final year students and we hoped we'd be sending out letters of congratulations in a couple or so months or letters of commiseration that they hadn't met the require standard and re-sit dates. That was usually before the new term started to get it all done and dusted before we all started again. Like most universities, anyone who re-sat an exam only got a pass, it wasn't qualified, so their degree could be affected but at least they had one.
Thankfully, I wasn't involved with marking, i only marked papers for master's or doctoral degrees which were much longer pieces of work and consequently much harder to do for both me and the candidates and also involved a viva voce or oral exam at a future date after the papers were marked and agreed by the examiners. There's quite a lot of work involved that the student doesn't see and I know that Diane nearly tears her hair out trying to arrange it all, synchronising diaries and so on.
I also had to send out more begging letters to various places trying to get grants from post-grad students who were hoping for financial support in their studies and about which subject they were prepared to study and agree to sell their souls for it. Some of them were grants or commissions from Natural England, so it's government money, but these were usually at doctoral level. Sometimes they were lucky enough to have a trip abroad to gather data, but we all knew that it was in part a 'jolly' and they have some fun as well.
I wasn't lucky enough to get a trip to Africa or America but I did do one to Scotland for two weeks I was roughing it, living in a tent, trying to keep dry - it rains a lot in Scotland - or trying to keep the tent from migrating to Siberia in the gale force winds. If you've never tried to make a pot of tea when there's horizontal rain accompanied with gusts of sixty mile an hours winds, you haven't lived. Plus, I usually wore knickers instead of Y-fronts or boxers, so I had to be careful about being discovered. I decided to take the risk rather than buy more boy's underwear and at times I was glad to wear tights under my cargo pants to help keep me warm.
We were doing field work on the Orkney vole Microtus arvalis orcadensis an anomaly, which can't half bite as some us found out the hard way. There has been all sorts of speculation about these animals and after DNA sampling it is generally thought that they were transported by Neolithic people from mainland Belgium about 4000 years ago and they are now regarded as a sub-species of the Belgian voles. I dipped out, because while we were taking blood samples for DNA sampling, another group were in Belgium collecting samples to compare with ours. Their weather was mainly dry but certainly, my experiences in such adverse conditions taught me to appreciate my warm dry bed back at the hall of residence in Sussex. It took a couple of weeks for my sleeping bag to dry out and it didn't lose its fusty smell until it was washed and line-dried at home some months later. Of course, I had to do it but that's another story.
To handle one of the blighters, our friendly not, rodents, we wore gloves which weren't bite-proof but mainly protected us. Of course, I was teased about my longish, shaped nails, and my big arse (my cargo pants were ladies), but I tried not to react and my official role much of the time was recorder, so I had to lug a waterproof clipboard and supply of forms around with me, but at least I wasn't carrying several Longworth traps about like some of the boys.
Apart from DNA sampling we weighed, measured and sexed them and tried not to get eaten. I actually learned how to handle uncooperative, hostile rodents but I usually left that to the others, content to keep records in my girly handwriting.
One night, Heather and I were synchronising notes, she was the recorder for the other group, we were split into two teams of nine students with one appointed as recorder, when she said, "You are so girly, Charlie," she gave me a huge smile, " you even make me feel quite butch compared to you. Is there anything you want to tell me?"
As she was one of the biggest gossips on my course the last thing I was going to do was tell her about me. "No, but I'm sick of wearing waterproofs, I thought they said the forecast was supposed to be good this week?"
"It is in Sussex," she said and continued entering our records on a laptop. When she finished I went to look at it and she had written my name as Charlotte.
"Hey, you've got my name wrong."
"Well, it's too late now, I've sent off our data."
"So, send an erratum notice."
"Because you got my name wrong."
"Oh, grow up, Charlie, they all call you Charlotte behind your back, I'm surprised none of the boys call you that anyway."
I tried to pretend the water running down my face was rain, but we had been under cover for an hour or so. "Are you crying? she asked me.
I sniffed and then started to cry, she hugged me and comforted me a little and eventually the tears stopped. In answer to her questioning I told her about the abuse I received at school and she was very sympathetic and drew more out of me than I wanted to say. I didn't tell her about feeling like a girl just about the abuse and the horrible headmaster we had who was determined to drive me out, he didn't but he certainly made my life hell.
So why are you so girly?" she asked.
"I didn't realise I was, it's just me," I lied, I was girly and knew it but it wasn't an act it was how I was.
"If people were so unpleasant why don't you try to act more butch, copy the guys, throw your weight about," then she looked at me, "How heavy are you?"
"About eight and half stone (119 pounds), why?"
"Charlie you realise that you're the lightest one here by about a stone (14 lbs), you're less than Minnie (proper name, Michaela), have you tried wearing girl's clothes apart from your Barbour and your girly pants?"
"No, they just fit better."
"Are you taking hormones or anything?"
"No, why?"
"Well, because you look like a girl who's just coming into puberty."
"I can't help how I look."
She stayed silent and I wasn't unhappy because I thought she may something to one of the others or back at uni. "Don't worry," she said, adding, "I won't tell anyone about this, Okay?"
I thanked her and moved back to my own tent where I stripped off my waterproofs and curled up in my sleeping bag and went to sleep, I didn't wake until it was time to get up. It had actually stopped raining and the day was much better.
The next day was our last and then it was back on the ferry and our minibus to Sussex. It was a long and boring journey and I slept through most of it. We stopped a couple of times for comfort stops and we also usually had a cuppa and a bite to eat. I survived on a tuna and cucumber sandwich. Calling in the loos on the way back to the bus I went to follow one of the boys into the Gents, when I was stopped by a security guard. "Ladies is over there madam." I was going to explain but was aware the bus was waiting, so I just complied.
"Hey, you'll never believe it but the security guy stopped Charlotte going in the Gents, sending her to the Ladies."
"Didn't she protest?" replied his listener.
"No, she just went in there, mind you she looks more like a girl than a boy." I was listening to my MP3 player and didn't hear it but was told later by Heather. I continued with my Beethoven symphonies oblivious to the gossip that surrounded me like an invisible blanket.
It must have been several weeks later that Heather scooted along the row in the lecture theatre and told me about what the boys had been saying about me. "You know, " she said, " they're convinced you're a girl, so why don't we get you a dress and some underwear and see what happens when you appeared in it, they'd shit themselves."
"I don't think so, I got beaten up at school and that was without wearing a dress," I didn't mention that it happened when I was wearing one as well.
"Spoilsport, I think it would be hoot."
"Well, I tell you what, you appear wearing a dress and they'll be equally amazed." She only ever seemed to wear jeans and a top.
I will if you will," she dared me and usually that would evoke a response of okay, but I was too wary of the response from boys and one or two of the girls to think about it. I turned her down. "I bet you'd look good in a dress, I know, what about at Halloween?" she suggested.
"I don't think so," I answered her question although part of me would have liked to see what the response would be. "I never do Halloween parties (or any other) I'm too busy studying."
"Surely, one night wouldn't make a difference?"
"They laugh at me now, why should I give them something more to laugh at?"
"I suppose you're right, pity would have been a good laugh."
"Yeah, but for who?" I replied.
About a week later Heather was attacked in a street just passed the university. I happened to be walking that way to the local chip shop when I saw it happen. I shouted and ran to her aid and the mugger ran off. Now, it was my turn to comfort her and I helped her back to the university where they called the police and took over. We were good friends after that and she never once mentioned my effeminacy or dresses while we were at university together.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3389 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
The problem with reminiscencing is that one memory tends to remind one of another and they are not always in chronological order, so one in college might remind me of an episode from school or vice versa. The recollection of that field trip experience reminded me of several when I was younger and in the Young Ornithologists Club, run by the RSPB. Now I was quite a keen birdwatcher not as obsessional as 'twitchers' tend to be in running all over the country to see something they hadn't got on their list, and to some the list became more important than the actual birds and when that happens, you should realise that you're doing something wrong.
Occasionally, unusual birds would turn up on Farlington Marshes and then we'd all try to see it. If often followed strong south-westerly winds, so odd American birds would turn up. If it was easterly winds then something might visit from continental Europe. To find it all you had to do was find the crowds of people bearing binoculars or 'scopes, as telescopes were referred to, often quite expensive ones too. My own stuff was mid-range optics, which was all my parents could afford to buy me, usually at birthdays or Christmas. I might have wanted dresses and makeup but was quite happy to have better 'bins' to watch birds or just after I left school, my dad paid for a midrange 'scope', but one with a good reputation for reliability or quality. Opticron were one such make and while they've gone up-market today, their stuff is good value and good quality. I use their hand lenses too and recommend them to students.
One day some years ago I was with the YOC and we were out looking for some rare species that had been carried by a storm and we happened across some insect or other and I mentioned something special about its wings or something, that's right, it was a caddis fly and someone scooped it up in a glass specimen pot and I pulled out my hand lens and told them to look for a special feature and to notice that the wings were like the lepidoptera only instead of scales they had hairs on the wings. I held out my lens.
"Charlotte, haven't you got lovely nails," commented Sue, who was the only other girl in the party, "Don't you ever paint them?" This set the boys laughing, especially the two who were at school with me. "Well, they are," she added, "she's got lovely nails and they are shaped too, look," she said grasping my hand and waving it under their noses. I just blushed and hope the earth would swallow me. I did have nice nails and I kept them long for a boy and they were shaped like girl's ones. After all, I was a girl, but they didn't know that and Sue thought I was female anyway, which I agreed with but not out loud, it tended to have consequences.
"Why don't you paint them, Charlotte?" asked Simms minor whose elder brother had been a bane in my earlier years at school.
"We could do," offered Sue, who just so happened to have some nail varnish in her bag. So that's what we did, albeit with reluctance on my part, but the faces of my two school contemporaries meant that if I refused they'd either beat me up when no one was looking or arrange some sort of accident in the mud like they had once before on one of these trips and I had to cope with cold wet clothes the rest of the day. Bright pink nails seemed the easier of the two options and besides, I'd be able to take it off when I got home.
"That looks better, Charlotte," said Sue and my fingers did look very feminine and pretty though my dad may disagree. I had thought my mum had a bottle of remover but I was proved wrong as I found out when I got home. Mum wasn't interested in my excuses and told me that no one could have done it without my consent and she would get some remover the next day but I'd have to cope with it until then. So far, my dad hadn't seen it and unless I skipped tea he would. I ran to call my usual partner in crime, Sîan, who it appeared had none either. "I don't paint my nails very often, so how did you manage to end up with some on your fingers?" I related how disaster struck this time and that I had not told Sue that I wasn't a girl and the other two made threatening noises so I agreed thinking that Mum had some remover but she didn't. It was a Sunday evening and all the shops were closed and it was too late for Sîan to phone around to see if she could locate some.
"Sometimes you can scrape it off," I'd tried that as soon as I got home trying to abrade it with my key but Sue had used two thick coats and a top coat, so it was there to stay for the moment.
Of course, in school the more I tried to hide it the more everybody saw it and I had to endure the jibes from classmates and teachers and I stopped trying to make excuses when they didn't listen. My long hair didn't help any either and together with my delicate features and scrawny body I looked more girl than boy. That is scrawny except my hips which made trousers cease to fit my burgeoning bum, at least in a comfortable manner. Hence my experimenting with girl's ones and eventually buying a pair of girl's ones which Sîan helped me purchase from the same shop she had bought some for wear in cold weather.
At least this time I couldn't be sent to the headmaster but I got detention for improper uniform. When I queried it I was told that even the girl's school didn't permit coloured nail varnish so it was a breach of uniform rules. I tried to reason that it was an accident and the reply was, "Yes, Watts, just like your hair and the fact that it's longer than a boy should have it, in fact as long as anyone in the girl's school, don't tell me it grew overnight." Sue had made such a good job of it, it couldn't be an accident or a prank.
I eventually got home and my mum hadn't got the remover. I was so angry, I'd endured endless teasing and threats and detention in the expectation that she get some. Instead she gave me a fiver and told me to go to the supermarket and get it myself. I took off my uniform and pulled on some jeans and sweatshirt and my unisex trainers and set off to the nearest supermarket. My jeans were stretch girl's ones and they did make my bum look female but my sweatshirt was long and hid much of it. She had told me to get some clear nail varnish as well which puzzled me. I had to endure the checkout girl saying what lovely nails I had and then when I got home having my mother tell me to clean off the colour and then paint them with the clear stuff. I tried to explain again what had happened and she had told me that it was punishment for growing my nails too long for a boy but as long as I didn't wave them about, no one would notice. I had to wear it for the rest of the week.
Of course, Sîan noticed it the next day but she told me it was permitted and half the girls in her school did it. "Yeah, but what does it say about boys wearing it?"
"It doesn't specify boys or girls, so you'll be alright."
