Thor-girl: Wrath of a Thunder God
by: Lilith Langtree
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Thor-girl: Wrath of a Thunder God - Part 1
by: Lilith Langtree
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Author's Note: A Retroactive Continuity, or Retcon if you will, is the altering of previously known facts in order for the universe to conform to new story lines. This is mine. The fourth in a series of stories, a followup to this universe is a retcon of The Mighty Thor in the Marvel Comics Universe. Marvel Comics owns the character and all rights associated with him/her/it.
Part One
I'd spent far too many years in Midgard, acclimating myself to the culture, losing myself in its decadence. The women were plentiful, and knowledgeable in the art of pleasing men. Perhaps that was why the All-Father was so pissed. He was stuck in Asgard with only the occasional shield-maiden or Valkyrie to warm his bed. Those warrior women only knew one way to satisfy an á†sir--missionary. After a thousand years of the same position day in and day out it's kind of boring. That's one of the reasons I left Asgard, the boredom.
Gone were the Frost Giants that used to plague the land. They were trapped in their own lands, courtesy of yours truly. The Light Elves and the Dwarves traded their wares freely with the á†sir and each other. The Dark Elves knew if they started any trouble that they would have to deal with me again. After losing half their warriors in the last battle seven hundred and fifty years ago, they'd learned their lesson. The Fire Giants were scattered across their own plains, and Hela had Niffleheim, the place for those that did not die in battle, well in hand.
In fact all of the nine worlds had become docile, thus my descent into debauchery.
According to the All-Father I had become arrogant and boastful, starting trouble where none was to be found, for the sole purpose of sating my warrior appetite. It was why he'd banished me to Midgard in the first place, to learn humility. He'd stripped away virtually all of my powers, taken my war hammer Mjolnir from my grasp, and cast me down in your midst to be one of you, almost five hundred years ago.
I traveled to and fro across continents, learning your ways, eating your food, sleeping in your houses and bedding your women. A lonely and sad tale it is, humiliating in its way. To go from virtual godhood and cast aside to live like a mortal.
Times changed, as they are wont to do, and I changed with them. I learned humility. I learned that the lowest creatures deserved respect for the role they serve humanity and the á†sir. In the twenty-first century, as you mortals count the years, I'd also learned the pleasure of extremes. I won't tell my tales of those times for that is boastful, but I will tell you that the women that entered my realm never left without being totally satisfied in every conceivable way.
My latest settlement, in the city of lost dreams, I owned an establishment where any sin that man could visit upon woman could be fulfilled for a price. They were all willing, men and women. They were all given the choice, before me, of leaving or staying. However, they were like me in a sense: lost, betrayed, in need of feeling something but the everyday reality of their never-ending lives.
A visit from the Valkyrie Rá³ta ended that for me one night. She bade me return from Midgard to the halls of Valhalla to the judgment of the All-Father. Opening a portal to Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge, we crossed into Asgard, and I stood in front of the ancient hall of warriors who died nobly in battle. Its columns and walls were made of gray stone and its roof thatched with golden shields. I'd forgotten how large the building was and how clean the air tasted. The scent of the evening's dinner lingered in the air. The smell of honey mead made me yearn for my home. However, the absence of any life, save the Valkyrie escort, troubled me.
"Prepare yourself, Odinson, much has changed since your time here," she said.
We ascended the nine steps and through the doors. The halls were empty except for one lone figure sitting at the head.
My father looked battle-worn. His mighty sword hung from his hand, tip touching the floor, bloodstained. He was still as I remembered him, shorter than I, heavy set, long and white of hair, mustache and beard. An old leather patch covered his left eye. His gleaming silver armor showed signs of wear, but it was still whole as it should be, protected by the runes of ancient magic that only he was allowed and competent enough to control.
The Valkyrie peeled off after she bowed, and left me alone with him.
"All-Father," I said with great relief and longing as I knelt on one knee.
"Get up, Thor," he rasped in his guttural voice that was so familiar yet almost forgotten in my time spent banished away. "I don't have the patience for formality this night."
I rose and presented myself to him. If I had known I'd be in audience I would have worn something more suitable, alas I owned nothing that would be proper in the halls of Valhalla. My only clothes that I'd left with had long since turned to dust.
"You've learned the lessons of humility, have you, my son?"
I nodded to him, once. "Yes, All-Father."
His single eye bored into me judging my past actions. "This you have done. However, you've learned naught else. Traded one failing for another."
My jaw clenched, but I held back an angry retort. "What would you have of me, Odin? Abandoned in Midgard with nothing but the goatskins on my back and legs, all but forgotten these last five hundred years. I am a warrior, not a woman who's meant to lay around for the pleasure of others."
His hand sifted through the tangled mess of white hair. "It is truth you speak, and it is also the reason you are here in front of me this day." His eye rose to mine, hard and angry. "Your adopted brother has broken through the barriers of Jotunheim and the Frost Giants once again roam the land in great numbers."
I almost jumped forward, but held myself. "Then give me Mjolnir and I shall have at them, All-Father."
"You shall have your hammer back, my son, but you must return to Midgard, to their defense."
My eyes widened at what he was saying. He held me off with a raised hand.
"Loki has gone there in search of you, to destroy the one that jailed him, to destroy those that you hold dear."
My hands clenched. Midgard was mine. Born of Gaea, Mother of Midgard and Odin the All-father, I alone bridged both worlds. "Do you desire his death this time, Odin?"
Despite all of Loki's treacherous ways he was still my father's adopted son. "No. Return him to me and I will deal with him."
My jaw tightened, but I nodded in acknowledgment. Afterward, I watched as he stretched out his hand and one finger, tracing a magical rune in the air. When he finished, before me, on the ground was Mjolnir, my war hammer. I reached to pick it up, but Odin stopped me.
I froze in place and returned to stand properly.
His hand waved again and I watched as another rune was carved into the air. Mjolnir glowed a hot golden color before returning to normal. Odin nodded, giving permission for me to hold on to something that was as dear to me as breathing.
"There is an additional enchantment on your weapon, Thor," he said wearily. "A disguise is needed until you ferret out Loki's location. Until such time as you return him to this hall before me, you will wear it. Consider it a punishment for your recent behavior as well. Learn something this time, my son, and do not replace one fault for another."
Looking properly scolded, I breathed evenly waiting for my dismissal.
"Iá´unn," he called out.
"Here, Odin." A blonde teenage girl stepped from behind a column to my right. I smiled at her approach. "Thor Odinson, this is a new look for you."
I glanced down at the tight black leathers I was wearing. "It is temporary, I assure you." Looking at the basket of golden apples she carried, my lips turned up.
She took one off of the top and handed it to the All-Father, then performed the same action for me. Without pausing to seek my father's approval, I bit into the juicy fruit and immediately felt young and powerful again. Reaching out my senses as I chewed, I could feel the storm clouds gathering, the lightning calling out to me along with its brothers thunder, wind, and rain. I felt whole once more. Another bite and the remainder of the apple was crushed quickly between my teeth.
I knelt once more. "Thank you, All-Father. If I may take my leave?"
Odin nodded once.
Long strides were taken by me as I exited Valhalla, into the street and out in front of the city. Calling the wind and rain to me, I lifted Mjolnir and pulled the lightning from the sky.
Five bolts arced through the air and connected with my hammer, returning to the sky just as fast. Rain pelted my anonymously manufactured leathers and my laugh echoed in the raging storm above letting everyone in Asgard and the Nine Worlds know that Thor Odinson had returned. Let the Frost Giants tremble in fear, not knowing when I would smite them. Let Loki know that I hunt for him as he for me, for I would be there, holding his scrawny neck, when judgment fell from Odin's lips, and I would revel in the satisfaction it would bring.
When I returned to my office at the club, I raised Mjolnir up and pondered the new enchantment Odin had placed on it. Nothing had changed about my appearance at that point. Until I had made arrangements for disposal of the business and its occupants, it would be annoying to activate it and not be able to so. Lightly, I set it beside my desk and sat down, hitting the intercom as I did.
"Yeah, boss?"
"Get Malcolm, send him in."
The intercom clicked off and I opened the large bottom drawer to my left to retrieve my laptop bag. Conveniences of the twenty-first century had made the transfer of wealth much easier than carrying around bags of gold and silver at my waist as in days of old. Twenty minutes on the computer and I could create a new person, a new identity as I normally would every fifteen to twenty years, lest the mortals grow suspicious why I never aged. A transfer of funds later and I would be yet another in a long line of anonymous names among the billions of people on Midgard. Then I would start my quest.
A sharp two-knock sounded at the door and it opened to reveal the manager of the club.
"Tess said you wanted to see me, Boss?"
I nodded as I printed out the needed documents from the laptop and closed it afterward.
"I'm moving on, Malcolm," I said as I stowed the computer in its bag and secured the power cord. "The club is yours. I've transferred ownership to you and the papers will be filed electronically, Monday morning. You'll be paying out thirty-percent of the net to an account I've set up to make withdrawals quarterly when you submit your taxes."
He looked down at me with a stunned face. "I… I don't know what to say."
