Gift Exchange
by Beyogi
Chris has been friendzoned just again. Christmas is coming and as he doesn't want to spend it alone he's returning to his parents. Yet he's not destined to arrive.
Copyright © 2012 Beyogi
All Rights Reserved.
Thanks to Janet Miles for editing.
Thanks to Draflow and Sleethr for proofreading and their suggestions.
“Thank you so much Chris,” she had said. “I sometimes wish Peter was as nice as you, but I guess I can’t have everything in a boyfriend. Money, education and good looks... well, I guess I can forgive the small flaws. Anyway, you’re really a good friend.”
Tears were running down from my eyes, only to be soaked up by my pillow. Why did this alway have to happen to me? Why couldn’t I get a girlfriend for once? I thought I’d finally found her, when I met Julia, but of course it wasn’t to be. Bloody women! Why was I never good enough? I befriended her, helped her, thought we actually had something going. I’d planned to invite her for Christmas. But then, just a week before Christmas eve this had happened.
I guess I should have known better, but still I was devastated. I’d never been very good with girls anyway. But I’d tried so hard. Hell, I probably tried too hard. Sighing I turned around to rub the tears from my eyes. So this was love sickness? Maybe I’d been better off before, not knowing love at all. Better than being friendzoned, by a girl you wooed for half a year, a girl that decided the rich dude she met at a club was way better than you.
The last days I was alternating between sadness and rage. What did I do wrong? Did I really have to be a total asshole to make girls like me? God, why couldn’t I have an instinct for dealing with girls? Or alternatively, why couldn’t I be gay? Yes, I really was that desperate. I, a heterosexual dude, was envious of gays for their gayness. They at least seemed to be capable to find a partner... guys were easier to understand than girls. And more honest... ok that was frustration speaking.
Hell, I’d even bought her a Christmas present. I was inwardly ranting, throwing angry glances at the bad state of my room. I really needed to tidy it up, not that I cared right now. I mean we’d actually planned spending Christmas together. But now... now she was with her rich boyfriend and I was alone again. I didn’t want this I decided. Christmas wasn’t supposed to be a lonely day. Christmas was supposed to be a day spent in company of family and friends...
Enough moping, I decided. My parents wouldn’t complain if I visited them and my parents' home wasn’t all that far away. Two and a half hours by train... I couldn’t let a hypergamous girl drag me down. Jumping up from my bed, throwing my pillow back in a last gesture of anger, I wiped my last tears away. Maybe she didn’t deserve me, if she really just chose a rich guy - some asshole who never had to struggle in his life - fucking whore!
Ok, my anger was obviously still there. I should just let go, but I had invested so much emotionally into her and now I was just “a good friend”. Really, why couldn’t she let me know earlier that she wasn’t interested? Was it that nice to have a fool wooing you that one couldn’t just let the poor fool know the truth? Maybe I should really try something else if I wanted romantic relationships - Like the pickup stuff;
Flirt with a girl, give some pointless complements, don’t show any real interest - never show that she might mean anything to you, and occasionally diss her so she won’t get a big head. Apparently, that was supposed to land a girl in your bed within a night. Be a total asshole and girls love you. What the hell was wrong with them? It really wasn’t like me to behave like a total ass just to bed some girls.
Well, moping wouldn’t help. I needed an alternative plan... Mom and dad probably wouldn’t mind if I came tomorrow. Thankfully, I had bought the presents already. Sighing, I grabbed my phone.
Snowflakes were dancing in an intricate pattern outside the window. It was a real snowstorm, almost like the American blizzards, but I didn’t mind. The train was warm and the rattling on the rails made for a comforting background noise. Closing my book with an audible clack, I leaned back in my seat. Only few people were traveling on the train, like the grandma in the opposite row from me, munching apples from her lunchbox.
I’d really expected more last minute travelers, but apparently most people had managed to do their traveling the day before. Well, anything was better than on Christmas Eve at four o’clock. Sighing, I put the book back into my rucksack. I was too tired to concentrate. The last night had been haunted by nightmares about a lonely life. God, did I really need to become someone else to find joy in life?
Ok, I should man up or something. It was pathetic. I had better things to think about, like the Christmas dinner with my parents, as well as spending the evening with my family. They didn’t just give me up for money... no, bad Chris, bad thoughts. Think of a tasty duck for dinner... I shrugged to myself. Seeing the snowstorm outside of the window, I decided to take a nap. I was too tired to read, and mourning things that weren’t supposed to be wouldn’t help either.
Counting the snowflakes on the window as I snuggled into the seat, tiredness overwhelmed me. I closed my eyes and sunk into Morpheus’ warm embrace.
I did not remember exactly what I dreamed about, but I would like to think that it was better than the reality I was rudely awoken to when I was slammed into the seat in front of me. I did not know what was going on and panic took over. I cried out and rolled myself into a ball as the world turned before my eyes.. My head was killing me. I hoped that I did not have a concussion.
Whatever happened couldn’t have been good that much was obvious. Trains weren’t supposed to brake like this.
Fuck, this almost felt like the car crash I’d had with dad when I was twelve. Well, not really. We’d driven on The Autobahn and some idiot had braked like crazy to save a rabbit. A fucking rabbit for God’s sake. We had a write off, and the girl on their back seat had to be hospitalized. On the other hand this was a train, so another reason was far more likely. Not that it was any better... It was a morbid thought, but I could only hope it wasn’t another organ donor. Not that there was anything left to donate after a suicide by train. Still, why did this shit have to happen on Christmas Eve?
Maybe I was selfish, but I really hated when another fool felt like throwing himself in front of the train. God, why now? I wanted to see Mom and Dad again, not wait for hours until the police had scraped up the remains of the poor sob. Something like this made me feel silly for being down about Julia. There were people out there who’d rather jump in front of a train instead of living another day after all.
Sighing, I tentatively touched my forehead. No blood, good. There was a swelling growing though and I closed my eyes in pain. Ugh, that would look ugly for the next few days, I just knew it. Looking around I realized the other people were as confused as I. The older woman, three rows in front of me, also held her head. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who had failed to protect themselves.
The lights flickered as an announcement croaked through the loudspeakers: “Ladies and Gentlemen we have to apologize for the disruption. As the result of an unexpected snow bank the train won’t be able to move for foreseeable future. Please forgive the delay, we will try to organize alternate transport.”
