I took a deep breath and tossed myself down upon my bed and rolled over onto my back. As far as I was concerned, my plans for the weekend had been smashed like an egg being dropped down on the ground. Sheets of rain started to pelt my bedroom window pane. It was one of those late summer downpours that are all too common in my region. It was not only rain, but lightning and thunder. Every so often a loud boom would echo across the sky, causing the house to shake.
It was a thunderstorm, one of epic proportions, ones that would drop a good three or four inches of rain and cause the many creeks to rise, one that would fill the ditches with rain water, one that might even force the river to raise from its banks. Such thunderstorms were common down here, and I hated them, they always reminded me of the night my mama was killed in a horrible wreck.
But putting all of that aside now, I hated this weather because it meant that all my normal social activity was canceled. See my friends and I have this little club, we gather out in the woods behind my house, we sit around a stone circle, a big roaring bonfire is normally built within the stone circle. Then once we're all there, we start telling ghost stories. It's good fun. And I look forward to it each week. It kind of makes my week.
But this week, beside the weather things have been rough for my little group. Daisy's in the hospital with pneumonia, it's the same hospital that is supposed to be haunted by a ghost nurse. I wonder if he'll return with a story. Jamie is out of town with the rest of her family. Cerridwen is grounded because she tried to brew a love potion and it backfired. I still want to know the whole story behind that. Taylor too is grounded because of reasons. And my boyfriend Matthew is down sick with a horrible chest cold.
And so I'm stuck here, in my bedroom. The high winds have knocked out the internet. We still have lights and such thank God for that. But all the same I'm bored out of my mind. I was just about to try to fall asleep when I heard my bedroom door creep open and there in the doorway stood my older sister.
“Hey Kiddo.” She said looking all around my room. “Weather's getting bad. Be sure to plug up your phone. We might lose power. Also make sure you have a flashlight handy.” She kept looking around my room. “Also you need to do a little cleaning in here. It's starting to get out of hand again. You know, pick up your clothing, dust, mop, make your bed, change your sheets and stuff.”
I grunted something out. Since coming to live with her, my sister has taken on the dual role of being my big sister and also being something of a substitute mother. I often called her 'Mum' just to mess with her. At first she just rolled her eyes, but then she started to accept the title and now she seemed to embrace it. It had gotten to the point I was casually calling her 'Mum' or sometimes 'Mummy' and it made her smile.
“I'm sorry, I don't understand grunts, groans or moans. Would you like to try something else young lady? Before you end up over my knee. You know having a one on one talk with Mr. Brush on your bare bottom?” Kayla said, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes Mum.” I said, sighing. “I'll clean my room after Mass tomorrow morning.” My room like most rooms in our house is small, cleaning it would take no more than fifteen minutes or so. Thirty if I wanted to really deep clean it.
“Good, also are you going out tonight?” Kayla asked as she walked into my room. Picking her way as she did over mounds of discarded panties, skirts, blouses and a mountain of second hand books.
“Can't.” I said peering toward the rain that was now coming down in sheets. “Mother nature is weeping, and most of the gang is either away, grounded or in hospital. I mean Daisy in the hospital.. and Jamie and I are placing bets that he's going to encounter the ghost nurse.” I said sighing. “Kind of hope he does, when I published my book, I felt bad. Everybody had a story beside him”
My sister blinked and blinked again.
“We'll, since your staying in. I was thinking about having a movie night. I have a stack of Studio Ghibli movies we can watch, including your favorite Castle in the Sky and my personal favorite Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. And there a few pints of fudge brownie ice cream in the freezer. So, I was thinking about cooking some hot dogs, popping some popcorn and just binge watching Studio Ghibli movies all night. You know a sister thing.” She said sitting down on the side of my bed.
I blinked and blinked again. Slowly I lifted my head up from the pillow and for a long moment I peered at my sister. The offer was too good to be true, there had to be a catch somewhere.
“Sure, that sounds fun. But what's the catch?”
“First, you need to get a bath. It's been two days since you've had a bath and your hair is oily. Once you've gotten your bath, I need you to pick this room up. Not a deep clean, just you know, pick your clothes up, put your books on your bookshelves, make your bed, sweep and dust.” She then folded her arms across her chest. “And Madeline before you say a word, trust me, if you put your mind to it, you can have this whole thing picked up, dusted and swept in about fifteen minutes, twenty at tops. So twenty minutes to pick up your room and twenty minutes to bath. Then we can start our little movie night.” She paused again. “Do we have a deal?”
I blinked and blinked again. My sister had me over the barrel and she knew it. I closed my eyes and slowly I felt myself starting to smirk a little.
“Sure mum.” I said holding out my hand. “We have a deal.” I said, and for a moment I wandered if my late grandmother had done the same with Kayla when she was my age.
Kayla smiled and instead of taking hold of my hand she reached up and ruffled my hair. I felt a deep blush forming in my cheeks as I felt her rough fingers running through my hair. My sister then stood up and slowly walked out of the room.
“Okay hon, see you in about forty minutes. And don't forget to wash behind your ears.” And with those parting words, my sister left me to tend to my chores. Once Kayla had closed the bedroom door behind her, I perked up and started to look around my room. The sight that greeted was indeed mountains of books, manga and scattered pieces of paper. My collection of Digital Video Disc (DVD) were scattered about to the four corners. And piles of clothing just added to the mix.
I took a deep breath and sighed. My sister was right, I needed to shorten this mess out. And she had given me a deadline to do so. And so rolling up the sleeve of my blouse I got to work. As I started to sort through the jumble piles it dawned on me how many books and manga I owned. My bookcase was almost empty when I started cleaning, by time I was finished it was overflowing with books.
One chore flowed into another and soon I had the floor picked up, the bed made, the wooden floorboards swept and a trashcan full of old discarded papers and dozens or so ghost stories that remained in manuscript form. Those I kept on my desk. You see I often write down the ghost stories me and my friends tell around that bonfire. I've published one such collection of ghost stories and urban legends and plan on publishing a shorter collection soon. Anyway with that chore done I started to head toward the shower. I had done more work than I had planned on doing, and I felt like I deserved a good hot shower.
My bedroom is small, half the size of my old bedroom. Then again the whole house is really small. The house, or cottage I should say has three bedrooms, a master bedroom, my bedroom, and a guest bedroom. All three of those bedrooms are located toward the back of the house, the main bathroom is located in the back of the house too. If you were to leave my bedroom, you would enter into a narrow hallway. There's an old linen closet located at the end of the hallway. My room is across from the master bedroom and beside the guest bedroom.
And across from the guest bedroom is the main bathroom. Further down is another door and a door beside it. The door on the left would lead to the formal dining room. A room we use once thrice a year, once at Thanksgiving, once at Christmas and finally once at Easter. I rarely go into the formal dining room. Nor does Kayla, we both don't like the feel of it and try to avoid it if all possible.
And the door on the right would lead us to the main dining room area that feeds into the kitchen. That the heart and soul of the house. A big large table, big enough to sit at least twelve people around it sits in the middle of the room. A bit further down from the table one would find the stove and fridge. Dishwasher too. And further down one finds our laundry room. Where the washer and dryer were kept.
I always hated the laundry room too. It was always cold, cold in the spring, cold in the summer, cold in the autumn and in winter you could hang meat in there. It smelled too. Thankfully my sister did most of the laundry. And the last room on the list was the living room. The living room was beside the kitchen. If the kitchen was the soul of the household then the living room was the heart. The living room was the second largest room in the house, the kitchen combo dining room being the biggest. It was also the most cozy room in the house.