I'd seen the face he showed me a hundred different times as I've abandoned businesses over the years. "You knew this day would come eventually. Well, today's the day."
He nodded and looked at the papers I slid over for him to sign. I haven't made any changes, but you're welcome to look them over."
He held up his hand. "I trust you, Boss. You've never screwed me over before."
I smirked a little. Actually I had, just not in the moral sense. Yes, I'd participated in every conceivable act of sexual debauchery over the last decade or so. Malcolm was one of those acts, once upon a time.
He signed the documents and I passed him the copies. "Make sure you take care of the girls and the customers like I've taught you. I'd hate to come back and find out any different, Malcolm."
The girls that worked for me did so of their own free will and they were rightly compensated for their performance, just like any other job: full medical, dental, salary, and perks of the job. Just because it was a hardcore fetish club didn't mean it had to be run like a cheap bordello. They could come and go as they wished and quit when they wanted, with a nice retirement package to go with it after serving for a their contracted stay.
A smile rose to his face. "And screw up the best deal I've ever had, Boss? Not a chance."
With a nod from me, Malcolm left and I picked up Mjolnir.
I missed the portals. By spinning my hammer in front of me, I could create a doorway to any place I'd ever been before. Considering the thousands of years I've visited Midgard and the previous five hundred I'd spent as a resident, there weren't many places I hadn't been. That particular time I just wanted to go home to my underground hideaway outside of L.A.
Setting the laptop down, I looked at my hammer once more. It wouldn't do to postpone Odin's newest penalty and concealment any longer. When the All-Father handed down punishment, it was up to the penitent to enact the deed himself. Only then was Odin assured that it had been taken to heart.
I knelt, as was the tradition upon acceptance. Setting Mjolnir head first on the floor in front of me, I tapped it lightly and willed Odin's newest enchantment into being. As expected, I felt my body shift form. It wasn't painful, however I could feel major changes taking place, and the knowledge flow into my mind of two separate forms: one for my disguise and another to represent the God of Thunder until such time as Loki was captured and given to Odin for judgment. The odd part was that they were both similar female forms.
With an accepting sigh of mild annoyance, I opened my eyes.
It was true that at one time, I would have been in a rage at what had been done to me. In Asgard, while women were warriors as well, they were also subservient to men. Men were more powerful and the powerful led the gods. However, due to my experience over the last few decades on Midgard, I also knew that there was no shame in being a woman.
I had great respect for what they had accomplished, but I also held them as below me. Perhaps that was the lesson Odin wished to teach: equal respect for all people, no matter their gender.
Mjolnir was gone and in its place on my right wrist was a bracelet made of silver links with a strand branching off by itself. Hanging from that strand was a miniature copy of my hammer, no more than an inch in length. My clothing had changed along with my body, both being decidedly female. The black latex shirt I was wearing turned blue and shifted to cover the full length of my arms instead of ending halfway down my biceps. The neck also stretched up to encase everything below my jaw. By the way the top stretched across the two breasts, flatting them, I could tell I was rather well endowed. If they stuck out that much under the constricting material I wasn't looking forward to seeing how big they were when freed.
The leather pants were now tighter and form-fitting all the way through the ankle, with little zippers on the outside so I could take them off when needed. The thick leather boots were gone and in their place were cage style high heels.
I recognized the outfit immediately. It was the same one that the girls at the club wore when on duty entertaining clients on weeknights. I suppose I should have been grateful that Odin hadn't chosen the weekend uniform. As it was, I'd have to acquire a decent jacket to be taken seriously. People look at women in latex a lot different than they do men. Dressed as I was before, I looked threatening, intimidating. If I tried to conduct business or threaten someone in the body I was wearing right then, I'd have to compete with the distraction of them dealing with their own hard-ons.
That would make my job harder, but not impossible. I still felt the strength in my bones and muscles. It was considerably less than that what I was used to, but still much more than any human walking the planet.
Bracing myself, I stood up and found my balance quicker than I would have imagined. The heels were four inches tall. I chose the uniform myself. Knowing all the particulars was part of the job.
Even with the added height, I was still much shorter than my previous six foot six in bare feet, which I suppose was a good thing. Dressed like I was, I wouldn't know what to do being that tall and female. The only mirror I had, other than the one in the bathroom was the one in my bedroom. Making my way there wasn't anymore difficult than standing in the heels. At least the All-Father took that into account. The movement of my body was definitely different than what I was used to. Taking everything into account: the large breasts, the thin waist, and large hips, everything in concert spoke of fluidity and intent. Again, another point of punishment from Odin. I would be seen and most probably treated like a sexual object.
Without waiting to steel my nerve, I stepped in front of the mirror and gazed at the short blonde hair and seductive eyes, the plump lips and high cheekbones. It was worse than I thought.
I sighed at my just sentence. My libido as a warrior of Asgard had gotten the better of me and I would pay for it.
Turning away in shame, I crossed to my closet to find something to cover the clothing devoted to seduction until I could make it to a proper store for something less… less. That was when everything had gone from bad to worse. Odin's enchantment was reality warping in its nature. All of my clothing was already altered and the outfit I was wearing was probably one of the more conservative of the bunch. Complete latex outfits were of the majority, leather was in abundance, but if I chose the leather it would reveal a lot of skin, cleavage, stomach, and legs.
Boots with higher heels were among the majority. The only shoes were actually sandals. Closing the door, I went to sit on the bed and contemplate my fate. It wouldn't do to try to purchase other clothing and thwart Odin's sentence. I tried returning to Asgard soon after my banishment to learn humility, and Odin was not pleased. My ability to access the Rainbow Bride was stripped from me as well. If I tried to change what he'd already put into effect, then my punishment would only get worse. Considering the body I was in, I didn't want to imagine what else he would layer on top. I would accept my punishment and make the best of the situation. It was my only choice.
I left the Hummer at the club so I took the motorcycle to the leather store I frequented for my everyday clothes. Acquiring a long coat would be within the bounds of Odin's limits. If I was to search for Loki in a female's body then I would have to be armed which meant that I'd have to hide the blades I used in place of Mjolnir while on Midgard. This necessitated the need for a cover of some type.
Night had fallen in Las Vegas when I reached Paul's Leathers, half the shop was fetish wear, and the other half practical leather. They had another portion in the rear of the store that held the more adventurous things for the discriminating fetishist. At that moment, I wanted to avoid that portion, and concentrated my attentions on the ladies section.
As predicted by me, a lot of eyes turned my way and followed wherever I moved. There were a couple of guys that moved toward me, but I scowled at them to keep their distance. They got the message. However, that didn't stop J.D., the night manager from accosting me.
His eyes took in every square inch of my body before he moved in. "Can I help you find anything, Miss? We take care of Jupiter's girls very well."
Jupiter was the name of my former club, and I usually sent the girls to Paul's to initially get set up in the proper clothes. Like I mentioned before, I was wearing their uniform.
I kept the conversation to a minimum. "Jackets, long, leather, black."
He nodded and crooked a finger at me. "Right this way." Looking over his shoulder as we headed to the back of the store, he smiled at me. "We also have a wide range of dominatrix-wear if you are interested."
My eyes narrowed at him. At least he saw me as a dominant type instead of a submissive. It was the height and attitude, I deduced. Judging from how tall I was before, in relation to J.D.'s, I guessed I was topping out around the six foot range, four of which were the heels. "Just the jacket."
The back wall held an assortment of long leathers.
"Was there any specific manufacturer…"
"Leave me," I said with a disinterested snap.
He jerked then bowed a little and nodded. "As you wish, Mistress."
Wonderful, I thought wryly. He was trolling for a dominant woman. Any other time, I might have been interested in taking the new body for a test run. While I wasn't in a rush, I wanted to get the search for Loki underway and return to my male body. I wasn't a prude, far from it as a matter of fact. There was no doubt in my mind that a large amount of pleasure could be had in the body of a woman. Experiences could be had that I would probably never encounter again, but I had priorities. Loki first, vengeance second, pleasure third.
I chose a spaghetti-western cut riding jacket in black. It was long enough to hide pretty much anything I wanted. Once I found the correct size, I ripped off the tags and brought them up to the counter where J.D. wouldn't meet my eyes.
He rang me up and I produced four one hundred dollar bills for payment. In return I received a receipt and a business card with a handwritten number and the message: If a position for a submissive opens, this sub wishes to submit an application.
I looked up at him after reading the card. He kept his eyes downcast, but he was clearly paying attention. "I'll consider your request, but I will be out of town for the foreseeable future."
If I wind up possessing this body for any length of time, I will need servants, and followers to do my bidding. Being the God of Thunder is not all smiting, boasting and mead drinking. There are duties to be carried out. It was expected of the á†sir to have servants to deal with the minor duties. If servitude happened to overlap into sexual service as well, then that was a bonus that many of Asgard took advantage of, even Odin. I knew I wouldn't be punished for following his example.
After returning home, I gathered what clothes were available and suitable for traveling. Judging from what I had in the closet, it wound up being three pairs of leathers similar to what I had on, and five latex tops in various colors. Being a woman, I had no use for shaving supplies at the moment. Talcum powder and latex shine went in its place, along with a handful of underwear. A single pair of calf boots went on in place of the cage sandals I was wearing which went into the bag. The boots had high heels as well, but they were sturdier than the strappy mess that was provided in lue of my regular boots. The removable saddle bags were full and that left me room for one more bag that would secure on the pillion seat of the bike.