Great... officialese for: ‘sorry, we fucked up, you’ll have to wait until the poor SOBs who’s Christmas we’ve interrupted are here.’ Maybe I’d be at home before midnight... I wouldn’t bet on it though. Groaning, I wrapped myself into my winter jacket as the air was beginning to feel rather cool. This could be a long wait.
I was to be surprised, it didn’t take all that long. Just when I’d decided to try and sleep again another croaky announcement reverberated through the air. “We have to apologize, but this train won’t be able to continue its journey. Buses will be waiting in Klein Gá¼mmen, the town in driving direction to the right. The doors will open, please wait at the Klein Gá¼mmen main street.”
Barely able to suppress another sigh, I picked myself up from the seat. God, my back hurt. Maybe I should have listened to my mother when she told me lying in chairs was a bad idea. But sitting was so uncomfortable... Either had its drawbacks. Anyway, I had bigger problems. I pulled my jacket shut, shoved my rolling case out of the row and followed the queue to the doors.
A cold wind was blowing into the train, carrying snowflakes far into the interior. I regretted that I’d forgotten gloves as I shoved my increasingly chilled hands into the trouser pockets. Pulling the hood of the winter jacket over my ears, I stepped on the stairs and jumped down onto the powdery snow.
“Shit!” I loudly cursed as I sank into the cold white mass and said mass also sunk into my shoes and jeans. I really shouldn’t have jumped so far.
For gods sake, I was already wearing winter boots! Did I need a ski suit or something? Quickly bending down, I brushed as much snow away from my boots as I could. It wouldn’t do good getting wet feet in this weather after all. I really didn’t need to catch a cold or even frostbite. I shuddered thinking about it. Missing toes was nothing I wanted to experience in the foreseeable future if ever. Looking around I realized most people had already gone, leaving only their footsteps in the snow.
Fuck, I needed to hurry. I saw some lights in the distance, but the closest couple was already fading in the increasing snow storm. Brushing snowflakes from my eyes, I hurried after them. I really didn’t want to get lost in the snowstorm. Freezing to death was supposed to be a nice way to die, but I really didn’t feel ready for the next big adventure - to quote Albus Dumbledore.
It was exhausting. The deep snow really slowed me down. I should probably do more sports, but it’s so boring... Maybe not really, but it sucked without friends and I wasn’t exactly good at making new ones. Well, no point in crying about spilled milk. When I caught up with the next pair - a child and a young man - I was panting.
“Hey,” I said loudly to be heard over the storm. Walking alone in the dark, in a snowstorm was a bit spooky. “Do you see any...”
It came from the tree on my right. Jerking my head around, I saw one snow covered branch slowly lowering, almost in slow motion, directly into the path of the kid.
The branch was breaking, I could see it. The snow load was too great. The kid obviously had no idea, just tromping after his or her brother. The dark blue winter jacket was rather unisex. Fuck! I could see the tragedy coming, it was as if the world was moving in slow motion to give me a morbid cinematic first person view of the coming accident. I couldn’t let it happen, I decided. The branch was heavy enough to kill the kid if it hit his head.
Decision made, I accelerated, forcing myself into a sprint towards the kid. One step, the fissure was widening... another step, the branch accelerated... I jumped. The kid needed to get out of there now, now and not a second later. Grabbing the kid, sweeping it along in my flight, I saw the branch ripping loose, finally giving in to the inevitable pull of gravity.
We hid the snow with a thud, throwing up a cloud of powdery snow. Crap, I winced, my sides hurt. The kid had sharp little elbows. On the other hand it probably hurt the kid more than me, it was under me after all, but it couldn’t be helped. Sighing, I closed my eyes and rolled off the kid to stand up.
Or so I thought. Opening my eyes again I found myself in the center of a snow storm hurricane, covering the outside world in a vortex of snowflakes. Looking around I saw a naked boy standing on top of my body, a body that was still lying in the snow. What the hell was going on? The kid I’d tried to save was protected under my body, but it looked like neither of us was breathing... Shit, did I die?
“Um...” I mumbled, not sure what to make of the situation. “You’re the kid, right?” I asked, looking at the two bodies under the boys feet.
The child jumped back, looking sheepishly. As he nodded, I looked him over. He was maybe eleven years old and seemed as confused as me.
Trying to ignore our mutual nakedness, I looked closer at the body under mine. I was baffled. “Are you really sure? She’s a girl, but you’re a boy.”
He shook his head as he resolutely replied: “No, I was born a girl, but I really am a boy.”
I shrugged. Well, I’d heard about this transgender stuff. There was an exhibition at university, but whatever; boy, girl, what did it matter right now? “Anyway, do you have an idea what happened to us? A branch was about to fall on your head...”
“And he was supposed to die.” A cold, female voice said, coming from the storm.
Turning to my left, I looked for the source of the threat. I wouldn’t let some bitch kill a helpless child. Still, the only thing I saw was the mysterious unyielding snowstorm. Suddenly, it began to ripple, and a beautiful woman stepped through, parting the storm like a curtain. Her face looked as if it was taken from a photoshopped model. The perfect nose, the huge eyes and the mouth that carried a disapproving smile. Her head was adorned by wavy, long, icy blue hair. The long legs only added to the picture of godlike beauty, as well as the perky breasts that dented her white glittering dress. A dress that was apparently made from snow.
“What do you mean?” I asked, still dazzled by her beauty. “Who the hell are you?”
“Hell? No.” She replied, raising her eyebrows in a scathing look. “I am the angel of snow, the spirit of ice and cold, the soul in command of winter.”
That sounded quite impressive, but was it really true? Winter was a natural phenomenon after all. Nobody is in control of weather, it’s a bloody force for nature. It just is... Unless you count global warming of course. Well, no point in brooding about it. I shrugged. “So, what do you want? What did you mean, ‘supposed to die’?” I really didn’t like the sound of it.
“Yeah!” The kid yelled angrily, probably hiding his fear. “Why do you want to kill me... bitch?
“Do I look like I have a snout? And multiple teats?” the snow woman replied, throwing a cold look at us. “Use accurate terms if you want to describe me.”
For god's sake, couldn’t she see that this was supposed to be an insult? And now she was going on about the accuracy of terms. That did not interest me!
“Just answer the kid! I mean what the hell...”, crap, now she’d go on about hell. I should reword this. God, she was behaving like a cliché Hollywood villain. “What do you want and why do you want him dead?” I finally asked, pointing at the kid, while trying to keep my rising temper in check.
