"...I don’t want to go out on a date with Josh! I want to be with Samantha! Yeah... I’m with Samantha almost twenty-four, seven,... but as a girl. I want to be with her as a guy! To hold her in my arms! To smell her hair... to feel her soft skin and beautiful lips. To have her look at me... to refer to me... the same way as she does with Josh. *sigh*" By Anistasia Allread |
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“Krystal.” Rachel whispered aloud. “Krystal. Time to get up. We need to get a start.”
Oh Shit. We are supposed to show our support and exercise with Krystal. Ugh, Can’t I just stay in bed and sleep?
“Come on Krystal! I know it’s a pain in the ass, but you promised. Let’s go!” Rachel asserted.
Other bunks in the cabin began to squeak and make noise. More footsteps made their way to the bathroom. Damn! They are all getting up. Erika rolled her face to the wall.
“Come on, Erika.” Samantha whispered as she shook her protesting friend. “We all need to do this. Besides, it will give you some flexibility that you need. Come on sleepy head.” She coaxed.
Erika rolled over and breathed her morning breath into Samantha’s face. “I guess I’m going to have to now.” She grumbled. Samantha’s scrunched up face and step backwards at the foul breath, which did make Erika feel slightly better.
Erika rolled out of bed, grabbed her shorts and a light blue top with white flowers around its scoop-necked collar. She blindly found her way to the bathroom and remembered to sit down on the toilet at the last moment. Erika dressed and went back into the main room to put on her tennis shoes. The other girls were in various stages of getting ready. Katie looked excited and almost as energetic as Rachel. That Bitch! Krystal was looking like a frightened rabbit. Her eyes, were large as saucers and she was flush. Probably from guilt of making us get up so damn early! Erika mumbled in her head.
“Let’s start with some simple stretches.” Rachel took the command of the cabin looking at them in their various stages of waking up.
“Like reaching for some coffee?” Dani moaned.
“Sure if you like.” Rachel grinned. She started them out with various stretches, then led them outside. The sun was peaking over the mountaintops and warming the forest floor in oranges and golds. “This is only the first day, so we are going to begin by walking. I don’t want you to be straining yourselves the first day. If you feel a little more energetic, you can jog with me.” She gave them all a broad smile.
Rachel led the Columbine girls through the trees behind their cabin and emerged on to a trail that could hold four people walking abreast. The trail wound through the trees, following the contours of the forest.
“Where does this go?” Victoria inquired.
“Around the lake.” Rachel started to jog in place. “We should make it back in time to take our showers and go to breakfast.”
“Can’t we just skip the walk and take a shower?” Samantha groaned.
“Or better yet... go back to bed.” Erika mumbled.
They were about a third of the way around the lake when Erika finally started to feel alert. The fresh morning mountain air had some kind of revitalizing ability. She even picked up her pace a bit.
Rachel would jog ahead, then jog back and walk beside Krystal encouraging her. Erika started to wake up a bit more. Katie fell in with Rachel, jogging ahead and jogging back. After the third time of following her out. Katie didn’t come back.
“Where did Katie go?” Phoenix looked through the trees looking for signs of the tall brunette. Phoenix was looking more awake now too.
“She had to go to the bathroom, so she jogged on ahead. She’ll meet us in the cabin.” Rachel informed the counselor.
They started into camp about the time that the loudspeakers started their morning call to wake up. When they got back to their cabin. Katie was already busy at work, tidying up. Her bunk was made and she was sweeping out the cabin.
Erika gathered her shower stuff and joined the other girls down at the shower building. Samantha and Victoria were un-raveling their braids, and giving their long hair a quick brush through. Erika watched Samantha for a moment and followed her example.
Having gotten up early, cabin Columbine was the first group to arrive at the showers. Each girl went into a stall and began their shower. Erika was slightly relieved. This would mean that she wouldn’t have to stand in line, while watching girls in various stages of undress. She wouldn’t have to worry about a hardening in her groin, or being walked in on and found out.
After washing her hair, and body. Erika took out her pink razor and quickly shaved the peach fuzz stubble that was starting to emerge. Her legs were still quite smooth, so she decided to skip that step this morning. She poked her head out the shower curtain to make sure no one had stepped in and grabbed her towel and dried off quickly.
“Make sure you make yourself pretty, Erika.” Samantha called from her stall. “Remember you have a date tonight.”
“Somehow, I just knew you wouldn’t let me forget!” Erika complained. She stepped into her panties, tucked her maleness out of the way and pulled on her shorts and blouse.
When she got back to the cabin, she began the cleaning process. Just because their cabin had a commanding lead in the points, didn’t mean that they could relax. The other cabins would now pour on the elbow grease and try to outshine them.
Breakfast consisted of French toast, eggs and bacon. Fruit, yogurt, and cereal were still available on the side table. Rachel made Krystal sit at the table and made a plate for her. One slice of French toast, three eggs, a cup of fruit, yogurt and five strips of bacon.
