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The Succubus Files-3: Viva Las Vegas!by LynceusLas Vegas gets a new superhero, and maybe, a new Goddess as well! |
“Stef, hon, are you going to bounce like that during the whole flight?” Alyssa sounded amused.
I blinked and sat stiff, feeling suddenly very sheepish. “I...didn't realize I was doing that.”
She leaned over and put her arms around me. “It's okay honey, I know you're really excited.”
I leaned into her embrace, but frowned. “What's happening to me, 'Lyssa? I mean, I was acting like a kid just now and didn't even realize it.”
“Baby...” She kissed my forehead. “I hate to break this to you, but you are a kid now.”
I wanted to glare at her, but I care about her way to much to be angry. “You know what I mean. I'm still a man on the inside...right?”
She gently ran her fingers through my hair. I wanted to just crawl into her lap, but seeing as how we were on a plane, I decided to stay where I was. “You are, but that person is changing. And you can't help that. You're young again, that's naturally going to make you hyper, not to mention young teenaged hormones. Girl hormones, something you're not used to.”
“I don't want to change.” Oh Christ, I was pouting!
“I know you don't. And I know why. Two reasons, really.” She kissed me again, and I felt very warm. “One, you're afraid of being a girl. You don't know anything about it, really, just what you've been taught, most of which is wrong.”
I sighed. Alyssa could read me like a book. And she read a lot of books!
“And two, you're afraid that if you change too much, you'll lose me.”
I turned to look at her. I could stand losing my life, my manhood, my identity. But losing Alyssa? I'd already lived through that nightmare once. I didn't even want to think about it happening again!
“Oh honey...” She kissed me again, on the lips this time. “Don't look like that. I never meant to hurt you so badly.”
The kiss was too brief for my taste; I licked my lips, wanting more. A lot more. “It's that obvious?”
“You looked like I'd slapped you.”
“I don't blame you. I really don't. But yeah...it tore me up inside. Especially the way we were fighting before.”
She blushed. “God! Don't remind me. I was scared, baby. I'd turned into this overgrown metal bimbo, my boyfriend was a little demon girl...I didn't know what we were going to do.”
“Hey...you're not a bimbo.” I tried to look stern.
She giggled. So much for that. “I know, but I felt like one of those big-boobed oversized heifer girls that were always hanging around the football players.”
“Wow, you really did hate my ex, didn't you?”
She blew some hair out of her eyes, which I've always found to be a very cute gesture. I've picked it up as well, no doubt because of that fact. Thinking about it, Alyssa has become my role model; I've acquired a lot of her little quirks of late...
“Yes. She was everything I wasn't. Beautiful, that perfect body, a bra I could never fill without a pair of volleyballs, popular...and she had you.”
“Hey. Stop that, please? You're way prettier than she was.”
She smiled at me. “The funny thing is, I know you mean that. You're so sweet when you don't feel like you have to act like the tough strong guy all the time.”
I shrugged. “That's what people expected me to do.”
“I know. I think that was what scared me most about our changes. Suddenly I was the strong one, and you were relying on me. I didn't know what to do. But...I feel stupid now. Because you trusted me to be the strong one. No one ever has, before.”
“You still are the strong one. Even if you don't have powers. I just feel like I'm leaning on you too much.”
She kissed me again, and this time, I wasn't disappointed. “Stef...God...I love you so much. Honey, lean all you want. I enjoy being here for you. I really do.”
Well that did it, plane or no plane, I hopped right into her lap. One of the many advantages of being able to fly under my own power, I might add.
She held me close and I cuddled into her, resting my head on her chest. “I love you too, Alyssa.”
She brushed the hair out of my eyes. I'm still amazed at how intimate the gesture is. “Get some rest honey, I'll keep you safe.”
I didn't argue with her, I closed my eyes and slept like a baby in her arms. I can't tell you how much I've grown to enjoy Alyssa's maternal side. It doesn't even seem strange anymore when she mothers me! I wonder, though, if that's going to interfere with our sex life. Hey, I'm a succubus, I could live without sex...but I sure wouldn't want to!