“It should be obvious really,” the snow angel stated, raising her nose in a haughty expression. “The kid was born in the wrong body, transgendered, you know? I came to free him, spare his soul’s pain and suffering. But now you’ve prevented that and he’ll likely commit suicide in the next two decades.”
Two decades wasn’t exactly a short time, but I could see what she was going on about. Even I had heard about the suicide ratio among the transgendered. The media weren’t as ignorant as they’d been anymore. Still, this picture struck me as wrong. An angel, the symbol of goodness and peace, killing an innocent child for being different?! I knew that being transgendered had to suck, in my opinion the very fact of having gender norms was bad enough, but having to conform to the wrong ones... I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes, really.
“That’s just plain wrong!” I declared, clenching my fists in anger. “There has to be a better solution. Why don’t you just go kill off humanity? No life means no suffering after all.”
“It is not time for the world to end,” the angel calmly replied. She sighed. “That doesn’t change the fact you’ve prevented an opportunity for the kid to leave this world.”
Definitely cliché villain. For gods sake she was even speaking in euphemisms. ‘Leaving this world’. Seriously, what the hell? I glared at her. The kid was looking downright scared, I guess who wouldn’t if an angel appears to discuss that you should be dead. He moved behind me, obviously seeking protection. Well, it wasn’t like I wouldn’t try to help him, but what could I do against something like her? On the other hand she was still talking...
“Have you scared the kid enough already?” I snarled as I resisted the urge to go into one of these Asian fighting stance I’d seen in anime. “You fucked it up if he has a female body, so it’s your bloody job to fix it. And death is no solution.” It was a sudden idea, but if she really was an angel there had to be something she could do about it. Well, something other than killing the kid, of course.
“Didn’t you listen in school? Little kids aren’t made by god and delivered by the stork,” the angel sneered. Even though, a strange smile was gracing her lips. “It’s nature’s fault, not ours. Still...”
“What do you mean, nature’s fault?” the boy asked with his high, unbroken voice as he stepped next to me, glaring at the angel. “Why am I a girl,” he pointed at his body lying in his snow and continued his question with a motion at his naked male form, “even though I’m a boy?”
“Why are some people born with only one arm?” the snow angel asked rhetorically. “A glitch in that breeding chamber you people call womb, that’s the whole reason.”
“Whatever,” I said, it wasn’t like that bit of information would help right now. "So, can you do something, or are you just here to whine that I interrupted your idiotic way to end his suffering?”
God, her behavior was enough to drive me up the wall. Our real bodies were still lying there, still unmoving. I could only hope she’d stopped time or something and hadn’t killed us just to complain that things didn’t go her way. That wouldn’t be very angelic behavior, but after her previous comments I wasn’t sure anymore what angelic behavior actually was.
The strange smile on the angels alabaster face widened. “Today is Christmas Eve, a day your people gave importance. So yes, I can, but I need your help. You need to give the necessary stuff to change his physical sex.”
Well this seemed better than killing the kid. If she needed my help, I was willing.
I nodded. “I’m ok with this, how can I help you?”
“Thank you for your agreement,” the angel woman, I’d still not asked for her name smiled. “Your gift will be rewarded.”
What gift? I hadn’t done anything yet... That didn’t sound good at all. “Hey!” I managed to croak scared, but then the world started to turn in front of my eyes and my consciousness faded to black.
“Ma’am are you injured?” I heard a man’s voice asking someone, but for some reason; it sounded like he was asking me if I was injured.
Ma’am? Who was he talking to? Did the branch fall on someone else? Wasn’t there an angel right now? God, my head hurt, nothing made make sense. My stomach felt uncomfortable and my sides hurt. Yes, crap, the kid. I quickly pushed myself up, hoping I hadn’t smashed the kid too much.
“And I just wanted to ask when you were going to stand up,” the boy said, smirking at me.
Wait a second, wasn't it a girl that I tried to save? No, that was in the dream with that angel-bitch, the kid had looked like a boy, I was pretty sure. Whatever, he or she was still a brat. I decided to try and get my weight off the boy, but something was blocking my legs.
“Wait a second, I need to pull the branch off,” the guy ordered, I could only see his blue jeans and black winter jacket. “Thank you for saving my... brother by the way.”
Brushing the snow out of my face, I realized my hair was also hanging down. Crap, I needed to go to the barbers again. I looked over my shoulder and saw the guy lift that stupid branch. He looked nice really, now that I could see his face. Not all that muscled, but like a cute guy I’d love to... have as a friend. Bad Chris! What was I thinking about? Guys weren’t cute!
I stood up, ignoring my hurting calves. “Hi, my name is Chris,” I introduced myself, crossing my arms under my breasts...
Breasts?! And really, my voice sounded strange, strangely high. I looked downwards. There were bumps under my black coat, a coat with glittery stuff on it and some very strange shoulder pads. I pushed my chest out. I felt it. Yes. Definitely breasts. Thinking about it, the usual pressure against my boxers was missing...
“Oh...shit...” I heard a woman, myself, gasp as my knees abruptly buckled and I started to fall.
“Whoa there!” The not-cute guy caught me.
“She’s probably in shock.” I heard the boy say as I struggled to keep from passing out.
“Jan,” the guy said as the world blurred in front of my eyes. “She wasn’t hurt that bad, I think.” He was worried, I could tell from his voice.
Fuck, I could guess what had happened. Sacrifice, what a joke. Did she sacrifice my sex to help the kid? Jan? That wasn’t how it was supposed to work! Sex or gender wasn’t something you could sacrifice! It wasn’t even a physical thing. How could she sacrifice, gift or exchange part of the body configuration? She said it herself. It was something of nature. It was DNA not spirit!
“I’m ok, I guess...” I said as I struggled to my feet. I thought my new voice sounded much calmer than I expected it to sound. I felt like I was right on the edge of a well deserved freak out, but I was shivering, snow was in my jacket, jeans and shoes. God, right now, I just wanted to be warm. Screw everything else.
The cu... not-cute guy looked extremely concerned about me. “Ma’am are you alright? We need to get you out of the cold before you catch a cold.” He pointed to some lights barely visible through the snow storm. “Our house is right over there. The accident was actually a shortcut for us.”
I quickly considered his suggestion and I felt an unaccustomed flash of fear. I feared entering a strange man’s house and that kind of pissed me off. “I’m no Ma’am!” I said with a bit more anger that was probably warranted. “Umm, sorry, call me Chris please. Ma’am makes me feel, old or something. What a fucked up day.” I managed to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. “Thank you for your offer, I’d hate to have to get home wet like this.”
