(aka Bike) Part 2024 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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Mabel’s wooden walking stick wasn’t going to last very long as a man’s voice joined the cacophony outside. “Mrs Cameron, this Doug Masters, I’m general manager of this hospital, I demand you open the door and come out.”
“I will when I have someone there I can trust and who I believe has sufficient brain power to make talking worthwhile.”
“I can have you arrested, Mrs Cameron.”
“On what grounds.”
“Assault, grievous bodily harm, kidnapping an elderly patient and holding her against her will.”
I glanced at Mabel who sniggered, “Exciting, isn’t it?”
“I could have done without it.”
“Who’s the little girl?”
“Probably Billie, my daughter, she died last year.”
“I’m sorry, oh she’s gone.”
“She tends to do that.”
“This stick isn’t going to last much longer.”
“Try this,” she handed me her metal elbow crutch. I slipped it between the door handles. I wondered how long Simon would take, I hoped he could get Andy Bond.
The banging on the door stopped and I heard voices outside. “Cathy, it’s me, open the door and let the old lady out.”
“What for? This is her room? I’ll come out.”
More discussion. “Okay.”
“My husband is here, we should be able to sort this now.” I withdrew the barriers and opened the door and was immediately grabbed by a policeman. “Hey, what is this?”
“Catherine Cameron, I’m arresting you on a charge of assault, further charges may be preferred. You don’t have to say anything...” I looked at Simon who shrugged and mouthed, ‘Kit’s on his way.’
“But I’m the innocent party here.”
“Get her out of my hospital,” said a man of about forty, who was balding and blushing very red.”
“Get something for your blood pressure or you’re going to have a stroke,” I said to him, but he refused to have any eye contact with me. “Oh well, perhaps they’ll get someone decent when you do.”
I was wrapped in a blanket and led out to a police car in handcuffs. I’ve been here before. The drive to the central police HQ didn’t take very long and I was checked in and then led to a cell. I hope Simon followed behind with my stuff and that Kit wouldn’t be too much longer arriving. At least I was wearing my own pyjamas–a hospital gown would have been too much to bear.
“Cameron, you’ve got a visitor.” The woman PC unlocked the door and let in Kit, my counsel. He gave me a huge hug and said, “Now what have you gone and done?”
“Nuffink guv’nor, I was fitted up, straight up, guv.”
He roared. “So far they’re looking at common assault.”
“Can we counter with threatening behaviour and actual assault.” I explained what had happened including leading everyone to think I was barmy.
“Why did you do that?”
“It was a bit of fun, but it stopped being humorous when blue demon attacked me–honestly, I was just going to the loo. The old lady in the other room next to mine said she pushed her down and caused her to break her hip. I want her out of the hospital and better still, out of nursing.”
“With a broken shoulder she might just be doing that, but on damages from us.”
“But she’s no better than a thug and a bully.”
“I believe you entirely, Cathy, but your word isn’t necessarily enough to satisfy a court of law.”
“Oh dear.”
“What’s the matter?”
“The hospital manager has just had a stroke driving home.”
“How d’you know that?”
“I warned him when I was arrested, he declined to listen to me. His wife will blame me I expect, but it was an accident waiting to happen. Oh well, that’s his game over.”
“You know something else?”
“He died.”
“How d’you know that?”
“I just do.”
“So what is going to happen–do you know the outcome of this?” he pointed to the ground.
“Yes, your cleverness is going to get me off this trumped up charge.”
“My cleverness is rather finite, Cathy, and doesn’t feel very clever at the moment. I can get you bailed but this could drag on for some time.”
“But the silly cow hurt herself, she fell over me trying to hurt me.”
“So you said.”
“I gave her the chance before to stop her nonsense, but she had to try it on. I’ll bet there’s been a whole pile of incidents in wards she’s run.”
“We can try and find out–it might give us something to use against her.”
“I expect they’ll find plenty to use against me–of a violent nature.”
“What dormouse wrestling?”
“You know what I mean–the mafia stuff.”
“You were exonerated of what went public.”
“I live in dread it could all come out again and tabloid go digging–let’s face it, my life would make quite a story.”
“Yeah, I should think at least two thousand installments,” he smirked.
“Just get me out of here and then destroy the opposition.”
“Just like that?” he said waving his arm.
“Yeah, why not, Mr Super-lawyer.”
“I must stop changing in phone boxes, I’m getting too fat.” He pecked me on the cheek and left.
An hour later I was being driven home by Simon, who said very little after, “Don’t start,” when I wanted to know how come I got arrested, not the nasty nurse or her buddies.
Having spoken with all the children and sent them up to bed I was sitting enjoying a cuppa and a biscuit with Stella. I told her what happened and she asked who the ward sister was.
“Gosling–yeah, I’m sure it was.”
“Not Brenda Gosling?”
“We weren’t introduced, she just shouted at me and then went for me.”
“I’d have thought she’d been struck off by now, talk about power crazed. She was a student nurse when I was. She decked a bloke at college who said something she didn’t like. There was also something about an assault on a patient back a few years ago–she was lucky not to get struck off then. No one wanted to work with her because she was such a bully. I’m surprised she got back in here.”
“Could you tell all that to Kit?”
“For a price.”
“If it comes to blows, give her a kick from me–she should have been a storm trooper not a nurse.”
“But of course.”
I went up to bed and Simon and I chatted for a while. I explained that my joke of appearing crazy got out of hand. He chuckled to himself. “I’m not quite as daft as you think, Cathy; I was well aware the concussion had passed but seeing as you wanted to play games I played along too.”
“You what?” I was going to have to watch him in future because he was either brighter than he showed or a better liar–perhaps both. Damn!
“Two can play at games.”
“Yeah, you and Stella: until I met you two I didn’t do any of it.”
“I seem to recall a certain young lady telling me if she hadn’t met Stella and been catapulted out of her comfort zone, she’d still be languishing in a bedsit at the university, not collecting accolades and a criminal record.”
“Don’t joke about it, Simon, it’s doubly vexing because I didn’t actually do anything except get out of her way, it’s hardly my fault she fell over me and broke her shoulder.”
“Quite, now how about a quick shag?” His foreplay was still following the Australian model.