I kept a separate room for arms. Choosing a wide and sturdy belt, I wrapped it around the top of my hips and secured two twenty inch long fighting knives to belt and fastened the restraining belt around each thigh so they wouldn't move around. That was about all I could carry on me while riding. My double bladed battle axe went in the final bag along with the proper cleaning and oiling supplies.
A final stop at the safe I kept in the closet of that room, and I withdrew ten thousand dollars in hundred dollar bills and a additional two thousand in twenties. Anything else would have to wait until the bank accounts had transferred over into my new name, which I had to take care of before I left.
The drivers license was easy enough. A new one under the name of Tyra Gustav was set aside. Setting the computer to process the new name and the various histories into the American archive systems, I went and toured the house to make sure everything was secure for my trip. Once everything was locked, shuttered, and turned off, I returned and gave all the accounts a once-over to make sure it was done properly and then I shut the computer down as well.
The laptop bag went in with my weapons and I set the alarm and locked the door on the way out. After I secured the saddlebags, tied down the weapons bag, and adjusted the backrest I started the motorcycle and said goodbye to Las Vegas for the time being.
Mjolnir was my only lead to Loki. Grasping the miniature version of it hanging on my bracelet, I concentrated on his location. If he was in Asgard then it wouldn't have been possible, but on Midgard, I was the most powerful á†sir; only the All-Father stood a chance against me and even that was in doubt when I was at my full strength and glory. Finding a sole Asgardian on Midgard was simple with my mystical hammer.
"Damn baby. You lookin' for a date?"
I released Mjolnir from my grasp and looked over to the mid-seventies low rider sitting next to me at a stop light and debated with myself whether or not to kill the mortal for his insolence. Shaking my head, I gritted my teeth and looked back to the light.
I saw him out of the corner of my eye, leaning back into the car. "She's a lesbian, mano."
What made the situation even more stupid was that the guy was white. The red light looked like it was stuck, since I'd been waiting for at least two minutes already. So, I kicked out the stand and stood off.
"I think she heard you, man."
The white guy with the mouth, laughed. "What she gonna do? Suck me to death?"
Two steps and I was at the side of the car. Leaning my head halfway inside, I said, "I really hate it when white guys act like they're Mexican."
"Fuck you, bitch."
Twisting my lips to the side, I considered him and his smiling friend egging him on. "Show that dyke who's boss, 'Nando."
After making sure the other lane was clear, I leaned down and gripped the underside of the car. It was lighter than I thought. Of course, I wasn't trying to lift the whole thing, only turn it over.
Showing up your college professor in his own class is usually played one of two ways. The first is when he beams proudly at you and asks you after class to be his Student Aide/Teaching Assistant. The second is when he kicks you out of class for knowing more than he does about the subject. Guess which one got played out for me.
I really couldn't help what I knew. Having first generation American-Scandinavian parents that were very proud of their heritage predisposes their children to know as much as they did about the land of their birth. Instead of tales concerning the Greek and Roman mythologies that most Americans learn in school, I was raised on Norse Mythology, the Prose and Poetic Edda's, Beowulf, you name it.
My room at home was even decked out with Norse memorabilia. I was a fanboy, what can I say. That doesn't mean I was a dork. There's a difference between privately geeking-out over something that gets you intellectually stimulated and wearing pointy ears to a movie premiere because you are a Lord of the Rings fan and think you're an elf.
Due to my genetic background and my devotion to physical fitness, I rarely experience fatigue after my mattress-curricular activities. With the ability to quickly recover from the post-coital somnolence that most guys experience, I'm fairly well thought of with the co-ed population of Kansas State University. The previous night, for instance, five times with no more than three minutes between sessions. I really didn't think the girl on the receiving end of my stamina made it to class that morning, or if she did, she wasn't very comfortable sitting in the hard chairs.
There were some girls that thought I was a player, but I flatly denied that accusation. I tell them up front what I'm about, they just don't get it. A lot of girls think they are the one that is going to tame me and make me settle down with only them. Whenever we make it back to her place or mine after a date, I let them know that I'm not a relationship kind of guy and sex is what it is, sex, nothing else.
That pretty much explained the looks I was getting from a few girls at the Chick-fil-a as I sat down to partake of a breakfast sandwich.
Two were eying me with hunger on their faces, one ignored me -- I think she was a lesbian -- while three others had barely contained hostile looks. I remembered two of the three, in fact I remember two out of the three very well considering I had them at the same time.
Ahh, good times.
The two girls that looked interested were talking amongst themselves, occasionally looking up at me and giggling.
Well, who really need to go to classes that day anyway?
It was my third threesome in memory, and quite satisfying if I may say so, especially since it was outside, well sort of. Amber and Ashley, I think their names were, took me to some abandoned Pawnee caves that were used for Sweat Lodge rituals back at the beginning of the last century. Considering the snow outside, it was perfect.
I was leaning up against one of the sitting stones, still slick with sweat from my latest exertions. Amber was -- I guess it was Amber -- was passed out beside me, and Ashley, I suppose, was curled up next to her with a contented smile on her face.
The room was circular, maybe ten to twelve feet in diameter. Lots of different cave paintings decorated the walls, not to mention a little graffiti. It was an awesome find, the cave I mean. There was nothing like building a strong sweat while having sex. It was almost like a workout, letting you know that you were doing something worthwhile.
The girls had brought a few blankets along so we didn't have to wallow in the dust and stone of the floor. Planning ahead wasn't one of my strong suits. I was more of a take things as they come kind of guy. It had worked pretty well thus far and if I had learned one thing during my life, it was, don't try to fix it if it isn't broke.
After perusing the walls, and finally cooling down, I heard the beginnings of a storm brewing outside. I woke the girls and got dressed. We'd taken separate cars to the caves and after giving my thanks for a wonderful morning I bid them adieu and bailed.
Winding my way through the caves, it wasn't long before I reached the surface and looked at the dark clouds rolling in. The wind had picked up to maybe thirty or forty miles an hour making me clutch my jacket tight around torso. Growing up in Kansas everyone knew not to take storms for granted especially those that involved high winds. Before you knew it, a simple thunderstorm could turn into a tornado and screw your day up for weeks. The problem was I was in the middle of nowhere and the only shelter that was around were the caves.
A crack of thunder sounded and I felt it vibrating through the ground at my feet.
Not good. The caves it was.
The girls ran hand in hand toward their car. I tried waving them down, but they blew me off, choosing instead to take their chances in a high speed attempt to make it back to school. It was a smarter move to wait it out underground. The caves had obviously been around for over a hundred years and if they survived intact then they were solid enough to withstand even the strongest winds.
Right before I went underground I heard tires screech and looked toward the highway, which was about three or four hundred yards from my position. Cars were slamming on their brakes and people were jumping out to look up into the sky.
Another clap of thunder sounded and I winced, because it sounded like it was directly overhead. Looking up I thought I'd crap my pants. A few hundred feet above me were two figures floating in the air. One was wearing green and yellow with two gigantic horns sticking out of his head and the other was a chick with wings for ears, holding a...
"Is that a hammer?"
She brandished it at the horned guy and a lightning flew from the clouds striking him dead on. I tensed when the enviable crack of thunder sounded virtually at the same instant. What happened next was something that I wasn't expecting.
Normally when someone gets zapped by a lightning bolt, they turn into a fairly crispy critter, but that didn't happen. Instead the lightning rebounded off of the horny green guy and hit the girl instead. Then she simply disappeared. It wasn't until the light that was burned into my retinas faded slightly that I noticed the hammer, obviously the only thing that was left of her, falling. The bad part was that it was heading straight toward me.
Still halfway out of the hole in the ground that led down through the cave's entrance, I turned and leaped the ten or so feet to the bottom. Another crack rent the air and it wasn't from any atmospheric phenomenon. It was my ankle snapping.
White hot pain course though my leg.
"Oh god, I'm gonna die."
It missed me by mere inches, the hammer that is. A tremor that felt strangely like an earthquake rolled me to the side in time to avoid the cave in. All light disappeared. The resulting collapse of the entrance stirred up dust and small fragments of rock pelted me.
I pushed away as best as I could under the circumstances, covering my head and face in the process.
A few seconds later and everything came to a halt. It was nearly impossible to breath as I was choking on the dust. Raising my tee shirt over my head, I spat out the grit in my throat and used the shirt to filter out the worst of the mess floating through the air. My eyes were stinging and the worst thing of all was that nobody knew I was there. I was effectively buried alive.
It took forever for the dust to settle enough for me to ease my shirt down and take blind inventory of my surroundings while in a semi-panicked state.
Of all the times to not be a smoker and carry around a lighter, that situation was the worst. Instead I remembered my cell phone and fished it out of my pocket.
Light! There wasn't much, but it was light all the same.
