(aka Bike) Part 1917 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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I continued to float, like a piece of driftwood caught up in an ocean current. I stopped struggling and went with the flow, after a while I almost felt pleasurable as if someone else was in charge and I didn’t have to worry–not for the moment, at any rate.
I found myself being washed up on a tropical beach and as I staggered ashore, the sun warmed me through the soaking wet dress I had on. I’d lost my shoes and was quite surprised my dress was still more or less intact, as were my bra and knickers.
I felt thirsty and watched as a coconut fell off a tree and rolled at my feet. I picked it up–now if only I had my trusty Swiss Army Knife–and the thing appeared in my hand–right. I managed to sit, and wedging the nut between my knees, knocked two holes in the end of it and sucked out some of the milk, which tasted delicious.
I wished Simon was with me, and there he was sitting a foot or two away. “What a gorgeous day,” I said and he nodded. I offered him the coconut and he took it and drank the rest of the milk. After that we smashed open the nut and began to eat the flesh–well, we were hungry.
“How d’you feel?” I asked him.
“Fine, why?”
“You had a heart attack earlier.”
“You told me I didn’t have one, being a banker–remember?”
“I was joking.”
“What about the heart attack?”
“No, the banker bit.”
“Oh, so I’ve had a heart attack?”
“So how come I feel fine?”
“This is a dream.”
“Oh–so how come you’re in it?”
“I’m in all your best ones.”
“So you are, but we’re not usually talking, we’re–um–sh...”
“Simon, forget sex for a moment or you’re going to set the alarm off on the monitors and then we’ll have to stop the dream.”
“Does that matter?”
“Yes, but only if you want to live.”
“Oh–of course I do–what a dumb thing to say.”
“Yes, usually you get the stupid lines.”
“I what?”
“Now keep calm, husband, or this isn’t going to work.”
“What isn’t?”
“Oh shit, here it comes.”
“Death? Waddya mean?”
“It’s simple, it’s got you down for a collection and I’m here to stop it.”
“How are you going to do that?” He peered round me, “What the hell is that?”
“I told you.”
“Oh shit, you’ll never be able to keep that away from me.”
“Well, I’d like to try if you don’t mind. So keep still and whatever you do, stay silent.”
“’Kay,” he whispered.
I stepped away from him hopefully hiding him from its gaze. It was large spectral dog, a black thing with red glowing eyes and neon teeth, from which emanated a frightful stink.
I’d thrown a shield of blue around Simon and one about myself. The dog walked towards me. It had to be four feet at the shoulder and it was quite intimidating, except I wasn’t in the mood to be frightened by anything, except failure.
“Nice dog, sit,” I said and it walked up to about a yard from me and sat down, then it howled and my blood ran cold. I could feel Simon’s fear behind me–he was terrified.
I picked up a stone and threw it, “Fetch,” I shouted but the dog just slavered and by some sort of telepathy asked where Simon was. I told him it was just him and me there, and if he didn’t go I’d call the dog warden. The dog actually laughed at me–well it was a dream.
“You know he’s here, I know he’s here, I’m not leaving without one of you,” said the dog, which surprised me, especially as he sounded just like John Wayne. I was tempted to address him as ‘Pilgrim’.
“Oh well, you’d better take me then–if you can.”
“Oh I can take you, Angel Catherine.”
“Can you now.”
“Yes–let’s stop the games, where is he?”
“He’s not here.”
“Angels aren’t supposed to lie,” the dog reproved me.
“Dogs aren't supposed to talk.”
“Spectral dogs can.”
“Angels don’t lie.”
“So you’re not an Angel then?”
“That could be one implication,” I agreed.
“But...?” he added.
“But, if he isn’t here, I’m not lying ,and therefore may still be an angel, and do you really want to mess with me?”
“No, I just want Simon Cameron’s soul, which is what I have been sent to get.”
“Sorry to disappoint you, but you’re going to be empty handed this night.”
“So, he isn’t here?”
“I told you that.”
“Prepare to die, Angel Catherine.”
“Bad dog,” I said then realised how futile that was. The dog stood up and stepped towards me, I was about to try and stop it with whatever I could but instead sat down in front of it. As it stepped even closer and I could smell its rank breath–phew what a stink–I drew my wings around me–it’s a dream okay? I felt the dog’s maw close to my head and I imagined drawing down all the love in the universe. My heart began to swell, and suddenly it seemed to burst, showering both of us in an eruption of rose pink light.
For a split second nothing happened, then the dog began to shrink, “Depart in peace and love,” I said, and wished it away. It simply faded from sight.
I rose and looking at Simon could see he was shivering. I picked him up and we flew on my wings back to the hospital, where I returned him to his body–his heart had stabilised and I could see he was still surrounded with the blue light.
“Yes, who are you?” challenged a nurse and I simply disappeared, my work was done. I heard her calling as I felt myself returning to my body and sleep.
“C’mon, sleepyhead, time to get the kids sorted,” Stella was rousing me. I felt knackered but complied. Answering the questions of, ‘Where’s Daddy, his car’s here?’ were more difficult than organising breakfast.
“He wasn’t very well last night, so they took him into hospital,” I finally answered Trish as we drove out of the drive.
“Did you fix him, or do I need to do it?”
“Waddya you think?”
“Okay, I was just askin’,” she shot back.
“You can go tonight,” I informed her.
“Can we all go?” asked the girls.
“We’ll see.”
“Is he going to be alwight?” asked his favourite.
“Course, Mummy’s an angel, in she?” I began to wonder if I needed a chat with her English teacher.