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Singing to the Moon
Chapter 20 |
The next few days were just — surreal.
In the aftermath of that battle, it was just like nothing out of the ordinary had happened at all. The unseen who hadn't been involved knew that the Hunters had come, a few people had died on both sides, then they were gone. Business as usual in Ravencrest.
The normals in town 'knew' that some company had been having a retreat of some kind in the campgrounds scattered through the mountains, and had left once that was finished. It happened at times and brought a little more business into town, other than that, it was nothing all that extraordinary.
Everyone in town knew that something had happened at that warehouse, but most just assumed it had been used for a really wild party and went about their business.
I did catch people whispering about 'That Harper Affair' and 'That Harper girl' at times when I was in town but nothing else.
I've lived here all my life but was just beginning to understand what a strange town Ravencrest really was. Sheesh.
“We have a problem.” A voice interrupted my musings and I actually jumped a little before turning to see who had gotten into my room without me noticing.
It was a witch. Figures. Mom really needs to work on those wards.
I looked at her, an attractive young woman in her twenties and grumbled. “Why can't you just come to the front door like normal people?”
“This issues isn't one for a lot of people to know about.” She answered with a shrug.
“Yeah.” I nodded and then looked at the problem, still contentedly sitting on my work desk.
“Look, your people have taken it twice, I've locked it in our family vault several times, and the thing just keeps coming back here. I can't keep it from doing that.” I glared at the grail, then at the witch.
“It isn't you.” She sighed then looked at the door that connected my room to Linda's. “It's the child.”
“Linda?” I asked then felt a cold chill fingering my spine. “Don't even think about it.”
“That thing must be kept safe.” The witch waved to the grail. “It insists on staying near the child.”
“I don't care how powerful all of you are,” I looked her straight in the eye. “If you take Linda, just to keep an object safe, none of you will ever be safe from ME.”
“You have no idea of what you are saying, or getting into there, little girl.”
“Little girl?” I almost exploded but kept that in check. “I have alliances, I am responsible for the most stunning defeat the Hunters have experienced in living memory and then some. No, I wonder if you and the Coven know what you're dealing with here.”
“Threats are not going to work.” She told me.
“It wasn't a threat.” I shrugged. “If you take Linda both sides are going find out what they're dealing with because I'll come to get her back.”
“Regardless of the cost?” She asked.
“She's my baby.” I answered. “Anyone trying to take her away from me is going to regret it if I can do anything about it.”
“Good answer.” She actually smiled at me. Okay color me very confused on that one. “You are young but have already done some very impressive things. As you grow and mature, you will only become more formidable. I know I sure wouldn't want to face you if we actually did take that child from you.”
“Then why the implied threats?” I asked.
“Call it a test.” She shook her head. “I can call up empathy with my abilities and I was sent to feel your responses. The Coven will be happy with what I found. We all hoped you'd respond that way.”
“The grail is obviously tied to the child.” She told me. “A child that you will defend with your own life. Now we are sure both of them will be safe. If needed you won't hesitate to call for help in order to see that is done.
“I actually feel sorry for anyone trying to get between you and that child to hurt her.” She chuckled.
Then she was gone.
“Okay, what the Hell was that?” I asked no one in particular. The grail didn't answer, just sat there on my desk glowing and sending out contented feelings.
Great, now I had a supernatural nightlight.
Exactly what I was doing to do with, or about it, I had no idea.
Later that day, being a Saturday and pleasantly warm I had Linda in a stroller and was trying to enjoy the park.
“You were all we expected, Coyote.” A vaguely familiar voice came over my shoulder and I turned to see who it was then let out a little gasp. “And more.”
“Amaranth.” I whispered, looking at the being I knew was a dragon and wondering how so many weird things seemed to happen when I was around.
“It is because of what you are, dear.” She smiled and shook her head. “You don't have all of Coyote in you, but you are mischief, deception, resourcefulness, and tend to be very unpredictable. The world in general is going to test you, tease you, and see what you will do.”
“So I'm some kind of trouble magnet?” I asked with a queasy feeling in my stomach at that thought.
“Of sorts.” She grinned. “Though for anyone disturbing you too much, you are the trouble, as you've already shown so emphatically. You'll get used to it.”