I panned it around and saw the small tunnel that led to the surface was pretty much half-filled, but didn't spill out into the cave. Dragging myself closer, I looked up and saw why. A single piece of rock blocked the entrance about halfway up. Even if I had both my ankles in perfect working order there was no way I'd be able to budge something that big.
Checking the signal strength on my cell, I noted the message scrawled across the screen. No Signal. I was dead. It was just a matter of time.
My ankle was throbbing and I could already feel it swelling. There was nothing in the general vicinity that would serve as a decent splint, and even if there was, where would I go?
The soft blue glow of my phone revealed the hammer that somehow caused all of the destruction in the first place. Five feet away from me, it sat on end, with it's handle pointing up in the air, mocking me.
Don't ask me why I dragged myself toward the thing. Maybe it was anger and my need to lash out that drove me to it. It was ancient looking the head was maybe a foot and a half wide and half as much deep and tall, looking like it was forged a thousand years ago in it's simplicity. The short handle ensured it was one handed tool or most probably a weapon. A war hammer of ancient design.
The first thing that came to mind was...
No, that's stupid.
A healthy leather thong wound it's way around the grip and formed a loop big enough on the end to slip over a large hand and hang on the wrist so it wouldn't accidentally be dropped. That's when I realized that my anger and hopelessness had gone. In its place was curiosity, which made me reach out for it. It was nothing special, I determined as I pulled it toward me.
"Heavy thing aren't you."
I thought it weighed a good thirty pounds. The damage it could do in battle would be enormous. Leaning up against the closest wall, I pulled it into my lap. There were no logos, or manufactures markings, nothing that I could see in the dim light of my cell that gave any clue as to its maker.
Slipping my hand through the leather loop on the end I gripped the handle and lifted it into the air. It was awkward and top-heavy, wavering slightly as I tried to adjust for balance through my arm. Maybe it was coming down off of the adrenaline high I experienced only minutes before, but I was feeling tired and let the hammer fall to the side, striking hard against the stone floor.
The pain and exhaustion I felt was gone, but then again reality, as I knew it, took a vacation as well.
The cave was lit up like I hadn't seen it before. It was like a natural light was emanating from somewhere, I just couldn't tell from what direction it came. It wasn't like someone could just flip a switch in a cave in the middle of nowhere.
Deeper within one of the offshoot tunnels, I heard the sound of footfalls, tiny rocks and dust being ground against the hard stone floor. Reactively, I scrambled to my feet, forgetting that I had a broken ankle. The thing was, it didn't seem to be broken anymore, or at the very least it supported my weight and didn't hurt.
The hammer that hung loosely in my right hand seemed much lighter, almost like it wasn't there at all.
With my back against the wall, I allowed my eyes to track to one of the three tunnels I figured someone was approaching from.
"Who's there?" My voice resonated back to me in a mild echo, receiving no answer right away.
"Harald Carlson," a deep voice called out before the body connected to that voice appeared at the mouth of the tunnel. He was big, really big.
I wasn't short by any means of the imagination. I stood six-two, but this guy was almost half a foot taller than me. The really other big difference was the shear bulk of the man. Muscles upon muscles defined every square inch that was uncovered by something that looked like sheepskin. Blond hair was trailing passed his shoulders and sections of it were even braided to keep it out of his face.
Ice blue eyes bored into mine with such an intense stare that it made me want to back away. The problem with that being I had the wall of the cave at my back already. Instead, I dropped my eyes and was surprised to see he was holding a duplicate of the hammer that was currently in my own hand.
"You are the first to living being, since me, to hold Mjolnir," he said as he appraised me.
I recognized the reference almost instantly. Mjolnir was the weapon of the God of Thunder. "You're..."
He slowly blinked and turned to examine his surroundings. "Thor Odinson, yes." A frown appeared on his face. "Welcome to my prison."
I shook my head and gripped my temples between the fingers of my free hand. "I'm hallucinating. The pain; I must have passed out."
The Thor-hallucination sighed. "I wish it were so, mortal, however wishing is nothing but regret and envy manifesting itself as one. The truth is my adopted brother and I were in the midst of battle and I underestimated his control of the Ancient Runes that are the rightful purview of the All-Father. I have paid for my lack of foresight and eagerness to strike him down with... this." He brought both his hands out in disgust at his surroundings.
Something wasn't sitting right, and it was probably my overactive imagination and knowledge of Norse Mythology. "If you were Thor then you could smash your way out of here, through there." I pointed up the cave's blocked entrance.
He glanced in the right direction, but shook his head. "We are not in the caves where your mortal body is trapped, Harald Carlson. Instead, we are inside the war hammer that you hold in your grasp, where Loki has imprisoned me against my will as he was once imprisoned in the land of his birth."
Running my hand over my face, I chuckled at the absurdity of what he'd said. "Man, my imagination is working overtime with this one."
Thor roared his anger at me and in the blink of an eye he was holding me up by my neck against the wall. "Do you feel my hand as it squeezes the life out of you, mortal? Listen, and heed my words well, for if you do not, then those of Midgard are surely doomed to a life of slavery. That is if they survive at all."
It felt like my head was about to pop off before he released me and I crumbled to the floor, gasping for air.
"Loki knows that he cannot wield Mjolnir, though he lusts to feel it's grip in his traitorous hands. It is my weapon and the focus for my power. With it, I am nigh invincible." He stopped and his eyes were downcast. "Or so I thought."
Struggling to sit up, I rubbed at my raw throat and just watched and listened.
"I recognized the Rune he cast as as a variation of the same weighed upon him and his lands by my father." Turning back to me, he pointed the head of his hammer at mine. "With Mjolnir I have a way back into Midgard. Even Loki is not strong enough to interfere with its enchantments."
I released my grip and tried to withdraw my hand from the thong. "Take it then and get us out of here."
"Nay," said Thor. "I am sufficiently trapped within, only to truly be released by Loki himself. I fear that will never happen."
Kneeling down, he pressed one knee onto the floor and pointed his hammer at me again. "However, you, Harald Carlson, you can be my avatar on Midgard. Through Mjolnir, I can lend you my power and knowledge, enough to defeat Loki and bring him before Odin for judgment. Perhaps he can force Loki to release me."
"Yes!" he voice boomed. "Loki still resides above, this very moment, engaged in battle with Midgard's defenders. However they will not be a match for his magic. Eventually he will defeat them, and when he does, he will subjugate the race of humans under his thumb, solely to spite me."
He made a very charismatic speaker, but the logic of the point still told me it was all a very vivid dream brought on my pain and shock. "Fine, sure, whatever. I'll do it, but I need to get out of here first. Make that happen and I'll be your avatar."
Thor's face set in slight amusement. "You still doubt. Very well. In order to release you from your eventual death and me, temporarily, from my prison, you must deliver a sharp blow to the ground beneath you. Fair warning, mortal, once you accept the power of Thor into your body and mind, you will be changed and we will be one until such time that Loki or the All-Father may release us."
I blinked at him. Right. "Okay, whatever."
Thor held an hand out to me and pulled me to my feet with no effort whatsoever on his part. "Now! Strike the ground."
I glanced at the hammer in my hand and prepared myself for one hell of a disappointment to come from my Thor-hallucination. Crouching slightly, I brought the hammer up and slammed it into the ground.
The world shuddered.
The ground, the ceiling, the very air trembled with the force of the blow. Something, I don't know what, flowed through me. It was akin to floating in the ocean and being overcome by a large wave engulfing my body and soul.
Swaying backward, I caught myself before falling completely over.
The fatigue I'd felt earlier, the pain of my broken ankle, the tight feeling in my chest from inhaling god knows how much dust, was gone.
Stand, Harald Carlson, for you have the power of Thor!
There was that damn voice again. I was still hallucinating. Opening my eyes, I was met with a sight that I wasn't expecting.
"What the hell?!"
I gave you fair warning about the changes, former mortal.
I had tits!
"Warning? Are you kidding me? Changes means some more muscle or maybe a hairstyle, not my fucking gender!"
Enough! Your allies are losing the battle. Your ego will have to wait until a later time for you to regret your choices. Lives are on the line. Do you not understand this you ungrateful whelp!
My grip tightened around the handle of the hammer and I squeezed. "Dammit!"
Spinning around I looked up into the entrance of the cave. "How do I get out of here?" I spat.
You are now Thor, Harald Carlson. Gaia was our mother, the Earth her domain. No harm will befall you from that which is hers. Strike the rock and be free.
Glancing at the hammer...
I lifted an eyebrow then grimaced. Glancing at Mjolnir, I reared back and slammed it into the center of the large slab, sealing my prison. Again the surrounding area shuddered, but the slab of rock shattered, sending large chunks into the air and the rest exploding around me.
Rain pelted me and if it was possible to feel more energized than I was...
Call the storm!
Think! The knowledge is there. Lift Mjolnir and call the storm to you. It is your power that feeds it. Wind, rain, lightning, thunder are your purview. To battle! For the glory of Asgard and Midgard! To Battle!
Thor's words reverberated through me. Feeling like nothing on Earth or in the heavens could harm me, I held Mjolnir high above my head pulling the rain, and wind. Up I shot, out of the cave entrance and into the sky. Buoyed on currents of wind I floated in place momentarily.
