(aka Bike) Part 1899 by Angharad Copyright © 2012 Angharad
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I asked Andy to not come in a police car and he obliged me by using his own auto. I gave him my take on things. “You should have stayed in the car and called us.”
“You’ll find evidence on Morrison’s video of the episode in the car park.”
“What about witnesses?”
“Sorry, I didn’t think about that.”
“Okay, I’ll speak to their security people. Now the abused mother and daughter.”
I led him over to the cottage and knocked on the door. It took me a bit of persuading but they eventually both spoke to Andy and even signed a statement. He could see the bruising on both their faces and he also had the photos of the other marks which Stella had taken on her examination of the mother.
I blushed when Hannah described in lurid tones my encounter with Tyson, for that was his name, Cyril Tyson. Andy looked at me as he recorded what she said and I shrugged.
“He rushed at Cathy and she let him past then pushed him into the back of the car. Then he tried to hit her and she kicked and he fell over. He tried again and she kicked him twice and he fell over again. Then she brought us here after looking at him.”
Andy rang the station and told us what he’d heard from them. This bloke Tyson is accusing you of hitting him with your car. He’s got your number.”
“You’re welcome to look at my car, you know which one it is.” I handed him the keys.
“He didn’t touch the Jag,” called Hannah.
“Lying bastard,” muttered Ingrid under her breath, “but he’s gonna know where you live. He’ll come a-looking.”
“If he does we call the police and do him for trespass.”
“Not a mark on it,” said Andy handing me back my keys, “I’ve taken some photos of it so we’ll be able to ask him where it hit him.”
“He’s a big bloke so I should think it would have the odd dent or dirty mark.”
I saw Andy off and as I did he said quietly, “Just be careful with these two, Cathy. You’re not responsible for every waif and stray on the planet. Why don’t you take them down the refuge?”
“I will if it becomes necessary.”
I returned to the cottage, “Who’s is the other one?” asked Hannah.
“That’s David’s our chef.”
“You have a chef–you are bleedin’ posh in’t yer?” Ingrid looked astonished.
“I’m not, my husband is–but you’ll like him.”
“I’m rather off men at the minute,” Ingrid said in a rather flat tone.
“I can understand that. Look I have to go and get the girls. Is there anything else you need–to settle in, I mean?”
“No thanks.”
“It’s a lovely cottage,” said Hannah, “does the telly work?”
“I think so,” I picked up the remote and pressed the buttons and a few moments later the screen came to life. I handed her the remote.
I left early to get the girls because I wanted a few things from the supermarket that I’d forgotten before. I managed to get them and collect the three mouseketeers who were like bottles of pop from their end of term parties.
“When we get home, you’ll see we have some visitors staying in the cottage next door to David. It’s a mother and her daughter, Ingrid and Hannah. They’ll be coming to dinner, so I want you on best behaviour, okay?”
“Yes, Mummy,” came back from the back seat.
“Are they like staying for Christmas?” asked Trish.
“I don’t know how long they’re staying.”
“How old is Hannah?” asked Livvie.
“About nine, I think.” That seemed to go down well, they had a new friend to play with.
“Why’s they stayin’?” asked Mima.
“Because I asked them to.”
“Is they gonna work for you?” she pressed.
“I don’t know yet, Ingrid might.”
The radio stated up as I started the car and it was the same local station as before, ‘The refuge fund now stands at fifty thousand pounds, please keep your donations coming in. We’re also trying to raise money for battered men, this is Brian’s story.
‘I was out wiv me girlfriend, seein’ ’er ’ome like and this gang of three men walking three abreast just pushed into me, then they beat me up when I tried to run away, then they dragged me down a lane and done it to me. I ain’t been out of the ’ouse since an’ I tried to kill meself.’
‘Brian’s story is different, he was indecently assaulted by three men who were never caught. Although his case is still open, his depression and anxiety since the attack has lost him his girlfriend and his job.
‘Bill is a different kettle of fish, he married young the girl he thought he loved, however she always found fault with everything he did. He never did anything to her satisfaction nor earned enough money, even though he worshipped the ground she walked on. Then after they’d been married for two years, his wife who is quite a large lady began to physically assault him, starting with a slap or punch while she was criticising him, and finally to all out beatings, sometimes with objects like a bottle or a rolling pin. He ended up in hospital with a fracture to his skull and a broken arm. He is now living in a hostel, but not in Portsmouth–we urgently need one here. Please give generously–remember men can be victims of domestic violence and sexual violence as well as women, and they often take it harder than women do, because being a man, society expects you to be able to defend yourself or stop it happening.
‘Sexual and domestic violence to men or women is a crime–help us to help these victims of this most invidious of crimes, support our Christmas appeal.’
“Do ladies beat men up, sometimes?” asked Trish.
“It appears so, darling, why I don’t know.”
“You’re always saying you’re going to kill Daddy,” she reminded me, and I felt the car becoming rather hot.
“Um–yes, but I don’t mean it, I’m just cross with him at times and it helps me calm down to say silly things like that–but you’re quite right, I shouldn’t even think it, let alone say it.”
“We won’t tell on you, Mummy.”
“Thank you, Trish.”
“Especially if we can have some ice cream after dinner.”
“That is blackmail, girl.”
“Um–no, it’s our reward for not telling.”
“And if I don’t give you any?”
“Um–I don’t know.” I saw her blushing face in the rear view mirror.
“I could just send you to bed and send back all your Christmas presents.”
“That’s not fair,” she pouted.
“Blackmail is a nasty crime Trish, and I refuse to indulge it.”
“Okay, I won’t tell anyone.”
“I know you won’t, because it would be nonsense anyway, and you’d have a very thin Christmas–mind you–I could give your presents to Hannah, it would save me buying more.”
A stunned silence emanated from the back of the car. I’d let them stew for a few minutes then tell them they were forgiven, but I felt a need to stop Trish playing power games with me. One day she’d be in a position to outdo me, so I needed to teach her that they had consequences for the loser, in the hope that it might dissuade her from playing them.