"Being in the uniform regulations doesn't prevent me getting beaten up."
"Just refer them to me," she said and I just laughed. The thought of her sorting out one of the hairy giants in year eleven, was as ludicrous as me besting them in a fight, it was never going to happen.
It so happened there were very few comments so if they were noticed it was old news and had lost its topicality, besides my hair alone was enough to provide an entry to teasing me so I didn't get away totally unscathed. If I'd been picked on for my long hair and then they'd noticed my painted nails I'd have been bashed but the more physical boys tended to be the least observant as well as the most stupid so I survived.
That led me recollect the headmaster making me wear the girl's uniform again. Apparently, we had a guest speaker and I was chosen to present her with some flowers afterward. I wasn't very happy with his request but apparently, my father was. I asked why I couldn't do it in my boy's uniform and was told with my hair I looked like a girl anyway.
"But in a boy's school?" I protested.
"Don't tell me that you don't like flouncing around in skirts, Watts?" said old Murray.
"Whether I do or not, this is being imposed on me without my agreement."
"That's right, Watts, just do it, oh, and not too much makeup, eh?"
I was furious and it led to a loud argument with my father and his threatening rather than doing me actual bodily harm, I also had to iron the girl's uniform which was one of Sîan's old ones, except the shoes, they were bought by my mother the last time I had worn it and still fitted me.
The next morning had me wearing the skirt and girl's blazer with a blouse and a padded bra, courtesy of my mum, and opaque black tights. After I met Sîan, I was wearing enough mascara to paint a small car, plus eye shadow and brow pencil with some clear lip gloss. She also played with my hair and pulled it looser near my hairline so it framed my face a little, making it more feminine. By the time I got to school and had to report to the headmaster's office, I looked like a sixth former's wet dream.
"Ah, Watts, yes you actually look better in that uniform than the boy's one, if I had my way you'd wear it all the time." He told me to use the ladies' toilet if I needed to and to sit in the secretary's office until ten o'clock then to come to the door of the hall and a teacher would be ready and waiting to instruct me on what I had to do. That transpired to be to say out loud that, 'On behalf of the school we were grateful that she had given her time to us with an interesting and entertaining talk and the bouquet was to show our appreciation of that.'
When it happened I was applauded in walking into the hall and up to the stage with the big bouquet and presented her with the flowers which she accepted graciously then said to the headmaster, "But I thought this was a boys' school?"
"Yes it is, but we occasionally borrow Charlotte because she has such clear diction."
"Oh, I see, well thank you Charlotte for the flowers and your diction," I bobbed a brief curtsey and said, "It was my pleasure," which almost had Murray salivating. He accused me later of enjoying wearing female clothing and that I had convicted myself with my own words. I argued that giving the guest a bouquet had been the pleasurable element, not the uniform.
"You seem too comfortable by far in those clothes, I want an essay by tomorrow morning, two thousand words on why skirts seem so comfortable." He then dismissed me and I left fuming, to return to my class and the jibes that would arise. "Ah, Charlotte, " said my chemistry teacher, "welcome back to the real world."
I recollected the leery eye of many of my classmates and shivered, I came back from my reverie and shivered again. Murray should have been prosecuted for the abuse he showed me and for potentially screwing up my sense of gender identity; he didn't because I knew exactly what I was though I had a few years to wait until Stella and her homicidal driving projected me into the female I always knew I was. I shall always be grateful to her and for introducing me to Simon, my husband, who I love dearly.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3390 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
I tried to think of things unrelated such as coming by taxi as my chariot was in for a service. I've only done local mileage for the last few weeks and had to wait for the 12 000 miles to happen, or should I say multiples of 12 000 because the car had actually done 48 000. Seeing as it must be six years old, that is less than the average and possibly because the weather was nice and dry and Trish, Danni and I had been cycling to the university for a couple of weeks. I had left a couple of tidier outfits in my office so I could change there and deal with various things like meetings or teaching.
Actually, there were very few students around the place except post-grads who were researching various subjects; in fact, I was waiting for one now, hence my reverie about the person whose name I had temporarily mislaid in my memory.
The next hour was so tedious that I nearly lost the will, not to live but to stay awake. I had drawn the short straw in ending up supervising Christopher Machin. His project looked quite good on paper as a proposal, but the reality became mired in miscellany of an irrelevant nature. He was researching some nesting peregrines on a church tower and comparing them with another pair nesting on a quarry cliff face near Southampton.
I had got him permission to do the study from Natural England and a grant to buy the camera and transmitter he had at each site, which took an image every time the parents landed with food items, which were then recorded, which meant we could see which species of prey items were most numerous at each site and what were common or different between the two. Hardly rocket science but possibly very useful for future planning for the conservation of protected species.
He arrived late and flustered, why I didn't know, as I'd completed a dozen or more letters for Diane to send out after taking a taxi in from my little chap who does my car servicing, together with Trish and Danni, neither of whom seemed to be in a desperate hurry to come in. Trish was helping a post-grad student with his research into lasers or something, and Danni was doing some microscopy of various different muscle types. She had been doing it for a couple of days and said that she came across several slides that she thought I had made as a master's student some years before. She said she recognised my tiny girly handwriting as the same as I have on a slide collection at home. There are about a thousand altogether as I was making slides of all sorts of things while I was at Sussex. I was supposed to be making them for the university's slide library, but I took advantage of making some for me of the same rather unusual subjects, things like rare insects or coelacanths.
Remember, I was a biology undergraduate, who just happened to be good at making microscope slides of biological subjects. I was at it for several weeks and nearly got nicknamed 'Microtome Minnie,' because I had a whole raft of equipment that I was using and therefore loth to let anyone else 'borrow'. Some of it was mine and most of the expensive stuff belonged to the university, like the electric microtome which was used for cutting specimens so thin, about 1 000th of an inch, that light would pass through them, the various cells being highlighted with different stains.
It's quite detailed work and apart from various poisonous dyes, delicate subjects have to be embedded in wax or in things like a carrot to be able to be able to slice them with the blade and then required to be cleaned up by soaking them in solutions to dissolve the wax or other supporting structure so that you have just the subject of the slide and then you have to glue it to the glass slide and pop a coverslip on top to protect it and not have any bubbles in it. It takes ages to do when you're making lots of them and trying to hide the collection that the university is unofficially funding for you as well.
That sounds like gross dishonest; it wasn't, it was all part of the slippage or breakages that occurred and I always took the second-best slide, for my collection. With the insect slides we often had to dissect out the genitalia of certain flies or wasps. They were that difficult to identify; we had occasionally to request the help of an entomologist who was doing post-grad research in the lab next door. The price of his knowledge was an occasional slide for his collection but this was a fair trade.
It was while I was engrossed in this occupation that lots of my contemporaries and some of the teaching staff regarded me as a girl, although those who consulted the registers at the time would have seen my name as Charles Watts. However, they all called me Charlie of Charley depending on how they interpreted the scruffy urchin I presented as. My clothes were always clean, disguising my increasingly female body shape as my androgen insensitivity influenced my growing body. That most male undergrads seemed allergic to soap and water or washing powder, unless living at home, made me something of an oddity.
Dr Butterworth, who headed the Microbiology Unit, always regarded me as a young woman, quite why I don't know. Possibly he addressed me as female once and as I didn't correct him as most men would, he assumed that I must be a woman. I hadn't heard him because I had an MP3 player plugged into my ear playing Beethoven symphonies, which my long hair hid, another thing which made my appearance androgynous, to say the least, not helped by my women's cargo pants which fitted my narrow waist and burgeoning hips and bum.
Because the testosterone that was secreted by my body was largely ignored by my metabolism, my muscle structure was also undeveloped, and looked much more like a prepubescent girl than a scrawny boy. Why my parents didn't seem to see it, especially as I only went home occasionally, so they wouldn't have been that used to it, but they didn't. I suspect my mother did but turned a blind eye and my father had been told by the midwife when I was born that I was a boy, so that's how he saw me until I forced him to see me as a woman after I has met Stella and she had encouraged my transition.
Anyway, Phil Collins, no, not the Genesis drummer, but a technician at Sussex and with whom I was doing the slide project, asked me out. I was absolutely flabbergasted. I thought he knew I was a boy and I knew he wasn't gay, so why would he ask me out and it wasn't done as a mate?
I used to wash and iron my clothes at least once a week, so they did look tidier than many of my contemporaries. I did it because I wasn't sure if anything had spilt on them from my laboratory work, although we wore lab coats, and I didn't want to either stain my trousers or damage my legs. I was wearing panties at this stage, at least most of the time, which he may have noticed. I certainly did not wear bum floss, as thongs were called, because I didn't like the feel of straps sliding in between my buttocks, so VPL was always possible.
We had been at slide manufacture from about eleven o'clock that morning and we'd made something like a hundred or two, my back was aching and I hadn't had any lunch so the prospect of a burger and a glass of lager was inviting. Well, Phil was even worse at holding his liquor than I was, or he was perhaps doing shots as well as the lager we were sipping, but he got paralytic and while weaving about on wobbly legs came on to me. I resisted him as well as I could and walked him out to his car, whereupon he fell asleep in the backseat. I couldn't very well leave him in a pub car park as I regarded him a workmate, so I drove him home parked outside his flat, and covered him with a blanket before locking him in his car. On older models of cars, it was possible to lock the door by pushing down the button on the side of the door whilst holding in the external button of the lock and slamming the door closed. I left the keys in the ignition and locked him inside the car.
Because I'd found the blanket in the boot he thought we had done something that we hadn't; besides he was too drunk to do anything, but the next day he kept winking at me and giving me knowing looks all the time we were in the lab together. I overheard him telling one of the other techs that 'I was a bit of a goer and a good lay' and always meant to put things right, but after I left Sussex and got seriously into my ecology and dormice, I heard he had got a form of leukaemia and died. I was sorry that he had contracted such an awful disease because he was a nice chap and a very good technician and I never did get around to correcting his mistaken belief that he had bedded me. Only Simon can claim that fact and if men as sexually magnetic as Des Lane had been, had failed to get his leg over with me, then I don't think that poor old Phil had a prayer.
My microscopy collection grew and at one point I nearly became an entomologist but once I'd been smitten by the allure of dormice, I was lost to the world of insects except as a passing interest. It's almost impossible to be either a biologist or an ecologist without having some contact with the most numerous form of arthropod on the planet which are important to the biodiversity of the planet by dint of pollination or pestilence; swarms of locusts continue to cause food production problems in places like Africa as do Anopheles mosquitoes with spreading malaria, one of the biggest causes of death in the tropics.
At one point I nearly got selected to go to Africa and research mosquitoes but my dad wouldn't pay for my board as he said I hadn't proved to him that I was serious about the project and should let someone else go in my place. I withdrew with embarrassment but it enabled me to get the dormouse 'bug' and to study them instead, for which I am eternally grateful, although I never did get to Africa, I suppose I could afford to go there for a holiday if I really craved it. So far chasing Muscardinus around this country is satisfying enough.
Gosh, you lot will soon know more about me than I do, at least Simon seems happy that I haven't been playing crime fighter for a while although just what the war in Ukraine is going to do is very worrying especially as the invading country is one which excels in double standards, that has now seemingly blown up a dam near Kherson. That such carnage should arise from the delusions of one man or a small group of them, completely baffles me, but he is an ace at propaganda and lots of his own people are being sacrificed for his madness. If Ukraine eventually wins, perhaps they will learn but I am not holding my breath.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3391 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
It was my lunch hour and I'd finished my sandwich and was tucking into a lovely apple. I was reminded of the joke about what was worse than finding a whole grub in your apple - was finding half of one. I casually perused my apple and discovered I had half a grub, probably a codling moth, in my apple. I searched for my pen knife and dissected out the second half so I could finish my apple and realised it was the second time this had happened to me.
The first was while I was in school just as the role of the female lead in Shakespeare's Scottish Play was emerging. Suddenly my mind was in memory state, or recall thereof. I was perhaps fifteen and we were reading Macbeth for GCSE and to help try and explain some of the complexities of the plot and the characters. The drama group was going to perform the play. on the stage as the school play. In our class read through, I had already been cast as Lady Macbeth. It was by popular request of the other students (fait accompli?) that I do so probably because I was the only one in it who had been missed by the puberty fairy, so they argued with my squeaky soprano voice, I'd be the most obvious choice. I didn't mind reading one of the parts, perhaps Macbeth himself but they all laughed at my suggestion. Matthew Vincent agreed to play Macbeth if I'd play his wife. He had developed quite a deep voice and the class agreed with him, so I got lumbered with reading the part of his psychopathic wife, not only once but throughout the reading of the play.