Several bolts arced from different points in the sky, impacting Mjolnir and the war hammer sent them back from wince they came.
From high above the field of battle I spotted the yellow and green outfit I knew, from Thor's memories was Loki. The warriors that fought against him were, noticeably, all women, two of which could be no more than mere girls.
I did recognize the Green Lantern and Terra from television, but not the third. Terra was on the ground, either knocked out or simply unconscious from some wizardry of Loki's creation. Green Lantern was holding her own, but not making any progress, and...
"Oww, that had to hurt."
The blonde girl in a red, white, and blue costume had just been catapulted into the air, toward the highway.
Loki took advantage of the situation and leaped into the sky, away from the fray, but closer to me.
Lightning! Thor called to me
"Isn't that what got you into this mess in the first place."
Nay. Loki was protected by the rune he had just cast.
A memory flashed before me and the knowledge that he was correct. The rune would have lost its power after a short time, it's creation was used for a specific purpose, and that purpose had already been served.
Without any effort I raised Mjolnir and aimed it at the yellow and green streak, calling on the heavens above to let loose with everything they had. Multiple arcs instantly appeared across the sky and pelted Thor's adoptive brother.
I dove, willing the winds to bring me to his position as quickly as possible.
I wasn't exactly sure what they fed Norse gods to make them so tough, up in Asgard. A human would be reduced to dust after being struck by so much energy, however Loki was merely stunned. It was enough for me to use Mjolnir in it's original intended fashion. Pulling back, I swung with every ounce of power I possessed, but it never connected.
He was gone.
Spinning in the air, I looked around. "Where is he?"
Use Mjolnir. Sense his presence on Midgard.
I did as instructed, but there was nothing.
"Hold! By the authority of the Green Lantern Corps I order you to lay down your arms!"
Ignore her. Concentrate harder. We must find Loki.
I closed my eyes and pushed with whatever it was that made Mjolnir hunt down the cause of my current situation. Still he was nowhere to be found.
Thor screamed in a rage inside my head. He's gone to one of the other eight worlds or found a way to mask himself.
I opened my eyes to find myself encased in a green globe of energy that seemed to be emanating from Jade's right hand. "What the..."
"You are under arrest. Drop your weapon, now."
Pic Credit: Marvel Comics found on Comicvine
Thor-girl: Wrath of a Thunder God - Part 2
by: Lilith Langtree
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Author's Note: A Retroactive Continuity, or Retcon if you will, is the altering of previously known facts in order for the universe to conform to new story lines. This is mine. The fourth in a series of stories, a followup to this universe is a retcon of The Mighty Thor in the Marvel Comics Universe. Marvel Comics owns the character and all rights associated with him/her/it. Pic Credit: Marvel Comics found on Comicvine
Part 2
Mjolnir got me out of the Green Lantern's little green prison and back to my apartment, on campus, quickly enough, but from there I was stumped.
Loki could be at any one of the other eight worlds and could disappear just as handedly as he did from this one. We must wait until he shows himself again, said Thor, from within Mjolnir.
I looked at the hammer. "And I'm supposed to do what in the meantime? Just sit around and play squish squish games with my new tits? I've got classes... a life outside of this," I waved my hand in the air, "nightmare."
Be that as it may, as long as I am trapped inside this hammer, you are trapped inside that body. Are fates are as one.
There was a rectangular mirror hanging above the small fireplace which I gazed through, stunned at the beautiful blonde Norse goddess staring back. Her face was angular and chiseled with determined blue eyes, and not quite pert nose. She had wide shoulders and muscled arms.
I shook my head. It was me. I had all of those things. I looked like a Valkyrie of myth, ready to smite someone.
You are more than that, Harald Carlson, you are the embodiment of Thor, God of Thunder.
"Goddess." Considering the gender of the person staring back at me, there could be no other conclusion.
"What am I supposed to do in the meantime? I can't really walk around looking like this, and my student ID is now useless, so that means no food, in case you haven't been paying attention."
I heard an internal sigh. Use the memories I've graced you with. I have resources that could last several lifetimes. I've been in Midgard long enough to see nations crumble and blow away in the sands of time. Do you think that I wouldn't have enough money for a meal?
Thoughts of Thor's hotel room ran across my mine, along with his belongings, which included clothes, money, and transportation.
"What about school?" I was making vain attempts at being annoying, hoping that he was holding something back from me, a loophole I could take advantage of, but I knew it was fruitless in the end.
You can use my computer to withdraw from your classes. Once this crisis is complete, I will return with you and speak to your Deans. They will not refuse me a boon.
That one, I could believe. The man was imposing in the truest sense of the word. I seriously doubted that anyone would ever say no to him for any reason.
"Compensation. If I'm doing this thing then I'm not doing it for nothing."
I could tell he was becoming annoyed. Very well. Would paying for the rest of your education suffice?
I shrugged. "I was planning on getting my Master's and maybe going for a Doctorate."
Do not try my patience, Harald Carlson. The God of Thunder has given an offer of an education. If that includes three Doctorates then so be it.
"You know, talking about yourself in the third person like that is a sign of mental instability."
The sense of impotent rage swelled within me. Do we have a bargain?
I made a portal to his hotel room, found the wad of cash in his saddlebags and nearly kicked myself for not demanding more. But a deal was a deal. Besides, the money I would save on college would be more than enough to invest and have a seriously nice nest egg for the future.
He showed me how to do the costume switch. Why was I not surprised to find out he dressed like a B&D queen? Meh.
Once I settled accounts with the university via computer, I leaned back in the uncomfortable desk chair. "What's the plan now?"
A resigned sigh sounded in my head. Now we go on with our life, checking regularly throughout each day for any presence of my adopted brother. Until he reveals himself, there is little that we can accomplish. However, fear not. He won't be gone for long. Loki has vengeance to seek as do I.
After packing everything away, I found the sweet leather riding jacket, which covered up the porno outfit. Then grabbed the saddlebags. "I assume you have a destination in mind?" I said as I closed the door behind me.
Someone was coming out of the room next door at the same time. A guy and a girl right behind him that had a decidedly rumpled look about them, like they'd been using the hotel room for something other than sleeping "Pardon me?" he said.
I just shook my head and moved on, hoping that by ignoring him he'd let it go. I was right.
After checking out and settling the bill with a credit card under the name Tyra Gustav, I found the motorcycle and secured the bags. "My name is Tyra Gustav?"
Tyra, Thor said making the short I-sound like in tyranny. Plans are already in place for the next fifteen years. It would be inadvisable to change the name at this juncture.
"Right." I went routing around my head for a scrap or two regarding those plans, and then I had to roll my eyes and groan. "Houston? Have you been to Houston? The humidity sucks, the traffic sucks..."
The women are plentiful, fierce, and once tamed, eager to please. Additionally, I already have a business set up that will serve as a home base, for now.
I looked down at the twin swells on my chest. "I don't know if you've noticed anything in the last few hours, but I'm a girl now, and I'm not playing on the other side of the fence if you get my meaning." Waiting for a two beat, I continued before he stepped in. "That means I don't hump guys."
Houston, also has one of the larger lesbian populations in the country.
I mulled that one around in my head for about, oh, about three seconds. "Okay, lead on. We're taking a portal, right? I don't know if my ass can handle a ride cross-country, even if it is plump and juicy now."
We came out around a multitude of warehouses and I started the bike. "Doesn't that scare the locals when we pop out of nowhere like that?"
No, it's part of the magic associated with the mode of travel. Mortals will look away at a convenient time or rationalize our appearance in some way that makes sense to them. We could appear in the middle of rush hour traffic and nobody would be any wiser, however upon seeing us it would cause them to react. This is the reason I choose lesser populated areas as destinations.
He directed us to a specific building, in the back, a lot smaller than any of the others. It appeared abandoned until we entered through an electronically sealed door and took the stairs down to what looked like a bomb shelter below ground.
Another series of numbers punched into a keypad and the big steel door opened up.
"You are so incredibly weird. You know that, right?" I flipped the light switch just inside the door and looked around. "Who lives underground? Can't you just buy a house or something?"
No mortal may pass through these walls unless escorted by us, and it is warded against magic, protected by Gaia, surrounded by her essence. Only those of her blood may breach the wards. Here, we are safe.
"Paranoid much?"
Live a few millennia and then ask me that question again, Tyra.
I paused for a moment, dropping the saddlebags on the ancient and ornate recliner at hearing what he called me.
You must become familiar with your new persona. It must become second nature for you to respond to the name as if it has been your own for twenty-two years.
"That's how old I am? Well, thank god I'm not a teenager. I couldn't go through puberty or high school again. Small thanks I guess."
You're welcome.
"Being rhetorical here, Thor."
I invented sarcasm, mortal, he said dryly.
I couldn't really argue that point, he very well could have.
The decor was a little ornate and kind of ancient in places. There were a few swords, and other various weaponry that I had no clue about, in what some people would call places of honor. Just spaces of empty wall that didn't have anything else around, basically.
Spoils of war.
"No kidding? Wow." I was suitably impressed.