“Ok, I’m Patrick by the way.” The cute guy said, smiling invitingly at me. “It’s only five minutes to our house. I guess we might find something dry among my mom’s old clothing...”
There was a history, and it wasn’t good. That much I could tell. Well, they could tell me when they were ready. I didn’t need to dig.
Nodding, I smiled, “Ok, handsome, lead the way.”
Handsome? Did I really just say that? Apparently, it was the right thing to say. Patrick smiled at me and took my hand. It felt strangely good to have a guy care for me. I probably should have protested more and not let him lead me, but I was still stunned and it felt right. Right now I really needed someone to care for me and wasn’t picky about the source. Or so I told myself.
Really, it was odd. Tromping next to Patrick, I mused about my situation. If I’d ever been asked how I’d feel after getting my sex suddenly changed; I would have said desperate and hopeless, but that wasn’t what I felt at all. It was alien, sure, but it also felt so right, in that ordinary way of normality. Shouldn’t I be transgendered now? With my body changed and everything? Or had I been transgendered all the time and not aware of it? I don’t think that I ever felt the dire need to dress in girly clothing. I didn’t really understand girls, and they didn’t seem to understand me.
Still, it didn’t feel wrong at all. Actually, I pretty much felt the same. Sure, there were those odd sensations from my groin and chest area and my gait was different when I thought about it, but maybe that was due to the snow. However, If I did not pay attention to those sensations, I could almost forget about it. The strangeness just faded into the background. Whether that was due to lingering shock or the fact my mind focused on the cold, I couldn’t tell.
The walk took a bit longer than expected. They’d probably never gone this far in deep snow before. Not that I was surprised. People would probably call this “the century snow” later. We were in northern Germany after all. Ten centimeters of snow was usually considered the end of the world, but this was twenty centimeters in two days already and it didn’t look like it was going to stop soon.
While I didn’t have a sudden onset of any kind of body dysphoria as a result of the transformation, I did worry about it though. The clothing was changed that much I’d seen, but what about my identity, my friends? Would I have made the same friends as a girl? I probably could have met them too... but as what would they remember me? Some female fellow student, their mate who disappeared over Christmas, or Chris the girl. Did I actually have identification?
Brooding didn’t help, so I was glad when we finally reached the border of the village, shivering from the cold. Thankfully the sidewalks were cleared a bit, the people had done their civic duty. Passing three houses, we arrived in front of one where the sidewalks weren’t cleared at all. Understandable, I guess, if both of them weren’t at home all the day.
Quickly entering the nondescript brick house, I sighed with relief when the wall of warm air hit me. As Patrick closed the door behind us, I dropped my rucksack and quickly stripped off my wet-look parka. Without the insulating lining, the two mounds on my chest made it abundantly clear to me that I was definitely now a girl, despite of my denial of that fact.
Sighing with defeat, I also removed my unisex gloves, which revealed dainty girlish fingers. As far as I could see, the nails were properly cared for, way better than my male ones, but at least they weren’t painted. Thank god for the small blessings. I wasn’t sure how much more I could still take.
The worst thing was, that I had nobody to talk to about my change. Patrick seemed nice enough, but he would probably think that I was crazy if I told him I was a guy 15 minutes ago. Hell, I’d think I was crazy if some chick told the same to me. Actually, I would probably think that she was just trying to find a way out of being my girlfriend, or something. Strange as it sounds, that thought actually calmed me down, a little. I kicked off my boots and wet socks. The boots had also changed. Instead of the combat boot styled winter boots I’d had before, I now looked had a pair of dainty, female styled and sized boots.
Patrick prodded me lightly, shaking me from my thoughts. “Chris? Just put your wet clothes on the heater.” He pointed towards those under the window in the kitchen on my right.
“S-s-sure...” I shivered from the cold as I took stock of my clothing situation.
The bloody snow somehow managed to work its way inside of my jacket, soaking my shirt. Additionally, my jeans looked like I had jumped into a pool. I sighed, and without thinking about it, peeled off my jeans and followed that bold action by pulling my wet shirt off.
“Um, do you have a towel?” I asked as I stood in his hallway wearing nothing but a bra and panties.
Patrick looked stunned. “What?” He asked before he managed to rip his eyes from my chest and look at my eyes.
“Yes, they’re quite...fascinating, aren’t they?” I asked rhetorically. Yeah, the penny had dropped.
“Yes... I’m sorry.” Patrick’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
I shook my head and smiled at him. “No reason to apologize, really. It’s my own fault for doing a strip-tease.” Now it was my turn to blush. Really, I shouldn’t. It wasn’t the first time a guy saw me naked. And I was still wearing a bra after all — just don’t ask me where it came from, I was sure I hadn’t worn one before. “Um... say, you mentioned something about your mother's old clothing?”
“I’ll go and get something,” Jan offered. I’d almost forgotten his presence.
“Thanks, Jan,” Patrick said with a smile. “Chris, towels are in the bathroom... in the cupboard on the left. Just take a big one.” He pointed to a door at the end of the corridor that lead through the house. “I’ll go and make something hot to drink. What do you like? Coffee, Tea or hot Cocoa?”
“Hot Cocoa,” I said licking my lips and fluttering my eyelids. “But I wouldn’t mind tea either.” I never really had a taste for Coffee.
“Do you think you can get socks for me, too?” I asked as I alternated balancing on one foot and removing my wet socks. “Because these are soaked.”
God, was I flirting with him? I definitely liked Patrick, I think. Somehow, he made me feel gooey in my stomach. I just wanted to melt when he gave me one of his fascinated looks. Thinking about it, it made something tingle, down below... No, bad thoughts.
Patrick nodded. “Sure, no problem, I’ll just call my minion.” He raised his voice and yelled. “Oh, Minion! Please remember to bring socks!”
I heard the kid yell a positive, but bratty answer, but I was already on my way to the bathroom. I was probably fleeing. What would I have done if I’d been with him any longer? I was almost ready to spread my legs. Maybe a cold shower would be a good idea... Closing the door, I glanced downwards and took the final step towards confirming what I knew, but was afraid to admit.
