(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2194 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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Danni appeared saying goodbye to her tutor and she wandered into the kitchen, “Hi Mummy, David, Auntie Stella, Auntie Siá¢n, what time’s lunch?”
“Half an hour,” announced David making anyone else’s opinion wasteful.
“Can I go to town after lunch, Mummy.”
“Might I ask to do what?”
“I need some more eyeliner.”
I was about to ask how much homework she had when Siá¢n intervened. “Go on, Cathy, let her go and I’ll go with her.”
I shrugged, “Don’t forget you’ve got homework to finish. What happened to the eyeliner you had?”
“I–um used it all, I have to practice remember, I haven’t been doing it for a hundred years like you lot.”
David sniggering caused me to forget what I was going to say about impertinence so I said nothing. Stella and Siá¢n were chuckling as well and that would only negate any chiding I did, so I let her go back to her homework, I hope.
In some ways I was a bit jealous, I wish I’d been allowed to wear eye makeup at age thirteen. Mind you in some ways I still feel as if I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.
After a delicious lunch, Siá¢n and Danni went to town and I did some more work on lesson planning. Sometimes I wondered why I was trying to teach the great unwashed anything at all, for many it’s totally futile. Even if I stated one of the objectives was to recognise a dormouse, half of them are too thick to do that even though half the children in infant’s schools would be able to do so. I sometimes wonder if while they’re teenagers and their brains go to mush to reform as adults, some of them never quite make the conversion back and are still mush. I suspect they only get A levels on a sympathy vote, though none of them should be awarded a degree, not if I have anything to do with it.
I went to collect the Three Degrees, not academic ones but the songstresses, though the noise my three were making in the back of my car as they tried to murder a song by Miley Cyrus, so they told me. Hang on, isn’t she that stupid girl who’s selling her records by making an overtly sexual exhibition of herself? Didn’t she used to do Hannah Montanna?
“Mummy, what’s twerking?” asked Trish when the cat’s chorus fell silent.
“One of the quickest ways to show what a twit you are.”
“Well, Miley does it?”
“Miley Cyrus is quite a bit older than you and she’s making herself look a fool.”
“She earns a lot of money.”
“So does Daddy, and he doesn’t twerk.”
“Doesn’t work, Mummy.”
“You heard what I said, if I didn’t it might be because you were too busy talking yourself.”
“I wasn’t talking to myself and I think Daddy does work.”
“ I said Daddy doesn’t twerk.”
“He does work,” they all protested and it was only when I saw them high fiving each other, I realised I’d been had. One of these days...
Once at home they had a quick snack before they dashed up to change and start their homework. Usually they’re quite good but tonight they all came down waggled their bums in the air and stuck out their tongues. Quite how they could giggle at the same time, I don’t know, but they did. They looked even sillier than Ms Cyrus so I ignored them.
They did it again when Danni and Siá¢n came in and they ignored them as well. Finally they tried it on with David in the kitchen and he chased them out as he was busy cooking.
They waited until Simon and Sammi came home and did it again, all he did was smack them on their upturned bums and told them they looked like Kiki after she’d been for a walk with her tongue hanging out. Peculiarly, they stopped doing it after that.
After dinner I was talking to Siá¢n when he came up and asked what the girls had been doing earlier. When I told him he went off to look it up on the net coming back twenty minutes later to say he thought it looked degrading. Siá¢n and I smiled as he went off to watch some football or other.
“So what did you buy Danni?”
She blushed, “What d’you mean?”
“I’m not stupid.”
“I just went for the look around.”
“Sure you did.”
“I did.” Her voice rose in pitch.
“I said, sure, but what did you buy Danni?”
She gave me a very old fashioned look, “Just a skirt, all right?”
“She’s got money of her own, did she pay for her makeup?”
“That was only a few quid, so I got it.”
“What make?”
“Does it matter?”
“Yes, they usually buy the cheap stuff–they’re only playing with it at the moment.”
“Max factor.”
“More fool you.”
“Well she always seems to miss out on everything.”
“No she doesn’t, and I’m paying for a tutor for her, so she’s doing rather well at the moment.”
“So that means I can spoil her if I want.”
“I didn’t say you couldn’t but be aware there are several more children here who will all stand there with their paws held out to receive handouts if they think you’re daft enough to give them one.”
“They haven’t so far.”
“Only because I threatened them.”
“It seemed most effective.”
“I told them that the next time we get a charity bag for Barnardo’s I’d put all three of them in it as a donation.”
“What?” she laughed.
“Well they claim to be a children’s charity, I was just offering them some children.”
“She’s woken up, Mummy,” Jacquie brought Lizzie to me and I lifted up my top and undid my bra. She practically dived onto my breast and began sucking.
“I got them all a little present.”
“You didn’t need to, they get far too much as it is.”
“I’m their honorary Welsh auntie which means I can do anything I want–so there.” She stuck out her tongue for emphasis.
“I hope you weren’t trying to twerk because Miley Cyrus does it better.”
She fell about laughing.
“I’ve had a lovely time here, Cathy, which has given me some time to think.”
“Did you come to any conclusions?”
“Yes, I’m going back home. I had a long chat with Kirsty and we both accepted we’d been in the wrong. We’re going to try again.”
“I’m so glad for you with one proviso...”
“We’re going to keep it and raise it as our child.”
“Good, I’m really glad for you both, well perhaps three of you.”
“So am I.” We hugged.
“You know my friends are always welcome at my house.”
“I know, and thank you for putting up with me.”
“I hardly knew you were here.”
She snorted, “You what? We spent one whole evening arguing.”
“Nah, that was just a lively discussion.”
The next morning I saw Siá¢n off and took the girls to school, then when I went upstairs to strip my bed, I saw a neatly wrapped package on the pillow, so I knew Simon hadn’t put it there.
I picked it up and read the card attached. ‘Cathy, this is a thank you and an early birthday present. You helped me rescue my relationship simply by being there and allowing me the space to think. I saw how happy you were with the baby and the other kids and I realised I ought to try harder to give my adopted child a better chance than Kirsty could on her own. I love her so much too, though you might find that difficult.
I’m really sorry we squabbled the other night, your friendship is really precious to me and I hope it lasts for many a year to come. I hope you like your little gift.’
I know I should have waited a few more weeks but curiosity got the better of me and I carefully opened the fancy packing to find a jewellery box inside it. On opening that I discovered a beautiful locket with a small photo of me in one side and Simon in the other. The locket was gold. Engraved on the back was, ‘To true friendship. Sx.’