In some ways I felt pleased because as a girl, I was the obvious choice but if you will remember I was trying to assert my masculinity. I was already teased and bullied by my peers and even some smaller boys because I was relatively slightly built, but my reading of the part impressed them all and I agreed to do it if they would stop bullying me. For a week or two it seemed to work. Then somebody suggested to the headmaster that he should listen in to our reading as it might suggest possible roles for the theatre or drama group. He did and I, oblivious to his ulterior motives, carried on doing my best with speaking four hundred year old English, which is quite different to our own but just about understandable.
I was told to read it in an English accent, even though I knew I was a birthright Scot, I'd been brought up in Bristol, so just avoiding the local accent was something I drummed into me by my mother, who was a Scot and always despised the local drawl.
I wasn't only oblivious of Murray's intentions but even of his presence at first, as he slipped in while I was reading and therefore almost unaware of anyone who wasn't in the play. We were doing the bit where Macbeth had just murdered Duncan and his wife daubed the two pages with the bloodied sword as he seemed to be in state of shock until she sent him to kill them. It's quite melodramatic stuff and I was trying to get more out of it than just speaking the words. Murray was impressed, for the first time that his least favourite girly pupil, viz moi, was of use to the school. He did his scheming without me being aware of it. Matthew agreed to play Macbeth, then Murray played his masterstroke, he phoned my dad. He knew my father wasn't in favour of my girly habits, in fact he was as hostile to them as Murray, and I had tried to hide them, but they were still there. Murray suggested that being chosen to play the female lead and to be encouraged to wear the costume during the rehearsals and play's run, would encourage me to man up and be more masculine from the embarrassment it would cause.
We then had the scene where I got sent to his office. I think I mentioned it long ago but I had a real flashback to it. He welcomed me in and told me how well he thought I had read the part. I nearly collapsed under his praise and I should have seen it just as a softener, because it was.
"Seeing as you did such a good job, I and Mr Grenfell,( my English Literature teacher) want you to play Lady Macbeth in the school play."
"I thought you had someone from the girl's school do that normally?"
"Not this time, we'd like you to do it."
"No thank you, sir." I'd replied, I was just thinking of it advertising myself across the school as a target for beatings by my colleagues, it was bad enough as it was.
"But you did such a good job in the reading and I know Vincent has agreed to play Macbeth opposite you." Mathew was good and his voice did something to me but I held firm.
"Um, no sir."
"It would improve your mark in English literature."
"I think I'll do alright in English lit, sir."
"But I want you to play it, and that's an order."
"Sorry, sir but it's still no."
"Oh, and why is that, you already half look the part with that stupid long hair of yours."
"I don't think you can make me do it, sir, with all respect."
"Oh don't you, and what's to stop me?"
"I don't think my father would like it, sir."
"Oh, don't you now?"
"No, sir."
"But it was played by boys or young men, originally."
"Times Have changed in four hundred years, sir. Women are no longer banned from acting by bigoted so-called ruling classes."
"Oh, I didn't know you were feminist, Watts?"
"I believe in equality of all people, sir."
"Very noble, Watts, but aren't you disproving that? By not playing the part, aren't you excluding boys playing women's parts and women playing men's parts? I believe women have presented all female casts playing Shakespeare?"
"They may have, sir, but I still won't play the part."
"Because you haven't given me a free choice."
"I see, so the fact that you are taking English literature is a choice as well is it?"
"No sir, that's a core subject, like maths, sir."
"So you have none of your feminist objections to doing maths?"
"No sir."
"So if I asked you to do a presentation on maths, you'd agree to it?"
"No sir, because there are better people than me, to do that."
"So, you think that your father wouldn't agree to you doing this play?"
"I know he wouldn't, sir."
"So, if he did, you'd play it?"
"No sir, I'm not an actor and my life is busy enough, sir."
"You are going to play it, Watts."
"No sir, I don't want to."
"We all have to do things we don't like."
"Perhaps, some things are obligatory, this isn't, sir."
"So if your father said he wanted you to play it you would?"
"He wouldn't in a month of Sundays," I stood my ground.
"Shall we ask him?"
"Go ahead," I said sure Dad would disagree with me doing anything girly.
He looked up my father's number and dialled on speaker-phone. I started to feel uneasy and said," Wouldn't it be better to leave it until after I've spoken with him.?"
"Oh no, I'm not having you try to sway his opinion."
"Watts," came the reply over the phone.
"Ah, good morning, Mr Watts, I have your son here with me and he seems to think that you'd be averse to him playing Lady Macbeth in the school play, I've heard him read the part and I think he'd be excellent in it."
"Fine with me, it's all part of his educational experience isn't it?"
"But, Dad, I don't want to do it and you can't make me do it."
"Oh dear, like that is it? Well, as your parent, Charlie, until you reach an age of majority I can make you do things you dislike. You will play the part and accept Mr Murray's instructions about doing it, at least you can use that ridiculous hair you insist on having. Good bye, Mr Murray." He rang off and I was very close to tears, betrayed by my own father, I was totally dejected.
"Right pop along to costume later this afternoon and sign up to the drama group, won't you?"
"Sorry, sir, I won't."
"Unless you want detention until you leave here, you will."
"No I won't." I stood my ground even though tears were rolling down my cheeks.
"You will, and you're in detention for the rest of this week. That's all, Watts." I was dismissed and dejected, surely my mother would have something to say about all this and if I played her correctly she'd talk my father out of it. I was distracted the rest of the day and didn't eat much of lunch. I was sent for in detention and led to the drama group's costume fitter, who looked me up and down and told me this would be easier than she'd thought.
"I'm not doing it, there has been a mistake," I voiced in shrill tones.
"I can see why you were chosen," she said, "We're doing Romeo and Juliet next year, you be a shoe-in for Juliet."
"Bah," I said and ran off back to detention, staring at a wall was preferable to that. I eventually got home half an hour late and my dad was already there, he'd convinced my mum it would be good for me. End of story as my plan to try and undermine him had come to naught and in fact, he'd done that to me. The rest is history, I was forced to play the part, received the acclaim of the local paper, and pissed off Murray something special when I turned up in a girl's uniform, courtesy of Siân, plus enough mascara to paint a black cab.
Murray had me in his office about a month later telling me I was bringing the school into disrepute. I told him that I was wearing a skirt to learn how to move in them, not mention that I had hoisted him on his own petard and he sent me out with a warning not to piss him off. I didn't know then that both Mr Whitehead and Madame Le Clerc, our French teacher who was supposed to teach me how to walk in skirts like a woman had told Murray that she thought I already walked like a girl because I was one, the same opinion that Pru Whitehead had stated to her husband about a week before when she had seen me in the school when she had come to collect her husband. He joked and said, "Oh, that's our Charlotte," I teach him English language."
"That's no boy, that's a girl but maybe he doesn't know it yet. You should be protecting her not allowing that clod Murray to humiliate her." Ever afterward he did.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3392 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
To me anyone who is vulnerable, means that they may not be able to protect themselves against everyday threats. If you look robust enough to stand up for yourself most thugs will leave you alone even if it's all superficial stuff, because anything that makes a lot of noise or fights back means it takes too much trouble to try and rob or whatever. Vulnerability can also mean people don't understand what's happening and they are often the victim of scammers and fraudsters and these are people with a learning difficulty or elderly or some other problem and, let's face it, some of the scammers and fraudsters are so sophisticated these days, anyone can be robbed by them.
I grew up vulnerable, there was just enough different about me for the predators to recognise it, quite what they saw I don't know because I usually tried to fight back or get into a zone where I didn't acknowledge the punishment they were inflicting on me physically. If you don't react they don't have much fun so they go and find some other victim. Sadly, it seems bullies seem to stick together but the victims don't. If they did they'd chase off the bullies but most don't seem to appreciate that fact or are so traumatised that they can't form groups.
My first reaction to being bullied was in nursery when I hit a girl who was after the same dressing up clothes as me, she shoved me because she was bigger and stronger so I bashed over the head with a large toy car (see, they have uses to girls as well as boys). My mother was sent for and I was suspended for a couple of days as was the bully. I was too small and young to be physically punished so my father couldn't hit me but he showed his disdain for me verbally despite my mother saying the bully started it, it was squabbling over a dress or a doll, I can't remember which that seemed to invite my father's scorn and derision. But I gave early notice that I was no pushover (actually, I was pushed over but I retaliated.
High school was slightly more sophisticated and more complicated. I first noticed that my chest wasn't flat like most of the other boys, I had fleshy pectorals and my nipples were darker. Because I was accused of being a homo, I got beaten up in the showers and changing rooms a couple of times before I discovered I could go home dirty and shower or wash there. I'd also noticed that my sex organs were much smaller than most of the other boys. My voice hadn't broken and I had no hair on my face which wasn't full of pus like most of my contemporaries and I was smaller because the testosterone which gives growth spurts didn't affect my body so I was the archetypal weed or nerd.
I was agile and wiry rather than muscle-bound and my hips were becoming a bit of a problem in that they were rather tight in my trousers, my bum was also bigger than the average boy's but I didn't twig for several years, I thought it was something that happened to every boy. Fortunately, no one seemed aware of it except Siân but she didn't say anything about it until we met as adults.
I can remember catching somebody with a door when they were chasing me, I held it open until they tried to come through, then slammed it shut my whole bodyweight behind it. They believed me that the cause of the door slamming so violently, was the draught from an open window. Several time's I was about to be punched when I evaded it and they hit the wall, one bully claimed I'd broken his hand, his argument was as weak as his thinking and it transpired that it was the wall that broke his hand because he was trying to punch me in the face and I dropped out of his grasp. He looked as big a fool as they come, however, the headmaster gave me a warning about provoking other boys. I said I would try not to breathe as that seemed to all the provocation they needed. He was not amused and neither was I. It was his job to protect me, he singularly failed to do so.
Back at home my father was almost seeking ways to beat the sissy out of me and once I questioned him for doing so as I thought I was a girl. I got two beatings that evening and couldn't do gym the next day because I could hardly walk and my body was covered in bruises and abrasions. Had I been allowed to wear the school skirt it would have matched some of the bruises perfectly. When my mother saw how badly he'd beaten me she intervened and sent me up for a hot bath and then to bed. I had started growing my hair as a protest against the abuse I was receiving at home and in school. I simply refused to get it cut more than to tidy it, Siân had encouraged me to use the same hairdresser as her and the woman thought I was a girl. They got payback because I had to do the Scottish play as I insisted in having long hair like a girl, but they couldn't see the next part of the argument that I had long hair like a girl because I was one. It seemed beyond them or perhaps they didn't want to think there was a reason behind it except me being awkward and I argued my case through the school rule book as they applied it to both girls and boys. So I had to keep it clean and tied back as the girls did. It was the only time that logic seemed to support me.
I used methods of tying it back that Siân taught me but plaits were apparently unacceptable as I found out the hard way, putting my hair up was another that was rejected even though it kept my locks out of the way and it was washed and conditioned regularly. I tried various things like pig tails and was told to tie it back in one piece but they didn't say much when I pulled the front back and tied it in a small bunch then put the rest in a ponytail. It was bit girly but I got away with it.
None noticed when I got my ears pierced except my mum and she just made sarcastic remarks. However she didn't tell my father and he didn't notice.
I did have a different experience which confused me. I was trying to protect a younger boy from a group of bullies. He shoved me away saying to take my girly arse somewhere else and immediately set to on the bullies. He lost because they overwhelmed him with numbers but I tried to help him by downing one or two before I got a black-eye and retreated. After that his reputation grew and the bullies left him alone, they did me as well for a couple of weeks then it was back to normal and I had to keep my eyes open so I didn't wander into any traps.
One that nearly had me was someone saying the head wanted o see me. I was in a classroom upstairs and between lessons the stairs were virtually unused. This day they had tied a string across the stairs and I was heading down it at a pace when a teacher who was walking up, spotted it. He collected the string which could have cause a nasty fall on marble covered concrete steps. He spoke to the teacher who class I was supposedly summoned from and under questioning the boy who had passed the message on to me owned up and betrayed some of his friends to. It was the only time they tried that, it was too dangerous.
Broken bones and worse injuries happened, the sports field being one such place though I was lucky there, as the day I was threatened by one of the regular footballers when he tried to tackle me, I jumped over his legs. Again and again I was passed the ball for him to injure me in the tackle and I avoided it. On one occasion I kicked the ball at him and it struck him in the face, another time I jumped over his sliding tackle and another time I left the ball and ran away, he missed his tackle and I went back for the ball and kicked up the pitch. I wasn't interested in goal or winning, just survival and having made a laughing stock of the aptly named, Savage, he came looking for me after the game. It was last lesson and while he was trying to pusue me in the showers I was walking home.
The next day he confronted me in the corridor and picked me up by the throat with his fist waved in my face it was obvious what he meant, fortunately for me Whitehead saw him and he got detention. I was left gasping for breath so unable to answer Whitehead's question of why Savage was threatening me. Had I been able to speak, I still couldn't have answered him because I didn't know why Savage was after me.