“Sure.” I nodded, not believing that for a second but not about to argue with a creature that was nearly as powerful as a god, or in this case goddess.
“You will.” She assured me, then looked at Linda who was presently trying to get a thumb, either one, into her mouth. “I've come to tell you about your child now that we know you are worthy of her.”
“Worthy of her?” I would normally bridle at that kind of comment but just shook my head instead.
“Oh, Indeed, Coyote.” Amaranth smiled again. “This child is very special in many ways. As to what she is, she will grow up to become like me, and my mate. She is the last surviving child of Dragons in this world. We don't know what she will be, but finding out should be interesting.”
“Then why give her to me?” I asked. “Surely her own kind would be better for her.”
“Then she would be isolated, with no access to how things in the world work.” Amaranth answered a little sadly. “My kind has withdrawn from the world, Coyote. You can show her, teach her, let her learn how the world works, show her what it is. That is why.
“When you hold her.” Amaranth told me simply. “You hold our hopes as well as your own. Just love her, nurture her, teach her. It's all any parent should do.”
“But she's...”
“Your child.” Amaranth gently told me. “She is your child now, Coyote. Love her, let her love you and whatever comes to pass you will have a daughter you will proud of.”
“I — I don't know if that responsibility is something I can live up to.”
“You will, you have.” She gave me a penetrating look. “That is why we sent the grail to you, for her.”
“You had those Hunters come here for her, just for that cup?” I was outraged at the thought of how many people and other creatures had died because of that.
“Everything, everyone, dies in time, Coyote. Even gods.” Amaranth answered my thoughts. “It is after all, how life and nature work. Your child will need the grail in the future, it had to come into your hands some way. Given how things work, it had to be done the way it was. You won the grail so now it will remain connected to you, and Linda because of that. I will take it with me when I go, and don't worry, it might complain a bit but will know that where I take will not keep it from coming when there is need, though you will never be able to use it. But in time, your daughter will.”
While I was trying to work all that out, she reached forward to stroke my cheek, then kissed Linda's forehead.
“Farewell, Coyote.” Amaranth kissed my cheek.
“Will I ever see you again?” I asked.
“Probably.” She nodded with another smile. “Be well, and keep your child safe.”
Then she was gone, just gone.
How do people do that? It was trick I decided would be a good one to learn.
Then I squatted down to tickle Linda and give her a kiss.
My baby was a dragon.
Oh, that was going to make for an interesting sixteenth birthday party.
When I got home the grail was gone, along with the little balls of light that had been so helpful. I changed Linda while admitting to myself that at least the witches would stop bugging me about it now.
Sunday, was thankfully, uneventful. We got up went about our business and just enjoyed a nice quiet day.
Linda had an overabundance of baby sitters, by the way. The whole family loved her, but especially the females.
Hey! She's really a cute, make that beautiful, baby.
Being her mommy was still a bit unsettling at times for me, but what can you do? I imagine more than a few born women feel the same way at times.
Monday was just — a Monday. Back to school, getting back into just being a teenaged girl and all that stuff.
One interesting thing happened between classes though.
“Hey babe.” One of school jocks, a football player, Eddie Hines greeted me with a big smile. “How about you and I hook up?”
“Thanks for the offer.” I looked up at his face since he was easily over six feet tall. “But I already have a boyfriend I'm really attached to.”
“I can do better than him for you babe.” As one of the star linebackers on the team he seemed to think that gave him the right to move in on any girl who caught his eye. I'd seen him do it when I was Craig, and now I just wasn't in the mood to put up with it as Cindy.
“I doubt it.” I said sweetly while giving him a smile. “My boyfriend is a football player, too. In college. Oh, by the way, you do know that I have about five black belts in martial arts, right?”
They really weren't black belts, but that's the kind of thing the uninitiated understand so that's what I generally told obnoxious people.
“A cute little thing like you?” He chuckled and shook his head while reaching to take my arm. I was so NOT impressed after what I'd already faced and just sidestepped enough for his hand to hit the locker behind me instead on landing on my arm.
“Yup.” I nodded, smiled and just moved around him before he could recover. “Please don't try that again, and see you around.”