I woke up just before we landed, and gave Alyssa a kiss before returning to my own seat and buckling up. I reached over and she took my hand, twining her fingers with mine. “I love you Alyssa.”
She smiled. “I love you too, Stefani.”
Gah, we're so damn cute! I'm going to get cavities. But I wouldn't trade what we have for anything, not even my old life back.
A tall and seriously buff man with short-cropped dark hair met us as we got off the plane. “Miss Hughes, Miss Conover? I'm Walker, I'll be your liason while you're here in Las Vegas.”
I looked up at him. And up! He was taller than even I had been, and really handsome, in a rugged sort of way. He was built like, well, like a superhero! “Um, oh, you work for Mr. Faraday?”
He nodded. “That's right. Do you need to see some idenfication?”
“I do, if that's alright.” Alyssa smiled. Ugh, she found him attractive too. I wanted to crawl into a hole somewhere and die.
He handed her his wallet and she raised an eyebrow. “John Walker?”
“..no relation.” Ouch, that hit a nerve!
She handed him his ID back. “I guess you have to be legit then. I can't imagine someone choosing that name as an alias.” (1)
“No Ma'am. Can I carry your luggage?”
Alyssa grinned and lightly touched his arm. “Well it would be a shame not to put these muscles to good use, now wouldn't it?”
I wondered if King would forgive me for killing one of his agents. The minute he turned, however, Alyssa put her hand on my shoulder. “Honey, calm down.”
I blushed, and my oh-so-useful disguise made it visible (not usually a problem with my actual skin tone). “Sorry.”
She kissed my cheek. “Hush. I think it's cute that your jealous.”
“How is me being jealous, cute? I was about to flash-fry the jerk!”
She laughed. “I don't have to explain it, I'm a girl.”
She walked off after John, leaving me standing there for a moment, confused. “What the...hey!”
I caught up with her. “That's not fair!”
She giggled and put her arm around my shoulders. “I know. But you still love me, right?”
“You know I do. But seriously, shouldn't I be immune to your mind games? I'm a girl too!”
“I'm sorry hon, I guess I shouldn't tease you.”
“Just make it up to me later.” I looked up at her.
Her lips twitched. “Way ahead of you, baby.”
We actually got a limo ride to our new safehouse, a pretty two-story home located in Northeastern Las Vegas. “It looks so...normal.”
John laughed. “That's the point, isn't it? But the walls are reinforced concrete under the siding, you'd need a light-fifty to punch through them. The basement is even more secure, and there's a tunnel leading to a fallout shelter under the back yard.”
“Woah. You guys don't play around.”
“No Miss, we don't. Senior Agent Faraday made it very clear; you two are to be treated like national treasures.”
Alyssa smiled. “We appreciate that, but I was hoping we'd have some freedom.”
“No worries about that, Ma'am. I'm well aware that Miss Stefani can protect you just fine. But everyone deserves a safe place to call home.”
I had to revise my opinion of John. He was actually a decent guy. Now if only he wasn't so...manly!
He showed us around inside, explained the security system, as well as other special features, like sliding metal security doors, places to store firearms, as well as a few secret panels that would let us quickly get to the basement.
The basement itself was very cool, and much larger than I expected. It was set up as a full apartment, complete with a computer room and a sweet entertainment center, with a gigantic flat screen TV! He also showed us the fallout shelter; I once went inside the U-505, and the shelter's interior was very similar. My old self would have found it pretty cramped, that's for sure!
“Well thank you for the tour, Mr. Walker, but Stefani and I were hoping to get some shopping done. We napped on the plane, so we'll be up for awhile.”
He nodded and handed us a credit card. “Compliments of Senior Agent Faraday. You're not officially working for us, of course, but it would be bad form not to help you ladies out.”
I think I blushed again. Oh shit, I was attracted to him?! Stupid female hormones!