We had one further confrontation, when he tried to barge me into cupboard in the corridor. I just stopped and he barged at a space where I wasn't and he fell over much to the amusement of his friends. "Charlotte, I'm gonna kill you," he ranted down the corridor and unbeknownst to him, Murray heard him and he got another detention. This only put off to another day when he would try to attack me without being caught. It was actually two days later when he and his friends caught up with me. It was outside and I had my Care Bears backpack full of books which slowed down any chance of escape. I slipped it off my back ready to jettison it if necessary. It was full of my homework but homework is rather difficult to do if you have broken limbs or worse.
He stepped in front of me and kicked at my bag which was full of text books, he broke a toe and hobbled away calling for his friends to beat me up. Feeling angry that he may have damaged my books and which I'd be liable, I picked up my bag and swung it around hitting two of his pals, they both joined their leader as hors de combat and the others decided it wasn't worth feeling the weight of my biology textbook in a tender spot, so they let me go.
Because he broke his toe he couldn't play in the soccer tournament and threatened me again, I just swung my bag, once again laden with books, as a threat to do more than break his toe if he or his friends tried anything again. He became a greater laughing stock than ever because the others were saying I hit him with my handbag and he once again came after me and as he went to punch me my knee made contact with his nether parts. He never did punch me but spent a few minutes rolling about on the floor of the corridor. After that he gave me a wide berth.
Not every confrontation was as lucky and I suffered several beatings over the years but they usually didn't hit my face so it wouldn't show and I also learned how to do a 'Glasgow kiss,' if they put their faces to close to mine. It's essentially a head-butt aimed at the bridge of the nose and even if it doesn't break the nose it hurts and gives time to escape. So while I received the odd beating I was also developing a reputation for fighting back and not necessarily as a girl, though I did poke one boy in the eyes and scratch his face with my nails. He tried to pretend a cat had got him, but this particular pussy had balls.
As my hair got longer it became a target for jokers and bullies to try and pull of the elastic that was holding it tidy, and one two got caught by me but usually they escaped and I began to carry several more scrunchies in my blazer pocket. It got rather tedious at times and I learned to slap back-handedly at anyone touching my hair and once or twice the perpetrator got slapped, usually at face level.
It sounds as if I was always in fights, I wasn't but they'd go through phases of trying to pull out Charlotte's scrunchy, often boys quite a bit younger, who may or may not have been bigger, but it seemed like a rite of passage for some of them and a source of irritation for me, but I wasn't going to get it cut for anybody.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3393 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
My hair these days was shorter than it was when I was playing at being a boy, but not by much. I was lucky to have quite thick hair not the flyaway type of so many men and some women, so it was stylable and I used to get it trimmed every few months while I was growing it but once it fell under Stella's control, she trimmed it very regularly and she was a very good cutter. The first day we met when she hit me off my bike was very fortuitous as I didn't have much money to spend on decent cuts and the trim she gave me as she helped me transition from poor, scruffy little Charlie to svelte Cathy was an immeasurable help and I'm sure influential in attracting Simon, though at the time was probably the furthest thing from my terrified mind. The fact that I seemed defenceless and gauche helped as well and it wasn't until much later that I began to realise I was quite desirable to men, although as I was dealing with the fact that until weeks before I'd been considered myself as legally one of them help slow down the feelings of attractiveness. As far as I was concerned, I was a skinny boy with biggish hips and poached-egg boobs who desperately wanted to be a woman. It doesn't inspire self-confidence in dealing with anyone but especially in dealing with interested males or competing with other females; although the latter always had an advantage over me until I'd had surgery.
Many transsexuals who wish to be women or see themselves as incomplete women manage to get around many of these shortcomings by imaginative use of other orifices or orally, neither appealed to me, I wanted to be as complete a woman as I could be before I gave myself to someone and Simon didn't enter the list until I'd got to know him for a while. He showed great patience before I had surgery as well as great generosity. I liked him perhaps because although he pretended to be a cocky man of the world type, he wasn't and I sensed a vulnerability behind his facade, not as great as mine but there was something he was hiding about himself.
We all got tied up with the fact that he was of the aristocracy as was his sister obviously, but although he kept that from me for some weeks, it was the fact that he was scared of powerful women although he was also attracted to them at the same time. At that point I was scared of my own shadow which gave him a chance to show off to me but as I gained my confidence, helped by Stella and Tom, I began to realise that I could lead him just by dropped hints or suggestions and when done properly by a woman, the man usually thinks it's his idea which is immediately supported by the woman who manipulated him in the first place. Okay, I know it doesn't seem exactly fair, but remember the average man is quite a bit bigger and stronger than most women and some, unfortunately, seem prepared to use their strength to get what they want irrespective of it being a shared goal. I had learned that in school.
Although I had received plenty of beatings from my father and also bullies in school, there was one boy who really frightened me, that was Paul Mason who I witnessed beating up a much bigger boy than me and who ended up in hospital with the injuries he received. Of course, no one saw anything, so the code of omerta stayed intact. I hadn't seen much more than the start of the fight and was too busy running from the area, not wishing to be seen, so I didn't see the end product with the heavily beaten boy lying unconscious on the ground. When I heard that I was horrified but the grapevine carried all the gossip, much of it exaggerated suggesting that the victim had been killed, he hadn't of course, but his mother removed him from school a week or so later.
I kept well away from Mason who was a year or two older than me and my luck held until I had the misfortune to be cast as Lady Macbeth and started attending school in the girl's uniform and much too much makeup, but we were making a point.
Obviously, wearing a skirt and enough face paint to keep the Forth Bridge water resistant, I wasn't allowed to use the boys toilets, partly for my own safety and partly to keep up the illusion being presented. Murray had caught me and I was told to go and take off my makeup. This meant going to a disabled toilet on the first floor - it wasn't used by anyone because it's difficult to get a wheelchair up a flight of steps, so I breezed into the loo and found to my horror it was occupied by Mason, who was coolly smoking a fag in there. Smoking was of course prohibited throughout the school.
As I said, I strolled into the toilet saw Mason turn around, and was about to walk out and return when he had left when he grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me back in. I was scared, very scared, especially as no one had seen me enter the toilet and Mason could pulp me in seconds and escape with no one seeing him either.
"Hello, girly boy," he said to me and I mumbled a response. I have no idea what I said I suspect I just squeaked and my chattering teeth did the rest. He laughed at me. "They call you Charlotte, don't they?" I appeared to have greater celebrity than the school psychopath."Why are you wearing the girl's uniform?"
"T't'to piss off Murray," I stuttered.
"A desirable outcome," he agreed, "But why doesn't he just send you home to change?"
"He's made me play Lady Macbeth in the school play and told me to wear the costume to help me acclimatise to dresses and walking like a woman, but that's hot and stuffy, and Mrs Smith who look after the costumes told me it was damaging the dress and to wear ordinary girls' clothes to get the same effect. My dad agreed I should wear the costume and of course, Murray did too, but when I talked it over with my mum she agreed with Mrs Smith and she bought me the uniform. Siân, my girlfriend and I dreamt up the makeup and painted nails just to wind up my dad and Murray. He just sent me to wash off the makeup."
"It takes guts to wear that outfit in front of a thousand hormone-laced boys as well as peeing off his mintship. It suits you, but then that's your own hair isn't it?"
"Yes, I grew it as a protest against him wanting me to get a 'short back and sides', then I discovered that Murray absolutely hates it and me, so I refused to have it cut except to get it trimmed now and again."
"I've seen you around school, it looks rather feminine."
"I can't help that, I'm just smaller than most other boys."
"I wonder if you're a boy at all, you have no hair on your face and you're not covered in zits, yet you have a girlfriend, not a lezzy is she?"
"Of course not." I was starting to relax. I'd never talked to Mason before and I suppose had I known he was hiding in my loo, I wouldn't be now. I knew that he could beat me up without any effort, but I began to think that as long as I didn't give him cause to touch me he wasn't going to.
"Relax," he said, "I'm not going to hurt you, I don't hit girls." I decided not to remind him that I wasn't one officially. "So you like dressing up?"
I found myself blushing, "Um ... it's alright when you get used to it," I spluttered as a reply.
"Don't give me that bullshit," he said ,"You're far too comfortable dressed like that; you like it don't you?"
Blushing redder than any brake light and sweating profusely, I could feel a trickle run down to my bra strap. "I ... um ... It's okay."
"Charlotte, I'm not going to spread it around school that you like skirts and dresses so you can be honest with me."
"Yes," I confessed.
"You still look like a girl when you're in boys' clothes."
"I can't help that."
"That's not strictly true is it? You wear girls' trousers then don't you?"
Another drip of sweat ran down my back under my bra strap. "They fit better," I suddenly said, "Boys' ones are too small in the hips."
He looked at me as if appraising my hips, "I've seen your arse in them, it is more than a bit girly so I'll believe you."
I relaxed a little more but I was still scared of him especially having seen him in action. He moved his arm quickly and I flinched. He laughed, "Relax, I told you I don't hit girls, especially ones as pretty as you, but then you're really a girl aren't you?"
Goodness, I was embarrasse; if a supposed thug and moron like him could see it why didn't all the others or did they. "I ... um," I spluttered once more.
"You can tell me, Charlotte, I won't tell anyone; I have a cousin who used to be a boy but is now happier living as a girl, why don't you do the same?"
"Oh!" I gasped; so he knew more than I thought he would, "My dad wouldn't understand and he's beaten me before for being too girly, trying to make a man of me."
"Tell him from me that he's wasting his time, beating someone is only justified if they deserve it."
"What did Hart do to you?" The question was out of my mouth before I could stop it, and I began to feel scared again.
"You know about that?"
"Um ... yes," I said.
"He learned about my cousin and threatened to tell everyone that I had a cousin who was different; I couldn't let that happen so I shut him up. Why? Do you think I was wrong?"
"It's not my place to make judgments but did you have to hurt him so much?"
"My cousin got a beating the day before from some bloke who discovered her deception, she ended up with broken ribs, so I was mad at that and Hart just pushed the buttons. What d'you think it would do to your reputation if all the boys knew you were really a girl?"
"I think I might have given them a clue anyway." He roared with laughter.
"I like you, like I said it takes more guts than I have to do what you're doing. If anyone hassles you just let me know, they won't do it again, and you're convincing, more as a girl than a pretty boy, but I'm sure you know that."
"I never object to people telling me that," I said almost batting my mascara-laden lashes at him.
The bell went for a change of lessons and he looked at me, patted me on the head, and said, "I've gotta go; keep up the good work."
A moment later I was on my own and my heart was still beating from the adrenalin surge he'd created in me. I still didn't like him; violence is never an answer but I no longer feared him and I respected that he knew more about gender dysphoria than most of the chimps walking about out there.
I pulled out a makeup-removing wipe and toned down my makeup and no longer looked as if I was going clubbing, gave myself a squirt of cologne and picking up my handbag, I draped it across my chest and then hefted my book bag onto my shoulder and walked out into the corridor and to my next lesson.
"Glad you could join us, Charlotte," said old Housman dismissively, so I gave him a beaming smile and batted my lashes. He looked suitably embarrassed as he turned to the board again. I hated Maths and I hated the idiot who taught it to us.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3394 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
I lay there for a moment, Simon's passion had been slaked. He had threatened to shag my brains out; I told him he was welcome to if he could find any. He certainly gave it his all, but given his enthusiasm ended with me in hospital once before, he curbed his passion just enough to make gentle and long lasting love to me as it enabled me to love it too and him. I hadn't really seen him for two or three weeks. The government was trying to blame the banks for everything that they, the government, had caused and the banks were trying to avoid the blame and to try and reduce the interest rate where they could to help people. The public thought the banks were just greedy but they were reacting to the environment and there were plenty of greedy money grabbers out there. Simon did his best not to be one of them, or the worst of them and they had actually sent out a memo to try and avoid mortgage closures because it caused a breach of trust and lost them customers who were already distressed and in danger of losing their homes.
Enough of the business world. Simon was tired but after a super dinner, he reverted to his 'Tigger' schoolboy personality and when I led him up the stairs was almost coy in his manner, as if he was shy of being alone with his wife in a bedroom. It was a bit like how we were when we were experimenting with a relationship, when we were both a bit shy, me because I was terrified that Simon would discover I wasn't a complete woman and him, because his record with women was pretty bad and he didn't want his title to either scare me off or become a gold-digger. The former was much more likely in my case. I wasn't used to money, especially on the scale that Simon's family possessed or procured it.
