(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2266 by Angharad Copyright © 2014 Angharad
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“...an’ Mummy cleared her blockage from the ovary and her periods started.” Danni was extolling my virtues to Stella.
“Her periods wouldn’t have stopped by a blockage from the ovary unless it was caused by something which affected her uterus and her ovaries–that would be pretty obvious even to the average doctor, as she was too young to be menopausal...” Stella cogitated.
“Well I don’t bloody know, do I?” confessed a bewildered teenager.
Nurse Cameron then asserted, “If she wasn’t a prem menopausal, and didn’t have anything else serious, the menses must have been just some form of symbolism by the healing energy to let her know something had happened.”
“Why didn’t it just send her a text message?” suggested Danni escaping while Stella was still engrossed with the physiological conundrum which her niece had presented.
I found it fascinating to watch her wheels turning. That she was considering going back to work was of itself good for her. It would enable her to meet people and who knows, maybe find a partner. I’d love to see her settled with someone, although the fact she already had two children would not assist in her quest. Mind you, I recall a joke from when I was in school which I didn’t understand at the time, it went something like–Two women were comparing how lazy their respective brothers were. ‘My brother is so lazy, he puts jam on envelopes so the kids will lick them for him.’ ‘Huh,’ said the other, ‘my brother is so lazy he married a woman with two children.’ Perhaps you can see how someone aged about thirteen had to have it explained to them, by which time it wasn’t funny anymore–if it was in the first place.
I asked her how she’d got on speaking to the director of nursing and she explained she’d have to do several weeks of updating, work under the supervision of a urologist–i.e. Mr O’Rourke for so long and then apply to get her specialist status back. The good news was that they’d pay her once she was working again. Personally, I think urology is a load of bladders, which may be taking the piss or not.
Simon made a huge fuss of Danni having her sit on his lap while he hugged her. He asked her to explain to him why she did it and before long she was in tears–at least he couldn’t blame it on me–the tears, that is. If you remember he’s always accusing me of making the kids cry–I don’t, it’s just that they tend to do it in front of me or with me and okay, sometimes because of me. I don’t use torture unless they really need it, and then we stick to water boarding in the garden pond.
I saw Danni off to bed and sitting on the side of the bed had a bit of a déjá vu experience, this was where I was sitting when she slipped into unconsciousness. This time after a nice hug and a little chat, she slipped into a natural sleep and I left her after kissing her on the forehead and telling her I loved her. I then threw a blanket of blue light over her and hoped it would protect and comfort her if she woke with bad dreams or feeling down.
Later in bed with Simon he asked me what it was all about by which he meant Danni’s attempted suicide. “Was she serious, or was it a cry for help?”
“Sadly, I think it was a serious attempt. She didn’t know I’d be up to see her before she went off, when she presumed I’d think she was asleep.”
“Any long lasting effects–from the pills, I mean?”
“They seemed to think not because we’d caught her early. You’d have been proud of Stella the way she helped me get her in a wheel chair and she belted along the corridor to A&E.”
“She didn’t run anyone down, then?”
“Not as far as I know, why?”
“She did when she was a student nurse.”
“Oh,” was my reply.
“So, why did Danni try to top herself?”
“You’re the one who spent half an hour talking to her.”
“Yeah, but she was so garbled, I thought I’d come to you for the translation.”
“Stephanie thinks she may just be overwhelmed by the finality of what she did or was done to her.”
“Explain in simple words or phrases.”
“I thought I had–okay, she’s a teenager so she sees things in black and white. There are no shades of grey, just a pair of absolutes.”
“Right.” At least he was still awake listening to my exposition.
“...and that’s why she did it.” I completed my story some twenty minutes later.
“So does she want to revert back to being a boy?”
“I don’t know, for the moment she doesn’t seem to. She’s back painting her nails and so on, but who knows long term.”
“That is going to be so hard if she does.”
“Which is why they make them wait before they do anything which might be considered irrevocable.”
“Yeah, I can see that.”
“The thing I don’t understand is why Pia did it to her.” I had my theories but no hard facts and I didn’t know where I’d be able to glean any others unless I spoke to her parents–and I didn’t fancy that.
“Yeah, you’d have thought she’d have just cut everything off same as she was.”
“I don’t know, I suspect she was conducting some sort of experiment.”
“What for?”
“That’s what I don’t understand myself, but then the assault in France seemed to change her character completely, before then she was a nice, polite young man.”
“Didn’t she have a sister?”
“Yes, Danny as a boy was quite attracted to her.”
“So how come up in Scotland he was sucking the face off a boy?”
“I have no idea.”
“Do the hormones change your sexuality?”
“I don’t know, I don’t think they did for Alan Turing.”
“The guy who broke the Enigma code.”
“When was that?”
“World War Two.”
“Oh, back then.”
“Yeah, Turing was a genius, he developed the concept which led to the development of computers. He was also gay in a time when it was illegal to have same sex relations.”
“What uncles and fathers?”
Sometimes I could murder him.
“He was convicted but because he was rather famous he was given the option of chemical castration by taking female hormones.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“It appears it messed up his mind a bit, he was never the same again and he is presumed to have committed suicide by eating an apple laced with cyanide, which is why Steve Jobs chose the apple with the bite out of it as the logo for his company. He saw Turing as the founder of computer science.”
“Ah, so that’s where it came from.”
“I thought everyone knew that?”
“Apparently not, but then while you academics are having orgasms over titbits of information, us working in the real world...”
“Real world, ha. Since when did million pound bonuses appear in the real world?”
“Lots of people get bonuses.”
“Not measured in millions, they don’t.” I could almost feel the heat from his blushes.
“Okay, I work in cloud cuckoo land–but when you’re not in your ivory tower, you seem happy to spend it.”
“Well of course, I’m in the real world then and your Monopoly money is accepted by all leading shops and stores.”