(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2164 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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“Who was that putz?” asked Julie.
“A man from the local child protection charity.”
“So why was he here?”
“Because-a me,” suggested Danni.
“I think he was using you to get at me. There is this mythology that persists in suggesting I turn boys into girls.”
“I wish you could, Mummy,” sighed Danni. Julie raised her eyebrows and gave me an old fashioned look.
“I’m going home now.”
“What’s going to happen with Mr Creepy?”
“I don’t know, but I’ll ask Jason to take control of everything.”
“Does that mean, Swithinbank?” asked Danni.
“I think so.”
“Oh good,” she smiled and then went back to sweep up some more hair.
“How’s business?” I asked Julie.
“It’s okay, though I could do with another stylist.”
“Ask Stella, she’s done hairdressing.”
“I doubt she’d help out.”
“No but she’d be chuffed to be asked.”
“D’you think so?”
“I know so, especially as it’s something I can’t better her at.”
“Is she that in awe of you?”
“That’s a strange thing to say, Ju.”
“But it’s true.”
Was she correct? Did it matter? I suppose I’d have suggested that sometimes she was jealous of me, I have a husband and she doesn’t. I have a job and she doesn’t–but if she accepted Julie’s offer–she could have, a part time one at least.
“I have to go and speak to Jason.”
“What about Danni?”
“Oh, you mean how will she get home?”
“Yes, Mother.”
“Okay, give me a ring when she needs picking up and I’ll come and get her.”
“Okay, you gonna say bye to her?”
“I suppose I better had.” I went in and she was sweeping up hair and emptying the pan into a black rubbish bag. I gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek and said I’d come and get her when Julie rang.
I gave Phoebe a hug and kiss and then did the same with Julie before getting in the car and driving home. Then I had to explain to everyone there what had happened. On reflection, I was quite impressed by the way that Julie and Danni had handled themselves and it was only after they answered back that I did so myself. I supposed I’d made up for my diffident start and now speaking to Jason was sorting things out on a more permanent basis.
He was quite looking forward to investigating this man Curry whom he wondered about a relationship with Swithinbank, his arrival was too neat to be unconnected.
I got lunch for everyone as David was still trying to sort his car out and I’d just cleared up from that when the phone rang.
“Mum, it’s Julie, that lunatic teacher is outside haranguing Danni, who’s hiding in the shop. It’s embarrassing and I’m afraid it will lose us some customers.”
“Get a photo of him there and call the police, he’s probably causing a breach of the peace.” I put the phone down and grabbed my coat calling to Stella to keep an eye on things. A minute later I was heading out towards the salon.
By the time I got there the police were talking to a rather large man in a sweat shirt and trackie bottoms. Julie was standing inside the locked front door but she obviously opened it to let me in.
“Where’s Danni?”
“In the back with Phoebe.”
I wandered through and found the two sitting together. “It’s not fair, Phoebe, I’m not hurting anyone, am I?
“No, kiddo, you’re not.”
“So why is he out there ranting and raving at me?”
“I dunno–he’s probably got a tiny dick or something.” They both laughed until they saw me approach. Danni flung herself at me and began sobbing.
“As soon as he’s gone I’ll take you home, girl.”
“Okay,” she held on to me as if I was keeping her alive or afloat. Perhaps I was, or perhaps it was just that I’m her mum and we always feel better when mum or dad arrive, like the heavy cavalry.
One of the coppers entered the shop and took a statement from Julie with corroboration from Phoebe that Swithinbank had entered the shop and demanded to see the girlyboy who was helping out. He could only know this from Curry, so I would have his employer suspend him at the first opportunity and probably sack him after an enquiry showed how he was pursuing his own agenda not that of the charity.
I would also get Jason to complain to the headmaster about Attila the Hun and his attitude to gender different children. The copper asked to speak to Danni and was really very gentle with her asking if she knew the man and then to confirm why she thought he’d abused her. He didn’t bat an eyelid when Danni told him she was a boy. He shrugged and muttered something about it was her choice not some psycho games teacher whom they’d sent away on the threat to take him into custody if he came back and upset people again.
“If he comes back, I’ll put my hair straighteners on his dick,” said Julie which made the copper smirk but then advise against such waste of electricity.
I took Danni home and she sat anxiously in the car all the way there. I half expected social services to show, instead Stephanie was waiting to talk with Danni, Simon having phoned her just in case she was available.
I left her taking to Danni in my study while I drank the cup of tea Jacquie had made for me. They both emerged an hour later and after a drink of coffee, Stephanie went home to her young un, and Danni went up to her bedroom where I was told to give her some space.
I thought back to the first Christmas Danny and Billy had been here where we were worried they’d recognise Trish and tease her. I recalled Danny had been hit in the eye by a lout throwing snowballs with stones in them and how during Trish’s efforts to heal his eye, they’d talked about knowing each other and he pledged not to ever tell anyone her secret. This was the boy who was no ‘poofter’ but who had mascara down his face from crying. He was also the boy who’d been sexually abused by his natural dad which had obviously coloured his early years. I despised people who hurt children.
I brought Jason up to speed and he was angry about the teacher and immediately agreed the two were in league or psychic. He would speak to the school on Monday and persuade the head to suspend Swithinbank, he was also looking forward to doing a character assassination of Curry to his employers. Sometimes I wondered if Jason enjoyed his work too much.
I took Danni up a drink and she was asleep in her bed. I made a cursory check for any pills but decided she was just seeping off the trauma. Trish followed me in and asked to sit with her while she slept.
I left the two of them there with strong memories of the first time I found them alone in his room, those two or three Christmases ago.