Also our lives were so different. Simon knew and acquiesced to the fact that he would probably succeed his father in the family business, he had studied economics at UCL and done a Masters at LSE. I was doing a Masters in biology/ecology and had no idea what came next, possibly a doctorate if I was thought capable of it and which meant I could avoid making a decision as to what I wanted to do for a living. The only thing I was certain of was that I'd be doing it as a woman, once I got my act together which was a waste of time because like Darwin, my hero, I was trying to be too certain about everything which meant I just thought about things. Darwin would probably still be thinking about publishing his theory of Natural Selection if Russel Wallace hadn't caused him to act.
I was just drifting along, sort of enjoying my procrastination and then the whirlwind which was Stella Cameron, hit me in the thunderstorm, pulled me out of my lethargy and as they say, the rest is history.
One of the problems of being a trans woman is that, unless they use part of the intestine to form the vagina, the cavity is rather dry, a problem many post-menopausal women have, so a lubricant is necessary. It takes away some of the spontaneity of doing it just anywhere (within limits) because you have to lube before penetration or risk discomfort or injury to the woman, so it is a nuisance, although we are probably of an age now where the kitchen table no longer holds such an attraction, especially if there is a comfy bed upstairs and some privacy. Mind you, a house full of teens can be rather intimidating on occasion as most of them are full of hormones which are giving them all sorts of messages but don't have the freedom of their parents to exercise their urges. I understand their situation and appreciate some can't get pregnant at the same time I'm trying to act like a parent and bring stability into their lives which means boundaries and all the complications that brings.
Once they were living away from home, they could do as they wanted and accept the consequences and responsibilities, but I wasn't prepared to allow them to have partners sleep over, except in the case of Sammi who was years older than the rest were and who had certain privileges, plus she had probably been having sex for weeks before we were introduced to them. She had tried men, but nothing seemed to work until she tried women partners and then it did.
There is all this nonsense spouted by TERFs but the reality is that plenty of transwomen have female partners who consider themselves bisexual or lesbian and that is rarely publicised. There are also some transwomen who live with other transwomen who may or may not have have had SRS, and they seem to get along fine. So why can't society allow two people who have fallen in love and want to make a commitment to just get on with it? What is happening in the States is ridiculous almost risible, except real people are being hurt by the bigotry and the same is starting to gain a foothold in the UK. The rightwing politicians really are scraping the barrel or should that be the pan, because they are acting like real shits. I won't get into the Christianity argument again because I firmly believe the founder of their religion was a more humane and decent chap than these C21st bigots.
After having to go to the bathroom to deal with a certain dribble, I made it back to the sleeping Simon and cuddled into him like old times, and like old times, he put his arm around me and held me to him. I was bit warm, despite my dealing with a cool bathroom, but I felt safe and loved by my man and soon went off to sleep. I took him a cup of coffee up to bed the next morning, and he yawned at me and smiled, "God, I was shagged out last night."
I acknowledged that he was seemingly tired, and had showered, dressed and had my breakfast before I went to disturb him. I was just as tired and sore in a place that he wasn't, but tried to pretend I was okay. However, when he suggested it again, I declined, saying that I had much to do including organising dinner because David had a night off. Simon grumbled but drank his coffee and then went to shower.
Sarah was good with the younger ones although they weren't so young or little anymore, but she supervised their breakfast while the other of my student-aged children zonked in their beds. Teenagers and mornings don't usually go together, Sarah being the exception, although she was a little older and I paid her something for her labours.
Simon arrived downstairs and announced we were eating out for dinner; he'd already phoned the green room at the hotel the bank owned and which would accommodate us whether it was a big or small party, which is a part of owning the place. It does have its uses and I have never had a bad meal there yet. All we had to do was decide how many were coming. Sarah was brave enough to wake the sleeping 'dogs' and they all decided to come because the alternative was that one of them would have to cook. Apparently, one with a super intelligence thought it was a poor decision to allow the cook a day off when the cover was also playing truant. When that was relayed to me Simon dashed up stairs and read the riot act. He thought they were being ingrates and told them so, reminding them that their mother had been working all week, while they had lain in their beds half the day, though Danni had gone for training at her football club. Tomorrow, said Simon they were rising bright and early and going for a run, he would accompany them on a bike.
He obviously hadn't heard the forecast, it was for thunderstorms, which is where my narrative started, however, I wasn't planning on getting on a bike for a few days, as somewhere felt rather tender and might be even worse if I allowed Simon's amorousness to continue tonight. It wasn't to be, Sarah and I accompanied by Lizzie and Cate went to top up the fridge for fruit and breakfast cereals, and the younger girls were just starting to take an interest in clothes and I knew we would be waylaid by them and almost counted on it.
Sarah is a nice kid and her exam results looked promising. Unlike Danni she didn't have the distraction of football, so she got down to her studies, like Trish did, and was profiting from such dedication. When I remarked on it she told me that she was so grateful that I had gone out a limb for her both in allowing her to be herself and also in getting her a place at the university. It was nice that she remembered though I told her that the best way to thank me was to get a good degree and help me with the youngsters. She seemed on course for both.
Danni had been distracted by playing or being part of the Lioness' squad, which got her a lot of kudos around the university but did nothing for her studies and I told her that the fame would be short-lived but her career as a biologist wouldn't be, so she should pull her finger out. She'd pass her exams but whereas Sarah was heading for a first, unless she tried much harder, she was heading for a three or at best a 2-2.
Some say that education or youth is wasted on the young because maturity is useful for the decisions youngsters have to make which of course they don't have, but later on unless you are exceptional, you don't have either the time or energy to do degrees and other qualifications. We have one or two mature students compared to hundreds of youngsters. Sometimes older heads can assist their decision making but most youngsters would rather be down the union getting drunk.
Arguably, the system is wrong expecting young people with very little experience, to make life-changing decisions about their careers but I can't see it changing soon. I do try to keep a few places for older students who have decided that what they thought was a good career wasn't what they really wanted; we also counsel them about the financial constraints of being a student again and if they have families and mortgages what the risks are. Those who are really determined and committed we try to help as much as we can but they really have a hard time.
As I expected we were ambushed by two youngsters seeking some new outfits and I bought some new jeans for Sarah as well, she deserved a treat now and again. Then we went to the supermarket and bought the place out by the shopping we placed in the boot and this wasn't the big shop, David did that online most of the time.
We had lunch out and knew the others would struggle but they weren't paralysed so they could look after themselves, it's just that I spoil them so they don't try too hard. I would hear cries of child neglect when we got back but I was inured to such moans as there were plenty of things they could eat in the fridge, it just needed some organisation to do so. I half expected Simon to go down the rugby club for pie and chips but he didn't and he made the girls prepare something for all of them and clear up afterwards. This new dynamism was most impressive and I said so. He just reminded me that he was a manager and the same principles applied, he identified a workforce and set them to the job in hand, which turned out to be jacket potatoes and cheese with salad. I was very impressed and he beamed with pride. All I had to do was replace David's stock of jacket spuds before he needed them, oh well, the supermarkets are open tomorrow.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3395 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
Why do Mondays seem to happen much more often than weekends? I asked myself. I had a meeting with Natural England, which meant I had to dress up more tidily than I would for my office, although I'd look reasonably tidy for that too. The radio came on and the headlines were all about some well-known newsreader who was caught up in some controversy about some payment for revealing photos via his mobile phone with some young man. The young man was saying it was no crime and the police were saying they could find no evidence of criminal behaviour, the newsreader was in hospital suffering from mental issues and that his wife had revealed his name to the media. It was also problem for the BBC which one or two papers were trying to worsen. I knew that feeling and I hoped our well respected broadcaster would recover healthwise and also careerwise. I contemplated this in the shower then I dried my hair and dressed before checking on the kids. Only the ones in school needed to be up and this was their last week before the end of term and the festivities involved, David said he had it all in hand and when I looked Sarah had taken the girls down for breakfast and was going to take them to school.
I had breakfast with them, checked my makeup and my hair then gathered up my laptop and the papers necessary for the meeting. It was eight o'clock and I had to be at Bristol for ten. I let the Jaguar belt along when I could and as much of it was motorway I was able to give it a run and charge up the battery. I was there on time, it was about dormice and they were asking me as a leading researcher, about habitat conservation, especially as our research had shown the value of corridors of hedges and small woodland on biodiversity. Where we had them the figures for everything was just so much better and the message I left them with was we need more corridors, cut hedges less and wildlife will start to recover and much of the loss of biodiversity was due to intensive farming and loss of habitat. I didn't know how much my opinion and research would count but at least I was trying my best protect biodiversity, especially my beloved dormice.
While I was in Bristol I checked on both houses, Des' old one was fine but my parent's house had been damaged by an attempted break in. I rang Diane and told her I had to sort that out before I could return, I also phoned David and lastly Simon, because he handled the insurance. I sent him photos of the damage done to a window and the back door. I was fuming and wanted to strangle the perpetrators but instead I waited while Simon organised someone to come and assess the damage and then fix it and also to have cameras fitted that would alert the police and notify my phone.
I shot to the nearest supermarket and bought some sandwiches for lunch, some milk and some cakes, I would have to entertain the insurance assessor and the security firm who did the cameras. The two visitors didn't overlap so I had to wait there until I saw them both. It appeared the security man could fit cameras that covered the back and front of the house tomorrow. I spoke to Simon, who told me that they were doing him a favour and to accept it or see someone break into my parents old house. It began to look if I was staying overnight. The damaged door and window could also be fixed tomorrow so I left a message for Diane to cancel my appointments for tomorrow. I called Daddy who told me to get it sorted as once a house was known as easy to break in, it would become a tourist attraction to thieves from all over.
Went again to the supermarket and as I was returning the steering seemed odd. Stopped the car and examined the wheels, I had a flat front tyre. I drove to a local garage labelled my car keys and popped them through his letterbox telling him I'd call him first thing tomorrow, then I got a taxi home and ate the meal I'd bought. It was premade lasagne but it tasted okay along with a couple of rolls I'd bought.
I went to bed early intending to be up early for the workmen tomorrow but also to call the garage to fix my wheel. It's annoying if it had happened on a bike I could have sorted it myself in quarter of an hour to twenty minutes, because it was a bloody car, I couldn't, Jaguar wheels are not small, I'm not sure I could have lifted one let alone got it of the rim. Just when you're on the floor, life kicks you in the teeth, bah, bloody cars.
I had enough food for breakfast and sufficient milk to last me through the day with the odd cup for the workmen if they wanted it plus a pack of digestive biscuits to help the cuppas down or in case I felt peckish. I went to bed and prepared to sleep in an old tee-shirt I kept with me just in case. I also had pair of jeans and some trainers with polo shirt and spare knickers just in case I had to spend the night away from home.
I spoke to the kids and they sounded upbeat not missing me at all was the impression I got, which reinforced my opinion of, 'never expect thanks from cats or teenagers. In bed by ten and asleep by half past I awoke at just after one needing to wee as I got back into bed I thought I heard a noise. I listened again and decided it was just the wind. Then I heard it again. I sat up in bed and if was the thief from before I was going to teach them a lesson on honesty. If I had a chance I was going to honestly beat the shit out of them - yeah, right. Well, I'd do my best unless he was seven foot tall and built like a gorilla, then I'd have to rethink my strategy.
I slipped out of bed and pulled on my jeans and trainers, then I stole downstairs. I had an advantage if he got in, I knew the layout in the dark. I had phoned the police as soon as I realised I had company, and like the ambulance service, they said they'd try and come in the next few days. I was now doubly mad, I was nearly tempted to state I thought I saw a firearm, but I didn't, I just reminded them that I was a woman alone whose husband would foreclose all their mortgages if anything happened to me. They then told me they might be able to make it by the morning. I put my phone in the back pocket of my jeans and crept into the kitchen.
I witnessed him bashing the double glazed window, he hit it in the middle and did no more than crack it, he obviously hadn't heard that you hit it in the corner to break it. He tried again to jemmy the door open perhaps not appreciating it had about six or seven levers that slot into the frame, meaning you need a battering ram if you are serious about entering through that door when it's locked. While he possibly got himself a hernia trying to force open the door I had an idea. I slipped out the front door and ran around to the back and jumped on the shoulders of the thief. It was short action and I had overpowered them in minutes using a cable tie I'd grabbed as I went out. They were soon sitting on the lawn with their hands tied behind them, which is when the police arrived.
They dragged my prisoner up to their feet and pulled back the hood they had been wearing, it was girl. I was shocked, no wonder my surprise attack had been so easy. We all went into my house and I put the kettle on, in between making some tea and serving it, she admitted that she had tried to gain entry before. There wasn't much of her and when I offered her some toast she expressed her enthusiasm. I ended up making some for the coppers too, bang went my intended breakfast.