“That’s a lot of food for a diet.” Victoria wondered aloud.
“This is a lot more than I am used to eating.” Krystal agreed.
“I don’t want her to feel like she is starving.” Rachel smiled at Krystal. “Besides she’ll need the energy. The only thing on this plate that she probably could do without is the French toast. But they make great French toast here.” Rachel looked at Krystal’s plate. “Don’t eat the yolks of your eggs. Only eat the whites. It will help with burning fat and building muscle.” she lectured.
“No egg yolks but five strips of bacon?” Samantha inquired.
“I was hoping that they would have ham. It’s not as fattening. But she needs protein to help burn energy and tone up.” Rachel explained. “I’ll have to talk with Julie the head cook and ask if she can help us out.”
“What’s on the schedule for the day, Victoria?” Katie changed the subject.
“Softball against Morning Glory, then Arts and crafts. Lunch, then boating... for two hours, whatever that means. Then we have water sports for an hour.” She looked over to Phoenix. “Is that swimming, or is that actual sports in the water, like polo, or basketball?”
“Both. It depends upon what color you’re wearing.” Phoenix explained. “And boating - I believe Todd is going to give rowing lessons and rules on using the canoes and boats.”
“Let’s see…” Victoria continued. “After water sports, we head over to the archery range…. Cool…. Then dinner. After dinner we have two hours of free time where Erika and Samantha are going on a double date with Kyle and Mc Dreamy.” That comment made Erika’s face turn as red as a beet as the others at the table giggled. Except, Rachel didn’t even smirk.
Erika was relieved when Mrs. Hobbs chose that moment to settle everyone down and make the morning announcements. They were pleasantly surprised when Mrs. Hobbs read off the cabin’s points. Columbine had gained even more points yesterday for winning the Kickball game.
Erika’s mind was in a whirl all morning. She had a hard time playing soft ball, not that she was any good at it, anyways. Her mind was on the impending date with Josh. In fifteen years, Eric had never been on a date. Not unless he counted hanging at the pizza parlor with Summer. After only two days of being Erika, she was already asked. How is that possible? How was one supposed to act on a date? How was one, posing as a member of the opposite sex, supposed to act on a date? What if Josh wanted to make-out? The thought made the male part of her cringe. Yuck!!! I know I’m supposed to be a girl for the summer, but kissing guys, making-out with them? No!!! I can’t!!! I won’t! A fly ball coming in her direction interrupted her thoughts. She jumped into action and almost missed the catch. Talk about embarrassing!
Rachel had Krystal race-walked from the softball game to the arts and crafts area. Once the rest of the cabin got up there, they found Krystal race walking to the shower building, touch the wall and race-walking back.
“That is a bit much isn’t it?” Victoria posed.
“Not if she wants to lose that weight.” Rachel continued watching the heavy girl. “It may not seem so harsh, if she had friends doing it with her.”
Katie and Dani jogged over to meet up with Krystal and fell in beside her as she quickly made her way back to the craft area.
Amber gave them exact-o-knives and once they were finished with their mug designs, were to place the paper over the leather and begin carving the design into the leather. Band-aids were out on the tables for speedy first aid applications. Apparently two girls in cabin Daisy had cut themselves earlier in the morning. Erika had to put down her knife a few different times, as the subject of dating, again, permeated her thoughts.
As a guy, Eric could never approach a girl for a date. No one would have an under-sized wimp such as he for a date. No one would tolerate being seen in his presence let alone with him on a date. Yet, as a girl, he gets a date within forty-eight hours? What is so different between Eric and Erika? Eric has no friends at school, yet Erika has a cabin full of them and, according to Samantha, an entire camp of girls jealous of her, including Samantha.
I don’t want to go out on a date with Josh! I want to be with Samantha! Yeah... I’m with Samantha almost twenty-four-seven,... but as a girl. I want to be with her as a guy! To hold her in my arms! To smell her hair... to feel her soft skin and beautiful lips. To have her look at me... to refer to me... the same way as she does with Josh. *sigh*
“Earth to Erika! Come in?” Dani waved a hand in front of Erika’s eyes again. “Where were you?”
“Just thinking.” Erika shrugged it off and started on her leather again.
“About Mc Dreamy?” Dani teased.
“Dani leave her alone.” Samantha cautioned. “She’s nervous enough as it is.”
“Why is she nervous?” Dani looked up from carving with a big smile.
“Come on! Josh is cute.” Samantha continued. “Tell me you wouldn’t be nervous if he had asked you?”
Dani fell quiet.
After a lunch of hotdogs, Krystal had hers without buns. The girls then went back to the cabin and changed into their bathing suits.
Erika tucked the roll of duct tape inside her suit which she wadded up and again locked herself in the bathroom where she stripped completely.