Here you had a couch that folded out into a bed, a kind of retro television. Hooked up to the television set was an old, but still working Super Nintendo Entertainment System with a fine collection of games to be played on it. The games included Secret of Man, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and a few others I can't name off the top of my head. The system had belonged to my father, who had passed before I left the crib. Kayla never talks about him, he passed when she was coming into those stormy teenage years. But all told he was a good man, a loving husband and devoted father. Who I'm told had been around when Kayla came out of the closet would have put his foot down and reeled my mom in.
Anyway like I said our house is quite small, small is good because it takes little effort to clean up and very little effort to keep clean. And so it took around twenty minutes for me to clean my room, and another twenty minutes to scrub the grim and grime from my body. And so dressed in a clean nightgown, and warm bunny slippers I moved toward the kitchen. And the minute I pushed into the kitchen I was hit with the smell of steaming hot dogs.
My sister had this cute little hot dog cooker that was shaped like a dog. It was called Hero and it steamed your hot dogs and made this cute barking sound when hot dogs finished steaming. She loved the thing and loved the cute little barking sounds it made. She also had a few of those robotic therapy dogs too. She brought a few, she liked to cuddle with them, and since she felt bad about not buying me one she brought a tabby cat for me. My sister had issues, deep rooted issues about loss. Having buried grandmother, grandfather, her mother and her father must have left some really deep mental scars. But she is a proud old country girl and she hid her grief by tossing herself head first into rearing me and maintaining the farm.
“Hey kiddo!” Kayla said smiling as she spun around. “Peeked into your room while you were taking a shower. Good work, now tomorrow its going to keep raining. So we might just skip services. I don't think Father Percy would mind.” She paused. “Also I heard your friend Taylor's going to be confirmed in a few weeks, along with Daisy.” She paused again. “Then there's Heather's and I's wedding.”
I blinked and settled down. Leave it to Kayla to know all about somebody's social life. And about the church thing. Kayla and I both attend services at St. Mary's Episcopal church, a historic little wooden church located in the heart of downtown Benton. St. Mary's was what you'll call an “Anglo-Catholic” Episcopal Parish. For example instead of using the Book of Common Pray they used the Anglican Missal, the language of the Missal is quite archaic and is very heavy.
Another example: a crucifix was often placed upon the altar instead of the simple cross. And Fr. Percy said Mass facing the altar instead of facing the congregation. He often skipped the sermon all together too and moved straight into communion.
“You think Daisy's really going to wear a dress confirmation?” I said after musing on the above stated facts for a few moments. “I mean he did wear a gown for that fund raiser?”
Kayla just shrugged her shoulders.
“Maybe? Does it make a difference though.” She paused and looked me dead in the eye. “Would have wanted to wear a dress instead of a suit when you were confirmed into the church when you were twelve?” She asked. It was a pointed question. At twelve I was still wrestling with my emotions and to be honest I still wrestle with them.
“Not sure.. I mean, I would have loved too, because I felt I was more of a girl than a boy. Wearing that woolen suit really took a lot of the magic out of the moment for me. I really wished I could have worn a pretty flowing gown like the rest of the girls.” I then paused. “But what I'm saying is, Daisy might just wear it to get a laugh.”
Kayla blinked.
“Madeline dear.” She said walking over to me. “You're overthinking things a little too much. I see a lot of Daisy in you. So, kind of cut him a little slack okay. Remember he was bullied out of his old school, and the new headmistress gave him six of the best for standing up to those bullies for Cerridwen.”
I nodded my head and was very much aware of his struggles.
“And you point?” I asked, starting to tire of the conversation.
“My point is this, if he wears a gown instead of a suit that is between him and God. Don't worry about that, just love and support him. And you know, make him feel welcome.” Kayla said in a very motherly tone of voice. I'm sure she could sense the brat coming out in me. I was still lost. Taking a moment to reflect, I could see how my words could turn around and twisted.
“Good.” Kayla said, smiling. “He or she, no matter what happens we’ll stand behind him or her and throw our whole weight behind him or her, supporting whatever choice he or she makes.”
“I still need to know if he's going to wear a gown or not!” I said throwing my hands up in the air. A small smile crossed my lips. And before Kayla could say something I added.
“Because if she's going to wear a gown. I want to do her hair and make-up! I also want to take plenty of pictures of her, Cerridwen and Taylor under the big wooden cross they have in the courtyard. I also want to really do her nails!”
I had stunned Kayla into silence. She opened her mouth to speak, then she closed it, only to half open it again. She was speechless I could tell. Then the hot dog steamer in the shape of a dog started to bark. And all Kayla could say was this.
“I'll pass that one to Taylor's moms.” She said defeated. I don't think she was expecting that turn around. “Until then, let's get something to eat, I'm starving.”
There is something special about sharing a meal with somebody. When you share a common meal with somebody a bond is formed. And existing bonds become stronger. It's that reason that when me and my friends gather out in the woods, I always have us share a simple meal. Most of the time it's a snack, like somebody would bake cookies or something. Other times we'll go the whole hog and have a little cook-out in the woods. If we have a cookout, you know then there's going to at least three or four good stories told that night. Hot dogs, hamburgers, ice cold sodas and ghost stories, does it get any better than that? I don't think so. Not here in the rural south..
And so as Kayla and I sat down to share a simple meal or was it more of a snack, I think hot dogs, chips and soda count more as a snack or maybe casual dining if you will than a full blown meal. I started to ponder, how many meals had this old wooden table seen. How many Thanksgivings, Easters, and Christmases? How many funerals? And how many birthdays? Four generations of my family had gathered around this old wooden table to break bread together, to share their hopes, their dreams, to pour out their grief and sorrow. Four generations of celebrations. It was a lot to take in.
“Hey kiddo.” Kayla said at last. “You're doing it again.”
“Doing what?” I asked again.
“You're thinking again. I can just look at your face and tell you you're really deep in thought. So how about a penny for your thoughts?” She said, peering at me from across the table.
“Its just going too fast.” I said with a sign. “I mean I've been in Benton for like three years, and everything really changing.” I paused. “Let me explain. When I got here, downtown was not dead, but you could tell it had seen better days. I counted like six empty storefronts when I first biked downtown a week after you picked up from the bus stop.”
Kayla nodded her head.
“Now, those six empty storefronts are home to thriving businesses. And, like when I first started going to school, I was a nobody, I was that new kid. Now, it seems I'm popular and of all things a cheerleader!” I said again. Noting another change, my social life had totally changed for the better since I came to this tiny little village.
Kayla again nodded her head.
“I've published a collection of ghost stories. People seemed to enjoy them. I have a part-time job, and a car now..” I paused again trying to think. “I can't even remember being a boy! I had to fight for it, fight for the right to be Madeline and I won!”
“So?” Kayla asked. “You're one of those rare teens that seem to have everything together. Beside some rough patches here and there you've been a joy to have around. Honesty I had no idea what to expect when they told me you might be Transgender. I'm not going to say its been a walk in the park, more like a hike. You took the bull by the horns and wrestled him down to the ground.”
I blinked and blinked again. These heart to heart conversations were pretty rare.
“Go on.”
“I mean. Yes I might have been hard on you. I made you open a checking account, I made you take a lot of the work to get your name changed on your own. I made you go down to the courthouse to do a lot of the school work by yourself.” She paused. “I did that, because I wanted you to stand on your own two feet, you know. I knew mom had sheltered you. I knew that in four years, you would graduate from High School and head off into the world.” She paused again and took a swig of her soda.
I opened my mouth to speak.