Snugged firmly against my flat crotch were pink panties. Not white Y-front briefs or colorful male boxer shorts. No, I now wore pink panties and simply thinking about that fact brought alien feelings to my mind. Pink satiny fabric stretched flatly over where my balls and penis were supposed to be. Pink satiny fabric smoothly covered something that rubbed together were unbroken skin should be. Removing my panties and showering would only increase those feelings. The hairless skin, my boobs... What would the water do to them? No, I should hurry and dry myself. It would be rude to let my hosts wait.
Decision made, I quickly rubbed down my body. Well, I tried, but it hurt. Apparently my skin was way more sensitive now, which might explain why girls always freeze. Great, another problem I hadn’t considered yet... thinking about it, I needed to pee. First things first though, using the towel, I managed to soak up the moisture on my skin without scratching myself too much.
Peeing was... well, peeing. It wasn’t the first time I sat down to pee - my parents insisted on it and it actually became habit. Not having to press down my dick so it wouldn’t touch the toilet bowl was new though. Then it was just letting go and watch the remarkably less concentrated stream pour into the bowl.
After standing up, my pussy - what a thought - still felt moist. Another minus for being a girl. I needed to wipe. Pulling off some toilet paper, I wiped up the excess moisture and was finally ready to go. The bra was still a bit wet, but I had no idea how to put one on. It wasn’t like I could be sure that they had a fitting replacement anyway. For all I knew their mother had F-cups... Thanks god I didn’t have gazongas like that. The thought alone made me shudder.
Looking into the cupboard I found a big fluffy pink towel, which I promptly wrapped around my body. Thusly dressed I left the bathroom, holding the wet socks in my hands. I really hoped the brat had brought replacements for me. I hated cold feet. Well, I had to get over to Patrick. Steeling myself, I quickly dashed over the cold tiles to the kitchen.
“Oh, there you are,” Jan happily said as I entered. “I hope this stuff fits you...” he pointed at the clothing heap on the bench next to him.
I picked up the clothing. “Thanks.” I said as quickly dressed in the jeans and a pretty unisex pullover. I wondered if I wasn’t the only one who had an idea what had transpired. If the angel had really sacrificed my maleness, then the brat had probably been a girl before. Well, apparently transgendered, but still a biological girl.
“Here’s, your Cocoa,” Patrick said as he handed me the steaming hot mug. “Um... the rail replacement service buses just drove away... I don’t think there will be further trains today, so you can stay the night, if you want.”
Well, what else would I want. Walking 100 kilometers through the snow? Not bloody likely. Patrick and Jan seemed to be nice company, so I didn’t mind it very much.
There was something I needed to do though. “Um... Sure, I’d be glad to. But Patrick, can I use your phone? I need to call my parents and tell them that I won’t be able to come.”
“Sure,” Patrick shrugged and pointed towards a stationary phone on the kitchen counter. “Just remember to dial zero before the rest.”
I nodded. I’d never understood why some phones needed you to dial an extra zero. Maybe they were just badly configured? There was no good reason to contemplate this right now, so I just went over and dialed my parents number. As the line connected and start to ring, I started to freak out again.
Fuck! I had totally forgotten about the transformation? What would my parents say? Would they recognize me? Or would I end up as the main suspect for my own disappearance? Fuck, fuck, fuck!
“Hello, Schwandt residence.” My mom’s voice came through the receiver.
Damn, what was I supposed to do now? Maybe I could fake my old voice? Yes, I should just speak deeper, so mom might not find out.
Decision made I answered as deeply as I could without sounding ridiculous. “Hi, Mom, umm, it’s me, Chris.”
She laughed. “Silly girl, of course it's you. Who else would call me Mom and sound like you? Your voice sounds a little funny though, did you catch a cold?”
I was sure I wasn’t as deep as my former voice had been. I hoped that this meant what I feared the most; I had an identity as a female.
I harrumphed. “I don’t think so, I hope. I had something in my throat. Anyway... Mom, I fear I can’t come today. The train was caught in a snowdrift and well, I got wet on my way to the replacement buses. It’s kind of a long story...”
“Oh my! Are you okay? Did you get hurt? Where are you now? I know that you're fearless, but you can't spend the night at some train station. It is not safe for a young woman. Should I send your Dad out to get you?.”
What. The. Fuck?! They actually were worried about me? Dad would drive out a hundred kilometers to get me home? I had to beg them to drive me to a bloody LAN party three kilometers away when I was a teenager, but now that I was a girl they’d suddenly cared... Maybe this wasn’t all bad, but I really wasn’t sure what I should think about it.
“No Mom, I'm fine and I am not spending the night at some train station. My clothes got a little wet from saving a young boy from a falling tree branch.” I explained, but realized that wouldn’t exactly make her feel better. “The boy's family invited me to stay with them,” I quickly amended, trying to alleviate her worries.
“Right. I guess we’ll just have to preserve some Christmas duck for you,” mom said - damn, why did I need to miss it? Well, the life of the brat was probably worth more than a feast. “... can’t be done. Well, will you come tomorrow?”
Sighing sadly, not happy about missing Christmas eve with my parents, I replied: “I hope so. If you don’t plan lunch too early I should be able to come.”
“That should be manageable,” Mom stated. “Anyhow; Merry Christmas, and greet the family from us.”
“Ok, Mom, I will . You don’t have to worry, they’re really nice. See you tomorrow,” I said, smiling at my hosts.
“Ok, have fun, please. See you tomorrow,” mom bid her farewell and I hung up, putting the phone away.
“...and a Happy New Year,” we concluded the Christmas carol.
Apparently the angel had come through with her promise I would be rewarded for my gift. Instead of my crappy bellow-voice I now had a clear, beautiful singing voice. Hell, I actually managed to hit notes. It didn’t seem a fair exchange though, my gender against some singing talent.
Maybe it wasn’t all though. If I thought back there might be something else: After my phone call, I’d helped my hosts to make dinner. Thankfully they had bought more than enough food, so neither of us needed to fast. I wasn’t exactly an expert on cooking, I preferred to eat at the Uni cafeteria, but I could still help them. Stirring pots wasn’t exactly rocket science, after all. On the other hand the physics behind rocket science aren't that complicated either.
We had a cozy dinner. I enjoyed the food and talked about nothing in particular. Well, they really danced around the topic of their family, but I gathered that their parents were dead. And not for a long while. I probably spared them a lonely and sad Christmas, but it was also fun for me. I really enjoyed their company.
After the meal and while washing the dishes, inspiration hit me. It was Christmas, but I didn’t have anything for Patrick, or so I thought first. Afterwards, I sometimes thought it might have been a vision sent by an angel or something, but in that moment I just took it as a good idea.