Eric took the tape out of the one-piece suit and sighed heavily. God! I hope we don’t have to swim every day! he said to himself. He looked down at his penis and shuddered. The poor thing was still angry about having the tape ripped off yesterday. He sighed and sat heavily on the toilet, dreading what he was about to do. The other girls were going to need the bathroom soon, so he had to hurry and get everything in its place. But a part of him, mainly the lower part, was unhappy with the situation! He tore off a few pieces of tape. He folded one piece in half sticky sides together and used it as a patch over his penis then placed tape over that. He tucked his penis differently than he had yesterday, and taped it so that he could still use the bathroom if need be without pulling the tape off. He hoped that this would be the solution to no tearing any more sensitive skin.
Erika slipped into the one-piece which had dried since yesterday, and tore off two more pieces of duct tape. She rolled each piece and adhered it to the back of each breast form. Once in place, she pushed them firmly against her chest and looked in the mirror to make sure she was symmetrical. She pulled her shorts on over her suit and slipped her feet into her flip-flops before heading out.
Boating consisted of Todd explaining HIS rules for using HIS various watercraft on HIS lake. Rowing techniques were shown and practiced by all. Life-vests were shown and a necessity if you were to use one of the water craft, regardless of how good a swimmer you were. The girls all piled into various canoes and paddled about in the water.
“Samantha!” Erika called forward in the canoe. “I really don’t want to go on this date tonight.”
“I thought we talked about this already?” Samantha turned over her shoulder to look at Erika. “Being popular requires work! If you back out of the date, Josh will be ‘dissed’. He will then start a rumor around the camp that you are a stuck up bitch.”
“What if he tries to kiss me?” Erika stopped paddling to get her friends attention. “Or more than a kiss?”
“If he tries to kiss you, turn your head, or put your hand to his lips” Samantha instructed. “Tell him that kissing on a first date is not acceptable. And that, if he really cares about you, he can wait.”
After a few moments of silent paddling. Erika told Samantha “I am doing this under protest. I really don’t feel comfortable going on a date with a guy.”
“I’ll be right there with you.” Samantha assured. “I promise.”
Water sports was a blur. Basically, they played volleyball in water up to their waists. Krystal didn’t have her bathing suit yet, so had to sit this one out. Rachel suggested that instead of sitting in the shade, that she should try and walk around the lake trail again.
“I don’t want anyone going off alone!” Phoenix put her foot down.
“I’ll go with her.” Dani suggested. "Besides, you guys will be in water that is kind of deep for me to be playing in with the ease and quickness that you will need.”
Phoenix relented, and with a nod of her curls, the two girls started off around the lake.
Still wet, the girls dried off, pulled their shorts on over their suits, and headed to the archery range. Krystal and Dani were already there, pulling back arrows and letting them sail to their targets.
“We have a natural here.” Dani greeted the rest of the cabin and pointed to Krystal. “I haven’t seen her miss the inner target yet.”
As if on cue, Krystal loosed another arrow and sent if flying to the inner yellow of the target, almost a bull’s eye.
“Wow! That is awesome.” Rachel congratulated the newer girl of the cabin. “You ever shoot before?”
“Nope, this is my first time.” Krystal grinned.
Eric liked archery. The few times that he had shot a bow, he had enjoyed the feeling of the tight string being released, the sound of the arrow slicing through the air. The slight twang the string made as it made the bow vibrate. The sound of the ‘thunck’ the arrow made as it buried its self into the bales of straw. This afternoon, however, was different. Erika had a date and she wasn’t thrilled about it. She was nervous, and scared that she would be found out. Erika was lucky to hit the bales of hay let alone the target this afternoon.
“How shall we do your hair for the date?” Samantha asked Erika as they made their way back to the cabin.
“I don’t care.” Erika shrugged. “Something easy, and not sexy. Go ahead and pick something out for me to wear, I’ve got to use the bathroom.
When Erika returned, she saw that Samantha had picked out a flowing, violet below the knee-length, cotton skirt that had a white floral print on it. And a solid violet top that matched. And of course, the wedge sandals. Erika was beginning to think that Samantha enjoyed torturing her and watching her wobble in the heels.
Erika grabbed the outfit picked for her and returned to the bathroom. She peeled out of the shorts and swim suit. It was kind of strange having the breast forms still attached to her chest. She checked the tape down below, only a small piece of it was coming loose. It would survive until she could torture herself later after returning to the cabin.
Erika slipped into her panties and a black bra, before pulling the violet skirt up around her hips. The light fabric felt wonderfully soft as it brushed her legs, the hem caressing her shins. It did feel kind of strange not having any fabric between the legs, other than the panties. She double checked her breast forms for fit before pulling the top over her head and over her breasts. Erika checked the mirror. She sure hoped Samantha could help her with her hair, and her make-up.
“Hurry up Erika! We need to get you looking good before we go to dinner!” Victoria called from outside the bathroom door.
“I’ll be right there!” Erika looked in the mirror. Was there any trace of Eric in there? Or was he actually turning into a girl? How could he be turning into a girl? He didn’t have the correct body. He wasn’t attracted to guys. Other than those two ‘minor’ issues, Eric was really starting to enjoy being Erika.