(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2425 by Angharad Copyright© 2014 Angharad
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“They’re going to sue me?” I gasped.
“That’s about it, yes.”
“But they were trying to kill me.”
“I’m well aware of that.”
“So if they were the perpetrators, how come they have even the right to sue me?”
“I don’t know, presumably because they can and some smart-arse lawyer has told them so. They’re bound to know it also upsets you so gives them an opportunity to cause you trouble while they’re banged up.”
“But that is so wrong, Simon.”
“I agree entirely and knowing that you’d be angry took the decision to set Jason on them with instruction to sue them until their breath was all they had and then we’ll do ‘em for air pollution.”
I actually chuckled not so much at his humour but because I was so angry at what he’d told me. It’s absurd that because a victim fights back and gets the better of the situation that the perpetrators can then claim any sort of damages. Surely, if someone is trying to kill me, I have a right to neutralise that threat in any way I can–well okay, killing everyone in their family or that they’ve ever spoken to on face-ache might be a trifle heavy handed unless they dropped litter deliberately; then it would be justified.
“What did Jason say.”
“I suspect he just licked his lips.”
“Have you seen this?” enquired Sammi holdin an iPad.
“Yeah, we’ve all got one, why?”
“They’re accusing you on facebook of bullying them.”
“Who are?”
“The bad guys you tried to kill.”
“Darling, if your mother had tried to kill them, they’d be waiting for cremation right now.”
“Okay, the two who tried to kill her.”
“Isn’t this sub judice?” I asked.
“I’m not sure, but I know a man who’ll know for certain.” Simon went off to call Jason again.
“Doesn’t Jason ever get tired of Daddy and you calling him all the time?”
“Probably, but it pays for his expensive cars and holidays.”
“Hadn’t thought of that. He’s quite cute, isn’t he?” Sammi posited.
“He’s very good looking but perhaps a trifle old for you.”
“I prefer older men, they tend to look after me better.”
“Sammi, you need to speak to your dad about anything with Jason because we do so much business with him, if you’re thinking of anything with him.”
“Just thinking out loud, Mummy dearest, so don’t blow a gasket yet.” She smiled sweetly and went back up to her room.
“Oh she’s gone?” said Si returning to me.
“Yes, why?”
“Jason wanted her to show him the page in question. He’ll have to call her.”
“Is that a good idea?” I said far too firmly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing,” I blushed.
“Don’t tell me you’ve got the hots for him as well?”
“No, but she might have.” Damn, I’d betrayed her trust.
“How d’you know that–she say something?”
“No, just a bit of intuition.” I lied and I’m sure he knew it.
“Hmm,” he said narrowing his eyes for a moment. Oh well, what happens, happens. “I suppose she could do worse.”
“Is that all you’re going to say?”
“What else is there to say, she’s her own woman, a bit like you–could be where she gets it.”
This was a wind up but I saw it coming and chose to ignore it which spoilt his fun. Ten minutes later Sammi appeared to say she’d spoken to Jason and he’d asked her out for dinner on Saturday.
“But you’re coming to Menorca with us on Saturday,” I said angrily.
“Relax, Mummy, I’m flying out on Sunday.”
“I changed the flight, alright–just for me, going from Luton.”
“That’s what she said,” confirmed Simon.
“How are you getting there?”
“Jason said he’d get me there, alright?” I simmered wondering where else he was going to ‘get’ her. No it’s a first date–surely she doesn’t give in that easily? “Don’t look so worried, Mummy, he’s only giving me a lift. I’d still have to come and collect her from the airport the other end. Why did we bother adopting teenagers?
“You’re really worried about Sam, aren’t you?” Simon said as we lay quietly together that night.
“I don’t know, he’s quite a bit older than she is and Cate has lived as a girl longer.”
“She’s had one or two relationships.”
“Oh, so you’re implying she’s more experienced than I am, are you?”
“Not at all, but you worry too much.”
“I had two men trying to kill me a few days ago, remember? Being alert is what kept me alive.”
“Well, I’m here now and no one is going to hurt you while I’m around–so just relax.” He began stroking my nipple and I had to admit it was very pleasant. Then he stroked my face and kissed me so sensually. I kissed him back and my...mobile peeped for a text. “Ignore it.”
“Let me just read it.”
“I just want to, all right?”
He wasn’t pleased but I reached my phone from the bedside table and opened the texts. It was from James. ’Call me, urgently, J.’
“What is it?” asked a disgruntled husband who saw the worried look I had.
“It’s James, I asked him to investigate this strange woman who saw me at the university claimed to be a teacher there and also transsexual.”
“The head of the gay lib lot?”
“So she said. I didn’t believe her, looks like I might have been right,” I said as I dialled James’ mobile number. He answered it in two rings.
“You asked me to call you.”
“Yes, I’ve got a make on that woman you asked me to identify.”
“Oh good, who is she?”
“It’s not good.”
My tummy flipped. “Why? Who is she?”
“She’s Justine Boleyn.”
“That means nothing to me I’m afraid.”
“It would, Cathy, if you were looking for a hit woman.”
“Oh my goodness, I’m her next target?”
“I hate to agree with you, but I suspect you’re right. According to a friend in MI5, she often manufactures a meeting with her targets before she kills them.”
“Oh shit.”
“What’s the matter, babes?”
“I’m dead, that’s what.”