(aka Bike) Part 1990 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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“Lady Cameron, dinner is served.”
“Your mother’s a lady?” I heard Peter say to Danny.
“Course she is, what’s yours–a bloke?”
“Oh very funny...” I missed the rest of their conversation as I directed people to seats around our extended table.
“You’re a titled family?” gasped Tim Grimshaw to Simon.
“’Fraid so, Cathy is a bit like Batman, you know she’s plain ordinary Lady Cameron but every so often she turns into Dr Cathy Watts, aka Dormouse Woman.”
“Does she have a dormouse cave?” Perhaps Tim was as thick as he looked.
“Um–no, dormice don’t live in caves.”
“No of course not.”
“She does have a bicycle workshop.”
“A bike workshop? That’s unusual for a woman.”
“Cathy is a very exceptional woman.”
“She doesn’t turn into Bicycle Repair Woman, does she?”
“Do you like Monty Python, Tim?” I could hear the sunshine in Simon’s voice.
“I’ve got their entire works on DVD.”
“Could we watch some later–you know when the girls chat about girly things?”
“I think that could be arranged, Mr FG Superman.”
“Is that a stockbroker...”
I left them reminiscing over old sketches as I directed the children to seats and finally the adults, Moira I placed next to Stella, Danny was already next to Carly and they were giving off all sorts of interesting body language including trying to ignore each other. I sat next to Peter.
“You have a bicycle workshop, Cathy?” asked Tim.
“Yes, Simon has a castle, so I wanted something and he always gives me what I want, don’t you, darling?”
“If I value my life or sanity,” he muttered at a just audible level, Tim snorted, “Of course, dear.”
“My husband is wonderful,” I announced to all and sundry.
“Under your management he is,” quipped Stella.
“Hey, now you’re ganging up on me,” complained Mr Wonderful.
“Of course, dear brother.”
I left Stella and Simon to entertain the troops while I directed David to serve the first course–a small prawn cocktail on a salad base. Ingrid helped him, and while she then collected the empties as we finished, David would carve the beef. Everyone would get two good slices and David would distribute those while Ingrid brought in the vegetables–new potatoes, roast potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and peas. Everyone should find something they like in that choice. Leftovers would go into the soup tomorrow.
We ate and chatted, Peter was still in awe over the fact that I had a title. “You are really a lady, I mean like, Lady Cameron?”
“Yes, is that a problem?”
“No,” he blushed, “Does Danny have a title, too?”
“I’m afraid not, all my children were adopted.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise, none of it is news to any of them; besides, if the rules of primogeniture are abolished, Julie would inherit the titles as the eldest child.”
“You have lots of pretty ladies here.”
“Thank you on behalf of all the ladies here.” I laid my hand on his shoulder and his whole body seemed to buzz with some sort of energy.
“All I shall ever be able to do is watch them.”
“Whose fault is that?” asked Danny.
“I know, I know–it was dumb thing to do.”
“This not an appropriate place to discuss this matter, but when you’re older, Peter, I’m sure some sort of therapist will be able to explain that there are many ways to please women, not just with penetrate...” I glanced around me, the whole table was watching and listening. I blushed like a stop tail light.
“You can’t stop there, Mummy,” complained Trish.
“Yes she can, Trish,” said an equally embarrassed Simon.
After lunch we seemed to split up into different groups, and after a little longer, I managed to give Trish the slip and steered Peter out to my workshop.
“You really do have a workshop,” said an impressed young man. “What’s that for?” he pointed at my truing jig. I explained about repairing or building wheels, although it’s possible to use the front forks of a bike instead–and certainly cheaper.
“An angel who repairs wheels or builds new ones.”
“Not sure about the angel bit, Peter, but yes I build the odd wheel or repair them, it can get expensive to use bike shops all the time.”
“Yeah, can you show me how to do that, sometime?”
“If your mum is happy, I could, yes.”
“She’ll say it’s okay to get rid of me for a few hours. She doesn’t know what to do with me.”
“How is that?”
“Seeing as I can’t go back to school, I’ll have to be homeschooled, which will mean a teacher calling in once a month, setting me work to do–like reading certain books. Then I get tested.”
“How d’you know that?”
“We enquired at the council.”
“I can hardly go back to school, can I?”
“It would be a five minute wonder, Peter–they’d soon forget and persecute the next one.”
“They’d be calling me a girl and things like that.”
“Because I don’t have a wotsit.”
“If that’s the ultimate in gender identity for the pupils of your school, I’m glad I sent my girls to a private school.”
“Didn’t Billie King go to our school?
I felt myself getting warm.
“Yes she did but I withdrew her and sent her to St Clares.”
“She was a boy when she came to ours.”
“I think not, Peter, she might have presented as a boy but she was a girl inside.”
“Did she have her willie cut off?”
“No, she would have gone for surgery at eighteen.”
“Is that what will happen to me?”
“They’ll turn me into a girl.”
“Is that what you want to happen?”
“It might as well, I’ll never be a proper man, will I?”
“I think there’s more to being a man than having a dick and balls, in the same way not having any, doesn’t make you a girl by default.”
“How can I pretend to be a boy, Dr Watts, I can’t even make male hormones any more?”
“I accept that the testes are the main sources of testosterone, but other places like the adrenals also produce them and of course they can also supply it directly.”
“By injection?”
“Yes, it needs to be an intramuscular injection.”
“Wouldn’t that hurt?”
“Probably yes.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course you can, Peter.”
“You changed Billy into a girl, didn’t you?”
“No, she asked me to help her and I passed on her request to the rest of the family. They all agreed to help her as much as they could.” I felt hot and very bothered.
“If I decided I wanted to be a girl, would you help me?”
“Wouldn’t that be for your mum to do?”
“She wouldn’t have a clue and you’ve done it all once.”
“Yes I suppose I have,” I replied but on more levels than he appreciated, I hoped. “But why d’you think you want to be a girl?”
I nodded.
“I enjoyed being penetrated by that man.”
“But that was just your prostate.”
“No–I enjoyed it–that’s why I punished myself.”
“But you enjoyed it because he pressed your prostate, that’s why you ejaculated.”
“No, Dr Watts, I enjoyed it–all of it. So that makes me a girl, doesn’t it?”
“Um, I hate to disagree, Peter, but it makes you more likely to be gay than female. Being transsexual, as I understand it, doesn’t necessarily make you fancy men. In fact many male to females retain their original orientation, and thus become lesbian, I suppose.” I was blushing hot enough to melt my carbon fibre bike.
There was a knock on the door and I called out to come in. Moira Grimshaw stepped into my workshop. “Goodness, this looks very professional.”
“Dr Watts builds her own wheels, too–on this thing.” He pointed at my jig.
“Goodness, you are clever, Cathy.” I shrugged and we continued small talk while I showed her my bikes and the equipment. After patiently being shown round, she addressed her son, “Have you asked Cathy yet?”
“Asked me what?”
“You know what you’re doing with a sex-changer kid–if Peter here decides he wants to do that–would you help him?”
Ask me an easy one, why don’t you? “Um–I had some experience with Billie–but she was examined by a specialist psychiatrist who pronounced she was transsexual. If Peter decides that’s what he wants to do, and an expert says it’s the right course for him, then of course I’ll help–but those are my conditions.”
“Thank you, Cathy,” said Moira, “I’m not sure if I’d cope nor his dad.”