“It’s gift giving time,” Patrick said, pulling me back to the present with a gentle poke into my side.
Yes gifts... that was what I’d been thinking about. I’d actually bought a present for my girlfriend-not-to-be and never taken it out of my backpack after I’d heard the news. Quickly searching my rucksack, I found the present, but it wasn't the present. It was not the bottle of perfume that I bought and wrapped in shiny silver paper with a red bow. No, it was a square box wrapped in Christmas themed Marvel comic book character wrapping paper topped with a blue bow. However surprising that discovery was, it was the label that had shocked me the most.
To: Patrick
From: Kristina
Thinking back, I’d been totally shocked: What the fuck? I’d thought. Apparently I was not "Chris", but "Kris" now and how in the hell or heaven or whatever did my present get addressed to Patrick? The presents for mom and dad were still there... What was going on?
"Umm, Patrick?" I’d asked, my eyes still widened from the confusion.
"Yes Chris?"
"How long have you known me for?"
He’d looked at Jan as if I had just asked him if the sky was blue. Jan, the little shit, just shrugged his shoulders as if to say, "beats me why she is asking that."
"Umm, we just met tonight, why?" Patrick had asked, raising his eyebrows in a curious expression.
“Nothing really,” I’d replied quickly, not wanting to elaborate my unbelievable condition. “Just had a deja vu.”
Yeah, it was kind of awkward, but my excuse worked and they didn’t ask further questions.
“Yay, Gifts!” Jan yelled, bringing me back to reality as the flashback faded. He was happily bouncing up and down on the couch. Yes... couch... living room, not the kitchen. God, I so wasn’t used to flashbacks. Was that a girl thing?
We were all sitting on a corner-couch, looking at the Christmas tree in front of us. The presents lay below the tree, waiting to be opened. There weren’t all that many, but considering my hosts’ situation, I could understand. Whatever, I’d never spend Christmas without my parents, but this turned out to be remarkably fun.
Smiling, I interjected: “Presents are always welcome, but who is going to be Santa Claus?”
“Me, I want to be Santa,” Jan answered enthusiastically, still bouncing a bit.
I threw a glance at Patrick indicating a nod, while I shrugged.
He smiled back. “Sure, why not. You know what you need to do.”
Jan rose from the couch and postured in front of the Christmas tree. He bowed theatrically to me and said: “Chris, thank you for giving me the greatest gift ever, I guess I can gladly pass more material ones.”
Smiling awkwardly, I nodded, unsure what to say. Jan sometimes seemed pretty mature for a brat, but I guess that was to be expected, considering what he was probably really thanking me for. Well, it wasn’t really my doing. I was mostly tricked by that angel, but at least it obviously made the kid happy. Considering the rather stunned expression on Patrick's face, the kid might have acted a bit out of character. It wasn’t too strange, though. Sudden sex changes can do that to you...
“Well, Santa has also brought something for you,” he grinned at me somewhat challengingly. “Here, catch.”
Leaning forward, I managed to catch the flying form wrapped in Christmas paper. Still... a present for me? Did the little brat wrap something for me while I was doing the dishes or did more 'magic' happen with their gifts like happened with mine?
“Jan!” Patrick admonished sternly. “No throwing presents... even if they come from you.” He couldn’t suppress a grin that had sneaked onto his face.
I shook my head at their antics. “I don’t think this is fragile. Fluffy things don’t break easily...”
Well, I had gathered that it was a stuffed animal from catching the gift, but I still wondered what exactly it was going to be. Curious, I slowly ripped open the wrapping paper. It was a
pink teddy bear, holding a baby bottle on the front and the inscription “It’s a girl” on the backside.
Yeah, it was rather obvious now that the brat knew what had transpired. Considering Patrick’s confused look, he had no idea though. Strange thing, I really loved the gift. It was just too cute.
Standing up, I gave our bratty Santa a hug. “Thank you very much. I guess it’s really a girl.”
“Ok, ok,” Jan groaned as he wormed himself out of my embrace - apparently he wasn’t a touchy feely kid. “Let Santa do his job, please.”
“Sure, no problem.” I said, sitting down next to Patrick.
The kid gave his brother a computer game, real time strategy, which I’d thought a self-gift if I hadn’t seen Patrick's joy. Apparently, he was a gamer like myself. Well, we certainly wouldn’t run out of topics to talk about. No awkward silence for us. Thanks god for the small blessings... US? What the hell was I thinking about?!
Jan interrupted my progressively disturbing train of thought as he picked the next present and promptly gave it to himself, followed by a hug for his brother. The gift itself were some expensive looking sport shoes.
“And here we have something for Chris, again,” Jan exclaimed with a royal gesture. God, the kid was such a clown.
“Thank you,” I replied, bowing jokingly before our Santa as I took the present. I’d totally forgotten that girls were supposed to curtsy.
“No biggie, but come on, open it. We want to see.”
To: Kris
From: Patrick
Being at their home the present in itself wasn’t all that big a surprise, but I was still grateful. I’d intruded on them on Christmas and they were so nice to me.
Patrick added his own encouragements, smiling happily at me: “Yes, come on, open it.”
"Thank you..." I said as I nervously tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear, just like a girl would. Flustered by my unconscious nervous gesture and by the Christmas gift, I gingerly tore open the wrapping paper. I always ripped the wrapping paper to shreds, but I found myself treating this gift like it was a bomb or something. What in the hell was in it?
It was a paperback, with a blue cover. My eyes swept over the title and then I saw the author... what the fuck? My favourite author had written a new book and I’d missed it?! I slowly opened the cover and saw the signature. It was a signed original printing... Unconsciously, my faced moved into a happy smile. This wasn’t from Jan... How could Patrick have known? I jumped up and enveloped him in a heartfelt hug.
“Thank you,” I said, looking into his eyes... his sparkling blue eyes that gave me a glance into his lonely soul. God, he looked like he really needed someone to care for him. He gave everything for his brother, but apart from Jan he lacked love in his environment.
Don’t ask me how I knew, but that moment everything came together. Maybe it was knowledge from heaven, or maybe I just instinctively pieced every little bit of information I’d gotten this evening together. Hell, Patrick was like me before my change, only he had it worse. A transgendered little brother/sister and on top of it his parents just died. It was a wonder he managed to hold together as well as he did.