I finally made her two poached eggs on toast which she wolfed down , she was apparently homeless and I began to have funny thoughts about a story I'd read on the internet about an autistic homeless character who is captured by the householder with a handgun. If this girl turned out to be an autistic, transgendered, homeless person I was going back to bed. They didn't, thank goodness, just a hungry homeless person who now had my breakfast inside them and who thanked me just before the police took her away.
I did get back to bed but it was getting light outside and I wished I had brought my bike with me. I dozed rather than slept and woke with a knocking at the door, it was the security chap followed about ten minutes later by the workman who was going to sort my door and window. On the promise of some tea and toast, the latter drove me to the supermarket and I bought more bread, milk and eggs. We all had eggs on toast for brekkies with umpteen cups of tea. I rang the garage who had looked at mt tyre and told me I needed a new one, it was close to two hundred pounds for said tyre but I needed to get home tonight and so told them to proceed, where upon he told me he had to order it and it wouldn't get there until lunch time. I gave him my address and asked them to deliver the car to me when they had fixed it, he told me that would add to the cost. By that time I didn't care anymore and just wanted it sorted so I could drive home after the house was fixed.
About mid afternoon the car arrived and I thanked them despite having paid a pound of flesh for it, I was glad to see it. Then as the security man was packing up after showing me how the cameras worked, they seemed so small but they worked fine even though I could hardly see them, I had another visitor. The girl to whom I had given a breakfast and had stopped breaking into my house came to thank me. I hadn't preferred charges and there as now a new window fitted and door had a great steel bar across it.
I gave her another cup of tea and we talked, she'd had some sort of breakdown at university and hadn't been right since. Her luck had got worse and she ended up homeless not even able to get a job, she hadn't taken any drugs yet but she was close to it as the despair set in. I asked about her parents and they'd split up some years before and she'd lost her mother's address. It was the UWE she had attended and I rang them to speak to someone I knew, I explained what had happened and arranged to take her to the university to try and get hold of her mother.
While they were sympathetic they couldn't help and as she was no longer their student they no longer had any obligation to her. No one wanted to help her. I rang Diane and told her the tale of woe and she told me to give her half an hour. We were having lunch in Morrison's cafeteria when she rang back with an address. I told Jane, the girl I'd captured, and told her the address she said it sounded about right. Diane had also given me a phone number, which rang and wasn't answered. Eventually it took a message and I asked them to phone me back as a matter of some urgency.
I bought her a new outfit of jeans and a coat and some new trainers, plus a few little extras like knickers and sanitary towels when my phone trilled at me. It was her mum and she was delighted to hear from us. I offered to take her there, it was in Gloucester, and she gave me directions to find her.
An hour and half later she was reunited with her mother and after a short time with them I managed to escape, go to the house in Bristol, clear up and then phoning home I asked David to keep me a dinner and I set off at last to see my own kids who wanted to hear all about my latest escapade.
All through this episode I had kept quiet about being a professor and the wife of an aristocrat. Simon rang and asked me how I got on and I related the story of Jane and he told me that they would write to her offering a chance to apply for a grant to aid her to becoming employed again, I thanked him and I really missed his kindness at times, he really was a wonderful man and I knew why I loved him.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3396 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
Those who attended university may be surprised that it doesn't just close down for the summer. As a student, once exams were over, you were free to go unless you had failed them or were involved in extra research or in a sports team of some sort. Lots of field work gets done in the supposedly better weather and of course, we have to get everything ready for next term and tie up loose ends for this one.
I tend to hold a party for the staff and researchers, some of whom we'd be saying goodbye to as they were retiring or moving on to other universities. This was in a local hotel which just so happens to be owned by my pa-in-law's bank, so my department got it at a discount. Wonderful things families, especially mine who encourage me to use the facilities they have available. So the date was set, a buffet meal was organised and we'd all be hoping to dance off all the extra calories in our posh frocks and suits. Partners were invited and I had a chance to meet the other halves of my staff and to thank them for their support. A couple usually look as blank as their dresses, but most just say they try to help as they can even though we all know it's a fib. However, it breaks the ice and reminds people that their job sometimes involves pressures on partners too. Most jobs do from time to time and so far I'd been able to keep everyone in employment, whether full or part-time. That had caused me some juggling about with budgets and I was almost pleased to hear some of the existing staff were moving on or retiring. Administration never seems to stop and thankfully, Diane was my liaison between our office and front office, which is mainly populated by mindless morons who Diane manages to keep away from me because at times I am inclined to want to commit mass murder. I haven't so far but it has been close.
Things were going quite well and a couple of glasses of wine had relaxed me, Simon was chatting with several members of staff he knew quite well and the dress I'd chosen wasn't duplicated by anyone else. Mind you the fact that it was Vera Wang designed, and made and altered to fit me, might have had something to do with it and I'd collected a few compliments from other women and the odd man during the evening. I'd also had two passes of the buffet and was feeling quite mellow with a full tummy and an alcohol blood count which was relaxing me. Last year a member of staff collapsed and with mostly unseen blue light I managed to keep him alive until the paramedics came; he survived but took early retirement. This year looked much better and after a couple of turns around the dance floor with Simon and also Daddy, I was half looking to sit and snooze until it was time to go home. If only I could stay awake for another hour, then I could go home and sleep.
The first thing was Danni phoned me to say the FA had sent her a text asking her to call them, and the lady who looks after the villa on Menorca had phoned to say that we should cancel our holiday or postpone it because it was too hot to go outside. As I'd been hoping to do lots of that, it seemed I might have to rethink what I wanted to do.
I waited to hear from Danni again and was alarmed by the thought of telling a whole pile of girls that their holiday was cancelled because of hot weather, sort of like cancelling a party because they supplied too much cake. While allowing myself to worry about these things, Debbie came over and asked if we could talk somewhere private.
I asked myself how I could dance in these shoes but they felt too high to walk in. The answer was Simon, he held me up despite them. We asked a member of the hotel staff if we could use a room for a quick conflab and she led us to an unused office-type room. I looked at Debbie with a questioning glance and she shut the door.
"Because I was upfront about my transition lots of people know about it."
"Well, you were on telly flirting with all the reporters," I offered back trying to stay awake.
"My neighbour came to see me last night, apparently her son, who is fifteen, thinks he should have been born a girl." At last a subject I'd hoped I finished with from a personal and family point of view
"So, what do you expect me to do?"
"Well, you have dealt with some trans children."
I admitted that I had but still failed to see how it pertained to me. "Look the last trans kid I helped ended up adopting me, though I admit she has been worth her weight in gold. The rest of them, except Danni, have no maternal skills or drive."
"That's because you do everything for them."
I had to admit I mostly did.
"Look, can you talk to this woman, give her some advice and put her in touch with the people she needs to see, or at least the kid does."
I ummed and ahhed, wondering whether I wanted to invite a stranger into my house and where she would learn who I was and could embarrass me in future.
"Why don't you come to my place and I'll invite her in and possibly the kid and you just have a chat with her, I'll get some dark chocolate Hob Nobs."
The biscuits were almost working, they were my favourite and I did love them.
"We have to set some boundaries, don't tell her I'm your boss..."
Debbie suddenly blushed, "I think I already have."
"Well, don't repeat it. Set a time to start and I can only spend an hour with her."
Debbie nodded and I know wanted to say something.
"Look, Simon and I don't see much of each other and I don't want to give that up over some stranger's kid, they may have needs but I also have some as well."
"Thanks, Cathy, I'll set it up for tomorrow at eleven o'clock."
"Right, anything else?"
"You're an absolute angel."
"No, I am not and if anything else happens tonight I shall kill someone."
"Oh, like what?"
"I think the FA are going to see if Danni is available to play in the World Cup, and I think we're going to have to postpone our holiday; Mrs Smith, my woman who looks after the villa for me in Menorca, has told me not come at the moment it's too hot to go outdoors."
"Oh, how sad, but they have been saying that temperatures were up over a hundred and still climbing and there are all these wildfires."
"All right, I'll see your neighbour tomorrow at eleven and she has an hour, though I suspect she'd be better off consulting Stephanie than me."
"That's the sort of stuff she needs to know; see you are helpful."
"No, I'm not, I'm a bloody doormat, can't say no."
"Well, I'm very glad to call you my friend."
"Only because I'm useful to you."
"Am I that transparent?"
"No, I'm the trans parent."
She laughed and poked my shoulder, "Very good, Cathy."
We went back into the party and I drank a glass of bitter lemon and had a sausage roll, though I wasn't hungry but it seemed to be saying, 'eat me.' So I did.
The party eventually ended and Simon and I got a cab hom. I went to bed anticipating that he would be glad to see me, except he changed into his PJs and promptly fell asleep while I was changing into a silk nightdress which should have got him going. Oh well, it was par for the course for tonight. I'd had to deal with an excited teenager who had been invited to replace a player who'd been injured in training and had pulled a cruciate ligament, so was being sent home. I said I would speak to the FA tomorrow.
It was tomorrow all too soon. I got up with Sarah and the kids and had breakfast, Simon was still comatose. I spoke to the FA and asked why my daughter should come and bail them out when they'd omitted her from the squad. I was told that they wanted to protect her from injury but as she was available, they had decided that she'd be their secret weapon as she was unknown on an international stage of the sort like a world cup. I reminded them that she would take at least two days to get there and then have to deal with jet lag. He assured me that all that would be taken into account. I had compiled a list with Danni and we'd go shopping after lunch then I had to get her to Heathrow for a flight tomorrow evening at 8.00 o'clock. Yeah, right.
I had to go and see Debbie and told Danni to wash anything she wanted to take that wasn't clean and do it now. I then left taking my Jag to go to Debbie's house. I got there at dead on eleven. She let me in and she asked how Danni was and I explained 'like a bottle of pop that had been shaken vigorously'. If I'd had my way I'd have told the FA to go and whistle, but it wasn't my call. I did remind them that if there was any publicity about her change of gender that I'd go and get her on the next plane. She had not undergone a male puberty and was now legally female. I reminded them that she wasn't transsexual but the victim of a sexual attack and she wasn't female from choice but from circumstance and she happened to be the best player they had.
Simon agreed to take her to Heathrow and he'd go to London afterwards. All I had to do was deal with the neighbour of Debbie's. Great.
The woman was about forty and she explained that they wanted the best for their son. I accepted that as most parents would want the best for their child. She was blonde and her short hair was nicely cut. I suggested my experience may be different to hers.
"You're the mother of that footballer girl, aren't you? I remember you being on telly with her after some Russian bandits attacked you both."
"I am," I admitted, "and she has just been called up to the England squad, we have to get her to Heathrow tomorrow."
"She's transgender isn't she?"
"No, she was just an ordinary boy and she was attacked by her friend and the damage to her genitals meant that they suggested changing her to female.(I told her half the story). If I had been there at the time I wouldn't have agreed to it. So she is a woman by dint of circumstance rather than intention. She hated the idea for a while and only the football kept her sane until she adjusted. It was hard for everyone, especially her. She has adjusted to her new life and is making a great success of it, she's at university, playing for Bournemouth and now England again."
I told her that although I'd had another child who had changed gender, my experience would most likely be different but to go and see her family doctor and ask him to refer to Dr Cauldwell, who was well-versed in treating gender-different children and who was very good. The child came in and he looked embarrassed in a summer dress, with a little makeup and his hair brushed into as female a style as they could. I had a couple of my biscuits and a cuppa but I don't think I was too much help, it's all so different now and we were both different as were our children.
Finally before I left, I suggested that if this was really going to happen then it may be worth switching her child to St Claire's and that scholarships were sometimes available. She thanked me and I left. I felt I did my duty but I'm not sure I did anything else, however, I saw her and could now deal with my own problems, I hoped.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3397 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
On Monday, I was sitting in my office, actually, I was lounging trying to think of the wording I needed to write a begging letter to a local company. I wasn't after money this time but the chance for a student to get some work experience. The company was an ecological-based one that ran all sorts of surveys. We did some but they weren't as frequent as commercial firms, for instance, they might do an emerging bat survey in the evening, then the next morning at dawn or earlier, do a return to the roost. I'm talking of bats here, which are important to council ecologists and may need all sorts of surveys and licences to get planning permission. Then as soon as they finish the bat stuff they might be surveying for lizards or mammals, lunch if they have time, and looking at vegetation required to fulfil demands from the council or certainly to complete a Metric 3 form, required for planning permission to alter somewhere or build something.
Building in the countryside should be well regulated. In theory, it is but we still hear reports of landowners doing their own thing irrespective of the law. Just look at waterways and rivers which are so polluted by sewage or runoff of animal excrement, that the potassium levels are so high they are smothered either in water plants or algae, some of which may be toxic. Every year there are reports of people whose labrador had just been poisoned and dying because it had drunk water from a pond or lake which contained poisonous algae or the toxins from it. If the stupid owners looked before they let their dog swim in the stuff or drink the water, it might have saved their much-loved pet.