“Hold on honey.” She said holding up her hand. “I'm not finished talking yet. And after your first summer with me, I kind of expected that Madeleine was here to say. But I was not sure. When you told me you wanted to be Madeline.. I knew then what I had to do.” She took another swig of her soda.
“I knew my job had changed from being a big sister to being a mom. And that I had four years to mold you into something. I was not going to send you into the world without some basic skills. I knew the odds were stacked against you, and I also knew that most women have eighteen years to figure themselves out and get their stuff together and that you only had four. I was scared, but since you were going to make a run of things, I was going to help you.”
I was beyond words at this point. I even sniffed the soda and took a small swallow of it. It was just that, soda. Sugary sweet soda.
“And here you are, a Junior in High School, on the honor roll. You're holding down a part time job, you're a cheerleader, a published author. And most of all, you're just an amazing kid, but you've stayed so humble through it all. Sure your freshman year was rough. And we had that flood your sophomore year. You're just a good kid all around and I'm proud to call you my little sister.” She paused again. “I just wish Mom.. could see how you've turned out. You've gone from an ugly caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.”
“Sis?” I asked.
“I'm just so proud of you and all you've done.” She took another swig of her soda. “Anyway, you were about to say something?”
I blinked and looked down on the floor. A small smile crossed my face. Kayla at times could be something of a slave driver, and sometimes it felt like she was riding me way too hard. But she was right, she was just pushing me, pushing me to be a better me.
“Just, I want to say thank you. Thank you for all you've done for me.” At this point I started to nibble on my hot dog, I was kind of taken back.
Kayla blinked and before I could catch myself she was reaching across the table and wrapping her arms around me, I felt a sudden blush color my cheek as I felt those strong arms fold around me and I felt myself being pulled toward her chest. Soon my face was being smothered between the mounds of her breast. Kayla is a good half inch taller than me, having grown up a diet of garden vegetables, venison, yard bird, that chicken for you city folks and hog meat, molasses and lets not forget cornmeal.
“Lord knows you have sugar on them lips girl.” She said as she hugged me tight. “Sweetest thing on God's good green earth, that what you are!”
I blinked and blinked again. And for a moment I just stood there, you know all resting in Kayla's warm embrace. Then I felt her arms starting to tighten and breathing soon became a chore. In my mind the following scene was playing out, Kayla over come with affection for me was hugging me so tight she was kind of crushing me, and my head was turning blue, blue like a blueberry, you know like what happens when somebody hugged so tight all the air leaves their lungs and they go blue in the face. It happens all the time in those old Saturday morning cartoons.
“Kayla...Kayla!” I said, starting to twitch a little. It was an anime like jester. “I can't breath!”
Kayla looked down at me, blinked and quickly released me. She then backed away a little and a small smile graced her face as she looked away. The way she was looking now, reminded me of a child who's gotten caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
“Sorry about that sis.” She said blushing a little.
I paused then. There had been something I wanted to ask her, See my father had been killed when I was four years old, my sister was fourteen at the time. A month after the funeral my sister had come out of the closet and mom had well kicked her out. But, I wanted to know a little more about my dad. My father had always remained this mystery figure that loomed largely in the background. Now, dad grew up in Benton. The town then had a population of twenty five hundred souls, it has since grown to four thousand or maybe five. I could have asked anybody around town about my dad. I mean I guess I could have asked around town. But where to start? That was the problem, I only knew a few people that had known dad. Uncle William and Aunt Isabella seemed to have spoken highly of him. Mr. Potter seemed to have respected, though he went to Benton Academy while my dad had gone to Benton High.
And so, that left only one remaining person. My older sister Kayla. I know I'll be taking a chance. But I had to know. I had to know about him. I mean we had visited mom's grave a few years ago, why had we not visited dad's grave?
“Hey sis?”
“Yes?” Kayla said moving back a bit. I believe she read the tone of my voice.
“What kind of man was daddy?” I asked before my courage could drain away.
Kayla blinked and blinked again. She took a deep breath and then slowly walked over to me, she then once more folded her arms across me and pulled me into a tight hug. “Finish eating hon. Then I'll tell everything I know.”
The rest of the meal was spent in silence. Though once the last hot dog had been eaten and the last handful of corn chips consumed, Kayla kind of decided it was time to spill the beans. I will never forget the look that came across her face. It was one of pure sadness.
“Dad.” She started. “ Was like the best. He never raised his voice, I mean I was something of a little terror growing up. But dad just seemed to take it all in stride. He was the center of our world, of mom and I's world that is. And when mom became pregnant with you. Sis, he became a totally different man. He was cool before you know.” Kayla paused.
“But he became cooler. He pampered mom. He also pampered me, I was a bit worried, I was ten when you were born. And for the first ten years of my life I had been the only child. I was used to being the center of attention. And then you came along and I had to share the limelight. I was a bit worried that mom and dad would stop loving me. Dad put those fears to rest.” Kayla added as she peered down at the table.
“Dad was also a hard worker. He worked forty hours a week, plus sometimes ten hours overtime. At that time, we were living in a rented apartment in Vicksburg. As dad was a foreman at Warren Chemical. Rent was high and mom.” She paused. “Mom wanted me to attend St. Katherine's Episcopal Academy, and that was another big drain. It was like a family tradition or something. Mom and her two brothers attended St. Katherine's Episcopal Academy, her father and mother went there. Their folks went down. You get the idea.” She said nodding her head.
“Mom was something of a social climber. I don't know how she met dad. She never told me, but I guess there was a bit of a rebel in her, as she married as she often said after dad had passed 'Far below her class' whatever that means. I never looked at class.” She paused. “Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, from dust you were made and to dust you shall return and all that good stuff.”
I nodded my head again.
“Anyway dad was the best. On his off days he was always doing something. We would go hiking together, we would fish together. He would take me to the park to play and run around. We would go to the mall and hang out. And sometimes we would tour some old battlefields. Mississippi has dozens of battlefields, and while we toured them, dad would always tell spooky ghost stories.” Kayla sniffed a little, and for a moment I swore I saw tears forming at the edge of her eyes.
“Mom, was kind of okay with it. She thought dad was making me into something of a tomboy. And so she would redouble her efforts to turn me into a proper Southern Belle. She frowned on me going hunting and fishing with dad and us spending so much time hiking and stuff. I guess she was just jealous of the bond he and I had.” She paused again. Tears were starting to fall from her cheeks in earnest now.
“Sis.” I said reaching over. “It's okay, you don't have to say any more.” I said in a soothing tone of voice.
“No, you need to know, a girl should know something about her history and all. Now, mom was prone to fits. She would get all high and mighty and boost her family, how wealthy they were and how she went to the best private school Vicksburg had to offer. And how she had attended the best college money could afford. She loved to brag about that, she also bragged how she was going to raise the next Miss. America.”
I blinked.
“Mom always thought I would grow out of my tomboy phase.” Kayla said. “From time to time she went on the warpath if you will. But dad was always there to calm her down. But then, one day.” Kayla paused and closed her eyes. It was like she was wrestling with something.
“I'll come back to that later.” She said reaching up and pushing a strand of her hair from her face. She then tucked the strand of hair behind her ear. I could tell she was trying to collect her thoughts. And so I just sat there and listened.
“I was ten when you were born. Mom named you Mark because one of her great-great uncles or something was named Mark, he was a Confederate Major and helped command the forces in and around Vicksburg. He was killed during the siege of Vicksburg. Mom was big into family history. She adored it and spent all of her free time swinging from one branch to the other. I mean both families, the Bell and the Brewers fought for the Confederacy.” My sister paused. “But we don't celebrate. It was a horrible war. And a tangled mess.”