And still he somehow managed to care for me, a stranger they’d just met on Christmas. God, Patrick was too good to be true. Right now he was happy... his smile looked so invitingly. I pressed myself closer against him, ignoring the odd feeling from my boobs, and closed in on his mouth.
“Chris and Patrick
sitting in a tree:
Patrick glared over my shoulder... man, I really wanted to spank the brat right now. He didn’t feel like stopping though.
“First comes love,
then comes marriage,
then comes baby
in a baby carriage!”
“Brat!” I snarled, my hands moving in a certain wringing movement.
“Jan!” Patrick growled as he pierced the boy with his eyes.
Jan actually dared to make innocent puppy eyes at us. “What?” But then he couldn’t hide his mischievous smirk.
“Kiddo, I think you’ve just invoked terrible revenge whenever you come home with a girlfriend,” I stated, smirking evilly at the thought.
Falling back against the backrest, Patrick sighed. “I’d like to describe my terrible revenge to you, but it’s Christmas and were supposed to be nice. Just give me the next present.”
“I can do that, it’s for you after all,” Jan replied, looking a bit sorry now. Maybe he just wanted to make a joke... it would have been a good one any other time.
Shivering in anticipation, I watched as the brat brought his brother the gift. It was from me after all. The gift that had once been a bottle of her favourite perfume for my not-to-be girlfriend... but it had changed with me. Smiling at me, Patrick ripped the wrapping paper open. Apparently, he wasn’t a person to carefully unwrap presents either.
“Wow... this is great! How did you know?” Patrick whispered in awe as he looked at the gift in his hands.
I shrugged. What should I have said? I didn’t know. The perfume bottle was no more, now he held a diving watch in his hands. Heaven had obviously decided the right gift, because I wouldn’t have had a bloody idea what to gift. Maybe this would have been in my options, but I’d likely taken something else. If you were wondering, I had managed to sign the present while my hosts were distracted with cooking.
Now it was my turn to find myself enveloped in a hug. Smiling at me with a happy male confidence, Patrick said. “Thank you so much, it’s like an angel brought you.”
I smiled back and neither of us was caring that the brat was harumphing. His mouth came closer and my heart beat faster, almost like a drum solo. God, was this like how it felt for girls? It was so confusing. Not that I really cared that moment. Hugging Patrick back, I let him plant a kiss on my mouth. His lips were so soft... I felt so secure in his strong arms. Feeling adventurous, I slowly parted my lips, pushing my tongue forward, probing his lips.
Our tongues touched and a shiver ran down my spine. My eyes were closed, and I felt really weird. I can't believe that I am kissing a guy and that it feels so...right. His five o'clock shadow feels delightful against my skin. It is like kissing sandpaper, but for some reason, I find that sensation a turn on. Was I gay, but did not know it? Oh god! My entire body feels like I am holding an electrical wire. My breasts feel ultra-sensitive and my new plumbing feels, empty. He dusts my neck with feathery kisses, causing me to gasp with astonishment. What the hell, is my entire body now a giant g-spot? I force my tongue into his mouth and his slightly musky, manly scent makes me feel even more attracted to him.
Now, I feel myself getting wet and I notice that my breathing has taken on that pre-sex desperate pant that tells me that if I don't stop right this second, I will end up trying out more of my new equipment. It takes all my willpower, but I slowly began untangling myself from my lover...Patrick. How strange of me to think of him that way, but his hard body pressed against me feels so good and I felt satisfaction in feeling his hard-on pressed against my thigh.
“Urgh!” expressive gagging noises came from our side. Jan was at it, again, but this time he’d at least waited until we were done.
“We should do this again,” I said smiling happily at Patrick.
He nodded eagerly. I guess it really was true. Guys in love were like puppies. On the other hand I wasn’t much different. I’d probably looked pretty much the same considering how eager I was to continue.
“Have you done enough kissy kissy, and oogly oogly?” Jan asked, yawning tiredly.
“Nope,” I replied, bubbling from joy. “But don’t be bothered by us... or do you want something?” There hadn’t been all that many presents as far as I could recall. I looked under the tree again... yes there still was one.
Patrick had seen the same thing as he nodded. “Just take the last one, it’s for you after all.”
Jan just did that and the present turned out to be a recent battlefield shooter game.
“I guess it’s not really appropriate for his age
[1], but he really wanted it,” Patrick explained with an awkward expression. He probably feared that I’d disapprove.
Not bloody likely. “I wasn’t much better when I was his age,” I nonchalantly said, shrugging my shoulders. “Time Splitters 2... I played it so much, my parents kinda flipped.”
Seeing his surprised look, I grinned challengingly. “Did you think I was playing with dolls and... makeup when I was that age?”
He just shook his head, obviously unsure what to say. Maybe he was like me, burned by so many bitches he didn’t know how to normally interact with females anymore.
“I hope you don’t mind,” I almost whispered, my own insecurities about relationships shining through again.
Giving me a quick hug, Patrick replied:“No I don’t mind, it’s kinda cool, actually.”
“Um... I don’t want to interrupt you, but I want to say something to Chris,” Jan interjected and poked his brother as he continued: “Alone.”
“Sure, just don’t traumatize her,” Patrick joked as he fastened the watch around his left wrist.
Nodding to his brother, Jan grabbed my hand and dragged me out of their living room.
I hadn’t yet closed the glass door completely when Jan began: “Thank you so much... for everything!” He jumped on me, almost tackling me, to give me a hug - I had really shrunk, hadn’t I?
Something seemed wrong though, the kid wore a worried expression. “What’s up? Do you want to tell me something?” I inquired, unsure how to react.
“Are you alright? Being a girl isn’t the same for you as it was for me?”
Oh... yes, that would explain why he was worried. But... “No, I don’t think so. It’s a bit strange, but not as strange as one should expect. I’m not sure what that angel was thinking, but I don’t think she screwed me over... um, got shafted, sorry for the language.”
“Phew, I’m glad,” Jan said as he exhaled relieved. Then he smirked: “You’ll have to live with periods...”
Crap. Periods. I really hadn’t thought about this yet. Fuck, what had I let myself in for?
“You’re kind of green,” the boy stated, smirking at me. He obviously thought this hilarious.
I rolled my eyes at him, replying flippantly: “And you have both horns and halo. I guess you just can’t decide whether you want to be a devil or an angel.”
Jan actually touched his head as if searching for horns. Throwing a pseudo innocent glance at me, he said: “I don’t feel any horns... Anyway, why would I want to decide?”