“Thanks a lot, John. Could you call us a cab?” Alyssa beamed at him, and he was happy to oblige.
In the cab, Alyssa could see I was weirded out. “What's wrong, honey?”
“...he's...he's...” I took a breath to try and calm myself. “He's handsome!”
“Yeah, he is, a bit old for me though...oh. Oh!” She blinked at me. “You think he's handsome.”
I wanted to cry! “I don't want to!”
She pulled me into her arms. “There, there. It's going to be okay, Stef. A response to male attention is only natural, you know this.”
“I don't like it. It makes me feel all creepy!”
“Look hon, you don't have to have sex with a guy just because you like the way he looks...or looks at you. I think he's a massive hunk, but I wouldn't change my choice for him, or any other man.”
“I'm sorry. I'm acting like a girl.”
She giggled. “Yes, yes you are.”
I realized how stupid that sounded, and couldn't help but laugh along with her.
Shopping damn near wore me out; as a guy, I only peripherally noticed all the stores that catered exclusively to women before, unless the girl I was with dragged me into one, that is! I realized that Alyssa hadn't really had a chance to buy clothing for her new size (even de-powered, she's several inches taller than she was when we started dating), and she seemed to really enjoy dressing me up.
After awhile, I started to enjoy it too!
But where things really got interesting was when we came across this goth clothing shop. “Oh..yes, this is just what I was hoping for! Come on!” She pulled me along after her.
It's funny, I'm stronger than any normal human, but I'm powerless in her grasp, like a leaf in the wind.
She walked up to the shopkeeper, a tall brunette with more tattoos and piercings than I'd ever seen on a girl in my life! Normally, I'd find the combination unsettling, but she had a sleek, exotic beauty about her that complimented her fashion choice well.
The shopkeeper took one look at me and smiled, nodding. Alyssa waved me over. “Stef, this is Tristanoira. She says she has some things in your size.”
“Call me Tristan.” She had a fairly deep voice for a girl, and her hands were a bit large.
I blinked. “You're a...uh, I mean, hi!”
She laughed. “I used to be a man, yes. Does that bother you, honey?”
I grinned at her. “To be honest, a lot less than you might think.”
Tristan smiled at me and led us to her 'ultra-petite' section. “A lot of tiny girls like you are going goth these days, it makes them look edgier and tough. But I suppose I should be talking to your Mistress.” She looked to Alyssa, who blushed.
“Oh no, it's not like that. I mean, yes, we...oh wow.” She laughed. “Now you have me doing it!”
“It's alright darling. It's just social cues, really. Stefani really looks to you for approval.”
Alyssa smiled at me, and my heart melted. “It's a mutual thing. We look to each other for strength.”
“You really are beautiful together. Some would disapprove, given how young Stefani is, but I think it's beautiful.” Tristan beamed at us.
I had the strangest impulse just then. “I want to tell her.”
Alyssa looked at me. “Really?”
I nodded. “Tristan...there's more to us, and me, than meets the eye.”
“Something tells me this demands a little privacy. One moment.” She went up front and put up a sign that said 'Back in 20 minutes -3Night”.
“It's what Tristanoira means. My boyfriend thinks it's beautiful, but I haven't the heart to tell him I got the name from a roleplaying game.”
I shook my head, smiling. “Ok, well, here goes...please don't scream ok?”
I revealed my true form. To my surprise, Tristan actually went down on one knee in front of me. “Oh...oh can it be? You look so young but...Lady Sakkara?!”
Now I understood why I'd felt a connection to Tristan! “Not exactly. Sakkara has left this world. She left me as her successor.”
She hesitantly reached up to touch my cheek. I placed my hand on hers. “I'm not a Goddess, Tristan. Yes, I have powers humans don't, but I can't grant wishes or anything.”
She sighed. “Does that mean you no longer wish for me to serve you?”
I noticed the silver chain around her neck. I reached for it, and pulled out the medallion she wore. The symbol of the Cult of Purgatori. My fingers felt numb touching it! “You really believe, don't you?”