I nodded my head.
“Anyway mom wanted to name you Mark because it was a biblical name and because great-great uncle Mark Bell was a Major in the Confederate Army and commanded the defenses of her hometown.” She said, sighing. “I think she was hoping you had been born a girl. That way she could have raised you to me a proper southern belle and cut me loose to be a tomboy.” Kayla paused again. “I don't think she was banking on you being transgender. In fact you were supposed to have been a girl. But never mind that now, that come and gone.”
I nodded my head.
“Honey, I know I am rambling on here. But,just hang tight with me okay? We're almost at the end.” She said smiling sweetly. I knew my sister could ramble on when she wanted too.
“Anyway, you were born a boy. And dad finally had his son. Mom had hoped that this would kind of balance things out. And for, four years, everything was perfect. I was kind of the princess tomboy, and you loved trains. At first I was a little at first mad, you know. For the first ten years of my life I had been the only child, then you came along. But.. I fell in love with you. You were like a living baby doll. I carried you around with me, changed your diaper, fed you and even bathed you. Mom thought it was cute, dad thought so too.”
“Then one day something just happened. We don't know what happened, but there was a big boom at the plant. A lot of people were killed in the first blast, a second blast followed and then a third. I think the remains of the plant can still be seen off the highway. But Dad, dad was just signing off when the second blast happened. And he was killed, crushed to death by large slabs of falling concrete and then burned to a crisp by a roaring fire.” Kayla said pausing.
“They pulled his remains from a twisted pile of steel that had been crushed by a slap of concrete. Mom went into total shock, I was, I shut down. You were too young to know what was going on, I just remember you kept asking 'When is Daddy coming home' And finally, Aunt Isabella and Uncle William had to tell you.” Kayla was crying now and I myself was on the verge of tears. But I kept it all together.
After a long pause, Kayla resumed the tale.
“Like I said, mom had kind of shut down. Nobody had bothered to call Grandpaw and Grandmaw Brewer.” She paused. “Until six hours later. Well, Uncle William and Aunt Isabella handled a lot of the stuff. We moved in with them for a while. Uncle Percy.” She paused. “I mean Father Bell. Conducted the the funeral Mass at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Benton. They entombed him in the graveyard that attached to the church.” Kayla paused again. “It's sad really, Dad is buried at St Mary's, all of the Bell's all one hundred and twenty five of them are buried at St. Katherine's. Mom buried in some out of the way church yard in the hill country. With the rest of the Perry's.”
Kayla took another drink of her cola. It still amazes me that Kayla can keep so much of the family lore locked away in her head. It's a gift common to southern womanhood I think. One that thankfully passed me over. I don't know what I would do if I had to jingle jangle all those facts in my head.
“Mom received a huge settlement from the following lawsuit. Like huge. Uncle William helped. We then moved from Vicksburg to Madison. Mom left the Episcopal Church because they started accepting people she considered different. I started chatting online with people, flirting with them. Most of you know girls. Mom found those chat logs one day and flew right into me. It happens in a blink of an eye, one minute I'm in my room, the next minute I'm standing on the lawn, in my nightgown, with all my stuff getting thrown out on the lawn. And mom standing on the front porch, yelling at me to 'Get the Fuck out of her 'HOUSE' and I was 'A FUCKING HELL BOUND SLUT'. Anyway something happened then, I felt an arm being placed around my shoulder and I smelled daddy. Like I smelled his aftershave. He called me 'Princess' and told me he still loved me, and that I needed to call grandpaw and grandmaw Brewer.”
I nodded my head.
“And that is enough of a history lesson for today. I think we need to collect these dishes and get them washed up and get them put away. I'll pop some popcorn and we can settle down and watch a few movies.”
I nodded my head again. I had a lot to think about now. My sister had just opened up her heart to me and poured everything out. That took a lot of courage, and strengthened the bonds between us. And so the chapter in my life comes to a close. Stay tuned for me updates.
when you live in a small town, you have to be creative when it comes to having fun. I was never really into football, but I do attend all the home football games at my high school. I really don't watch the game, I wander around the bleachers and around the grounds visiting with friends and chatting with people who might be from out of town. If there are no home games, then nine out of ten times I'll pester my sister or Heather to drive me out to the skating rink located just off Highway 16 three miles from town.
That's an average Friday night for me. Saturday, we'll Saturday morning I'm either helping Kayla on the farm, catching up with homework, or helping Lily and Robin with their maid theme cafe downtown. I help on and off during the school week. Saturday afternoon I draw my wages from both places. I save my money for those once in a blue moon, okay more like once a month mall trips and then I head into the woods to meet up with a group of friends.
No, we don't smoke or drink out in the woods. We just sit around a roaring bonfire, roast hot dogs, munch on chips and tell ghost stories. Then when Sunday morning rolls around, no matter how late I stayed out the night before, I drag myself out of bed, brush my teeth, wash my face, do my hair, and get ready for early morning Mass. My uncle's the town Episcopal priest and so I normally end up attending both the “Low Church” early morning Mass that is held at eight o' clock. I ring the church bells for that one. And then I turn around and attend the “ High Church” service at ten thirty. Yep I take communion twice on Sunday.
Now eight o' clock mass last about a hour. So instead of heading back home, I kind of head to the local doughnut shop called “Benton Doughnut's” . It's a tiny little shop that is located in the old KFC (Kitchen Fresh Chicken) stand at the end of downtown. A newer, more modern KFC was built three or so years up on the highway were most of the newer business seem to be moving too. I mean chain business, downtown still remains mostly churches, government building, banks and mom and pop owned stores.
Anyway the Wong family, one of the handful of Chinese families that live in Benton run the place. The dining room is often crowded and people often sit shoulder to shoulder, but it's cozy and the air is always warm and inviting. Mr. Wong goes to Methodist church and his wife and four children attend the Methodist church.
Anyway after eight o' clock mass. I drag myself there to get a doughnut and some coffee. And normally that was where my friends started to gather. Let me tell you about them. First their Jame Sarah Potter, Jamie around my age and smart as a whip. She attends Benton Academy and she is my closest and dearest friend, she likes my twin sister, only I'm a brunette and she is blonde. Up next their Taylor, the youngest member of our group. She is a freshman at Benton Academy, she has blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair and is a solo girl scout, kind of cool if you ask me.
Then there's Cerridwen. She is a raven haired pagan girl who claims she can do a little magic. She is the second youngest, she is only a few weeks older than Taylor. Next we have Daisy, Daisy is Daisy enough said. He or She depending on the day attends Benton Academy too and is dating Cerridwen. Next we have Ben, who's dating Jamie, Matthew who's dating me, Andrew who happens to be Jamie's cousin who also happens to be dating Taylor and rounding out the group Daisy and Cerridwen are a pair, we think.
These are the guys and gays that make my life in Benton worth living. We pick on each other, tease each other, sometimes we fight each other. But when the cards are down, I know everyone has my back. We are a family, a fellowship of misfits and outcasts that have banded together. Kind of like the Fellowship of the Ring, only I doubt any of us would have the strength to carry a cursed ring into the mouth of an active volcano.
Anyway it was the first Sunday in October. School had been in session now for about a month, the leaves on the trees were starting to turn from green to brown, some even turning orange and orange-red. The mornings were cooler, the afternoons it seemed hotter. The days were getting shorter and the nights longer. I was a month into my Junior year of High School, soon I knew I would be a Senior and walking across the stage to claim my diploma. Time marches on. But I pushed those thoughts far from my head. Me and the gang had business we needed to talk about, real business. Halloween business.