These will be our lodgings for the time being. Familiarize yourself with the layout, the armory, and the amenities. You will need to procure supplies for daily living. There should be a number of suitable retail establishments in the surrounding area.
His tone sounded like I'd be doing this alone. "You going somewhere?"
A tired sigh sounded in my head. Even trapped within Mjolnir, I require sleep and rest. While I am in here, I do not have access to the constitution afforded my status that you now possess. In this body, you could fight for days without food, water, or rest. He paused for a moment and became thoughtful. Or at least that is how it used to be. With Odin's punishment there might be further pitfalls regarding our powers. It is best that you stay well fed and rested in the interim, just in case.
I nodded to nobody. "Okay. What about pass codes and uh, other godly things?"
I gave you my knowledge, Tyra. Use it. Good evening.
The constant comforting presence I'd unknowingly felt since becoming the Goddess of Thunder was gone and I felt surprisingly... normal. Well, barring the new body and all.
I checked out the sound system that looked like something out of the seventies. It must have been a while since he'd been in Houston. There was a record album sitting on the turntable, and once I'd figured out how to turn everything on I was treated to Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries, of course. What else would Thor have queued up on the disco version of an iPod? Maybe Stairway to Heaven or maybe Valhalla, Bad Company, of course. That goes without saying. Beast of Burden, Magic Man... who am I kidding? Thor had to be a Doors man. Riders on the Storm, yeah. That suited him just fine.
The one overwhelming difference between life as a man and life as a woman, other than the obvious, is the attention a statuesque blonde wearing a latex top and leather pants receives while in line at the supermarket. I didn't know if wearing the jacket helped or not, since it just made it more obvious when guys worked their way around to the front to get a better look at me.
I needed a sign or something that announced I was a lesbian, maybe a rainbow colored choker or something. I rolled my eyes at the situation I was in: a perfectly normal heterosexual guy who was now a bondage lesbian... Thunder Goddess. I wondered if my life could possibly get any weirder.
Motorcycles were not made to haul groceries.
Once I'd stored everything away I toured the Thunder Bunker. Yes, I'd named the bomb shelter. I was seriously bored and feeling a little loopy at the time. If I could tolerate the earthy brown and burnt orange colors of the decor, I could live pretty comfortably. Thank god there wasn't any shag carpet. Yeeaaah Baby!
The armory wound up being a closet in the second bedroom. It wasn't even a walk-in. Swords, swords, and more swords, all wrapped in oil cloths. There were several oversized knife looking things and a couple of maces with spikes decorating the business end. To one side was a safe bolted to the floor, which I didn't bother with. It did raise a question though. If nobody could get into the Thunder Bunker then why have a safe to protect wads of emergency cash?
A fruitless search through Thor's memories resulted in simple paranoia. The guy had serious daddy issues that needed to be dealt with.
The TV sucked; no remote and no cable. There wasn't any wireless connection underground and I wasn't even sure if there was any possibility to have something connected. A brief memory of his previous set up in Los Angeles showed me that yes, it was possible, even in the middle of a bunch of old warehouses. I just needed the proper set up.
What I'd been itching to have was a drink. After the morning from hell, and the afternoon of bad seventies acid flashbacks, I just wanted to let loose a little.
Heading to the bedroom, I stripped off the latex top and wiggled out of the leather pants. The strange part was that I wasn't even sweaty or smelly after wearing that all day. Apparently, goddesses don't stink.
I caught a glimpse of myself in the dresser mirror and damn!
"Well, at least my drinks are free tonight."
There was no way I wouldn't be hounded.
I stilled at that thought. Knowing I was going to be hit on by every horny guy on the planet if I went to a club, just took the fun out of going out, and without the internet connection, I didn't have clue one about where the closest lesbian bar was located. I didn't know crap about Houston. I'd never been there, except for a two hour layover at Bush Intercontinental the previous year waiting for a connecting flight to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for Spring Break.
The only thing I knew was that the humidity and heat sucked, and that was in March. I couldn't imagine what it would be like in August. Probably four-hundred degrees in the shade. Hey, I'm the hyperbole king... queen, whatever.
With a sigh, I resigned myself to riding around looking for an out of the way pub or maybe a pool hall. It was Texas wasn't it? Wasn't there supposed to be saloons every twenty feet and gunfights in the street? Maybe I just had to follow the guys in the ten gallon hats, none of which I'd seen earlier during the great grocery bag/motorcycle fiasco of 2010. Stupid plastic bags.
The wardrobe consisted of more of the same. The tamest stuff Thor owned was similar to what I had just taken off, or sexier.
"Hold on. Why are there girls clothes here?"
My question was answered a few moments later when I remembered Odin's newest punishment because Thor couldn't keep his pervy dick in his pants. That thought led to others, that eventually led to a five way including three guys, and I just about lost my lunch and definitely lost my sex drive for the evening.
Putting on a similar outfit, but going with a cold blue looking top, I picked out a pair of funky high-heeled sandals and slipped them on. Then I realized I'd been wearing high heeled boots the entire day and hadn't fallen flat on my face.
"This playing catch up thing is starting to annoy me."
It was part of the package. Odin couldn't have his son snapping an ankle in the middle of battle, could he. So, instant perfect balance in spiked heels.
Grabbing a decent wad of cash from the saddlebags, I stuffed it in the coat pocket and put it on. Everything else was in the inside pockets: ID -- strangely enough a Texas Drivers License, credit cards, and two blank keycards all stuffed in a single fold wallet type thing that wasn't a wallet. It was probably a girl thing that I hadn't figure out just yet, but it wasn't important.
I locked up behind me and ascended the stairs. When I hit the cool outside air, I grabbed the little Mjolnir charm bracelet and made a search for Loki. No sense in forgetting why I was still sporting the body of a weightlifting swimsuit model. The sooner Loki revealed himself on Midgard... Earth, the sooner I could get back to my life.
No joy.
The bike purred between my legs, which I kind of relished for a moment or three, and I pulled up the kickstand and took off.
Cornbreads. That's what the local poolhall was called. Could a town get anymore redneck than that? I thought about central Kansas for a few seconds and all the rednecks that I'd left behind. "I guess it can."
After checking in with the lady at the bar I found my assigned table and a pool cue that didn't entirely suck.
An hour and seven solo games later, I was on my fifth beer and feeling absolutely nothing from the attempt to chill out. The jacket had found it's way to a coat hook near the bar stool where I would take the occasional break to look around. Full dark had settled around the Houston area and the hall was beginning to pick up with all of the people coming in on their way home for a drink or a round of pool with friends. I even had to give the warning eye to a couple of guys who make tracks toward me after seeing what I was wearing. That's probably why I didn't notice when someone had snuck up behind me.
"Looking for a partner to shoot a round?"
I turned my head to see a short, maybe in the mid-five foot range, blonde girl holding a longneck beer with her index finger wrapped around the mouth. She didn't look older than sixteen or seventeen at the most.
When I didn't answer right away, she continued. "All the other tables are taken and I'd like to blow off some energy. What do you say?"
If she was drinking, that made her at least twenty-one, but it still kind of felt like I was pedo-perving while I was checking her out. "Uh, sure."
Holding my hand out I said, "I'm... Tyra." Almost slipped up on that one.
She took it and squeezed firmly. "Courtney."
She looked like a Courtney. Long blonde hair that fell to her waist, athletic body that filled out her tight blue jeans and a very cute face. I moved to the end of the table and racked the balls, putting them in proper order. She seemed suitably impressed. Most girls I used to know didn't realize that the balls went in a specific order depending on the game.
"You want to break?" I asked.
She shrugged and chalked up her cue, while I made my way back to the stool and took another pull from my bottle. Courtney's form was excellent and her use of the cue, deft. A thunderous crack filled the air and I was taken aback at how the balls were flying around the table.
Pulling back, her eyes widened a little. "Whoops."
Four balls pocketed themselves immediately and another two, seconds after. Apparently the girl packed more punch than what was apparent. I eyed the table appreciatively at her talent.
"New in the area?" she asked.
I nodded. "Just got in today." When my eyes found hers, I cocked my head. "Am I that obvious?"
She smiled. "The outfit. You look like more of a downtown girl or maybe New York or L.A."
I looked down at myself. Oh yeah. I guessed latex and leather isn't what the average housewife wore around there. "I haven't really had time to do any shopping."
Courtney ran the table in less than two minutes and was racking the balls before I knew what was happening. It's like she had been playing for decades. When it became my turn to break, I could tell she was checking out every inch of me. What were the odds that I would find a possible prospect so soon after arriving? Well, considering what I was wearing, probably pretty good. So, I tried not to read anything into it.
This time it was me that put a little too much strength into the opening shot. The cue ball went flying from the table after connecting with the others and exploded into a wooden beam against the wall.
Courtney looked at the scratch with amazement and then back at me. Her eyes narrowed just a touch, before falling to the table. Two of the balls were cracked and the head of my cue was splintered.
Dropping the cue on the table, I grabbed my coat. "I got to go. Thanks for the game."
I threw a hundred to the bartender on the way out of the bar and made quick tracks to my motorcycle.
"Tyra, wait!"
Courtney was steps behind me. I spun around. "What?"