I don't know if the idiot even moved for a few minutes after that and didn't really care.
But if he bothered me again, I'd probably have to hurt him. Just a little. But you know how it is.
After classes, I got my cheer leading uniform. Yay.
Me, wearing a short, pleated skirt, tight little top, ankle socks and tennies that had cute little pom poms at the the end of their laces. Sigh.
Chris, Carly, and my cousins were never going to let me live this one down.
Then I had to go out to the football field, jump around, yell a lot, shake hand held pom poms and perform some minor acrobatics in front of the whole football team. Happily a lot of them were busy with sprints, hitting things and each other with their shoulders, and all that kind of stuff. What we were doing was just as hard, but at least we weren't getting tackled, knocked down, and run over at times.
And much as I hated admitting it myself, it was kind of fun.
Crap, I'm turning into such a girl.
I got out of my Miata, I dearly love that little car, in front of the dojo when I heard another familiar voice greet me. “Well, Coyote, you've been rather impressive recently.”
I took in a breath and turned to see Carmilla standing there looking at me.
Wonderful. Carmilla was scary, and this was a meeting I hadn't been looking forward to at all.
“I suppose Wisteria will stop calling you puppy now.” She gave me a little smile and I still felt as the redhead was measuring me, comparing things I didn't even know about.
“Thanks?” I quietly answered.
“You have perplexed her, Young one.” Carmilla chuckled then smiled at me. “Actually, you have managed to do that with rather a lot of people in this town, and that is no small thing.”
“I was only protecting my own.” I answered quite truthfully. “I was afraid through all of it, trust me.”
“Fear isn't a bad thing, dear.” The lovely redhead shrugged. “It tends to show one just how the world works and instills caution, so long as it doesn't rule you.”
“It never has with me.” I grimaced.
“But you do pay attention to it, and more importantly what causes it in you.”
As I said, Carmilla was not someone I had been anxious to talk to after last weekend. I nodded, then lowered my head a little. “I'm sorry about your daughters.”
“I know.” She gave me a thoughtful smile. “But you need to remember that the real death comes to everyone, everything, young one. Some, like me, may put that off for a time, but it always comes. My daughters gave themselves for reasons of their own, but understand that it was they who gave, not me who sent.”
“Okay.” I answered, kind of awed that vampires had actually helped me because they wanted to do that then thought of something else. “How's Dani?”
“Well enough.” The redhead assured me. “She is with friends, sisters, those who love her. Dani had to face — demons of her own in that warehouse and it hurt her, but in time she will be fine.”
I was glad to hear that last part, but sad about the rest. Most people seem to think that Vampires are cold, uncaring, things. With Dani, I'd learned different. “Well, give her my love and tell her I miss all the sudden appearances and scaring the crap out of me.”
“I'll do that.” Carmilla laughed. “She'll appreciate hearing it.
“You did well, very well, young one, but you aren't a child any more.” She reached out to touch my cheek. “Be careful.”
And with that she was gone.
Have I mentioned that I really hate it when people do that? I have, right?
“You really sure you want to do this?” Carson asked as he brought his pickup to a stop in front of the Frat house.
“I feel like I have to.” I answered. I'd spent the past few days making sure to thank everyone, the Lockes involved, too, for what they'd done for me on the previous weekend. But there was one more group that deserved to know that at least someone appreciated them.
He just nodded, and kissed my cheek. “Good enough for me. You want me to come with you?”
“Not this time.” I kissed him back and was still astonished at the depths of feeling I had for a guy, any guy, and especially this one. “I'll handle it.”
“Then go do it.” He grinned as he got out, moved around and opened my door before helping me down. “Even my dad tells me I got myself a good one with you, but I already knew that. Now go on and show more people just how lucky I am.”
Todd met me at the door even before I knocked. Hey calling ahead is always a good thing, you know.
“Lady.” he almost bowed before I put a hand to his arm to stop him. “I told you my name, use it.”
“All right — Cindy.” He nodded but still seemed uncomfortable doing it.
“Better.” I grinned. “How do you guys like the SUV's”
“They are helpful.” He actually grinned back. “Gas hogs, but we use them for general transportation, errands, so can get those funds from the fraternity account. Thanks, by the way.”