Yes, I'm aware that Halloween was a good twenty four days away. And to the casual person, who might only pass out a one bowl of candy and maybe put a few wooden tombstones up on their front lawn along with some fake glow in the dark skeletons that was plenty of time to get ready. But me and my growth was barely enough time. And in order to bring my plans to fruition, We'll need to use every free hour we could get.
Anyway eight o' clock Mass had just ended and I was on my second cup of coffee. With school, like I said having just taken in, most of the crew was still at home, trying to catch up on Homework. And with it being the opening day of archery deer season, most of the boyfriends were in the woods. Let me explain something real quick too. Generations of southern women have always endured having their boyfriends, husbands, and brothers vanish into the woods when October rolls around. Hunting them is almost like going to church. And the opening weekend of any season is treated like a holy day to them, like they put it on the same slate as Christmas and Easter.
Anyway only Jamie and Daisy it seemed could make it. Both of whom seem half asleep. Daisy seemed to be in girly mode today as she wore a nice pastel pink dress and a matching white purse, her blonde hair down and held in place with an Alice band. Daisy is gender fluid, so you just gotta see what her or his mood is. Right now she was half asleep, and leaning into Jamie shoulder who was dressed the same, and likewise was still half asleep.
We tended to treat Daisy more like the little sister of the group than the others.
“Okay ladies!” I said finally as I looked down. “We have business to talk about and there plenty of doughnuts left..” I said getting up and walking over to the coffee pot. I filled two cups up with the strong coffee and handed each cup toward Jamie and Daisy who only muttered a thanks before lifting the coffee to their lips and taking a small sip. Both almost spat the coffee out. But they managed to swallow.
“Hey!” I said looking at both. “I can't help it the way you two take your morning coffee's put you both asleep. Once you put all that cream, half-and-half, and sugar into that stuff. You don't have coffee anymore, you have some sweet and milky creation.”
“Only a farm girl.” Daisy said, taking another shot of her coffee. “Would drink her coffee straight.” She said as she shuddered at the bitterness.
“And only a spoiled city girl would add all that junk you add.” I said shooting back. Two and a half years of staying with Kayla had really toughen me up. Kayla was an old farm girl, she rose with the morning sun, fixed a large breakfast and drank her coffee black. And some of her habits had worn off on me.
“At least I don't have hay behind the ears.” Daisy teased as she took another shot of her coffee. Even Jamie had to giggle at that one and I did too. The hay comment came from the first time Matthew and I really kissed. It had been in the hayloft on the farm, we had decided to help Kayla harvest some hay. The boys did the bailing and the heavy lifting. We girls made sure nobody fell out from heat stroke and tended to the wool heads that had gotten themselves hurt. Matthew and I had been flirting on and off all day and finally he had sweetly talked me into the hay loft. And we'll start kissing. That kissing was about to turn to something else when Kayla and Jamie came busting in on the scene.
I remember the look Kayla gave me, it could have melted through a sheet of ice sixteen inches thick. I could tell she wanted to whoop me there and then. Instead she just scolded up for slacking off. I fully expected to get a whooping that night, but she seemed to have forgotten about the matter. I did have hay stuck in my hair all day and smelled like hay all day that day and all that Sunday and all that following Monday. I sometimes thank God I'm a country girl, how many girls can say they've been kissed in a hayloft? Not many, and I'll take a hayloft to the backseat of an old ford truck anyway of the week.
“Anyway ladies.” I said blushing. “We have some business we need to talk about. And while I would have liked for everyone to have been here this morning. That would have been like herding cats. And the Lord God can only do so much.” I said. “So enough chatting, let's get down to business.”
“To defeat the Huns?” Jamie chimed in and both she and Daisy broke out laying. Jamie had turned Daisy into a Disney Princess loving geek. It was safe to say that when Daisy was in “Girl Mode” as we called it, she was Jamie's adopted little sister. Just as much as Cerridwen was my adopted little sister. I guess we vibed like that, Cerridwen even as a transgender girl was a tomboy and I was still a bit of a tomboy. Jamie was full of girly-girl and had made it her mission to mold Daisy into the perfect princess. God I love my friends sometimes.
“I'm sorry Jamie, we are not going to save China today. Instead we have bigger fish to fry. We have..” I paused and took another sip of my coffee. “Halloween Business to talk about!”
The minute I uttered the word “Halloween” a sudden hush fell. Now, besides having a love for ghost stories, and gathering out in the woods to roast hot dogs, and make s'mores that decadent summer time treat that a heavenly blend of crunchy and sweet and gooey. Yes, beside having a love for ghost stories and good camp food, we've also had our fair share of real life paranormal encounters. I for example have been visited by the ghost of my late mother. Jamie is supposed to have been hunted by a demon, and Daisy's supposed to have the gift to see spirits.
The other remembers not present, including Taylor, is supposed to have a ghost living in her closet, Matthew is supposed to have witnessed first hand the Battle of Benton played out in ghostly fashion. Ben is supposed to have encountered the ghost of a lost boy in the woods. And Cerridwen swears up and down she shares Daisy's gift and can not only see spirits, but things that are weak mortal minds could not possibly start to understand. Heck she even claims that our local Episcopal Church was haunted by the ghost of a little girl who had died in some fire seventy or so years ago.
Anyway, for all of us, Halloween was a very special holiday. It was a time for us to cut lose and go full hog as my sister would say. And oddly enough our town of Benton held a few Halloween celebrations, one was the “Safe Halloween” event that took place down at the local park. Each year some brave or foolish tween or teen would volunteer to be strapped into a replica dunking stool. Business would then donate to see the person plunged into the ice cold waters. I think it was twenty five dollars a dunk.
I should know, I had volunteered for the ducking stool my freshman year. I remember I had worn a Sailor Mercury cosplay and the water had been darn near freezing. My sister was sick that year with a cold. I also think that was the year Jamie had been given a very public gunging by Heather Ford. Who would soon become my second mom. Talk about a strange twist of fate.
That date of “Safe Halloween” of course had been moved to a week before Halloween now. Because the down decided to host its own Halloween celebration on Halloween Proper and still wanted to keep the later. Cerridwen too had been gunged at that celebration. That had been my Sophomore year, I heard about it from Lily. I had been out of town that day, visiting Aunt Isabella and Uncle William.
Anyway, Halloween is a big money day. Think about it, people spend truckloads of money on fancy decorations, costumes, candy and props. And well my sister wanted to cash in on, so this year she decided to host an “Haunted Farm” thing on the back forty acres of land that had set untouched since Grandpaw Brewer Had passed away back in twenty eleven.
“So, since its Halloween time again. My sister had decided to host a few 'Haunted Farm' tours. Like she wants to do at least one. Problem is, were kind of short on help.” I said peering toward Daisy and Jamie. “And I was wondering if you two would like to help? I'm going to ask the others when I see them. I just want to know I could count on you two.” I said in an almost pleading tone of voice.
Jamie was the first to respond.
“Sure, I'll love to help. Plus dad's thinking about opening up a 'Spirit of Halloween' thing down in one of the abandoned warehouse downtown. You know the one on the other side of Main Street, the one on Mound Street? Its right across from the railroad station. Can't miss it. Plenty of parking too.” Jamie said as she nodded her head.
“Is it beside the ice plant and the bottling plant?” I asked. Jamie had piqued my curiosity. Benton for its small size did have a surprising number of thriving businesses.
“Yep! Right beside William Ice House and Holmes Bottling Works. Both still in operation and both locally owned.” Jamie said. I could tell the gears were starting to turn in her head. A coy look crossed her face. “And since Kayla's putting on this spooky tour, maybe she'll consider buying everything from that pop up store my dad's going to open.”
