“What’s so bad about a cute guy like Josh kissing you?” Victoria asked with indifference.
“Because I’m not attracted to guys!”
Erika slipped out of her bed and went into the bathroom. Katie was already sitting on the toilet, ridding her body of waste water.
“Morning.” Katie yawned.
“Morning, Katie.” Erika yawned back.
Katie wiped, pulled up her panties and traded Erika places at the sink. Erika pulled her jamma pants down and quickly sat, tucking her male member so that the tall model looking girl wouldn’t see. After using the toilet, Erika went back to her bunk and rummaged through her drawers for her shorts.
“Good morning, Erika.” Samantha greeted, warily as if poking at a snapping turtle.
Erika ignored her and continued getting dressed. Putting a bra on was becoming much easier now. As soon as she had it on, she tucked her breast forms and adjusted them the best she could without a mirror. The whole cabin probably already knew that she was using them, but she could hope that they didn’t, or that they didn’t care.
After a few warm-up exercises and stretches, Rachel had us on the path around the lake again, this time we walked it in the opposite direction. Rachel and Katie jogged in place, or jogged ahead and then back to join them.
“Feeling better?” Phoenix fell in beside Erika at a fast walk.
“A little.” Erika admitted. “Thanks for sending me to the showers.”
“You were so taut, I thought you were going to tear yourself apart.” Phoenix’s eyes went from the trail to Erika. “Don’t ever go charging off like that again. It is dangerous to run off the way you did, especially at night. If we hadn’t found you when we did, I was going to have to inform Director Hobbs and have the police and Search and Rescue called in to look for you.”
“I’m sorry, Phoenix.” Erika apologized.
Phoenix stopped walking forcing Erika to do like wise. The copper haired counselor turned and gave Erika a big hug. “I’d hate anything to happen to one of my girls.” She squeezed Erika a bit more. Phoenix released her and resumed walking.
Erika paused for a few moments. Was that the talk? Was that all there was to it? Don’t go running off? Guys didn’t get talks like that? They were yelled at, cussed at and told to ‘grow up’, to ‘take it like a man’, to ‘get over it’. Did girls really get a ‘please don’t do that’ and a hug? Erika shook her head and began jogging to catch up with the rest of the cabin.
About half way around the lake, Samantha fell back to walk beside Erika. The two walked in silence for a while.
“Erika.” Samantha began. “I’m really…..”
“Rachel?” Erika called out. “Could you hold up for a minute?” She cast Samantha a look of disdain and jogged ahead, leaving the blonde cheerleader, biting her lip, fighting back tears.
Samantha slowed to a lumbering walk. Tears obscured her view of the trail as she fought to maintain control. She needed to speak with Erika, to apologize for setting her up on the date with Josh. Erika had expressed dread at doing such a thing But Samantha was too wrapped up in her own feelings at the time.
It had been almost two years and she was still breaking down in emotional fits over the loss of her only sister. At school, she was among the popular crowd. She was a cheerleader after all. She was the family’s golden girl. The daughter with the golden hair and good grades. Friends who kept the phone busy in the evening and always had a place for her at parties and sleep-overs. Even after Summer’s death, she was expected to put on the ‘golden mask’ and play the happy-go-lucky cheerleader, even though inside, she felt like a large vise was crushing her heart and lungs, wringing, squeezing them as if to juice the life out of her.
Yeah, she had a boyfriend who was on the varsity football team, but after three dates of his incessant talking about nothing but football and sports cars, she quickly learned that there wasn’t much to his personality, or thought patterns except those two subjects. But she had to keep up the image, she had to smile for the cameras. Smile while sitting in the convertible and waving as a homecoming princess. Smile and be dutiful at the family’s Christmas get-away at the cabin. Smile and be happy as she accepted her dull boyfriend's corsage for the Spring Prom.
She had to do all of this, and pretend that her sister hadn’t killed herself, as if to mention it would shatter the world that her family and friends had built up around her. Destroy the fantasy of the perfect daughter in the perfect world. It was Summer who should have gone with her to pick out her dance dresses. It was Summer who should have sipped hot chocolate with her next to the fire place at the cabin, or started a snow ball fight. It was Summer who should be spending time with her this Summer, not leaving her alone in a house of sad memories. A house of neglected opportunities and lost days to come.
It was her mourning of Summer that brought her to coax Eric into spending the summer as a girl. To needle him into ‘walking in her shoes’. It was her hope that getting to know Summer’s friend with the mislaid soul, she might better understand her sister and maybe find out what horrible secret life she had, in which she couldn’t escape, but in taking her own life.
It had only been a few days of camp and she had already alienated the only person who might be able to empathize with her, to share with her information and feelings about Summer. And she may have ruined all of this because she had a crush on Josh. That infatuation with the tall, dark, and handsome guy with the winning smile and she put her friendship with Erika on the line. She knew Erika wasn’t attracted to guys, but she was too dead-set in her ambition to try and win Josh’s attention that she sacrificed the two real reasons for being here. To help Eric have a positive experience in life. An experience that didn’t have him being shoved into garbage cans or tripped to land sprawled in mud puddles. One that was opposite from what he had experienced at school. The other was to learn all that she could about Summer through this friend of hers. A friend who identified with her.