She nodded. “I do. I have been your priestess for five years now. At first, I thought it was just a game, but then, I don't know...with the others, I felt like myself for the first time. That's what gave me the courage to become a woman. And I have Sakkara to thank. I would gladly serve as your priestess, Stefani.”
“Let me tell you my whole story first before you make that offer.”
And that's what I did.
I finished with the fire, and the mob, and how I discovered that the touch of faith burns me. Alyssa was holding me at this point; my emotions were still pretty messed up about the incident, and I realized I was crying.
Tristan came up and hugged us both tightly. She smelled really nice, I realized. Like incense and the more pleasant contents of my grandmother's spice rack. “You have had a hard time of it. It's not easy to become a woman even when it's what your soul desires, and you had this all forced on you. You're a very different Goddess than the one I served, your soul is pure.”
“I...don't feel very pure.”
She held her medallion up and pressed it to my skin. It burned slightly, and then, the irritation faded, and instead, it felt warm and pleasant to the touch. “Faith can burn, but it can also heal. You were a Goddess once, I think you could be one again.”
I gasped. What could I do, in the face of such pure devotion?
Alyssa kissed my hair. “Accept her, honey.”
I didn't really know how this was done, so I went with my instincts. I hugged Tristan back and kissed her. She was sluggish at first, but she responded to my kiss. Deep down, I felt a giggle rise, since technically, we were both guys. Or at least, had been born that way.
But as I pulled back, I didn't see her as a man. She was a woman, and always would be, in my eyes. “Let me taste your blood, my Priestess. My Thrice-blessed Night.”
Her eyes widened, and she offered me her wrist. So, just like in the vampire movies, I sank my fangs into her and drank her sweet blood. I shivered, like I do every time I feed. There's something very pleasant about the act of feeding for me. It's intimate in ways I can't begin to explain.
But I have to stop, I don't want to hurt anyone. Even though, I'll admit it, I'm always horny as hell afterwards! I licked her wound; my saliva must have some kind of coagulating agent, because the wound sealed very quickly.
“There, it is done.” I smiled. I really had no idea what I was doing, but somehow I knew I'd done something important.
She gasped. “I feel stronger than ever. Thank you, thank you so much. If there is anything I can do for you...”
“Stand up, for one. You're a tall woman, you should flaunt that, not kneel to a shrimp like me.”
She giggled and stood. “Not everyone likes a tall girl.”
I stepped closer to Alyssa, who put her arm around me. “I do.”
“Mm, I can see that! My boyfriend is the same way.”
“What's his name?” Alyssa asked, but the question was on my mind as well.
“Joshua.” She smiled dreamily.
“I'm very happy for you, Tristan. But you know, there is something else you can do for us.”
“My, ah, Mistress here, would really want to see me in something black and frilly. Gothic Victorian seems to be her taste, but it has to be able to handle my wings. What you saw before was a disguise, this is what I really look like.”
She smiled. “I have just the thing. I bought it at a convention recently, even though it's too small for me. I understand why, now.”
An hour later, I was all dolled up, and I had to admit, the effect was both adorable and sexy at the same time! “So what do you think, is it me?”
Alyssa kissed me. “Oh yes, very much so. I think you should wear this when you go play hero. It will definitely get you some attention.”
“The only attention I want is yours. And soon...please?”
She laughed. “I'm afraid I have to take your Goddess home now, Tristan.”
“I understand, darlings. We all have needs. Please visit again soon?”
“You can count on it.”
Later that night, I lay there, my head resting on Alyssa's chest. I could hear her heartbeat, and the soothing sound of her breathing as she held me against her. I loved her with all my heart. When she touched me, the rest of the world went away. It was just me, and her, and our love.
Good things really come to those who wait.
(1): John Walker, Jr. was an infamous spy during the Cold War. Also, John Walker Lindh. This John Walker (John F. Walker) is based on the character U.S. Agent from Marvel comics.
To be continued!