“Sure! Heck were family girl, almost family and family supports family. I'll mention something to Kayla after church this afternoon. She kind of wants to have a after church family date type thing.” I said blushing a little. “Heather's busy moving her stuff in. You know from apartment in Clinton to are little rural homestead. And it's been kind of trying on all of us, not only the drive, but the loading and unloading.”
“I know.” Jamie said giggling. “You guys have been working poor Matt and Ben to the bones. And Daisy too!” She shifted her blue eyes toward Daisy who was putting away the third doughnut of the morning. I'm still amazed that the girl can just eat like a little piggy and not gain an ounce of weight. With me it was just the opposite. It seemed if I ate one slice of pizza, I would gain a pound. Not really, but it felt like that.
“Hey! We paid them. Like eight dollars a hour!” I said blushing a little. “Plus it was kind of hot, watching Matthew work. Like when they started moving those big pieces, he took off his shirt and o' girl did you see his best. That boy was cute.” I paused. “And don't you say anything. I know you were checking out your boyfriend too.” I teased. And much to my delight I watched Jamie's face flush with color. Daisy on the other hand was going for her fourth doughnut and her second cup of coffee.
“You guys are weird.” Daisy said with a sigh. “All you two did was stand around and watch Ben and Matthew do a little heavy lifting. While Cerridwen and I did most of the packing and lifting.” And with that she went for her fifth doughnut. Not that I'm complaining. I had brought two big boxes, because I had been expecting a bigger crowd.
Jamie rolled her eyes at this. “Right, and in the end Heather decided both you and Cerridwen deserved a little more than eight dollars a hour. I think she slipped you guys sixty dollars or something. While Madeline and I only got like forty something dollars.” Jamie paused. “And we were supervising you two dorks.”
Daisy said nothing and only rolled her shoulders.
“Anyway back on topic.” I said. “So does anybody have any major plans for October? Family trips? Hunting trips? Fishing Trips?” I asked as I peered toward Jamie and Daisy. Both shook their heads.
“You know, the boys are going to be hunting right?” Jamie said after a long moment of thinking. “Its archery season. Getting our boyfriends to volunteer for anything would be like pulling teeth. Not till one of them kills a deer at least.”
“True. Also is anybody going to volunteer for that yearly dunking stool thing?” I asked.
And Jamie surprised us all by slowly raising her hand.
“Brewer farms will donate twenty five dollars.” I said, smirking a little.
“Potter's Mercantile gone and donated twenty five more dollars.” Jamie said, forcing a little.
“I'm sure Sweet Magnolia would also donate twenty five dollars.” Daisy said helping herself to another doughnut at this point I've decided that the girl was going to gorge herself on the sweet treats and drown her sorrow in coffee.
“Don't forget about Croft Veterinary Clinic.” I chimed in. “Twenty five dollars their.” I paused. “That's enough dunking. And I'm sure Matthew and Ben can get Sunflower Food store to donate another twenty five dollars.”
“Whitethorn Family Hair Salon too!” Chimed in Daisy. Who it seemed had had her fill of doughnuts and coffee. Or maybe she had noticed me looking at her, smirking. I pushed the half empty box toward her, she swallowed hard and helped herself to another.
“Wow. So many people want to see me get dunked.. really girl, you going to eat all those doughnuts! You're going to turn into a little piggy!” Scolded Jamie in a joking tone of voice. “Life is totally unfair, some girls get all the luck, they can eat, eat and eat and not gain one ounce of weight. Others just gain ten pounds by looking at a slice of Pizza.”
Daisy pouted a little.
“Wow!” I said blinking. “That's going to the perfect costume for you!” I said peering toward Daisy. “Peppa the Pig!” I said snapping my fingers together.
Jamie busted out laughing. A few seconds later I did too. Daisy though just folded her arms across her chest and set her lips into a pout. If looks could kill, she would have killed me fifteen times over.
“Aww don't pout sis.” Jamie said, throwing her arms around Daisy's thin shoulders. “Were just teasing you, we're not going to force you to be anything. I was kind of hoping you'll volunteer for the ducking stool too.” She said hugging our group pet. Okay that was a bit mean, but it was cute watching Jamie hug Daisy and a few minutes later I found myself moving over to hug her too. Daisy was a pest, but she was family. And family stuck together.
“I'm not popular enough!” Daisy whined after being held for a few minutes.
“I don't know.” I said, smirking a little.
“Why don't you go ahead and just volunteer.” Jamie said, smirking a little. “Trust me, people can't donate if you don't volunteer.” Jamie cackled again. “And if you don't volunteer, you would never know how popular you are.”
I was just about to open my mouth when I heard the chiming of the Bells of All Saints Catholic church. The Catholic church holds two masses, one at eight o' clock and one at ten. So the summing of All Saint's bell was something of a warning to us that our own Mass was about to take in.
“Any of you serving today?” I asked.
“Fr. Percy has me down for being the acolyte.” Daisy said.
“Does Fr. Percy know you're in girl mode?” Jamie asked.
“Nope. And Fr. Percy should count himself lucky that he has so many acolyte's willing to help out. Considering the size of St. Mary's, I doubt he can afford to be picky.” She paused and shoved another doughnut into her mouth.
I nodded my head. Another thing about us, all of us took turns serving as acolytes at the local Episcopal Church, including Cerridwen, who did it just because she wanted to be included. Cerridwen and her family are Pagans and belong to a small colony of around one hundred Pagan families that live in that area, fittingly called Haunted Hollow by many. Many of the Pagan's families tend to keep to themselves. But since Fr. Percy took over St. Mary's, a good many seem to attend services, a few have even joined. I think Cerridwen might want to join Rowan; her father seems to be good friends with Fr. Percy and the two joke around a lot. Pandora, her mother, never one for formality calls him “Kiddo” for reasons neither have explained to me.
“So, you and I are serving together?” I asked Daisy who at this time had shoved another doughnut into her mouth and had washed it down with another cup of coffee.
Daisy nodded her head.
“Great, you better not fall asleep on me! I know you stuffed yourself with donuts!”
Daisy was just about to respond when I cleared my voice and rose up. “I think that a good stopping place. Jamie, I'll be telling Kayla about the pop up shop and I'll make sure she buys everything from your family story. As you said family supports family. Daisy, please consider volunteering for the ducking stool, and Jamie if you're going to volunteer, don't do what I did. Don't color and cut your hair to match the character.”
We all had a giggle at that.
“And.. can I count on you two to be there to help Kayla and I with her Halloween Project?”
“You can count on us!” Jamie and Daisy said in unison. “And we'll pass the word along too!”
I nodded my head.
“Thanks guys, and so with that I call this meeting of the doughnut club to a end! Hope to see you all next Saturday night at the old camp ground and back her on Sunday morning for coffee and doughnuts. That is, if Daisy does not eat them all!” And with that another weekly meeting of the Doughnut Club came to a close and another week in my life started.
he gymnasium was crammed full of people. It was the second week of October and Halloween was just around the corner. With Halloween being so close, our student council on a whim had decided to hold something of a Harvest Celebration. You could tell it had been a last minute decision, because everything seemed thrown together. But all in all, things seemed to be turning out alright. Like I said, the gymnasium was crammed full of people, both students and teachers alike seemed to be enjoying themselves.