She came to a stop and looked somewhat energetic. If I didn't know any better I'd say she was excited, but I wasn't that familiar with her mannerisms as of yet.
"It's okay. Really. You surprised me is all. I just wasn't expecting to meet another metahuman in Houston."
I was confused for all of about three seconds. "I'm not a metahuman."
Courtney gave me a dubious look. "Maybe you don't realize it, but you are. A regular person wouldn't be capable of doing what you just did to those balls and your cue." She paused for a second. "Look, I'm meta as well. I just found out last week."
I looked at her and then stepped back to take her in. Short, blonde, long hair and athletic build. Oh shit, she was American Dream, who is friends with Jade, who I just escaped from. It was a set up. They'd found me.
I looked around and then up in the sky. "Where are the rest of them?"
When I brought my attention back down to her, she looked at me like I was losing it. "What are you talking about?"
"You're that American Dream, girl," I said, accusingly.
Her mouth dropped open. "Dammit, I'm not even in costume and you know who I am. I suck at this secret identity thing."
She wasn't acting like she was going to jump me or like she was stalling. It made me pause in my evaluation of her intentions. Maybe she really didn't know who I was. One more look around and I tried to reel in my panic mode.
"It's, uh, not like there are a whole lot of hot girls with long blonde hair that are superheroes."
Dubiously she glanced up at me. "So, process of elimination then." She sighed and then shrugged her shoulders. "Well, there's nothing I can do about that. I've tried cutting my hair, but the scissors wind up losing in the end."
Everything became kind of awkward at that point. I wanted nothing more than to just go back to the Thunder Bunker and hide out until Thor woke up, but I really didn't want to turn my back on Jade's little justice squad just in case I was wrong.
"So," said Courtney. "What's your power?"
I glanced to the side wondering how much to reveal. "I'm not a metahuman."
Her tongue worked under the front of her lips. "Fine." She held her hands up and backed off. "There's not a lot of us out there and I thought you might have wanted a friend or something to talk about it. I'll leave you alone."
Courtney spun around and walked off, over to a little SUV and jumped inside without a single backward glance, then pulled out to leave. In order to do that, she'd have to drive past me. Her vehicle slowed to a stop, a few feet away, and the window rolled down.
"Sorry to have bothered you," she said before easing off and exiting the parking lot.
I didn't waste any time jumping on the bike and heading back to the bunker.
Ten minutes later and I realized that I was tailing her, or she was going the exact same direction that I was. When she disappeared into the first entrance of the warehouse park, I took the second. The creepy feeling of being watched came over me, except Courtney was the one that was being tailed if anyone was.
When I parked the bike, I looked around and didn't see anything.
Transform and take to the air, Tyra.
I jumped at Thor's voice and his familiar presence inside my head.
"Jesus, I really wish you wouldn't do that."
Stop speaking. I can hear you well enough through thought alone. Now take to the air, quickly.
I knelt and tapped the Mjolnir charm bracelet on the ground transforming it and my clothing into that of the Goddess of Thunder. Willing the wind to center around me, pushing me from below, I was quickly lifted into the sky.
Looking down I saw one of the neighboring warehouse doors opening and a large motorcycle exiting with a familiar costumed hero at the controls.
"American Dream's secret hideout is three buildings away from ours?"
It would seem so. This poses a problem. We are bound to cross paths eventually.
"We already have."
I felt Thor digging around in my memory for once.
We should confront her. While she is alone. The only one of the three that poses any difficulty is the Jade women. It would be best to speak to this Courtney girl on our terms.
"Then I better get a move on. That bike of hers is almost out of eyesight." I concentrated harder on seeing the motorcycle and while holding Mjolnir out in front of me I willed the wind quickly in her direction.
My hair whipped behind me and I could hear my cape rippling in the wind. "Why exactly do we need a cape?"
It is an á†sir tradition.
"All you had to say was it looked cool. By the way, have you ever seen The Incredibles?" I brought to mind a specific scene where wearing a cape was a deathtrap for a particular superhero.
As the embodiment of Thor on Midgard, you have an image to uphold. The cape stays.
"If I get choked to death, or sucked into a gigantic fan, I'm so kicking your ass."
Once I overtook Courtney on the freeway I came to a hover in the middle of the freeway above traffic about a half mile ahead so she'd have plenty of time to see me and exit. Once I saw her slow I moved to the side. It was kind of funny seeing a lot of cars slow down to get a look at the flying girl. Luckily, the freeways were clear enough so as not to cause any wrecks.
There was a fairly empty strip center soon after the exit where I touched down and American Dream came to a stop as she entered. She killed the engine and kick it up on the stand before stepping off.
"So, you're not a metahuman?" She didn't seem very pleased to see me.
I shook my head. "No I'm not."
Stretch your senses out, Tyra. Be aware of who is around you.
I concentrated on the surrounding area and in the sky as well.
Courtney's hand was resting atop the pistol hanging on her hip. She didn't look like she was going to pull it. It was more like just another place to set her hand, having the added advantage of being very close to the gun if needed.
I blinked. "Uh, no. Up until yesterday I was just another college student in Kansas."
She nodded at me, looking at Mjolnir, curiously. "So it's your hammer then." She casually pointed at it. "The flying, the lightning today, the disappearing human trick you pulled on Jade."
I looked at Mjolnir briefly. "It helps, but the power is in me."
"And you're not a metahuman?" she confirmed. "Right."
She's stalling you until the other two arrive.
"Yeah, I realized that when you told me to search the area, Obi-Thor Kenobi," I thought back to Thor.
"Look, I'm not here to harm anyone. The fight this morning wasn't even me, sort of." I listened to how that sounded. "It was at the end, but the beginning was totally not me. And it was the other guy that was the bad guy."
Courtney smirked a little. "Yeah, I kind of got that impression when he knocked me halfway across the county with one punch. But let's back up a little here, to the it wasn't me at the beginning, thing."
"Can I tell her about you? About what happened?" I thought to Thor.
He didn't seem entirely pleased, but didn't really have a whole lot of say in the matter. As you wish, Tyra, however, be wary not to release too much information about your true identity until we can assess their intent.
I shrugged internally. "This morning I was in some old Indian caves directly below the battle. When I came out it looked like there was going to be a tornado so I went back underground. Safer, you know?"
Courtney nodded. "Okay."
"The next thing I know," I hefted Mjolnir, "this came crashing down collapsing the cave and trapping me inside, and breaking my ankle in the process."
That's when I felt a presence of otherworldliness. "Your friends are here, by the way."
I watched her forehead lift a little underneath the mask, in surprise. "How did..."
A green streak raced downward and landed beside American Dream. It was Jade and her sidekick... Terry, or Tarry, something like that.
Jade looked uneasy and Terra was downright nervous as hell.
"I'm assuming you guys heard everything I've said so far?" I asked.
Terra couldn't keep her eyes off of the hammer. I looked at it for a moment and then took a chance. "Would it make you feel better if the hammer wasn't here?"
Her eyes ticked up to me and she nodded minutely.
"Fine, nobody do anything stupid while I do this, please."
I knelt down and hit the head of the hammer on the pavement. In the next instant I stood, transformed out of my costume and Mjolnir was gone. Ruffling out the leather jacket, I shoved my hands in the pockets, gripping the wad of cash that was in the left and trying to act casual all the while.
Courtney blinked. "Nice trick."
I smiled.
"So you're trapped in the cave." Jade encouraged the story along without trying to appear wary.
"Right. I grabbed the hammer and poof, I'm talking to this guy inside the hammer."
"Inside," Courtney clarified.
I nodded. He says the guy outside was bad news and he was kicking your butts and if I didn't do something about it then the Earth was doomed." Before anyone could get another question in, I continued. "I said I'd help. That's when Jade here gets in the way and lets the bad guy escape."
Terra looked at Jade and Courtney gave me a doubtful eye.
"But from her perspective a girl throwing around lightning was probably a bad thing, so it's understandable. It sucks, because until this guy gets caught, I'm stuck in this body, But it's understandable."
"And you're not a metahuman," Courtney asked one more time, still highly doubting my word.
I shook my head. "I'm a god."
Cars began stopping and people started gathering, so we moved to a more secluded location. Jade offered the use of her green bubble thing that carried all of us to the warehouse where Courtney's home base was after I told them I already knew about it.
There was a handful of guys in casual dress and a lady hanging out there.
"So, the bad guy is Loki and you're Thor," Courtney confirmed my claims.
I nodded. "Not the original one, of course, but I have all of his powers and knowledge, so yeah, Thor."
Terra piped up, finally. "I thought Thor was a guy"
"Yeah, he is. Monster of a guy. Muscles on his muscles if you get my meaning. Scraggly, three day beard, sheepskin outfit, hair halfway down his back. He's currently be punished by his father for being a horndog and not respecting women like he should. Only I'm the one that's getting punished while he's himself, locked inside Mjolnir."
"You're getting punished?" asked Jade.
I cringed. I hadn't revealed my true identity to that point. "Yeah... this morning, I was a guy."
All three of them looked knowingly at each other. Terra held her hand up. "So was I."
Courtney nodded. "Me too."