“No.” I stood on tip toe and pulled his shoulders down a bit so I could give his cheek a kiss. “Thank you.
“Are they all here?” I asked a somewhat flustered boy once I'd done that and gave him a mischievous grin.
“They are.” Rubbing his cheek he gestured towards a set of double doors. “If you'll come with me, you can talk with them like you wanted, though it took a general vote of the members to even allow a girl into our meeting room.”
“That close was it?” I asked while following him.
“Not really.” He shrugged. “But you will be the first female other than cleaning people and a few house mothers who have been in there, and there never has been someone from the major families in there.”
“Things change, you know.” I teased.
“That they do.” He agreed while opening the doors for me.
I had no doubt that every member of the fraternity was there while Todd escorted me to a small raised area with a podium and then used a gavel to make sure the few, if any, who hadn't noticed my entrance would stop what they were doing and pay attention.
“Okay, guys.” He announced. “For the first time in our history, a member of one of the major families here in town wants to say something to all of us. Please welcome the Lady Cindy Harper.”
I grimaced at that one, though let it go for the moment as some polite clapping was heard from the members. Todd stepped aside and waved me towards the podium.
I looked at it touched it, the shook my head. “I'll just speak from here, if that's all right?”
No one objected so I went on. “This isn't really a formal speech, it's more in the nature of a thank you.”
There was almost a stunned silence in that room after I said that, and I just nodded to show that I meant it. “You, all of you, have been ignored, shunned, ridiculed in the past because you were 'lesser'.
“Well I'm here to tell you all that you aren't in any way lesser. Not in my eyes, not in the eyes of my family, or more than a few others. What you guys did over the past few weeks was wonderful. You, all of you, decided to get in over your heads and help an idiot little girl who had decided to take on a power that has been a bogey for this town since it was first formed.
“You didn't ask anything for that help, you didn't tell anyone you were giving it, you just did it.” I told them with my eyes brimming. “That is a kind of courage that even the 'major' families in this town, or anywhere else have to respect and be proud of.
“I know that you're mourning some losses, we all are after last weekend, but the point is that you stood up, and did something. Something really important. Something that showed me, and a lot of others that there is no such thing as 'lesser weres', just people willing to stand up for their own kind.
“What you guys did was nothing short of amazing, and was more help than maybe you understand just now.” I told them and by then tears were running down my cheeks but I didn't let that stop me. “If I ever hear someone dismissing you, any of you as 'lesser' again, they'll have me, and my family to deal with, I promise you that much.
“I know you lost some brothers last weekend, and I also know that some of their families aren't all that financially secure.” I took in a breath and went on, though this part was the difficult one. “This isn't charity, or just throwing money at something, but an offer.
“If any of those families need help right now, call me, and they'll have it. If any of you need help, call me and you'll have it. That is my promise, my family's promise to all of you.
“Just remember that you all have a friend, friends, among the so called major families. If you need us we will be there, that is my one sure promise to all of you. Don't use that for trivial things, because what I'm giving you isn't a small thing at all, but if there is real need, call, come find me, or anyone else in my family and you'll have the help that you need.
I took long enough to give each of the seemingly stunned brothers a quick kiss on the cheek and a personal thank you, then found Carson waiting outside the still open doors shaking his head but wearing a smile that was alomost proud. I let him take my arm and guide me out of the place.
“That was magnificent.” He told me simply while giving me a hug. “You really are a Lady, you know that?”
“Just don't forget that I'm your Lady.” I laughed and gently punched his side. “Or that you're my guy.”
“Females.” He chuckled while stopping to take me completely in his arms and planting a really good kiss on my mouth. Once I caught my breath he grinned. “You girls are sooo possessive at times. But that's okay with me in this case because I am yours for the rest of our lives.”
“Good.” I nodded then pulled him down for another mind numbing kiss.
Things should go back to normal now. Or at least as normal as they get for me and the very strange town of Ravencrest.
I had my man, he had me, I had my child even if she was a little on the scary side if I thought about it for too long but I still loved her with all my heart.
And to think I'd cursed at even Lady Moon when I turned sixteen.
But life was good now, and I knew I would be singing to the moon, quite joyfully, for the rest of my life.