The savory smell of fresh popped popcorn filled the air. The Home Educational students had been put in charge of the food. And had settled on popcorn, hot dogs and ice cold sodas. A small bag of popcorn would cost you around seventy five cents, a hot dollar would cost you a dollar twenty five and a faygo pop, either cola, strawberry, orange or grape would cost you fifty cents. The Art students had been put in charge of decorations and with what little money they had been allotted they had done a wonderful job.
Pumpkin's provided by my sisters farm along with hay bales dotted the gym. Along with paintings of witches with the classic fairy tale appearance of green skin with warts on their noses, wearing long black dresses, crooked hats, mounted on broomsticks and sailing across star splashed skies hung all around the gym. Some panties even featured spooky graveyards with half sunken stones and moss covered angels. Some featured rundown houses with sagging roofs, and broken shutters. I guess since the celebration was to take place during school hours they wanted to conjure up spooky images via paintings.
As far as attractions went, we had a cake-walk toward the back of the gymnasium, in the center we had a bobbing for apples thing and toward the exit we had the kissing booth. Now, I had volunteered for the kissing booth. I mean I've done everything else, I've been in a dunking booth, once my freshman year and again the summer of my sophomore year. I was also covered from head to toe in green colored apple-sauce my freshman year as well for some charity. And also my freshman year I volunteered for the town's ducking stool. Heck, I've even been covered in baked beans! So it's safe to say I'm no stranger when it comes to getting messy for charity.
The only thing I've never done though is a kissing booth. So shrugging my shoulders, I decided to volunteer for that, you know, knock that off my high school bucket list. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a teenage movie. Anyway, since the whole deal was only to last an hour, I was to be the only one staffing the booth.
Now, I'm a shy girl, and I have a steady boyfriend, who when informed that I'll be volunteering for said booth only shrugged his shoulders. I think he was a little on edge with me volunteering, but he finally gave his nod of approval when I moved in and gave him a good kiss on the lips. Now my sister has a saying, you're not claimed till they put a ring on your finger. With that piece of advice, I felt free enough to volunteer. After all, neither Matthew and I had placed a ring on each other's figures. And while we were close enough, we still understood that either one of us could break off the relationship at a moment's notice.
Anyway, as it turns out I was the only girl brave enough to volunteer. Now me volunteering caused a few problems. Our student council, a collection of eight students, drawn from all four grades, was overjoyed that I had volunteered and accepted my application without batting a eye. Now the teachers on the other, they were a bit hesitant. See, I'm a odd ball, I'm the school's only Transgender student.
The fact that I used to be a shy boy named Mark cut very little ice with the students. None of them really knew me as Mark, as far as they were concerned, I had always been Madeline. I started my freshman year as Madeline, I tried out for the cheerleading team as a girl named Madeline, I had volunteered for the Discover Benton dunking booth girl named Madeline, I had volunteered for the fourth of July dunking booth as a girl named Madeline, My report card said Madeline, the teachers called me Madeline, heck even my bank account and my drivers permit said Madeline. So as far as my peers were concerned, I was just an underdeveloped girl named Madeline.
Really only the staff knew about my history as Mark. And that was the hang up and that was the main reason they hesitated till at last at the eleventh hour when no willing volunteer could be found, they were once more forced to turn to me. To me, it was a repeat of the thanksgiving charity fair.
And so that matter settled, I decided to go all out. I had this little back dress that fell just above the knee. The dress showed off what little cleavage I had. It was flirty and flattering too and could be dressed up or down, I paired it with my best pair of shoes, a pair of black ankle strap high heels. Those had been my first real pair of shoes I had brought, I brought them with my own money and my sister's help. I liked them because they made me feel taller than I really was.
For make-up and hair, I decided to go for a sultry look. I'll never forget the way my sister and her beloved looked at me that morning while I got dressed. Both just stood in the doorway of the bathroom, arms folded across their chest, head cocked to the side and a general look of concern showing clearly on their faces. But neither said anything about my sultry look or my heavy handed use of eyeliner and lipstick.
Heather did however say in an off-handed way that I was pulchritudinous enough without so much make-up and such a dress should only be worn on a date and not to a school's kissing booth. When I asked her to define the word “Pulchritudinous'' She simply wrote it down and told me to google it. And so I did, I pulled out my phone and googled it. It turns out the word is an adjective that means physically beautiful or attractive. Pulchritudinous in short it's a grandiose way of saying someone or something is good-looking.
But after that little comment I was left along. There was really nothing else for me to do besides pack my school bag, pick up the brown paper bag that held my lunch. A peanut butter sandwich, a few snack cakes and a juice box. The classic school lunch, and so with my lunch in hand, I bounced down the concrete steps and flagged down the trolley and I was soon off to school.
And so with all that covered, I'm now sitting here on a wooden stool behind a wooden counter. A large pickle jar sits on the wooden counter. A piece of pink construction paper is taped to the jar and the words 'Kisses for Charity' are written on it. Under that are the words 'All Kisses on Cheeks! - One dollar!” The jar is empty and next to the jar one would find four tubs of lipstick.
And so I wait. My fingernails, freshly painted and polish drum on the countertop and my eyes scan the crowded gym. And from the looks of things, only the cake-walk might bring in some money, because let's face it, everybody loves cake. I'm still surprised the classic pie toss is missing from the lineup of games, and the crowd pleased the dunking booth, heck they could have even hired a pitch and burst if they wanted too. But then again, with only a week to plan and a shoe-string budget to work with, it's a wonder this ever got started in the first place.
A quarter of an hour passed before anybody really passed the booth. Despite my flirty stance most of the boys stood to the side and only peered toward the booth. I think many of them were debating if they should risk Matthew's wrath by going up and dropping a dollar. A flock of girls also stood, shooting daggers at me. I knew soon another rumor about me would be floating along the corridors of the school.
I mean I was aware people talked about it. I mean school girls love to gossip, For example if you get Jamie and I together before long we are chatting it up. Like we talk about who's going steady with who, who's cheating on who and with whom. Who's given up their virginity to so so. Lily, and Robin though they often frown on this, soon join in. What can I say, we girls like to network out. Our social network is vast and often overlaps others. And through that social networking, I've discovered a few rumors about me.
One rumor was I seemed to enjoy getting dunked, because I had volunteered for the dunking booth twice. And the town's dunking stool once, another rumor stated that I might have developed a “Fetish” for getting messy since I often ended up getting messy a lot. That rumor piqued my curiosity and caused me to go to google. I discovered something called W.A.M that stood for (Wet and Messy) and it was a fetish. It seemed there was a whole internet community devoted to it. After doing a little more reading, I decided it was not really a fetish for me, but just something that often happens because I had a charitable heart and people would often pay good money to see somebody humiliated.
I did have to explain to Kayla why I was googling that though. I don't think she was amused, and I don't think she was upset. I think she was more confused than anything. For a moment I thought she was going to pull me over her lap for a one on one talk with Ms. Hair Brush, but I escaped that fate by the skin of my teeth.
Another rumor centered on me again being some kind of robot because I still used the staff's bathroom to change into my P.E uniform and to change into my cheer uniform. That rumor had followed me around since my freshman year.
The final rumor centered on me and my group of friends who gathered in the woods to tell spooky stories. That rumor said we were really gathering in the woods to perform hexing rituals, and that we would often dance around the campfire naked and offer kittens and puppies to some tree. That was silly, anybody who knew me, knew I was a semi-devoted Anglican who attended weekly services at our town's Episcopal Church, Saint Mary's. The rumor was cool though, though it might offend the witch of our group Cerridwen, who was a gentle green witch who often blessed us for safe travels through the woods.
This musing ate up fifteen more minutes of my time. But it gave me something to do as I waited and waited.