“I don’t know... Whatever, I guess it’s a brat's prerogative,” I sighed, not sure what to say.
“This is all just too good. I’m probably in the hospital dreaming...” the brat mumbled as he went back to the living room. Leaving me stunned.
“Waaaaaargh,” came from my mouth as I couldn’t suppress a yawn anymore.
After my little confrontation with Jan, I’d returned to their living room. The brat hadn’t stayed long, the new game was just too enticing. I’d cuddled a bit with Patrick, realizing that I’d caught myself a boyfriend on my first day as a girl. Fate/God really has a weird sense of humor. Cuddling and talking about our hobbies - like gaming - was fun, but after a while I caught him throwing glances at a certain present on the table.
“Chris, was that a lion, or are you tired?” my boyfriend inquired, pausing his rather fascinating session with his new computer game - Patrick was good... it would be fun to play against him.
Yeah, I’d realized he wanted to play the game and I was kind of curious myself. Over the course of my studies I had reduced my gaming time. The result was I lost track of the recent developments, but this didn’t meant I lost interest. Well, It wasn’t like he needed much encouragement, he was only worried that it would be impolite to let me watch. Seriously though, I didn’t mind it much. It was fun to distract him and I also had a certain book to read... Actually I read more than I watched him.
“It’s a sleepy lion, I think,” I replied, yawning again. God it wasn’t all that late really. Maybe I should have remembered deactivating the alarm clock last night.
Patrick threw a glance at his new watch, only to smile brightly at me. “I guess it’s getting late. You wanna go to bed?”
I nodded. “Hm... woke up too early this morning.”
“Ok, just follow me,” Patrick stated with a wave of his hand as he shut down his computer.
He strode out of the room, I guessed it was the office of his late parents, and I went along with him. We went up the stairs and into a bedroom.
“Ah crap, I’d totally forgotten about this,” Patrick cussed. I could understand, considering the bed was overloaded with packing cases as well as other odds and ends. It would take an hour or so, to tidy up this mess.
He sighed. “I guess we shouldn’t have procrastinated. Well... I guess there is still my room,” Patrick said and continued to mumble, “not that it is much better...”
So it probably was looking like mine. Well, I wouldn’t have grounds to complain, lest I’d be a hypocrite.
It wasn’t like I really cared, as long as I had a place to sleep. Shrugging, I replied with a yawn: “Whatever, lead on.”
This time we just followed the corridor five meters to the next room. With a wave Patrick invited me in. “Sorry for the chaos,” he said, smiling awkwardly.
Considering the state of the room he obviously didn’t expect me. The room reeked of guy. Smelly old, dirty laundry was spread all over the floor in front of his bed and laundry boxes with the fresh clothes were occupying the chairs. Chaos like my room at home with my ‘rents...
I could only grin. “Maybe we should clean these away,” I suggested pointing at the dirty laundry, only to continue with a sniff, “and open the windows.”
“Yeah,” he groaned, obviously not happy that I’d seen his den in this condition.
Meanwhile I’d picked up some laundry, normally I wouldn’t have cared, but it really felt wrong to me. Maybe it was a girl thing... “Patrick, you’ve got some place where this stuff is supposed to go?” I asked, waving the laundry, while trying to ignore the smell. No wonder mom had always complained about my room.
“Over there,” he said with a groan as he motioned towards another box in the corridor.
“Ok,” I nodded, but felt a bit bad as I saw his pained expression. Tossing the old laundry towards the box, I turned around and gave him a hug. “It’s not that bad... It’s not like you expected a girl.”
He only nodded. I could certainly sympathize. This had to be bloody awkward for him.
“Well, I guess the room is ready now,” Patrick said, slowly retreating towards the door.
I shook my head, was he serious? “Um... what are you doing?”
Nervously rubbing his head, Patrick replied: “I’m leaving, I’m going to sleep on the couch.”
“You can’t be serious,” I responded, not quite believing. “I’m not going to kick you out of your own bed... It’s certainly big enough for two people.”
He blushed. “Are you sure?”
“Yes... I don’t want to do it... yet...” I hesitantly began, “but I’d love to share a bed with you.”
“..trick! Patrick! I can’t believe it, it’s really true, it’s really happened!” a loud bratty voice ripped me from my sweet dreams. Held securely by his strong arms...
Seriously? My hand sneaked down towards my chest, I still hadn’t opened my eyes. Yes... they really were there, those slightly alien feeling mounds. Well... apparently it wasn’t a dream after all.
“For god’s sake! Jan!” I heard... Patrick cussing next to me. “It’s six am!"
I turned around to look what the kid was ranting about.
Pulling down his pajama trousers he pointed at his dick. “Look! It’s really real! I didn’t dream it.” Then he turned to me and tackle-hugged me. “Thank you Kris, thank you so much.”
Kris… Kristina, not Chris anymore. I had really become a girl.
“Jan?!” Patrick said, confusion was written onto his face. “What happened, how are you male? … What are you thanking Kris for?”
“There was an angel, and then she was talking stuff and then Kris managed to convince her and then I was a boy...” Jan prattled on.
Looking at me Patrick sighed. “Can you explain please?”
“Well, when the branch fell down on us, I, or rather we had a vision of an angel. Saying I shouldn’t have saved Jan’s life... I managed to convince her to help your brother, I think.”
“Thank you,” Patrick smiled at me. “Jan was always so unhappy, but now he’s positively glowing. Are you sure you’re not an angel? You’re the best girlfriend ever.”
Ignoring the kid, I jumped him on the bed, to give him the snog of his life. It was great to be wanted, to be needed. Someone actually wanted me as a person and not just me as a utility. It was Christmas and I was in love. Guy or girl didn’t matter, I happiness had finally reached me.
Giving Patrick time to breath, I declared: “Yes, this is the best Christmas ever!" This done, I tackled him and smothered my lover with kisses. I guess in the end the angel really came through for me. A good deed was still rewarded.
[1] German age restrictions considering violence in videogames and movies are way harsher than elsewhere. Anything where people get killed with guns is 16+. You can actually learn to dismember people in the Bundeswehr before you can play splatter games...
As usual I'd be greatful for all criticism, reviews and of course praise. If you have other comments about the story feel free to leave them. Like many other authors my muse is fueled by comments ;)
AN: Sorry for the comic retcon tag, I must have clicked somewhere wrong :( Edited it away.