We have been contracted to do some river and stream investigations next term where we will analyse the water chemistry, survey the vegetation, take soil samples and also survey for aquatic insects or lack of them, usually Plecoptera (stoneflies) and some caddis flies, Trichoptera, which are known to require clean water. It looks like I may be leading the aquatic insect thing myself as the person who ran it for us before has left and gone to Imperial College, London. I gave them a good reference and was quite happy to see them go, let London deal with their carping and moaning. The new term will see me mugging up on all the stuff I knew when I was twelve and an active pond dipper. I think I still have the notebooks somewhere that I kept at the time; okay they were a bit lacking compared to what my undergrads will be keeping but seeing as I was a twelve-year-old girl, and using a couple of books for identifying my catch, compared to the library I have now and of course the use of the internet. Mobile phones also mean they can download various apps, many of them free to identify their catches and we offer some training by the FBA or Freshwater Biological Society, who really know their stuff.
I say twelve-year-old girl because I believe I was always female, and walking to my ponds and streams wearing the dungarees my dad got me, which were girls, and my longish hair under my baseball cap and Siân's old wellies, (mine had a leak), they were yellow with butterflies on them, I must have resembled the epitome of masculinity, I don't think. Fortunately, Dad had usually gone to work before I did my pond sampling.
I carried my kit in an old shopper of my mum's, which was a blue paisley thing but it held all my stuff except my net and wading pole - an adapted broom handle with a loop of cord on the top of it and which I'd written depth markers in biro from the bottom, so I knew the depth of water before I waded into it and perhaps the depth of the mud in some parts. I lived on the outskirts of Bristol, so in my teens, there were still one or two farms and ponds about, plus I had permission to sample from a nearby National Trust property which had an ornamental lake in its grounds. In return I had to send them a list of species that I caught there, which meant I had to up my game somewhat, perhaps that was the pressure that made me into the scientist I am today.
When I went the first time to the NT lake, I was dressed as usual in dungarees and yellow wellies, with longish hair and a cap, I was met by their head groundsman who was responsible for the upkeep of the estate and pond. He was a very nice middle-aged man, Mr Soames, I think he was and he asked my name, I told him Charlie but I think he misheard me because he called me Carly and I didn't have the nerve to correct him. Meeting him was the first time I had heard of risk assessments (now everything requires one).
He assumed I would be accompanied by an adult and I wasn't. He told me of the depth of the water and laid down a whole load of rules about what I could or couldn't do. He told me that he would be keeping an eye on me and produced a flotation device I had to wear when working near the water. I showed him my kit as suggested by John Clegg, much of which was improvised as was my net. It was an old fine net curtain, no longer wanted by my mum, which she made me sew to do seams and then a fold-over top that enabled me to slide it on an old landing net my dad had for fishing and which he gave to me.
I had an old enamel tray in white, plus some small dishes which I could use to sort my catch and try to keep things like predatory beetle or their larvae from items that they usually hunted, like mayflies. I had a couple of pipettes courtesy of my local pharmacy, a spoon, some tweezers, a hand lens, which I got for my birthday, and finally a sort of weed drag, made of a piece of lead pipe about three inches long into which I had fitted some big bent nails and a strong string, before hammering it flat. Its weight meant it could travel a few yards when I threw it, always remembering to keep a hold on the free end of the cord.
I showed him my Observer's Book of Pond Life and he said I was obviously clued up on what to to, so he let me demonstrate my technique after donning the floatation device and then showing him how I analysed my catch, he told me I was a good girl and he thought I would listen to his instructions unlike a dumb boy, so he left me to it.
I used to go there most of my summer holidays unless I was out with the young ornithologists group, so knew the lake quite well. I was trying to learn some of the adult forms of the insects too and had a few of those detailed in notes as well, especially dragonflies, their archaic design of body really fascinated me, and their bold colours and shiny bodies were most attractive. Once or twice I was there when professional entomologists were recording them and got quite upset that they caught and killed them before identifying them.
I understand why now, but it still makes me shudder when we have to kill things to prove we saw it despite photography being available, there is nothing like a specimen, I suppose. I know lots of aquatic insect larvae and other critters will die when we start doing the waterways survey next term. Sometimes I wonder if I'm too squeamish or sentimental for this job, then I calm myself by believing that any anomalies we find in our results would be reported and also another generation of biologists or ecologists will now understand what we are trying to conserve.
So, I spent quite a bit of time noting or trying to draw some of the things I caught, compiling lists of the insects I caught including the odd loach, a fish, usually the juvenile stage of them, but they were put straight back into the water as my surveys really were about invertebrates and fish spines, I mean backbones, not the stickleback variety, which of course have bones as well. I think all freshwater fish are bony ones, the cartilaginous ones being things like sharks, which of course are marine animals.
The yellow wellies forced my dad to buy me new ones, although, as he wasn't there when I left he didn't know if I wore them or not. I was quite happy to be Carly at the NT property and Charlotte on the young ornithologist's trips, it didn't worry me one bit, whereas an ordinary boy would probably have said something.
My pond dipping period vanished when my dad decided I was old enough to go cycling with him, he newly rediscovered the joys of two wheels and bought himself a new bike and bought me a second-hand one. It was an old girls' bike but it was in reasonable condition with ten or fifteen gears and drop handlebars. It took a while, but I soon became enamoured of cycling and he showed me how to mend a puncture or replace brake blocks and within a year he had bought me a new bike and I was doing most of the repairs. I occasionally went pond dipping but I eventually ended up with me doing a project on dead hedgehogs as I rode around on my bike, complete with notebook. My hair was longer then and it became a point of contention with my father. I refused to get it cut and my duel with Murray was just about to start. We'd had the odd run-in before, including me getting the book for saving that old man, when I was mistaken for a girl by the families involved and a local copper.
Mum had conspired with me to keep it from my dad but I later found out that he saw it in someone else's 'Echo'. He played hell with her for not telling him and she blustered her way through it saying that she didn't think it was important and that making a fuss now would only draw mine and other's attention to it, which of course, he wanted to avoid. So I only learnt from Mum later that he knew about it, he only nearly did something about it when Murray phoned him and expressed his disgust at my effeminate appearance.
Because our riding was just for enjoyment we concentrated on distance rather than speed and just plodded away with the other slow riders in the local CTC. However, once I realised I could hurt his ego by being faster and stronger as a cyclist then I started to develop an attitude towards it. I wasn't as fast as some of the male riders when I started riding with the long rides but I could do the distances and I bought myself some lycra cycle clothes. It made me look skinnier than ever and whenever we did a joint ride with another branch or club, I was told that I was a skinny winny and when was I going to get an arse and some tits? My little willie was almost invisible in cycle shorts whereas some of the men looked like they were part horse or had horse parts in one particular place.
Funnily, my bum did grow a bit and compared to my narrow waist I started to look a bit like a girl. It felt exciting in one respect, but I was worried that someone might tell my dad and I started to wear looser kit.
My riding was still aimed at riding at pleasurable levels but that all changed when I was at Sussex and thought about joining the racing club and they told me to ride with the girls and I took umbrage. I may have liked riding with the girls but no one was going to tell me that I was effectively a fairy. So I used my student loan to buy a new bike and went training every moment I could on the steepest hills to build strength and sprinting in intervals to build stamina. By the time Stella knocked me off my bike a hundred miles and steepish hills had no fears for me. I wasn't that fast but I could ride and ride.
I never did ride for the university as an undergrad but I could have beaten several who did. However, my gender question began to rise again and despite all the exercise I had, my musculature was undefined. I may have had powerful legs but you wouldn't know that by looking at them and I began to get a little worried when the people looking at them, my legs, that is, were all boys who had funny looks in their eyes.
That was when I rode to Portsmouth to hear Professor Agnew, told him what I thought of his ideas, and shared some of my own and he offered me a place to do a master's degree. I had no idea that my previous professor had written to him and told him that I needed some room to sort myself out, but you know about that.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3398 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
"It's an old textbook on Caddis larvae from 1967, by an expert in them from that time." I told my daughter.
"Bit old innit, to be a textbook like? That's what they tell us at uni, don't use anything older than ten years unless it's regarded as a classic."
"If you're doing assignments for your course, that's probably right, at least the referenced stuff. But it doesn't matter if you use older research for background stuff. I'm comparing this old book with a book published in 2006 and reprinted after revision in 2019. Much of the stuff they use is very similar, some of the classification is different and of course there are extra species now they didn't know about sixty year ago and also, some species have only recently been discovered in this country, so may be new arrivals.
"British Wildlife, a magazine I receive monthly is full of new insects that are either recent colonists or newly discovered, some have been known here before but it was thought they had declined, possibly extinct."
"So why you looking at pond life?"
"Much of these occur in lotic waters." I informed her.
"Wassat?" she asked, I wondered how she still talked Pompey after god knows how much we spent per term at that school.
"Running water, like streams or rivers."
"What about lakes and ponds, they don't run anywhere, not even at a snail's pace."
"That's classified as lentic, but even lakes often have drainage streams or rivers flowing out of them, but there are some still waters without a seeming drain, which probably are either at ground water level or clay or other impermeable substrates, otherwise you get seepage, probably do anyway plus of course, evaporation by wind and sun."
"Do you have to lecture me every time I ask a simple question?"
"No, but as a budding scientist, I feel it's in your interest to give you as full an answer as I can. Besides simple questions sometimes have complicated answers, the geometry of a straight line is one."
"You're not gonna lecture me about that as well, are you? So why are you looking up pond life?"
"I'm teaching it next year and I am planning to do some practice sessions in the summer break."
"Yeah, that sounds like holiday fun."
"It is for me, wading in rivers is fun and identifying invertebrates is part of the same fun. I used to do this when I was a girl about twelve."
"I thought you were a boy then?"
"You'd have thought wrong; plenty of people could see it but not my father."
"Oh, okay, I think I understand," she said but I don't think she was convinced.
"Look, I was ostensibly a boy, or so my parents thought, but I'd seen myself as a girl since I knew there was a difference between the sexes. My dad had got me a pair of dungarees to wear at weekend and things, but never realised they were girls' ones and I didn't enlighten him. My mother noticed but she said nothing about it. My wellies had a leak, so I cadged an old pair from Siân, which had butterflies on them and that with my long hair tended to suggest to people who didn't know me, that they were looking at a girl. I mean the Young Ornithologists used to call me Charlotte and the guy from the National Trust, used to think I was called Carly not Charlie."
She laughed at my story, "How did they get Carly out of Charlie?"
"Misheard me I think, it was quite noisy the first time I went there, but I distinctly said Charlie when he asked my name yet he thought I said Carly, so Carly it was for about three years. I even gave them a talk every year on my surveys, with a list of species. That was lentic stuff."
"Now, did you say that was running or still water?" she asked trying to remember.
"It was an artificial lake built by the Victorians," I offered.
"So lentils mean still water," she replied deliberately mispronouncing the word to get a rise out of me but I wasn't playing.
We chatted a little and I showed her the two books and she could see the differences for herself. "Hey, this looks like fun, can I come with you when you do it?"
"If you like, we'll have to get you some waders. What size shoe do you take?"
"Six," she said and I suggested we buy a size larger because then she could wear thick socks or even two pairs to keep her feet warm in the colder water."
"Kinky eh? Above knee rubber boots."
"I don't think so, they are cumbersome to wear but they do keep you dry, I think that thigh waders will be enough."
"What options are there?"
"Chest high ones but they are even more cumbersome and if you fall in the water, they can fill up with water and drown you as your head can go down and you feet come up because they are full of air."
"Can't you wear a life jacket?"
"That's even more cumbersome and we won't be working in places that deep, but I can get one if you want."
"Nah, like you said, long tall wellies will be bad enough." We agreed on one thing anyway.
Minutes later Sarah arrived, "What you doing, Mum?" she asked.
I explained myself as I had for Trish who was watching what went on with interest, "Sounds like fun can I help?" We went through very similar conversations and I had to check for another set of waders so I got her size written down and would order some from eBay that evening. How is it families or children always seem to make things complicated, but as they left Sarah borrowed my modern books on caddis and Trish ran off with the old one by Noman E Hickin, an entomologist of some repute fifty years ago.
I retired to my office and ordered some pairs of waders. I hope the rest don't get jealous, plus I hadn't found any supporting evidence for something mentioned in Wikipedia, that caddis larvae, of the cased variety undulated their bodies to improve the oxygen throughput of their cases. That was fact alright and verified, they knew about that 60 years ago, what I could prove and which seemed counterintuitive was that the water ran through the cases from posterior to anterior. Now the anterior end where the caddis' head sits, is bigger than the posterior end, which has a smaller vent. Most caddis, because they are largely soft-bodied, can turn around within their cases to make repairs etc., the case being usually a silk membrane to which they attack various things from sand grains to small stones, the long bits of stick or plant remains, bits of leaves and so on depending on species or family. One or two build their cases on larger stones, like the Molannidae, or tether them to plants, rocks or even fallen trees. Then some of the net builders, make nets to catch particles and small invertebrates which they wait for like spiders in a silken tube, then rush out and eat it. Some are free living and are predators but all are trying to avoid being eaten by fish. Hence the long sticks or relatively large stones to discourage predation by fish as they are known, the fish that is, to eat the case as well.