To be continued~
So I was thirty minutes into my one hour shift of the kissing booth. And so far I had handed out no kisses. I thought the whole thing was a bust like the rest of the fair. I mean, when you think about it, it was nothing more than a thrown together event. Thirty minutes in and the cake-walk had run out of cake, the bobbing for apple's thing had run out of apples. And only the food booths seemed to be thriving, I guess when you consider the quality of the cafeteria food. Okay let me tell you about the cafeteria food, most of the time it was decent. Bland, poorly seasoned and often overcooked and sometimes even raw or still frozen.
The milk was often warm and watery, the hamburgers often soggy and poorly seasoned, the meatloaf.. often moved and sometimes growled at you if you poked it with your fork or spoon. The chicken, often baked and seasoned with lemon and a bit of butter was often raw and still bleed when you poked it. Your main sides were either rice, that was not really rice but a clump of something that looked like rice, butter beans that were okay, peas, those were a treat because they were seasoned with tiny strips of bacon. And sometimes you had boiled okra that was slimy and slithered down your throat or gushed a clear liquid when you cut into it.
Bread was, we'll have two choices when it came to bread. A dinner roll that was hard as a stone and often had to be soaked in the milk to make it soft enough for you to chew on it, then you had to chew a good while before you could swallow it. Then it felt like a stone when you tried to pass it. Beside the dinner roll you had a small, square slice of yellow cornbread. The cornbread tasted okay and was only served thrice a year, the first one was before Thanksgiving break, the second time was before the Christmas Holiday and the last time was before Easter Break or Spring Break.
Anyway, with food like that being served on a daily basis, it's no wonder that students are flocking to drop their dollars on hot dogs and popcorn, and heck I think they're even starting to sell pizza by the slice, one slice of pizza like a dollar seventy five or two dollars. Jesus, talk about milking the cow till the tit runs out of milk.
I was about to abandon my post when from the shadows a shy freshman appeared. He had short blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. He was on the short side, blushing he reached into his pocket and dropped a dollar into the jar. I smiled and then leaned over and kissed him on the cheeks. I had applied an extra thick coating of lipstick a few moments ago so my lips were still wet, wet enough to leave a mark.
The boy blushed, and quickly started to retreat. I giggled, it was something cute about watching the boy retreat into the shadows. A moment later another boy appeared, he too was on the short side, he was dressed in a pair of khaki colored trousers, brown dress shoes, a white button down long sleeve shirt and blue blazer. His brown hair was just long enough to be kind of shaggy.
He too was blushing as he neared the booth and dropped his dollar into the jar. Smirking a little I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. It was my turn to blush, as his cheeks were smooth as silk and I could smell some tropical aftershave floating around him. That scent drove me wild! If I had not already promised myself to Matthew, I would totally love to have a tumble with him in the hayloft or roll with him in the clover. Now it was my turn to flush! Before I could catch myself I found myself mentally undressing him, starting with his shirt and peeling away the layers like one would peel an orange. And oh what a juicy orange that would be!
It took me a moment to regain myself. But I soon did, even though I was still riding a pretty big wave. A few more boys showed up and I duly kissed them. None of them really sparked the excitement the second boy had.
And so I thought the highlight of the day had passed. Things were starting to wind down now. The crowds were starting to melt away, I'm not sure what wisdom possessed our school to hold the fair in the middle of the school day, putting a time limit on these things always seemed to be dooming them from the start.
And so with the last few minutes of the little celebration ticking down. I counted myself lucky to escape as clean as I did. I mean the Kissing booth had been fun, and it might have been a bit more embarrassing than the dunking booth. But it was another item I could check off my bucket list. Seeing the crowd starting, I decided to close up shop early. My jar had only four or maybe five lonely one dollars bills in it.
Then much to my chagrin, the whole football team seemed to start to line up by the booth. All twenty of them, they were quite a sight to see too. All of them dressed in button down shirts and slacks, complete with ties. Once more I felt my cheeks starting to flush as they lined up in front of the booth. And then one by one they dropped their dollars into the jar.
And one by one I kissed them on the cheeks, leaving my 'Mark' upon each of their cheeks. I know this is going to sound rude, but I could not help laugh the whole time. I mean at this point I felt like I was really living in a high school movie? I mean it's a classic trope, the shy girl volunteers for the kissing booth and has the time of her life, at least I think it is. And the football team lining up to be kissed by the sky girl, that has to be a classic cliche.
Looking back I think I did something most high school girls dream about doing. I kissed the whole football time! Kind of odd yes, but then again you only pass through high school once. And in one more year, I'll be walking across the stage, shaking hands with some shot caller, I would then receive my diploma and all of this would be forgotten? I mean nobody is going to remember this in five or six years? So why not live it up a little, make a few waves and try to make something of it.
Anyway, one by one I worked my way down the line, kissing each football player as they dropped the dollars into my little jar. Till at last the last one had gone on his merry little way. About that time, I was about to close up the booth. Everything else had at this point shut down. And the student's who had volunteered to clean up the gym were starting to flood in.
A teacher, an older woman with her auburn hair pulled back in a tight bun passed by the booth and collected the jar. She took one look at me and shook her head. She had a very sour expression on her face, a kind of granny look. Very dole.
“I trust you had fun Ms. Brewer?” She said as she screwed the lid on the jar and tucked the jar under the crook of her arm.
“I had a blast.” I said blushing as I stepped from behind the booth.
“In my day, a girl who would have volunteered for such a booth would have been considered.. of low breeding and of low morals. She would have been considered no better than the street walkers of grease row and bar queens that hang out in the dusty, musty, fifthly roadside bars that you see up country.”
I blinked and blinked again. At that moment I felt like I had been smashed with a ton of bricks. The weight of the words were bone crushing. I saw red, my nostrils flared and my hands started to tremble. I wanted to scream something, but I did not trust myself to speak and so I kept my mouth firmly shut.
“Furthermore, We would have never considered having such an attraction in my day. That booth, along with its cousin the dunking booth are designs that lure out the devil. They feast upon man's lustful nature and are staffed by low moral women, who flaunt their bodies around like some whore. I just can't bring myself to approve of it. Even if it is for charity. Furthermore, I can not approve of that upcoming holiday, it's the devil's birthday.”
And with her little speech done, she climbed down from her soap box and left. And once she maid through those two double doors, the air in the room became so much lighter. I did however feel a little crestfallen. I had volunteered for the booth to raise money for the children's hospital, the same hospital I had spent three weeks in following the wreck that had killed my mother and left me adrift. I was just about to lash out and vent on the wooden booth, when I felt somebody touching me on the shoulder.
I quickly spun around and then I blink, their standing only a few inches from was Matthew, I felt my cheeks fill with color as smiled at me, that smiled cause me to lose all my anger, and was like a fresh ray of sunshine busting through the darken clouds that had just surrounded my heart.
“Is the kissing booth still open?” He asked, smiling a little.
“Its always open for you babe.” I said returning his smirk with a little impish smile of my own. I then tossed my arms around him and kissed him, and unlike the others, I kissed him full on the mouth. Our lips touched and passion flooded through are bodies. A second later, are lips touched and I felt his arms fall down around me, embracing me, I lost myself in his firm grip and gave into the passion. It felt so good to give into the passion, I don't know how long we kissed because time seem to stand still, and the whole world seemed to empty.
To me, that was the best way to end my adventure in the kissing booth, getting to kiss the one boy who matters, the one boy I hope to call my husband, the one boy I hoped to start a family with, that one very special boy that I hope to grow old with. And I did, and another chapter in my life drew to a close.
The End.