Jade just looked at me with a serene smile on her face, very Mona Lisa-like.
I cocked an eyebrow at them. "Are all metahumans... uh..."
Jade nodded. "So far."
I pointed at her. "And you're an alien."
Terra laughed.
"No, I was just someone the ring here picked out to get the job done." She waggled it so I could see. "It's the alien."
Make your excuses, Trya. We have business to attend.
"Are you in a rush?" I thought back to Thor.
Have you forgotten Loki?
I gripped the hammer bracelet and reached out with my senses. Still nothing. "He's not out there."
I felt a surge of anger and the charm vibrated a little. A picture developed in my mind of Thor slamming his fist into a stone wall. Then he went silent again, like he wasn't there at all.
"Tyra?" Courtney looked like she was going to touch me to gain my attention.
"Sorry, Thor was talking to me."
Jade looked a little surprised. "You can communicate with him?"
I nodded. "Yeah. He's getting antsy being trapped in a cave. I can empathize. We have to wait until Loki reappears on Earth before we can act."
Courtney's eyes narrowed. "What makes you think he's coming back? From what Jade told us, he was seriously freaked out when you exploded out of the ground and came after him again."
"It's his first goal to obtain his vengeance," I explained. "He needs to conquer all of the nine worlds and then he'll have the power he needs to face the á†sir. He already ruled Jotunheim. Earth is the first and most easily conquered outside of his primary realm. But he wasn't expecting a fully restored Thunder God."
Courtney shook her head. "That doesn't explain why he bugged out so quick." She frowned. "It pains me to say that we were having our assess handed to us until you popped out of he ground."
I thought on it for a moment or two. "Loki thought he'd won. Thor was trapped in Mjolnir; it was only a matter of subjugating Earth. It must have shaken him to find out he couldn't contain Thor for more than a minute or two. As far as he knows, I'm the real deal."
Jade nodded, satisfied with my conclusion. "He doubts his power."
"Right," I confirmed.
Terra was playing follow the bouncing ball between all of us. "Hold on, what?"
Jade turned to her. "He thought he'd found the answer in containing his greatest foe. Some sort of magic power he didn't have before, I assume."
I nodded and she continued.
"It's like putting all your faith in a chemical weapon only to find out that your enemy is immune to its effects. It has made him doubt his power, so he's hidden himself until he can either explain why it didn't work and fix it or come up with an alternate plan."
"Probably the latter, if Thor's memories are anything to judge from," I offered. "Loki's not one to brood. He's more of a Plan B type person, except I don't think he had a Plan B. Now he's got to come up with one."
"Hey guys?" Terra interrupted. "Mom says if there isn't an emergency, then I have to be home before ten."
I blinked. How young were these people?
Jade stood. "I'll take you and then call it a night. I'm exhausted from today's events." She reached out her hand to me. "Tyra, it was a pleasure to meet you, and I'm sorry about what happened this morning. It wasn't my intention to step in the way..."
I understood what she was doing. "You didn't know. It's okay. Someone throwing lightning around usually equals bad guy."
She gave me a single nod. "Thank you for understanding."
I looked at the rest of their team, the more human aspect, standing around in the background. The lady looked like she was biting at the bit to interrogate me. She had to be a scientist. I've seen the look before, coming from several of my former professors.
Standing, I shook out my jacket and glanced to the door. "I better get going too."
Courtney mirrored my movements. "Can I give you a lift anywhere?"
I chuckled a little. "Actually, I'm three buildings down."
Her mouth opened and then she smiled. "That's how you knew where to find me."
She gestured to the door. "I'll walk you over, see if I can borrow a cup of sugar or something."
Looking back at the lady, I waved.
The night was cool, but not numbingly cold. It was another thing about Houston. Eighty degree days and forty degree nights during December. Ridiculous.
Courtney had pulled her mask back, letting it hang under her hair and I watched her out of the corner of my eye. She was cute as hell, but I couldn't get over the whole teenager-looking thing. I felt like I was perving.
"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but how old are you?"
She looked up at me and frowned. "Thirty-four."
That stopped me in my tracks. "What?"
Her arms crossed under her breasts, pushing them forward, in what I'd hoped was an unintended gesture. Like me, she was a former guy at one point.
"I was with the FBI. Someone found out that I had the metagene and wanted to see if they could activate it." She shrugged and moved on. "Of course I said yes. I mean, who wouldn't want super powers? And since I was in the business of saving people, it felt like the right decision."
I nodded in comprehension.
"We knew there was a chance that my body would change, but we took precautions... started with a blank slate, as opposed to how Terra changed."
At my inquiring look, she explained.
"She was in a Halloween costume, dressed like a girl."
"That's not the reason for the change in gender. They're guessing its a mental thing now. State of mind and all that."
I thought about the obvious conclusion to that bit of information.
"So you wanted to be a girl."
She shook her head, probably expecting my statement. "I was thinking about my daughter."
"You're married?" I cringed. That had to suck.
"Divorced. It happened a long time ago. My daughter died and..."
She just let it trail off and I didn't push the subject.
"Anyway, physically I'm a sixteen year old, now."
I groaned internally. It was worse than I thought. There was no way I could make a play for her now. Granted, her head was thirty-four and that was the whole reason behind age of consent in the first place, but still. Society had ingrained in everyone a certain moral standard, and the thought of... nevermind. I didn't even want to think about it.
"That's got to seriously suck."
"You have no idea."
We reached the door and I keyed in the code. "Did you want to come down?"
She looked at the stairway immediately dropping into the ground. "Down?"
I laughed a little. "Yeah, Thor has a thing about security. It's a bunker."
Courtney smirked. "Maybe another time."
I gave her a nod.
Before she turned away, she stopped. "Hey, Tyra."
"I was wondering..." She shook her head and frowned. "Nevermind. I'll see you around."
It didn't take a genius to figure out what was on her mind, so I let it go and didn't make things worse for her. She was pretty much screwed any way you looked at the situation. She couldn't date in her physical age group for the same reason I couldn't date her. It was just wrong. And she couldn't date someone older because they would probably be a closet pedophile. Her social life for the next few years was going to be non-existent.
It was too bad I wasn't about four years younger.
Not too many decades ago the thought of being a maiden at the age of sixteen meant that there was something wrong with the woman, Tyra.
"Back again?"
I never left. There are times that I simply do not want to infringe upon your presence.
"I appreciate that."
Courtney was far enough away where she was half a building from making her turn and I saw her brush at her face.
The physical shell can be changed, Tyra. As easily as Odin did with me.
I didn't say anything for a few moments. "You're saying we have the ability to make me look younger?"
Even to this day the á†sir will travel to Midgard and the other worlds in disguise. The All-Father will often assume the figure of a frail old man so as not to be bothered or thought of with any seriousness by others he watches. It is simple magic that you may perform even without Mjolnir.
Courtney disappeared behind the last warehouse and I let the door close behind me as descended the stairs. It wasn't like I would be stuck that young, permanently. I could change back any time, if I wanted, if it was that easy. And it would be nice to actually talk to someone else that knew what it was like to be different, out of the blue. It would solve a lot of problems, actually.
The next morning, after a shower, I felt for Loki's presence again, to no avail. Thor was more sedate this time. Maybe being trapped in a mystical hammer was doing him some good. The next thing I did was reach out to feel for Courtney's presence. She was working out, pressing a serious amount of weight as well.
A glance at my wardrobe and shook my head. "Do you think that maybe we can visit your dad today and see if he could ease up on the clothing restrictions? I mean it's not like you're the one being punished or anything."
Disturbing Odin for something as frivolous as this would be inadvisable. My suggestion would be to wait until there is a reason to visit or if one of the Valkyries happens by with a message from him. It would also not bode well to let it be known that I am not in possession of my body.
"Why not?" I asked as I donned a black top and red leather pants.
While you possess my knowledge and powers, you do not possess my instinct for battle. I have many enemies that would seek to take advantage of your inexperience in this area.
"Oh. Good point."
On the way out, I grabbed my jacket while I tried to make my decision what to do. I'd spent the better part of the night previous trying to get to sleep and then waking up in a quandary, yet again. There didn't seem to be an easy answer.
I parked my bike outside their warehouse and before I had a chance to knock, the doors opened up enough to admit two people shoulder to shoulder. I stepped through to see the lady wave to me from the side where she had her hand on the switch that opened the doors, I assumed.
"Good morning, Tyra. I'm Doctor Sharon Rosenthal. We didn't have a chance to meet yesterday."
I shook her hand. "Pleased to meet you. I'm..." I paused, looking around.
"Courtney will be along in a moment. We've notified her of your arrival." She looked at me strangely for a moment. "Is it me? Maybe the light. You look younger than you did last night."
Before I had a chance to answer, I heard Courtney. "Tyra!"
I turned and she was standing next to a tent with a towel in her hand and wearing a big fluffy bathrobe. "Sorry I was just..." She stopped and looked at me, confused.
It was then or never. "Hi, Courtney. I was wondering if you wanted to go out and maybe go out and grab some breakfast or something."
She seemed to draw in on herself, looking smaller than before, then a bright smile rose on her face. "I'd like that."