Anyway, I found out that the undulation occurs in low oxygen, which mayflies also do, but I couldn't find anything about the way the water flows through the cases, arse-backwards or otherwise. I ordered two pairs of waders and went to recover my books from the older girls. Danni had rung briefly to say she had arrived but was going to bed as she was exhausted, not the usual word she uses for being so.
I saw David in the kitchen and my stomach realised it was nearly dinner time, where had the day gone? It had been a miserable one, "What we having for dinner?" I asked David.
"I'm doing a roast chicken; Simon rang to say he'd be home for seven."
"Huh, he could have rung me," I grumbled.
"Apparently, he tried without success."
"Oh, I was in the library, I left my phone in my study." I felt guilty and looked at my watch, it was only six pm and the wall clock confirmed that, so I boiled the kettle and had a digestive biscuit to mollify the rumbles that were coming from my stomach. I offered a cup to David but he already had one on the go. His roast dinners were delicious like everything he cooks, and having imbibed my cuppa and finished my biccy, I went to see where the little ones were.
It seemed Hannah was supervising them and they were winding some skeins of wool into balls for her to do some knitting, not a skill I had much of. I could cast on or cast off, I could sew bits of knitting together and to some extent sort out mistakes liked dropped stitches but it didn't grow fast enough for me, whereas sewing did.
Hannah showed me the pattern she was going to do, something in four-ply, that will take her forever, I preferred double knit that you could make on telegraph poles because you could knit a sleeve in an evening; the stuff she was proposing would grow very slowly and although it was very pretty, it was too slow for me.
She had only been interested in knitting for about two years but I was glad to see her interested in doing something creative, so I mumbled my approval. She was teaching Cate and Lizzie, how to do the basics of knitting as well as her own, so was giving the older girls and me, a respite from being on nursery watch although the girls were older than that and going to school, except they were on holidays.
"Danni phoned earlier," I said.
"Oh, she arrived then?"
"Yeah, she was jet lagged and said she was going to bed."
"Wonder when they'll play her," she said while she concentrated on her knitting.
"I suppose when she's woken up and got her bearings."
"When we having dinner, Mum?"
"Daddy's going to be home for seven."
She looked up at the antique clock on the mantle, "Half an hour, god, I'm starving." Just then my tummy rumbled and we all sniggered.
"Where are Trish and Sarah?" I enquired.
"Up in their rooms I think, they had books in their hands," she told me.
"Yes, my books, oh well, I should be glad to see them reading instead of being on tablets or computers all day long." Most of the older kids seemed to use social media for long periods of time and I made them look at established news sites like the BBC or the Guardian, to make sure they were getting a balanced opinion. But like the old adage of leading a horse to water, I could only hope they were forming a real picture of the world and what was happening there.
"Ugh," Hannah said to herself as she rushed off to the loo, "Mrs Moon - bloody nuisance." I waited while she went off to change her pad or tampon and interacted with the two youngsters.
"Who's Mrs Moon?" asked Cate, "I didn't hear the doorbell go."
I felt myself blush, "Uh, Hannah's on her period," I said quietly.
"Why didn't she just say so," said my younger daughter in a very matter-of-fact way before returning to her knitting,
I didn't answer the question instead trying to distract her, "What are you knitting, Cate?"
"A cardi for my dolly, Hannah showed me a pattern."
"I'm knitting one too," offered Lizzie, though it looked like one for a Quasimodo doll who swung about gibbon-like through the trees.
I offered to make some corrections as Hannah came back and Lizzie showed her knitting. "I think I've gone wrong," she said and I left Hannah to it, escaping to my study to look for my phone, sure enough, there were two missed calls from my lord and master. Oh bugger, I know what he'll want after dinner, better check I have some lubricant in the bedside cabinet.
(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3399 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
Dinner was delightful, as nearly all David's cooking is and in order to maintain my figure, I don't eat half as much of them as I feel I want to. He understands this and when he eats with us, most days, he realises that my smaller portions are no reflection on the meal he has made us, they are delicious.
Simon enjoyed his as well and consumed half a bottle of red wine, I had one glass and David had one and so did Sarah, but Simon and Tom consumed most of it. Simon brought me up to date on life in London. I missed him but not all the intrigue and flak the banks were getting from a government who'd caused much of it with their stupid Brexit. I am sick and tired of all the moans of the people who voted for it and said they'd been deceived. I honestly laughed when I read a letter in the paper saying that 'Leavers', were nice people who'd believed the lies of Gove and Johnson and that horrible pile of shit answering to Farage. If I could see that all the things that Johnson and co were telling us were lies and it would cause great problems, why couldn't the others?
I suppose you can't avoid a certain amount of stupidity and it certainly applies to them. Having said that I had a very good friend who had wholeheartedly voted for Brexit, who had since died. She was very much against what she saw as a growth in federal power in the EU; mind you she also read many rather dubious websites and believed them but she was pretty clever, so perhaps we believe what we want to rather than what we should. Belief is an emotional thing and isn't necessarily based on intellectual argument, think religious belief which is entirely emotional and which doesn't stand up to critical thinking, but heigh-ho, we are much more emotional beings than rational ones.
Then I went to bed with my husband knowing that I was almost certainly going to be sore in a certain place in the morning. However, when we went to bed, we just kissed and cuddled and he fell asleep before I could entice him to make love to me. I wanted it as badly as he did and obviously had better stamina because I was ready to rock while all he did was roll onto his back and snore like lawnmower. It took me ages to get to sleep. The next morning while Trish and co were smirking at my yawns and thinking naughty thoughts, it was simply because I was tired from not sleeping.
I had ordered Trish and Sarah some waders, but basically they were just pairs of Wellington boots with PVC from the knee up to the thigh, and could be worn by anyone they fitted who needed them. I had ordered another pair for Danielle as I was sure she want to be involved as much as the others.
I had been slightly surprised that Trish was available as she had been helping a post-graduate researcher do something in physics but they had had a falling out when she declared his idea as statistically impossible; he didn't think so and called her a silly little girl. Boy did that piss her off; she may be young but she was light years in front of him and she submitted a paper to her professor saying why it wasn't going to work, because he left out one of the stages in the proof. The professor had agreed and after a very stormy review meeting the student had been forced to see the error of his ways and apologise to her. She had turned around slapped him in the face and stormed off refusing to ever work with such a moron again. This guy had a first class honours degree in physics, but he couldn't see what she was trying to tell him, because he thought he knew better. That would be like telling Stephen Hawkin he was wrong in his calculations.
Trish was verging on genius levels and he hadn't believed her just because she was younger and didn't have as many bits of paper as he did, but his professor told him the facts of life and I think mentioned that Trish was phenomena that flew past him and was always likely too. However, despite a huge brain, she still couldn't repair a puncture in her bicycle tyre, and following the meeting with Professor Gregory and Johnny Wilson the student, phoned me to collect her because of said puncture. Livvie found it hilarious, Trish did not and still fired up with the meeting accepting her proof, she got me to repair the puncture and she rode her bike home not wanting to sit in a car with Livvie mocking her, not that I think Livvie can mend one either.
On the Sunday, Simon as usual had a lie in but the girls got him up to watch the World Cup. England were playing a team about 25 places below them, but as both the USA and Germany discovered, these lesser teams hadn't read the script and the mighty were fallen. England's finest, The Lionesses, were unable to settle and every time one of their players seemed to be setting something up, they were swarmed all over by the opposition, who were marking them like they had been glued together. The Lionesses didn't seem to know how to deal with it, being used to European football where they seemed to have more space.
The first half was 0-0 apiece and the pundits were all saying that the England manager had a plan for everything, to me it looked like everything except winning. The disaster struck, the youngest player on the field was fouled and after getting up she retaliated at the woman who'd brought her down. The referee produced a yellow card then came over to the side to watch it on tv several times, that resulted in the girl being given a red card, which means being sent off.
As England had been struggling with eleven players, being down to ten was not likely to help their cause. Danni was sitting on the bench and like the other substitutes, hoping to get a crack at the game. I couldn't watch anymore, and went to do some ironing, of which we always have plenty in the house. I was told that ten minutes before full time, England sent her on with two other subs. I was called in by Simon. For a moment she seemed to be all at sea, then she picked up the pace of the game, which was frenzied, and lost her marker and shot up the touchline, her speed and guile making her a difficult opponent. She crossed the ball in front of the goal mouth and the centre forward volleyed it just over the net. Danni had arrived on the world stage.
She took a corner in the dying moments and the goal keeper had an awful job following the flight of the ball. She had made two opportunities for her colleagues to score and made one saving tackle when the whistle blew for full time. Then it was a quick break and swap ends for extra time. Well, it was just as exciting as before but England did everything except score, Danni was one of the few who could lose her marker at will, but even she couldn't pierce the defence or set one her team up to do so.
After a nail biting half hour the scores were still nil all, it was down to penalties. Now I know how Danni practiced her shooting skills, she had a car tyre hanging from the cross bar, which she moved about varying its position and height. Nine out of ten times she could kick the ball through the tyre from the penalty spot. I don't think anyone realised what a markswoman they had among their number. Two English girls scored with their efforts and the opponents answered with theirs. Then they missed and it was Danni's turn to take the penalty. The pressure was immense, if she scored they were through to the next round, if she didn't, it was all to do again.
Danni placed the ball on the spot, indicated that she was ready as did the goalkeeper, the referee peeped her whistle and Danni stepped up to the ball and hit so fast the goalkeeper didn't move as the ball smashed into the net in the top left hand corner. England were ahead. The opponents were now under even more pressure, they had to score to draw level. I felt quite sorry for the girl who took the kick which the England goalie saved. England had won by the skin of their teeth, a game they should have won easily, but sport is unpredictable as we just saw and a ten man side beat one who had a extra player. I didn't realise I had been holding my breath, but I gave a great sigh and went back to my ironing, relieved that my daughter had shown she deserved her place at the World Cup.
David had watched it with Simon and Tom and the girls, and they were all in heated discussion about how Danni could have won it if they had played her earlier. All I wanted was for my chef to remember where the kitchen was and get out here and cook my dinner. It took twenty minutes to prise him from the other armchair pundits and get him to do what we paid him for.
Lunch was excellent as David's cooking always is, but as soon as it was over and Trish helped me clean up, Simon was packed and ready to go back to London, this time he drove as train strikes made travelling unpredictable and almost certainly longer. We had a long and passionate kiss before he walked out to his car and I pouted and complained, "Sorry," he said, "I just needed to come home for a day or two to recharge, next time I'll shag you to death."
"Promises, promises," I said in return.
"It is a promise," he said and shut the door of the Jaguar before he went down the drive and out into the traffic. Although I don't feel what a biological female does upon penetration, I do get something from it and It's a means of bonding with my man. He has said I am all he needs, then he goes off without satisfying them. A thought flew through my mind but I dismissed it, Simon would never betray my trust, would he? I tried to think that was the case but maybe he wanted someone who could give him children, after all. He didn't do much with the girls this visit perhaps he is bored with us all? Oh god, I hope not. That would be the end of one of the things which stabilise my whole being. I don't know what I'd do without him, even though sometimes it's weeks between us seeing each other, we usually have fun in bed; we didn't this time, why?
"A penny for them?" Tom poked his head around the door of my study.
A tear ran down my face and he immediately came in and shut the door. "What's the problem?" he asked me.
"I'm probably being silly again, but this time we didn't make love, I hope he's not going off me."
"Och, there could be myriad reasons why, may be he's just too tired?"
"He largely ignored the girls, too."
"Aye, he might if he's tired, the banks are under a lot of pressure at the moment." He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me until I felt a little better.
What would I do without this lovely old man to steer me through life? That was another thought I didn't need to contemplate as the consequences would be catastrophic to all of us. I loved this old man who'd effectively taken me in when my own father was being less than supportive and who'd given me a job and helped me get into teaching until I actually replaced him as professor of biology. He unofficially adopted me and made me his next of kin and later told me that his own daughter was transgendered so he had no problem with me being so, or several daughters that I'd adopted because no one could deal with their gender situation.
I supported them as Tom and Simon had supported me and now some of them are achieving great things, they just needed love and support and we gave them both and they were able to deal with their demons and grow into lovely young women. Oh god, I hope Simon isn't tired of me? Fresh tears ran down my face and Tom held me close again.