(aka Bike) Part 1051 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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From the conversation I had with Trish a little later, it seems any hurt Simon had caused was forgiven–she sold her worries for an ice cream. Sounds good to me, pity we can’t all do it.
Julie was very pleased to ride home in the Jaguar, and doubly so because the other apprentice saw her getting into it. At least she hadn’t got any further piercings. Simon did notice and apparently made some comment about them, which irritated her, according to Trish.
I pushed no further with my questioning. At last Simon seemed to be supporting me in my efforts to keep the kids on the straight and narrow. As I was preparing the dinner, I saw a strange car come into the drive, or it was strange until I saw the occupant get out and walk up the drive.
The doorbell sounded and I let someone else answer. Judging by the voices at the door it was Julie and they chatted for a little while before I heard footsteps come to the kitchen. “Look who’s here, Mummy.”
I turned around and feigned surprise, “Maureen, how lovely to see you again.”
“And you too, ma’am.”
I walked over to her and initiated a hug. She is so much bigger than I am, it was like being engulfed by a bear. “Are you really recovered now?”
“More or less, ma’am.”
“I’m so glad to hear that.”
“I could start back to work on Monday.”
“Okay, but I only want you to work part time, although we’ll still pay you your full hours.”
“You can’t do that, ma’am.”
“Try me.”
“Don’t argue with her, Mo, you won’t win.” Julie winked at me as she offered her advice.
“Are you staying to dinner?”
“I shouldn’t like to put you to any trouble, ma’am.”
“No trouble–be ready in about forty minutes. Julie, send Trish and Billie in, would you?”
“Sure, Mummy,” she started to the door.
“Oh, and Livvie, as well.”
“ ’Kay, c’mon, Mo, tell me about the fight.”
“Julie, behave yourself,” I called after her.
“Only joking,” she called back.
The three girls arrived and I detailed them their chores, with Livvie helping me directly in the kitchen–to avoid any claims of favouritism. Trish is more use, she seems to have grasped the bits of cookery that I tried to teach her, whereas Livvie isn’t really interested. That makes it harder work to get things done, but I have to be seen to be fair to all of them.
Danny popped in to ask about something and I told him he was clearing the table and washing up–loading the dishwasher–so nothing too arduous for the young man. At least he knows how to use it, which is more than Simon does–or claims to know. Sometimes I think ignorance is bliss with my hubby, so he pretends not to know.
Over dinner, Maureen told us how she recalled having vivid dreams about me calling her back from the void. She was convinced she’d have died without my help to heal her. The girls all told her bits about different things they’d witnessed, and of course Trish and Julie claimed to have magical powers, which I refused to admit about myself, because I believed there was something scientific which would explain it all one day.
Maureen was convinced I had the healing skills of an angel, which of course Trish whipped up to a frenzy level. I continued to deny all of it.
Maureen insisted she wouldn’t have got her recovery as quickly without me. “When you were workin’ on my back, ma’am, an’ I ‘ad no feelin’ in me legs like, then suddenly things started to work again, but only after you done something to me back.”
“I’m sure that was pure coincidence, Maureen.”
“Me specialist didn’t think so, he said you was like an angel.”
“He obviously doesn’t know me, does he?”
“Aye, that’s true, alricht,” Tom chuckled.
“In the kitchen you’re an angel,” offered Simon, and I began to feel a cringe coming on, I wasn’t to be disappointed, “In the bedroom, you’re a veritable demon.”
I blushed and promised myself, I’d rip out his liver and eat it when we got to bed, which would surprise him more than a little–on the other hand, that would make an awful mess in the bed–I wondered if I could lure him into the bathroom–easier to clean up.
After we finished, Danny cleared the table and put the dishes into the washer as I’d asked him, and the rest of us went into the lounge while Simon, Daddy and Maureen talked about the contract with the bank. I wondered if I’d ever get my sheds finished.
The kids played snakes and ladders while Stella and I drank some tea and chatted. I think we were both happy just to have some adult female company to chat with. She was saying she needed to get some new clothes for Puddin’ and could do with something herself. We discussed what various experts were recommending as fashionable–not that I always agreed with them.
Stella decided she wanted a new outfit plus some new jeans. Seeing as she has at least a dozen pairs that I know about, plus probably some I don’t, I wasn’t sure what she was buying them for.
Then she let drop that she had a date next week. Julie heard that bit and began questioning her. Stella blushed and said it was just an evening out with a man friend.
“What’s his name then?”
“Rob what?”
“Rob a bank?” was my contribution
“Very funny, he works in banking.”
“Not for High Street, I hope.”
“Don’t be silly, he works for Barclays.”
“Not looking to change ships, is he?” I asked.
“What d’you mean?”
“Maybe he thinks you could give his career a leg up?”
“I don’t have anything to do with the bank, do I?”
“No, but your father and brother do.”
“Meaning what?” she became indignant.
“Nothing in particular, but you do have some very powerful contacts.”
“When has my father ever listened to me?”
“Quite regularly, in my recollection.”
“Not about business–that’s Si’s bag.”
“What is?” Simon asked coming into the room–“Maureen is going.”
“Oh okay, I’ll come and say goodnight.” I stepped out of the lounge to be followed by a flock, or perhaps more truthfully, a swarm of children, who beat me to the dining room and then swarmed all over Maureen. It was fully ten minutes before she got rid of them all, and she seemed to enjoy every moment of it.
She left promising to come over on Monday to discuss what I wanted to do to the sheds–I thought we’d already done that months ago, but she’d obviously forgotten–not surprising given the beating she took from those thugs.
Once I got the kids all in bed, I called up a website and ordered a few things. “What are you doin’, Babes?”
“Ordering some new wheels, or bits of.”
“Bits of?”
“Yeah, I’m going to build some new wheels for the Scott.”
“What’s wrong with the ones on it?”
“Nothing, except I can do some better ones.”
“You can do?”
“Yeah, I’ve ordered rims, hubs and spokes.”
“You’re going to build them, yourself?”
“Yeah, who d’you think built the last ones.”
“You did?”
“Sometimes your perception verges on paranormal, Simon.”
“You’re taking the piss.”
“ Me? I wouldn’t dream of it.”