Now this friend of Summer’s was quickly becoming a friend of hers. Once Eric began smiling and Erika emerged it was as if a rope had been tossed down into the dark hole, and the emerging person was grateful to clamber up and see what happiness could be found. Before the whole date proposal, Erika looked to be having fun, looked to be relishing new experiences, like a young girl trying chocolate ice cream for the first time. Erika was learning to trust her, to look to her for support and guidance. The reward of seeing a beautiful smile on Erika’s face was more than worth it.
Erika’s outburst, “Leave me alone and don’t you dare speak to me!” echoed through her mind. She tried to enjoy the campfire last night, she tried to put on her ‘golden mask’ but the mask now had a grievous crack in it. One that didn’t allow the mask to sit right, it began to look grotesque more of a mask of horror. This morning when she approached Erika while getting dressed, the look that Erika had given her was one that was full of pain and disdain. The look of one who had been betrayed. It was a blow that staggered her. It tightened the vice in her chest another turn. She had to talk to her, but how? How could she if Erika wouldn’t listen?
“Come on, Samantha.” Victoria called back, we need to get the cabin cleaned before we go to the showers. “Just because we have a lead in the points doesn’t mean we can slack.”
Samantha took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to shed the tension and raw emotion that seemed to coat her being.
Samantha caught up to Krystal, Dani, Phoenix and Rachel as they started to enter the camp. Rachel had pushed Krystal a bit faster today. The large blonde girl was breathing a bit heavier and looked flushed.
Krystal moaned. As did Dani.
“Don’t worry, we’ll start out easy.” Rachel smiled. She rubbed Krystal’s shoulder and lowered her voice. “You are really doing good Krystal.” She said for the large girls ears only. “When we get back to the cabin, go ahead and hit the showers. I’ll cover your share of the chores today.”
Krystal nodded a thanks and concentrated on slowing down her breathing and heart rate.
“Victoria, could you braid my hair today for me?” Erika asked. “It looked really cute the other day and it was much easier to manage.”
“Sure.” Victoria smiled. “As soon as we get the cabin cleaned and I get a shower.”
Erika began the house work by making her bed, organizing her clothes in their drawers and lining up her shoes before she grabbed the broom and started to sweep the little bit dust and dirt that speckled the floor.
Okay Eric, last night was rough. But you decided to be a girl for the summer. An adventure of sorts. You have cabin mates that accept you and even like you. Erika’s mind was going over the different thoughts running through her head. So far, they seem to support you, even after that episode last night. If you’re going to do this….. thing. If you are going to be a girl for the summer, well…… be the best girl that you can. When you’re married and have grandkids you can always laugh about the summer you spent as a girl at Camp Kumoni. Who else will be able to claim to have had such an experience?
Once the cabin looked spic and span, Erika grabbed her towel, slipped on her flip-flops, scooped up her stuff and followed Victoria and Dani down to the showers. She really didn’t need much of a shower after the long time she stood under the hot water last night, but a refresher after the brisk walk around the lake would feel pretty good.
After she washed the morning’s exercise off, Erika dried, and pulled on some white panties. She carefully tucked her genitalia out of sight and slipped into a pleated knee length skirt and a low scoop-necked top. Swimming wasn’t on the agenda today so she didn’t bother taping down the breast forms, but instead fit them into the cups of the bra. Knowing that Victoria was going to braid it, she didn’t wash it, but it still got a little damp due to the spray. She dried it quickly and raked her fingers through it to get out some of the larger snarls.
Erika opened the stall door and walked out only to come face to face with Samantha, who bit her bottom lip and looked like she was about to burst into tears. Samantha looked quickly away as Erika stepped past her and headed up to the cabin.
The morning air felt refreshing after the morning exercise and the hot shower. After neatly storing her belongings, Erika pulled out her comb and combed the rest of the snarls out of her hair.
Victoria came up behind her and took the comb from her and finished it off. “You know, Samantha is really upset about what happened last night.” She said in a low tone.
Erika stayed quiet. She was still very upset with the situation that Samantha helped to orchestrate, putting her into a position where she was kissed by a guy.
“Are you going to stay mad at her the entire summer for something that she didn’t do?” Victoria prodded.
“What do you mean something that she didn’t do?” Erika turned over her shoulder. “I told her that I didn’t want to go on that date with Josh. I did it because I thought she was my friend.”
“What happened on the date that was so upsetting?” Victoria coaxed as she quickly gathered hair and plaited it.
“He kissed me!” Erika exclaimed in a harsh whisper.
“What’s so bad about a cute guy like Josh kissing you?” Victoria asked with indifference.
“Because I’m not attracted to guys!” The last few words brought the rummaging around the cabin to a standstill. All of the girls looked at Erika in shock then looked quickly away. Even Victoria’s deft fingers paused for a moment, before finishing off the braid.