(aka Bike) Part 1111 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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“Will you get back on that plinth,” shouted Dr Woods, who seemed as if he was fast losing it. “X-ray, please,” he pointed at Danny and the porter grabbed the boy and helped him into a wheelchair.
“Can you explain what is happening here?” asked Dr Woods, standing between me and the door.
“Not really,” I shrugged.
“So how come you predicted your son’s leg would be better?”
“Lucky guess?”
“And what about the person in the next cubicle?”
“The one with the facial injury?” I asked.
“How d’you know it’s a facial injury?”
“You must have told me.”
“I did no such thing–who are you and perhaps more importantly, just what are you? Because I’m sure none of this happened before you got here.”
“I thought strange miracles happened here from time to time, according to the paper.”
“Yes, but if that was the case, why aren’t you surprised?”
“Gosh, is my son’s leg getting better–you’re obviously an ace doctor to fix him so quickly.” I gasped melodramatically.
“Very funny–so how come you couldn’t fix your other kid?”
“There we are, see, I didn’t do any of it.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“That’s your problem.”
“No–people who’ve gone through the windscreen of a car don’t heal spontaneously, they end up with hours of plastic surgery and faces like rail networks. That woman probably looks better now than she did this morning when she left home.”
“Oh well, lucky her.”
“Mrs Cameron, please stop being flippant and tell me what’s happening.” His bleeper went off–“I’ll be right back, you wait here please.” He ran off to the phone, he returned two minutes later.
“Okay, your son who had a clear fracture of the fibula, now has a healthy bone according to radiology. What happened?”
“How would I know?”
“Oh God,” he practically hit me he felt so frustrated, “Look, woman, for God’s sake tell me what the hell is going on.”
“I’m a scientist, Dr Woods. I have no idea what is going on.”
“But you’re causing it, aren’t you?”
“Am I?” I shrugged, “You show me how this can be happening with a scientific explanation, and I’ll tell you if I’m involved.”
“So what else is there? You telling me some sort of miraculous cure is happening; some supernatural event?”
“I’m not telling you anything–I specialise in dormice–this is clearly not created by dormice is it?”
“Dormice? What the hell’re you talking about?”
“I study dormice–that’s all I know about.”
“Is this a miracle?”
“Depends upon your definition of miracle–so that’s up to you.”
“No–look, I could have you arrested.”
“What for–saving a life?”
“Whose life did you save? Neither of them were at that degree of risk.”
“So the woman’s sub-arachnoid is okay then is it?”
“Sub-arachnoid? What sub-arachnoid?”
“The one you missed, perhaps?”
“Oh shit, I didn’t did I?”
I nodded.
“How do you know this?”
“I could say, it’s the voices, but that would freak you out–it would also be a lie.I don’t know how I know.”
“You are a human–not some reincarnation of Jesus or someone?”
“Not as far as I know–no, I’m perfectly ordinary, apart from being married to a banker.”
“Dr Woods, the lady is asking if she can be discharged, she feels okay now?” asked the nurse.
“Is she okay?” he asked me.
“You’re the doctor,” I gave back to him.
“Look, I’m having difficulty holding on to reality here–is she okay? I mean can I discharge her?”
“As far as I know, she’s healed.”
“Thank you.” He nodded to the nurse who went to see the patient.
“Can I take my boy home, now?”
“You’re the mystery healer, aren’t you?”
“Am I?”
“Yes–I just wish I knew how you do it?”
“Perhaps I don’t.”
“But you do–don’t you?”
“Do I? I don’t think so. There’s a lot of poor observation in science, or poor attribution or association. We see what we want to see. Ah, Danny, c’mon flower, let’s see if we can get home before all the soup is gone.”
He loaded his bike into the boot of the car, I could see I had a wheel to straighten. Then straight home and we just managed to grab some soup and a panino before Simon scoffed the lot.
“Billie seemed to think, Dan had broken his leg,” Simon posited.
“She must have got it wrong.”
“Yes, or did you do some more interfering there?”
“How would I do that?”
“With that blue light stuff, that’s how.”
“Allegedly.” I replied.
“I’ve seen it emanating from you.”
“Sure you have, you think you have–you can’t be certain, can you?”
“My eyes don’t lie to me, Cathy–I know what I saw.”
“No, we see what we expect to see, things that we don’t expect we don’t see.”
“How is new phenomenon discovered then–if no one sees what they aren’t looking for?”
“Because some people can see beyond the obvious, but they’re very few and far between. Most of us will see what we are conditioned to see. Take me as an example–what do you see?” I indicated myself.
“A very beautiful woman–you know what I see.”
“But I’m not am I? I’m actually a male with secondary female sexual characteristics.”
“You may think that, as far as I’m concerned, you’re all woman–now about these milk shakes...”
“Cathy–phone, it’s Sam Rose.”
“Saved by the bell,” I smiled sweetly at Simon and took the phone. “Hi, Sam.”
“Cathy, you’ve been at it again–Pete Woods has had to go home.”
“He’s just in meltdown–what did you do?”
“Like I told him, I don’t do anything, the energy decides who and when it will heal.”
“You don’t direct it at all?”
“Would you direct the Shekhinah?”
“Ah–is that what you think it is?”
“That’s what it has told me it is.”
“Fine–okay–just be careful.”
“Sam, what d’you mean. Sam? Sam?” The good doctor had rung off. Just what did he mean? Is he just a MCP–nah, not Sam–he’s a nice guy. Maybe I need to stop all this healing lark–after all, it’s always a bit risky. I’ll just do it for the family from now on–yeah, that’s what I’ll do–just the family. I felt better already, I wondered about the injured woman–would she be okay? I sincerely hoped so.